Bloemfonter'ats Sept. 9.--Ttu, very nulls-m detetgttt. made by Colon! Rid- " 1"lutgdtf ',%",'trggt",t position .6 " uns y I m" but hardly â€and 'al Ju- do. [mm the was. It rank among no and exploits at the var. and "tiCiviiiuGlime, 'Pmmier of New South Wales. has been urges! to make ii" intent to the imveriW Govern. rent again-t the efforts to retain the Australian troops in South Andes. The action of the British anthorl- ties la described as an ungnatefnl et. fort to denude the colonies of the very men they need. and lt In freely and that if the move had been tore- uan probably no contingentl would have been sent out. 7 Mr. Sedden. Premier of New Zea- land, declares that no Now Zealander will receive his (“sebum until his return to the colony. Sydney. Supt. 9.-1ndrgnation is I." 'iqt all the colonies ht the induce- Don'm held out to 'Australlun troops to settle m Mouth Africa. and them in continual press comment on the matter. .. Mahtr “him commanded at Lady. brand with a company oi the Worces- tonhires and the Wl,'ultire Younmnry. whose unisex-n behaved moat. gallantly. The credit. for their relief in due to Us". Brave Mamilwn. who marchal eighty miles in tour and a hair days." A despatch trout It.'ettontein, otBrpt. Tth, Hiya that th. British have cup- ted Lydonburg. A despat"h [ram Loni Roberts, dated Belfast. Sept. ftth, dost-rim the operations prolimlnary to the van- ture of Lydenburg. Gen, Ian Hamm ton wan clmrin: the way tor Bill Ier’s column. which was driving the enemy before It. lien. Buller had sus- tained a loss of two wounded. Lord Roberta hoped that Gen. Hamilton had unstained no loam. The de. upatoh continua-I: "Gen. Hildynrd‘x troozm oeoupied Wakkc-rstroom on Sppt. 3th. the Bore under Commandant Joshua Jouhert retiring. The British had one killed and two wounded. Portuguese Soldaors Bent to Frontier l, Lorenzo Marquez. Sept. 9.--A de~| tachmenc ot 160 Portuguese soldiers} is. gone to Ramada Gar-cm. near. :wmatipoort, to guard the trout.-‘ r. "Gen. Hart has teen engaging the *terny at Krugersdorp tor the ittqt few days. with a view to driving them from the raiIWuy. The Boom were completely outnum- oenvred. They bolted through the villtge in the d:reet'on of Pilgrim's Ben. Krugerspust. whither Lord Rob- ens reports that most of the Boer gum have been sent...“ a. small town about twenty miles north by east of Lydenbnrg. The ttext town north. ward from Krutrortrpost is Leydsdorn. whieh is about 65 miles trom Krug. eupmt. Gen. Ham'lton otttnttnkeU them on the right. musing them to evacuate their “tong txssltioaa. They abun- doned Homo ot their artillery and shelled Bullet-‘9 force to cover their 'ttres ', 'r..-. “magnum lull 1.5.1.... nn...lnn 'rner.t'moyctuete fell short. and the Entish muting! no casualties. Gen. Bothn wan chagrined over re- 11mtttbhintt the strong poaitfon- the Boers have held aim-e they kept the British at hay at the Tugvla River. It is reported that trx.Preai,nerttk Kruger and Stay" have (led and that Gen. Ha mllton is in pursmit. "Recently the Bm-ni shot it tiriver and Injured a trtohor. Last night the Pgetor'ta-Beltntrt train was derailed. and the engine dynamlted. The Boer! opened “to. but there was sufflt'lent â€Idlers travelling to drive them oft. "Tip Boers left tour dead on the “old. one of whom h thought to be Gen. Th‘rom ho one has yet recoup nixed th. [may as his. but the pockets ot tdr, deem t-ontalnod letters to Theron from “an. De Wet. containku allka information ot Britt-h move lama. . “Commandant mom. in return tor com-mica extended to Boer prl. 50mm; by Gen. Hutton, has promis- ed to release six ('mmdluns