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Durham Review (1897), 31 Jan 1901, p. 1

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'OWIl 'opairingthingu nop- than in n idea that he routs. RACLE er. Durham. HNIE BEN I NON. m of hnie. ustom- nerally LARK 'ervlv OI' 11" g. In accordance with the Bishop of Hur- on's Pastoral there will he memorial services at Aberdeen on Friday evening next at half past. seven. at Trinity Church, Durham, Saturday morning at eleven o'clock and at Allan's School House at half past two. The Rector ex- tends n kind invitation to all to attend these services-id ave the King. MR. JAH. FAX says: "My humor may cease to be instructive. it will never cease to be innocent." Hear him and the other brilliant stars. Friday Felt. 8. in the Town Hall. hut secure Tour ticket at MacFarlane‘s at once., They are going. To the otticets and mmnhers of Thu. ham Council. No. 393.. Co. C. F. l denipe to express my Hunks to yml and t , the officers of the Grand Council for the cheque of "ne thourand dollars in full payment, of insurance eevtdicate No. 1885! held by my deceased husband. Thos. Vai". Galt Jan. 22nd, 1901 I thank you for prompt payment Nay our noble order plumper and con tinue to increase in numbers and useful noes in which It. Is engaged. Yours very truely, Hen set' The Paisley Advocate says ' "Mrs Co. I hum. of Burguyne, Has been umlergo‘ ing Immune-n! for a painful affection of the eyes called glaucoma. An oper- ation wzw Apparently the only enrol and to save the eye an iridectomy wasl performed by Dr. Black, who considers I theopevatiott successful and Mrs 1'o.) lmnn has been cmnfnrtahle since." Thei Dr. is an old (Elenolg boy and we con- _ grumble him on Ins sum-cw:- in eye di. i Tht. hand hays have A lot of dash into the rink this Year and since they have not followed the practice fur some time whisking subscriptions. we think the town should loyalty stand by them when they are tvyiutrtoltelp themselves. ite. mnnher them, Feb'i. Masquerade" are admitted free, but must leave a. card at. the door with name, and character assumed for the use of the judges in awarding the prize. General admission 15c. children 10c. The outstanding feature of the even- ing was the singing of Miss J. N. Ma- clnchlart, who is undoubtedly an expon- e-nt of Scottish lung of the highest order. - _ "ticotsuuan." --- At tur, Non-s :‘ump ('uncert nu Feb. tl. "comin' thro' the Rye" was delight- fully, entrancingly sung as an encore. and If "a. body frowned" at all, it, was because shudid not come hack. Hear het at the Hall on Feb. 8th. Boo.“ Tm: HANDY -The Carnival plan- ed by the bandrtt the Rink nnThui-sdgy. Feb 7. bids fair to be a. erlmnt one. The management odor Libeml prizes and some attractive spacial prizes are offered by the merchants of the town. Thele can be learned from the big posters out everywhere. Buchanan's "Dear Auld Hume" was i in pan titular given with splendid effect. " was an exacting ethut, and was ad- l mil-ably slammed. Hear hint in the! Town Hall Friday Feb. tttu. ', Poultry Food, Oyster Shells and Crys- tul Grit " Iueker's. We sympathize with Mr and Mrs Renton in the death of their little child caused by iuthunation of the. lungs. The wumiuu ofthe little nne, who was nearly " mus. old were huried at Diu- mute cemetry. This is the tifth child Mr. and Mrs. Reuum have lost. The sale of tickets for the Sons of Sl-utlaml Concert on February 8th has begun at MacFarlane's Drug Store. As mlmissiun will only I) by ticket secured there, those wishing to hear tne great Pritna Dunn“. should apply early. The supply is limited. A Proclamation by Mayor Cashier proclaims Saturday from 11, a. m. to l p. III. a holiday (.n account of our late beloved Queen whose funeral takes place about that time. All will no doubt loyally observe this in unison with the rest of the Empire. SEED oaTs.