West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jan 1901, p. 6

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Men sometimes make money, but many never makes men. "You Irok Iiro .'. John," said the “but delegnto's wife. "I am." said he, " had to work hard to-day." "What for?" "To get about twenty-{he other fallen to stop work'a'." Mutabi'ity of tt'mwr and Incomin- ancy with our-mum is the greatest main-as or human nature.-Adduon. Flat meat sparingly. also very little mg". avoid damp feet, drink water abundantly. and always rely on Ner- vlline as an absolute reliever of pain. Five times stronger UH." any other. Ito power over pun ls slmply beyond belief. Get n bottle at Four drugglsto, tat it. and see it it 11 not so. Medi- eine dealers sell it everywhere. Burl-Ilism is not a. practical ttolu- tion ot tho Problem of orgunization for n m-ulnrn imhmtrinl Ntate. A Stin- so :rgunaiwl. with the spur ot indilehnl intti:rtivo rpmovod. and wth tho nuturnl inventors and captains of Industry confonnelml In the ranks of competitive laborers. would steadily drift behind her rivals. organized upon tho eornpetitlve system. until poverty. social disorganization and the flight of the beat blood to other countries would drive her rapidly along the road to industrial decay and social bttrbariot.--Ne' York Journal of Common-ca. o l ,_ -'"i'N= ..vcu rum men, and still the teachings ot the great man! form the blbie of this most numerJ ans nation on earth. He has {up pressed his religion and his code of male on a third ot the entire po- pu.atlon of the globe; but all these mliL'ontr, from the long line of em» perors down to the present day, word al him not an a god. but as a man. They create-l no guy-comm mum-m- anuahlo Attx lee “V. ..-y.vnuuc (um til-(DO be- tore the grave of Confucius. Hero, un- der an earthen mound probably GO feet high undone hundred and twenty feet In f?lrcmotereued, He the ashes of the Sage. or as the inscription on the stone tablet in trout of It an: "The most sacred, the serene Sage. the venerable teacher, the phl;osopher Kung." Twenty-six cen-' tttries have elapse! since this mound was erected, thousands of millions of was of Han haw Lived and died, and an}! the teachings ot the great mad Inrm the. bun-A _. ALL _ ol -___ -- “v"...n-un Ia albllfl‘f‘u about two miles outside the town, and. in order not to arouse the sus- pleion of the. humtleni population. I determine! to 1isit it before entering the city. Consequently I sent one ot any minim. to the duke'u secre- tary, praying that the gates of the Inmlly graveyard should be opened to me. The orders of the Viceroy had. however, preceded me, and an my arrival at the gates lmet some eltamheriaitm of the duke, in great Itate already waiting. After pro- found kotowing, they led the way to the most snared spot of the Chinese empire. which. lo far, has been seen only by we or two white men. For. tunately. the vicar ot the German Catholic mission of southern Shun-l tang. " must learned man and ex- cellent Chinese Scholar. had Joined] me on the way, and I was thus able l to get translations of the inserip~l "can an all the numerous portals,[ bridges. templec. and tombs. I h...‘..:_. - .1 II the chief inr‘lllent described in Ernst won Httwarte+ nttlcle on "China's Holy Land." in the October Century. Still weary from climbing Tal- lchmn I left on the followlng morn- tmr Jot Klu-fu. the home of Confu- cius. After an easy trip through most beautiful and fertile country. I urrlvml at the huge city wall, over which I saw the yellow-tiled roofs ot the Confucius temple and of tho palace ot the present duke. the lineal demrnlunt of the Sage. The tomb of Confuclun is situated um... ..-., __.._- A .