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Durham Review (1897), 18 Oct 1900, p. 6

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Alumbled In British momu1to-proof hut. hmlng vet-allied (vex-med) perfect health experimenters among“ ma- 1arial stricken Inhabitants, I salute lumen who first {on-tuned mal- quito malarial theory. - . [British Medical Journal. Sept. at] In the British Medical Journal of Hay tttth, 1900. page 1187.Ait wal announced that an experiment was to be made under the auspices of the Colonial Office to test the truth of the mosquito theory of malaria by a practical application of " un- der conditions such as dweller. in malarioul regions have actualily to face. Dr. Luigi Sambon and Dr. G. C. LOW. both ocnnected with the London School of Tropical Medicine, volunteered to tiso from June till 00- tober. that is to my. through what In") Ir. called the height ot the mala- ria season. in a p irt of the Campngna near Ostia, which is do infested by the (lISPiisn that no one who spends a night there under ordinary condi- tions escapee the effect of the pol- Ion. Dr. Sambon, Dr. Low, Signor Tani. and their servants. have now exposed themselves to the pestilen- tinl influence of this valley of the shadow of death tor over two months. They live in a mosquito-pron! hat, which was described and figured in the Journal ot May 12th. They take no quinine or other drug which might be regarded an prophylactic. Not one of the experimenting party ha- Ihown the least sign of infection. We are able to make this statement on the beat authority. and we consider " right to give it the fullelt pub- licity. an we understand that a ru- ler in being industrioualy circulated In Italy that the experiment ha. gored a failure. Bo positive. indeed. " been the rumors to this effect that we thought it our duty to make Inquiriee m the subject at the Lon. don School of Tropical Medicine. In "ply. the original ot the telegram. of which the {allowing " a copy. was Roma. 18th Sept., at 6.25 a. m.. valved 7.51. To Man-on. Flnically, London: Gnu-i. i The testimony ot Proiauor Gram (“worsen in the most satisfactory mnn- . Inf ot the sinister rumor to which al. Melon has been made. l. The wisdom ot our ionhthorl MI warned mi ' 't to halloo beiore we are out of the wood, and the name‘ maxim ot proverbial philosophy may be taken an applying with special {one to a malarial: swamp. The experiment has still 80mg six we.tt IDSQUITUS. MALARIA. 1BllillllllfIllg " THE TESTS. to run before the object lean which it in meant to enforce can be re- garded " fully , completed. The omens. however.' seem to be pro- pitious. and we may now. with as much confidence as the uncertainty ot human things warrants. look for. ward to n names-mi completion of this important experiment. Satin- fnctory as such a consummatim will he from a lcientiflc point of View. it will also he matter tor gratification that the men who lune in the cause ot humanity deliberately expoeed themselves to " moat ooriou- risk have not had to utter tor the sci- eqttine faith that is In them. _ The Results of Three Inter- esting Experimants. DISEASE IS IN THE BITE " in the Atmosphere Nor In the Food. What 'or practical purposes may be regarded as an experiment of the same kind ls being conducted ln West Atria. Dr. Elliott, a member ot the Liverpool expedltlon sent to Ni- geria some time ago to lnvestlgate the abject ot malarial lever. has recently returned to this country. Be reports that the members or the ex- pedltlou have been perfectly well. although they have spent tour months In some ot the moat malnrlous spots. They lived practlcully amongst marshes and other places hltherto supposed to be the most deadly. They have not kept the lever on by the use of qulu'me. and they attribute their lmmunity to the careful use of mosqulto nets at nights. It may he remembered that as a complement to