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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jan 1901, p. 2

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Wtrtt was m um h tenured was that etr, brain mlgh; b attacked. Keenly mwitiw to h s' .nil’k tion and appear- ance. thx Ilu on has db outer hemmed to ser- runyoxu bu: h -r nurses and um? tors. and it is mnhrsuxxl that the Prin'm of Wales is Ili. only unreptiuu to this rule, and that. his interview with tho knee" was“ but a few mo- mma. Home tho oth nature ot the may is krnwn Hill" to a vary few. and It in the rum! wish that the “we should not tn, informed of the ”blame of paralysis. l {he Queen'r, extreme manu' am much more alarm than thel ..._-‘--- I-llll I\YGCI 'lf hedge about the sick bed of a mon- "art, unnk-mlanl wily too well what thoso w ml” llll‘lll. The official mtatammll ‘wus utmmnpanlod by an unorncial ndminsinn that tho Queen mm not omprvh-l to surviw- the night. Everybaly is up at, Osborne House. Ind terrible maxi my; "THUMB all quar- ters. If the Qu you lives until Tuesday by will surprise her doctors, who feared that she w: aid not bo able to mvlve beyond G u'ulo.‘k this morning. it In undoukxxl tlot the physicians Atavo gtNxarted to artificial methods to Nong- life. in h me are used ally in 121808 of persons in extremis. The Mix-elated Press learns tint tho Par- Uysis is (Nelly midont in tho lace. no side or which appmrs to have but all nL-rw- and muscular power. it 6 o’clock Inst (waning Ilia malady Md not rem-had th, vital organs, although it bad naturally caused an “mt total loan or the power of wrath. Whit ,‘ - .. .. Inllullll Tho Prime of Wall-v: was in such " condition ot lli'uiLh that it Wm utterly impoisihu. for him to haul) London at that hour. but it in hop all he will start for Osborne Home tut tt this nmrning. An Ominous Bulletin. Tho slight holws encouraged dur- ing yesterday wvrt- destroyed by tho ominous miumaht bulletin. Those who know what caution and reserve baht “L ' A- ' ' ' a." hotx. will be uh: Immuliutoly on t, the Queen's voila)". awning. a Inn-bug london summoning Wqu and Emperor M34, Isle of Il a. m.--Her Milken ed that she might thin (Monday) mnr tt h "xpt'trtett th through the day. "ll holy Wall be try, ,7 7 ___ . "'"oP""".' I”? Mangers in her homo life has nl- woyu been one of .‘m-r t'htuateteristics, All] it has been doe-mod wisesn to respect her prvjuir-ca at, this sup- lnlne mnmrn't. fot-rof.,-'re aghe will In: minute-d to an) unntly drawn into dark Valley ~xn-rounded unly by "In she l-rn'mI. ner bust Hours. General Flux-int! Collapse. I) oomph-to that all tdw tttuetions ot the b My have "ansml except. as miwtulnetl by nrtiti ual means. This I: taux, (H'cn to thv extent of rt:- nrplratln'n. which, 1H stated, is main.. tain-3.1 by the "up U! oxygen. mu it was mush to ur- (Ll'hulr'hl mum-luv that mtbriment tcp -.x::-.l to be assim- ihted to sumo extant to-day. In uthm- wards. ttto Qumn in dying of old age and exhat1?tion. Her vital forms, had sho, from an mainary pat- ientt, would not haw survived yester- day. when it a.prrsred that her re-i penned shaking t,rrvllts and uncommi-I arms would mxrwo, into the last I rieep. The dnct‘l'rs w'mtld neat let her I dig, asn-l tlhirLr skill is still sulficicnt , In hold her back {112‘ a brief spell in an existence that is nut, pulnlul, but I which must be nuzuttomble weari- nena to a mu] yearning tor rest. It tit said that one was m why no spew him or professizmal nurses are pre- R-lut is that it would greatly dis- tress the tttteu sum"):- and hasten! not and it any 'rtrungo face were at hat thsHv. Her antipathy furl “Hinge” in her lmnm life has nl-l -Auu b--- __- - ' ' I The doctors’ assurance of a respite hr a few more hours is sufficiently reliod upon for the family to arrange that the Prince of Walvs and Duke of Connuught new! not coma to Os.. borne until noun to-morrow, unless they are spr'ciully mnnnmned. It is again prsitiH-Iy ”Miriam! hy the phy- sicians that iItu. Il +st.s'r, critical condition is dua- tt nn s'peeitic dis- cm. lt is a East Cowes, Jan. 21. 