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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jan 1901, p. 5

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RNA tl 3YRHA ARRIAGE L Your Je LL T0 HAND DER 0811305 ete Y Bigtlm YOURS FOR TRADE W. H. BEAN HE ' SELLS (ltlllrJj, CHEAP!! Wishing you all a Q -- Ladies' Long Guards "ma-ll Plain va'u-llirf" _ Now-line I Ste ling Clocks . t Ebony we“ Flalwaw hating [Solid Gold We an: now showing the largest stock in Tow" of Hnmpdon. El in and “'ultlnm Watches in Gold, Holt? Filled. Silwr and Nickel Cases. Ladies‘. Gent.- and Boys' sizes And all the latest ideas In . [SOL . Silverware “Hull Plain 4t.wtylrr THEY’LL SATISPY MONEY TO LOAN at41-2 per cent and up according to eeeurlty and terme. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCINGaeweIlae other financial business carefully atten- den I buys a large number of oiher p when m town and country and will or trade. ,_ ---.-‘.u-:uu u! Ulll' ham. This tiny acres is a. snap at price naked. Lot 7, con. 8, Normanby. tho Wed farm, belong to a company. and in offer- ed at low figures. 66 acres near Alix"; Park on Durham Rand. Splendid buildings. good land. will sell cheapor trade. Lot 18, con, 14. Bontlnck. an Lo . P. o, in hands. of a Company? Piling: place and must go to some a... 3rd Die, lot T. con.1. E. G. R. Glenelg an (larafmxu. Road coma-mom to Dun haana This titty acres is a snap at price as e . splendid "tmproi/ed in; Du: ham. Very cheap. He has a big list of Property for Sal-l including the following: Merry Xmas and a Prosperous and Fortunes 'stqiti1t1i1a1t14t14ely 1,f.S8h..ffeyfhaws/1., R.. Bentinet n Happy New Year Jake Kress. I“ ll mu: By Ml; Ih1t H. H. Miller, The Hanover Conveyance, W. H. Bean, A GORDON, 7 -ee -eeM Tr""."""? I med farm convenient to -- " - Gold Filled Silver GUIUBI'S BRICK o', heruymp: min l " IO.......... 15 I .. ll.......... 10 .. Ig.......... 17 Rainfall for the week 0. Snowfall " u 1 No sunshine General direction of the wind S. I to N. w. and vary blunting. Nssthingsutueedslike allu'e‘ss. Who Mr Ross lwhl a minor portfolio. he did not ohlrndv hiinsvlf. He cttatwil him so” ',rrartet'ully. That was his role. It is (any to are now how he could har" swmnped Sir Olivet. Mowat. with his orntory~ Sir Oliver,. hhutd. Winsome- little prtutsitu', who halted in his spin-ch. and spoke with timid dcprecnlinn; how he could have eclipsed Mr Fruier, who had a sort of fiery longiloqut-nre. not of the highest. order: how he might emu Kaye drou ned the Lhuuders of Mr Hardy. The Ministrrof Education did none of these things. He kept his place, hiding his time. All the while hehad it in him to wake up the whole country. He had arts of pleasing, gifts of canmrado-rie boldness ot design. fhauness of esecu', tion, which he kept. in check many yearn. All those qunlitiel he gave to the work of his department, and there he built up " spleudidedittce. All this shows the marvelous patience of the man. At last his turn cutie. and he bourgooned forth grnndly. HU thought. had lost no particle of bloom ',his hm gouge showed nmign of jadednen: he himuelf was as keen for :iffaiu as if he but been tht. supreme authority all Ins life. Premier Ross has shown himself a c Ipnhlv man of affairs, an enterprising. fur-lighted premier; but he iq still an orator. He has not forgotten the gram)! of language in the activities of his premiership. In Ontario we think hss of eloquence than they do m QllleC. That Province, probably because it does not rend [many newspapers, has always been swayed by the spoken word. The career; of Chapman, Mercier. Laurier. prove that, In spite of a certnlmunl in way of looking at things which this Pro. vince has, Mr Ross has held fast to his ideals, dignifying great events with adequate language. When a. man is making histmv. he ought to be able to preach it well. For the Week Ending 12th Jan. 1901 Temperature. Min. Max. ft doea for othero "ob, not by /t.P .. WEATHER BULLETIN. MacFARLANE 8100. EGGS IN WINTER Our Own Pouttry ince and Crushed Oyster shell as a shell producer. These helps