West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jan 1901, p. 1

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lid. Ln-l us have. he Minn l f uur own. ho- l.,wer Canada, and Luke m those other r nppm-runily i sonar wa< adopted by the ides of politics. and I: accomplished on union that has been d fur the people of fair, in the twentieth to have now enter- .' fruitful of benefit to ng population. Mr of Confederation and , tho Northwest Ter. n to be forgot.” by '..--Toeonto Star. »ur Custom. .0 generally ed the Cash ns Cash or i that our :1 he " rstem ce of KiNNO l Profits." echnie. tem ECHNIE Jr of for are All) " u th h blace of the three retiring. l irralit of 8400 has been made to the "Common Fund" branch of the Centurv _ Fund. Obligations outstanding ha/e all been met, about, 82:1) given to) missions. and the General fund shows a , balance of 8177 on the right side. Mess. ! rs Jas, Morita. Jas. Ireland and Thou. I McFldg'T IVY? tlt.tt,ed manager: ini tht. war this hmly has Ant-Hum“; gum? Hunks. and has :m-mnplisle "such. A Yt'itt ngu " dw-usiun was you”. to. to huihl sheds and this has Inn-n done, At the same tirne it was felt that thevhurO accomodation was proving inadequate and an addition to the church wnsdrcid. ou upon. Subscriptions aunmmting to over 82800 were setuuvd, and though "wan-ml were swam) over 3 year; "vet' half the amount as been already paid. The ladies undertook to procure new seats. and areimaking good headway in paying my Atty? _Besideu pll this Th ttte hut-um Din-ch)! Kit-hard lh )l'slim' Prts. Smith Fir h, rho Annual Homing of M. Grev Agri- cultuvalriocitstytvitn held in thd Town Hall m: Wetlttesday afternoon. Mv. Jas. Edge occupied the chair. The Fin. ancial statement was rend " the 'i'tuasurer Mr. (‘ulder mowing the Sm'ielynut of debt. and n. balance of 580.0(Nm hand. (Min-rs warp elected as follows: -Ptes. Jas. Edam. lav Cie.., N III" I0('K!ln. r‘eruan hose reel No. 1 1 J. “use. Foreman hose reel No. PCI', Elvidge. Foretuan H. & l..: H. Kennie, Ste-wart. The total nwlnhership is 26. the avttageat'tetulauct, for practice in I}!!! when the engine wn< out is 18 per practice which has “PM! the largest at.. tendance since the brigade was organ- ized and all the boys take great. pride in in the work. J. “use Elvidge. Ste-wart the aver “II! wut Fun-z Immune, The annual meeting of the fire lninmle was held in the Town Hall on the 3rd. inst., there was a large attendance, the officers for 1901 are H. Torry, Chief: J. Harhottle, Lieut; Alex McDonald. bhnrineer: Geo. Meikle. Asst. Engineer: Chas. Leanna. Fire man; John Rose, Spot. and Trans; E. Mct'lock!iu. FJI'muam lum- reel No. l: " ld Fun: nrtioAirr:., 11‘] of the fire brigade Town Hall on the 3rd large attendance, tht “'0 R. Torry, Chief: J Alex McDonald. Enui Canadian are. Mr. writing was engaged plant tillirnt Erin-am. of the late design. He hound to he a city in a guys at the Sons of Scotlnml t'oncevt m I t,axative GNP tablets check La Grimm Town Hall on Fvlr. ti, luacFati,ne',, Drug Slurp. THR Wovruiuwtu. "Sun" A letter; Mv. G. A. lloss has hem appointed received but I'm-k from Mr. A. McCor- _ postmaster of Owen Sound. mick, Stun Ste Marie. itttt. gives a: La Grippers pretty “WW“ in town. glimpse of that wotuierfnl district's ,1 MrJnhn A. Black and family hare all gruwth and importance. Though mow l heen sufferers. N about two feet (hep. the cold in not] Fresh Maple Syrup at, the Big Store. ,,utftieieni to pron-m. mason Work and ( Memorial services