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Durham Review (1897), 31 Jan 1901, p. 6

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The Dominion will be asked to grant. ll subsidy in mnjum-zloa with the Province In an! or up mrtttb3strmmtt ot “building in British Columbia. "ste-Ma, what in a “whlte Ila?” Ma--weu, my whim. the milk we I.” serve! to [N here In the on: b a fair sporimrn of one. TM shuts tl roof the stall lard reversi- Ne pattern uphulstered in crimson plush. Tlu. aim-s are cow-mi wlth Itruttserii ruff! t, the floor of the large trunking: 2mm. in rounwrtlon. being done in limb-um. The othon. arrange- ments. sanitary an] Illuminating. are tn keeping: with the general order. R.- the on! of the your the Point St Charles "hop will have turned and Goo of tho Lotto new thirtrmve 100%. thirty-ton bor vars. in addition b the wwhm mentioned and Iren- tnl repair work, and twenty-[our Minimal shun?" mogul locomotives of th. Morse Inttnrn. in whivh spear] and atrmwrth have been taken into eoeur'.aeatiov. Tubman area! the stzi Ne pattern upholstere Plush. Tlu. aisles are sum-4." The first lot built in the Monti-cal shop; was added to the ser- viw-in 1897. shut which time the com- mnj, under thr tsup_erijttendetw, ot hr. W. MchoJ. has built all its own taro. Five of the new Coaehtsareal, miy in service. and are said to be (Swing the inst of satisfaction. The "2.2.000 Series" are of the wide mtihuio- "r'.'116'r, sixty eight feet in Rug“). tttel minimum] with the latest tettprutrsrtre.vr:. in air bra-222‘: an! sig. nals. Tim weigh: or the MIPS is “(in 100 pounds, tho seating capacity being ewnty-t'wu passengers. The win- bws. whith are of Gothic architec- tum, are trr.isitot in a combination of oak uni nmiuxrnny. the interior ot the can: being; done in quartered oak. Walnuts nreof th." autumn m nova-a! M13. The weight ; 100 rounds. tho scat; Wrve.'tty-tw f , hassom gnu. whim are of t. -'"-_..-%. mavuvclJ "C88 at the Point Mt. Charles shops and put. Into sex-Hm immediately. These Gout-hm lmmlm-n known as the"tym St'flOi." The first. lob built in the u.ontivalooisswas added to the sor- 0t V - -- ""'-.MB-. “unlit!!! (round quickly changed the subject. Later In the evening the incident was related to the host, who laughed heartily at the neat reply of Ms political opponent. .. ,-.. -7... .:.u.uu:u. luuuu a delightfully vourteous repurtee. It happened that on the occasion in question Mr. Hsreourt, as he was then, Wiui [IL-mm next to the hostess. On the w.xll opposite tlwm hung a plains of a lightly-draped female fig- In. and tiuring a pause in the conver- mtlon tho guest's eyes happened to wander to the painting. "I see you are looking at he picture," suddenly bloke In hire. Marne", wlth a laugh. "I always say that It onghtn’t to be allowmi In here; but it is nothlng to the Venus that Mr. D. has in Ms bed- mm." "That r can quite believe," mun-ed the Squire of Mnllwood gal- lantly. with a tow, and. foellng that he had ventured on rather dellcatel um: yuu get um genuine with the full mm. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Palo i'r'oolo" on the wrapper mull Hat") box. Mr William Harcourt. while out: pygmy: with Mr. Disraeli It!!! you got {in gull rum», "Dr. -"eV . u...-- urn, rum, ml blood. and tins much the root of tho tmutttlo. Tiso pllls are the only Whine ultemd the publlc that can show a reeord of tyutth nurveloua mos after doctors had failed. If you am at all unwell. this medicine will macro you to health, bat be mo Boxes of tho pills and is now enjoying the nrry ban of health. Dr. William: Pink Pills cum such apparently hopeP-su cases as Mr. Clint . bumum: arr-y make new, rich. “.I LI-..‘ _ - med. was in wry por, namely able to go ar her triertN feasreu her devebping into dropsy ttro boxes of tho pills onloyivlg the wry best Mr. Jinks tudded that it was not in his own ("um alum) Lint. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had prov-31 ot advantage In his family. [In dauglrbar, Mise Mil, tired. was in wry pour health, and namely able to go amund. In tact, her trien is fun-ed her trouble was ',1"gtteiey. into dropsy. She used w. Mun- _. u .._ nor. am I van truly my throng." all by suitor-mg. I never Rot any per- lmunnt who! um.” I took Dr. Wil. ling“ Pink Pills." Ing no dyspeptic. rd,. two your. I 7.. troubled with pains in the "om. Ich. and was not able to raise my um above my head without ex. Mummy severe pains about my don ritm and Swami). Then my kid. my: began to trouble me and at “at. I could not get oat ot a. chair without help. My limbs and teat ware otten so swollen that I was unable to lawn my boots. but as noon‘ u tho swchlng went. down