who were captured at the attacks on Pan and Woetderarroettein. .. Gen. Buller reports trom Lydon- amt that tho Boer (one has been di. vided, Hulk" of the troops having Ina rt- l ed tor th ' north. and tlleothers toward Splukop. Most of an guns. stores and ammunition have been sent. to Macaw I "The enemy (-mltlnnea to ttre upon 1ralm. They are very Imminent. in their anon... w derail trains and destroy the lines. Searcer a day or n night passes without accidenm. Word tomes from Maseru. Bahama» land. under T1turadtsy'a date, that number: of the Boers killed during their attack on the Ludyhmnd gar- rison were itrtmmtltrtely hidden. In - to deceive the British as m their lotus-s. many were dressed in the British unitonm. "Gena. Dundonald and Brockklmm occupial Lrdertt.urg ymnmy. The (was of Gena. Buflpr and Hamilton were th'n within live miles ot thd place. 'rhftr cumulus were tour wounded. Report That Kruger end Stayl are Bela: "P'" by tuatlitoa--.-it. Theron Belleved to Have Been Kit1ed--9oe" Persistent In Their Attacks on T_..---" Objects to Her Men Staying In Africa ---Cot. Rldley’e Mucky Der-----.--. O'Leery In Lottdttq---. Boer Prise-ere " St. â€do... ' London. Supt. o.--'WlNtraphttttt to one of whléh Cape Colony u proud, an War 01m- under date or Belfast. I the torce con-Mine almost entirely Sept. Tth, Lord Rubens says: Pr,,,e"dttte:.,.., 5-..â€.-. ., -. .. OUTFLANKED BY IAN HAMILTON. Lydenburg Occupied bi British Troops on Tttursda'y. BOTHA IEfEh'll1il); Australia “ants Her Men Col. Ridley’n Dita-co. ms FORCES man. isteathcotus have called upon him In 3 hospital. and as the fauna of the plucky [ what. who got Into the nghtimr line [at Paardeb:rrg and elsewhere has preceded him. Father O'Leury bids l fair to be Iiomzed in London. One of the test acts which he an on ar- l rivintr at the mstropolh was toplace la. wreath of South African silver Heaven on Wolfe's monument. in Tra- l, taltrar Squm'e. _ _ . It is laid papwrs seized at Pretoria draw that tha Netherlands Railway Company in many ways actively aa- slsted tha Boers. It converted Its work- Phops into arsenals and provided the Transvaal force. wfth horseshoeo. Capt Town, Burt. D.--Sir Redvers Buller continues his advance. He crossed the Mauchberg. ten miles east ot Lydenburg. and came into action With the Boers. The occupation of Lydenburg. which took place last Thursday, is regarded as marking one of the last stages. The Boers now talk of trekking into Ger- men top-Rory. _ At St. Helena. A recent. Issue of the London Daily Graphic has tho’!ollowlng-lrom its Pets 1orreqspetdenb: . a dst‘d upon his making th? trip to Eng- land on three munths' leave. Father O'urory is In good hands in London. Both l Lord Lansdown'a and Lord The Journal today publishes a long letter from one of its representatives. Ottawa, Fem. 9.--Rav. Father Ot"ar.v, Mas mimba! Roman Calhoun vhnp'nl'l of the Itoyal Canadian Ree" mom. In South Africa, hturnrrlved In laredon, an,1 is now inChurlng Cross Hospttal. Futlm- O'Leary had a se- vere attack of dysentery in South Africa. foflowlng enterie lever. and although well on the road toward: movery and anxious to remain at thr trout. the army authorlties In. Lord ileum-en is max-clung on Lieh te-nburg t.rpm Mafoqug. A - - "The 1'.euteneutt-tmrera1 hrlngs thh gallant def-9mm to the notlce of his command with tho view of slmwlng how a few determ'twd man. skilfully commanded, can hold tlmlr own oven in an unprepmwl porition, much more no ln powltlons carefully entrenched such as ours." , â€Rldley and My Hale tome. notwlth- ntnndlng two days’ shelling and rifle tire nM throe- nlghts’ sniping. held tthe/g. [annular uptrl mllevcxifl‘he enemy twlf-e demanded his surrendwr without avail. H's loss wax thirty killed and wmmled. i, SIX CANADIANS KILLED "Colonel Illdleygwith about 340 men, moatiy colonial up: - Qumstown voluIttqertr-whllo engaged in a mul- magnum northeast. of Winhurg on Aug. 23rd. was cut at! and surrounded by LSD!) ot ttytfn-tyty wlth three gully. The following extract from the Ilno of romnttutieiuon "New Imuod by Gen. Kelly-Kamy on Monday shows P.t.eimittiptrln which he hold» these 9009 96.60â€...