fur the Queen “’ill this i” going Ort making every thing; he held in Trinity Church next Sunday lively null luminous gum]. The I‘lkelevoning. The church will he suitably \‘uperim- l'ulp Co. un- building' a large lulu-wed for the occalhm. '1YinitrChurch alt-u] mill to turn out 400 ton»: steel Minimum-1y School wdl Ire held at 2.30 p. pur day, :unl steel plate all mall. frnln m. nwtt-ntluf the otrming as heretofore Vanadium are. Mr, Md}. M. time oflLCrCl1.ri 7 7 .. , . d on Mm re being w-ur this us. Hull. t and app I Wtu. Ca the stan PU Tun: “human-1'1. "Sun" A letter veceired hut week hum Mr. A. McCor, mick. Sault Ste Marie. Ont. gives a unm- gnu-n In Ulnm, 'l‘nhermm-y. lhd ""ViHK IJr. Bu 1:1: mm. mm For! 1Villiam theEXl'ukss I Drug Store. A says in ”making of Miss Murlachlats, , to save expense.- "Sht- in the greatest of Gavliv singers! Prunes Gc lb' that evvrsuumledn unu- I and High-i " ' hunk-rs will surely give her a mend off , Hunter. to HiRlalandets in the "4tatesnudt'anatu; lilad to have just to prove how lughly she is valued I vidge. who is f; wherever known." Miss Marlin-Man “3'" illness. sing: at the Sons of Scothnd Concert In l Laxative Grin I'ERIN tulle-d. not. um Semis-mam Laxative Grip tablets will (-nro a cold: in one day, MacFarlane'. Drug Store. I Swen Chcrs.-2m bushels Lignwo Seed § one for. cale- at Parker's. Druggist andl a __ l Prima! Donna should apply early. The 3 supply iss limited. , . "---r i o n ) ' Local and District News. :3 t ---' . The silh- ol' tit'kl'ts for the Soils of Svulluml (hm-0M an I"ehru.n-y HUI hug [mum at MacFariane's Drug Slur". As :ul:uis~itnx will only he by ticket secured thew, those wishing: to hear the grout Il " next ttist In The hell of Trim“ th hide: lmlin shrlel NH! P" "H _\r u r-.." w "nu JJII'VS still on hand and co clear them Ul will sell them at a. big reduction. We have also 8 Fur ('upl In Mon Hovs' which we want to get rid of, Come and help us. th VOL. XXIII. NO. lye hare a few "Y last full nth My has Edge, 1Vrts. Mum Wus. Herd and l tops, Thus. Brnwn " newly rimmed It ed A. Davidson, li ‘l'rt-nsmer and sh : otuunit',tus for lawn“! until ‘IXI'KESS of the fer-ling t " D JrlA nd ly Ill mgreg in the . L. GRANT. I rend " the . nhmving the d n. balance of 'ti wow elected Edge, lst Vice v'lm' Pres. Wm Binnie. Chris. ['aldwell, RUM. In unloading the with machinery adds "the Yoo is very few Feats, Iv ('hurt-h will he t' 'ttvices on Sun- ynmuthetiv r'UTottt any. equals m Sm)! ' 1110271}! Sept. ot the West of farewell cum-PMS ttion Wu: church “min; It " tit orhnp It was the one sweet compliment a. truel woman pays another. Yes. that's jun1 what she is, with her round, sweet. girl- ish face, lit up with . pair of brown eyes, and lovely white teeth. - ___..-. ...,..-.. --clevet, Bohemians, mark you!" A sis. ternrtiste at the concert the other night said-NO, Jessie, but rou're bonnie.", - "___.. mum” . . l m the muswul world. "I love to he‘ surrounded with Bohemians like myself] .‘I,_-.__ " u . l Hu- 1.41““ng hit ofgossipahout Miss M:u;l.u-hlun who sings at the great (Rm-i mart in lln- Town “all an Feb. 8,,willj In. reml with i'ntervst) "But you wdl'. suy~Toll ttte what she is like parsonally.