West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Jan 1901, p. 5

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tian 1.v,yyA'y'y,y,'/r'd :33 ier . DERHAM. AND TAKE AB. y Your tttle re ES. "CE 1h"di'/,y,'diI5%llX1 ALDE R Axes q )m rMACIllNF.S.---. KS. llAV FORKS, etc. ot MARRIAGE Licenses DURHAM. mention. to give m our s cts deter- 1ys, these hop where Harris ements s Drill, reduced in the easiest l Carts " ago. B . Ell' Floor Oilcloth 2 yds wide per yd. Soc. $t bt " yds " 6t 4oc. s' " I yd " th 25c. Table Oilcloth 45 in. wide 250. t$ " 54 in. wide 37he. Flannelette Blankets, large 23 size in white or grey per pair $1.25. The best heavy pure wool blank- ets, per pair $3.75 to $4.oo We am: now showing the largest. stock in Town of Hampden, El in and Waltham Watches in Gold, (ink? Filled. Silver and Nickel Cases Ladies', Gent: and Boys' sizes and all the latest Ideas In . ftbet, Silverware lhnxu.‘ Plain J_Yvtylry THEY’LL SATISPY Kin ifs" Silverware . tPlain .lewaxy N _ ll Ilire ling Clocks Noye I? l Ebony Spec- Hutwale Chains (Solid Gold Ladies' Lung Guards ' (Hold Fillrd ISilver A GORDON, fare fancy per M. Srurse Will: porpackayo CALL AND SEE US. Q ‘st s _ .... " W. H. BEAN I luv. a large number of n:her Prop: ortion l', town and country and will sell Ot tra e. 3rd Div. lot T. cont. E. o. R. Glonolg on Garafmxa Road convenient. to Dur- ham. This my acres is a limp at price asked. Lot T, con. 8, Normanby, the 'F'ee' farm, belong to a company. and in offers ed at low tlttures. MONEY TO LOAN .14 1-2 pou- coat and up account-g to security and towns. INSURANCES. COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCINGI: walla. other flrtggruuqt luminous carolnlly “ten- the ---' Lot 28, Con. 2. W. G. R.. “hunch I. splendid improved farm convenient to Dulham. Very cheap. 64 1cm near Allan Park on Durham Road. Splendid buildings. “and land. will sell cheap or trade. Lot 18. con, 14. Bentlnck. nur Louise P. O. In hands. of a company. Fine place and must go to some "t'e. AHEAD OF TIME The Hanover Conveyancer He has a big list of Property for Sula, including the following: tiihi, prices. ---_. a...“ ring of Watches, Jewelry. ae., I spook“!- Fortunes Is always better then tobebehind it. It is still better to be on time. Our watches mm in harmony with the wheels of the universe and you cm: 3.11"}: depend on them. They no in coo cues too bad no mid u renou- HE SELLS CHEAP I I Jake Kress. I" Illl mm: lylhlilg With H. H. Miller, W. H. Bean, JAKE KRESS I- MacFarlane. 1 W... Wclntyn who}. I Mllllllilli (am Mt the Best 200- 10c. 50c. 400. 25c. 2 sc. 37he. Adjourned Out of Respect to her Late Majestvar. Geo. Brown, Mea- ford, Elected Warden. Report of Business Transacted. Mr C Mekinnon, Dominant] by Mr Reis. M G . we; 160 Wntloa. nominated by Mr But for a The new county council of Grey met for its hm new century session .at the cuunlmuso on Tuesday uttel'lmun at. 2 o'clock. The members were "ll present. viz. :-Divirtm No 1, Messrs Gordon and Doyle; N0. 2. Messrs Dung]. and liar- new ; No 3. Messrs McKinnon and Rois ; No4, Maura Shenck and Allen; No 5, Menu Watson and McAatlnu ; No o. Messrs Preston and McColmau; No 7, Messrs Brown and Agnew ; Mo 8, Messrs McDonald and Wiiiueroit. At seven o'clock the members met when m. clerk. Mr J Rutherford, we}; the chair and announced that the first butmess was the election of wax-den. Th. following "ominasious were then made. Mr Geo A Brow . Gordon. u nominated by Mr Mr D K Preston, nominated by Mr Humans. Pine Bisam Mr N MoColmnn, nominated by Mr Me- Kinuon. Each member who proposed e. candidate than mede a. brief address on behalf ot hie nominee. Mr McKinnon took advenuge of the opportunity thus Mforded him of thanking hie proposer. but desired to with. draw his mine. He referred to Mr Me. Colmen'e length of service in the council. 