West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jan 1901, p. 8

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I] On Snudey afternoon (next) we are to hue a. Miesionery Meeting in our church. The young people from the Durham Meth- ediat Church will take the eervice. There will be eddreeeee. singing, music by the combined Choirs. An Indian proteuor will eleo give eome excellent mueic end lee: bat not lee» comee the good things. Everybody will be welcome to come only end get e good eeet. The Ith, lolleeing the Zionitee go to Dnlhem. or the nine pupae We "ret lo eee the ehurchee " both pleeee‘ MrJobn Bobonaon. Mr Hugh Futh. M: Jun“ Dunks. Ind Mr Joe Firth an making barn timber. in Artomesia, these days. sn7iiTiUieiGGGrtfrr" .v______iee “-.; This is What; Mrs. J. w. Hutchins, Mr and Mrs Malcolm .McGillivray 82 Portlnml Sn, Toronto, has to say,--- spent Sunday with friends ll) Pr(;tofn. ', "I canal-x my too much for Dr. Pitch- " blond of the oun'poope rom; , . .I'. . . r. - ‘hta‘vlgge took in tnfn"l',!i'S1od'll'i con- . ers Ba? km he Kidney 1?able.ts. Be can at Holstein on Monday evening. fore 118m: Ilium I had a gnawmg paln They "PO" a..tr.ood timp. George and in the bark all the time, and an acute Jim say we will go alum. , -r 1tuetenesat across the loins. I had not The It',',,",',',',',',',',',': r.rf tec, 1g.“ 'tter.; so muchm-lning in my head as between . air Irn f . _ . . S1l,ed",""t'l"e"?l.tu February. Tho my 'tlot?,,')',,':!,.,,'",',', “I; 11t of my morni- service wilt beeonducted at 11 nee . .._.' ""'.e usmg t e a eta my o'clock I; the Pautor, Rev. Mr. Miller, {NOR is I" f used te be, and tile and the evening service at 7 p. m. litg','Jait"" m the shoulders has dig- --------_-------- appeared. Formerly when I dd a MON. wuhing I was utterly tired out, not -- having a hit; of energy left. This MrJohn Robertson. in Hugh Firth, 31""102 If/d my {washing m two Mt Jum- Ianks. Ind Mr Jo. Firth In 0'” y,',', . l 1_ not mind It. . I have making barn timber, inArtemesia, these l? lye.ip?,ty III recommending Dr. a", Pitchers Jtaekaehe chiney Tablets, Mésuu Joe Allen, and Dick Dave: are for I n"'T., had anything do me as busy cutting wood, for Mr W. Edwardslmuoh good. A nleighlond of the youn' people from the Grove took in the Attricultural con- ceat on Holstein on Monday evening. They report a good time. George and Jim any we will go again. Menu" Joe Allen, Ind Dick Dave: are busy cutting wood, for Mr W. Edwnrds just now. We undamand they, have the oomnct to cut one hundred cords. We expect they are keeping batch. The boys all say that Dick makes a. good cook. MrChulie Cotton is again at the wood cutting humus... and la spending a couple of weeks with your humble scribe. After that he goes to Wm. Edge. of Edge Hill. where he will spend a month or no. They all like Charlie. Miss Nellie Bott, of Durham, is visiting with friends at the Falls than days. Nel- lie is a favorite in this district. Mr Henry Maffat has not been wall for a couple of weeks. Ho took I very bad coid that at one tune wan likely to had to soruetlung worm. but we are thankful to any that the danger was averted and that Henry is nearly himself again. Mr and Mrs Archie Calder of Mt. For- .” called on his brother James when re- turning from Oundalk where they were attending the wedding of their cousin. Mn Alex McLean visited friends in Mount Forest recently. l Mr and Mrs Malcolm McGillivray spent Sunday with friends in Proton. Mrs Alex McGillivmy who has spent the last few weeks visiting her sister at Whitby has returned home. Mr Ala: Calder is at Eresent busy en- xmod hauling brick as e intends build- ing the coming summer. What comes next. Alex ? The eleighing has been very good in this vicinity And the youth and beauty on Friday evening took advantage oi the good roads and drove loJ EGrenvee of Boothville where they spent. a very enjoyable night tripping the light fan. tutic till the wee sma' hours of the morning returning home well tsatistled with their night‘n pleasure. tus, “Quick Move ,, gtasis Willow Grove. THE BIG STORE . A. HUNTER thr &ttting Sands. all Tum s'AN'Df? GIVE TESTIMONY. '3 Letter upon letter pours in from m- [every mm in Canada tetstityintt to the {litilmarvelmb power of Dr. Pitaher's Backaciu- Kidney Tablets to cure kid. m. lney and bladder troubles of the young, igg‘middle aired, and aged, and such other troubles as find their origin in an afaulty kidney action, and they are at(runny. sin-h a mass ofevideneepatts wins power to cure these afflietions be- rewyond a doubt, and shows that the ifeiTablet is tlit. right thing in the right in iplace: -- - ___ -- _ By Slum. , "cKeown BywnWA “is tory ml ihe First, Contingent. j Stanley Mleown Brown's "With (the Royal Vanadium.