'tyi' hers [NS Wtlers DURHAM. RS, HAY FORKS, etc. f MARRIAGE Lleonm ll 1tkets Mms, T TO tiANO. ks and Spoons. n "I S ddles LINER utters LL Harris :ments Drill 'duced in w easiest C arts where ese ME W. H. BEAN pii)cieaeiesieqgirsieiFsie%irsc* ' fare Jone! per It. lac. Srrsws Wat: pct-package 2thr. CALL AND SEE US. Floor Oilcloth 2 yds wide per yd. soc. " It " yds " 't 40c. ti i. I yd tt n. 250. Table Oilcloth 45 in. wide 25c. " $s 54 in. wide 37.k.c. Flanneiette Blankets, large a') size in whit'e or grey per pair $1.25. The best heavy pure wool blank- cts, per pair " 75 to 94.00 Big 4 it', (1)y %4eaFts4MMfseF4ulfeibtre1fs V . ---' 0“‘$§‘¢“ - A ilin s)S'et. Silverware g [Plain Jeweny Noycltw ' SIP ling Clocks t Ebony Spam Flatware Chains [Salk] Gold Ladies' Long Gum-d9] 953M Filled We an: now showing the largest dork in Town of Hampden. Elgin and Waltham watches in Gold, Gold Filled. Silver and Nilkvl (Vises. Ladies', Gent: and Boys' aizes and all the latest Ideas tn . Set. Silverware itirnrs ( Plain .lowele THEY’LL SATISFY Lot 7, con. 8, Normanby, the 'Fee' farm, lwlung to a company. and inoffer- ed at low figures. I hang a large number of oihee prop- erties in town and country and will sell m trade. MONEY TO LOAN nt41-2 per cent and unaceording to scourlty and (arms. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING unwell-s other financial business carofully atten- doc 3rd Div. lot T. cond on liarafraxa Road CO ham. This titty "(PPS asked. 64 acres near Allan Park on Durham Rum]. Splendid buildings. good land. will sell cheap or trade. Lot 18, eon, 16. Bentlnck. near Louise P. 0. In hands. of a Company. Fine place and must go to some mu. Lot 28, Con. 2. W. G. It uplé‘ndill improved farm I hm ham. Very cheap. He has a big list. of Property for including the following: Fortunes HE SELLS CHEAP I , Jake Kress. W. H. Bean, In Illl um Dy Dalia; m H. H. Miller, The Hanover Conveyancer JAKE KRESS A GORDON, ~-~--a mu convenient to DI"- acres IS u snap at price [gilcgll (hltfg Ilht flllllllll& the Best ' R., Bentinck a m convenient to : 91611613 Sula, JriiniGn airperrs to he flrml and cute 7- ally eonflrined, - y g I From my personal experience lshould strongly recommend All those who desire a. practical training in the above branches to attend your College. as I firmly believe it is the beat Institute of its character in Ontario, and from the number of erpupils of other Business Colleges you havojn “attendance. my Prin. Listowel Business College. My dear Bi.rtr-. Acting upon your angst-sh ion, I came to Littowol from Durham, on the 8ch of December In: to complete my knowledge of the theory sud prac- tice of shorthand, Correspimdarndeand Typowriting entered upon when you first opened your aim in Durham. After a few weeks' course I have com- leted my studies, and throeifh your in- ll',',',,',',"' have been appoint a. position with the Law Firm, of Morphy & Car. thew, Listowel. Mrs Melnney will poor health of late. Dr Jnmieuon in in attendance. May the soon be herself again. Mr Joe McPhelson. of Con. gave a business all to the vinicity Inst wook. John S. McMillan and Augul Black. arc bury imwlogtrintr to Ceylon. We think Mr It J Black will be a sheep shepherd this coming summer by the way he is purchasing of late. MrJubu Swinburne of Durham Li em- ployed by Arch MeLeilan at present. Mine Maggin M Beaten cf your town spent sabbath last, at ths old homestead. We predict that Mr Jan White will anon be A1 at the fiddle as he m Baking weekly lessons from the Well known W H Arrow- unith ot Pomona. Mr Hugh McArthur is again batching it with his brother Duncan. Mr Walter McDonald is holidaylug this week north of our burg, We join m sympathy mm the Henry family of an1» Grove in their my. "tthc, "on on the Ihlt inst. Mr Dan Black spent a couple of weelin with his friend MMCulm Wsleon ofthe 10th con sawFr,qitw.. Annie m the white home south of tho riverlms barn very anxious on mail 1l'nyts Intely. MrAlex McMillan in away timberm: in the vicinity ot tShelburne. Messrs John J Black and Co, Rocky Dan are hard at it around Top Cliff. Mr Alex P B,ncl's sale on Wednesday was a fair mums in spite of the blizzard. Mr C. L. Hart, ft does for othero why not by if? WxNTnera--Ctwtshlo,rtrltable