“ MOWOOOOWQMOOOOOMN“MO T mmn‘hb ouriiturt soldier: n begins: "The I'mptmttststnrenerat commanding the NM ot communications Wuhan tho r.tilttuyrvtouett to be made known kw“ - c"'"" -%ir-----u-im.rsVrr_ -'N'%.'%'%"%r'-o%-'FrmiVasum--h.io9iriiu.iA= 4oroia.isii.sAoia-car-i T-ry-Ts,-,-. §,A La. .7 - J_".u, Cr." .f :“OQOMOO‘OOMNOMWOMONOOON “90%..“ Ottawa. Sept. 8t.-(specLal.r-The following cables received hero to-day: ' "Rietronteim Sept. T.--Reterrtng to my telegram of 5th Septem- ber, ll non-commissioned officers and men of Lord Strathcona'o corps. reported missing. were killed. (Slgned) General Natal Army." "Cape Town. Sept. T.--PriV mentioned In my telegram ter. day as mimln'g, should read: M, Duxbury; 69, C'lertdtnnen; 384. Shaw; 840, Strong. (Signed) Milner." - - AV _ ' _ ,, ' -. - ' _ - J 7 _ '- x x- - TC _ , - Ha, a Lord Roberts Says It was a Very Credit- able Performance. " Buller engaged the enemy's left this morning. Hamilton is endeav. oring to turn his right. .. Boora, with two guns undone pom-pom. this morning attacked 125 Canadian Mounted Infantry guarding the railway between Pan and Woetderafontein. Manon proreeded to their aarrlatanee, but the little gun-[son had {eaten off tho enemy before he arrived. It was a very creditable performance. Tho wounded were Major Saunders and Lleut. Noodle, slightly. and two men. Slx men are mimitur." Wednesday. Sept. Gth, as lollows: "Inn Hamilton travermd Dul “room yesterday with slight opposition. CANAbIANS REPULSE 3013115. Boers Talk of London. Brtst. T.-rxyru Roberts reporter from Bella.“ under date of Llonlzed In London Trekklng. in tf5 ' R. C. Its, nil: ta. R. It, Thompson, It, U. R... 43rd It ; Pte. E. P. Rose, 1Bt Batt., Cs My " nil; Pte. J. Dunlap, R. a Br, 8rd at; Pte. G. Barrett, "D" Batt., R. I. A., 6th Regt. C. A. The under tloned have been In. vullded to Enkland from ma dates op- posite their name-z Capt. D. Stuart. R. C. A., July 7th: Liens. J. M. Ross. R, C. Re, July 2nd: Lleuts S. P. Layborn. R. G. R., Au . 80th: “In M. Home. name. Iaoondg Wt. Aug. 30th. "FY' Batt., 3rd "Hart. C, A.; Corp. B. Adams, R. CI R., Ps. C. h.: Lance-Corp. J. A. Smith. R. C. It., 48th Psegt.: Lanee. Corp. J. W. Hcstrell, R. C. It., Tth Regt.: Pte. G. W. Stuart, It. C. It., 68th Regt.: Pte. H. Hayward, R. C. R., 52nd Regu Pte. E. Armstrong, R. C. R., ll. C. A.: Pte. C. K. Roriaon, It. C. R., 215: Regt.; Pbe. FI Grant, c. M. R., 2nd Batt.. nil ', Pte. D. Murphy, R. C. R., let Raga: Pte. H. McLeod. R. C. H., 8rd Regt.; Pte. As Dunran. Rs C. R., 2nd ML; Pte. J, PL. Durham, 'R. C. R.. ttith Regt.; Pte. E. Bartlett, It. C. R., 43rd Retrtc Pte. J. A. Pigot. ll. C. R., 48th Rest. " At; Pte. W. Lane, R. C. R., 82nd Raga: Pte. G. McDonald. R. C. R., 66th Regt.: Pte. P. Basie“. 2nd Butt, Sl. tf. Ir, Cplggry; Pte. M. P. Watters. R, CI ll., nil; Pie. t G. Wallace. R. C. R.. 86th Batt.; Pte. E. Crotty, R. C. R., 8th Regt.; Pm N. L. Morley, R. C. It., 48th Regt.; Pm. W. 'Rochfort. 2nd -rlatf.,p Mt R., nil; Pte. D. Osborn. Br mangemsut between the parties ‘the election Mum 15»th Low SIES’EEWJP Whale: tyettrs frarb. hum-no. ammo; iris-eli,’ KIMn. Bountiful I’m . momma and Birth have “withduwn. ', . . C'ol.