My Indium the condition of " Boalth. - Disappears When the Eyes are Dull, the Skin Sallow, and Wrinkle. Begin to Appenr-llow One Woman Retained Health and Comeihteas. Almost every woman at the head at a home meets daily with innumer- hlblo little worrles in her household mun. They may be too small to you» an hour alterwards. but it ls 'lnvettheless these constant. little worries that make so many women do“ prematurely. old: _ Thou- effect my he noticed ln 8ch or nervous , (Inches. t'aMay appetite, a. reeling Lo! constant weal-hem. pains In the bitch and Iohur, or ln :1 sallow com. lplexlon. and the coming ot wrinkles which every woman who desires momenta-o dream. To those thug at. 'meted Dr. Willlams‘ Pink Pills otter P, moody and bertuln cure: " restora- (Blon of color to tho cheeks. bright- a. to the eye. a healthy appetite. land a. thMtt5t, of freedom trom wear-L Among the thousands of Canadian‘ awomen who hare found new health PM new strength through the use of Int. wmmm' Pink Pills ls Mrs. Fran- lea Poltler. of Valleyneld, Que. Mrs. Ponder was a sufferer for upward: of seven years: she had taken treat. Cont from wveral doctors and had Ind a number of advertised medl- clm. but with no good results. Mrs. - says: "Only women who gut. ‘lcr a. I did can understand the mia. ‘cy I endured tor years. As time went 'on and the doctors I consulted, and Rho madman» I med did not help mp, l] despalred of ever re atning health. M were Vcry few (guys that I did Mt luffer from violent headaches, and ltho least Horton would make my 'heart palpitate violently. My stom- tnets seem disordered, and I almost “outbid the food I forced myself to ‘nt; I was wry pale and frcqucntly ll: limbs would swell so much that l feared that my trouble was de. ,ehrNetg into drown I had almost eon-tut poms in the Ptt, and - .. - ___ ‘- ‘L A a...‘ ...., ........ ..-_._ I {cared that my trouble was de. rve4trpittg Into droptry. I had almost ’mMant poms in the hook and thin. " was whlfo I was In this and mudltlon that I read in ImProsse of $3110 can of a woman whose Rymptoms 'l,'?'? murh Jar? .mme thy-rim!) the use! r. Williams Pin £th a payload and 5ir'1lHllr" me to 55 t In. and pt 0399 tot me three boxes. 31!!! Ite, pied them all I felt het. h . . I not another supply of the Mth. At the end of the month I was “long enough to do my household work. and before another month had m: ', had entirelyl M‘olvprod my l t . am sorry that not horn of Dr. wi0laiw," Pink ph1,-sig,f. g, tatl know that they would have bed me amoral years of nlckneas and mm. and I feel that I cannot too â€roomy urge other sick women to - than", 'V - “‘ . The condition indicated in Mrs. Pot. }hfficaa shows that the blood and was needed attention. and tor w gqrmr Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are women's best friend. They are particularly adapts} p on? tag all- Stents from which a , Omen mt[e_r 1,rLAltry,'e, Through the use of “use pills the blood is enricprd, tht nerves made strong pp).., $19 'rich gWr ot health bro‘ligh? he} to pale and 8311011“ cheeks}. There Would he tit,' aultqing lt women would glve hose pills TL fair trial. Sold by all dealers or an: post paid at BO cents a box or six bmm Mr $2.50 by M. dressing the Dr. Willlaml' Medicine ttr., Brocktllle. ont., Ir - - - Turkey's Soverelgn to Celebrate m. 25th Year on the Throne. d Great preparations are being made tor the Sultan's Jubilee on Aug. out, when he will have been twenty- 'tre years on the throne. Poet. and blctorlanl are busy wrltlng accounts ot all ttig pious work! and the great tillage he has done tor his subjects. new will be translated and trutrlitrh- ed in all languages. This year " to tre slgnallu') tVI the Inauguration of some great l works tor the public good, which are to be a lasting memorial of the enl- tan’s devotion to the comfort and welfare of his people. Chic! among these are a new water supply for Conatantlnople at