- Will-IRE CONFUCIUS SLEEPS. Honor Paid by Chinese to the Vener- ated Sage’a (have. A visit to the tomb of Confucius II the chief ittHdent dam-rmnn In lam-m M 'omperition, the Illll04lttttx m. packets, never in any other way. Get a packet from your grocer and try it. It is delicious . MONSOON ls told only in sealed to Rhuemaucs. Inc spur. I 'ront to work mam] . not had a sick day aims L !rFtica.l le,,.-) [was of Dr. William, l y/ "2ir?J?"tioyl, trtvtxl my life and gut "W1 Htute. A I health since than I mm "uit the spur of i that is why I and 'vmovrrd,tttriwth vmrlh more to me In." sum! captains of: mine, tor all that a I In Ile: ranks 9" will give for his life." B, would steadily D Willia: ' Pl k Pil rivals. organized! - fr. _ . me n Spur. A sale ot forty-two In“, draught colts was held at Gurlph by Messrs. Stewart & Burton, of Fort Machood. AIM-o- The life of an -GriTiu, native rarely exceeds fifty years. Ilnu-d's Llnlment Cures Gal-get In m.-. Mrs. Murphir--Do you use condens- ed milk , Mrs. D'ruher--1 think It must be condensed. There Is never more than a pint and a. half In a quart.-mt Bits. Dr. Williams' Pink Film cum by going to, the root of the discus). They renew and build up the Mood and strengthen the nervea, thus dtivimr disease from the system. It your dealer (us not keep them. they will be sent. post paid at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50. by 1u1dravimr the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. Moderat‘on la tin silken string run- ning through the pearl chain of all tho virtoi.-atn. --_' .-..... '"'"Pl"' mm fully us flesh-y as bek first attack of la gripe, my w-re solid as ever. an] I kno Work would give strong“! t, muoclm. Bo, after about six I want to work again A)!!! not had a Mek day sinr'v. Ow buqu of Dr. Williums‘ Pin b0tt an ware gone, W 1 Who; restored ta h nomad}. trouble Iran Could oat light slept better and shower. But I w man. As the pilb: i Work. however.’ I more boxes. I cont till all mm; gone. now been some weeks Mile a hung dasperuto. A friend a advised me to go to a been! treatment. and I had just al clued to do so when an at unce. learning I had taken I box 01 tho pills, suggested should try three boxes more giving them up. The ma money decided me on trying t again. I got three bosus am used I Was quite a bit hr, - .r-_-4 ml lusllly lot the pills. Mr. Johnson's state- _ meat 'tttt as follows--. "About tour years ago I Was attacked with In grippn. which ltept me trom work about three mat-Ins.» I did not have it very hard apparently, but it left mo weak all the same. Anyhow. at. 1 ter laying three Weeks. I concluded I to go to Work again. The mine I I “us working in was making a good dad of water and I Bot wet the first day. That night tlw old trou, ble came back. w th the additional a seven: cold. I man givd to get rid lot tho cold, but tlm whole force of ‘ the disease settled in my stomach. kidneys and joints. and bulls broke out on my body and limbs. Mr back was sq wank l could scarcely stand mono. while food in every form ' taxssed nu. and I became so nervous that any unusual noise Would over-l come me. I tried te'YPrau sorts of munchies. but none seemed to do any good.