Tenders arc-allied for the work ro-f Improved Ligowa Oats Imported quired in the construction ofa Preaby- ; rm" F'rntwe four. Fettrt' 9-30 yield in “m Church " Dornoch during the I li99 over 80 hush. to the acre. In 190 f1001. Plans and speeifiea- o."" (B le. For sale by the unde summer o . . , signed. Price00etsn has. or 10 bus. fur tiontropettiorintetion at Pye': of 35, These on†said in Dmham but Dr. Smith. All tenders to be m before it [mg at 82 a bus. Sample may he seen January Nth. Lowest or any tender , a this otBce. w. L. DIXON, not mace-arm accepted, By order I Lot Iii Con. 22 Egremont Letters may bv sent to the Experi. nn-nml Harm frevof Postage. WM. Swarm-ms, Director of Experimental Farms. OTTAWA. December 27th, 10ID. The samph-s of grain will be sent early but potatoes cannot be distributed until danger of injury in transit by frost is over. No provision has been made for any general distribution of any other scvd than those named. Under instruction of the Hon. Minis- ter of Agriculture another distrbution will be made tnis season. Owing to a very large number oi applications an- nually received, it is not practicable to send more than one sample to each apvlicant,--hence if an individual ru- ceivesa sample of oats, he cannot also receive one ot wheat. barley or pota- toes, .and applications for more than one sample tor one household cannot beentertained. These samples will he sent only by those who apply per- sonally. list ot names from societies or individuals cannot be considered. The distribution will consist as heretofore ot'samples of oats, spring wheat, barley field peas", Indian corn and potatoes A plications should be addressed to the Birector ot Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent any time tw. tor" the Ist of March. 1001, alter which date the lists will be closed, so that the samples asked for may all be sent out in good time tor sowing. Parties writing will phase mention the Sort of sample they would pvrfer. naming two or thru- tlitf'erent vavi ie, of their choice. Should the available stock oi" all the varieties named be exhausted, l some otlu-r good sorts wiil be sent in.. l stead. l During the past twelve years sam- plt'SUl these writ-ties of grain, te,, which have Sllt'Ct eded best on the ses- eral Experimental Farms have been distributed on application in 3-lh bags, tree. through the mail, to farmersin all parts of the Dominion. The object in View in this distribution has been to add to the productiveness and improve thequalitity of these important agri- cultural pruducts throughout the coun- try, by placing within reach of ewry farmer, Cfare seed ot the most vigorous and pro active sorts. This work has met with much appreciation, and a large measure of success. a book in which he icons the War Mae and the supremo-aneu- of the British ofBeeN sent over here as S. o. C. This hone of the little roughneuw es in the chain which causes some irritation. On examining the public utterances ot our public men, it will be tound that the Premier ot Ontario has steered a very wise and prudent comes between imperialism and the canadtrfor-thsrCanaaians sentiment which exists " strongly in this Pro- vince as elsewhere. The Ross Gov- ernment has kept in mind the neon-ssh ties ot the mothereoantry in its nickel policy ; now it proposesto reward with tree grants of land our volunteers who fought lor the Empire in South Africa. Ontario was bvind Great Britain in her emergency, and will continue to be. It has been a pleasure to demonstrate our dutilul ntll-ction. But beside this imperial feeling in ontaro, strong and true, there is also the teclirur that Can, ads must how out her own destiny, operatinttfrtlly within certain lines. It is worth while to remark that this note ot sturdy Canadianism also tinds expression in Premier Ross’ speeches. Ill: has always in vitsw the basie sooth ment of camuiios-dtanocuatey. Mr. Ross is the countryman of Burns, he who sang "A mais a man for a that. The rank is bat the guinea stamp." The Premier has that couplet in his soul. and his imperialism must not ha confused with anything that would accentuate caste distinctions. It was at a little dinner the other night that tw approved of Mr. Chamberlain’s plan of a consultative council for the Em. pire. It would be a good thing to meet in London and" talk over the affairs ot empire; it would promote esprit de corps ; and might even to- flaenee imperial policy. As tor Can- adian r<-presentntion at Westminster, is tln-rr really any need of it, when our Home of Commons speaks with the authority of six million voices be- hind