the snltan’a coat. a university, which certainly will be a curiosity in the way of unheral- ties. Political economy la a tortridden subject in Turkey; history can only be taught when it does not refer to the decline of the Ottoman empire, revolutions, f.'ir/,1tey or annulu- ation of rover-e gm. or anything elle unpleasant; geography lo better. but Armenia and the (nee! empire - he forgotten, and as for chem- istry and electricity. they do not exist. l JllilluilI'8 na ', Howcver.3he greatest work of ati, " the railway from Damascus to Mecca. tor the use of pilgrims. The Sultan has announced that the line is to be built by subscription, the list tor which he has headed with £50,000. this being one month’s pay which he receives from the civii lint. At the same time he requests all 'unct1unaries to toliow his example. runs is rather awkward tor otncit" who oniy receive three montha' gay In the year. and they hope that t " may be allowed to give a month of streets. which will not. hurt their Mket‘s: . A I A n I A ll] r-“ - __ The iiluminatluns an Aug. Slat will be something extraordinary, and great emu-tn are being made to get deputationu from an the Mussulmnn communities in the world to come and congratulate the Sultan. who alto hopes that the Shah, Khedlve 'artd several rulers ot the Balkan sum will accept his Invltqtlonl to he present. The plague, however, leema to be steadily approaching, and likely to upset all the Sultan‘s ealtsulatlorur. A reign of terror has 'tettun here. No one talks of any- thing but plague and rumors are annex“ ot cases In an direetlomg.-. london Tirnqtr , . - t That the Ontario Government are mung when 2,ght2'i?f additional asylum accom ation ll shown by he returns which have come in ot my patients la anomalies at the linen-eat Provlnclnl asylum. They number at present 4.550 pal-mar more than 100 In execs. at last JUBILEE OF THE BULT'A N. . aptitude In gtbtttis 'prit+ Ontario Aoyluns Crowded. the tahmt bio-lam from the lonIanllou. 81 'jl:ti'i) T Ce' 'lila1llllilllt (il.lEUllf How the Poor Wretches Were Packed in Tiers, In the larger ships the space be- tween this top of the cargo and the under side of the deck wan sometimes M much as five lees. To devote all that space to ate was, In the mind of the thrUty slavor. Show waste. So INHUMANITIES HARD TO CREDIT. hp bullta shell or gallery trix feet wide all tho way around the shlp‘a hold. him-em the-deck and tho mt,aserloor that wnslnldonlopof thocargo. On this shell was placed another layer of slaves. thus Increasing the number canted by nearly fifty per Tent.' _ Thou-owdlng in the blg shlps.haV- in; tw0 decks regularly, was still worse, for a slave-deck was bullt clear across between those two, and the galleries or shelves were built both under and above the slave. deck. There were shlps where four layers of slams were placed thus between permanent decks that were only eight feet apart. and there are records of cars where smaller amps --arhips having but three feet or so of space between cargo and deck --wertt fitted with gnllerles. so that tho slaves stretched on thclr backs hm! but a foot or loss of air spama between their tacos and the deck or tho next layer above them. To increase the number carried, when stretch“! out on deck or shell. the slaves were sometimes placed on thrle sides. breast to back-"trpoon fashion," as th:, saners called it-and this, made room for a considerable por cent. extra. - However. in the Plghteenth century tho usual praet'aw was to place them on their hacks and to allow about two and a half feet of alt-space above the faces of the slaves. and m this way cargoes ot over three hundred were carried. Everyone knows how wnnrfsome it Is to lie for any great length of time In our position. even on a welrmade bed. We must needs turn over when we are awakened in we night. But the slaves were chained dgym aged on tho plants ot the docks and A'h'i'f/', --plaaAn