with an oc- casional application of Hess Louce Killer should have the desired result. Jan. There is no reason why hens should not lay eggs in Winter as well as Sum- mer if conditions are made as near as possible, a warm place, proper feeding, some aid to digestion (as they cannot get same amount of exercise) such as sf Jaime of Protit PREMIER G. W. ROSS. Druggists & Brnknlle 0.5 in. 14 in. er", 31 31 31 The past season has in curtain iocal- i itits been ttnfavourabh, " Lin- pericct 1 maturing of grain. In {some tiutrlers ', it has fact-n injured by rain during f harvest or from being mach-Ll before! fully dry, thus causing it to sprout m 1 heat, while in och-w localities it has suf- i fered more or less (roan early autumn i frost. When exposed to wither of Muse i ecuditicurs Cereals are. apt to lose n 5 portion of thrir vitaltry nr to have it an [ weakened as to pruduco when sown an unsaistuctory gruwah. The character of the crupis greatly iniluenecd by the quality of sevd used, and '0 obtain the best results i! should have its pteomin- ating power unimpaired. so that whim placed in the soil the. young plants may make it prompt and vigorous start. ': Hence it is Very important that farmers l should ascertain whether grain the)" are holding furseed [messes the vi. tality necessary to produce a good crop. In the name of the Lodge 're tender to you our sympathy, and pray that Godmuv bless and help you in your dark hour, and at last rvnmte you to part. nu more. Signed on behalf of the Lodge. Matthew Hooper'. W. M. Abram Hooiwr Rec. Stacy. heroaveuwnt, and "my ynu he comfort- ed with the thought that God doeth all things well, and also t'mneinhcr the hope that should burn Within you, that if we me true and faithful Intlio Gospel of Christ. we Dbl” nllmeet again at the coming of Chris . By intstraetion or the Honourable Minister of Agriculture, provision has been made wheueby LIN: “rainy on seed can be tve.eeitained withmu mm D, the individual, and an) fat-""1- in He Dominion, who may litVe any tapltt'. ies which he desires to “up test, d m" get the information he are“. by M. warding to the director of the Exped- mental Farms, Ottawa, samples ot such _ While realizing how great the lost to you and family of one sodeur. we duire to express our deep sense of the loos that our' association also sustain. in the removal from our midst ofour esteemed honoured, and right worthy brother, Christopher Williams. His long connection with the Orange association for over fifty years. is marked by the distinguished ofthGl positions which he occupied in the order and the faithful discharge of the duties and resrpon.nilrili, ties of the several omees with which from time to time. he was intrusted by his brethren. He won endeared to all whose privnle-ge it was to he associated I with him, and to his Durham brethren l in particular. They will long revere the l memory of one who in his daily life no faithfully reflected the chmactoristicn of 3 true orsngeman. I Attho Durham Thntriet. looting of the L. o. L. held here on Tuesday, Jan, 8. tho following molutiom of condo- lence were pound. this being the ilrst meeting lince the death of the brethren. To Mr. Christopher Williams; Dear Madam.-- We tho otrier" and newborn of District L. o. L. compri-ing and rel pro-outing tho orougemon of the district of Durham 'desire to exprus their pro- ,tound sympathy with you And the ‘memhor- of your hmilyzil the old 1 bereavement which in the Providence, of Almighty God you have " recently bun called to boar, in the removal by death from your family circle of a lov- i ing and devoted husband and: kind indulgent and sympolhetic parent. We trot that our Heavenly Father, will grant you sustaining grow in this ynur hour. of sorrow and bereavement and that you may find comfort and con- solution in the precious prcmius record- ed in His Holy word to all who lavas-d trust Bun, looking forward With I confHent hope, ton happy reunion in I that better land. The Testing ot the Vitality at Sew at the Central Experimental Farm. IN IIMORIAM. it " i a» r . v l., .. - u'.’ 