84 years, as entitling him to the warden'e ehelr. Simultaneously with the assembling at the council the news of the Queen's death was announced. and on motion at Mr Jan Allen in “as "solved to adjourn until seven o'clock in tho evening. and that the council chamber ',bmud be draped in mourning. This was done, and (luring the afternoon the large cunt of arms und the warden's and clerk's desks were mau- fully drnl ed with tho emblem: of grief at. the death oi the Sovereign. Votmg w“ then proceeded with, and the result was as follows J Baby's Cough Cure For Mr Brown-A-r, Brown, Doyle, Gordon. Mecolman-6. For Mr Wutusn-- All . Wasson-A. en, MeArthur, Rios. Fur Mr Pr.stou--Harnem McDonald, Preston, Pringlo. Schenk, Willueroft-.6. For Mr MeColmtua-MeEinnon-L Mr HeColman not being delirous of the office, as shown by his voting for Mr Brown. was then dropped on: and anoth- er was taken in which Mr McKinnon voted for Mr Watson. tieing him with Mr B on. Two more you. were Ellen taken. the result being the an”. fire You: each to: Messrs Brown and Wilson and nix tor Laxative Grip Tablets MacFARLANE tl CO. Chronic Cough, Shortness of breath and Bronchitis, CARR’S COUGH CURE is undoubtedly the best rem- edy we have. We would particularly recommend this to elderly people. is a great seller for recent colds, composed principal- ly of pure gums. It allays irritation, loosens the cough and gives almost immediate relief. is made especially for the little folks and will not harm the most delicate infant. Will check an attack of La Grippe. Try them. 2 5c a bottle. Dmggists & Booksellers COUNTY JOUNCIL. Applueatious tor tho position of county auditor were “mowed fret”! ll W. Jengiuri, UWeu Sound ; It H Fortune, As non ; and J A Swuuewu. Yeovil I'. o. A couunnuieatiou was read from the council of Dull'eriu asking eu-uperuciuu m uteruotGhziug the Legislature to abolish grand juries. or at least to enact. that they shall not. be called mm! a few days ol com: sittings, when". would be seen whether the” seniors would be requhed. Among the communication! presented poi-hays the most important was the claim ot Arnold Bros of Acton [or "2,40 dain- ages in connection with a hursu which had been injured through what was clum- od to be a defect on the roudway on town.. line between Bentinck and Snilivm. This claim Wins made before and present- od at. the Fast meeting of the cuuu'y councnl. and Mr H Brigham, lute colulur- ionei for Bentluck. was appointou to investigate tho tutttter lurnher and repmt. In this report he stated that he believed the Arnold Bros had it legal claim. Mr Brigham thought the horse was wtrth about. 580. and that the: claim could be settled for $25. Claimant', lawur. C J Mickie, of Citesley, has issued a writ against the county for 897.40, and out) delays action to bee what the county will do m the manor. It War, referred to the ltoud and Bridge committee. A communication was tdr,o read how G ll Aylersvsott0, secretary of the Assumi- umou of I'ubue and High School Trus- tees. asking the county count)” to elect n. dalegutc to attend the convention at Toronto nu April, and thus assist m strengthening the Association in the interests of rural schools, etc. Mr A Liner, inspector of public whools for Rube Grey, reported concerning work uone at Mutton! mndel when]. A SLatemeuL was read from Mrllouder. manager ol the Merchants bunk. m R- mount» lo the credit ot the CuuuLy in that iustu,utiou. 