‘ Well, she is the nicest. brightest, and cheeriest woman you ever met. iii] greatest. pleasure is to be with artistes in the musical world. "I love to be fmm rt ll H'M'ticsll steps taken to have t'tttettt industry under wav. P sultry supplies at MacFarlane's i'i'he followitur hit of-at.,.,'...." Lomom at, 20c a dozen the Hip; Store. A FREE SITE. At , special meeting of the Town Council held on Monday M rs MclAnchlun leaves three sons. to mmnn her loss, who have the sincere sympathy ot' their many friends in this‘ country. I Died at her home in Em-lville lllinnis Mrs Malcolm Mclmchlan. who was at ”no time well and favorably known it/ this county. She was a sisti-r-in-lnwi of the hue John McLachlan, of Price I ville, and a sistm- of Mrs T. It. Smith} foruuerly of Alwrdvvn Huntinvk. , IKE-11m. -1Vhat a change in one life. ilimc! Here we knew the Ilueen'sdeath tive hours before it happened! (owing to 'tl'.,',','.','.:'::', in time.) In 1837 she was a1 (Queen for nearly two months before ‘the news leached across the Atlantic. "Yrs notin- a Toronto paper is telling 'what Toronto was doing in 1837, will sonwhody please tell us who were oth've holders in Durham that your? " _ Fresh Maple Syrup at, the Big Store. Memorial services fur the Queen "'ill be held in Trinity Church next Sunday" evening. The "hutch will he suitably draped for the occasion. '1'viniryC'hurch Sunday School wdl ho held at 2-30 p. tit. inch-eulof the morning as heretofore beginning nn Sunday next. Ir's37.lt.lt)1. -What a change in one life. Glad to have It call frcm M" L. Isl. vidgr. who is fast. recovering from his Prunes, fu- ll, at the Big Stove Hunter. The Prix Stun- is advertising smne ' grunt bargains uftm- Stat-I; Taking and says the good,, Imu- lo got,“ quick move _ cm to make room fur spring goods. AoTIt'E. The nor-aunt, of all persons AoTIt'E. The tM't'fttr, twing Dr. "11rd are“ SHEWELL d IElijigiilij. SHEWELL & LENAHAN Chr Old customers are cordially invited to call and See us in our new store where we hope tmnnke the acquaintance of many new friends. '13» Mit .21 The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell tic Lenahan. Hir 'my 'Resparcttutt Jolie/led. ll urd urn 'tt, MacFatGna's l settlement is requester] tttractions for the m Wer/y, Pea, year New Year's “a- Hun LIIL‘ L g died at 6.56 p. Ill. :41 There are human feelings in the palace as well as i, 'lfileottnge and her family have flocked to Osborne Castle, Is i§\\'ight, where the end came. Not all, however, the Em {glirederiek her first-born, was too ill to more, though she {fwd to. Her son, the Emperor of Germany, has come clos the British heart, by refusing- receptions, coming, he says, as Emperor of Germany but as grandson of the Queen. 21 years a maiden, 21 years a wife, nearly 40 a widow has been through all an example and inspiration to her jects. She has fallen not prematurely; long' has she been F. ed "to reign over us" in answer to the hymn prayer sun; often and so fervently by her subjects. She has outclassd British sovereigns 1n the length of her reign, and also, only on Friday' last, in years and days of life. On Friday she surpassed her grandfather Geo. III in mm one surpassed ner grandtatner Geo. III in ago. - V - Our inside cages have much interesting matter ing this fatal illness' and the anxiety of all classes. Tl f'" deeply beloved: she will be deeply mourned. t Overshadiwing all news this week, : domestic concerns, all foreign entanglemei that ' The Queen is dead." That Queen ations has occupied the greatest throne Ill ' ty to herself and profit to hermillions of the common lot of humanity. The first announcement to the nation last when a bulletin Was issued, totally 11 Queen's health compelled her to relinqui: present and keep to the house. The ll ,empire, received a