that were rough 1119333 the; c,artyur3.trt1tht gun end ..htp.l craEE'sYte- Gad; Elem. No one could turn from side to side to rest the weary body. They must lie there on thr hacks for eighteen hpaya at a stretch. even in pleasant weather In port. - Hard as that fate was. new tor- tures were added with the first jump of the ship over the waves For she must roll to the pressure ot the wind on the sails. an that those on the weather side found tiwir hocis Muller than thete heads. and when the ship's angle int-ream under thn weight of a smart breeze, the union threaten sometimes gagged down to Reward. until they were stooped hy $41939 tqse.tyl.prtkle and wrist. y wére lltemiiv otsrpended-oruel- 'iMt Mt Mm , Worst of chain; sufterlntts thit grew out of the motion qt the ship tor she was rut-ply steady W V old try the wind. She had to roll, and as sh" did ttD tha slaves Dome- timm slid to and fro, with naked nodes on up rough and spllntery decks. Three was never a voyage awn in the hast of ships where tho slaves did not suffer ggrtgrgq from more contact with tlv- slave-deck. 2riSw,1i'Caa-' [1‘9 the s1tffrfrtnes due to these causes I wow added other torments‘. when thrs weather was stormy. for then it was necessary to cover ths hatches lost tho waves that swept across the deck pour down and till tho ship. The slaves Wore tronnttttd in utter darknoss, and the scout ventilation afforded by the hatehways was shut on. Swims as that was. still worse must be told. The magmas wpre made violently seasick more readily than white people oven --ttray sometimes died In their convul- sions. Tho heat and mul air quickly brought on more serious illness; but there the slaves were kept tn their chains tor days at a stretch, wholly lwlples and wholly urystended.H'.rtyn, top, may illiiiil1'-'htr,r,; " Him m M. lll‘ Wm net-'3. mncert' Not Exposed, (lune Held at Hip. Women uo to War. Recent. encampmonts of the Mexi- can army show that that service has made great progress in the last ten years. In old dsyer, alter encouraging their men in battle u) to the firing line, lt was the custom of omeers to retire to a. place of safety. Infantry [ire their guns from the hips i.nstead of the shoulder. 'I'i‘he~ iiiGd Trim; In America.†by John R. Spears, In the September Scrlb- Ten years ago when the army camp- l ed tor tho night it lonkel like a gipey outfit. The mun were c'.othed in brown linen or naunei, having leather boots and a slick ioather can. Each married man had his wife and children with him, and when not married he usually had a woman with him. The wages were 18 2-3 cents a day, but the xoidier resolved only 12, Ic?. cent-i or his dues. This was paid him every evening. As many as tour hen/y gov- ornmeut. wagons drawn by six mules each, Ioaas:1 with nothing int cop- ‘por money to pay ott the â€when". going along. This 1 payment of one but: a day must'teed the soldier and his company, it he lime any with hing. Women 'yy ele, soldiers. going along. Tlus payment of one lit a day must feed the soldier and his company. if he has any wilzh him. Women and chil- dren, cats and dogs. parrots and chickens. all go along with the low- er classes of the Mexican» coldlers. Veh’ples ot all sorts are loaded with plunder w an to make the camp as homel'Agy as poulble. L . tr HOmt‘Lml-J In: P""'""'""" In the morning everythtng ’rs pack- l ed, a camping pines is determined upon tor the night, then begins the' hurry ot the wopyeg to tench that poimtr, pick up vegetarian and vari- wiauppues or? the road, Lhe Avo- man being treasurer for the hue- band, and butler too. By the t'.,tnif the â€we" get into camp that night [ the tent in up and supper heady. ‘ Thaw women are dressed in a short. Tobe-mine with the sleeves oft above l the elbow". a. aort at turban near! wound about. the head, owned in from. over the breast and the and: thrown over the shoulden. The I greater number are barefooted. The women win