West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Sep 1900, p. 6

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Mr. Walter H. Johnson in one ofi seemingly impregnnble position occu- tho but known reddentl ot the pied by the enemy. and by gallant cun- oortrbern section of Queen's county. duct in the field to earn for them- B resides in the town of Caledonia. when undying fame. at least not in when , keeps a hotel, and also England. But men who can doggodly runs a use that carries poisons"! pursue the even tenor of their way. mid null between that town and Liv. I though at one time little appreciated, sfpool. n distance of some 30 miles. hare already given proof of a pluck Mr. Jobimn was in Bridgowater re! and determination for in advnni-o of neatly. on which occasion he gavo anything they will be called upon to a reporter of this r -_ ar the follow. I exhibit on the battlefield. After the In; mete: About t. wars ago hel Transvaal war, and the spbmild enr- vu when very ill. E wad the best vice rendered during that campaign by at medical attendance. but made very the various volunteer regimental. TSN' little magmas toward recovery. and I shall probably hear less of the insom- tho doctor told him there was very I peteoee and inemcleney of our citizen little hope that he would be able tol soldiers, [ turn to his former work, The new Moat exports consider that in tho a appeared to have located itself in voluntmrs we have the finest fighting: " kidneys and for eight weeks or material in the world. It only require more he was confined to bed. He suf- prom training. The severe touts [and greatly from constant pains in which a man is now required to under- tho back. " appetite became im. ko successfully before br'iaur pastrrrd as _ and his constitution generally "efficient." together with the intro. gmra! to be showered. _At this auction of the new when)"; for crout- 'First Reporter-What.' The proof. reader burned to a orig)? How did "It happen P' Becoad lteporter--Be was reading the at of the new book of poem hr Wheeler Wueox.--tVraeuae Ber. Lot Only In Column, But In Every Civ- Inud Con-try Throughout the i lWorld -lorlt Alone I!“ leei This t load-o It. are“ Prominence over Conpetltoru Everywhere. Dangerous ()crupation That Item tr, quires a Study Hand. - i A corha when thoroughly roused to angr'r is by no means It gentle crea- ture, says the Combill Magazine. He was now a must. tormldab'.e beantto approach, striking out dmqrrratelyat every movable thing within and even out of his reach. But even In this condition Kullan had no difficulty in citing tit: largest of cobrns. Ha would hold up and shake a rag in in; left. hand. On this the infuriated reptile would rivet its game. With his right; hand behind the man would an suddenly seize It round the muck about three inches below the head and an assistant. would fasten firmly on to its tall to prevent it from winding round Kullan’u arm. Bis right hand would than slide forward an he had faistenel his fingers round we neck Just behind the Jaw. He wouldth intrert, the rim of a watch Citw spcctes oi snake and date a: which the venom was extracted,und we whote supply forwarded weekly Rn Protessor Calmette. In this condition the desiccated Venom maintains Ps virulence for months. Small widen play havoc with the telegraph win-ea in the Argentlne Republic. The long oohwebs settle on the when and as soon as dew or rain an. they are remand to some ex- tent a conductor and the eflect in practically to stop the operation of Iona of the lines. The government has determined to connect Buenoa Am- and Rondo by an unde- mudubh managing toobu TUte “I MIR). l GREAT REPUTATIDN la Icon Achieved By Br. " neck about t bead and an firmly on to trom winding The watch glasses were then placed on. a small glass stand in a plate swimming with mlted beeswax. Large glass bell jars ware then heated so as to drive out most of thm air in than), and these were inverted over the plate on to the wax. The entire plate was mm placed on a shelf and the venom allowed to dry in vacuo for maven days. At the end of that time the dry venom ta flaky yellow gtowd2r) was scraped oft the glass with a sterilized knite. the powder was hermetically sealed up in small glass