-t%rgC J. Shreeue. R. C. It.: Sergt. l W. McLeod, C. M. R., lat. Batt. R. C. ly, Beret. J. N. h'awtwtt, It. C. It. L. 12th Rest; Bertth H. Tinnell, It. C. R., R. ck. It.; Corp. n. B. myth, R. C. s., London. Sept. 6.--Thpt Cttpe Town corrtspottdettt of the Mam-heater Guar- dlan states that Gan. De Wet has in, formed trtends that he will fight to the and. "is trom, have Man killed in the war. and hls wlle has died of a broken haunt. Otricial returns on Brpt. Int Rhuw that th" Boers have captured during ttns War 2281 officers and 7,388 men, of whom :85 orncertr and 6,196 men have waned or Leon releasrd. Otttx ornver and trr, mm died in raptivlty. The number of British remaining in the hands ot the Boom In 1.05:3. Ottawa. Sept. 6.-.The following is an nddltlonalllat of non-communion. ed ortieers and men of the Canadian apeclnl servlce forces lnvallded to England Ilnce July 3itrt: ed In a London Daily Mail telegram, evacuated In the past week Senekal. Bethlehem, Fouriesbt'rg and Lady. brand. _ 1n Orange River Colmty matters are not 30ml: altogether "mommy tor the British, who have. it but“. Kruger Mu Surrender. London. Sept. IO, 6 a. m. - The Boers see to have been ashamed ot their 233% retreat from Lydenburg. tor, a tng to the London Dally Mail co t at Merlttburg. they feta nod after the town was tweup':ed the British. and shelled the tslave In the neighboring height without " art. The Portuguese are utromzly rein. {omlng Hanna Garcia, just across the border. No reason tor this we- tion In glwn. but it u, believed that a rush of Transvaal [ugltlves is an- Hclpated, and encroachment on Por. tuguele territory In consequently feared. There utno reliable Indication as to the wh bouts or Intentions of Kruger. bf at Lorenzo Marque: It ia report, that he In "Ill at Nel- Iprult. He' is said to be cnlllng In arm, with the object or minimum-- who, It say: has succeeded In land. lag on St. Helena. Fgom ht: account- of the condltlona under which the Boer prisoner" are detained It ap~ pear. that they are exceedlngly well treated. and even complain ot get- ting too (at. Those of their number on parole have been able to ttnd work, while their comrades under aur- velllance are treated most courteous- ly and are allowed a vast extent ot ground on which to take exercise. All unlte in declaring that since they were made priroeters the only period ot calm and tranquillty of mind which they have experienced has been that spent In St. Helena. with whose Inhabitants they live on the best of terms. _ In; Dawn’s sons Kllled. lnvullded to England br, are missing. tantra; ' ley C. the El, and m ) f Faddem ( body ia g Bailey, l seven; ( ed the ( uppertt , z "tl'"') a ( My]; . E damp! a r loss r , at". lo d ant y . S cha can ' _ ref E no It as of tall ( Iii“ tug was observed just before the party landed. In the bay the carcasses ot nearly 200 horses and mules were seen. but no human body was visible. City Entirely Submerged. The scenes during the Itorm. Mr. Tlmmlne said. could nut be described. Women and children were crowded Into the Mt. Hotel, where he was leek- lug mater. and all night there unfor- tunaaee were beaming their lone- ot kindred And to ne. The] - gained about the Inn†end In the {allele- end ot the hotel. Wha m meaning In other pen- ot h on: he could only tune. The city a! Gav-non, "I. In u in ttrs buy. There is u small utounr F ip ashore three mllm north of Poli- c t Island, hut Mr. T mmins eould not gaging-nix!) her Hanna Bho was flying a ritish nag. Another lig; wasp] has