shock at the unexpect {day since have waited on the bulletins Whit until to-day, Tuesday, came the final mes: died at 6.:6 D. Ill. Outlived & Outreigned all British Monarchs 2sl))tit1iestii'c" "til, "e,.', Our I,ute Magi DURHAM, Tnfifismfflfimfim Died on Tuesday at Osborne House news this week, all strife of war, all reign entanglements, is the great news xl." That Queen, who, for two gener-' greatest throne upon earth with digni-i to her millions of subjects, has shared! ""J issued, totally unlocked for, that the L . .. - _ her to relinquish business f house. The nation, nay the at the unexpected news, and f Passes :95}wa 'raeious Queen. , “curly 40 a widow, she 1 inspiration to her sub: long' has she been spar- hymn prayer sung so She has outclassed all 1er reign, and also, but of life. On Friday last messan which never . l was made on Frida) I o - - news, and day by never gave hope,‘ '0 that the Queen! if, Tile "mpresstyy'"y""? of the g 1 gllaslvll is an nulhnri 011g] she wan. mallow. haying hoe-l come close to plat-mg some tlmusmu N _ there. Mrs. Haslett g, he Hi rr", IIOt father's Mr. Thus. Lu , - mar concerng ', The Queen] Castle, Isle for the a whole in the WEIR he ' Mr. Haslett. was summoned It Ottawa by wire nn Monday last, and 0f_loft Tuesday morning to meelzsumc SS mumhms of the govermm-nt.. C..' Mr. gllnslelt is an authority on Nurth Wert tr. MUNICH, haying liven itrstruuseutal in tozplncing same thuusunds of good settler, there. Mrs. Haslett remains at lwr ot f.ather's Mr. Thus. Lauder, in the mean- Mr' John A. Rose is nowCclerking m J. & J. Hunter's new store. I“ A grand ru+ool'.ruatertait-n will he given in llussml fllall. llmmmm on Friday evening Jun. 1th. by the pupils of S. Y. No. 13, ligrennml. assisted by the brightest talent of the neighbor- hood. The programme will consist of tendings, "citations, dialogues, chorus- es and drills by the pupils; and mlm. qunt'tettes, addresses, string hand tttuhue, dialogue: and recitation, by otherloca1 talent. The programme is lengthy and a. good time is expecIed. 'Ugme oyeryhody and bring I sleighlond (wiut you. Admlssion 15 and IO cunts. I lilm Miss Mary F. I 'ampirell, Swinton Park is at present in Bulawm. N. Y, with het. sister. Mrs. D. Drenm'n, who on the tttst. day of the ventury ttecatne a happy mother. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs Jno (‘amel-on and fami- ly, avcmnpamied Ivy Mrs (itev.)Ounevon and Mrs Rose, left for Toronto. where they will spend the Winter. [This Was madvertently omittml last week Ed.l Rev. Mr. Dunlop and (laughter Eva. of Stetylwr Were guests with Mrn'und I Mm. Angus C'arnevon lately. Mr. Dun- l lop is leaving for u new tield in Hinton, l fto which plaee the family will shortly! follow him. I Mr. I). McCormack, of Bentinrk. left ’Mondny morning to attend the Normal VSchool in Tumult). Miss Kate 1lrCots mark of GlenrontUn left the: same day for London. 311's it. Gray is visiting her father and other friends in towu. Miss: May McCormack returned home from Rochester last, Friday for " fvw weeks. Mr. Wm. MucFM-luml. of Markdale, Jalled on friends here Monday hm "tl . his way from “'nlkerlun. I Mr. John Turuluill, fotttserly of Mal. tton, and family, moved on to the Mc- iDougali farm near Dm-nuvh hut week, FM" and mmily, moved on to the Mc- Pougall farm near Dotmoclt lust week. i Mr. Jas. A. Hunter Cook .1 trip to f"'"""" city, Michignv. Ins! Week and iwas' greatly impressed with what he ‘suw there of massive machine-W, build- ings, li. l PERSONAL MENTION i Mrs ll, Gray ix visiting hm and other friends in tuwn. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO t The largest real estate transmrtxon inton Patk fever made in the Northwest. Wu dosed l with her ryemterday by H. A. Hunter of the, Hun. ho on the i ter'-Windie ('Ulllluny of Minneapolis, by neuhuppy |Which the. Northern Paulie Railway company disposes of the entire remain- and fami- ing portion of Ru federal land grant of )thsmeron “in. lying between the. Iliuouri mud to, where James river in North Dakota, amount This was ing to 1..nat,mo acres. eek, Ed.] The lands. about 2,3tt square miles. hter Era, are included in a ttact covering about £0- Mr.iand ttoo sq. tuileti. They have been bought by Mr. Dun- a syndicate composed of Carlos Hoyt:- , Clinton. Lon. " capitalist '. William Hoerr. lumi- ll shortly dent of the Citizens' National " url, and L. Patterson. il monument whoh., suler. all of Mankato, and thu L hi. (med to Hackney Land ('ompnny of St. Hm]. I“? and The put-thaw. Ittice runs into milbom 89'1“)“qu of dollars. but. Mr. Hmvkuey SLIM". but l', 'id?; nightthat,thesvni.,,,, i. ..... .. . ' in HtltiourHus tho wxm' ii4iiii--~. 11qu. Hull (Ill llu- l:ilnl~. In :Hll\' "utit ”Hind grazing. “an gnu-n Nlrc. .er, WM. lin ‘Nui-lln-Hi Pnritii, :Iiiv'll'~l~ lwmg twp» l rus'rlili-(l by F. w. Wur-r. :I‘lml‘hl i Fiastern land “gum. Th,. Ullllwll “an !royered yrstetuluy Mill dumb lit the l lands will he given as mum as the ~ymli~ , Cttie (will Ire 1!""wItotuatod." i Weexteud to um- your”: luwmnmn hearty "r'ngraiulatirtrs on the _itr't'ev, attending his pmmutinu of this big transfer. The Directors of the Numb- l en) Pncitit. are. it Henna, much pleased with 'n1'trg'g',' skill and diplomacy in carryingicl. rough an well, and hrtye not been slow to tell him so, lt has given him it nuns and landing that will spread far beyond Minneapolis and will furnish number instance of the vim and energy of young Gun-d1. His commiuion {mm the' Northern Pacific alone exceeds mom. . sum that makes it worth while to spend a rear or two in promoting. Tin thus: were "plums sH'uI e half million acres i includes purl ions of in a number of mm are in the main "k ing art-us. "mm... "..."; lthe St. Paul Pioneer. Ptesm of Jun last has an account of a [and trans. desttihed in one paper. no the h land lransformvr made in Anne:- and! hue. ttt which ligurvsmu' 1mm Mr. R. A. Hunter m'ittattsfettitur," The 'rtutt'actiot, has hoe" umlvr m eration fur two years. but "My last 1. mums. I‘m-y have t, Idimte cmnpusod of It capitalist t William of the Citizens' N .. Patterson, n pmm “HUI. RInnLnin ...e Udel- the (dump "ENOUGH FOR AN EMPIRE . BOOT. AND .HOE. O A few pairs (Iflong Boota, Menu Moc.. casins and still: proof Rulnlwn to lumld at a big reduction. Also a few paits nf Leggings left which We will clear out at 1.25. Theseave bargains. Ito you mm them 'r It em. mmw along. WHOLE NO. 1192 mum Harry A. Hunter Scores Ie above heading in large t.vpe ll Plum-er Pleas of Jam. Hill). account of n land transaction in one pnpm- a. the hinge“ 'm-owr mule in America " wmnolinn of this big imrtors of the Numb- Vueems. much pleased skill and diplomuy in gh In Fell, and hay? A) tell Ahlm 80: lt has med on the m m involve-d. s of 200 wwmh C. L. GRANT. l'l‘sh agricultural and llllil ”was in art ic wnnhips lyin, mm! the land M. was rinsed I- of we Hun. nneupulia, by tthe Railway Illl' lnwnsn one att g age Hm UV

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