“ is a handsome 3thrpaR" hunk, just issued, comprising a. bright. {mill-{ill narrative of the deeds of the firnt mntingent in South Africa. Mr. Bram. was with the regiment as war corrupundent for The Maitnnd Empire. and has written a {splendid story of this I-Iemornble campaign from Quebec In Pretoria and home attain. The titat "dition has been purchased by The Mail and Empire. and although the trade price of the hook alone is 81.26, it is offered together with a threemonth's lubecription to The Daily Mail and En- pire. or one year’s subscription to the Weekly, for $1.50. with 10e extra poe- tage if ordered by mail. Any femurs of this paper can test the maria of Dr. Pitelierh Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitch: 'l'alOts Co., Toronto, Ont. Rural“- sire .50e per bottle. “\VITII ‘I‘llli ROYAL (‘ANADIANS BEYOND A DOUBT. 'L-ed,',".';':, REVIEW and Weekly Globe 813) REVIEW and Weekly Mail. ....81. ro REVIEW and Montreal Weekly Wit-m ..... m............... am The Annual Meeting of the above Institution will be held in the Roadin room on January 26, at T p. m. J AB. mm. Panama“. Brnrar b'ocuTrv.--Annual Meeting of Durham Branch Brit. and For. Bible Society will he held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday Jan. 25, at 8 p. In. and will be addressed by the ministers of the town. A Collection will be taken up at, the close. The o. Scund Advertise: is exceedingly bitter over the new rostmoster's appointment. It says: The appoint- ment of Mr G. A. Hour, as Postmaster has been officially announced. For the pant two weeks it, has been known that Dr. Horsey wan bent on securing this position for his favorite. In spiteof protests from his most active and effec- tive supporters and from altnost the entire Liberal party, he has decided to pursue " famous course. There is no shirking the responsibility. lt rests solely upon the Liberal member. Ignor- ing completely the Executive of the Reform Association, whose voice in the matter he contemptuously dismisses, ignoring the almost unanimous protest of his friends. ignoring those who had real claims on the gratitude. of the Liberal party. ignoring the best senti- ment of the electorate, Dr. Horsey has constituted himself it dictator of the most pronounced type. And for what? "Aye-theve's the. rub." . . . . The ADVERTISER, as the exponent of Lil" ernlisu) in its truest, phases. cannot de. fend Dr Ilorsey’s appointment. not hy reuson of any personle feeling, but be- cause it vim-es the opinions. not only of the great mass of the Liberal party In North Grey, hut also the opinions of the best and strongest eiemeuts of that party in this electoral division." The subject of the accompanying notice is Mr. Wm. Buchanan of Willi- amstord, Grey County, who holds the distinction of being the oldest Postma- ter in the Dominion. Mr. Buchanan is one of the oldest pioneers of the country having come to Canada in 1842, sett- Iling at Williamstord when roads were unknown and one had to travel by the blaze on the treel. He was en- gaged for a time " school teacher. and was appointed Postmaster of Sul- Iiyan' (1os.tyv,i,lliamerd) m 1847_ by W. H. Griffin, Deputy Postmaster-Gen- eral ot Canada, the appointment being ratified by Ulick John Ma uis of Clanricarde, on the 13th otmarch. 1848, in the eleventh year of her Ma- jesty’s reign. This position he held for 53 years, until May Ist, 1900. when on accountiot failing health and the loss through death of his wife he resigned the position, He was a most faithful and obliging official, liming been born in the village of Stonehousw, Lanarkshiro County, on the 25th of April, 1814, He was married to Janet Halltday on September 2, 1844, theirs being the first marriage of white people in the Township of Sullivan. Mr. Buchanan has still in his possession his first official postal guide, received in 1847, and also his commission from the Marquis of Clanricarde. He has also many interesting and valuable curios among them being an eight-day clock 100 years old. In his library are many ancient works, some dating back as far as 1650. Mr. Buchanan has lwen a lilclong Liberal and ll vv,.idiu. of The (ilolll' since its l'wst publication. The anniversary in the I'rmrbyterio church Sunday and Monday next will be a. treat. tea served from six to eight. then a good programme up stun-s. There will be a