West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Jan 1901, p. 8

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Mrs. Eaton up :-"Dr. Pitcher'. Back- ncho Kidney Tubleu have been of the trrerutest benefit to mo. Formerly I had so much buhoho it exhaled to my hips and limbs. At than than would be an mm human in my hips and s boning Said Frederick The Great, “Facts are Divine Things." Such was the saying of a magter mind, and what. applies to things of state applies with double force to matters concerning henllh. When it ie said that Dr. Pitchor's backache Kidney Tablets can, if intelh. gently need. cure ell kidney and bleJder troublee. and such other discus» " can be traced to a sluggish or imperfect. kid- ney action, n is always backed up by the positive proof and testimony of some oeputeble person, some one who is glad and willing to tell the world the result obtained. The following teetimonial of Mm. W. Eaton, 10 Fanning St. Toronto, bu the ring of truth, end been out the cleim that it in I cure beyond a doubt lor for the young, middle aged. and sued. Mr Walter Ferguson, is longing for snow to get manual on the ground for a new hours. next summer. Mr Walter Nelson. returned from the North West. Int week and it looking halo and hearty, Miss Mary Spencor. long I residual; on the 18th. dred on Standby hut. Aged about 7o yrs. Miss H Gordon. of Durham. com- moncod her duties as tucker m B. S. No, 12 and we hope, the will be nuccouful A few of the young folks mound here attended the party at Lindsay's Old Year's night and report in good time. John Allan loft for Elem last. week, his smiling face will be missed around here n he in one of those jolly good follows. Mrs c. Cameron, is living with her momma Mrs Wilder while her husband in in Michigan on business. Henry's Corner. Intended for Iatqt week. Miss Hams Watt un for Chicago. last woek. Mr and Mrs Jas. Benton hive the but main: of this community in their matri- monial venture. Mrs Ramon is no "ranger in this community. What we advertise we always have i. e. for the current week. This Ad. is changed weekly. BRING YOUR BUTTER HERE WHEN YOU WANT CASH 0R TRADE, 17 ths I LB CASH, 18 [ITS TRADE. We Mummy aeead ta, Warn Its your gain however and one visit and trial purchase will convince you of this fact Remnants at one-half price. Every year we offer unusual Bargains during the Season of Taking Stock. We find it best to get rid of last season's Goods at a loss, that is at less than they cost us rather than carry them over. We prefer to get the money out of them and put it into new goods. J. A. HUNTER. During Stock Taking we find numerous Lots of Goods that are becoming out of date. These Goods MUST 00 at any price. No reserve. We want notho ing in The Big Store but new, fresh, up-to-date Goods. grim? ao drip far/mm ta, 25 of: a Ah d. l HUNTER THE BIG STORE, &ock Kathy ga, Its one thing to write an advertisement and another thing to print it, but the main object is to get you to read it and profit by it. We promise you will save the price of your paper for one year if you buy at least $3.00 worth this month of our Stock Taking Bargains. You can save 25 per cent to 50 per cent on nearly every article. 250 additional for delivery in Mon- treal or to foreign countries. Published woékly. Two cents. 70e per unnum. pmtpaid to any ad. dresa In Canada or the U. B. Ulubbed with the REVIEW to New Buttrcribem only $1.40. The 0.0100701“: in th .0 ho Wing. g c worldto do is it was at first intended to publish Women \Vim: upon fine paper at a higher coat. but calling the long list of elegant publications which in the past have been started in Canada. only to fail, and retieeting that good taste in literature does not always imply the means to pay the costly iournall. and that people of taste can be relied upon to appriciate literary excellence on the plainest sheet. it has been decided to offer WORLD Wrm, at the lowest pal- sible price, in order to give all who de.. sire good reading an equal opportunity. . *r"‘\" ‘1‘: All! hllU InHrB of Worum wrrie with articles an’d ex- tracts of this latter class, with occas- smnal selection. from notable hooks and scenes from striking stories. An effort will be made to select the articles each week so that due proportion will he given to the various Beldi, of human interest-to the shifting scenes of the world's great drama, to letters and sci- once and beautiful things. Any render of this paper can tent the merit of Dr. Pitcher'l Backacbe Kidney Tablets free by enclosing .2 cams pos- tage to the Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50 cents per bottle. As many of the ablest writers are now engaged in journalism, much writ- ing of the higbostqualit in nutter and style is fugitive. seen onfy by the read- ers of each particular newspaper and by them often lost before it in read. Much of such writing is only of local and very transmnt import, but much is of more permanent and world wide in- terest. It is‘eyroposed to till the pages he hm.