betel! driven ashore at Virginia Point, (It: still ttttoth-ttt is aground at Texas Ci . At the toutll point of Houston Isl d an unknown gulp [he in a help. lam condition. Th' lightship that mar s Galveston bar “a hard and fast a nd at Bolivar Point. Mr. Timmlns and th? men with him on t schooner rescued two sailors from middle bay who had been many rs in the water. These men were to era, and he could gain no Informa from than. A wreck of a. mutual wh', looked like} big steam It Lu reporw titat the Orphan Any] and both the horrpitsalm were Wyed. and if this pmws true the log r llle will he great, us theee lu. at". lona were genrrallv (*rnwdm]. and as t y were autumnunl buildings, the cha cast are that many Ittui, taken ref in them. Tlie water extendod an tho island, Mr. 'I‘immins lam It as three feet deep in the rotunda of e Tremont Hotel, and was six feet , in the mrket square. , " the water front the damage w very great. Thr, roofs had been bl wn from all the elevators, and the . do along the wharvee were either lied or had lutt ttterr sides, and of no protectbon to the vontonts. at the small salllng craft were wrecked. and were either piled up on bt wlmrves or floating Iottom slde It in the bay. There " a small steam- lwl t“! (I Ulmml “I “NI " “'11! ---"e lave been blotted out, and a uronwn- , otar M he "rush, Bee or hear, Mr. a†property “we hm, Mn in- Tnnminn any: themut end portion curred. ot the city, which ia bhe rmidenée “cum reports trom Sabina Para district, haa been "practically wiped and Port Arthur Q19) indicate a. nary}: out ot ext-tome. Ott the wet" end km of me, but thew reports etutnotl which has the t'rult on another ha ttog-ttrms' at thu, "our. , portion ot the blind. mus-h havoc The nret new: to reach this on)" WM done. The bench hat, [mun ttwept from the ark-ken city of “autumn! clean, the t',u2"tt,'t' at? destroy- was melts! urn 3M. Jammy t'. Tire-; ed, and many of m random-es are mills. who [Ives la Hons on. and who is I total wrecks. t 2,ei,li"lt'i',e 1ugrd',tr1ti',1 'f,.rt/tr,st-/ Train Wrecked. Ar r, '. I " , . . . the city atgo'clock io-night from Gal- JJ',',"' ‘23.?" It train, -“'1'°h left mama. He was one ot the "rat lo era. a '55 t'satPrtitsr niqltTr. want meh her‘o with tidin a of the great wmked at a point two lllllus north (inmate: which has minim that c1t “I of Alvin. Mrs. l’ratlwr, or Rum-mung. and the mgnltudeol that disaster tid Tgxaa, we: tiutu tind trevert?' were main-l to he told became ot hla “ll-l injured. The "Mayan running tglow. clamor“ to Ranch ham. Attrr remain-I ly when if encountered the heavy lug through the hurricane of Saturday. _ norm it Mt reported that the train he departed trom Galveston on ts': w“ "terally 1mm from the trttek. whooner. and came across the bay to' Mrs. Prather was-thrown new the Morgan? Point. when he caught a, ("F and halfway 1i'iiiiiit a ylndow. train for Houston. The hurricane. Mr.) Wlten the (“If w reached n was Timur" oald. was the Worst. ever found ttttst her hag had been under I n. I water and that t?" 'P"' drqwned. 1,000 People PrrU&ed. The estimates made by citizens of Galveston was the“ 4.000 [mum-s. molt of them reddencen. have been destroyed, and that at least 1.000 people have been drpwlwd. killed, or mums. Some balm†houses were destruyed. but mos of them stood. though badly dagrt ed. ileum reports trom "bus, Para and Port Arthur all» indicate a heavy [out of life. but thaw reports cannot be mnflrmed at that hour. The nret news to reach this ciry An Eye-While" Tells of the Terrlble Scenes In That City. Houston. Texas, Sept. It, ID p, tu.