the preventive ex- periments in the Catnpattna, It was arranged that attempts should be lniuie to produce malaria in healthy persons in this country by causing them to be hitten by mosquitoe car- rying the germ ot the disease. We are informed that this experiment has 8100 been Buccmisfnl. A consignment ot manna! which had been laden the blood of a suiterer from malaria tn Rome. under the direction ot Pro. fessor Bantlnnelll. was received in London early in July. A son ot Dr. Manson. who ottered himself a! a subject tor experiment. allowed him self to be bitten by these insects soon after their arrival in this country, and again at the end of August. On the first ot these weanling the bite: apparently proved harmless. and a. third experiment was made last week, but the positive result which has now been reached is probably due to the waiter which bit in August. Dr. Manson‘s son. who has never been in a malnrloua country sinceiie; was tt child. is now suffering from‘ well-marked malarial infection of: double urtian type. and mieroseopl- on! examination shows the presence of numerous parasites in his blood.! The genuineness of the experiment and _ the accuracy of the observation- Giil be vouched for by several competmt and independent Vilma-eel. Tho mosquitoes. as already mid. were fed under the per-anal 'ruperiateta6enes ot Dr. Bastianeiil. and were sent by Dr. Sambon to the Landon School ot mum Medicine. where they were pieced in a warm chamber with mill the precautions necessary to keep them in a trfitto fgt",'ge,', Ji,'.'",',',,',, The “more well. greed y. a. Ill',',,'.":'] their ora. Full Mail. of the experiments will. we add-tend. he published in due course. A similar experiment is laid to be; Eyrpe in New Yak. Multan t, une- petient suffering from un- hrh. new in the helium week In. allowed to blue a beam: mu The Story of " Agnes POI-an. of Halifax. nun. who, ot m- own free will, gutt. mnted him-elf to an experiment. Six day- later tho young man began to ch_o_w up}- 9! malarial infection. the malaria problem is not yet an- tireiy solved. but these experiments certainly afford very strong cou- firmstion of the theory that makes mosquitos ettht1r responsible toe the conveyance of the poison to man. It is clear that if the formula. "No mos- quito. no malaria," does not con- tsin the whole truth ot the matter, " may for practical purposes be taken as a guiding principle by calculate and pioneers In tropical cllmes. This country. with its vast and ever. growing imperial interests. has the best reason to be grateful to Dr. Manson. Major Ronald Ross. and the other scientific workers who have spent themselves in the endeavor to truck to its lair the ittts.iirnitietutt. looking enemy which, more formidnbie tar than legendary dragons. guards the golden apples of our teoimtitsi51et" perides, dealing death to those who seek to wither them. The thanks of the nation are also due to uncomm- berinln who. with an intelligent ap- piet-iution of the results of scientific research. too rare in Ministers ot the British Crown. has given the work mery encouragement in his power. Following Inflammation of the Lungs a Severe-Cough Setln and Her Doe- tor Sold Her Case Was "opeiei- Dr. Wllllarns’ Pink Pills Have Re- stored Her Health. (From the Recorder, Halifax, N. B.) Mrs. Agnes Forau. who resides at 21 Agricola street. Halifax, N. ts., tells a wonderful story of her com- plete restoration to health. after a protracted and distressing period of extreme Illness. and she attributes her present happy condition. under Providence, to the marvellous quali- ties of Dr. Williams' Pittk Pills. When Mrs. Foran was called upon by a representative of the Acadion Ittr- corder. who stated his mission. she cordially welcomed him to her pleas- ant home. where, in the presence of her mother and sister. she freely told the story of her sickness and recov- ery. She