'da.rn.-Ttie Queen yesterday morning was able Inmate a little nourishment tor the first time in " hours, and her imme- diate attendants express the hope Shut her life may be prolonged tor I!!!) or three days. Her family are lehiced by the Lurt that she was tally conscious most or the day. The frequent use of oxygen was chiefly Instrumental in tho revival of her vitality. Her physicians are of opiu- inn that the rally may be maintained by the present treatment until Tues- day, but it is impussible to expect life to continue by artificial mean» beyond that unlees nature meantime Juneau revival, Whil'h would be lit- tieymort of miraeulous. Pvt-cool Wales is Indlstroaed--Arriva, of the German Emperor-met by the About Her Appearance and wm See Nobod) But the Doctors, Nu Ative by oxygen-She Has Long Spells of Uncortacrousness--wornr. "er-The Paris Press-Farr-tun In a..- a! "a " -‘ _-_ R0YALTY'S GRIEF SHARED BY MILLIONS The QUEEN vKniiiiiiijiriic Witt Sn'v None. has! Hours. J! Wight. Jan. 21, ."n 'testy s physicians hop- itht rally at c, o'clmk Im’rning. If she does Hut nine will live lay. It "he does not, is abundaned. on the CMcurrentee ot mW- about 10 East 'tttripit' was sent to the Prince ot n' William. “I“ was in much mm that it Ttts for him to ie-u'n ur. but it in twp Sad News Received With Sorrow by the Whole World. ated, is main- 'xytput, and it -t...yr'u surprim‘ I I to be unsim- T we to-day. In i m is dying all ... n“ .. - Ci o’clw‘s she does will live Ines um. .-Pormsuttes In Case of Her Death, .m.--The I Stroke of nnmlvnln --L 71,. '_.." “an signalle- i lwr desire Hut tho Prince should Rt I to meet him. Rather against hlswm l the Tan, who tor the mommit mm _ "'""t"" "II'LI7~ "IIIUII ll! , half an hour's walk from Osborne. , Print-0 and Emperor. I Tho down-turn or the Prince of [Wan-s for London shortly after 12 o'rlock to meet Emperor William _ was quietly ar't'omlrlished, The Human hm beon informed of the ; Kaiser's coming. and had signalled I lwr desire that the Prince should go tn In”! ht... b-‘Lw . . - - tho man who ton-WI practically King of The world-wide concern in th" Queen's llfc is shown by the enormous accumulation of messages which haw. necessitated the. installation of " telegraphic plant and a corps of op- nrntors such as would be adequate tor a town or 100.000 Inhabitants, and Men now tho wires from Os-, borne House are working lnccssuntl). '; Ouuitte the hour-w all is silent. It l is n starry night, and the only i watchers near tho lodge where tho ‘ bulletins are displnyml are the re-l porters. wltosro. dr'sputrmes, have been 5 handled with tho utmort courtcsy l and expedition all night from tho! East Cowes, tolngmph office. which is 1 half an hour’s mm.- rm... nahn-nn l _ 'e"""-"'. '~' "r"%ca66bcr. ‘ The Queen's faithful Scotch gilliv: and u. lifelong uttmnlant in Her Ma- ‘ jmty’s household, when asked hy " ; friend here, "How is Her Majesty ‘."'g replied-- i "Oh, man. tits, is Just a dear only Rrortrtn thing. All majesty ls gum! out I of her." That feeling is shared now by all the depondants in the household in than last hours. . ' Her Mujnsty‘s momnntury remn- Prws hate been rmnurkahln. It in own ttnld that. on Friday evening she was physically able to affix her signaturv to sum!» Stun dncumeuts, but her pitiful wruknpssv is such that her runetioncs ttave ceased to operate. an... n..