tubcs, thy Per' labileq showing ' The reputation achieved by Dr. Nun-u Punk Pills. not only in Can- ndn. but throughout the world. rests upon n very solid Dads. which may b named up in two work-sterling merit. The Enterprise has had occa- ‘n to investigate a number of cure- "tereted try tins medicine, and know that in some Woes at least these our” were wrought after other medi. cine. had failed even to give relief. intently another cure came under our notice that wmot {all to in. "htaMtt the pogularity or Dr. William! Pink Pills in the locality in which it occurred. and as we can vouch tor the facts it may well bring hope to “Hem-s elsewhere. ‘ It the blood In pure and wholemme at... cannot exist. The reason why Dr. Willlmm’ Pink Pt, euro so may forms of disease In hat they aet directly upon tho Mood and Int-veg. thus rearh'ne the root of the trouble. Other medicine. act only am the lymptomd of the trouble. sad that 19 tho reason the trouble al- Inyn "ttttrm, when you mast- these medicines. Dr. Wlllinmw’ Pink Pills unto permanent cures tn kidney', troubles. rhettmatyrm. enamel”. an. mla. and ktndred dlwenses. But be (pro Toll get {frigmnlne which bear would then ins)” the rlm of a watch tltr between the jaws. the grip on neck would be slightly relaxed and the serpent would viciously close 110 Jaws on the watch glam. and in doing a) squirt the whom of its venom through the tiny holes at fangs into the concavity ot the glass. In thi, manner snake alter make was mndo to part wtth its venom In- to a watch glass. Often batman BO and 100 nabs were so (but. with In ml»: conrge of a morning. the In" -itame,jr. Williams' Pin). FIN for Pale PM on the wrap I? swam! {my por, - mm ten or twelve boxes, when he not only telt that IN cure wan corn. plote. but also felt that tn all re- m” his health was better than it had been for years. Since that time ho has been continually driving his much between Calm and Liver, pool, and has not had tho slightest return of the trouble. notwtttwtattd. " that he has to {are at times very Inclement weather. that might well Mix on a return or the trouble had not hb system been so Itrnngly for- ttned “(and It through the um of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. nodal. he decided to try Dr. Wil. , In' Pink Pills and got a half dozen lines. In the com-m of a couple of week. he neural an Improvement in his condition. my] ho coutlnued the on of the pills nut-ll he had taken allure?- Llnlmun an! Duh-u Cobwebs on Telegraph Win-I. CULLECTUNG' SNAKE VENOM. An Accident. canes Ln the Peninsula put a differ ant aspect. on Mums. and the so- mJled "Army of England" never own attEmpted to effect a Landing. The uniform of the volunteers at this, time appears to have been either humor m‘arleb In color with distinctive Inc- lngs. whilst. the head-dress of the Metropolitan Corps was a bearskin- "can helmet, of the "Light Dra- gogh” pattern of the period. In the early stages of their career they undoubtedly exhibited, both in training and equhrment, many short- comings as compared with the re- guitar army. The Press was quick to seize upon these failings and to make merry over them at the expense of the entire movement. Punch, in particular. with the aid of Leech? clever and causticully humorous pencil. produced some ex- cellent caricatures. One, depicting the troubles of a gallant, but over- precise officer. whom no obstacles could Gaunt. is distinctly proclaims~ The great man is shown in the not of marching his regiment across a field, when he suddenly discovers that a small ditch, too wide to be over. stepped by a pace of the regulation length, have his progress. But he risns to the occasion and solves the diffi- culty by Ewing the following words ot command: Hullo! Htutr-'utm Let me see-Now thear-ha " front rank ,tytdinr-Prs-ptsr' to-Jump l'.' Tho firm; great volunteer move- ment took place between 1791 and 1803. Napolmn at. that time was over-running Europe. His was a name to couiure with. and the bare mon- thn of "Bones" was sufficient. to ter- rify the mart rabelllous child intoim stunt submission. The splendid re- sponse: of the sons ot Britain to Bri. uumla'a call to brim. coupled with the , igorous defensive measures adopt- nd by Pitt, averted the danger. What- ever