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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jan 1901, p. 1

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ustom- nerally he Cash ash or at our tin 'mM is cur and I In a briol visit m ill Hy Ind and in week. ow You'- "' for min to npond tho will ha much miss- ith all. ville, in yililiug it and other friends Gnoluh. Vinita] his nioou. our. wont Xma- oon the old hono- of or .re " o is Zuni-g " Mr m. hnie. on. of Durham. and worth - Xmas n Ind beautr from l 3 party given " on Now You“: In. ronco of Durham. I Kati. Half-yd.- HNIE. aura-d homo [not [ conplo ot month- rliohigan. -- ta ulnaldo hone lliqan of Bond-ck. spent New You’- of McFayden anemi- '. in Fund“. laat tXmas s: the old visited than]: in ont upon: Sunday ofits." ya u we old homo. own. NON. M rs Wat Dodds and ORGANS mond and Wil ret l Wa Tons, $11 For Carotaking of the Presbrtotian Church. Apply, up to Jan. 18, to C.RAMAGE. Beer. Bd. of Managers. l.lLl.I.\.\' M. chVHR.w.-\ t'et'ettt, issue ofthe "Lake (Ionntv Hun". Mirhigan; contains it notire of the death of a for-, Inor reqdenf, of Durham. Lillian M. Bonner. She had lm-n long ill and‘ passed peacefully away Monday before i Christmas. The notice says. "She, wn: a bright. hopeful and proiniaingl girl just, on the threshold of woman~‘ hood. She had completed the course! given in our school and begun the work; of teaching. having taught seven weeks l, before her illness mine. Lillian was genial. loved by her many friends mull respected by all. She was A memherl of the M. E. Sunday School and of thel Epworth League, taking an activei part. in each. she was always ready and willing to do whatever hefoll her lot.i During her long illness Lillian wasal patient sutteter, oxhihiting the, spirit; The o. Sound says; "Every veal“ Greenwood cemetery id becoming an, attractive place for burial purposes and the number of in telmenls may there-, fur he expected to increase." Owrn, Sounders, may feel like (lying u get in-) toa pretty place. but wefeel "ate in“ saying the. (lo-sire is by no means; rmnumn. I WILL ItenctLir.--At the first meeting of llmmvur council on Monday night, Mr. D. Enechtel asked for a loan of 1.ir20,000 or n bonus of 'l0,000 with ex- mnptinn of taxes for 10 years as a can. ditiouof rebuilding. The council will lib-iv grant. the bonus. Another condition which the Village will likely accept, is that a Water. works system be secured. . fthe master whom she served in life and whom wher Mo’- sun was slowly gutting. the was resigned to trust her future with. She will he missed in our gatherings. .?J, Burnett is on the boards with a. good wholesale !ine_See ad. This is now the editorof the Humbolt (kan.) Herald reeertrly announced his marriage:--'). A. F. McCarthy. (that's us) and Miss Nannie Fisher (that 19 more of us) were united in marriatte on Wednesday. Julv 27th. at Io a. m. The ceremony was followed by a sumptuous repast. which we have only a faint re- collection of. Some way or other events seemed to crowd on each other then." S. Grey Agrieultursl Society heln a successful annual meeting yesterday. We thank Director Binnie for a. sketch of the business done, but it. must be held over till next week like Town Council minutes. 2m appreciative sketch of the late Ilev. Chas. (Bum-run by an intimate friend. and nther manor. wmeLAN--LAROE- In Toronto, at the residence ofthe hride's parents. Jan. 9th. 1900. by the Rev. J. H. Oliver. Mr J. P. Whelan. Hepworth. to 'darr Edith. eldest daughter of Mr Edward Large. Mrs. James \Vehber is suffering lrom the effect of an upset from a. cutter last, week. The hm 99 ran awny and the ac- cident, though it might have been fat worse, has given her a severe shaking up. Hope to see her make rapid recov- ery. Messrs J. & J. Hunter have got off the street and into the fine new store in the corner of the McIntyre block. They have now comfort and convoni- erwe to display their large, well..seleeted stock of general merchandise. Mr. Arch. McDougall was able to give this ott1ce a push for a couple of day. this week. The crush of joh work has kept us more than busy and a few of our mails are delayed a little. [There are still a. few unburihers. who we hope will profit and make us profit also by the suggestion referred to.