__‘..,, " pm. - - -7 i The Qum-n has bean weakening in. c'twttsiing,rl.v through fainting tits. l which iuu'o (lovoirupul at same per- i-uls int, almtxn u stance " coma. These tits were less marked last night than to-mght. The Bishop of Whrvhos,tor, who is tho Clerk ot tho. CI wart. ham arrived. The doctors mm; men-r leave the eivk roam. Ther" in) an irnprvvisitprr, sense that “or Maja'sty in “Ty near the solemn and inevitable call. but all repress tiwir curiosity out of respect to tho Royal family, and t '-nirurrctw's chm-ch titervices, including one memorial ct Prince Henry, of Iktttituburtr, Win Uicd, Jan. 20, 1896, pronmwe to pass with the same simple dignity as to-. (lay‘s anxiom hours. IT? Bust Cowes, Jan. 21. Ga.m. - h "t telephonic message from Osborn» g-. house to the lodge gate says that f‘" most of the members of the Royal m' 3 family are lying down within easy " t'all ot the sick room. No furth'd' tl y rally is (Npu'ivd. I: At the Queen's Bedside. l (fours. Isle of Wight. Jan. lu.-- ' I Huge-i .‘id'ulinll wan arlel dignit) ti a d g can son-0v, .OJLIO n anus“ new 's, main, mo..- thu. eve; de.uc..ei hum N i the and. lltt. u: the wind A. tU is imw , [ liminignt, and the why widen-'9. oi th" L , momentous hum; mature "a.sstrnc" is , a ten-J; in bliss two Royal Jraclibs,wsth .Mmun up, awaiting the Minimum H . ( fetch other rviuuxus wlroare now had- l,, toning to the mini“). At the killer flan»! trler there is hushed trctivir.s ‘ 1 among tho merwat','c-bearers, but. th" Ilrequeut, Ur Mr Arthur Bigge. the Queen's Private Secretary. that. the) I shall trot be upprouchai is respected by (exeryone, uetpne the anxious and puitrtylcurios'tiy ofnli. This is merely T l coo token of the islauders' deep rev. , ran-nu: for the Queen. n , i 'the I'm-we Arrives. , , Psir.cess Beatrice merited the Prince of Wales at ombor.v. His sister took i him to the Queen bedsiue. When, they touched hands. both were much I ,‘ul‘fected. The Prince has not Hines., 1 left. his mother's bedside. l The Prim- of Wales arrived this i evening. The fatigm of the Juurniro. Jami the painful meeting (sompulled 1 her to deck rest, which the more tav- ‘u‘ruble winning bulletin showed she “in" Justified in doing". Swine other t inemtbmns a! the Royal family Iollu'w- , 0d the Pruvcoss' example. T I Lady Amptuill inn-l one Hun. Hur, , rivet Phipps have shown heroic and ' nntiriug dewan during the entire 1. week. , _ _ "WNW...“ 5.15 a. m.--The members Royal family are still gut a room auljnining the Quct chamber. Her Majesty h rc 0.41.3112] the and is cum t m uncut. any moment, and] the Royal family are in_ tripe Queen's bode! _ l Cowes, Jan. 21, 2.10 mm. - The I Queen is in a (tomatoes condition and I is regarded as passing away. l 3 a. m.-'Phe worst is expected at I nun nxnmn-J _ . - _ --v _.. u...u.u-v‘y I”! been exparienced in administering 'amt"shmimt, for the appears quite unable to masticate. To this weakness are probably (in: Ht, long spells of 9rheWrtereiouiaust, through which she has been musing. although it 18 ul- poes!trle to distinguish these from tho 'uusidioui "ncrutuhmonts of old age. smoke of paralysis which tamed Friuay. Mun am .- 7, . No Further Rally owes. Jun. 21, Ga.m. - A c Int-wage from Osborn:- tho lodge gate Hays that the members of tho, Roy.” FATAL ILLNESS. , and the members of mily are now ahsembled 3's bedchamber. The members of tin- 10 moment was England. dbeyed g the Queen's bed- Majesty in "norm~ Zuh duncumy has in administering Elle appears quite o. To this Weakness /h, long spells of still gathered in ! Expected. w-The Oath of Succession. d at any "ee 7......‘q‘u .._ Agni-U! accession to' the throne. um! is ne. f i‘nit‘nttn, Jun. 30.-'l'hvm is the I (lapped distress here over the sad I mwu from England, which will create intense {vi-ling- among the natives. Players tor the re1?ovturyot the Queen are ascending in all the churches and the mimborrvm UNIWIK‘S and tempieu Throne Never Vacant. London, Jun. 20.