goodly number of speakers and the Dromore chau- and Dr. Brown to supply mulio will draw a. crowd them-elves. an Mr McCulloch of Harriston. will preach on Sundry morning and Honing. All an welcome. The b'arriwy,i' luuitute which was held in the Auricuiim'ul llull UH Monday Was it decided slit-cu». Irv, have not bes.tt able to secure a prugrmnune ot' the afternoon, but we were told It was something grand. In the eyeninga progrzumue wan provid- ed. Mr David Allau in the chair. Mr. Sherrmgton gave a good talk on beautify- ing our famm. followed by Mr Hullnmn. who gave a very interesting talk on Cream Separators und makiue butter which we feel lure wa- nppreeiated by all who take an interest in Dniryinu. The [rum-amine was interspersed by gool music, by Wm. Rum-go. Dromnre. John Murdoch, Fttir. buim. and Dr Brown Holstein. which was enjoyed by all. each replying to encore; Miss Lillie Micklcboro, being their 'ic~ companint. The Creamery Co, will give a tron: with the lecture of MrArchilmld Smith Govern- metotInapector ol Creatuerier on the prop- er cure of cream. so u to Iecnro the best quality of butter and also to necmc the value of cream for the test taken. Tho locum: is to be given " 2 p. m. all are in- vited onpacially ladies. John Main who was so seriously III, with Typhoid fever is recovering "lowly. Mr Wm Ellis who is again m Guelph hospital is getting some better. F W Campbell of Glen Eden, late of South Africa and " sister Com were visitors at. W S Homburgll's. one day last week. TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. HOLSTEIN During the past weeks the part which the. Canadian soldiers took m the cap- ture of General Cronje at the battle. of Paar-debug has been told and retold by the greatest authority on the subject-- General 1toberts--and several of his loadings oftteets. The picture which is given free by The Weekly Globe to rts yearly subscribers is pronounced by those who were there a very accurate description cfthe scene. A sample of it can he seen at this ottice. It should he in evsr‘y home in Canada.--) for Review Clubbing Rates, We slmuld think a man who dyes " mustache would also keep the edges dyed. _ All rifles and articles of clothing be. longing to No. 4 Company, 31st Regim't must be turned in at, once, o, M. SNIDER. Capt. No, 4 Co'y, 31st Reg't. Please renew early and oblige the pukiiuhor. Business may be transacted at the office In Upper Town or at. the oft1ce in Darling's Drug Stove, Lower Town, where we have phone connection Call at either place and "ave a talk. UpperTown Phone No " Lower " Phone No 3. Men say they want to learn a thing. but what they mean is, that they want to learn it their own way. TAXES. -All taxes must. be paidl'before Feb. lst. costs will he added. Collect- m'Hugh Mackay will be at Liming butcher's shop. From ll, it. In. till I, p. m. on Feh. Ist, Will those, to whom we have sent accounts in the last few weeks, and who have not, yet responded please oblige at once. We have to thank those who have attended to this small matter, nor small to us by any means. M A PO LOG Y. This is to certify that, it I have at any time used abusive language toward Michael Byers. ot' thwalened to assault him that, I hereby apologize in: so doing. A. (innings. Dated January 21st 1901. iv irt,3. Thousands of young and mid-Ala arm! at} menu» troubled with this clirctitc--r.ia.) u"? t1ntsc.nseiors.slr. They may have a. mum- " in: when, mm“. unsung Mivttt't, 't r, phat-p cutting pains at, times, slight dir T charge. diilieyir in commencing. weak bi; 011mm. emigrant". and all the symptom,- n ' 9f_norvous dobilite-thtsr r.rsvd.8 PHIL“ pt?? H232. lhyh'tieti1oeto,ri.experiet.dn i" you. , 1,n/tt.i.tyr, stretching, cr. tegrum C'Y, you. ' 'ytwl,11,,iigtts_y,!ty.i/n.r.i.t,1v.iy.r.i- J tum. Our NEW _Miil‘|!UI) 1'llriA'l'.. l il, ALERT absorbs tho :mcturo tissue: ", .." heceerornoveiethi, strittprs permanently. _ a “can Lca'or re'ttru. No I ain,no miter- il, ing,_‘m d?tentiou trout business by our 1m trrc:irotl. 'i'hoirexaalorgrur-,trehcrtL . .;f enod. The P.t'rverl are invigorated. and tfd Eifflfl'fi xmxw’ffiffl . 21 'lid I a ti, n / . _,:'" The Leading Spec!aii_sts_ “America [2,“; The Leading Speclaiists of America N Years In Detroit. tiitl/lotl]lsrtii, WE tMtiiSTRiCr0'i?i5:', ing, no dotetttion from business by our method. 