said: "A few years ago I suffered a severe attack of inflamma- tion of the lungs and was attended by one ot the best physicians in the city. I pulled through, but was left a complete wreck, so that I could not do any work, suffering all the time from palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration and a ringing some} in my head. I also had a die tresslng cough and for months I never knew what it was to have a good night's rest. For two years my life was a perfect misery to me and under the doctor's orders I took emulsion till I was nauseated with the sight of it. bat all to no pur- pose. My life was despaired of by all my friends, who Were assured by the doctor that my case was beyond tho reach of human skill. I was vis- ited by the clergy of my church and Sisters of Charity, who were very kind and sympathetic and looked upon me as one whose earthly race was about run. I experimented with all sorts of remedies tor my cough. but without avail. My drugglst at last advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Being fairly discouraged. ttesertheletm [was persuaded tomake the trial, when to till, surprise and Joy of myself. family and friends, I began to get better. and by the time [had taken seven or eight boxes I was as well as you_see me. now," and she langhlngly added, 'H think you will admit that I don‘t look much like a sick woman." Her mother. who had been listening to the tale of her dttugr'atet"e long ill- ness. added: "It just seems like a dream to us all that we once de- spaired of her life. when we now see he the pink of health." - Mrtt. Foran said that when on a Visit to England about a. year ago the txrntrtuetedtthettvy cold and was threatened with a return or her rough. but she at onve got some of the pills and by the time she had reached New York she was as well an ever again. She related anumber of luatanceu in which she had advis- ed persons suffering from chronic mmplalnts to take Dr. Williumu‘ Pink Pills and always with the best results. She mentioned particularly a niece of hen living in Boston who was run down and in a wretched condition of health, but was now a. healthy young woman wlioowed the tnet to the use of the pills. When the reporter was taking his leave his. Farah said: “I run very glnd to have the opportunity to testify what Dr. Willituntf Pink Pills have done for me and you can say that I shall never cease to with! their praises. and I bless the good Lord that they were placed in my way at a time whul I had not the hope that I could live." _ Regulatlng Street Music. No street music ll allowed in Paris after 6 pm in winter and 9 pan. in summer. and somewhat similar regu- lations are In force throughout the continent. Berlin hm granted no new “new to organ grinders since 1884, in deference to the public complaints expremed throufll the 1T,rie'f2 In Madrid m mun rival author tree grant licenses "largely as a charity," it ll not stated to whom. Even Italy. "where the organ grinders come trom," relaxes to allow any one to make tum. self Into this kind of public nuisance unlm he can show that he is unable to earn a living in other ways. Increased vigour and vlvacity fol- low the mm of Miller‘s Compound Iron mu. gllllilllJlllllilll INGURABLF. We were horrified. "Gorilla warm” t" we gasped. “Win: mud eva- put it into your head- to become gonna! I'l - _ - "We". you use, the British had al- ready made monkeys of us." "id the he. who, If m uni-take not, was th [told qornut or ttom.ttilntr.