pawn in every county In "pres-nu 14:3. mummy of mud fltuuteih1 'i'iiv11t'b,tf',',t,,; t"Mt', and“! per your. payable weak y $3 per day absolutely sure sud all “pomâ€. stratum, bouu tidv, dottntte “Inâ€. no couunimon T salary pant each Saturday and expensa munoy mlvmncud ouch week. STANDARD HOI'SE, 354 Iron Hons h"r., Guano. liftdlhflfJrlifl st GO. aces IN . WINTER A SPECIMEN LETTER br ou,,, Pouttry tipirte and Crushed Oyster shell as a shell producer. These helps with an oc- casional application of Hess Louce Killer should have the desired result. There is no reason why hens should not lay eggs in Winter as well as Sum- mer if conditions are made as near as possible, a warm place, proper feeding, some aid to digestion (as they cannot get same amount of exercise) such as a of 6ouree of fgurutit Dmggists & Booksellers Scotch Town. Yours truly. H. H. Ammo Mr Geo Binnie gave an address on the Farmers' Institute. A farmer's eduCa "Beautifying the Farm" was one of Mr Sherrington'a subjects. He com» mented on thejrequent hen-en appear- ance of tine houses without trees or lhruhbery. Take the young people into eonfidenee and encourage their interest. He advocated wire fences near build- ings, hove lawns sown in spring with some grain. red clover, blue grass, red top, an»: of each. He advised hedges of our common red cedar pruning once in 2 years. Spruce, Austrian or Scotch pine trees were hardy and fine, and our own Maple or horse chestnut were not lent. For backgrounds Norwav Spruce was best and shrubs, set down promie. cuouely, tpwett1ne efteet, such as honey suckle, mock orange. golden glow, &e, A cross between pure heed Hoidtein and Durham makes a good milking strain, Mr. llnllnmn discussed the handling and breeding of dairy cattle from which the greatest. revenue can be derived, not only from the products, hultor and _ cheese, but from the enriching of the l soil. lieproceeded to give an outlim-of _ the requisite. of success. The cow muxt he of the highest quality. the record of the sire, tho dam and the grant dam should be considered. Make a tltnce of breed and stand by it. Feed calves three times a day. 2 quarts each feed, of new milk: after 3 weeks grade oif grad- ually to skim milk whstituting oil cake or fat farming material up to 501-6 mos old; calves should be ambled in summer. The model cow should have strong di- gestive organs. and be kept tsupplied, with:nuttitious food. Milk the young cow 12 months if possible. this fixing the lactation qualities. All cows should milk 10 months at least. The " triple wedge" shape mun desired in I. cow. In (under to get this, feed the calf a coarse bulky food, nothing better than ensilage. Food should be boiled when ted mixed with milk. Better fed dry for multicu- tion together with alive. aidedyzostinn. I of woo (erred. Mr Hallman, on the “Water Supply of the Farm" wasextremuly interest- ing. An abundance ofgood watt-r was aneecssityfw Lln- stock raisers. He talked Of the value of the hydraulic ram and the windmill as motive powers and ofthe importance of having water of proper temperature conveyed to the stables in basons or troughs. A tank of wood, stvel or galvanized iron pre- One reason for low prices was the negligent wav they Werv puton the market. Huadvisod changing ofeoeks every your if possible. Mr Sherrington spoke on poultry matters and scouted the idea that it did not pay to prepare poultry for market. The right kind of birds al- ways gives satisfaction his favorites ’being Brahma and Plymouth Rock. TIs Britishers preferred a white tieah and a milk diet was the best to produce this. Birds 4 or 5 months old should weigh 5 to 7 lbs and early marketing, say in Nov. or Dee. was desirable. A mixture ot two parts each of oats, bar- lay and peas or corn, he had found good feed. Another ration Was on equal mixture of oats and buckwheat or boiled potatoes. After two weeks of 3 this, add one oz. of beet snot to each 4 [ birds. A month ofthis and thcyare tit for market. Starve 4 hours before killing, (lislwate the neck and bleed their pluck dry, then put in the shap- I ing board and leave until animal heat i is out of thi, birds, The speakers from a distention this time were, Messrs Sherrington, Walker- ton, and