Pitt's faults may have been. he was an energetic administrator. and by arming the maple of Great. Britain from those dwelling in the large centres down to the inhabi- tants of the smallest villages. pro. "eioning all the towns, tslaughtering all norms and Waxing all stores which could by any chttnee tall into the hands of the enemy. he did all Mum man could do to make ready for tho expected invasion. But our nut:- The danger once rust. it was but natural that the volunteers should lay down their arms. The force was disbanded for nearly fifty years un- til. in 1859, circuuurrtttncets compelled the authorities once more to appeal to the country. We were. indeed, in a parlour: plight. Every man's hand seemed to be against us. England. lulled into a false sense. of security, had allowed tyoth her army and navy to deteriorate. France. on the contrary. had been steadily im- proving both her see and land forces. She had, moreover, introduced steam In ‘her navy-4m innovation scoffed at by the Whitehall authorities. The British Minister had been dismissed from Washington. necessitating the despetch of reinforcements to Can- ada and New Brunswick. the Chinese War “required an army and em- ployed a fleet," whilst the indium Mutiny taxed our resources to the uttermost. The discovery that bare- ly 36,000 fighting men, excluding tur. tual garrison. remained in the Bri- tish Isles created something like a national panic, and it was to guard against the recurrence of such an un- pleasant state of affairs that the volunteers received official recogni. tion and became a permanent force. If the child is unless at right"! has eoutm' tongue. sallow complexion, a dose of Mr.ler'a Worm Powders In what is required; P39031113 harm- has. At One Time Mistaken for Workhouse Boys. THE VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT . " . One -wr"iter gives " most amusing account of his experiences in one of those curiously garbed regi- ments. The uniform, he says. was of an extraordinary mull-colored hue. so weird and unsightly that an old woman who met them on their first thareh exclaimed in astonishment. "And who be yott?"--ua query which evoked iron) a passing countryman the answer. "Why. they be work’us ban. o' course." But the regiment re~ solved;th t if their own get-up was not a mango! beauty. that ot their handsmen ould excite the admira- tion of all, beholden. Accordingly a dress was (learned for the musicians. so gorgeous and brilliant in its cor oring that it was said the spectacle could only be enjoyed in comfort when viewed through smoked gin-Jen. The um: of an insular people must inevitably eon-M ot two path. the one dmtined to fight. the nation'. bu- tiea nbroad and the other charged with the due-nee of the imiand. By tar the ham talk (all: to the lot of those who must stay behind. It is com- paratively only in the storm of battle. with the blood. heated by lust of slaughter. coursing like liquid tire through the veins, to perform deeds of derring-do. lt is hard to sit. at Ironic. year after year toiling through the ammo. drudgery of drills, tho same rout- ine of “rogimexmnl camps" and "marching columns," and with but a very remote! prospect of ever being ac- tually called out to light. The volun- gn succesuuuy 091ch being passed a: "etricV.nt," together with the intro- duction of the new schema for terent- mg n volunteer met-m. will do much to improve the valua of tho volunteers we dur thlrd llno of Galena: teem can point to no bullet-riddled amndardu. nor In tt Waterloo or an lnkermnn blazoned in their rmords. It has Dot been their part to storm " wemlngly lmpregnnble position occu- pied by the enamy. and by gallant cun- duct in the tietd to earn tor them- when undying (lune. at least not ln England. But man who (um doggwlly pursue the even tenor of their way. though at one ting:, little appreciated. rune already given proof of a. pluck Moat expats consider that In the volunteom we have the finest fighting material in the world. It only require proper training. The severe touts which a man is now required to under- go successfully before bring pinata! as Manitoba luur experienced the HM [rout ot the lea-on. I“ illlllllll'i lliElllEllt even The time not or C. C. Rlcharda & Co. Dear