-Detroit People who are dominated and who Incl: - at a result ot overwork. one and anxiety will recover quick- ly by taking Muter'a Compound Iron Pills. Miller’s Worm Powder: the - cma tor children. . Suggestion. t,,rrrTr/iti, In Hem to: In Folks I. " Kauai. Neodeuhn. Kan., promise. to become the been. ot In folks. The inhabl. unu ot the town, 1.500 in number. are remarkably tttin, most of them weighing not over 100 pounds. A cone-pond“: ot the New York Com. mercial who has just viaited the place rgporyl his oboeyvquop} 8:. _tollows: "ft all the people In Neodesha. were "ripped and stood up In lingand are-p: ed only in lndlsn attire, they would mks a picture equal to the represen- tations of starving people in Indie. Physicians any that the teat bodies of oil and natural fol undgr the town are nature" anti. at remedy." " is Propwed. in fact. to start a great kifti.tat ssnltnrium at Neodssha. At this place. " appears. all the men wear beards. because they are too lean to be shared. The typical Popu- 1irrt--tontr, lane, hirsute and votuttie-- is illustrated in - cltiwn. "l went to a show in the evening." the norre- spondent adds. "and in an nudism-e at 200 people I don't think one weighed over 108 pounds; The clerk at the Neodesha Post Office ls 5 feet 7 Inches in height, but weighs only " pounds. Strangely enough the only Jobbing blacksmith in the town Is also tho thinnest and lightest man In welttht--89 pounds: the wlfe of tho, organist at the Unlturinn Church is 28 years old. has three healthy chil- dren. and weighs 83 pounds this sum- mer. although she always ‘ints up‘ some in the winter, having ones, in Februrtry last, tipped the 'wales at 80 3-4. ' We oirbr One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any woof Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Comb Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo.0. We. the 'pg,'dgaui's"'r'; have known F. J. Cheney for the last 5 {can and believe him perfectly hononble in n l bushes transae,timut, and ttmitteial1r able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. W m a “mum” hole-ale Druoriista,'rp1efo,9. Wanna). KINNAN a Innis. Wlmlomle Drum-lam. Toledo. o. Btti's Catarrh Cure in taken internally, art.- itttt dlxoctly upon the blood and mummu mm “on of the system. Price m, per bottle. hold by all 51mm. Testimonials tree. Bull tt Funny Pills on the but. Dear Birs,--Titis " to certify that I have been troubled with a. lame back tor tirteen years. _ - rm.-.“ "Wm It gives me great pleasure to re- commend it, and you are at liberty to use thls in any way to turthen the use or your valuable medicine. As ”on as thy weather saw me member tor East York going about in a shirt waist it changed as fast as to cou1d.-Toroato star. It is to be hopad that the laun- drymun had given him Mucleauone. --agaNarra Tribune. “fin-v; used thrée bottles ot your MINARD'S LINIMENT and am coma pletely cured. ' _ t l Tyi- gingham J.? on and»; itt the "ant“ "LiGiiiir0iatiroiirii -. -. 'ne'rlm thMcum-ooldl-mm A very singular wedding was that ot the celebrated beauty. Elizabeth Gunnlng. who marriqd we _ Dub? . ot Hamilton. The duke imigtod on being married the very evening on which he proposed. and, as the law pamltta] thls than. it was actually done'. So Are never-failing causes of dim. At this season of the year Martina. toothache and a. host of similar disease. are rampant. Tho great question. then, " to tind the R,terf/ apron ind most economical remedy. ’olson'u Marvi- line one? tuh them requirements. It in prompt. a chant. and most economical. for it exceed. in power every known remedy. and h as cheap at interior articles. A 10 out "mplo homo willtfivo every person a chum-s to test lt. Largo bot a only 25 can“. tirxsatGau thihaate y.r.tit more was Ho -tum, to get a wedding ring, and the bride was made a ditched by the help of a common curtain ring. Many - ago. when Baller and Inn Hamilton. the South Antonin cam- paigners. were both lieutenants. they Wore in the Baottlah highland: shoot.- lng. One day Bauer fell Into a muddy hole up to his neck. On being Failed out mmebody gave Ym n. big dr " ot old Baobab whiskey. Bullet tasted it ott with rollah, smackqd his lips and salt]: " Give Inc Mar and I’ll Jump In again." “can't you do something husband. doctor t" asked the wtte; "he seems to be w about money." “Don't be alarmed. madam.