it y There isjust the possibility, in a House of ow-r six hundred mun bcrs, that six colonial voices might not hr heard Very well. There are name links in the imperial chain that chef: a bit. Even Toronto, nun loyalist Toronto, admits that. So loyal a gentleman and I0 brave a sol. dier an Denison. a tnremoet member ot the British Empirg- league, hattwrlLten DURHAM REVIEW Thutsday, Jan. l7, l90l. "If lilN WWW PM". NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Distribution of Samples of Seed Grain and Potatoes C. Ramage, lino, In! \lr 1nd Mrs Wm Chrk. ware the sauna of Nornmub" funds on Sunday. Inst. Mus Pickett, was the guest of It Petti- grew, on Siludav In“. Miss Aggie Dunn, was the guest of Miss Edou Gad]. 1UMr Honing lust WaOk. Mr and Mrs Chas Gali, called on Mr and Mrs John Carson, on Sunday In“. The Varuey L. U. L. No. 689. helu their nnutmleleetiou of oitieers a week ago b'a.'urday, by which the following mil-era ware duly elected: W M Sam "a! two“; D, Il , J. hu Aldred; Chap., Nelson Eden ; Rec. see., Julm H Sharp; Fm See, Home". J I/len; Treas.. Junu Can-on; Dir. of Cer., J w Blyth; Leet.. Wm Sirâ€; Sm. Com., Edward Fee l Com. 33":va Chapman. John Sure. Henry Dunnet. Jumea Petty. Mr J W Myth, gut lm head cut. by u limb in the bush. We hope he wiil soon 1m around agnin. Mr,. James McMItchell. of Esmer. Centro is visiting hire Dicklemau, this week, MrAlox Smith, in busily engaged at the present lune. hauling brick tor the new lathe. which is to be erected nut. .munner. Now “ms, who mm; 'l Mr T Pollock, of Durham, paid " water Mrs J Wilma. a short visit at the beginning of the week. The Iacrament of the Lord's nuppcr was admimatored to the members oi Knox Church, last Sunday week, when three members were added to the church The increasing church roll speaks well tor the pastor. Rov D Campboii. Miss Lydia Thompson In moving to Dur- ham this woelt. We are sorry to Ions Mis, Thompson, from the vicinity as she is I.“ new“ worker In the Church. Sunday School and Endeavor. Miss McCanuel, the popular teacher in No. I, npentlho latter part of the week at her home near Pricevnle. Mr home Watson, returned but week to Detroit. utter two week. quution. A f. r-swell party was given him a few oven- lugs Glove his departure, at the purequ home. Bernie is n Invorue among the )onug folks. Mr Joe Ellis, of Berlin, spent a few clays 111 tha nolghlmr'uood last week, re.. ucwmg acquaintances. Joe iiudts it haul to leave the corners. SEED OATS Improved Lignwn Oats Imported T. A. HARRIS, Returning Onicer. Fleshermn. January 4th 1901. T. A. HARRIS. Returning 1?tfieer. Durham. Dec, u, 1900. 2'i m“ North East Normanby VARNEY gucut of It Petti- Of S. G. Agrieultnral Socity wi- be held in the Town Hall, on Wednesw day the 16th, day ot January 1901 as 1 o'clock p. m. lor election ot oftieer- and other business. Direetorg' meet. mg Will be held at same place at 10 a 10lls-Melut.vre - That we now ad- journ to meet, on Saturday Feb 9th to receive the Auditors lopurt. appl‘cntioas fur Asuessur. teuuera for prinuug and general business. liemlved tint the following ace-nuns be paid :--J A Lnlul-ert. ballots 34; Each D It D 98.50; Clerk distributing ballots til; iti's,rtstratiott tees, 91 births. 17 mau‘inues and 48 dmchs um'ag to 6231.20 accunliug to the not. Mcouddetr--1tobb--Thattlw Clerk re- ceive tenders for printing marked "Ten- der" also applications for Anchor in next Fenian ofCouneit, Assesmrn salary $60 not. including seleetiou ut' Jurors. Cur Walu-MeIntyre--TuU Couu Mcii'ad, don be instructed to have the bru,hwood nemovod between lots 14.15, Con 2 ; pro- nded It can be done for the material on the ground. Carried. 1tobb-Walls---rlutt Conn Mandden be instructed to exammo the validlty of the Treanurer'a nineties m the Registry "thes Durham. Carried. wa.wrzrr-ctutsttos, reliable person 1tt every county to reprouut lane cempnny at no.†timuteial reputation; .936 salary per you payable weekly; " per dugoubaolumly sun and allexpoulon; “night, trn-tide “hwy paid out: Saturday 3nd 'lt'dh'l'll moncbnm uncod one]: wool BTAN LED tIO SE, 334 Dunno“ Br., Cmcmo. McIutyre---1lobtr--Thtxt the Clerk be instructed to prepare a code of new Tp. B) Jaws for the guidance Tp. officers and others and present them for rtttrtictttion " next. session of Council. Carried. Melntrre---Wtxlls--That the we" and clerk be a committee to meet the leave of Arthur, It Mt Forest to settle accounta on the boundary hue of Egromout and Arthur and report at next meeting of Council. Curried. Wall-McFadden-That the ncc't of Dr Snead) Inn] over from last "teettug he not entertained. Carried. Csruneil mot January 14th. Members elected subscribed to the required declara- Iimm and took their seats as fulIows :---1) McQueen. Neva; I) Mclnbvre. W C llorb, J W Walls and Wm McFauh'luu. cunucillur Minutes of previous meeting eonfirmed a Bylaw No 133 for tho nppnintment ol Auditors wa.. filled in with the nmuel of John A Swans-m u and John Ross. was pus-ed, signed, JYe. Sulurv " each. By-law No 134 for the appointment of 3 member of the “and of Health togeth- er with a MHilCHI Health "fficsr passed the usual readings. Blanks filled in with the name- of John Staell and Dr Suenth as M. H. D. Wm passed, signed, le. z A!