“ .-__ in. .. . - that causes very disagreeable sensations. I find that I am much invigorated since I used a bottle of Dr. Pitchers Backnche Kidney Tablets. My back has recovered from its lamenesn. and I am sleeping well at nights. From my experience in using the Tablets I have much eoniidenee in themmnd can highly teeommend them." JOHN Others follow. DOUGALL:& SON Publishers. Montreal. Canada. WORLD WIDE Sixteen pages. 300pago book, just issued. comprising a bright, faithful narrative of the deeds of the first contingent in South Africa. Mr. Brown was with the regiment as war correspondent for The Mail and Empire, and has written a. {splendid story of this memorable campaign from Quebec to Pretoria and home again. The t1rtst edition has been purchased by The Mail and Empire, and although the trade price of the book alone is $1.23, it is offered together with a three-month's subscription to The Daily Mail and Em- pire. or one you”: subscription to the Weekly, for 81.50, with 10c extra. poe- tage if ordered by mail. -Thero ll generally ikGriFfi"7ii""Uu audience more interesting than the show on the sage. The first sabbath of the new century will be a tiny lone sadly remembered by many in tlm Vicinity. as in the awning oftbat (lay the spirit of one oi the inc-t highly respected pioneers of the con;- muuity took its fheht to the spirit wttrld. The subject of this Iketcu is Mr. ttout. Skene, a man Known far and "our as an honest, upright and noble character, ro- vered by the aued who hm! with the decaasnd borne the brunt of pioneer life and by the young for his many manly trnitsof character. Deceased settler] en the farm nearly 45 years ago and resided continuously to his denlh which took place on the 6th inst, aged tit? years and 10 months. A neblo man and true Christian has gone to his reward, but hls memory Will long be cherished. Deceas- ed was a hlchelor and a life long mun- ber of the Presbyterian church. at Dor. nooh which loses one of its moot valued members. The interment took place on Wednesday to tho Litona cemetery. and was followed by many sympathizers to its last resting place. By Stanley McKeown ILown--A “is tory of the First. Contingent. Stanley Mekeown Brown's "With the Royal Canadians,” is a. handsome "WITH THE ROYAL CANADIANH" Court Batinoelilrurn, I. o. F., No. 1265 held their annual meeting lately when the following oitieets were elected. lly the my 8 new members were initiated in December, 'with a number more in sight. The following will rule the tle, tmas of the Court for the present year '.-- C. Il., Hugh R. Ridden; V. C. Il., WI ham Ledingham; Fin. See. and Trans” Dr. J. L Smith ; ll. s., Geo, Ledinp,ltvu; S. W.. Archie McDonald; J. W., John Ellison; S. Pr., J. It Lediu,elnun; J. " , Roderick MeLeod;Chap., Duncan Mor. risen. Mrs. A. Shane. accompanied by her son. Robert. Visited Wharton and re- newed Iceues of former years the begun- ning of last. week. is mim. It 1". feared he will iod,"tul, sight of one of his eyes. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCJalmou, of Tur. ney, spent. n couple of duys in mo village the last of the week. The mum {all of snow has ttroatly improved tIto roads, and we are now eu- joylog _ftrut sleighink. It Angus Andaman, who spent the Tth, gamma! in Toronto rammed homo ou the 7th. inet. Min Maggie Barns, of lormanI-y It prount visiting n her uncle: Ml McGrath. The Gray Bros. trnnllmg troop, no bilud for a largo concert. to be held in the Town-hip Hall nu tliei4th. A good time is expected. Mr. George A. Uorlott, who I)" bun nbsent for a number of you" contracting in the Western States, is enjoying the bospitalitieu of the Imrental hearth at present. Mr. Duncan Hay arrived home last week from Itat Portage, we regn-t to state suffering wry severely the