‘ and the physician, assuring relieve him of that." "I think so. The poor man has tae. en the children to three ell-cute. already thla week." - Indianapolis Journal. Pliny. Never tii,G thlng concerning the re titude at which you no In doubt; "Mm. De Jules. does your husband feel keenly his [allure to get the nom. ination t" " . . Miller's Worm Powders make the children healthy. " I. wonderful what strength ot pupa: and boldnall and one!” ot win no round by the assurance that In on do!” our dun-awn. mum's mum-ac Cum mum-r. Mini-I'd? Llnlment Cure- Diphtheria. ard, "$3513. -ii"6ifiiiif itiigs. BEAT AND COLD Blotting Out Remembrances. Married With Curtnln Ring. Beds are Source In Russia. ggix2f, k! A THIN COMMUNITY. A Temperance Stony. A )lonnrous Pun No Need For How’s This ? Alarm ; tor III! e 2111wa worrying Ir; I'll On. his homeward voyages the Shah ot Per-la paid a visit to the Cathe- dral of Cologne. According to the rite: ot his mummy His Majesty is not ale lowed to take his hat of! while vu. iting any church. and a trpecial per- mission had to be granted by the Vatican, which was secured by tele- graph. 'Die Shah entered the dome. uccompanipd by his tgrtutdoeyiertutd ministers. in all ten persons, and dur- ing him inspection the cathedral was closed to the public. He unnamed about an hour and showed great in- terest in the magnificent architec- ture and the rich windows. She Expected Too Much. "Look here, sir." exclaimed the mai- tten lady. "I want you to take back that parrot you sold me. I find that it "ream very badly.“ "Well, madam," replied the dealer. “It's a very young bird: it'll learn to swear more perfect. when lt'i u. bit olden" Green Ceylon and India Tea, whlch I. now being introduced into Canada, in the well-known packages or the "BALADh" Tea Company. has got one great advantage over Japan Tea; and that is, while It ll of the sump navor and the same light col- orlng liquor, " la very much "rome er and absolutely (no from aduitt'ran' tion, which prncUcaily nu Japan tea ls. Ceylon Green Tea is and ln the sealed Lead Packets of the “SAL- ADA" Tea Company. and is always fresh and fragrant as well as health- ul. Comes nod bring-s with it aching corn; Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor never falls to remove earns romptly, funky-sly and with nhoointo "if,'(t'elii'i'i1: Try ’umun‘u Corn Ex. tractor. Sure, a e, painless “You." she sighed. "I was away for a while thuaummer-out in. the coun- try. But what’s the use t" - 'j‘thi don't know. I Ttttty-tt little. But I hadn't been home two weeks before my tan was all gone." Miller‘s Worm Powders tor sullow skin; old or young. The Mule of the Unenllghtened. "Did you wad J1btmer's pawn, called ‘Womnn's Timhl Touch' Y' .. .Woman's Tlmld Touch?' on. say: there ought to be a law to prevent bachelors from writing poetry about women."-Chieago Record. "in'; 3"" irc; -rpiiiUGiued. "Oott't you think you teel any better than you did P' . -- _.. .. -'uiid Ewan; but I was very strongly egg“! oft turatn-by the electors, Phew '."-9udy. __ ulmrd'l Lianne-1t. Caren Gal-got 1n Con. It In the peculiar faculty of fools to discern the fault.» of others at the same time they forget their own.-- Cicero. He Had. "Hello. old chap. I thought you had been 988510! to [lama for l‘arllament by soiiF relatiym NEW TREATMENT M HAY FEVER Immunity from this Dreaded Disease no Longer Requires. Change or Air and Climate. Sunbur- can now be Permanently Cured In their own homes by . Hay Fever in many localities is rampant at thin reason and fasten! its clutches upon the unfortunate sufferer often without wtrrtting.t'so distressing are its consequences. often fatal, that for years scientists not! I peciallntl have iiiii,kgt'gShr,'W; a cure. T heir ohorvatlons rhow the y ever ls caused by a {articular form man about in the air, w lob tinds math {hour We: of the heed and lung: oe no ME people. To can In] ever the ttrat thing ot mm 1000th germs from the new but the about he?! so deeply mam the minute Sr,gtffg the luau. bronchial tubes. rm. cw. lb" are not one: to much. And t ordinary eoriatitutioottl remedies, therefore. utterly Nil. Here the new ind greet (nude Conn-b ozone come- torward. It In carried directly to ell the enacted tt'e,Vd', the It I“ breathe Sittf,tttrtt a itidd nine. Moone- of the amt e being removed by “OATM- OZONI." mum to eble ton-en hen-IL and on 020199th tram ”motion- ot my Fever h 1y tor C,iiiiiiit bu " cAraRRBozoNE " a to“: action in ta my. but when inhaled it in Mr MM into the circnlstion sud not! an n didn- tttttde 198t2lt'g Tgala/gli', "" It III “on. uni-WEN” 't,i,iiiii'jiii: thrle itd 8l'l'l'l't, to? tttiiiifrriii' may inihiumrtomphth ' Comma-n tion, and nb-olutoly 011% an” 'ieadl'l'll'llt nmmltis. Asthma. and lug ova. GATARnBOZONE in I [annual and that than gust-anon [MO]!!! and. all if Shnh Wore "h "at in Church Miller’s Grip Powders cure Emma's Vroom BACK- AC H E If you have Bunch. you have Runny Disease. If you neglect Blanche it will develop into t'gt','t,i.T worse-Bright s Dir use or iabeles. There is m use rubbing and f.'ttntgiyte back. Cure, th, 'ridne s. era in only one kidney meglcine but It cures Backache every time- Dodd's Kidney CATARRHOZONE. o produce "M: the first time management THE SUMMER 'E. - "m""of ure- i,,l2lu',l',glil 'd. r gre W at? 0M. the Wasted Efforts Lutttneett dramatist “Mm-sac l MW. in” tun-imam!“ pout NH in ot ’ir'hom' 'ToT’m'" Tahqt fthe duet-e- you can 'itre,s FkFiiWrt1! 'it' , r'i'i4?l, c ot Ga Amerie Jacob Colds mils ls short "goola,' l, under Lin. - " DEPENDEST ore woMrr.N " Well, dad," "Pd tho prodlgal son. flippantly. "wouldnt you better go out and kill tho famed call now 1'" " Yes, [gun I would," returned tbs old man. slowly. " Om cult to enough to keep at. a tutse."-Harperu' Baur. Home others may without doubt M Iron Pills are the b A little coughing is nothing o-the tickling, that makes you cough once, is some dust; not the least harm. You scratch an itch, and forget it. This cough is scratching an itch.' But the cowah, that hangs on and comes hack. is a sign of an itch that hangs on and comes back. There is some thing that makes that itch. Oil. Stop it with SCOTTS EMULSION of Cod Liver issued tif-Keir 'Exponi-m of a'pploa will be furnished with Mot mm attte" steamers and other information, by applying to at a. I. snunnuwowru. "BOW PARK" nun. Bum-1330. on. _ W. w. "was, "H Meal“ “mt. Menu-0d. will and to chemo-um of." Ghamation: a germ; it's alive ; like a seed in moist warm ground; it will grow if you let it, even in children. The Largest Handlers of Apples in the World. Slmons. Shuttlcwortll & Co., Simon. he“: a C... Ouch. Jacobo C Co., Liverpool. England. (Elm. 8m. laud... w. Prooeoda of sales are promrlly rnumtpd try tbu.. Full and accurate “at Wu In issued trl-wqekly Egoorzvfi o . unmet .will, be furnished with mute: mm In;- of eonniainGitaGiaa, iarihi, than turned ttrims Samoa! which at1illtv'tr.tuod. drove. for nous-g ' , I V v " Bhia or mono! the guest: Portrausnt wot-nu. Write " w, , lt& > . B?, Eg W123 'att1i,e"pueht,.'""gttdt'gtgft1i,f: 'ill '-J5P. - 1:313:an money. and we mu send the pd... you 2dlt THE ROYAL ACADEMY PUBLISHING CO., new uncut In - To R ox-ro. 'Take SCOTT'S EMUL- SION of Cod Liver Oil. and the germ will die. A A ". I K - - ¥ ‘ F aeit2t) 'rgitBits,, F «m iiali' r' Iiig I. IWi “a r %§:: ', , , ' (tGet: 'ld 'ctrMt ' - ' , Ama:. R; td " = 1iralM - , ' ig, 9't'S " am %itl ‘ ~ Itil a ' Fr ' i mfg. “f" fy, Li I B - " . A ' . El iittailEiia2tE , w - - P, - I . EtU a rXiRi2iBl V "1 t Bi , A”. Ci . q - hi _" ENI _ f a: thi 5 5%. '_", L,' - x v lil liFt ht E s " l ll we , Il%k" igillll ‘, , , r . ' IlMllrtatai r it? w 'ai We lunguit pubmhod a beautifttloil portrait of we _ " , ta l Queen. in! colon. an: 12 x 9, ready for fuming. A. ' 7 ‘ 'llElB, ' 4 " e can ”not: will yum omen! than imuruittoont work- - . “My!” . ". , Mart. '" would [use you to rcpt-Menu “I. We give p” , ' “ " IN " you your choice or , " I .. 