1‘.“ V I , I FP,1 I my, l _ _ "? . I , n . I. , I. I P. . a it"! I J" . . 'cC/,rts,C.VcCf'J,'l,%uUri0.5c,t \,.‘*'\, l ;t"ratrty, 'Ht ..\. r"t?t,rtt, ' n~L>',l~-'vJV"J M‘).¢ ‘\J~\'du‘.~l'v4 uwuuav.‘ ”Hawk” NVJUIJU-i-L r \./uu\.u .4»... ... ., A notable event of the past week was the Ontario bar dinner in Toronto on Tuesday Jan. 8th; notable basement the brilliant array ot prominent citi- zens assembled arena the festive board and because ot the many excel- lent things said in the course of their post prundial observations This lat-l tor was particularly the case in the speech of Sir Wilfrid Laurier in which he took oceassion to once again give expressions to thesis sentiments of ster- ling Imperial Canadian patriotism I which have mape him more than any! other man daring the past three or four years the cynosure of all eves, throughout the Empire. Having re- ferred to the complete change whichl has come our the sentiment of the; Motherland towards her Colonies and ' pointed out that had that change come, about a century and a halt earlier, no other Ilatt than the Union Jack would to day be waving over the lower halt of this continent, the Premier contin- ued: -"ltut what of the inture ot this country? If that be made the question I say, Do not mind the future, TAKE CARE OF' TIIE PRESENT i, Be true to the duty of the hour what) ever that duty may be. As liiegoesl on new purposes arise, new problems’ preSent themselves to meet and solve. Meet them, face them. solve them on lines of Canadian nationality, of Brit- ish eitizcnUip. Deal with them all irom the highest motives that can ap- peal to the conscience of man. Do not mind the future: care tor the present and the future will gradually emerge from the mist now tnshruuding it, and it will emerge: bright, glorious. noble. worthy ot the land. " Noble senti- ments, nobly expressed, and giving i weight and emphasis to the appeal with which the Premier ooneluded-- an a peal to the proniment members of the 8l'l'dd bar to give, their services to their country on the floor of Parlia- l ment, evon, as itunght well be, at some personal saeritiee. "They perhaps might not be iound en the right side" added Sir Wilfrid wnteatiurslv, "but I would rather see them on the wrong r side than not there at all. qt ‘~ y -rirrN'tfl"r 1'rr"eCyrc"GCrrr"l".rr_jr"' tFCC?"?,'?'":.")':",'?.';': 'iii"i'"i"s'"iii L"ixh2y,: 2:: “$1 “an is . 2it Ati: TLu {an I _ in “WI.-. ' . :2 A law suit Innings out n whole m-mh- v ' G Inn-hum! equal to " dug tight. 0 y b " yfi'A,aeu,- You cun‘l tell how much mmwy a I This gig-mun. in on ovary box of the genuine mun has by the way 111- throws it,on i Laxative BromoAluirtine Tabla the counter when he goes to spend it. the modv that m a ”m. " - m main or seed. Bungle: any be sent [methrough the m1 and an ounce or 1two is tmtheient for the purpose. A- bout two weeks are requiredtooom- plate a test. It is hoped that all who desire to avail themslvcs of the pro-l vision oirered will send in their sam- ples urlv so that the work may be completed in seed season. Wu. SAUNDERS, Direetor Experimental Farms. OTTAWA, December 26th, 1900. --------_oi..----------- THE COUNTRY WANTS HER BEST. Wssrrett--C'.paldo,roltilrle puma: .u "t'rr munty to "eirret"rt" largo company of palm titmueitsl reputtstiorsii36 salary per yrosr,prsyrstoi" weekly it} per day nbsoluvoly sure and all ”poms", simian, bum nan. driurts reality. no cotnutitirston ; salary pod ruei: gummy Ind expense money adv-anew pun-n week. s.TANDAltD HOUSE. 331 Anal Balm bin. CHICAGO. ---Call and see one in WASHING operation. M A Clls hp D Th f EVERYTHING 'ON WHEELS bE LA VAL/,1? CREAM SEPERATORS are oereelied. LAMHTON Srnuu'r. WEST tH? MIDDAI'GM Ho r??"?"', ?,5 sea-tiara» t'"1t1"ftftr. in " ith. a! ' i , a! ii), 5 I I {n Have been used for 3 years. Over 100 sold and no complaints. C. McArthur, Durham, WAGGONS. BUGGIES, PHAETONS. M, CU'I‘TERS and SLlilG HS of In.