- I next wnnt to a doe. tor. His medicine helpml me at first, bat after a short time lost its enact. He then Hanged the medicine. but with no better result. About this time a clergyman who called at the home manned me to try Dr. William' Pink Pills. I got it box and used them. but they did not materially benefit me. I had now been some weeks Mile and was IOtlllg desperate. A friend ntrnmrlv ot those pills were ed a Nova Soon-n Who Was Atty Almost Gave Up Hope or It err-ms, l-lxperlenoo of Val Others. (From the Enterprise, Bridgbw Nova 60min.) Mr. U. E. Johnson is about years old. a golu mlner by oe tion. is well known about the ing camps in Hume parts an thoroughly Inst"! in his buui Not long since Mr. Johnson cm to ho in Porter's drug stun Bridg:,mxtor. when " came of Wllliams' Pink Pills “ma beirart reel, and he unmarked to the clerl Law tho timo when " dozen hrs ARE LA GRIPPE’S VICTIMS - ,,_- "a” uuu-u near bull- ton, Ontario, In 1845, or English- par- outage. Rm Hon. George Joaohen wan born in Lenten on Aug. ION, 1881, his father being ot German extrac- tion. Admiral Lord Gnu-lee Beresford was born at Phllllpstown. County Dublin. Ireland. on February 10th, 1846, ot [Huh mmM-m or Course She Doe; Lord Wei-ale! was barn at Golden arm Home. near Dublln. June 4. 1888. ot Irish parentage. in IR” " “I“. '.ttfGrm ' In ' Whore a LEFT WEAK, SUFFERING AND DESPONDENT' acotlan Who Was Attacked but Gave Up Hope of Recov- ms Experienvo of Value to mrce Drum. and when quite a bit hunruve-l. light nutritious toad. BRITISH GENERALS- Pink Ping cum by rout ot the discus). J build up the blood the nerves. thus from the system. It con tinned MIC}, wlocrt Queen Won iiiGL' I 1 mm Datum. arid I an.“ they were me than NV gold a an: Ellis. I Rot them, but they did new!” me. I had weeks uhe and was l A friend strolxgly , to a hospital for ' had just about Je. when M: acquahxt- had taken but one suggested that I boxes more before The matter of on trying the pills LS slnt'v. (My! tibiae" liulns' Pink Pills gun _rtlo Miler R's-J to the clerk. "I man " dozen bottles re ot more value to est gold mine in mporter of tite Eu- ador- of Soldier- of the in his buyineSSI . Johnson clmnccd drug store, in tt cam: ot Dr. “ WU.g “heaven. )3 ll, man I knew that TUt to my . six month u 'and have its, I concluded n. Tho mine I making a good 1 Bot wet the fr ‘idgnw ttur, W. ocean-u the min- i and is he {ram thé moan kriifiiisUni"ri,i; tured her tall companion. 2ho word which has aa escaped can never he reealled.-Hortuse. “There are so many barks on the can." mmarked iha. girl who was lean- lng over an rail. " Pct-[Hm ther come The Printing Dog. There in one dog who makes his lie. Ing by driving a printing press. says the (fornhill Magazine. It is only a development of the old turn<pit bum: nese, but the dog prints a whole edi- tion of 1,000 papers in one hour. The dog is named Gypsy, and is the pro. party of Messrs. Carroll and Bowen. proprietors of the Plymouth, Wiscon- sin, Review. He is a two-yonr-old English mastiff. weighs 100 lbs, and does his work by running around In a wooden whenl eight feet in diam. eter. To the wheel is attached a belt connecting with the presses in i the next room, and when the dog has worked off his copy with one pro-e ho sets to work on another. Couldn’t Catch Him. “That Mr. Phypps has been drink- hg. hasn't ha?" “I gun he has. But it's all the fault of tho mistletoe hanging there trom the chandelier. Phyppe was all right until that ancient Mia Buns-1w sat down at the piano and mreechal, 'The Lips That Touch Liquor Shall Never much Mine.” “Well?" "Well, Phypps looked at Mi. Burr. aaw and no looked at the mhtletoo. Then he rent out and got a. drink." -Clevetand Plain Dealer. A moment later tho, via-arntte lay glimmrl'vg In tho Rutter and the tor. tame tellor was listening- to hor es- (trt's nmharrassed aprlog':es.