ro-auln of a premature explosion while blunting in Mr Angus McTaggart. who npant Xmas and Now You-'- with " uncle Me God. Sg McTagg-rt. returned home to Marr Ito I In: wuk. Mr Donald Blah in having An motion and. on Wednuhy of this week- Min Janie Matteo. of Irish Lake was the gun: uf Kins Annie MoTiear, on Sun- day Int. - -tgihet, Btar, who spent I couplo of weeks visiting friends in Toronto rotun- od boll. Prtday, Mr John Morriaom is engaged with Mr J. Neil, for ' few (in: cutting wood. Well Mr, Editor, alter u couple of wuk'l holiday we Again ruumo duties. the " enjoynble time In: spent on Friday evening of last week at the house Thou McComb. Stun! of the young people me: lo spend a social time together. the owning w" apeut in mule und games till it was In. and all returuud [Iona "tiefUd with the evening‘s mun-mum“ In! Martha McFadden. returned from Owen Sound hurt weak. viz-re rho has been engngod tho hot couple of mouth: nursing her tsister Mrs J, Machuney. Miss Mary McArthur, or Niagara Falls. invilmnu her plums. tad intends staying for some time. Mr Robin McEwen. of Mt Forest. is visiting Mandala thin purl at preront. Mr Editor tt is some time lince In have responded and in doing so now we neiph you and all the and." of your paper I Happy New Year. Min Annie McArthur. of Toronto. ed her home bore for a. couple of rocnntly. Ilia Anni. 3nd Maggie Benton, of the Comor- nttended a. party on the fourth line, last week. Min Elizn McCormack. of Bunouau, has been visiting iriondl in Walkerten for tho last couple ot weeks. Intended Jbr " week. TORONTO Rob Roy. DORNOCH POMONA Visit- days Plano ran ew early and nhligo the pullilher. Business may he transacted at. the "ice In I'ppet' Town or at the omce in Darling‘s Drug Stun». Lower Town, where we havephone unmet-Linn Call It either place and haw a. talk. l'pperTown Phone No 6 Lower bb Phone No3. To Cure a Cold in One Day i'iilri,ijji,Uii;lr,,iibi' There is a. “mug movement in the northwestern states for Congress to make A national park at the head-Inter of the Mississippi, in order to save from destruction very nearly the last virgin forest of pine existing In America. The movement finds voice in the Februnry numherof THE DELINEATOR "Ln. de.. scription given of the work undertaken by the Womon's Clllm of Minnesota. Their forestry work will have interest for the State-a of Wisconsin and Niobi- gan ; in feet, the mmnlry at large. Will those to whom we have sent art-cunts in the last few weeks, 1nd who have not yet remanded plans.- olrlige at once. We have lo thank those who have attended to this Inmll matter, net small to us by any means. She was 39 years of age at her death and leaves behind her three eons. She will he greatly mined for many a day in the circles that knew and loved her. For you: ll]. bu been the life and noul of many happy gathermgu, and the was always among the that in good works and gentle deeds. The New Year's [nth- erings and other functions of the Clan Gordan. will miss her kindly preuence and Winsome manner l and many will feel there bu passed from their life n rare influence that cannot be replaced. She In: a lady of conuiderable culture and of deep religious: experience. The bud comes back tosummer, And the blossom to the nu. But thou‘lt come baek---ott never! To thine nin countrio. But thou wort Ital to heaven, Which aye was In! to than; And it’s there thou-1t meat them soon, Frae thine ain countrie. Take Luxniyo Broquuinino Table. All draught: refund the money if it fails to cure. 2lk. I. W. Grove'. nip.tum is on cub box. May l Ber husband. Janus S. Reid. is th present chief of Clan Gordon; and she Wm president of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Clan up to a short time ago. At her death she was vice president. of the Grand Auxiliary of Massachusetts and her correspondence made her known far beyond the bounds of the state. In the death of Mrs Jumen B. Reid, Berkley street. thin city, there hu pm- ed away one who will belong remember- ed hr I. large circle of friends and ac- quaintances. Mrs. Reid was heat known uuong the people from the Provinces, and Among the Scottish people of the city, and among them she held a unique position. [The following notice relates to a. daughter-m-law of Mrs. E. McKeChnie, Upper Town, and appeared in the Taunton Evening News. Doc. 29. 