1?mane---sresgrs Prostou, uchlmsn, Sohenk. Allen. McDonald. Agnew, \Villlr- craft. Watson. MoArthur, Harness, Pringlc. Rois, McKinuou. Gordon, Doyle. Printing and Stationery-oss" Scllcnk Wllliscrott. Beis,tAgttew, Doyu.seehnuur. commuuioatious and sreinorialts-sreturs McColman. Human. Gordon, McDonald. Allen, Watson. V On motion of Hours ncDonnld and ne- Arthur, the mayor and xenon Gordon nod Agnew were appointed, a. committee m than. an address of condolence on oohnl of tho county touching the duel: of no beloved Sovereign. Queen Victorin am submit the some to the council duriux, the present union A peLimou trom John Uophan and uthers asked thuta bridge be bum, ovex the Grand River on the county line of Dufferin. A sketchy! the mamas showed where the bridge was desired. A form otmemmiul Lad tuso been re- centod by mm Rutherford, without any thing to show with whom it originated. (taking that. statute labor b. done awn.) with; auo to secure uniformity in ID. mum of roadways and make provision fer clearing away wow arms, ete. Along the accounts puseulcd mm a number Ufllectlun account. from return- mg ot1ioers; and boa, J H Little, Mc- Collum & Pratt, (icu Rankin, T H black- lock. of the Duudalk Harald. tur ptiuttug minutes, I Breckenridge & Sous lot funeral of Patrick Ryan, It P BuLchauh 1510. J H Rutherford. and many others. When thn correspondence had beau go. through the warden called for tho repvnl of tho committee to atriko standing can» tiiittees for the year. Mr Alleu,elrairmau. presented his report ; aitur which the numbers of ouch committaes as they won called off retired to an ante-roam am! selected their chairman. Following h the slate ot committees the first value It each being that of the chairman theeeof 2 Iihlaetuiou--sieetms Wntson. Rois. Allen Agnew, Doyle, ucDonnld, noColmm Priuglc. Warden's committee-im Gordon and uoDonald. Sumo of the members were late in gen- ing in, bun all were present by about 10.80 --iiurau Brawn in the chair. Mr F H Buthrfurd noted an messenger of the council. assisting the clerk. The l’rmuuora' Aid Association, through Dr A M 1losbt'ougu, secretary. made up- phcuxon for the uuuunl gram. After A commineo had been appointed With Mr Allen as chairman. to atrike landing committees for the carton: your. the council adjourned until Wednosnlay st 10 a. m. In spanking trrieflr to the motion In McDonald said no doubt resolutions of thir kind would be passed by almost. over, ro- presentaliye body In the empire, and lr bolieyed it was A proper Iny in whicl to manifest appreciation of the lost, in. curred by the duth of the sovereign The motion was carried unanimously. By-Iaw 503 to appoint county auditors 694 to appoint a, high school trustee for award. 3nd 505 to appoint n. trustee for. the collegiate Institute. received their' tirst and wound readings, after wlnnh th, council adiourned until Thursday " 10 County Pro; tCty-mms" Gordon, no Donald, Allen, Hume-s, McKiunou. m: Arthur. Pringlo. On motion of New" Preston and Agnew the vote w" made ununimoun, and the erden that Ins "tsorted to the chair by his propel". Mr Gordon and u-War- don McDonald. 3nd introduced in due form " bend of tho council for tbo year 1901. For Mr Brown-Agnew. Allon. Brown' Doyle. Gordon. McColman. Mektunon, Rein. Wntaon.