36 VALUABLE PREMRJMS. ' iliNi Il' ” ‘ motwhich amfittwrtmtod shove. so: an" T, m " rr ‘ w 't,'U,,eg,tft,et/ir.'tlt, PJg,"il1ttg,2". cents. Wm 9: ~15» M " B. I eet.etf, '.'d'2Ph' ','a,'g,'h',U""la' an. '.'eJ,'e:9Aiy, _. i “V " Queen. in " colors, tsix? ovary per-on will want of at. we would like 5". you your choice of SCOTT A. BOWNE, n iieprg, not tried it, send tor . all]: c, m lune-bl: taste will surprise Don 'f Cough 1 ', lawns. Chemists, got. and $1.001“de Prudlgal’s t Mrlle the best t of Met, tl In many wa: less detox-mu a Englishm and thll in when‘ one u traveller. of Choice n banana o E 9. will] to a of that am so reprewnl be “not! which 'e In a gen- lea bellow good. bu Common , f , I WWI MID a “a " rule ,3 : tn,iiiEii'i,i',l'iihirilriil, foam. It“. Toronto '"l'fa"d"t'llat','Tl,h'fMlrlhflh"& Tm- lportmitl . fuming lament! In. W. Tho New Che-lied ComMPd' comic! M" am tttrert"nnAtfrp, “on" mm Jtc lathe B." and 86¢..me in. hunt. ”that“. F 'het 3""éu'n THANKSGIVING DAY. Mt. Excursion Fares. -eey"V -- -i--"" a...“ banner“. PM mum " ocll Bee-, a" M Bladder Dual iiiiii/Grar-1etf"etty.,1'.L"f',", SINGLE [HIST-CLASS FARE BETWEENALLBTATIONS IN CANADA. , " W I. - a and In. and? an. "" "a. lick. - m. ".. may“ was. tta., mu. It. - It. cr.. M "%tt6Mth. ling-II!!!“ MI. " tttttatt-t_-et "t-.rmMo. Kr., Ind loci. $1.. “to.“ his. tr., and “up.“ In... In. Good “In: Ort. ttth and Fth. valid return- ing from dentin‘upn on or before Oct. 22nd. I”. or [armor rucullu Apply to any Agent of m Gum! and mu"! unkem- - COACH KoWutt1. about II - Nut Weight from 1.10 to I.“ - be sound Again to exceed I you". ply It once. P E Rt? o N A L-KNOW THY FUTURE. Bend dime mp. birthday. lhmc quen- Um. Abound] truthful Mal hum-capo mailed. Complete life rt.,t1'yr.". A. Chum. as Fauna _ Brooklyn. N. . We belle" In “who Ind mullahs. Every foot or the Front Fenre wide-for". Send for our 1”) expanded wounded-lb (at tttq but Snu- d Fax-ha. Amt: waned. Till FROST WIRE FENCE 00. {Lil-MD. Walla-i. 0n. Rib-W 7751 3:5,...“ "iiiai "‘ Trctoued. owner. limit. It. [03m Chanson Tom-mum In! Contact. 0nt.; good but: culunuon : soul. t'ttutr. loan: we“ vat/cred. good (one-n. fume . inn. Muffin”. school M. in“. about. .14 mile. 4Ndtterld P. O. ft mile, Chalk-m IL i'riar.] m. pang mum... Write. A.A. All” ttta or umou-me- M In It In Send to sum “Pb debug.“ torwratt_ttiUttotth. 'riiliirgi0kiGrici'iiiiriGimiiGGTaa Cainiiho'lil 14min. Oett 1.100 m level when land. mum Bod Rim mm... N. Ds. tee?rth Rs 0.919.919! FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. One of the and In (11mm Mann. a Winona, " a“. from tem, a two lul- wnn. 170m “(which I. In In“. and) reaches. It” W of ftmitoomt'r you“ Insignia.” wttttt-HMttoe.to.tirtt pm This In a Wu. Aldu- JONATHAN CARPENTER. P.0. Box - Who... on. PERMANENTLY CURID BY " ms Kline‘s am: New. Rm. No ttta or uorvou-me- CM In! W. of the . Al york! r give Egaam’w’ -. ISSUE NO 42. "TAVPS. 2",gtttpN,11 “locum-or B' odd amp] win and it their mm o ettrreqpond with P.0. Bott . W.“ can autumn“ an auto , You all“ tatt 'rttt!ort "I?! Wanted to Purchase. FARMS FOR BALE. - . iiiiFi VDNSYPLLLLL 7lt Bum - inc%aos. DtatetrA W Atom ALEX. lit-mum. Wind-arm William“ iiinhl. ore ‘E (il, 3 Fr: Re mu: lion and oou DC node to it new can!" Ind n he they no“ on char tern .. W“ can If" ‘91 Do ctagt Une " Win “It: ”Ci Ill! and in - but“ bud no." of t T char. ovum and 1 Mn th. h in. H In.“ qtttclt ter w too: One! chum Ttte have or DO! - Ttttat m An: crow not! MINI! " M4 h we of thl (run will h C out: nor kn or non " tt we: He r corn. wont wan can “In Vern-J ll “I! in tur M1 thet ten all; " ll

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