- The West India storm which reached the Gulf coon yesterday morning wrought awful linux- in Texas. tte- ports are ttOtt/tty, bat in in known (but. an appalling Ir,tgtpster has beful- len the city ot Gunman. where it ls reported a thousaml or more lives luve been blotted out, and n N'PlllPll- One Thousand People Lose “heir Lives in -', That City. g 4,000 HOUSES swan AWAY. Satchel-II Tm. Visited by a Hurricane and Tidal 'Wave---.-" Steals." str-utr-it-ttint Buildings Blowl oowA-aut, Entirely Sub- merged- ---houstott Also Sutton s-tv-sw-me Wrecked---- Tei'tlmony of III Eye-Witness ---..Sotg" of the Debt. tion has but when! me that about.‘ 3.000 “we: have been lost at. (Bulwa- ton. with enormous "mstractioa of pro- petty. No intormav,ou {roux other points. (Signed. I "John D. tta.sorer, Governor." I AWFUL 1liljllllll(h)i “Austin. Texas, F'ept. 9.--Intorma.. DISASTER AT (EALV PISTON t AT (ihlmiSr0lii. A train cane' in ly'l tl. ('wiumHJ railway this en MG am] it, 1'i'f'W u ll a story of death i (la ,oiitCoit m the country through whirl: tho) Irurrv'.u. (Inductor Ferg n nut-.3 that houses. barns, c pa and orchards have bsen destroy and great damage done. A. L. For A. [Maul clerk, r0. ported that at Oy er UPI'. is the train crew and passeng s hmrd cries. mud {Gun-.1 a negro we; mu Caswrtod under a roof. They puikd wr ou', and aha in- formed her rearutlrs there were others under the moi. and {archer starch re- sulted in the finding of nine bodies. all colored. When the train arrived at Anxieton. all the churches there and , number ot human been blown down. Many (stunt no known to lave occurred at Aretetoa. but the train chopped only a tow mantel. and the number 0! killed name- could not be bound. At Amen the cou- fret 605MB}! to rating. to 'tts-teta. so the extent of the damage beyond Angleton ite not known. On the return trip the crew an" the debris of dsmetts of demolished houses. ' "Mthvttte Demolished. A cyclone has demolbhed I no" 01 the but at sundae. on this M. Two miles we been brought. in from Faubrook , on Hana-mun Bay, and 17 per are missing were. Thu-m persons vere drowned m. Mor- gana†ruins. ' d our†are mismug. mm the an. tion of those of Mrs. \u-holson a Mrs. Juno Woodlock, tn) human ot the dead have not! yet inâ€; identified. (in-u â€immut- at Houston. In Houston one p \rwn was “:1st [bury Black, a itaeirur'tvcr. Them-o- ur†damage is great, a tumorvw tivejtstirnate'p.'cui,ar it at $450.0(50. The 'erchants' and Planters' ouMtil was rrecitNi,euLurtng " loss of 340.- mu. he Dickson Car Wh cl Works suffer-a1 to the extent of $16,000. Th! _ Masonic Taupe, which " the propggy of thy Grand Lodge of the scam. was puny wrccked. hourly our: church in the city was dam. agrd. The Fine Baptist. Southern Srstltodksti, and Trinity Mlhodln. the latter a - ro church. will have to be rvtrat't Jute they can he used again, Many hummus humus were unheated. Th.» mldezibe porslon or the town presents u.' dilapidated appearance, but. (“is dining: lll [his Part ot the city my not an so gran as in some mum-u. 'lit stream are. aslmu.t imp-usable b; June of the litter of shade trees. ices. belephone wires and potent. M -h damage was done to window glass d l'urmmre. may narrow *Nicattg are awarded. Another train was Ictt here for Gat; vemon. making third to-day. The two preceding es have not been heard from. u " wires are pros- truted. ' _ tor MB high 00 ttr) buck ridge. t it. wife-capsi,‘ f Hmnpuaad. 