-200 bushels Ligowo Seed 0th for sale at Parkep's. Druggist and Seed-man. Laxative Grip tablets will cure a cold in one day, MacFarlane'. Drug Store. . " --, ' Local and District News. ' t ss --'. - We have a. few Men's and Boyd Over- still on hand and co clear them out, we will sell them at a big reduction. We have also 8 Far Caps m Men's and Bovs' which we want to get rid of. Come and help us. N EMORIAL SERVICES. For the late Queen Victoria. VOL. XXIII. NO. 5 CARD OF THANKS C. L. GRANT. TO “()SABELLA VAIR CLEAR m " SHEWELL & LENAHAN! j Ben Nevis Canap meets on Friday. l Feb. l, as this is the last meeting harm-9 [tho great Concert. " full attendanes is ) requested 1. i Miss Machu-hlnn. who was in high lfavnnr. kindled ttuarnetuUurt Pnthmmsm inrnongst the audience. She sang two Alaelir, ditties in a suffieientlr striking 'nmnnvr. :u-vompanving herself, like the 1mu-ivnt bards. on the Chunrtch or 1'ale. Minniun harp. The inslrnnwnt nsml by ithe sinqor being oopied from one now Yin Edinhlugh. which belungul to Mary aneen of Svntu. At the Convert. on l Fob. Slh. Tickets a' MaeFarlane's l Drug Stare. I Messrs John McKechnie. Charter iSillilll and Dr. Jamieson paid a visit to “lenient, City, Michigan, last week. i MI. John A. Munro leaves this mom- ling fora trip to Scotland and will see illu- grc-nt Glasgow Exhihiliun. We iwish him a pleasant. trip. NEW ONTARIO BoonmniEvr-ry letter. one rel-chum fr om New Ontario has push "Ind progresq to remit-d. Writng for the Review on Jan. Is', from Welrirwood, M r J. C. McMillan, well known at Dro- more. and now in limitless in Wehbwood says: "Having seen a copy of your Pitpt't' to-duy reminded me of my old acquniutnnrp in the neighborhood of IVomiove. Havmgbeeu brought up in that section it kindled the old fire to see tho home new». You have no snow there m yet. We have about 2.5 feet here. have had good Fleigbing since the S, of November. You will understand we are living in New Ontario which is booming at the present time. We are having a New Pulp and Paper Mill built hereby a Company you have un- doubtedly noticed. called "The Sranish Pulp and Paper Mfg. Co. of Wehbwoml" The Company are supposed to expend 8500.001100 inside of three years. In the lumbering Comp. wages are good. Men are getting from $20 to $30 per month and the restriction on logs from going over to the U. S. A. has been worth millions to the country. but should I have been done long ago. The American Companies are now building mills on our shores since they now fully understand that Canada makes her own laws. no we are looking forward fora busy time here next summer.” Success to our New Ontario boys. Laxative Grip tablets check La Grimm MucFurlmxe's Drug Stare. P sultry supplies at MavFatGtte.'s. (The following hit ofgossipatyout Miss Mnelnchlim who sings at the great Con- rart in the Town Hall on Feb. fl, will he read with interest) “But you will say-Tell me what she islikeperqonally. Well. she is the nicest. brightest, and t+eeviest woman you ever met. Her greatest, plusure is to he with artistes in the musical world. “I love to he Gurmunded with Bohemians like myself Nehru-r Bohemians, mrwk you!" A sis- torartiste at the eontrert theothev night said- "Eh, Jessie, but youve lumnie.” It was the one sweet, (-onmlinmnt. n true \Vullnln pays another. Yon. that's juqt. what she is, With her round. SWPPY. girl- ish Cave, lit. up with .1 pair of brown eyes. and lovely white teeth. Sale of remnants in Wall Paper still on a! Macfarlaue's Drug Htove---a nice pap- pnpt-r for 3v. Mr. and Mrs. Bear have as guests this week, N rs. Best’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. l ollin», the Latter. n sistpr and Me. Showfon. an uncle of Mrs. Best. Me. and Miss Grier, I’nislpy. visited at Me, Geo. Meikle's last week. NoTicrt.--The acc'ount of all persons owing Dr. Burd are at MacFarlane', Drug Store, A settlement is requested to ave expense. La Grippe Pills. If taken early enough these pills seldom fail totrffrct a a Cure. At Parker's Drug Store. Mrnnd Mrs [meson of Varuey. left on Monday for a few months trip to Indian, to Visit their children theer. In Grimm is very prevalent in town and country just nnwnml smile families are seriously invalided. 