--0, For Mr Preston-Hare, MoAtthnr. McDonald. Preston, Prmgle. Schonk, Wi1lueroft--7, Mr Photon. Mr Watson thon did the graceful thing. which should be rumour bored to his credit and wear. hil election nnnnimomly nut "sr-he asked that his name be withdrawn. which was done. and anothcr vote was then taken. which plsced Mr Brown in the Wax-don't chair, the vote being as follows: (Continual next week.) Wanna)“ Fonuoox. Besides singing in concert by the pu- plls. motion songs. &c.. there were hoop drills, an excellent string hand, clearly Spoken recitattions hr the scholars, dia. lognes. &e., the handling of the chil- drenand the precision of their mova- menu showing careful training on the part of theit teacher. Solos were sung by Mina Jenn Renwick and Mr. Wm. limnage. quartettes composed of those two and Miss S. and Win. Isaac. gave good satisfaction. "\Ve'll have to Mort- gage the Farm" wan a feature of the. evening. the “old man" and "old woman" and indeed all acting their parts skilfully. Two tableaux were IIIOaL effectively carried out. that. by little Eva Kenton being especially tine. Miss M. lloopm accompanied for the string band, Miss Agnes Renwick accompanying for. school and qua: lattes. Matt Hooper, Abe Hooper. 'I' Bothwell, \\'in Stephenson and G Dixon compose the slring band. Many from a. distance wurcprcsenl. Miss M Scott assisting ably with two tvcitatious. The pro- cceds were $22.40. Without doubt, one of the moat Inc- ceuful school concerto evor hold here wns that of but. Friday evening iu Russo" Hall. when the pupils of S. S. No. 13. with their populnp teu-her Mr. Jas. H. Coleridge, waisted h frionds of the section gave a b"r','l,'2alTe'l.'t'l/l/ ment. Mr. It. Renwick was ehnirman and appropriately called off an excellent programme. Two bookings hue been carted in this neighborhood. Mr W Thommo has been appointed butcher in h rings and we are sure he will give perfect "titMetion. Mr D Leith took a sleighloed of our young people out to Dtolnore to an ",eg'httf, in Tillman Hell llent n " evening. " re rt e ep en- did time. po . thrinttt-tttustrofiatrrippe In. L Fee is unable to attend to school duties this week. Mine Lizzie Allan, ot Verney. wee wounding a maple ot weeks with Mrs ill Caldwell. Mise MoCennel was the gneet of Mr- J Watson one evening last week. Rainfall for the week 0.2 inches Snowfall " 2 inches. General (“reunion ol the wilds north west to south west and moderate. Mr E Pee and Misc: L Fee and It Wall-ca visited Domach friends the Inter part of the week. Wedding bells chiming. We 'gvlttrf to hear that little Norman en: in eonralasarnt. Tasztm-tiwtvule,relub1tt person in every county to "present. lug. company of nolld t1sttuteitsl revutntion; $9.36 salary per 2r.trav,T'l'l" week y " per day absolutely aura an all expousu. straight. balm tide. dummu salary, LO comuuamnn , sulnry paid “on Bulu'dny Mud expense money advanced Ouch week. b'l'AhDAld) HOUSE, 334 DEAR- mnm b'r..Cmusu. Au. the week ending 26th, Jun. 1901 Temperature Mm. Max. Jun. North East Nommby l Ity, At" 21 Dromore. Come and see us in our new store. C. McArthur, Durham Reese“; :a.S:a:S.at:a:a.s.o'.9 BOOTS, SHOES, and. CEiiyR2r:E3:E3:ETEeS4 ,3 23339331533 “was: s; At Special prices Thehrriees make it interesting. 13 10 31 21 m ilt‘ a man has . balm of repairingthinga lain)": the house and keeps them in order, his wife gets the idea that he lonjo " it. and Cyan, th, our 6 Pteroto or Chief Mo but 50 Cigar in 61mm. Horse & Cattle Medicine. all Kinds and enough to supply the demand. Juice! Juppliu Darling's Cold & Lafr.ir, tablets knock it put. in a da}: DARLING 'S Flour......... ............. Wheat..................... Peas.,...................... Barley..................... Oats........................ Lumbs..................... Drenaed Hogs. per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Batter, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. E ms Beit, per an”... Wood................ Turkeys............ I)noks....... ....... Chickens pen fair Bram. .............. Hid“. per owl.......... Culfukiua, par lb........ Slleepskms............... Tullow rendered per lb Lard, perlb.............. Shorts......... Huy.......... Potatoes. per b: L? DURHAM bee, DRUG STORE JNO. h, DARLING Calder's Block. Durham. Qtaccos, M... and Jtahbnny a tha. MARKETS. TORONTO 500 " 14 7 00 45 4O " 90 40 I) M 1000 ti tro 16 " 14 62 58 65 75 90 i DIAMOND I T--- In Henry and Light Human Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets. En want you to know we bundle every- thing in the [lumen line. Humo- that is durable and " 3 home co.- fortably, will brine ptotit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. SOMETHING YOU WANT Dueotamtm- u not . Are, H . plenum My. toe in but. DHIOID Em alum will OI". I)“ buxom an. I‘ln'll will ' Tot I Iron: will. ottt. and Iutrdtu Dumb nun Innu- will I..." you In. t 1:. original colon - “I“. - OFFICE 1"le DOOR EAST t,li the Dumuu Pharmacy Culder's Block. Residence first door sretit at the Post OfBce. Durham. BARRISTER. soucrron. NOATRV PUBLIC, CONVEYING... CO. omee----LOWER TOWN. DURHAI. Causation and Agency promptly ntu~uded to Will]. Duds, Iona-cc; Lem-ea. Agreement; he. correctly xrtplred. that,” ot dooenm-d pol-Ion look. after. and Be . ' and Ad iitinuteators' Accounts prep u an“, Burnout. Court Business. Prob“.- of 'ills, Lotta! of Admiuhmtiou and Guardmmhip obtained. Search" made in Raglan-y (mice und Title. reported on. Comp-my And prince Fundl to Lou o Hartman at lovait um of ig3uttmat. "Its u 10- mm“ t y a competent and cur-ml \‘nlunun'. OFFICE-MCI" tyre Bluff. BARR/STIR. SOLICITOR IN SUPREM. COURT. NOTARY PUILIC. COMMI‘IIONE'. ETC. OMce, over Giant's store. LowerCown a,lll,?,ll,ll.ll!i,,,!,fro,?y)l CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . Janina!) CAPITAL. Paid up.......... 1.000.009 RESERVE FUND .r.... ...' mum AGENTS in all principal pomtrs .n Ouurio. Quebec. Manitoba. l'nilud Slates and England. W. F. OOWAN. President. GEO. P. REID. Hunger. Terms modem“. Arr-Igoluoum for on)... in to duh-.lc.muu 00 made at The New." on“. Durban. Corrottonuoue. uddruud than on." Roped“. P. o will to prom”.- attended to. Toma on npplimu- to A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and. collections made on all point». Deposits received and intor. out allowed st current rates. SAVINGS BAH; adieu-st allowed on savings bank depmita of 'l.00 and up- wards. Prompt attention and - facility afforded canton-era living at. distance. J. KELLY, Age-t. you" “In In TWirli,,i?tij,U,r.lrRhls GROCERIES (8.)llliultilll8tttiufaHlll,, S. SCOTT. In the only Bur Nation that in givmg good mum. arristcr, our , Gen- b voyanccr, ten to..... Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. Dr. I .HOLT L. D. S. All Chaxgo- Medezate DEN ISTRY. J. P. TELFORD, DURHAM AGENCY IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We G. LEFROY McCAUL. We can give you Bargains. MONEY TO LOAN At " oruuuiaa KEY)“ Ill, S. DAVIDSON. McPHA n. WE SUPPLY I T"--- In He Iran). bottle emu lb. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOPS. &c., D. lcPHHL. Hopevillo P. (l C. RA'AGE Durham. C LEA VENS McFarlane & Co., Druggistl & motioned" Licensed Auctioneer in the County of Guy. INEWER ttover the Bank

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