Mr Mailman. New Dundee, and the supplementary work by home mm was also eta valuable character. Sccy. Binnie and Pres. Morice have been efficient officials and much ot the success of the meetings is due to their activity. Tho valuable privileges in connection with the Institute such as qualified lt-Cturers on various subjects, the bulletins issued to members, excursion privileges to the Model Farm,hte., both titlmmi't'ttnti winter, are coming to be more appreciated, and the good done is, correspondingly great. Happily the meetings are now eoni- pletely divested ot the partizanidea, which for some years lessened their usefulness, and are now fully valued by all intelligent farmers as important accessories Lo their business. As usual the meetings of the Farmers’ Institute here aroused a wide interest, bat not more than their aim and tttW. fullness deserve. The farmers in larger numbers are coming to find out how practical are the discussions. how benetieial the ideas they hear from others who have, it may be, given a specialists attention to some part of their work. S. il. FARMERS’ INSIIIUIE. HMS!!! lltdig; t lhtg gil HMS"!!! The eyeniug meeting at, Holstein was presided over by Mr. Allan. Miss Mick- lehoro. presiding acceptably at, the or- gan. Dr. Brown sang "To the Front," "The man behind the gun does the work" and other pieces. John Mar- doch gave “The Old Home on the Farm" and for an "wore "Tell them l've gone Tom.†Wsu. Ramagr sung "Canada Fol-aver" and "We are Britons still." Supplementary meetings will he held at Ayton and Hanover on Felt. 7th and 8th respectively and will Ire addressed by Mr. McNeil. 1valkerville and Miss Haddock. Guelph. The addresses at. Durham and Hob., stem Wept? practically on the same lines, _ an we have made In) attempt. to give' both. Discussions followed each paper freely and much Information was elici-l ted. Mr. Richardson. M. P., was prevent-) ed from attending on account of La! Grimm. Dr. Jamieson was called “my also. Mr Geo Binnie almost without. notice and certainly Without, preparation gave. what many thought was the speech of the evening. The discussion on "Beau- tifving the Farm" led him to direct his remarks to thekindrcd subject of ' Beau. tifyuig the Town.' He pointed out the variety and adaptability nature. had giv- en Durham. no monotonous plain, hut hillside and winding riyer each in their own place giving opportunities for aes- thetu. improvement. The planting of trees on the street or by thet iver should he more diligently attended to. The l heating ot the Town Hall had made him I wonder if it had become a government: cold ttoruge depot, while the change 1 from 19th century electric light to 20th ', century Coal Oil (the lights went our), furnished a joke. . Te" 5. .3 my... '5, , 'tr", I. . . ».~. ' V _ ; p171 [Mira-â€L ‘7. Ft . ,m . n w. >rw.r\r' ‘MN- 'ret'). If" "t'"fc' I my; ‘Wr . , , t lik, P l “yum " ulLuild h yw‘nbm" 'rauitalii'iapgiuu'ia'i Ariliiarai"ati" , These were as popular as ever. and Were crowded to the door. In addition to the addresses already reterred to, there were musical features most wor- thy. In Durham. Mayor Calder occu- pied the chair, and Misses Munro and Laidlaw, Messrs Telford and w Ramage very acceptably gave of their musical talents. Mr Hallman on the " Home Diary " quoted the amount exported to Britain. and advocated the use of the best can» separatorhy which ttll bad odors were elinunated from the milk. Mrarn, and cold cream should not, be mixed. neither should sweet and ripened cream. Warm salt before mixing and wash m the gran†ulated stage aud not in too cold water_ Very important too to put up in tidy, attractive packages. A good article , neatly presented, will grow in favor. Tur: vaxmo M EITISGH. tion was different. from all others. A Dr or a lawyer took his diploma and let to work on the people, a farmer’s plans Were often upset hy wet weather and so on. The finest practical education in existence is now obtained at the O.A. U. and at these Farmers' Institutes, where practical men guide and lead the discus- sion. Many other advantages also "ccrue to members, " p,i1'f", 3155333 rrrrr"it L M SPEUIAL SALE; C. McArthur, Durham, At Special prices Thehorices make it interesting. sea-“es .s.sa:a.sa:a.s.t' BOOTS, .3295 aaaaaa sweet-res; Come and see us in our new store. SHOES, and. Tyia ligature Je on everyAbozt tr the main. -Liiiiiilire" Brom0=0uinine 'F-bleu the remedv that man . who tn one day Horse & Cattle Medh Kinds and enough tn the demand. Johan] tiupptats Flour......... ............. Wheat..................... Pen........................ Burley..................... ous........................ Luubs..................... Dressed Hogs. per ow! Hogs, Live weight"... Butter, fresh roll per lb Butter. Tub.............. Egg'.....................,. Hides, per owt.......... Cnlfnkiuc, pot lb........ Sheepsluus............... Tallow rendered per lb Lard, perlb.............. Beef, per cwt............ Wood....................... Turkeys................... Ducks....... ............. Chitslmus per rain..." Darling's Cold & Lu (irippe tablets knock it out in il day. DARLING 'S DRUG STORE DURHAM MARKETS. 69M, tmrs, our d' Pureto or Chat the best fe Cigar in yourâ€. (N). l DARLING Calder’s Block. Durham. lu.............. "rt............ m rair...... i'.', ............. 1 90 _.. ............. 51: .............. 3.â€: ‘abaccas, Tattle Medicine. all and anh'anary and Clya rs, 9 00 5 0n 1 5" 14 7 o" r, 00 g 00 40 supply I000 6 s3 65 16 " 14 25 62 " We ask "Will“! t (lil M. GROCERIES TWEEDS d YARNS tinny attordisd customers living at; dtutance. J. KELLY, Agent. SAVINGS BANK. Interest showed on savings bank depoailu of â€All and up- gnrgs. 111-0:qu Attrition syn! evory A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on alt points. Deposits received and int.- eut allowed It current mm. RESERVE Fcsri..,..,. .... 600,009 AGENTS in all principal pmnt- an Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United States and England. . W. F. OOWAN, President. GEO. P. REID. luluâ€. (llllgllil) AAA AAA Jlllll)l Wad Office, Toronto. CA PITA L, Authorized. . . . . . .82p CAPITAL. Paid up Office, over Gum’s store, LowerTown NOTARY PUILIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREMI COURT. OFF? Cfs'-- M rf n f yrc Block, Company and private Fund- to Loan on Mortgages u Iowa: no“ of interact. Valuation and. " a competent. uni our-ml "ltmtor. Colicvtiuns and Agency promptly I' i'." Dual. Murmur†Len-J. Ac, correctly JT/LTI: Ratato- ponom look. n tar. and Faecut minintntors‘ Aeeouuta prepumd Burma.“ Court Basin-u, Peob, Letters of Adtnittiorntiou and G obtained. Sou-cho- mode in Mint-y 0.0. cu Titles reported on. otlut--LowErt 10WN. DURH " i Chi mu; OFFICE Fifth' DOOR EAST 1,F the Durnun Phnnuuy Culdst's Block. Resldenco first doorwosl ur 1hr Post OfBce. Durham. We can give you Bargains. Collars, Pads, DURHAM AGENCY m ubLlABLE HARNPBS. We want you to know we bundle every- thing in the Harness line. Hsrnen that is durable and fits a home co.- fortably, will bring pt'ofit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. Money to Loan " reasons ale rates and on terms to suit borrower. SOMETHING YOU WANT buxom) Hun But-w“ in not I dre, i plenum droning tor the Lair. Dunno-n Hun BIN-win will our. Damn!!! DIAMOND Aty.t NINI'IR will pun-0 yo- mu...†nun nus-win wanna-0 yon but mun Idling out. mad I) o it new. Dunes. nun KBII". will "no" you but bt Ill original color, and loop it mo- “a show Terms modtsrato. Arr: nut-Inuit: tor “In. A: Indnus.mt.muu no mad. at The “on"! on“. Durbtu. (furrupondonco addressed there orto Hogan“. P, " till to pvotupUr “tended to. ‘or-I on Application to DEN ISTRY. Dr.', .Ifof'r L.D.s. NO! TRY 'UILIC. CON VIVIUCIR Try one bottle -Priee 'ite. At :11 Drum!- 1nd Hair Dre-u; s'j'gg't,1ht MgFarlane J: Co., MONEY TO LOAN Is the only Hui it: TELFORD, ‘arrz'ster, afar , Gon- veyanccr, - tc., Etc...†DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOE, (an, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR or best quality. IS RELIABLE HARNPBS. . LEFROY McCAUL. C LEA VENS McPHA/LJ WE SUPPLY fr--.. In In _ S. DAVIDSON. Charge. =eoaeste nly Hitt ' nation that in giving g â€sully. . ICPHAIL. Hopoeille P. U C. RAIAGE Durham. I): upmisls & Slnci(;nerim the 1'ount.lliisGr' .iceIm-d Auctioneer to: In Heavy and Light Ham... “its, Bllnkeu. Eta. it, tttet? an. but a t(Orer the Bank .. . . .82.000,000 ..... 1400.000 [ .... 600,009 NEWER w you In"