I was but a. more window. My wrists and arms were no shrunken that I could span them with ens". My cough racked my whole bnly. I nul-L' am up In bed and coughed me whole nigho long. I tried sewn-(u doctors without suc- cess. They finally told an I was in tho first. stages of consumption. In the spring- ot 13399. a little pamphlet was thrown in tho hall door tolling than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and I drum] Gr any them. Nature tinislt. utr tho n-rnnvl DH I noted a olmngn no] and? uing Chem tor a couple ot months I was (nmpkrtz-ly when. and the rough hal [My m'. At present] my Mullah Ls as gum as I can wish! tor, air! I “an truly any tlirougy all! my b'ilifurdhz'. I "(wear "m. "I“: .m- tfllicted the Sufferer for Twenty Years. Ma‘s "Instruction to A BACKING COUGH A Neat Reply. tart, while dining Ir. Disraeli. made eons repurtee. It the occasion In Mr. rich. root The federal administration dawn- zm-luud did not. issue postage stamps until 1850. and most of them rep- resent. T2tslvotia as a lobed figure halal-.. 5L- _L:,‘ , .-. -- - - - V. w“ - .vvvu Insult; holding the shield with the Swiss cm Norway and chlm happily have kuonw only mam Elihu: the time stamps were first introduced. The portraits of Oscar I. and 0888? II. alternate with the arms of Norway; while the Swndlsh stumps have the shlokl with the Swedlsh arms. For Denmark there is a stamp with a crown supported by crossed swords. Switzerland Begins Issue In 1850 ,,,_.‘ ____. luv-av [Mung The Russian stumps have no variety of portraiture: they are all alike stamped with the double hraded eate. Finland Issues itz, own stumps. They bear the arms of the country on a shield. twith bhelt Valuation. in ko. pecks, the Russian coin. in: the royal arms isreriritGrai"% 1879. a lion. rampant, with a crown an its head mu! largerpawsq Tho Turkish stamps are dated 1862 my! bear the signature of the relgw mg sorcrwigm Abdul Aziz Khan, plural above the crescent; and star. Bulgaria wan declarvi imlvppmlent of Turkey in 1878. Ihr fiat stumps bear- The earliest Greeiiétamps age dated Ir361 um have on them the nest! ot Mummy ip. his winged cap 7 The stamp ot Holland. which bore the head ot the reigning king, Wil- liam 111.. on the that issue, is now di-rtinguished by numerals only. On the Italian stamps are Italian towns with Austrian stamps. show- ing the long dominion ttf Amtrin over parts of Italy. On some of the old stumps are marina tho keys of St. Prter, surmounted by the miter of the bishop of Rome, Austria had first (1850), the double- headed eagle. Later the eagle wan replaced by the head ot Mercury, which. in 1858. was altered into the head od Francis Joseph. V77. v_.y .v-uuu uunxluu lu(.I-W VII IV. Bavaria. which issued stamps in, 1849 marked with armorial bearings: was the first of tho many states and principalities which now consti- tute the German Empire to adopt the new system. Prussia and Han- over followed in 1850, with the por- tralt of Frederick William IV. and the royal arms. and Baden, Wttrtem- berg and Saxony in 1851 with their own stamps. I Holland came that of the Queens t head, at Pre.stritt in circulation. The first Mauritius stamps were print- ed in 1817, t'.nd are the most expen- she stumps in the world. tor they', have Men know to fetch as midi. as $600 apiece in the market. New.‘ Prurwwiek nnd Nova Scotiu had first i . each a pretty stamp. designed with la. crown in the centre, surrounds, by tho rose. thistle and shamrock. 'lhe rarest stamp is that of British Guiana, 1856, black on blue, which bears a ship in full trail, with these Trotor- “Dumas Petimusque View sim." which menus, “We give and seek gifts in return." I First. Stamp of France. ! The Cttwt stamp of France was the head or a 'rtvau1-loohimt woman, and -) was meant to represent liberty. The l present stamp used in France repre- i cents two figures. Commerce and 1 Mercury. clasping hands across the l globe. For mast of her colonies I France issues a special stamp with tho eagle of the Empire upan It, but there are several exceptions. The island or Reunion has an open rose. l and Guadeloupe has a small stamp t with the value alone marked on It. t The first African stamp was of triangular shape, and reprtssenttd "ihitannia" sitting gazing at tho Wires. b'ttlvumtuertt to tho Dutch stomp or tho Transvaal mth tne initials v. It. stamped on the flag; which overshadowed the arms ot VV~__4... "um-"Jun [nunuur Hm has on tte stamp a swan swim wing on , placid stream. - - J..- v- ‘uvvu thul'lu- The culonies and dependencies ot Great Britain have upwards of 1.