follow their husband: ilff'rT/lt/il. their camp We, caring . toe than: when .':ttk or woundcd wit' a â€new. most, serene. They wilt gun: their ham“ muel upon “not! beâ€. ,riMr enough pinnacl- In that: #59 weight down “was MEXICAN ARMY lS QUEER Not Much Variation From the Fun" of 1898. The popular asylng that atroci- ates wildness with the went Bet. a sort of official sanction in the vol- ume of criminal statistics tor 1899. lately issued as a supplement. to the report of the Minister of Atrricalt turo and statistics. The figures oi the total condemnation., under In- (liatmemt and by summary prucedurtx uhown by the dim-rent provinces in somewhat remarkable. The total condemnation" in the lagt two years numbered 38,206 in 1898 and 38.710 in 1899, the division being as willows l Territories ... ... ... ...... British Columbia .....'... Ontario ... ... ... ... ... New Brunswick ............ Quebec ... ... bqV .-.. . Manitoba ... ... ... ...... Nora Sculls. ... ... ... Prince Edward Island P. E. Island...... .. New Brunswick... Nora sooth... ... Manitoba... ... ... Quebec... ... ... ... (mama... ... ... ... Terrttoriee...... ... British Co umbla. ' ' T 5.703 32,997 Ot the 32,997 summarily disposed of cases, 28,543 were "toned for by lines, which yielded $354,962. 38 per cent. of which came from offend- era against the liquor license laws,| and 16 per cent. from those cotfvict. ed of diumkgithiU. .0; $29 Vgraver Â¥lass ot crime it is noted that in ot. ences against the person, murder, manslaughter, assault, etc., there was an increase of IT convictions during the rear; 1,180 in 1899., against 1,163 in 1898. Thirteen per- ‘ sons were convicted of murder dur- ing the year. The increases in this vines are to be found in Quebec, Manitoba, New Brunswick and the Territories, while the other pra- vinces show decreases. in "oltenccs "i-T"'" . against property with violence," in. cludi burglar ' house and shop- brea‘EEig. em, tyne number ot coil- vlctiona decreased by uo, from 540 in Ei'it' to turn, #2, In "CHOKE? or . -- a - ' age nst property Wit tout violence," comprising larceny, horse and cattle stealing, enibezziement, fraud and false pretences, etc., there is an in. crease of 14 to 3,673 in 1859, from ‘3,659 in 1898, the larger increase ‘lieing in Quebec. "Malicious offences against property," showed a de. crease of 13 during the year, the record being 77 in 1tyou to 90 in 1898. In "forgery and other or. fences against the currency," the number of convictions increased from 85 in 1898, to 103 in 1899, the larg- er increase being in Quebec, and tho larger decrease in British Columbia. They Speak for Themselves. Pwrov. Feb. 't.--T'hitr In to certify that l have used Polmm's Nerviline tor vheumtmn. and have found it a valnsb'e remedy for all in- ternal pain and would greatly recommend it to the Girgcr-rs.' T. Imusuv. Luna COUNTY, Jan tt.--We no not in the habit ot pumng patent medicines. but we can not withhold our testimony an to the great ulna of NerrtiitMt an reumdy for win. We have pleasure. in commending it as. never- failing retnedy.--Hrev, H. J. ALLEN. my.o mwa and many others. Sold by drunkâ€. Foreign. countries mend enormous sums on secret servive. France and Imam have agents morywhere. and there are very tew secrets of any nation which they do not know, for it is. unfortunately. the case that in the emn'oyme'nt of all Governments there are men willing to betray their country-tor a consideration. The sun": went by Russia on secret ser- vice new not, fall short of £750,000 annually. Germany and France each spends tee on to ‘£50(_);0‘()0. 