--Tho theory of the British Constitution is that the throne of Great Britain is never va- cant. In other martini. the Sovereign never dies, the succession of an heir being instantaneous. Hence, an De. brette explains it, the ceremony of Coronation is merely n solemn re. cognition and confirmation of royal descent, and the consequent rittheot "tinnitus &AJ 4-.“ 4-,, _ _ ""'"-_'e'-e.. .w.. u br l-I{I\'I‘ IIHIN morning If possible. The Prinee of Wulm is spending th" night at Marl- borough Hans“ and Emperor William ot W...st.t.-c_, ... V -..... ..., naujn'l'Ul' and the l’rmcv disvitlcui to start for ”short"! this (Mouth)! morning. Ot'- tlvrtw WPrt. givon t,h " " ro.sul yacht nliouhl hm kl-pt in waiting" to rum“) . [lll'lll to tho lsh- of Wight. i During: thou-1y tho m unlu‘rs of the ,dipiomitic corps mu! othn-r uotuhh- I purxoun outrun! their mum's in the ' \isnors' book nt Bur-kinghum l'ulucv. I Ttio rumors that llu- Marquis of Salis- J Irury and the Arrhbishop of Punter- _ bury hm! bucn NIllllanlll‘d to Osbortu, _ House WPri' im-orrt-ut. ‘ London. Jan. :1." Awarding to the bully 'lYlegraph. Emma-or William who has "hlrrvsrtrsd u xlm-sirt- to be ru- w'nmi at (minorm- Hmmn not on Em- pet-or. hut as grandson. mix! on hear- ing,' of tho Qum'n's Illness-"l um um urnndmothr‘r‘s vhlth grandson, “ml my mother is unubln from llIm-ss to huntr-n to Iter bmlsidv." Prince of Wales is l'nwell. London, Jon. 2.1.---In tho closing mo- im-nts of Queen Tictoria't, life anothur grave IKH'ant ttrises. namely, the scr- ions lmllsprmitlon of the Prinee of Wales. So worried, tin-d and (‘xhust- ml was no last evening tht he could Pot rmpond immediately to the sum- LtonH from Osboriw Home. The most he could do was to promise that hp, would leave London at 8 o'clock till: tiute- tvult um 01111-114. Tlrvy p up» who look' "(I on as tlt, earrings" drm'O off "it” 'orm'od thne hmuls, and Emperor Wil- y.'unt and Ill ' I'I'ill"o m Walre m-knuwiulgw! tlie rum-tony by raising th/rt, h'tVi, No th- 'l",' broke the M urnlul silnnov. At IO p. m. HIP Prince Of Wales be- an“ a (-(mwrsulinn by ton-phone with Unborm- House which lasted uorly un hour. As a result of this tho I,'..-...... _ ,,,....u ‘v \l tllV‘ 4mm: of royal lwrsunxlgp-z Jim-ls the Prsncv. rhtiperor Will'wm minim! th- Prince J him“ by linking: him nu both 411x-kH. mu! tho Prnnm returned u mnimr Falutution. H,, tlt km embraced .h- Duke or tork, mm tshook hands wult duo 01111-114. Tlrvy p ‘opm who look- wl on as th' 1'tu'r'uirs drove off un- 'os'rei'tul tline hzx,rtti,e. and L‘nnmmm Nartt 'l'u- t'r1ttt'o of \Vulvs :Irriwd jun. be- fore th, train vrlturenl tho station, which was at 6.20 11.111. Tlr" Duke of r wk, Prince thcisti-tu, Prinve Albert wl’ N Iruswiv,tuoritein' and Prince Ar- thur of (‘unmlught 1'trmplvttui the .‘Jmup of royal mu‘mmumw ,_q """ .Tt'l' " uluuu'ml Ol tlie tu,hst polio. of tlt , Metropolitan farce, w th m,mrul.~: of mammal man, lined up .lt. pumpln on thr, streets, forming: " tine for two blocks to Nelson's mouu~ uWnt iv, Trutausur Swarm Through lll's lmw "mu“ a Pixevsion of loyal ,urrklg-m, with In axing two {autumn ‘n yel;ur livery l).l1ind. Tho carriage-s .ntvrvrwl ths railway station and 'ircw up Ilt',"t' Ill.) “1141:. Tltr Prince of Wulvs ttrrirsut inn Im- «mum pawl-n and hu “11'0an ot Gor- m'mH aux Gus to tfits Ili, Emparor 0n h's first nppmrmu-v in London for yr.urh', Th, throng b'cuuruo so large sh It tho miéruud umhm-itiw erected u‘mulvn b-u-rh-rn, and u hundred of the tu,ltsut unit... “r al, ‘- . _ TORONTO """.Vi'l8 w antiwar his mum! to every Englishman. and we tvet at such an "Hur what true sympathy menus." Landau. Jan. L'l.