Sirtr,--3our Mlnurd's Llnimont Ls our remedy tor sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never-taus to rolieve and cure promptly. (‘hnrlen Whoottem Port Mulgmva. The Countess of Dudley has offered Rev. Father O'Leary, chaplain in the first contingent of Canadlans. who has been lnvullded to England, his cholce of a list ot houses tor his use. or apartments at any hotel in Ent land or abroad wh'io recruiting his health. Father ”Leary has won golden opinions In Saudi Africa. Of all tho ruling sovereigns of Europe the Austrian Emperor can boast the largest. tuuarer of titles of nobility and territorial rank. In addition to his Imperial crown His Majesty in in nine different ways entitled to wear regal tiara, twice in ii qualified to be ad- dressed as grand duke, once as grand prince and in numerous ways he is en- titled to be called count or lord, A doze of Mliler's Worm Powders occasionally will keep the 'chlldren lmlthy. t Thomas Edison Littorly opposed the marriage of his son to Marie Tuoitey. After the deed, ho announced for dis- inheritance and refusal to receive his daughter-in-Iaw. Young Edison up- peurod not to mmd. At that time he gavo promisr or being an elei'trieal Rentus like his father. He had patent. ed several splmuiid deviates tor the con- trol of the subtle ethereal power-mud had rmaped reward enough therefrom to make him mat no longing eyed on tho parental pure. He had 560,000 in the bank as royalties from thew, but soon the young inventor was milieu: his patents themselves for n tenth their mi value to meet in)» medium expenditurm for wine and Jewels. When all rights in his inrnn- tlons were gone there rmnninnd to him only the good Mattie Edimn. That, too. he put upon the market to the highest bidder. Pun'hnm were shrewd and oiiormi but a tithe of what it was worth. tho youth was hard primal and wold For patents and nnm" he recon-"d $100,000. The hunt of this wont at There ta one obstacle in the way, Young Edison cannot be round. For all: week: hls old haunts have not known him. tor full that long he has negotllnted no loans. upon the corn- ers of the Rialto. the proceeds ot which to be used in puppzzug a cork and cutting a bird. The brother ot the missing youth does not think he has gone away with Marin Tummy. He he trunk enough to my Thomas, jun. wou;d probably do so it (he Would have him. However, he is certain she would not, has money and his; mama-ta of at- fluence being apparently gone. Illa thinks his brother he thiding samu- where in the pun-Mun ul Manhattan, thoroughly ashunwd of himself and ulruid to oshurw his face. k "Bat ll! Tom will only come to mu nt the Hotel Roland, "in east Fifty- ninth street. GI" at 48;: Central Park west. we'll fix Pt so he Pan hold up his head again.” declared he, yester- day. "I think he will if he incurs cf father’s plan, because he is nilmlnlc- ly penni'lms and must be leading; u precarious existence. "Father has, never lost faith in him. despite his erratic career. and now wants to give him the nmmrtm unity to brueo tt" and tre a man. It his dissipation and his recent prl. union hare Impaired his mind 0r hm health, he will send him to a Mtttl, tarlum and build him up. After that father will start him in any business he will pursue, either here or in the West." The English stat-ling has name an. der the same ban aathat which rests on his compatriot, tho English spur- row. The department of agriculture has tuned an order prohibiting the importation ot the Starling. and for. bidding its transference from State to State within the Union. Judges-So the prisoner hit you on the head with a brick, did he '.' MeGintr-i'es, yer Honor. Judge-mst It seems he didn't quite kill you, anxyvay , McGinty--No, bad 'cess to him: but it's wishln' he had, oi do be. Judge-Why do you wish that? McGinty-Begorrr thin Ol would have seen the scoundrel hanged for murtherl "hhl" she exclaimed, with great enthualaam, "that must be why you keep no 'recluded."-Chitststro Times- Herald. I New York 1tetrtrt'. -Thoma. A. Edison. Jam, In to be given ‘a. chance to return. He who took unto wile one mum haired Mnrle Tunhey from the coy chonm ot the Casino. Spent upon. her hia patrimony and the pro- ceeds of the can; at his name and his tather's. and was finally left by her so faultless in Lake Goorge he was compelled to walk back to New York, la being sought by his father. who wishes him to accept tho role ot_9ie rammed mmligal. 