'ttlish attt .77 .71 Call Raspe.etratt Jolie/ted. SHEWELL 6: LENAHAN. Special attractions for the Christmas and New Year’s trade. Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope tomake the acquaintance of many new friends. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A, Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. 'iiiitittlig, 3texm, We!» M, ar Generous words have ‘men shun dam, everywhere. The object wan worthy of them and growing hopes are enter- tained that her successor will be ever-y way worthy of his renowned mother': renowned to all the ages. Rev. Mr. Ryan took his text from Ezekiel 21 :26. “Thus with the Lord God: Remove the diadem and takeoff the crown." a very suggestive text, and on which he founded a. very warm panegyric on her late majesty and all that she but been and done for the Em. pipe. a "The death of the (gum-n is felt in America as almost a personal bereave- ment. It is natural that this should be so in a land where womanly gram- snd dignity receive thvir fullest ap- pruciation. Sincere sorrow for her loss is only tempered by the knowledge of her rich hurae.y of noble example to the entire world. America extends deep sympathy to England in her hour at gloom. The grict is not alone lh'itain's, but the whole civilind world's. We quote two American opinions as illustrations of the trend of their sun- pathy F. fl. Coudert, Lalwfield N. J. says: Queen Victoria aeelimatvd the domestic virtues to tlw atmosphere of a court. Viee, shrank slunnv-fam-d from her uncongenial preSoncc. A perfect Avalanche of t't1logistie writing has fallea'supon Anglo Saxon readers owing to the death of Queen Victoria. Never surely in the whole history of the human race did one of its numbers receive such warm adulations " " pure life such heartfelt expressions of SOI row " the loss and thunki'ulness for the example of our late beloved Queen. From cottage and from palace there is the same fond story. Europe also solids its sympathy and the United States. from all classes, voices the gon- eral feelingot sorrow, as if it werea P'rsonal loss. my whole strength during the re- mainder of my life. ,. Well said words. We believe him. On our inside pages will he found extended notices of King and Queen. God Save the King ! "l need hardly say that my con- stant endeavor will be always to walk in her footsteps.“ Again he said : “I am fully determined, so long as there IS breath in my body, to work for the good and amelioration of my people." " In conclusion I trust to Parliament and the nation to support me in the arduous duties which now devolve upon me by inheritance, and to which I am determined to devote "Honor the King." Not only for his own sake but also for the sake of his mother, whose training and life long example will, all will hope, make him a worthy successor to her. He has said '. King Edward Y,ill fllf (lllilf 1llil()llll, (l()lllhll! DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1901. 78/79!” .172 .em ' _ FF'" r/c'(jCt1'Ce.)fi",),ii'i'-' ; fi':'--,?"),,','),:')""".":)-) ii3'A,l'r,t(v,s:, .3 . " i, “39:5 ' , "-‘j 1 'i)ii/fji J" Kal in (lit GHUIEHBS THE LATE QUEEN. Iii, This brilliant artiste can he heard in DurhamTuwn Hall, on Friday Feb. '9th. All seats rvsvrvod. Plan at iMaeFarlane's. Secure Svals at one; las sale of tickets will stop when hall is filled. tou is being buried " Drmnore, where others of their children sleep. Youth and age must how to the grim reaper for THUS. Ewes, Aheldeen, at the patriarchal age of 88 years. 