--'i'w:o' hours before th, train or His Murssty the (lunnun lawman-or wns nun In London pimple :‘h'g‘J-ll to gnllrr about. ('lmring (‘rons nation. Tlr, crowd im-"u imi not only tlt, usual lmngvm-on. but nmny fush. 1 mm- piopr,, and llunlredn of Gets mum-r, nnx Gus to up Ili, Emperor on lt'" first ”Dunn-nun...» :.. ' . - in Prince ot watetr--Queen Sensitive Nurse and the Prince of waetr--kept ld-Wide Concern Feit-tmtia Prays for rm"..- Winn vivid patches ot color. Tho locll gentry. utter a church senlce, wrote their names on the \is'itors‘ hook at the lodge. Enquitiea of importana all came by tekgmm, and those were legion. llundrulu or poopln. nil sorts and (onditlons of nwn, clotTtynuen pro- Iinminnting, floudml ("u\V.'.i with teln~ Trams asking for the Inn-st news. The lumperor in London. Landon. Jan. L'1.-.h bright spot in thr- universal ttloom was tho unex- prctmlly prompt 'iJmy';tth.vuispiased by Empemr William in giving up im.. nn-lunt engugmnvnts to come to, iht- 'lvuthrs,ed of his grumlmother. "This." runs the Daily Mail, “in cal- |~nlutml to vmlmn- his nam" to I-vory linglidhman. and we {rel at such an i; mr what ti-m- tiVttitcoth, .s.r_..-..r, "_"'. nun-“III. " llu-ir Sunday garb. dotting splHri, with vivid patches Tho loan! gentry. um-r t sonlce. wrote their Ham: xisitor.s' hook nt Hm hum-n I his mother's wishes. It was rumored that the Queen wanted the Em- peror (to! postpone his visit to Chr home Hotme. an aha AM ad w-t.,t, a, . HIP Prim-v of Wales! be- 'sution lr.s tvlt-phune with w whit-h latstcut 'u'url.s nu sult ot this th" liuuwrnr m" -h, -t' . ' mi, which will ling among the r the mooveryof , Metropolitan forte, muunuwl men. lined thr, when“. fanninn- ‘rim-o Cape Town, Jun. L'fh--kium round is exproswd hum ovPr the Queen's serious illness. At tho vatluuirut to- day the dean made a touching: re- ferenoe to the news. saying: it was the worst that had been received during a twin]; year. France Unnympulhotlc. Paris, Jan. '.m.--dr, tar ma this ctty is converned, th? interest in the con- The ()ntll. Lard Uhnnt‘vlln-r: ls Yuur Muivst.i willing to tako the oath ? The King: Inm. Lord Cliuncrrllor.. Will pun sun-mun prannisv um! swmr to gown) the pen- plo of this' United Kingdom of Grtsut Brimin and ll‘t‘lfllltl and the tiomln- ions thereto hn-lnnging. ucvurdinp: to 1hr statutes in Pttrlintuottt agrtidon and the- roupvvtive laws and mm- lotus of the same! Lard Hulxhury w fy tho Primus of t (gum-11 and of his an Prirwe will tuku NIP Tho Prince of Walos will appear ht-furv the Earl rd Hals1rury, the Lard High Cham'vllnk‘. tun] F'rwdorick Tem- ple. tho Atu'lihlMvrt Cuntvrbav.v, in um of thr private :Ipnrtnwnm of the t'tt wt le. Many of tho Nahum, ottieers in the Cabinet and in the Privy Cuuucll now at asbotnr, or "um at hand will attend to the fumnulltiuw of mnkim: Hm new King. The l’rim'n will 13.1w tlw King of Mir Unitmi Kingdum Britain and Irwlamt and its ion within an hour :iftvr th, (tenth. H] Th" King: I rulomuly itromieo so to it by Ivttvrs mil-ht up m his van, if he sees fit. The Nnvnroign'x vim-st sun bevonws the Duke- nf Cornwall. The Sum-onion Ceremony. Whim tho Quweu dim, the Prince of Waive will bo mftiriml ot his acces- siml tu “w “me. ll'> ttttttter what hour in the day (21' night the and; may come. w.....n.-uz- m raruamenb undMinistry is (unaffected try the demise of the ruling mum-alga. The succmslon of the "aw Prince of Wales to that titl" is quit" "itterent. When the present: Prince of Wales tm.. cumes King. the tltln merges in that of Sovereign. 'No. Kine than mm“.- w reign over us. Goi save the Quem." Fornwrly the "oath of a Sovereign itsel! dissolved Parliament and the Ministry. By the reform bill of IRHS this law was ropm lod, and NW tho existmuu- of Parliament undMinistry is (unaffected try the demise of thn ruling 'iov"reigts. 'l‘l.