1900.] Reader. you need hel p. Early abuse or lum- excesses may have weakened nu. Exposuro may have diseased you. w,; are not safe till cured. Our New Method will cure you. Sou run L0 risk. Nothing can be more dtsmoralisiuet to young or middle-aged men than they-es- euce of those "nightly 20mm." hey produce weaknnaq. norvonrnen. a feeling id disgust and a whole train of symptolpa. They unfit a. man for business. married life and Fooiul happiness. No matter whether canscd by mil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses. our New Method 'i'reatun'ut will positively care you. N0 CORE- N0 PAY The Leading Specialists of America t' 20 YEARS Ill DETROIT.“ 250.000 (HIRED. WE CORE EMISSIONS 2S6,9 lo CURE-P FOREST DESTRUCTION. "rt.", '7" . 9'7vi?Pe'2f'" tkuH.rrpe _ Mgh’m’wmm Lii'2,i PUBLIsHER's NOTICE. IRS JAMES S. REID. During the paint week: thepart which the (‘nmullzm soldiers took In the cap. lure of General IYonje at the hatllc of [Martin-lung hats been told and retold by the gun-Mast nuthmity on the subject” General Itoltevttr--and wvrrnl of his leading: omeerw. The picture which Is- Riven frve by The Weekly Globe to Its yearly suhurihers is pronounced by those who wme there a very awe-unlu- desetuptiott " the scene. A sample of it can he see-n at this oMer. It should he in every home in Cttnada.--Ask for Review C'htirl:inq Rates South of Middaugh House ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin mamas of PIANO and ORGAN: _ SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil um Se wing Machines and supplies. G . M c KIN N O N . Alnndmoly mum-ma "my. 1m on. w n ot n laconic run. Tm ',t4rll4'r'3'o'lG'l', " MN'; thgt'ata'd,t Irit'l'iiriiii'iii'i'i?i'iiiii"iiii' . . *-- - "'"a'al'F. Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words $6 \VILKINSON PLOUGH Comm NY each we)». Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in I “we We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULT/VA TING, Coulter d; Scott Drills and Everything for Farmers I We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. "Large Bales & Small Profits." (h1ltivatops, Disc and Spade IIar rows, Seitfflers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond “arrows. THE t'ANAIHANS' PART. We beg to inform our Custom. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash System " dk J. McKechnie. ADOPTED BY " G. & J. McKECHNIE. I REMIlet‘ENCE or, A FAMors term-u It. i All] 1 recent. inue. the Yam-tuner I World revivee an important address l tode by the hue Hon. George Brown. I ll) Toronto, on Nov. 29, 18510. Pvt-hulls name of our older residents tememlrer the gathering. which took place in tht. city hall. and was one representative of (an the leading Liberals in “new”: Ontario. Mr Brown) speech wan chit-11y remarkable for its strong derelavation lil favor of the Confederation of tho Wr minion, a question destined to be I burning one. hut then little “Jen-ml to. I He said he would herald with thlll-lhl l the. day when the greet liritirh North l Amertean provinces would rise in their might, and take their plece alumni: 1h [notions of the world. Let us have. he y concluded, a federation of our own. he- tween Upper and L )wer (‘anedm and then greduellv take m those other pnwineee when the opportunityi sotfrv ed. The posit ion was adopted by tho leaders on both sides of politics, and Confederation was accomplished on July I. 1867-a union that has been taught with good for the people of WI. end hide fair, in the twentieth century. on which we have now enter. asd, being still more fruitful of benefit to ite steadily growing population. Mr Brown’e edvocecy of Confederation and of the acquiring of the Northwest Ter. ritoriee. ought - to be forgotten by the Cenodlen peoru.--roeonto Mar. Lower Town. a. a The Lubes um! seaty, and “ream paying for th u grunt of 64" "Common Fund' Fund. Ul-lignti all been Incl. missions. and u. lulume of $177 rslaas Moria. McFadden we place of the th rnvlnmn an” the tl XML!!! UI " “an “In “‘0 writing w: plum lillim of tite Inn-1 mtcetved In mick. Saul glimpse at growth aim " about, u sumciem l (his in an lively and Superior " arteel mill It por day, an Castmdiu" I out, sing: ttt tta Town Hull tn llinhlu jun! to m whenever "She is t that eva-r laud"! w cl m ll PM: W ttt one SHED l but i fo 'ieedsttt, supply "mun 1 admin them. t " he M " 'rimu It The 't it In! I“ “mu the Hov still will "Pt lk ttttt il he

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