--Mom. phis Scimitar; you are marked out for lung disease or lunacy.” wag tho answer. "Cigar. otws have sue}: divPtvre, (affects on peo- No of your temperament." "Indeed," exclaimed the. unsus- pecting youth. "per-Imps you'll conde- scend to read mine." "Oh, certainly. If you wish it." Then she gazed up In the air at the dellmtn blue wreaths of smoke. She hesitatml. evidently puzzled about something. "I am undecided which of two things is to befall you," she admittml: "your tar-tune Is not so easily read as I famied it would hp." "What are the two things?" "Why, I can't determine whether He was out walking with a young lady who had a dtx-nlud :mcianhy to cigarettes, but not being aware of her prejudice he lighted one or the little rolls and begau wanking with [twat gusto, lulu-Hing the lumps deep into his lungs and then blowing great rings up at tho mm. which gazed tranquilly down on his folly. Offended by his presumption. she and with dangerous' urbtutltr-- "Do you know, I can read fortune- iz1. cigarette smoke ?" d: 5mm. Catholics will burn heretics; Protestants will lung Quakers and mums. The Bible God is not all pow- erfua. He drove out tin inhabitants of ttrs maintains but would not drive out, Lin inhabitants of the valley, Decatu- they had (-lmr’oie ot iron. Juilgvs i. 19. Tho following inscription this man ordered engraved on hu monument years before he died. Froo thought. tree religion, free speech. free press, the more pear-e tho mom plenty. the more priests the more poverty. the more saints the more hypocrites. the more religion the more lying. Sunday reading. Nature is the true God; science the true religion; tho world is my country ; to do good is my religion; a. word to up Wise God in (as coeistitutioa is tha end of liberty. Beware how you unite Church and State. Catholics will burn heretics; Protestants will hung Quakers and! mums. The Bible Gm in um "" m..- l Joseph Covcney wan born In Ireland. County Cork. Jan. es, 1805. Died Feb. ll, 1897. Bo died as he lived. a. dlsbellevar in the Bible. God and Christian ro- litrkm. He had no use for priest. and churches. - Whlle mother and I were recently attend!“ the tnnernl ot my aunt. Mrs. Sarah Jane Smith. In the town at Embanan. Mich. and visiting rela- tlven in Chicago. Buchanan and De- troit. I had Occasion to visit the Bo'hnnan Cemetery. rolled Oak Ridge Cemetery. I wan shown by my friends the monument of an Infidel, the [urgent monument in th, cemetery. excepting tho soldier-r monument. The tnlcrlp- tton on this monument begin- " tol- A FREE THINKER'S MONUMENT. With Quotations From the Bible and T, Paine ‘ P AN illlll Riangi TORONTO Mrougit tto "ii/Gi, MICHIGAN CEMETERY not from a etructural defect CATA‘RRH- OZONE in an "betttal treatment and always reetoree the hearing. It is a preventative as well as a cure. and such are its germicidal pro- _ pertleo that, when Inhaled tour times daily, it retards the development of the bacilli of I On lumption. Diphtheria. Calarrh. etc., and the; who use CATA RRHOZON E are insured mint these diseases. CATARRHOZONE is a pleasant, framnt refreshing treatment sold with a guararbe on each pat-haze that it cures. It is "ate a .4 mm- venielt to use at any tune or place. . Id tin I guts are pleased to have you try it and sell tho inhaler and tmttielent extra inhalant for two montha' use for “.00. Regular 250 trial size son foe Mht to - postage and boxing by N. 0 pm ‘00., Kingston. Ont., Hartford, Con tt. a valuable aid to puiients recovering from pneumonia. For the voive nothingis half so good, and allgreat singers who have a clear strong Voic-. ministers and public speakcra use CATARRHUZONE and any they would not be without it. because it prevents hoarsencws and renders tho voice capable of trreaterenduranoei As for Catarrh sud Asthma. CATARRH- OZONE in the only remedy tho lpe'manently cures thorn, And Bronchitis and Throat, Irrito tion yield to it very quickly. bodies Adina that for holduho 3nd tired fooling across the an: nothinetoohaslptut as CATARRHOZONE. Whore deatttet. has resulted from Paton-h and Is something unique to he had in a (‘ATARRH