1llllllililflllliilll'li Mi. iilll "It In my aim In Ms," he said. " to do something every day that will make Anerl human" - _ _ _ MW HE CMT, BE FOUND. Has Run Through a Fortune With a Chorus Girl, Mtller'g Grip Powders cure, Prosperity in not without many I and diatutes; and adverlity in Eilfkil, comfort and hopes. - Franz Josef has Many 'Titres. Appreciate Fat her o' Leary. Not Just. What She Menu. Starling Under the Ban. Hitt Revenge. :ever lost with in erratic career. and tve him the opportw " and be a man. If Jtd his recent. pri. mirod hm mind or his send him to a mul- at H It .. What is Four idea of u silent part ner t" was asked of a business crack on the Board of Trade. The marvellous advancement in the icicuce of medicine during th paw few years has re- moved' these malndicsr from the list of those ditBcult to cure and placed them in the mt:- gory of diemses mm! easy to cure. These mal- adies are not reached by constitutional treat- ment. Physicians now tutirttt that only by mean- of air carrying microbe killing cou- stituents can these diseases be radically cured! This ts exactly what. CATARRHu- ZONE does it lagernnicida and - wherever air you. and it is n fr.'yrrtutt,, (clowns and " feetital remedy tor Hay Fever, Bronchitis. Animus and Cataerh. Thousands in Canada have toatittad that it in wonderful in 'ttrent, In proof of this I copy of hundreds ot testimonials will be lent to you for the asking. But the Ant gave the (In marble heart only. "Since you have sung I said the Ant. “you may wetttor '." .. Well, Iguana not!" said ttro Grm happ3r. with hautear. “I shall 1er ably start an anti-trust agitation Here the Ant perceived that he had put his foot In it and crnwfiuhed torttr with Thur fable trachea that poverty is not always without recourse.-Detroit Journal. . In the United States the annual consumption or bomx is about 1:3.- ooo tom; th yum . as mercury will surely destroy the Fume of smellsnd completely '//i',t'at the whole by» tem when enterinz it than: the mucous sur faces. Much articles nhoul never be used ex- (3 pt on from rlptions (,'G"d'g'ri'y'dhghv'1'ii'ttt. as the ' amaze they will do is ten old to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Nani-rt. Card, tuartufnctured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. o., contuiuu no mommy and in taken Internally; noun, directly on the blood and mucous surface-u o the "stem. In buying Hall'. Calm-uh Cure be nun: you get the genu- ine. It it! taken internally and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Teutxmouials tree, Hold by Drugghtn. price 75c per bottle. Hull's ‘amily Pills are the best. Millers Compound Iron Pills have such “me that every one shouk! try them. ( Caused by Germs. This Is the De- clslon of Science. Now More Bully Cured Than Toothache. Fruits should be employed as far as possible in place of lwvemgna. as. not only are they refreshing, hut serve at the same time as man an! drink. Ltsrry--tnture, son. if it git; much deeper Ol’ll rm: lt to th' Govertrmint to Iurry soldiers through to Uhiny.-- Chicago News. " He's the fellow that puts his nunwy into a tirm and keep; his mouth shut while it is being spent." Stranger-rs that a deep well you are digging , f Minard'a Llulment Cures Gnrget In Gown. In a Common Sense Treatment, As it we: yhgrovor air Till 39. it dug)” the irlptf, UaiftitisUJiis hint-i in'th'e i"airtiionish. al tissue. relieves congestion and therefore clam. And was quiekV. . ' . a - Jlisi0tAei ’ogycos'r.’ you ten cents to try Catarrhogoms. a will send to any address tn Canada and United States a 25c [ml due: plenty to try. often mtfBiaiettt to cure. The m ulnr 6uttibtiotttayittitttt six weekn'tmtmont “if? 2lltltr ttttre tttgfM,'ifh Wer w Ion upon ' p o on. or you can get. mom may dealer in 'll2'fdf,li'. Address N, C. POLSON & GO. ' ManuNetttr%tr Chemist. mutton. Out... On. sums, umei, dams, apnea“. almonds; cherrim. qu new, ts'.rtovtrmrri'ut, rasp- berrins, anlars, applee and prunm. All tho fruits ttvgtt':ottod, when ripe, contain from 72 to 93 per cent. or water. In the (mod fruits of commit mm proportion mm to 30 and some- timm as low M 10 per cont., tho lat- ter trputg in almonds and nuts. Vegetable nlbum‘m matter, of which were In only 0.25 per cent; in the pear, matches 1.45 in the banana, and from 15 to 20 per cent. in almonds and nuts. In the luxt-numeJ fruits. as well as in olives. thon- aro found [any mat- ters and "muons substances which reach trom " to 6-4 per ttnt. Acids are present in iargcat qunn- titierin strmvbirrlvs and gootwlwrrir a Sugar I: most abundant in pulp: fruits, such as 1meruma, (Intel and “In which constitute veritable h.vuro-car. bonu: foods. Beware ot Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury. Acids an tities In an --1.27, per t Articles of Food That are Very Im- portant. Many fruits (03min fatty and albu mznous matter in Iarg2 quantities, ant are, therefore, wry Humble as funds A Frenchman. M. Banana, has jug) published the results of hid invrstigu Hons in this tlol I. Ho immtigntm wl.h grapes. orultts, nuts, (135. ban Minna-G’s Lmunmt. Cures Colds. ote The Ant and the Grasshopper t)ATAR,R,110g0lnil Opening tor Through Trunk. Well, I Ko Dodd's Kidney Pills Woman's Weakness HAY FEVER, ASTHMA. CATARRri THE VALUE "F Frturt A womn’u reproductive omens m in the most in- tone and continuous lym- WIT, with her kidney; he slightest disorderin the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive or ans. Doddhi Rhine! Pills, Ky m- storing the hi neys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, wom-oul mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Life, your best friend is The Silent Partner. 5, nuts. ' xpricota, alnx 'i' tid the Grass. 'l shall prob 11! summer F dance " ira I. Cheney "y and ii the blood 19 buying hopper "ll Whatever you f!nd manure. ndellty, honor, kindness, truth, there you tind rtspoctability, howmcr obtgvure and lomly men mar be.-U. W. Beecher. 'Nts. vekreity of light ls 192.000 miles in a second of tim.e. From the sun light comes to the earth in eight minutes. From some of the nxw stars ot the twelfth magnitude " er, mahea the following gig request: "Pleaae send me a “gamma. but label the pa ligloun tracts; and than I certain to receive she-m. I dm whether you have already 1 od any. I haven't received , you (Show the box In above reach me all right." teach The pimples have d'arappearmi, Mil let's Compound Iron Pills did it. sin. An imun'ual number of cases nil consumption were noticed among the municipal omens and elem. Some accidental suggestion finally led to a bacteriological examination of the , library where the city records were l kept. It was [nun] that the depart- mental archives were literally mv- I ered with tubercle bacilli. Pylttrl investigation thawed them to a con- l sumptlve employee. whose work had _ led him to commit the archive- very i frequently, and who had the common I habit of wetting his fingers with aa- , lint to facilitate the tuning of the pages. on each one of which he thus ', deposited a colony of baclilL I Mrs. G. Howell, Daatr, Ont, rays: I rind Miller's Worm Powders a good [murim. f Quite" Marcher-1m had entire charge of her son's education until he was 12 year- old. She gave him ll love ot “venture and the tinet arts which he has continued to cultivate through all the years of his military career. [in is an. accompllshed linguists speak- ing Enzllah. French and German with great fluency. Be ls an enthusiastic: collector ot coins and modal.. In any ttNrttato ot tho new king's character, the diverse inrluenemr which guidM his (duration must be taken into account. Usr"en Margherltn lnxlstnd that a King of Rom" lhing within right of the rttiric a! th . forum and reigning over the country or Rnpluml. MUhv4 Angelo and [mute should be an nhhMHEUZis‘t. an artist and n 1itterattur. Kim; Humbert glut before all else the tnllltury Mum-nun; of his so". and ('(lllh‘ldi'rud :w titvtes- or ms son. and t annual that u l fotlnw the war! iwoftle ercul putl In)! people. It was knc sinner a manhge " who? having mm with the beautiful H In some Inches Euler band and her tace 14 , and power. Shy very to [eel at home nmo: "quite no chi An ocean steamer of the first elm. ' Oncolthellm ","2h2%t',t'2,'1'gttatt going at lull speed, can not be wimmsa,t0miueftoers Hun lemon Mm mtl. brought to a stamktlll In leu- than “n P,WgrcftSehSt?Lti.iitiOEiiir . who. E'h'2tgRe,pt1tettfit 1m three mlnutes. In the meantime slit! In ”hum 10tttearloNtriirT'i'ii' will traverse a distance ot about 9&3...