6 months has also. to-day, Wednesday. been called to his rest. We will be pleased to receive I. fuller notice of this and others for next issue. Meanwhile. to all mourners we extend sincele sympathy. Very sad was the death of little Nathan, son of Mr. Andrew Ritchie. Glenda. on Thursdnv last. The cause of death was dreaded diphtheria. We are pleased to learn other members of the family are recovering. Rnx'rox. Today, 'htt"r/'tp, the little ll month's old cknld tsf ll. and Mrs. Ren- This widely-known and much te- specled lady was called away very sud- denly eatly on Monday last and was buried in Snugeen cemetery amid uhnunding tokens of respect, on Tues- day, Rev. Mr. 3tcGtvs,rot. cundnrling the luminary services. Deceased was the mother of " children, the youngest a few days old, and these, with her huslmnd, will sadly miss her presence in the home cuvcle. She was a sister of Councillor Peter Mcluuir. Mmi. Tums. PARK. At the. early age of 35, this lady. a daughter of Mr. Kenneth McKenzie. has been called to her rest. leaving a sun-owing husband and five children to mourn. henidvs her parents and other. relatives. Her mother is aged and infirm, and the body of her much- loved daughler was taken into her room foe n fund last look. A large. numluer of friends attended-the funeral, Rev. Mr. G rahsuu offieititing. JAB. HILLIR, Of the 2nd Com. Egremont, has also passed away and is being buried to-day, wednesday. We have no details. Rev. Mr. Furquhuson in conducting the funeral. The grim visitor. has been more than usually busy during the past. week. and many families have been called upon to "mum. stand the words. But if one Mould not understand the words, there was no doubt about the musical rendering. They tormcd two of the most attractive numbers ofthe owning, the second be. ing remarkable, alumna othvr good qualities, for the exquisite sense of accent displayed by the fair singer. " "The supreme attraction oi the evening was Miss Jessie Niven Ma.. elaehlan, known as the Scottish prima donna. Toronto people have had good reason in the past to be sceptical oftln- claims put forward on behalf of gsiiigors who have sought their patron- ‘nge lur distinctively national reaSons, that is to say, on the ground that they were par exeellenee interpreters in Irish, Scotch or French music. In the case of Miss Muclnchlnn it is gratifying to be able to say that she would sing with distinction. grace and charm the music of any school. She has a beauti- ful vviee, with more of the mezzo lsoprano timbre perhaps than of the lpurc soprano, and behind all the sym- pathy and national instinct which she shows in the interpretation of purely Scottish music she betrays the cultivat- ed art of the musician and the resources ot the vocalist of training and exper-1 ienee. There were eighteen numbers l on the programme. and the majority of these were eneored. Speaking without the aid of notes, Miss Mae- lachnn, ifencores are ioelmiM, sang twelve times during the owning, ai truly generous contribution to the pro- 1 gramme. Her most successful number irom a popular point of view -a num-] her which created a farore---wag Lady 1 Lindsay's "Wi a Hundred Pipers,"} which she sang with electric effect. so spirited, so justly emphasized was her declamation. so instinct with true} Scotch feeling her musical re ndvring. l Prior to this she had sung a delightful 1 little cradle song. o, Can Ye SewCush- l, ions," in which slw gavo a beautiful, example ofsoft veiled singing. Later" in the evening she gave two songs,) which itmay lit-presumed were (inc-l lie, as no Englishman could under-) stand the words. Bat ii'one l'could not, Miss Jessie Niven Maclachlan, who arrived from Scotland about two weeks ago, sang for the first time in Canada at the Caledonian Society's Barns' Concert in Toronto on Friday last. She will sing in Durham Town Hall on Friday of next week. Town to papers speak most highly of her. Here is what the Globe says '. Will Slim in Durham, many, fell. il. [llifllllflliil ll FORUM") AUDIENCE. Illf SCOHISH l)lllilnNll, Mus. Nun. Md} ILLIVRA y DEATHS HARVEST. FROM "THE GLOBE." RITCHIE. _.