M| 3. AÂ¥AÂ¥.. EIXUNTTTPER wishes to all a Ghee Whiz Chocolate 3 Ib. mix Candy for Dark Candy Peppermint Candy Conversation Lozenges Carraway Candy, &c. 300 Doz. Valencia ORANGES at llc.a doz. 1200 lbs Dark CANDY at 7c reams ; nof . en = y * bes b2 2RX J\ Ao N F $« 0 i4 2g2427 WITH CHRISTMAS comes the season of Gift Giving. Custom has made it so for ages past. The parents of the housekholds buy for their children and the children buy for their parents. The young man looks for a suitable gift for his young lady and so on The Big Store has made very extensive purchases in every department of the Store and would be only too pleased to show Xmas Buyers through our stock. It is no trouble here to sro0w Goods. No matter whether you buy or rnot come in and see the stock. There‘s plenty of room and light by day or night and we guarantee quick and courteous service. The followâ€" ing goods are a few of the many bargains we are offering. "The early bird gets the worm." Coufectionery E@Aristmas @Grecetings s* pkg 150 li. 15¢ o i8 * 35 TELEPHONE NO. 16 ii iD. r5¢ J. A. HUNTER, = = = The Big Store segeamgemreteinar “ Th % s s e 5.00 Lo. MRs. .\s.*'g A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR T0 ALL. Choice Lemons a5zedoz. 2 lb tin Christie Wafars 25c Catsup 1@« bottle Shelled Almonds zoc 1b 6 Ib. Figs for 250 2} lb. Raisins for 25¢ Dark Reown Baking: Sugar Christies choice Biscwits Mince Meat, Sauces, &c. See our stock of initiated Handkerchiots in Ainen and Sitk. Atso the targe range of ALadies‘ Aase Handkerchic!s from &e to 75e each. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT TT Gzeceries TXE BIG STORE HW)en‘s Braces, Coltars and VYeck CGicz (peâ€"Uoâ€"ate Atways. stock of 01[ Fal China Salad Bowls 250 each: Men‘s Moustache Cups 35¢ Children‘s China Cups and Saucers 15¢ eaeh Children‘s Mugs §e : + Chitrma Pitchers, fancy 20 tw»35 Hanrdsome 10 piece Bed Room Set for (Atrer Sets at $2.5 TE Dishes o E5 w empypeommpeniin en i 18 $2. 50, i WtbA hop on w U prices, Collarettes,, Cagerines, Hide £2:0.00 Men‘s Wombat Coats _ 18. 00 ** Persian Lamb Caps 7.00 * Beaver &. Astrachan Caps _ 2. 50 Women‘s FurCoatsâ€"al} .‘:'( CB4 xp__;‘ mm enmpicoum n ‘x Men‘s Fur Coats. Calf J Furs : and Caps ‘rink onty Kiï¬ FJapan S$/. 00 each. Yiopr Y}ulfters from 15e to Parcels Delivered in Town > Y o9 i( fJapan CGea. Its the very best. We imported 2400 !bs. of it. Price E5e a 16. 4E * Clothing ;': s ‘...- : omcs e ie ‘e‘ ;’: t Boys‘,.& Men‘s Pea Jackets Men‘s Wisters, Sanford‘s Men‘s Fine Blk Overâ€" conts, velvet collar 811. 00 Men‘s Dark Grey Walking Ciat, velvet collar 7.50 Rea®" zo per cent Discount on clothing this month. Make . _ Men‘s D+. B. Suits $7. 50 for . n.; & 20th 'entury 19001 pers, fur trimmed §1.135 A Basketful of narrow toe shoes at 4 price. Boots §3.530 Mean‘s Felt Gaiters *25 **_ Fancy House Slipâ€" pers 90c a pr. Babies‘ Felt Boots 35¢ pr.. Women‘s Felt Juliet Slip~ ThE Boots 7.R 7P P 1k ME JC o t Mess eenieer j 4 > . d * t oo t tm forvl n w mc m e my * + 96 ioi fpr mm TT LCIETIRET CA Men‘s Long Rubber Toh 22. mm c. a lb. x7 C M advertising & ness. Here is mistake; adve but a part of : the buving at £1 SOMETHIN: Gray have s «f Moving P are ex th M ticor Fixs WIXI quick if you nicest dmurj The Big Stor Claus driving «tion of hun the past weel Bovent Mr. â€" Stewar furi f1 ly bumilding 1 We thauk who have the last wer have had > large numt closes next ] in the new « OT B5c¢c. ordinary Pipers, M McDonald. secure res Ho For Camp bhays« Date Dec. Tus Bax been leased : boys, and w geive the lo The band bs late and ar the Mr. W CABI the t) 60 V m & M music LHC" Miss Ada 1 Mazel M« numbere. gave an ir organ wh Binnie occ while Suy and his #t to have th VOL e price J nlage Mr AU EKK th H n