12!)" riearty £23 the same. I med to be cohtinually tired, now I am strong and weu--Miller'a Com. pound Iron Pills did it. In 1885 an indierereet lady naked Mrs. Gladstone how her husband was bearing up under the many vehement attacks made on him. "I do not think he is much nifected by them," re- plied Mrs. Gladstone, "tor I hear him every morning singing in his bath." "He is like a kettle. then," ro- piied the lady, “which sings when full of hot water"--" retort which, though lt may not have pleased the wife of the premier, probably ap- neaied to her name of humor. wife}! the premier, mommy up- pealed to her sen-e of humor. m---------------" Minnrd’s Linlment. Cure! Distemper. Making the Most of It. -w--†- a She was a Smith, and he as well-. A name one cannot do much with, You'd thlnk, and yet the grandson of These two In called John Smith bmittt4hnith. Mr daughter has Improved so much that you would scarcely know tser-Mme" Compound Iron Plus did It. l American“ Great Colon Drinkers More come is mad In the United States than in any other manta. tho annual qeygtt!ort _lytieir, tt .13 an“! Uuuu u. an, V-.." v annual consumption being md tar from 450300.000 pounds. tor which American Importers pay about 890,- 000,000 to the grow-n. '. CRIME " CANADA. Cost or the Spy system. Gladstone in Hot Water. 5.656 Tnd "Xiét'mm' about I ludicuhle. Summary 16 436 125 2,136 250 2.009 1.779 2.493 370 w 8,490 14,091 1.99.1 1899 (2..50 Gr..', 397 Neuralgia l just. come to the public knowledge in Muslim's. where Frank Wolmrvvhow- sky has begun cult against; Joseph BarnMovlas. father of the girl he do- sires to marry. A (-np'as was [Ram-d for the arrest of tho <1<~l¢-nduut. The plain- un nuts for $10.00.) damages, nllqpng that utter gtving lllq cum-m to tltt propose! marriage tho father subse- quently termed to allow tho wedding to take place, an} tho plulntm Hays ha has spent. $300 preparing tor tht event. Woleaechowsky la a. native 01 Rush. Ho Is 27 years of age ttttri a coal miner try occapat'oa. CameiH Bar natovlns. daughter of up defendant and whose hand the mama" swim. I Rejected Sultor Sues "I: Would Bride’s Father for Damages. It In by no means unusual tor a woman to sue a man tor breach of promise of marriage, but rare. indeed, it in that the tam-Lu are turtrat and the man becomes tho plaintiff In such an action at law. sum an iturtanert has natovlas. daughter of up defendant, and whose hand the plaintiff swim. l. but 18 yen-a of age. She livot with her puma. On Monday, Nb. 19th, a. n- cem wgs t'e,'8 {gr -tt.t2 plan-inn of the couple. he :{ihar of the girl was mean and gave his comma. Thr- plaintiff says the weiding has not yet taken place. and on Feb. 26th the fa- ther absolutely rofurd to permit his daughter to marry the plaintiff. Ball tor the delta-jam. was fixed at $300. Beware a'Niiti"ieats (ct catarrh that Contain Mercury. In mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and commonly damage the ‘bole F)‘I'r tem when enterlnz it than: the mucoun sur. hccn. Such articles aboul meverbe and ex- e pt '%t',g2lieit from g,'y,"tePgl't std-n. an the amaze they will do it ten old to the good you can possibly deriveqom than. Hall’s iNtai'rtrCa1re, yuuuifrttured by F. J. (‘herixey 8; Co., Toledo. 0.. contains no mercury and hi taken Internally. acting directly on the blood and macaw surm es ot the " item. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be pure you are" the Siyi, in. It in taken internally and may) inTo o. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney 5: Co. F/tr-ttinlet'?' true. BphHtDrtgrtrittt, pti.c1s.Nc.tret bott e. Why all this may about men em- bracing tho shirt waist? Men 1mm been doing this over time the dear creatures began to wear shirt waists, and tin habit is likely to continue. If tin embracing eeasod, quite likely the shirt waiit would go out of tash- ion. but it is not so Euro that tho embracing would cease it shirt waists dropped out ot style. Human nature in Mmr than Ytvihiotw.-Brockvillo le Rhenmetism of the he: Uric Acid left in the blood by disordered kidneys lodges Along the nerve whictrbranches from the eye over the forehead, and “to" the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause ia the same as in all Rheumatism-. disordered Kidneys. The cure is like. wise the Bamtt-- gvilgger - r" __ ihan -ttvmi Recorder. no Couldn't Bee the Use. Midnight l’hllmophy.