4 from Brookshh" damatrM, butsu were 20%. Subm'r Mum ttu: no; Iron heard from today. Tainan news was re (wind from th F yesterday morn- ing. and no that.' tints tity water was surrounding vtsrjwitot.e, town at the was, and the 4iih' was ruitttr aud the waves oomi high. From the new town, "“91 In some distance bank. the wave had rem-heal the de- pot. and was gunning through ttry three“. . The pupa: wen leaving The Santa Fe 'train, which left here at 7.55 Batuyday night. ‘wu wrecked at a point two miles north of Alvin. Mm. Prather, of Rom-mung. Texan, was killed and several were injured. The "may†running slow- ly when it encodntered the heavy stunt). It is reported that the train was literally lifted from the tux-k. Mrs. Prather was thrown Bel-0i the car and halfway athrough a window. When the car w reached it was found that her h d had been under water and that . was drowned. The norm certrre is rapidly up- The small tow ot Broolohlre, on the Mi-ourl, Ra. ms & Texan, Was (1|th wiped ou by the storm. The crew of a. work train brought this Information. hen the train left the bodies of ' persons had been recovered. and t e tsearch tor other: was 'proeeeding. The norm red re is rapidly up- prouching Sorthe Texas, and in wry wreck. all .Iegruph lines in its path, doing Hun dnmagv and killing people in uttered localities. Prowl-Iona will be badly needed.“ a. great majority of the people In†all they had. The water-worn pow- er houce wan wrmkod. and a water Inmlne la threatened. an the charm were all ruined try the overflow of can Inner. Thu, Mr. Tlmmlnu re- gards an the mort serious problem to be faced now. e city ls in dark. nu. the 1,'l.Ti,WLcl having been ruined. There la Bo way ot mtti. mating the pror"'riy damage at pre- M... Dani: now entirely a merged and out on from oommuni Ion. The boata are gone; the tall as cannot be oper- ated; and the at" In so high [new ple cannot walkaout by way of the bridge new. t e bay, oven Ibould that bridge be Mndlnx. dross tl l','."t', a, [ " nu kn 'ry, known as m? it. is bailout! that as known no In I]! I at the bring mu mm the distance Columbia crew tell on in the y passed. L heurc was re y morn no: W!!! at 1m inc am mum ry urn-u t ly on wax The thin To Reset" the Emperor. London. trpt. 10.-'l‘h , Hmnglni nor» mummy†of the Standard, in a or match dated Bpt, Nth, an that Bang-Fan. n Mandy: Viva-0y ot “an nan. amt-ted northward on trot. 5th with a large (one to "an the Ettr pelt». The cormpondnnx, ndxh an an Imperial doom has been inward. aiming to prove- that the Dowager Em press was throughout Ignorant ot the - on the [owls-m and wu- not. mad therewith. lo lion Brim Troops. sgtl','t",t, ImnloerA dam to an Autrfir m m la. (b m. In Ho- M to the Combo-I In â€tron-nab a . In a. speech at Blngdon Mr Matthew White uidley. Bestiality ot Rune lor Home Affairs. and that Great Britain had the largest oommerclul Intent-ll In China, She could no: adiwro to any agreement by which China mum piauu'jzly W! that the had In- osphed oTer the powm-l. Rein-rug to the quasi: ot retirement. Sir Mat- therw damned that hrs would only In, the Government would not with any AW. t uh dtd not involve trumeteaf punishment tor what had been done and the -tastttutumsatt of new-11y In the future. London. Hept. 9.--ht the "our.- or a span-h yacterday Right Hon. George Hamilton. Secretary ot same tor m din. and It vs. Absolutely manual that it "Nousstioas with the. Chm 002 Government were to be brnugm to a 'rtFtitrraetory termination ths Britlsh Governing". doom d, "on: log that would look like giving up IN advantage am but! been mun. "-5 unuv won!“ I.