of bf ’own. nod an follows. ' l of " ll. R. I l ot " G. ti. 6 can g E. G. It. It] iota 51nd Immom gun]- . '9.0o;W. Dot. ELG. It, $11.50 on ' “I 8 con 2 mg and Invoi- .55 IA. Dimer 03.60 l Jocgph 3E.2a, ; W. lino "oo; . con. lo 014.50 , 03.60 l Joseph g cool $4.87 Jar. Du. 2 500:1an I 3E.25¢ ; W. w tho nan-uter- be adortod nud >0 be “opted Ind rm. and that the ot " for propu- tho report of the a now rend be an". on the "on and". nonunio- 'u put“! to warned nine sbo J. 8. Black. " " hnie. " Monday tho IT mat to uljoum- It. Tho Financial and ORGANS mood and Wil NON. all Wagons, -At the mi- ,hor. Mr. John he a. 1909. by =--At tho tea- ther. Mr. Don. n " is can rec muons. lustom- nerally 1e Cash Sash or at our ofits." to Doe 15 III a; 'ur. on: u-mhip to NIE. d 7 PR' [Iddmonal Locals aryl Parsonus For Caretaking of the PJr,',l'rlgie, .Al.u to an. ,to Church PP! p C. RAMAGE. Beer. Bd. ot Managers. (The foregoinx letter is anc-pimile of Queen Victor-ink Letter to Miss Jessie N.Maclachlan. written by H. R. H. Princes: Louise, at Her Majesty’s request.) His. Mnclnchlau, 'will appear n the Sons of Scotlnnd concert in the Town Hall Durham, on Feb. 8, along with Mr Buchanan. Fax. and others watch for further agtttouneementg. Badman! Cutie, Oct IO, lah?.. The Queen has desired Princess Louis. to write and tell Miss Maeinrhltus, how much pleased she [bu been. to have heard her ling. Her Majesty admired both her voice. and method of singing. and was delighted with the Scottish and (belie Song. Mm Inclachlnn, will receive n hmclot sent from Balmoral. which is A present to her from The Queen, which Her Majesty, hopes she will keepin remembrtsnre other vial: there. Many thanks to your husband. for hnving sent me his charming song. THF. LATE Mas JAs. ALLAN.- - On l Thursday last at the ripe like of 86. there passed away Mrs Allan, Sr., wid. ow of the late Jan Allan, and mother! of principal Allan of this town. and of; Messrs John. James, David and Wrn.i Allan. of Egremont. She WAS " woman of a. strong constitution and threw otfi a serious illneru it few years ago. but] has now succumbed to the grim reaper» after a cou)pnrativelyWrief illness. She i with her husband came to Egremonti about co years ago. and were widely] known and respected for many honor-i able and hospitable qualities. and both l lived to see their family take positionsi of trust in various walks in life. Shel wss buried on Saturday from her son i' Wm's residence. and rests in _Maplerood I cemetery beside the remains of her, husband who preceded her 17 or more; years ago. I Carta, Grip Tahlnts will cure n cold quit-k. 'A3e a box at MacFarlane‘s. A TrtR.cr.---The "Canadian Jubilee Singers and Imperial Orchestra" gave one of the best musical treats ever hard in Durham in the Methodist church on Monday night. The church crowded and uncut loo turned away, speaks vol- umes for their good reputation. The singing and the playing were listened [ to with delight, the tenor soloist. C. H. l Francis being especially good. Madame Duran. Niprano soloist had to respond four tunesto encores. to one piece. the "llnntunan's Ilorn" being especially good. Her voice showed wonderful power. up to high p, or C if not higher l. and under perfect, contrcl. It is safe to‘ may we will need our new hall when they come this way again. $95 was' realized. SERIXADED. --How nice to he a auc- cesaful candidate! On Thursday even- ing the hand boys in unfavorable weather drove round to the residences of the successful candidates and played a few times its a recognition of thetr victor r. Gentlemen you are honored-- to he the first council of Durham, in the first year of a century. which promise to see a great step forward, in civic mi- portance. is something to be proud of. The band boys thought so. Dont forget the band. MACLACHLAN AND FAX. Plan of the Reserved Seats for the great Sons of Scotland Concert on Friday Fab. 8, in the Town Hall, will he opened on Sat- urday. Jan. 19, at, MeFarlane'.s, Drug Ntore. Read the Queen's letter in this issue. Tm: Sermon Botwrt.