-OMrs. muills-- Quick! Quick! Wake up'. I believe more are burglars dota stairs. Go down. and see." - -. . .. - ' Miller's Worm ailments ot chil Dodd's Kidney Pills whit: -iiiuio (sleepily) Nothing tet as rah. are burglar: downstairs. A num- Mr. S. "'a)riGwisr--weuet--rr you our, uddan know they are there then Wu no nae u breakfu going down to ttnd out. best, tor I - n'lunm “I. Minard's Llulmeat Cures Gargot Cows. - Hill's 1'stzii.ii Willie stimson---Well, mother told me not to say anything to omhnrmm her while I was here, and I haven’t. dared open my mout,h.--Tho August Sum rt Bet. CORNS, iiaris.-uiare ! Th in! t' Born Extractor The "unmet comes and brlnn with " nehlnt col-us, Putnam‘s l'nlnlesl Corn and Wart Extractor net-er falls to remove torus promptly pululesuly and wlth absolute cer- mmy. it la the oldest and best tested corn cure 1n the market, purely vegetable In composltlon. mu“ no Bore mots. doesn't In, u man up for a week. and. above all. â€1393911 to cure every time or money can " M... -.. Putnam's is n eel-tun remedy and one ul- wnys to be relled upon. More mm on. hundred llnltntlons proves It: value. a. dotft be Induced to take any other. tad beware of the article "Just as good, bettet." etc..tor It ls not your interest the dale: In neeklnf when he offers a aubultm hr the [enum- Putnam’s Extractor, but tho - "_A-._ -~A.AM In: tubular m I! mum wan- u: v-~_~ 7, the 'l'l'llhe' mstnam's Extractor. but we Increased prom: ttttorded by interior in! dangerous 'tu-tttttt countertelts. Putnam's Corn Extractor makes no dew ravltla m we tietstt, no dangerous and pain- ful ulcers, summon neither pain or dis. comfort, an act: QUICKLY. It " the blast. the safest. the only gunmen (or: cure. mum on having out: "tntttsttttt's". m by .1] «new». "a egtlerg. TURNING 'rio", TABLES. ttlttk a few days. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS All Old Fashion Worm Powders cure ot children like magic Necessary Silenc A sure-pop, painless cure " test "r father subse- . th? wedding Lintâ€! my: be in; tor the a a native of ot use and a I know then in Nonsense obt- tt told all What the Sol-r Spectrum I!“ Be- voalod and In, Yet Bring to his“. Tho announcement was nrst mule by Norman Lockyer that eel-tam bright â€may In the solar spectrum in- dlmted the presence In the sun of a hitherto unknown go- which hem-o- potrad to call "helium." In 1895 Ram. say 1201mm the gas. "But at the same time." any: Cannon. abstracting from an article invronwtIwtts'tor_ found In the spectrum of the corona other colored Hues. which he attributo l "(I to the mmnoe of another element. to which he gave the name “coron- llum." Neither Ramsay nor any other chemist has yet been able to isolate the body. Neverthelmm an Italian 'rIrttroicop1st has discovered the lines of coronium in the cases ‘thrown out from the crater of Ve- suvius. This has encouraged physi- cians to search for this pearl of all the gases. present. past and future. Bat this is not alt. At the same time other physlclam hnvo had thelr iuttention dituttod to other lines of l thn spectrum and nnnonn'w that there ‘wil! next be discovered two new l metals that Mist in the sun. They lttavo given that» olvmontn by ntttiei- ‘pution. ti)? [mums of "aurorium" and NEW GAS DISCOVERED IN BUN. in "neimlum." The "slum. occupied by thine bodies in the atmospheric lay- ers ot the sun leads thet" scientist: to ttitr.k that thny are lighter than hydrogen. For chemurtm this discov- ory will he a veritable revolution. In fact. it will dPatmy Proust'. hypothe- FIN. which stairs that all the molecu- lar weitrttto of bodies are whale mul- tiplar of that of hydrogen. However. as no trace of either aurorium or he bulum has yet been round on the earth, the existence of these ele- trim-.94 in yet far from mnvlusive de- monstrntion.