-------- l Dr Gun, wenttnStrattord on Monday, Eta ovenee an operation on the eyes of ',his son Jas. R. who is not yet free from a serious ere trouble. The operation was performed by Dr. Deacon. Dr, Arthur Gun was also present. His many friends here will be pleased to hear of his recovery. Mr James Park and family are moving to Flesherton this week. Mr Park hav- ing obtained a. position in Armstrong‘s sawmill. Mr Park has had a long ex- [ perience and being a cnpame workmen F will be sure to give Ind we hope will: get satisfaction. ( Miss Maggie Scott. teacher, of S. fl. No 9, Glenelg. attended 8 S No 13, Egre- mont. entertainment in Russell Hall last. week. She took part In the prog- ram and remained till Snnduy visiting Dromore friends. Mr. Jno. Burgess left on Monday fot (Yatgill to attend the funeral of his: falher-in-lnw, Mr. A, Robinson who died there on Friday last at the ago of 78. Mrs Burgess has been at, her early home for a month during her father's last illness. ' Mr Jun. McIntosh. Upper Town, went Toronto Hospital Monday, to undergo an examination. He had not fully re- covered from his attack of appendicitis which caused his illness about a [numb " Ir" f , MrJas. H. I'oleridge vieted Durham friends at the beginning of the week. We were pleaseed to see Mr P. Mc- Murdo front Pt oton 1n town Tuesday. Mr C. Drumm and Mr Jun. Wilsou, Drmunre. were in town on Tuesday on business. WE CAN SaVE YOU $3, tii, til. TRY us AND SEE. PERSONAL MEN TIC N- "hi%iiiiiiahitiieiiiii mama: IRELAND dk co. ii" ,tvv,vvvvvv1v,v,vvvis 'ur jam zany &ock 'Gaking Ja,. We are busy with our annual stock taking. This brings many groups of tempt- ing bargains to the surface and every depart- ment in this store will participate in this sale. The little prices at which we are selling all manner of heavy goods are appreciated. -rtrtr--....., O - m st Qty ,fReductiott 40g JUQUZIOIIOII I” Dress Goods, Yelvets, Flannels, Flannvl- ettcs, Underwear, Ladies' Cloth Jackets, Furs, Blankets, Boys' Recfms, Mens' Reefers, Men's and Boys' Suits, Over- coats, Ulsters, Men's Neckwear, Gloves, Mitts, Gauntlets and Men's Fur Coats. TORONTO RECOMMENDED and for tinle by JOHN A. DARLING, PREPARED ONLY BY NERVOUS, pale Lincoln's Tablets TheW'oak and Sum-ring are Liberated from Irisease JAN. FAX. the lenuwnml hmnm-int. will sing at, the great Concert, Friday "tnext week. Thine whoheard him lit-fore Wttttt to hear him mama. Those who haven't should not min thi, up- ]mrtmnty. Ba At my Time of Life " ll one of his new pieces which is rivaling a furore. “Ell the Globe notice of Miss Helmchlan on Rrat page. An agreement In“ been veached In have uniun memorial awn-vices on Samr day M25!) p. In. They will Ire Ilt‘ld In the Methodist. chum-II and cordial in- vitations is extended to all to meet for Divine \vm-shilmu the day of t he Queen's funezul. Highland bland will loo stirred as. never w-u at the. great Coucett nu Fridav. Feb. S by Ben Nevis ('ulnp. Not only will piper Hurray in llu "Garh of Old Gaul" sound the "Irm- mcu-tinl strain" nn the pipe Min Jessie Niven “(L-vhlun will play on the. ant-lent "tlarsneh" while sue sinus "Gun chrodh gun uiuhmu" lst "Tlminig an Gille Dumb." Mr. Mm my is aim an expert dam-er and will give several e'zhilritious, Tickets at MacFtuhu"r's. Get, um- tti our». No crowding allowed and tinle of lit-ken will'slup when seals are when. A few min of long Boots, Mon's Mo- cuins And stub proof Rubbers tat been“! at, a big reduction. Also u few pairs at Leggings left which we wtil clear out " 1.35. 'i'heseare hsrgnino. Dayan wan them 'f If no, value along. WHOLE " 1193 l'NION SIN-IF] Al, HI'IIH'H " Worn -out find them If you suffer from Indigestion. Diabetes, Bligh": Iyiseaue, Ness voun Prostrntnm nr General Dehility, they will wt put free. In memory of the Que: [lla) MEDIGI![ 60. . God save the King Ch L. GRANT. BOOTS AND SMO ES and Irelicate Women ' Despoudeul Men will a positive blessing. BY Due bun. Ont.

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