“ ttKe sl‘lllg I)†any adflnhf that but been gain- ed, or retina in trom the position won. He ummd MI heal-on that if anything of the kind was mi gelfavernmant would not he a pan, Tho Brltlsh have new Penal. tn important txttrttloes south of mem They met with no Mn. Three hundred men ot the sum (â€(13th tqtatm Cavalry Muted Mo Boxer: in the Imperial hunting park. kink: thirty ot them Mid capturing many prism The Bonn were armed with Spear- tad m Berl!n, Brpc 9.--Oermtsur hum-(m itely refused to - to up propuul at Rm loath; to: tit. ettutuation of Pekin by the “-191 ot the .1th powers. " in the belle! In Olin-la! crrvieq that Gar-any. Great Britain and Japan will in their tot-cu In my Claim-a capital. and that the Run-lam. Anew-an and French will wrthdmw to The Tab. "I am convinced ttint "sGiiru, -iiri' succeed." But in the "at venue published thin phase dos. not a: pear. Three alum versions have Men published of the win delivered by the Emperor Wilhe- to the urtmru at the navel maneum a men." Friday. In the [but rezone or the weed: at. In.†we. created mu: keying. in PsNtrhse to Cttims that. Ionian. 8m 10, 6 "em.-atttetrasqt, ing thumb:- from the Tin-ear mr redundant. nt Min. dated Aug. L'ltet and 22nd. (in! four punk-Mar- ot tho mate of stun-I there. " appear- that tbs court [led by the was: any while tn? Janna wen MIN tho eat't gate. " the Path: palace It din-tuned the court may mm to cette , m-w mpiul. A purl-math: was tuned od Aug. 22nd forbiddlng loud†And ailing on the Chute-e to nun to their homes, and undertaking to [any (or provMonn Chang " the military manndaut of ram. who in with tor a. murder ot up Ger Ilium. tuor I-aen arrested. iiiii"re11' under Human Jarledir Tht “action y In l’o-k'ln han been enamo‘ _ ot bun“ have been urinal. by the Boxers. m 2n by (‘hlnese comm and "ttttll.' to “D Howie" of the who! expedition RUSSIA, FRANGE AND l S. WILL Mlllllll Britain, Germany and Japan Will Stay in Capital. The above manage In anon-aw tn Superman“! Penal. Dallas. and come: trom It. Vaughan. manager ot the Weatern Un'ma out!» at Houn- Two Its-dud Con-.000 Counted From . Ballot TPIII. Dull“. Tom. Supt. 9.4m. follow- In; colon-3n In“ ham received trom Hon-ton by the_Ken:_ . ... “Italic! trail not ntnrmd. They could not get dolor than six miles ot Virginia Point, where the prnlrtn wma eorerrd with In“. dehrh. piamm trunk. and don! boat-o. Two hnan rod cox-poe- were counted from the mm. A large Ito-nor |o Itrando-d two nileo thin aide of Virgin“ Point u rent,", thrown up by a tub! wove. cum; can b! non of Gnl note». Two men were t.rard up who noated acron- to the mainland. who any they agetimegte the In“ of lilo- q. to the than they Ion st 2.000." ton Kan-u & Tend nanny. A -- ot my no reported ruled. The rallmpd and to!“ coups-IQ nu (not and 'gegttg"'l'r a" a may Bo work t val loath. but thematic-wru- In“ It 1Tirftt [or the. to (all! In! ' hue-dun . mm; to†unnec- In or- ' der to an and: “can. The qtetrggt " Mo was our». and {out an orstertatned that the cttr lat MI! mm. The “llama 0(me " " I. imppmtt_8e to move tram 'ld'd of Court-by. y'orttt-houro, trum- noun Hon-ton last night won from " to " hour- In“. A private was†"on San An- tonio an“. that a serious dunno-r occurred at Corps! Christi. Rampart 11nd othermut town. thr Mhln- of which cannot be detained. All the railroads southward from Dull" At noon fund a bulleth h - “rooting their nut- to dim-mun.- the ale ot New or awed-91mg mum for the South until further orders. ENOBIOUS Lot" OF LIFE [ii-lulu Witt Not Leave (ion-nay to Stay can or Mir-anon. Bit Mat- tred that hrs would only an, uncut would not tre tmtiatied '.l!"terettt, which did not ill PEKIN. P H. " In; of t tr, when mtrr1e1rett oonis Gore and“ nut It" a.“ "The n â€lined I I "War rl "tle we woadew Gert rudr It rob “Nu It“ but " [a - MY MW Wtio " It