- ED vaxnw.] Do you want hmgasinn and " the amine tirne snvo the out. of the Review? Read J. A. Hunter's ad. this week. f Seed." Alln another article as to distribution ot seed grain and potat on. A few loads of Methodist people and their fmends drove out to Mr r. Hutton'. on Tuesday evening, and held a. social, ' and enjoyable time was spent, mad th I Ladies Aid Treasury enriched. 1‘ TESTING sr.rr.D.-ts'till another move for the practical benefit or.farmers has been undertaken by oui. excellent governmont. Read the article in an- other column on "Testing the vitality BIBLE. socurTv,--Atutuat Meeting of Durham Branch Brit. and For. Bible Society will he held in the Presbyterian (thumb on Friday Jan. 25, at. 8p. m. and will he addressed by the ministers of the town. A Collection will be taken up at, the close. V Honey 11k Dont forget the Farmers' Institute [naming on Saturday next. Afternoon and evening, in the Town Hall. We wish our friends I heppy .md pros- ‘pemui New Year and we will endelvor to serve them better for 1901 then we did In 1900. VOL. XXIII. NO. 3 TENDERS WANTED. a lh at the C. L. GRANT. MARRIED. " l CoNorwruLA'rroNs---Verr hearty and (very lincere. will be extended by a . large number. the Review not leu than iany, to Mr and Mrs J. P. Whelan, who ion the 9th inst. as will he seen by mar- ', riage notice elsewhere, have been united gin Hymen's bonds. In “Hahn. in flioi- sphere as a teacher here and in (every true womanly capacity was 'vrocthy oi admiration, and Mr !\Vhelan. hyallls exemplary character 'end line business instincts was worthy ~ol’ her. The llrview wishes for the 'happy young couple many long and [happy years toguther. with all the success |ll life their merits deserve. On Wednesday, Jam 23rd next, John Dalglxsh. Lot 28, Con, 2, Bentinck offers for Bale, his farm, farm stock, impu- ments and furniture. preparatory to going West, 12 mos. credit, 7 per cent discount for cash. It is not given to children to under stand the full of hearts and darts in Valentine lore, but they can get a great deal of fun out of Valentine time. Lina Beard, the famous sister of the famous Dan Beard, shows them how they can do it with scissors and paste, Nearly twenty illustrations appears in her nrticle in the February DELINEATOR. The annual meeting of the Artetuesia Agricultural Society, was held in Ptice- ville, on the 9th. Owing to the had roads and the Farmer's Institute meet- ing hung held on the same day the attendance was small. The following Were elected officers, Zfor cull-out year. President I). Md'ormick. Ist. Vice. Prrs, J. Nichol 2nd. Vice Pres, D. McMillan Directors J. Hetnstock, J. Prawn. w. Mead, D. McLean, l). Harruv. J. Burnett, A. Muir, J. McArthur Stacy. and Treas. J. Brodie. Auditors, Dr. Bovle and J. McArthur. The Mill and 11th of Oct. was fix- ed as the dates of the fall exhibition. The Furniture Company here bu re- ceived two large orders for their goods. One from the Simpson Go. Toronto. the other from England. NoTicE.--The account of all potions owing Dr. Burd are at MaeFarune's Drug Store. A settlement is requested to nvo exponle. Miss Clara Brett Martin, a member of s law firm in Toronto has been cloc- ted to the city school board. Thin in tho 20th century lure. Cums Comm Com: will atop that cough. At MacFarlane's Drug Store. Oftiveps elected by the Durham Dis. .ict L. O. L. for the year 1901. W'm. Ritchie, (Ben) District Master Jas. Eden. Dep. Master. Geo. Aljue, Chaplain Time. Ritchie, Recording Sery. Wan. Ritchie (Glen) Trans. S. Caldwell, Fin. Secy. Thus. J, Watson. Lecturer. Wm. J. McFadden, Lecturer Henry Lawrence. Director of Cere- monies. 