OZONE INHALER. This wonderful conven- ient little instrument is very versatile l it actuaiiv kills those nasty colds in the head in about half an hour. and is therefore a trusted friend at this season. Bore throat is relieved very quickly by inhaltrut CATARRHOZONE- which also strengthens weak lungs and proves l PUBKET Mlilulll period ,,__.. m. "an L‘Auulnlu- French Village. I know MINARD’S LINOtENT, will cure Group. J, F. Cunninglmm. Cape Island. I know MINAILD'S LINIMENT is the hast remedy on earth. JOSEPH A. SNOW. I know MINARJ)’.3 LINUIENT. will cum. diphtheria. JOHN D. BOU"PJLL1EIL I‘m-.nl‘ I'll! Benign paternal government is to be the general, note of Smulun admin- istration in tho earlier stages ot its mrganizntimn. says a Cairo Porre- spondmt. were are a few or the chief heads of the new code just promul- gated-The importation, manufacture or sale of ahumolie liquor IN prohibit- ed. No person). will be allowed to sell his land or to make loans at usurious rates. Even mortgages will be sub- ject to formal authorization. Trade, industry and navigation are tree, and every Chieftain is a magistrate is his own district. Norway, Me, ,,V_ -""IT'""" 'rr u" vvury T.' 'Y the genutn Laxatwe IkormHyihii.nii' mm- the remedy that rum A com in one on: This signature is on every box ot the genutno I "wesgGra. D--.._ n a o you know." and “my Mr. rtt0opr--arereis taking down a little of the paling no that I can move my chicken coop over into your yard. "Ehl My yard!“ “You. I like to be neighborly and considerate of other poople'a tect. inm. you know." "But-ee'-.. “Yes; you uhnn't have any more cause to complain about my chick- ens scratching up your yard." "But you arc moving your whole coop over on my property " “That's the idea. Quick as the chickens find their coop in your yard thoy'll fancy that you own [hum “my " ”Lucy that you own them, and tin-y will spend the rest of their natural llvm scratching in my yard, van Irllnu! " D0l5tirir'""'" ll KIDNEY Few Go to 1BmaiiFii" l, DISEASE 67M? Laws for Understood Iaiiii' Dodd's Kidney Pills a,” my 9an a. box at all I: the deadliest and most painful mnlady to which mkindis subyect. Dodd'e Kidney Pills will cure my cue of Bright's Dita”. They have never failed in one single case. Theynm the only remedy that ever has cured it, and they are the only rem.edy that can. There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney Pills-rio, box and name-but innit..- tions ere dangerous. The original and on! nuine cure for Bright's ut'llf is tho Riviera. the Soudan. PILLS P - - - __-...... .4. up annual u. nys be used for Children foaming. It soothe- he child, Romans the fame. cures wind colic and In the best remedy or Diarrhma. Twenty Joana I homo. I An tP1ittt?lrer. inr iyrpGirrrenn., m Mrs. Neighbors-l advertised for a plain cook last _ but I didn't we. celve a single reply. Mrs. Nextdoor-- Take my mlvive and tuivortise tor a good-looking kitchen lady, and yoa'll be overrun with npplieutiomc--Ex.. change. Ttr, rivers of tlw Emerald [sin h-ne generally u dark color, owing to tho tart (Int most of thorn, at moma po‘nt in their 0011mm flow through peat marshes or bads, whirl: inunrt. a dark he to th: water. "I had no car fame and had to walk."