“ uylel. All of best makes and Reasonable Prion. J. LlYlN0ST0NE, aft Queen Heating Stoves \"sssszsesss ssaseaaaa‘? BOOTS, Fire Insurance Promptly Attended To. At Special prices Theprices make it interesting. Come and see us in our new store. SHOES, and. Horse & Cattle Medicine. all Kinds and enough to supply the demand. Johan! Jupplin Darliug's Cold & La Grippe tablets knock it out in a day. DARLING 'S DRUG STORE Barley..................... L-u..................... Dressed Hogs, per "vi Hogs, Lin nought”... Butter, frelh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Wheat..................... Flour......... ............. Hides, per owt.......... Calfskin», pot lb........ Shetspsluns.........,..... TING“ rendered per lb Lard. perils.............. Beéf, per cm...... Wood................, Turk-.......... Ducks............... Chick-n: per fair SINGER SE WING MA CH INES. Uny...... S TEEL FHA MT. DURHAM MARKETS. Tres, our d' finch or Chief Me trrrst 5c Cigar in Gown. 6 gp-tg? M A co f NE S E TC. JNO. l, DARLING Calder's Block. Durham. Tobacco.» and Jtationny CH UIt N S. and Cigars, ONTARIO " " 14 45 4O " 1000 6 62 16 " 14 9 A Reneral Banking business transacted Dmfls imuud and coil-ions made on all points. Delmsils received and hum-- est allowed at cuttent rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest "Unwed on snvmgs hunk deposits, of $1.00 and up- r'ag-Iqs. [gum]; attention and Hun-y an 'ty' n o t' qutr4ittttuat'ig livit distance. I ' M" CAPITAL, CAPITAL, RESERVE AG ENTS AGENTS' in all principal pomis m Ontariu. Quebec, Manitoba. l'nimd Mates and England. W. F. OOWAN. President. GEO. P. REID, lanager. GROCERIES We ask mention tl i)lll M. (jlllllllllil) BANK AA CANADA TWEEDS d YARNS 1 ' MOE S. SCOTT. omce. over Gtant's store. Lowcw.Torrn OFFICE RIBS DOOR EAST cr the Dumuu Pharmacy (‘alder‘a Block. Residence first door we“ of the Post. Office, Durham. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREM. COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMICIIONER. (TC. Collars, Pads, Bits" BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. moan" PUILIC. counnuctn. no. Omee- -LOWER TOWN. DURH l... m nmquE HARNESS. We want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness, line. Harne- that is durable and {its a home 00-- fortably, will bring profit to you in the mentor amount ot work he will do. OFFICE- Mr] " tyre Blork. . -- "-.l."e" w-â€" -. "i'""'""'" " correctly Imrund. but!“ of do...“ [anon- looko car, and Executor: I“ Ad miniuntori‘ Account. proparod ind pun-d Surrogate Court Bums“. Puma-o otWsllr Letters of Admin-unno- Ind (minim-nip Obtained. Bench“ mldelu Begun-y “to. ad I xtlu reported on. Company and print. Fund: to 1.0") on Mortgucu It [must um of intern-It. “dunno-l made My Icompeteut and careful \‘nluntur. Collections and Agency promptly “and“! 1't".H Donal, lortguon Lu» s, Ayn-anon L -_.----AB- -------- . . A . - . SOMETHING YOU WANT Dunc-n inn Ill-VII I. no. . an. in o plan-n 'tr-hte tor In Ink. Union: in Ian-m In] an a.” Dunno!» In. Runn- wlll ' you In. "on will. out. “a 'hum",,',,,': Dunn um Runn- will "not. you ho. b in original color, and hop “no. .4“ lg one bottle ~Prico .10. At I] Drug.”- and Eur Dull. Terms modem... Arman-mun Mr “I”. " u:dauh.ac.muu no mud. n Tho Renew 0mm. Durban. Correspondsnco uddrouod than orto Invovillo M, o will to prom”. Attended to. Tor-I on npplioovml to DURHAM AGENCY For ulna McFarllne 6" Co., Durham by Drumrieru & Ntationeetm [on ulo in arrister, J/etar , Gon- ' vegancor, tye., te..... Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. Dr. 't -HOLT L. D. S. We can give you Bargains. J. P. TELFO RD, All Charge- Mcderate DEN . ISTRY. In the only Hair prrparation that '- givmg good results. G. LEFROY McCAUL. MONEY TO LOAN 1s RELIABLE HARNESS. W. S. DAVIDSON. DRY GOODS. CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, &c., Head office, Toronto. Of best qquiI y. McPHA IL WE SUPPLY IT--- In Hen l, 'cPHAlL. Hupovillu P, l C. RA'AOE lNll'llllt. C LEA VENS J. KELLY, Agent. Authorized Paid up. . .. FUND Liconnod Auctioneer h the County of Guy. Lith Us”); I, Blankets Eta. tun-er the Bank VENEWER Heavy and 32.0mm» 1,000.000 . 000.0(1)

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