“ mun-gun. no... half a. mile. JONATHAN CARPENTER. w. ---_r-.Mr------- P.0. M n. Winona. 0n. Fm n child victor Emmanuel m. ttgtqtteett-tomqdtotruttrttit to." him mm commonlal and all the ex. tqrnal formalities which tMsdeer mud the public awmnncu ot royal”. While Kin? Humben usu- ally left the qulrlm by a whale way and drovo off [n a small carriage accompanlad by My valet. trumpet. nnnounoed the state carriage ot the Queen and the young prince. The palace gates were zhrown open, trot. diets presented mum and the little prince was knight. by his mother to acknowluig: the huzns of his future subj‘cts. A king, tilt? said. should cotustantly sm- hls people and he sum by them. no chlidrm of ler to thr thtt Duke d'Aosm. An English I the son or a West TCent-ln [lumen of Sn Tol Ttre man-lag plea to ll lane. gm, was look" The III. of Italy Wu Brought Up by Marginal“. Tnko In: l.ryat0.ytey, Minnrd'a Llnlmem. Cures bummed. Wanted hotttrt hing Religious EDUCATION OF A PRINCE. ro ( 2. w Speed of Ocean Steamers NATURE HAS PROViDED ot tle 4,000 us. (H quicker Than Wink are a Cold In One Day the "mo Quininc Tablets. ' :fuud the money " it (an: to cu Groves'sstttuattfre is on qtrrch hon. Italian to the earth in 1 mm some of the , tweltth magnitude years for tho light r! Tl very a mo' lwa y: ll " er at the front-- ge clergyman in otter to his fath- 'lowing significant wnd me a box of ml the parcel 're. d than I shall be "tssurttpttort r than full "I s tye {allowing‘ epilruuic of tub- , a city ot Run- ber of cases of tieed among the 1d elem. Some T finally led to .mkntlon of the the new king's no influences Mon must be Kan Mnrghernm rt Rom “Hug Lu' of ths forum 1,5,1: ion't In tl If it to Ar, l. PRAIRIE WEED Hem Powdet Don't be ‘afraid; but attend ‘ l to it quick-- ucando it your- " self and at h§le Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oiuand live care- fully every way, This is sound doctrine, , whatever you may think or E be told; and, if heeded, will i save life. l I Window‘s Booth B than“ u. guy's-Be ygltg 1tti?fjit,td',t,',t,s',i'i',i. It tooth.- OIM N I" 8 aut. cum- winded]: 'iiii"iiaiiliii'kr'l'4ft'Mif."lul'a'd from: In compared of mo Pruitt. Wood " which ha- been found no elbows] in curl Haw-3' 'ifh'1etr,t with other ugh“ MES: an: a w vc nu om tuned n- TI Cough Hones and (bun, 1'h','t'ltt?arfetmt2l and “MOLE! nonhuman,“ WI N the on: one wit greatest love chm was in ettocta, lam. mtxmid. , for 2& umr. It“. FITS I a t” nu “hurting!” “In Ki Inc. " Ant: qteqteC det Pt. for "man sud he. " thal "Aeht by 14.1mm. um um Dam Mouth-J. On. "es aa- d BREE CR2eg,g,h%e,h-,c, sum mm 'ml f p-book; one-new '2rf,'t't,tit out and vent ”can; write My: mutton. t/tP,tt'e Cutting School. I“ " Bulk- I“ (than; Sun Pd. Per-on. having ou' teg,iiijiii' at odd Jump- will ttttd it to the Adam.“ to corn-pond with PA). Box In. Mauls)“. hht well {turn Net that no". mum w um. and on Paul. '-trtm, soon cured at lil' h-os. .1. FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. Watr?r'.o, If you have not tried It. send for has sample. It. uwble cut. will cumrlggarou. $00 a RR,',',',',',: Chomlotl. cronto. _ It can aways- be stopped--- in the beginning. The trouble is.. you don't know you've got it; you don't believe it; you won't believe it-- till you are forced to. Then it is danger- ous. is, tr no means, the dreadful disease it is thought to be-- in the beginning. in: Wing”! 890mm ISSUE NO 39. at hsndxor with net d minim: My w NOTICE - TO HORSE OWNERS. -_ - - - T6ront% Soo. and 81.00: “Ian-Imus. mummy (THING scuool..\ h Negro Change: polar PERIAXENTLY CURE Kiine's Gm: Acne Rel than at nervoumou “our .dr'T Bend Mr MAJ-oh ntt League of theme The Hour of Need m Mink ever-lulu Btrornimt. of " . with 't'ghtlr,gi Dev." ”.7. fgtgrg °mw AC1tie,'2tt'i: a; n r25c. Goo. aw. "Trtmttet, was “not! than!) venom: chm-:33 31-32 or”; roam-Are gutted." Pumi- Kxurn I St tt Mkler BY I}; Niehb. Minded :00 " IBM ters- pplel THE on In " c" St h th er do tr "

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