--Litorary Widget. Dear Birs,--For some years than had only partial use ot my arm. caused by a ludden strain. I have med every remedy without enact, until I trot a_sample bottle. of ?.fr's: Protect“; Suez Banks. Tree and shrub pinntlng along the Suez Canal toprobset tt trumdruting and la in progress. Realm: have been pulsed along about nin, miles of water- 2119 of the canal propernnd along the whole length ot the Sweetwntor Canal. These read; are at nrtrt protected ngallm the Hal-nae of the bank ed- dl': caused by [naming ship: by Ina- clnes. while on the slope. and top of tho banks of the Sweetwater Canal plantatlons of shrubbt'ry have been not: out. A â€atom of lrrlgntlon has been organlwd for time p'.tuttruiottss, the watpr coming from the Slie by the canal- exeavatod when the Ehip canal was [ring built. The results so tar have tree wry promising. I“ pl l, tl Glamia, Ont anon. Umaer no c the s‘omach b' go! which are uttwho'i- ately nutrition. l Dietetic and Hygi ous adjunct to a lunch a breakfast. The {arm but: for such a pun) piums. me half a V., .11 than: and arrange t dish in alternate la "swam-ed cumu- 1 Mil p pawn shou‘ hour C. RIPHARDS & co, You think I look tro must rm,and I feel tsetter-Mill: pound Iron Pil'at did it. of all the articles manufactured in liiiitl"iiEiifgiitia""'u" France. Menu-mu. MING Q-n-o-m A. piqm up.) mob Mina. hi. tr L iai men 6 C u to ' Col dr, ' ote Women make more th Iren I be placed l before set-vi: Plum and Pencil Salad How to st Worm Art and Realism rip p eat E333 Powders Cur Bar Thls Stamp and are as. The unpnrltlm POW IS TIE ST LAWRENCE SHEAR REFINE“. Equal in strength to much Granulated sold to-day. a Cold Tr ll YOU ALL LIKE " KARAT GOLD. -.-oUK--. THE BEST and PUREST .\I:RISON Golden Yellows one-thlrd can and P! In the Market. " ormakomlly Ft that a ton o ttl from the tom whale. may tut, m â€can landed sounds. The mun can Moo long- urawn nuts ranging on nurly an octave. Others. My two m'lm of ophidum. have soumi-peoduplng appar- ata.. mum at small moxntrlo boos. which can be nude to prawns a sharp little. The carbo- "drum- ming" made by the species call- ed umbrlvu m be heard from a. depth at twenty tathomq. Have .xrn cum)?!“ Bend-oh.†unusual. Com. 1'itrp.t,2irirlrr3lala'tYlllu'l M“ mowed-um " P111: in nuanced-um Drunk“. Aui"t'lr"id"rrii6.HiimNratAhic' “ Chm Minx-‘1'- ls Miller's Worm Powders are u lertul modtclne tor ailmenu of en. FRUIT FARM F011 SALE. Winona to muo- from mm“. on - I ‘17-. 170 m " ot wind: " tn (an. no patches. 12." butch 9t twinge-f] we ',',igS1tg'ge"tt'fl'r “Hibenoldinhum p This in n tau-(Ila. Adda- JONATBAS CARPENTER. P.0. no: "lt "but. Or WRITERS "it/rl ms KIDD’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS 1LrTTmttr-TAJtAyttr-: BEND mom PI - xuwm; Stead-yew 'teoportiopi Maud not 57mm; write for Imomntu one! Cutting lobed. I“ " Sane are n 1'ti W‘s Gmat Nerve Imam-er. N " or nervoumen mar ttmt uni not. Send to MAI-ch sml'hn therlehir. Pater Menu-1e and from " mad bow.) Employ; Tihirii1mrtiauoD-tmse One of the any»: mam "an. 2istthogt South“)! Syrup would u my: and for China. can“... It mam- umuu. pom- thy meg-“2° oolie The not 'G'rii"r7i1T ii EerwSi-ii (an. may when 12." butch at twinge-f] Peete. dam this new: ,"EE’EBWL‘" to Butt . EVOI‘IM - h WONDERFUL CORE FOR SICK HEADACHE Ile Bu ;AILOES' OL'HISG scum" YOU WANT A oooo BUMttrt" El lu tation tot-tho In t In“? writ. Brock- nusinm Comma. Mr “a. Ont. nerd servant. (or I and] (“twig G tor respectable: girl Addm v u and qiqth. Hamel. 0m. you Weight of Wttates mexnx-ryv t ulna-t lathe t',tiittt.PoltWSt, It miles 1tory Ie.ntn,.oe_ry,l: = wonderful em produced by Muoicnl Fish- humans (in! Dtphtberus WANTED. now. "ill It my nut non-tori are when we ment‘on u been extracted done of a amt!†mun todot aim-mot iure. [haunt but eta light. contentment of Beecher. may ho k. â€.1 Aha um Nill in?! fish», " Of trt No tt W