- _ _ "may; um] Humble anew-Um. beseech“ ine, God. by whom kings and (mums do reign, to bless the rnyul Prineoss Tletorla with long and happy years to reign over us. Goi save the Querm." Fornvxrlv H... don‘t ' __ v‘_,..., ".ku RTW." but! " technlcally 'mprsrthtous. The notin. oetlon tq thopoople is made by pro- clamutlon thrm‘h the Lord Mayors clad the Lord Lhutenants ot noun- Ml" for the occur-It: of the title hrs ting (“A ':Ilmbur.\j will fm'mully noti- ,"_._ u~|¢I¢ llll' By the reform bill of IRHS was ropmlm], and WW tho of Parliament and Minintrv 'tt ma Town . The Proetnmattoa. m- ama. i,t the m-ussizxn. Then the " (with. as IUHOWH _ '_-', ’.>r‘ (.k: j :9} '\ _ ', "r)')"'.,'. "l1stii.sirsi,scx.,,C),,a'la'i'it', . "i'x,ta?iiii'rii" (t $9,264” "sc-UF, fyrv you prvm-rvn i I Murry of Eng- I to the vhurclum I their charge all I 18, ___, - . . HRH (FRANCIS MAJI-NTH' THE QiHCEN "I {dip the with of 3|“ merges in that King then confers Mm of Great its territor- thn Queen n er',tCCh ie-ss, " 91% ri-ii-ii/itil-i,))))),;-;',,,, We chamiieir, , if 'uddl r» " A . . 0st l, l u "‘13:, wh' p, ., 'llborul_ reign of tho all. Hi”. (i; I', ' t'dti Pt'uittod the Cath- -".,' unh tf.' im-rcuac in th? l‘nlted kng‘dom. will Irv u, . trar" T the an mdelliblo we (iii', ttpon all UL‘lstku. hearts." PR- . :ngcuu‘ut interest and svm ath itbre 'rrsplayed h re . p: y lat l dition of in" . k reglrdlng we con- nd: , print, but”? )i,lt'.,?,t,i,, Tl‘m 'ilefvsnnmrs . ' . . mn . ' of E :1” papers yxpms an 'd,'.;',',',?]";".,,',,',' h. l or Her Majesty's "V‘nvnrn mt - ,7“..- In: "uoer%'ut I was then Erin-n hack to Paris. f Baron do liothsohild is still porrorm. 'ing military white with the 54th {Regiment of Infantry in garrison at "krtmriesrarr. Il'e rsetly attained thema- ljority yesterday. and lost no timein settling his account with (hunt, de 5 Lube-sum . I Paris, Jaa. 20.- The long-ch-pci, ',-, l dle between the Count do Lubersuc f. ; and Baron Robert do llothsvhild was s'. l tought with swords at 11 o'clor.k this (morning on Iktron l-Izihiuilil do llotlm t [child‘s estate at liouiogiiv Mir Seine. , l 'J m- ciu'riilgvs With 1t"'psi:uipairs, Ft't't'.- onus, lax-torn undo 10w friends arrh- ul there from Putut, shortly belon- ll. l Count do 1aulscrsu.'s sci'oiius were M. _ tiolu'go and (hunt 1irt bubonic. and t tho“. of Baron de llothsi-iiild were - Hui-on Leonio and iiscount m- Bond}. ' The duel begun at 11.10 and lasted , l hm minutes, when Count de Luhersae - I ru'cii‘eJ (l lungv, perforating his arm lat tin-elbow to the urinp.t. The duo; 'lwtu, then stopped. Both Count and I Huron {ought most detorininezlly; . neither “inched mm "either showed -ltho slightest desire to spare the} , otlwr. Sixteen engugmnentn took) ‘Iihwe, all of a deslmi-ute 2/,tpeitr:.i I The wmbatuhta attui-kod each other , furiously. The Homes of their shirte » l were literally tom to pieces by the points of their swords, as the duel- lists rtp'aUsdly lunge'l at each other. Smerul times they value to feloerel quarters, and their mums were oibligvd to semmxte them. At the sixteenth onslaught Baron ( do Rothschild lunged at the Count, who ,tried to parry bat failed. and the l Baron's sword penetrated his arm Just labour the elbow and issued at the (arm-pit. Spot-(atom hastened to the iwovmlai mun. and two Well-known {plush-inns. Pts. Burger and Pix-ritual lexumined the Wound. Thoy dot-lured I tho Count'. life was not In "dancer. l [but that it was impossible to con-( itinuc tho duo]. Com". an 1“...” A hurriono has swupt over the Suvz Canal. s'ovoral steamers gn- dctnined. The Austrian Lloyd steam- m. China In aground and obstructing navigation. V DE LUBERSAC WAS WOUNDED Baron R, Rothschild and Count Lubersac Meet, tfi.filiijlfiii] DUEL Mllilf, I Cxtrertrtgen, Jan. 20.