“ ANNUAL MEETING A. DAVIDSON. Secy. TORONTO D. ALLAN, Clark. London Advertiser, Weekly. tndRoview one year 81.50 REVIEW and Weekly Globe 81,60 REVIEW and Weekly Mail. . ... 81.75 London Adverttter.. Daily. and Mr D C McArdle arrived home from Toronto last Saturday. Peter MeTaggart had his arm brok- en a week ago. It caught in the thrashing machine belting. Miss Annie Dezell has returned home from Snult Ste Marie a few days, She is likely to get her former posi- tion in this village. The village people here have started a private school. They have hired a Miss Kate Campbell from Swinton Park. well filled baskets and a purse eun- taining 530.00. The purse was pre- sented to Mr Konning and the contents of the baskets were then consumvd A very pleasant time was spent. The New England people turned out strong one, night last wtvlr, came to Hopeville and eamiwd at the r 'sidenee ot'thew pastor Rev Mr __ Kvnning with The,1nunicipal vlaetion is over. J Corbett, reeve by aeelamation and the councillors are D Wilson, P Shaw, G Wright and D Pryde, thus leaving out two of the old council, McArdlc and Coopvr. McArdle was beaten by being over eouh'dent ofthe sit and by only one vote. His friends here callvd on him after the result was known to have a recount, but this Mr McArdle declined to do, as the one he would likely put out was a ll‘ivul of his. Collcclians of all kinda'" Farms, bought promptly atlmulml (0+ and sold OFFiCE-MetKertxie's Old Stand, Durham, Ont. ARTHUR H. JACKSON NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER so: CONVEYANCER, VALUATOR Insurance Agent, Member College l‘bymciuus and tiraaeous,1Js: atio. 0-1-2. R. m. 2-4 p.111. RESIDENCE and OFFICE-old Dank l'l’i'lu‘. itrWN,DURHAM, Will visit f'ritwvilh, Tm'qug and Friday cttch u'rok‘rmu {I u. m. to " m. Private Money to Lgln, Review one year OFFIC Ir, MOU RS llopevllle. u.--o A special look at our line of Silverware : Cruet Stands Berr Cake Baskets Gra, Butter Dishes Pie 1 Pickle Jars Sug; and a very large stock of the w. BLA( t' We have a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want you to weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Posit: running Binder in the world. --....-.. rill linc of PIANOS. hL‘GAXS. and STAYING MACHlNr:s.---, We are wcll stocked with TUltNIPyioWriRti, SUFFFLERS, HAY FORKS. (in. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at tr":. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWN M C D P Q Implement Warerooms. W AL, Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Hurri, Flows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvement on all articles. Don’t fail to see the Massey Harris Drill. then buy one and it will make you money. A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, the» WA were lmught before the rise in waggons. No other shop Mun . you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. §%@§@&$%@§@@$$$%$ik%$ PAN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT 0F mes JUST TO HAND FREE TO ALL Axes X Cut Saws Hay Mnives Carpet Sweepers Skates MASSEY HARRIS AGE THIS WEEK'S SHIPMENT CONTAINS WM. BLACK Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. Berry Spoons Gravey Laddlcs Pie Knives T Sugar Spoons f the w. BLAt ‘K Forks and Spoon ------ Meat Cutters Raisin "eet1ers Vegetable Cutters Sleigh Bells Hose Blankets CALDER JU to see, reduced Positively the t"CIS 9YRHAM. Big: YOURS I Q‘ssss [Adieb' Lung (it " SELL.‘ CHEAP '.' Wishing Flu! Whl e THEY'LL Sly We are “th ltuck in Tuwn " “Within. Wan-1 tiilver and Nick: and luv-W310! I t‘Q‘ss‘ I ttave A law "(in in town I m trade. INSURANCE CONVEYAI farm. batting 114 od u low min. MONEY TO on (Sandman l ham. Tlist/t naked. Lot T, con. not 18. con, b P. o, In hand plm and must 89nd. Splom will all cheap He has a big including the h Fo 8rd Div. lot DIE-did 'iuum tut Inn Ve a new: m latch', Con. financial bu do. and up ccco too-ma. Men 'stt4il PRICE! Repair"- Watches ill tbot {Ma The H 1"Ofs W " ttht " Uh lI