'i'hortxuatotgarrqnrertreiurtrf. ened. The tones are invigorated. and the bliss ct' munhrmd returns. Tir,, g 'd (e)!!') Cirl I E/f' d f su, El .. ' . , ‘E-l a [ti, " I " THE (YANADIANS' PART. Pi'1',l,ls'lIFlWhi NUTH'E. VOLUNTEERS I y; L Elvidge w. Wood 83; Clerk's salary 817.50; Clerk. Rel. offiee $6; Express Mc; It Alice truant offieer 65 ; Cnretekeri salary $10; Coal oil 20e; E Brunet. nak- ing at Fire Hell. 36.25; S Orchard. work M; Clerks nuppliu M.16; B Warner. Health Inspector 87.50; Gravel an. " J33 Canon. balance on acct. of salary Ind collecting $16. Gilber; insuenie was elected to Board of Health and T, a. Holt, in pluce ot B B -80me talk: talk so inuch that they In" to lie or run out of talk. The following Acctu were passed:-- A Davidson. Fire Hull conlract 035; W. Irwin, Punting 629.25; Returning oftieers: Juo Smith“: W B Volleu $7, Moore. Committees for the year: Fiuanee-- Gorslina, Hunter. Livingston. Board of wottssr-Huutet', MoFurlnuu, Whelan. Fire and Liglxt-Uuthnr. Whelan, McFarluue. Property-Lui-rt"." Guthrie, Gotuliue, Court of Itevriou---Calder, Hunter. Guth- rte, Livingston, Gorsline. Printitu,r-Me- Farlune. Guthrie, Livingstone Members all present, mayor's address out-lined work on various linen. repairing Town Hall, streets. encouragement to in- dustriemto Fire Brigade. to look after health of town, &c. Tue first titlcial meeting of 1901 Conn cil wan held at 11 I. m. Jan. It when the new mayor and eoumnllors made the neo- rs~ury declarations. After donning the Mayor. Wut, Guthrie and A. S. Hunt- er he a. Distrlution eoaunittee. adjourn- mom "ttti made till the evening. Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. u Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGAN? SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil mus Se wing Machines and supplies. 0 . M c K I N N O N . South of Middaugh House CULTIVA TING, ', ' , - , lg, tll Coulter & tet, Drills aild ii 'i' iiilliirltl Cultivators. ise and Spade 1 ar t: St' " ._M. -- ha I ‘ rows, stutitiers, Etc. Also Scotch 52% l / u 2 Diamond Harrows. a “I“ . "- - It "' Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " WILKINSON PLOUGII Comm NY ,, each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in l hree We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit, a continuance of the same. everything for Farmers I " arge Bales & Small Profits." Oly WHEgLS, . Chathlalg 'yyl Snowball Wagons TOWA COL'NCI L. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash System . dk J. McKechnie. ADOPTED BY ., G. & J. McKECHNIE. about the house and keep than in order, his wife you the ides that I. enjoys it. (Signed) REUBEN CLARK. For Sale by ti. Parker, Durham. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in ”use of your medicine. and shall do url I can to make known ita value-to others. Yours very sincerely. If a. man has a habit of npniringthingu I did so. with the result that when my ho . had taken only half a bottle he was able to get on his bicycle and ride like any other boy around the block. Gr.s'rLEMe.s,-1 hardly know how best to express my appreeiation of your valuable rheumatie remedy. l’hreunline. My son (inrdun. who Is it years old, has heeu a sufferer. from itthatuttuatory rheu- matism for the past two years t was m had at times that he had to he catuied about, on a maul-ass t was attended lw two city din-tors apparently without the slightest henetit; spent, 10 days at C'aledouia Springs, rame home with no marked improvement l took three, bottles of a Humeupathie remedy now being extensivelv advertised. which did not. relieve him in the least. I was In- gmning to Rive up all hope of his reeuv- cry. when by chance I mentioned the case“) a friend who strumzlv advised me to give. Phrenoline a trial. Almost a MIRACLE Ornuu. Sept. ftth, man. To the Plwertoti Me Maurine ' 'o., Ltd. Offa mu. Lower Town. In Inez-om on}: Paul on vices at next. u Church. D eleven o'el Home at tends e ki when They are tr yum " Fel in "mm! the eyes 1 atiott In“ and to can pedal-med nus in wk may lulu II No. 1tes" Dr. is In ol annulus! ttr-ttea I awamiing 15c. child: ttever ce otd the Th The I the rink not folio of making town sho the: are t member admitted the door Boon l) ed by the Fob 7. hit The mum and some offered by The-e on poster» "I in pan tic " was. an luirshly Town H "Cami! fully. en! mud I! W uecaused beau. of ing was I on!” " ttt "our” um twloved q About um loyalty ol mat of " Poulut tal Grit .1 Ml Slain l, One for l Hooduum A Plan plot-hum he 0le lt, "I tttte The mm " luchhm . . Lo . .. 11-“qu at Julia-sin! new. tho MR. JA III The PU Buclmd ll ll The t at the The on We still on will use d INII’! Bovr' th Maud than aasnti the Ml Mld " th 'or ttt " It Ill

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