--1t is under- stoad Hut. King Christian was with dWiculty dissuaded on ttte ground pt h 8 age from prowodlng to London on t4tturday. Tire Brltish emb'lsuy Intro ‘11 ovorwh4rwsd with callers. The papers pubfi- h constant. reports from Inndon and Osborn". The Pope's Grier. Rome, Jan. 2.L-Th, Papa yearn-i any telegrnph'd Cardinal Vnu'rlmn in London to oxp‘uss to Ht, BH-tlsh royal family In . te lung- of mrmw whim all Ch"uteeubrat rlmred with England DP" gar-ding ths i.'lnees of ($09011 victoria,} ”10113. The yellow journals are as rabid as over. Ttts Patric. for instance. says thut. (lasing Victoria's reign the world hm been delozad in blood and an? the pmmlnent papers. The Toup- 1elig " Whntcvar the verdict ot poo- terlty my be upon th, war. the un- guinnry occun-encel of which have darkly crimooued we glory ot the Queen'- " hung years, and manner wh " responsibility can on attached to Her Majesty tor ill . British Imper- iailnlc policy, nobody will mutate to atCrtn that the sixty-four yearl' lreign ot Victoria in: been tho model P! " constitmloxmi sovereign. Bh, in- ‘cm'nnted tbe emp're. in unity, gran- deur and traditions. She did not deserve to bear in? burden of the "areal“: p0.1('y and violence and (1mm of a Ctramgxeriain." The Journal des Dita declares tint. the war has been a grunt and- {was {or up (mien. who was kcpt mi 'gzzumnw of the farm. She did not deserve lint this bo added to her onyhfr grits." , dec Debate dltion ot Queen View“ in "that con- ntlonaJ than sympathetic. The - antKBrttittsian Ot due bul'evurdi. tho expneaabn ot wh ch ite generally vent.- ed 90 denunciation at tin-policy In rs oxpms an earnest wish Majesty's "waver-y. King Christian Anxioul . is' 'll, [ In: nuynm‘nlld ware is " 11 o'clovk this Edmund de Nutha- buumguc cur Semen mum. Giii" the rated his arm Just nd issued at. the i m-itlwr waged a to spare the gugvmeutu took ,m' pdm'ipuhe, m1: lcw friends urn» shortly before Ir I at. Mm i to the tll-known "ir'iiiriaer In moat of the; - xt Pretoria. Jan. 18.74:”: Tuthit tttsa been Itppointmt to th" otturuartrl ot Bloemfontein. Vic-v (inn. Hunh‘r. W." In: beep lnvnlidml. cuputlon of Abvruimm h) it: mum they lontml the slur! cruiwd :25 Dutch rvlwlx'. Tus were CIT" servants. who c, 1'uet-ortier bnfm-v lrminu’. mimdo which luv-l3 m-vupw luml hm! now gunn “m." Luv Tittia. Bcuatterell (‘UHIIII auburn“ Peured at Fen-s. uppurI‘M-A in: to Yanrhynsdoii. Thrs Alil nnndo has rorrtsstii.d tV River. Still nnntht-r rmnnu “-1 ing toward Winn“ m 11‘s. The Govorntmms I'd'pwrt~' l, Cane Dutch "magnum-r .‘x.-“ the lmmdors. mama-um. Jan. 17-4. recently mid sow-ml xiuit: and Inc-gm] we hurtiu-s t, fighting u, the biitre t that even it they www :22! children Would mum , n th Gen. (ML-BX? in . The drstriet ls much frightvnml with the aim-m) would nook the n. tary If the lnvmla aiom water by tum m and was Inrlpput remierod in Ora March, but had A anded man I’rlesku Rel-vh- ' null Prirslm, Jan. "k-TV , mi in this district hmn- in. u 'sirxrntrt,ftomNi, owing t ' rwx of the invasim. Everything Is in p‘rfc-i l for giving the PINK") il In- erption should theo Immi- “not. which at “up tiny w.- objective. All the loyalists haw y: towrn truard "rstNs. an! ' rlun: assls't in the militnr) Art-“4' district Oneottho enemy A "riv:itu' 1‘s captured haw 'en Ewh- i', Ya no L ftris holJlng without p4- nlurmist n day. These any, 8.IN miles trom Clue "ommtutdeered every th I m.- (wired. The Boer trrisonorr; of w: won buy refuse to rum-id nasal for their "C'tttoxiil t, A party of Boers hm- Bmmfurt West dialrirl. Klrlmcn. the But-r vnnnnumln demanded the surrendu-r of the . than. which was relurwl. Th" no. threatened that it the "urrusttdvr w not forthcoming they Would my); the house- in the plat-v. The [were tired on everyday from So'clu ing until T o'clock m but only three nil-n ‘ wounded. Town, Jun. IR Tucker in (‘omm Cape ‘Down. Jan. 1R -Tho Edinburgh's volunteers, " Cu regiment. which has Inn-n t! in: Daniel's Kuil, HriqnmLm was surrounded by 400 ly,,, January G until yeryts'rdu.v. " Ferr, who were without h; marched away in thr mm Rietfonteln. Rem-mm Orange- " i It Town, Jan. 17. -Tiut Ilorr “um Winch Itttels um‘upiPI Null"? ' now “mm “or; tuwnrJ rut tattered rmmnunlvws haw up at Ceres. nmmrnnt!) prm'm'd /a_nrttyruuioii. Tlio All“ nl HI" "otstro Both: [II-[lug a 'Gtd In Mum Recruiting In Brink In Th.