212m: gtttt pt SHBWELL tl LENAHAN of Call $Respttetfuttg &rtieited. t' ll I LDR EN'S VALENTINES DURHAM DISTRICT L. o. L. SALE REGISTER. SHEWELL & LENAHAN. Special attractions for the Christmas and New Year's trade. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A Shewell will'how be carried on in the new p1emises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. ANNUAL MEETING. HUGH MACKAY. Auctioneer. 'il3iitttrg, 3tumty View PM t l m. McLean, Burnett, McArthur bar The Annual Meeting of the shale holders of the Durham Furniture Co. Lim. will be held in the Town Hall, Durham on Wednesday Jan. 23, com- mencing at 7.30 p. m. The Meeting is for the purpose of receiving the Finen- eial Statement. electing officers and any other necessary business. D. Jlnnnsox. The Annual Meeting of the above Institution will he held in the Reading room on January Ei, at 8 p. m. County of Grey I Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to return you my sincere and hoarty thanks for the very gener- ous support which has elected me one of your Commissioners for this Division. Very truly yours GEORGE Rum. 77 The "Specimen letter" advertisement as to Listowol Business College on this page speaks for itself. Habermehl. Jan. lo, 1901. SERIOUS Arturstr,NT.-on Friday Inst Me S. Arrowwnil u, was unloading boxes from our to sleigh at the station, and in stepping down to the sleigh one foot slipped, and he fell on his side, on the mom of the doorway with great force. He managed somehow to drive the team over town, though the breath had been knocked out, of him. and on being taken home and Dr. Jamieson, summoned it, was found that several ribs had been de- tached front the Rack bone, and he had received an injury to the chest also. We trust he may soon be around. but " present he is a sufferer. Rev. Mr. McCulloch, Harristcn, will preach preparatory services in the Presbyterian Church here on Thursday evening at8, and on Friday afternoon at2.30. The Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be dispensed on Sunday next Mr Jas. A. wilson, son of Mt Noble Wilson, Boothville, is home at present. having been out in Regina. far some time. He inlunds Lo return before long as he thinks highly of the country. Miss A, L. Mckenzie, was presented last week, by her S. School class, with a henmiful pair of vases and china cup and saucer, as a reminder of association as teacher and pupils. Her pupils now enter the Bible claws. Mrs Schultz. of Milverton. and Miss M. Mngwood. Hanover, mother and niece, respectively of Mrs Dan Campbell are visiting here at present. Miss Lizzie McIntosh, who has been spending her holidays Visiting her mo- ther, and other friends in Durham, and Bentinck, left on Saturday last for. Tor- onto. Min Btanbury. Bartuld, who was a guest, of Miss Margaret Gun fox two weeks left on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mekinaon, Pvieeville, were guests over Sunday. at Mr. Allan McKinnnn's the former'. brother, and attended the Pteahyteritut Church in the evening. Miss Rhoda Blythe. daughter of the proprietor of the Chtstaworth News, gun: the REVIEW a pleasant call on Wednesday. She is ugliest of Mr and Mrs H. Storey. A loud or two of Epworth League" will no out to Zion. on Sunday. and “Silt in the service which will be ofa Missionary character. Mayor Calder left Wednesday even- ing for Toronto on urgent busines: in connection with the Cement Co. Me Geo. Lawrence and family have moved into their new residence in Low- " town, over the new Provision Store. Miss Sadie Carson, left last week for a. months visit in Toronto, and Can. nington, Mrs McClocklin. Pomona, spent last week with her son: and daughter. Mrs McDInuld of town. Commissioner James Allen, was in o. Sound. last week, in connection with the judicial Audit. Miss Georgie McRae has been spend- ing a, few weeks with her sister, Mrs El. liot, of Chatsworth. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr John Rose Is clerking with J. ' J, Hunter at the corner stcre. To the Electors of Division No. 3, The plan of thr Hall for the great, MacLachlvn-Fax _(,‘oucert on Feb, Sth under the auspices of the Sons ot Scot- land, will be opened at MucFarlane’s on DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1901. PUB LU', LIBRARY. CARD or THANKS. -tq tmail. J. KELLY J AS. GUN. PRESIDENT. mm tiibtgiijtitt), The vote in Normnnby for the coun oil was Gardiner 446, Koenig, 402, Schrieber 324. Globe 314, Schenk 296, Byers 258, Heipel 180. The totals of the Vote in Proton were as follows: Wilson 314, Shaw 269, Wright 250, Pryde 226, McArdIe 225, McMillan 183, Cooper 176, Anderson COMMISSIONERS. Allan 23012t 18t 75 64 N Dickson 37 73 122 12t 178 97 Schenk l 2 18 , 2 0 Durant 23 Hunter ll Horsburgh " McIntyre (B3 McFadd'a 120 RON) m Walls 21 Clerk Allan has kindly furnished us with the vote by wards in the lawn- ship. Reeve, J E Marsh. Council, R S Rae, R McNally, F Sarjeant, W J Shortill. HOLLAND C1IESLEY . Reeve, DrJ MStewart. Council, Wm King, J W Spiel, John Savage, Geo I’aulin. MARKDALE Reeve, Wm Hampton. Council, Poster, Murray. McIntosh, Merriam. Reeve, J T Park. Council, WJ Symington, A MeDaft', Chas E Noble, Wm Ludlow. Reeve, Jas Corbett. Council, Wilson, Shaw, Wright, Pryde. Clerk, Geo lIopt, Moltke. ARTEMESIA. Reeve, D MeTavish. Council, Boyd, Muir, Thompson) Gibson. Police Trustgos. A S Vandusen, W P Crossley, F G Carstedt. PROTON Roam, It Mortce. Council, Gardner, Koenig, Glebe, Selwieber. Clerk, D Allan, Holstein, Thea Brown Tress. Reeve, D McQueen Council, D McIntyre, C W Robb, Wm McFadden, J W Walls. Reeve, S Dickson. Council, D McLean, Leslie, Cronin, Torry. Clerk, J A Black, Pomona, Trans Jas Edge. Clerk Duncan Campbell. Hanover, Wm Irvine, Tress. Clerk W. A. Anderson, John Kelly. Treasurer. GLENELG Reeve. Thou. McFadden. Council, S Arrowsmith, T Davis, N McCannel, P Melanin. Mayor, Wm. Calder Coaneih--John Livin stone, Wm. Gorsline, Arch. S. [gluten Thos. Whelan, Wm. Guthrie, R. Maanr- lane, Sr. Trtuteea.--C. L. Grant; Dr. Gun, W. Johnston, T. Moran. Jae. Canon, Dr. Wolfe. Div. No Toronto, Mayor, 0 A IIowland. Walkerton, Mayor, S. McKay. Mt Forest, Mayor, Gruer. Harriston, Mayor. J Meiklejohn. o. Sound, Mayor, A Read. EGREMUNT. tt lllllllall DIREGIORY MR M, ‘l OUTSIDE POINTS ths I? out. COUNTY COUNCIL. 1 Chas. Gordon, R. J. Doyle 2 Pringle and Hornets. 3 C. McKinnon. Geo. Rios 4 A. Schenk, Jul. Allan. 5 Geo. Watson. J. McArthur 6 Preston, N. McColman. 7 Jno Agnew, Geo. A Brown 8 J no. McDonald, Thos. Williseroft. DURHAM FLWyl IERTON EGREMONT. NORMANBY COUNCIL. DUN DALK BENTINCK (i T't al 721 631 27t 207 H4 I The Farmers Institutes are doing: good work in getting to,getherthe most prominent farmers of each neighbor- hood to discuss among' themselves matters pertaining totln-ir own busi- ‘ness. To be successful in farming, as gin all other lines ot industry, it is I necessary to have cooperation and the gamma! exchange of ideas. Methods yof farming have entirely changml with, I in a few years The active brain must. lnow be associated with the strong arm iii genuine success is to he :lchivvod. [Thefaimer of today must apply scien- tide principles to his Work. must keep an account of (-veigvthingr he buys and sells, must weed oat the unprofitable animals of his herd, must recognize and I destroy the pestllont weeds before they Itake possession of his fields, must in I fact Reef wide-awake and on the alert lot he wi I get left in the race. Big!" and Montreal Weekly REVIEW and Weekly sus'. . . . .. 