-iiianamro Pam Minard's Llniment cure. diphtheria, sang thqwor'knién: ___ _.n..... --%..r. nu UIWII. Lena" m- cently used hu, hearse in puraulng- hi. daughter, who had elm-d wlth Ills adamant. Could the undertaker over- taker la a problem loft unsolved by the accounts. Mlnard'l Llnlment Cu rel Mrs, Winglpw'; 8901M Minn-d“ Liniment Cure, Colds. etc Hi1]? mum; 'Firirilr'i"t"he best The readers of this mper will be planned to loom that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages And that is Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure in the only posithc run- now known to the medical fraternity. Cntarrh being a con- stitutional dimer. requires n constitutional treatment. Hall's (‘aturrh Curt is taken intern- ally. acting directly upon the blood and mucouu surtnoes of the system, thereby do- straying) the foundation of tho disease And giving a patient strength by building up the Cotmtittttioittutd assisting nature in cinf its work. The proprietors luve so much faith nita curative powers. tint they otrer One Hundred Dalian for any use that it fails to curt: Send for list of testimonials. _ Address F. J. CHENEY a CO., Toledo. o. nsaid IT museum 76c, “my a?" Mrs. Htrxrrn-But, Mandy, I don't see why you don't want. to marry Silas Baanblowom. 113's mospvous enough. He's just put " rww "L" on his house. Mtuuty-a (km't liver, m'uv. Ila kin put tho whole alphabet on his house. it he wants to. but this trore literary life ntver did appeal to m¢~.-Baltlmom Explanation Satisfactory. "What made you so long coming?" ennui 6|... 1““... "One evening a young man who he. longed to an uxreilent family of this city called at headquarters and us- tonlshed everybody by declaring he had committed the crime. A little questioning showed that his story could not possiny be true, and ti. nally he admitted that he was lying. My curiosity was highly "sttit,rad, and, taking him to one side. 1 trim! to draw from him the reason that had prompted such an extraordinary and dangerous piece of folly. He told me. iwith hysterh-al tears. that he had I brooded about tho (use and found a ( strange and pleasurable i-xvitement in 'making believe' that he was the man who had done the lived. That grew upon him until, I suppme, it became next door to an hallucina- tion. At any rate, he "ould give no other explanation. Of course, such a. man should have been pita-ml under restraint as n, dangerous monomaniae, but the polite have no inrilitim for handling cases of this kind, and the family were averse to sending him to an asylum. I see him frequently on the streets. Rome few false Con. fessions are made tor the deliberate purpose of misleading. the authori- ties. and, attain, they are sometimes made by prisoners solvly to secure a transfer to another city. it is a brand of ornnkinm that might we“, interest a t;poeia1itrt." low who makes a lake confusion. The cum public has no idea how tre. quently that sort of mint occurs. Whenever we have a murder mys- tery the authorities are absolutely certain to hear iron one or more peo- ple who use"; positively that they have ‘commltted the crime and whose Mia are generally sch-evident rah- rications. As a rule the ooaieuion crank writes a letter and now and then the communications are so plaus- ible and circumstantial that the po. lice would be thrown completely of! the track were it not for the tact that they are always on their guard for Just that kind of false leads. It is very strange. and there seems to be absolutely no motive beyond an butane passion for meddling. Occa- sionally the crank will present him. self in person and insist upon bean locked up, but his first few words will usually betray him. and unless he is violent he is quietly escorted to the door. A very singular Incident ot that kind took plums seven or eight years ago in connection with) a mysterious murder in the "Tender.‘ loin' district i Thou W ho Count: " Crimes they Nova Committed Annoy the Police. "The mat curious type of crank In we world, In my human: opinion," {and an old polleeptleer, _"ia the tei. CURIOUS TYPE OF CRANKS. 