“ " -Cupoo civilians “lung I}, I --KttrhtYhousuwt Burgh”. l, DeWet. GEN. GULVlllE RH IREU. I: One Small Garrison Stood a Fortnight’s Siege. SMALL FIGHTS - (lllllllll HAM. To the INCH-r t for m'on‘lmr mm mm rf N m. tothred in jail. H in Orange River l It had 1.1an up l; envmy main I‘ll? "hutch“ Inn-mow rut Paul "ttlee wam nl quiet. 1 "avr' Dew-n hung!” h largo numhv-r of ”Mr: rinee have been :im “muted that um, hat ‘e wenpuns in Hm tits yet new. h'tirrmtuetNrd :ztiomw printing toprn posed tur senitmus m. owing salmon; mm charging by tra-kars. meetings “hummer ts. and for rpm-min; dt will he issue; In run-tinny. wiil “In no: slhllilivs of huh? and limes-M's in mnnwviun arms tousl an thmr no ttttw " tm haw j [ and \' vlun tory dvfsll lyn mivtrtt, wagon liere I " Swim: ulnar n -'Ne for!” new hm" ' t, ' rot-(m pPrteet rr In)" " hen, y inwul- t n 'h..,,, urn- .--Two innuunum leased from I’l'l use or peruuaduq We Boer commun- wd who Iraaurtrd anon by mm: other lawman! Iver to co an to the) hlutuitlllt ens. They have t, and um umb- Darin mmand Mrs. Ml ti.-'rhs, Timur lo- MNt the 'ehbstttrant nearly awry dim ty, and the pn- i'eee" Preserva- Jorcvu in other and a.” civilian m'r up mu was their pnunwuou. tt will remove tion 1nd “adhlhll 'wo N and ttt mir'r His Rot-Na to Bethe! couldn't , mayinq Hod their rtrutatte. lpturud. Is are loo l their lot .1 man: ' the. milt- Wrt and " t mm ted ttn Orange is ttttN th Eh" “Vi [In tty uwt H Cape tht. Town, no they to. raqu “rectum ' the up That can.” "t Up Artes. then, Ugo", Hun prob- Kurt-inn Um mum. d tl nu , Duke of apnTo'n Karim". mt mm. (,'Ptt from when tire jig gun. l "r rtugu (HM to Mt Waning, “only Boer, inn! tht " , Bun “on it Dr Ct .Id Twp-min hrkhb'riul il."_ Cid mum 'mtrteet tn t Old I ham I “he!!! Nu - -eat ("Ir Ind h. F, W mm, tiarri, tried yamr mm mm: u, ib, " patina Th: f- kw a the most gm li " owmm f, r r'rn ”Cm oouqlt" an. Guildhall urn mm) lulled thrm. hr 'r_. wanna "rlf - an " prt Hanan“, "Amt r, Tutu Mr 1dr." w "tt h Mr, I mad "MUM "t 'rtrh," HI. “and Whit! trrtent to I'M!" ”W." He laughm "8mm din} ,"! " urn-nut pol, s, petttruttt " I: an (in: $) to thr dour um Opened " Carri-Hun Yo Go And look t “"40? n WM ”Mirn-nmkl: . In: Ind} 333.!" “- fs nu than my 'qrttr he manImd. "Arort't you an M?” rue as] a " he to uumn Mr. Rubin r,%oo “that I had not an; My up anything but " its." Imu- m- Cn t Imus J""'.." ' Fam. [Minimum what you "kn in wee. from trslu: tar (tom mo there INet 'ttrl fawn I or Mr“? you “(Hi "I! an I won't t "i-welt, not like I: I won't lulw- tho ri W“! l “with“ -th, lit-ole " "t an mmm- ot "I (lull b, CMVMJ. as I Met Ttte., J ”on the [m - cash In! young.» '"U'thlng Do ride me; it to umus! you . (“mun “I It on" I bin :1qu fun I a "tt in 'rl Th0 girl mu "WM I'" "Thorn In It!“ mm the. Human 1mm nut 1 ' Norse," u " ma t... " “I I ah Mr. Rubin hook whim. " m not " "1.- Mr Ful" “W", tho all!!! your .1111 "than: my thint,. mum. VI“ bu "MW” tttat Four I... W of ther!" Arm I)!!! l "bk tthe loom-d at “look hora" I w you for u I mum Inna "If. nttures bt m. Rirt'y [um- "Havetn't I mm Wm In not the Chelr hiking m" "I tasiirve m" me tBttthl “whim 'erndi;ifiUl" , at" out a Chou“ “Thu-e will tre e” “I." he I in will: turn a a "3mm”, I “EM cum” ette 'Nrusa 'ee' M ’5' 2eite'l', -it' - ot them Mmisaom. Work, I a." no qome tm I " Byhttt to In” tdieiJiiiiii'.t.t " .tth him In D. Whooping Coughs Cam The": an: NWT "h b .d‘n us Ser yo n M M‘ " Ont hr and tt All " [K

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