-We somehow Jon week omitted all reference to the trustee election. MessreGrant, Moran and Cauaon, were elected by acclmnub ion for the North East and w, Wards respectively. DI Gun. Mr Wm. John- ston and Dr Wolf are the other members. Try Baby's Cough Cure for the little ones. at MacFa rlone‘s. Congmtulntions to the Modal-d Noni tor on mulling a now dress and Malag- ing. Since Mr. Bynater not control I great improvement has resulted and this now move will still further gratify the Monitor a count ituency. Ntmcat.---The, account of all persons owing Dr. Burd no at MucFarlano's Drug Store. A settlement in requested to an expcme. J, Burnett is on the boards with n good wholmle .tine--Ree nd. Cums Comm Conn will stop that cough. At MaeFarhsne's Drug Store. LETTER FROM THE QUEEN. Honey 10e I. lb at the Big 4. We wish our {much u Uppy "mil proa- vpomul New Year and we will cndetvor to ser" them better for 1901 then we did In 1900. , VOL. TENDERS WANTED. Ch L. GRANT. . NO. on Rev. Jars. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs Ross, and Hugh U. McLean. Rev. Messrs Little, Chatsworth. Gra- ham Dornoeh, and Matheson Priceyille, attended the funeral of the late Rev. Chas. Cameron. Others attending were Messrs McGill Chatsworth, Neil and John McKinnon and a. numberof others from Priceville. Mr. Smith. Br. Dor. noch, and a large representation from the Rocky, Relatives present were Prof. Cameron. Toronto and sister Mm. Parker Alvineton. children of the late Rev. Mr Mngwond. of Holstein. ex- changed pulpits with Rev. me Smith. wholsa upecnalist in S. S. Work, for his S. S. Anniversary in Holstein Mr. Magwood preached two excellent ser- mons here. Mr. R. D. Little, o. Sound, on old friend of Mr T. Turnbull'. spent New Years with hun. He was accompanied by Mrs Cobain and Miss Cobain. Mt Forest. who were returning home. Miss Mary Ewen, who was home to Moist at her sister‘s wedding, will re- turn to Toronto. in a. couple of weeks to relume her duties. there. Mr. Honry Muir. Allan Park, is mow ing this week to Galt, there he repre- sents the Frost & \Vcod ttrm, His wife left Tuesday morning for her new home. Prof J. H. Cameron, of Toronto, Univer-ity cumenp Saturday. to Visit friends and attend thefuneml of his uncle Rev. Chas Cameron. Mr Hicks. teacher. left Monday morn- ing to take a. position In a. High School. Miss Lick, B. A. is now in charge of his share of the work. Mrs and Miss Shier. of Woodham. are spending a few days with their relatives the Spar-ling families and the farmer's son Mr Geo. Shier. Mr, Arch. Galbraith, left Tuesday morning for Chicago to take a two months' course. before proceeding to Montana. Mr. and Mrs John Black. returned on Monday front Che-slay. We regret to hear Mrs Black's father, is seriously ill. M r and Mrs Scott, Manitou, Man., are spending a. week or two with the former's mother Mrs McIntosh. in town, Miss Mcl'orunick, of Bentinck. was the guest ot' Mrs. Geo. Meikle the begin- ning of the week. Mrs and Miss (‘umphelL \Valkortnn, spent a few days as guests ot Mrs Turn- hull last week. Miss Lizzie Fee, of Normanhy. was the guest of Mrs. Leavens the latter part of last week. Miss Hattie Watt left Wednesday, thean inst. for Chicago, there to re- main for a time. Mr MeAndrew, C. O. C. F. organizer is in town Lhis week in the interests of the order. Mr Dewar. of the bank. in away for a two weeks' holiday at his home in Toronto, Mr Norman McRae, in home from the school of Pharnmcy. for a few days holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Little. of Var-nay. are atten ding a wedding in Thox'nhury. Mr and Mrs Spears, Foversham visit- ed over Sunday. at Mr Latimer's. MI-Brnd Jamieson returned to Un- ivoraity work in Toronto. Mists Grier, of Priceville, no a guest at Dr. Hutton’s this week. Miss Com Derby left Tuesday morn- ing for Hamilton. PEROONAL MIN TION- Mr b ted Anderson, in home at, present spending a, holiday. 'tthah Mtt of SHEWELL & Iilllijillhli I! Call $7tetseerttuth, 8otirrited. SHEWELL & LENAHAN. Special attractions for the Christmas and New Year’s trade. . Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. Masha 3trerrs Wow your o Geo. Rios. C. c., has reason tofeel road of the m nifieent v . . blv Itegt and 2t"g,ti'ialf,Bii Iii, has ttl Rigid in Dal-hag fd'denaheit',e ew, t oug , overs. ecomes'55 s on o our tow . tops the list with 1477. nsman. McKlnnon, who COUNCILmns Tob'y II. Hill A. Pk. Han. Wd. L'sh Lo t ' Adlam 32 39 53 9 46 'll' Elm: 'ttl Cronin 42 5 10 17 35 8t 35 228 Emke 1 1 13 7 41 23 63 149 Hume 9 7 17 15 23 51 27 149 Hobkirk 14 13 26 4 30 27 16 130 Leslie 9 " 51 75 47 20 24 237 Our thunk: are due to Clerk Campbell (and Donald McLean) for fall returns from this township. Popular Duncan McLean heads the list once more, his fellow councillors being Leslie, Cronin, and Torry. The tie between Torry and A. Wilson was decided by Clerk Campbell as above seeing this district had no representative. In the County contest MoKinnon as was expected take: a tremendous The figures " we have received them are " follows ; Co. Com. Ritchie‘s Glen Wlgdale, Mek'zie Tp, Hall Total Brigham 98 8 28 15 29 178 McKinnon 189 153 162 130 186 820 Rice 39 28 12 36 24 134 GLENELG. l‘ Possibly vrrors may havocrept into some of out The contest for the Reeveahip was again very exciting. and this tune the 1900 i Sigdvgigtl-d? careful as possible. Bentinek, llano majority of 5 for Jae. Staples was reversed to a majonity of 18 for Thos McFad- , 'l'0lt0N1'O den. We congratulate Mr. McFadden on reaching the rceyeship after many l . . l . l d l . years service m the council of his township. The small majorities of both men I werAetr,1t'l,2giveii,mj11ni,"nt,t,')p1e lee): '13:: show that they stand about equal in the estimation of their. fellow rate-payers. : Spence and Rowland. A 'mo“ disgraceful desert Thos. Davie. an old municipal servant. will be honestly gratified to find that " , made on Friday lact by the News and the Mad and ter several years out of the fight, he still has the tmnfidanetr of his township and ’ ite on Howlandrlest Spence. s Liberal. should win is returned only second to Geo. Arrowsmith who is one of Glenelg's favorites. _ ov6r 4000 mNorlty, The fate of the by-law was a foregone conclusion, not so much from the luck of appreciation of ill necessity as from the undeiursbility of Increasing town ob.. ligations It present, and not a httle from the lack of hulls u to construction. me. de with which tt was hunched. Mr. Gore line two years ago crept into the council with only 2 votes to spore : this year he jumps in near the heed of the list being only 8 votes behind Living- stone who 2 years ego was at the top also. but with M above Gorsline. The men who receive such on endorsation have e greet responsibility, and we hove no doubt they will be worthy of their support. and that in company with Mr. Cal. der and the res: of the new council, there will be a harmonious working for the interests of the town in this first year of the new century. ‘ DURHAM. The contest tor the meyorelty in Durham was of unusuel interest, end hes been a surprise to many. Quite unexpectedly end at the eleventh hour, Calder ep- peered in the field, and the race between him and his old opponent. Leidlew et once drew attention. That Calder hes won being 8 deys out of town during the week, is under the circumstences. ysry flattering to him, as it shows e municipal eonfidenee in him as chief magistrate that few possess. Without doubt, Mr. Leidlew‘s advocacy of the unpopular Town Hell by-lew. cost him votes while Calder in turn wee strengthened by the ectiye advocacy he has giyen of late to the proposed new Cement industry. but oyer all this it must be conceded. is the deep- seeted belief that Calder has few equals in municipal ability, end thet his handling of town taffairs in the pest wee both crediteble to himself and profitable to the town. in public life. Never WI! . more agreeable day for voters. Reuombly mild, good Ilelghing and lots of good cundidntu to ohoou from. The interest ' than that the pubN or. alive to their municipal interests and though Iome ofthe "good men" must be left " home, the closeness of the run in some instances leads to warinoas The yote by wards in no follows '. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, iiitE WilsonWI. 1 COUNCILLOR Arrowsmith 107 Beacon 23 Dans 155 Falkingham 60 McCannel 90 McInnis 40 Sullivan 41 Run: McFadden Staples 'ttlm. Calder, Mayor for 1901. By-law. FOR 12 AGAINST 44 COUN. Arrowsmith 16 Coraline 4t; Guthrie. 33 Hunter " Livingstone 38 MacFarlane 44 W helan 33 Calder Laidlaw Co. Com. McKinnon Brigham Rica 73 10 MAYOR N. Wd. "tmapa, Contests. flre.AG- Iced: in the County Contact. 113 70 TOWN BALL BY-LAW DEFEAT“). 78 15 51 33 47 as 44 33 ijii,l 66 33 l 3 32 31 23 32 61 37 47 BENTINCK. 97 E. Wd. W. Wd. 47 83 50 66 115 39 13 28 79 50 Gt', 77 64 44 37 1 1 35 24 81 46 " 16 77 Majority against 24 18 26 69 18 51 30 105 93 94 1 18 (39 U8 170 47 52 17 29 3 3 take! a tremendous vote, 32 l2 26 39 73 67 _iibtijji'ttti). Total 162 147 74 230 182 199 233 Ith) 195 68 165 .97 21 351 137 55 75 277 182 180 132 307 294 141 149 149 130 237 273 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Jas. Allan 721 P. Dickson 63r A. Schenk 27 Peter Dickson, as reeve seemed to be invincible, but against the redoubtable "Jim Allan," he has fallen by a big minority. Mr Allan, took a wonderful vote in his own Township nearly equal- ling Schenk, who had a township to himself: The figures for the Division are " follows '. heading the poll. Mr Wm. McFadden has again got there, and his experience will be utilized. For a first run Walls shows up well and we predict will make an excellent councillor. Reeve : D McQueen, [accl1 ARTEMESIA. Councillors: D.McIntyre. 361 ' Reeve, D. McTavish, (acclj. Coun- C. W. Robb, 348 cillors. Boyd, Gibson, Muir, Thompsnm Wm, McFadden 295 -------- _--------- J. W Walls 283 County Council Dir. No 1.--Gordat The others running were Durrant and Dovlv leaving Frost in tlw cold 269, Hunter 207, Harsburgh 144. ( Di , lid tl " ' M Do ald ia Congratulationsto friend McIntyreon o,',,'),"::?,? J.--." eaibiNi e mu an g The contest for the reeveahip resulted in the return of Dr. Menus over Mr. , H. H. Miller by about. 60 majority. The council ore Ala-em. Ball, Frock and I Hellman. The following is the result of the County vote: . . i No 1 No 2 Total McKinnon 4 4 8 lBrignam 78 81 169 me. 180 193 878 ; Possibly errors may have crept into some of our figuo. We 1 . - lorud to be as careful as bossible. Bentinek, Hanover, Durham, $313,233ch are verified, We have been unable to get the re- turns by wards, but thanks to Clerk Allan, we learn that the council for 1901 will consist of Reeve : I) McQueen, [accl] Councillors I D.Mclntyre. 361 Almost a. provincial interest attached to the mayor-11y contest here. There were 5 candidates running, but the struggle narrowed down to two, Mom-s. Spence and Howland. A most disgraceful desortinn of exMuyur Shaw Matr made on Friday but by the News and the Mall and Empire. who left him to un- ite on Howhud, lest Spence. I Liberal. should win, liowlund is the victor thh Cocmry Comm. Brigham 24 McKinnon 90 McKinnon over Ries, 255 Brigham I 37 McKinnon 351 Ries 55 Ities, Recapitulation of Co. vote in Division no 3, by ttiunttripalities ' Durham Glenelg Bentinck Hanover '11 km 137 3 78 537 159 an n Egremont Normanby TI EGREMOXT 4U 241 140 952 ikt "' 81 Mo over Brigham. 466 979 77r 172 28 HANOVEI " Tenders are uked for the work re- quirod in the oonumction of a Presby- terian Church " Domoch during tha' tgutntnerof190t. Plans and 'speed) tions opz-n for inspt-ction It the office of Dr. Smith. All tenders†be in before Jonunry 14th. Lowest or any teadér not mmrily noccptud, By order BUILDING COMMITTEE. born. 4 you: aid. Apply to cuiG may. Durham. Div. No. 5-91eAtthur and Watson. (new Wil liscroft. Reeve, Robl. Morice, (ml). The council reported elected are Gardiner, Glebe, Heipel and Koenig. ARTEMESIA. Reeve; D. McTavish, (accl). Coun- colors, Boyd, Gibson. Muir. Thompson: Font tuga...-A good "rticeoue blocky as; 298 655 NOTICE TO CONTRAC'R DRS. 95 56 A large stock of Clothing of the best quality and the lowest prices. WHOLE N O. 1190 Total Vote 187 ill as NORMAXBY. C. L. GRANT. mover Total 159 a 101 l h' ariii477 373 1222 Vote - - 3710 Ries over Brigham3 2tr '.h', Ao I? 655 "98 in"