81.75 RI!!!" and Montreal Weakly -- __ I Mr A C. lIallman, of New Dundw, iwho speak on “Breeding and Care at a Dairy Ilerd" and on tlw ”Bacon Hog , ‘is an authority on tlies" subjects. lb. was selected last year by the people of the Great West to judge all of the dairy cattle exhibited at the Winnipeg and Brandon Fairs. He is also a pro- minent exhibitor of hogs of the bacon type at our best Ontario shows. Every ti"Ir",', who keopsa pig ora cow should present and hear Mr Hallman. Probably no live stock man is better known in the province than Mr James Tolton of Walkemnn. Mr Tolton has made a. Tchlty of sheep and is pre- pared to iscuss any phase ot the sub- Jeet relating to this most important industry. Let every farmerattend the Institute meetings nearest his homv, and while there look sharply after ew-ry bitot' in- formation that might help him in his work. Very important farmers' nun-tings will be held at DURHAM on Saturday Jan. 119, lIOLSTEIN on Monday July '21. The speakers advertised are all prac- tical and auccosstul farmers and stock rangers. The Review and Globeito Deco am 1901 with premium picture of "Canadians at Partsrtierrurg.". 1.80 ili, IRELAND a cc. ?gri', MR "rNeterterteyrsyiiii,iiii1 c HIRMERS' INSIIIUIE llffllli(pl Let us Learn from Each Other. Our Clubbing Ita tel. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO l However, to make compmnons with ithe pee: censuses l'oth system: are to the token end thus the truth will be i arrived at. l There will likely arise the old feeling I cf restraint giving infomution, but this lis quite needless to no connection ex- l iste between census autistic: sud muni- icipul usessmcnt and taxation. i. The figcres m connection mth the 'growth of node and coguue matters. l will certainly show large increases, but whether the population Wlll tench Ct,.. 000,000 is doubtful. Frau. my personal esrperietuse I should ulmngly recommend It” those who desire a practical Ruining in the above branches in “lend yuur College. '" I firmly believe it in the best Insiituie of its chunk" in Ontario, and from the number of ext-pupil. of other Husiuem Gallop: you have in attatndatece. my :riuion appears to be ftrmlr and gener- ly eontuined, -- - Acting (1pm. your' sugars!- ion. I mum- to Listnwol from Durham, on tho SJ: of Decemlwr but In complete my knowledge of the theory an] praw- tice of shorthand. Cotves-iendeattd Typewriting entered upon win-u you first opened your clnss in Durham. After a few weeks' course I have mm- letod my studies. and through your in- ll'S,fl'ld have been Appointed A position with the Law Firm. of Morphy & Cm- thew. Liotowel. The day picked upon h Sunday March 31. at midnight, so if the young man's visit tn his sweetheart. extends unto April lat. be will be counted on one of the family for that occasion. The Globe . few days ago Izod an article. on the coming Census. which is the first since Confederation to be talc- en by a Liberal government. We may rest iutsured,that, with the thorough- ness elurtreterietm of the present ud- m'nistriuton, the census will be taken in e reliable trustworthy way. In pre- vious counts of the population. the a jute system was followed, that is, all members of I family even though resi- ding elsewhere are counted and thus no doubt much double counting occurs. Tho ether and Britiah de husto system by whicl taken on at single night C whole country, only tho: being comma]. Mr C. L. "mt. Prim Lismwel Bluiness l My dear Sir: _ Large stock of Clothing of the best quality and the lowest prices. WHOLE N0. 1191 A SPECIMEN LETTER THE CENSUS C. L. GRANT. ny WINCH the com” night throughou'. nly those in the ho Yours trut mi truly. H. H. Amman " P H

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