3100 [Iowa rd, $100. A Mun of Letters. muse I was short,” M) PER_6E.NT. PURE. , uld u. mime -.he_ us'.l'1i.licsljaii.., St. Lawrence. Mgr litlhtn Rl.1. REFINERS 'lhlfii SOGhlt BOT Dlltemper. THEIR GRANULMED l8 an llll'lll (I (out! Inmhloe for net-nun to 1”...de money made. Thousinds in use. For and prices “Hires: STANDARD SUPPLY CO., Hamilton - - "__-__" ~$rvmw Thou-anal orfarmm 110' Idling the “m FENCE. lt will not interfere with your mum farm work, Ind will Emu: "poms. Wm: hr full particulars and catalogue. Gilly? Are, Why Not You t - ,7,- ,,__‘ v...) A link! (I) QUU.UU interest in Daily Cash Buni- new; in your loamy whvre {on have no opposition and ttft comm'lition. t will my you from "Km to 'sono weekly guaranteed. No former experience requirrd, as you bundle " your own money. Heft-ranch; 'igil',,t'M: Addrcc for paruculurn. Butfnln Rusinem 2x- ch‘nge. Room 307. Mooney B'ldg.. Bufmlo. N. Y ' unosr. m the Hymn Peninsula. at Winona, 10 miles tram umil'on on two mit. "u+'..tNtulretwintsu.tr, of whrtt in in hunt. mostly pom has. Wilt be sold in one par el or divided intololuof Lilo 20 mm to unit pur- chasers. This is a derided bargain Adored: Jonathan Carpenter, P. o. box $09, Winona. Ontario. 8200 00 WILL SECURE A HALF . interest in Daily Card, Bulli- ness In your loamy whrm m... .-., w - ___._..... ”u...” I“ v"Yl%uub"E..- U Dom“: Registrr ; "6 page“ colum- ing t0M00 numcn of heirs lulu-mined for to claim mono? rinre Koo.. mailed for et ttota, from Dom & Co.. 62 Strand. Loudon, E - land. orCm-gdon & 1eritnell, booksellem I'; roam ; a forluncmny await you. Ladies wiihlnz to com-mom! with . " mury Walton: men. mm for Milli"; enclose than. The Pilot, Winnipeg. In 1 bonus. momma“ mm: . w ' . U Danni's “purist.” 'AJ, '.,,y.,!.U.h1etr,, THE most was m/ix M. um. mum. an 3mm FARM FOR SALE;0§\E "- fitMstt, in.. the Mann Penn lfgou have not trio It, send for free sample. Its a- greeable taste will ',y,rg?,.rltytv.9y., aurgrlse you. sc IT a BOWNE Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no work--you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine has 'tb/k this picture on it. h tajge no other. i Stop over-work, if you am but, whether you can or not,' take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it-true-but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however, you'll pay for it. Theretue many causes of get- ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over- work and under-digestion. Fat, enough for your habit, in healthy; 3 little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. is all right, if you He too (it; and all wrong! if_too thin dmdy. Getting Thin MATRIMONIAL CREEK; Toronto. 2'giiilibU- ‘. and $1.00; all drugglstt. ISSUE NO. 4 Pool. V. have Gia;, £651“ In complications a mold” for twenty yen”. Quick mild. Cure- wornt cues. Book of frunuoxum And 10 In," lmunont Fill. FDR. H. IH2Rerrs'tusotns, Box tt Arman. GA. QEQE§Y. Treated Fa.' Sent on Trial ll wholesale price. Mnot Nil print”? money refund: . ( Guarantesitorttn can.” rod do MID? work than u ,yother mum". on them rim. A I to human}. Rd" in use. For mm (IE-rm: I. certainly l I, . the holy in!“ M of it. TLV 2. “3 of courw. hand. h mal, who un- annex “Mum! through frur '0 know “a mingr "MW“ - to the ',tir, t knos there up “‘3 all ”I. " tin-him M our Wk of will if” “It will black l - a: the ride the mm. of heave HWY, 1 our fa.- I'll-era! m on the " ought corn-l ouch: than! ward “are. it for hi! hat meeting 'otandin, Improu ations. I. a pm [anon l I that reddenn mount never Eula of {at ado! M on " Eve churn tt. I Rome most t " I from lhll C plane the pl; feet Ill "What doing 1 have , not lik Int-r to its con and van to In! I lave I Ibo- . city Bren. Pan ride tn it the city C When! m Smyrna tr: the blrmm: Htrht In" well. ll.~ him. 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