- 600 stamps. without a single dupli- cute. The example ot Great Britain was first imitated in the Unltedtrtatmr, where the proprietors ot local de.. livery companies began to sell post- age stamps to their patrons " early as 1842. The first one was the City Des-patch Pant, operating in the city ot New York, In August. 1842. the United States govern- ment bought the entire outfit. re- taining the design for the watnge stamp. a three-qunrtnr taco portrait ot Washington. changing the inscrip- tion to read, "United States City Dispatch Post." or tho Australian trtamptr,tttat of New South Wain; is a H317 little strmp. In 'tlw background is drawn a View of Rydnny, while in ttw foreground is sited a lemme ligurv, pointing with pride to three strong looking clr.ldriar Beneath is wzitten "sic fortis Etrurin Brunt." which mix-ms "Even thus did brave l-Ztrurin. flourish." Western Auqtetv Before the Introduction ot the [nudge stamp It was the custom to take letters to the nearest pastor- tice and prepay the postage in call!- the postmaster then atampllls tmelt mail matter as prepaid. The Introduction o, postage stomp!I tor regular issue took place in Great Britain, May tr, MMO, and was the result ot the earnest efforts of Sir Rowland Hill. Sir Rowland did not attach so much importance to the adhesive label as to prepaid envel- opes. and his fame rests on the envel- opes engraved by W. A. Muireudy. representing "Britannia"' sending let- ters to all parts ot the: world. These were placed on sale May B, 1840. The envelopes were received with ridicule throughout the United Kingdom, and were soon dropped out of use. the adhesive label taking thelr place. The first English postage stamp was black, but the postmark! were hardly visible on it, and this tone was followed by red, with the tami. liar portrait of Queen Victoria. The colonies and dependencies of mat Britain have upwards of l,- Esb..-- .a. A Postage Marks first Intro- duced by Britain in 1840. HIGH PRICES FOR SPECIMENS. (iWllflllWgiam etion o, postugn stamps mo took place in Great B, 1840, and was the ee.rttert efforts of Sir ‘NCHIM. 1llilis 1 TORONTO Suburbs (withamighty sigh of ne- "en-Thank Maven! I can haveone eveninqhr complete rest.-Brootrtyn lite. I I h’lnd Neighbors. 8atmrtur--Wlicre'te the lawn mower, dear? War. Baburtrtr--Me. Noxtdoor borrow. cu it this morning. t"st1tmrbtr-A:vi the garden hose? Mrs. 8uburbs--Oh, that Mr. New- comei got it for halt an hour yester- day morning. Buburbsr--May I inquire when the rake in? are. /3uburtm-Little Willie Outer- town's pa sent him arterlt this after- We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Cutnrrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & co., Toledo, o. We. the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheno for the last 15 years. and believe him partway honorable in all business transactions and tiryutcially able Locury out aurotahgationg made by their ttrm. . Wag-ac Tmux. Wholesale Drutariata, Toledo, WALDING. KINNAN a Mums. Wholesale Druggisll. Toledo, 0. Hall's Unlarrh Cure is taken internally, act- ing dlroculy upon the blond and mucous lur- fuoes or the system. Tmtlmoulsls sent two. Prloo The,. per bot' lo. Sold bv all drugglits. Hull‘s Family Pills are the but. ly eoospioous. (Mon-Bi Riahard Joshua Cooper, the ummmandor ot the new Irish Guards, Regiment. has turn- ed forty years of age, having been barn on July 18, 1860. He entered the (immdier Guards as see-om] lieuten- amt in 1880, and became main ot that regiment m 1898. He saw active service in tho Egyptian expedition of 1882, when he took part in the ac- than of Mahuta and the battle of Tei-el-Kobe. Colonel Camper holds the medal with clasp and bronze star. _ -eeeie _-- """""'"el" are all picked mom The consequence is that they are a lerel lab as regards height and phyerlque, and present a. very impmsing appmu'ance when matching. The. unifmm is a striking one. the green in the cap and the shamrock hedges bplng particular- The Irish Guards. Now that the Irish Guards use at Chet-sea. Londoners ham a chance ot seeing what " fitto body they are. Instituted by the Queen to commem- orate the brave deeds of the sons ot Erut In South Africa. the Irish Guards rr.ty,,tt.. Chelsea. are 260 Bteotttr--. n-.. -1 _:,.I.~.- --- ,, un- In London there is difficulty in get- ting enough boys to serve as messen- gers. lo the eXpnriment is being made ot employing girls. Some ot the mos. Banger girls are demure damsels of seventeen summers. and are said to be quicker than the boys in delivering messages and answering calls. It will be intemsting to watch the develop- ment ot the experiment. like tight boots. Nothing remnves coma with such certainty as Purmuio Painless Corn Ex- tractor. Be wax-c ot poiwnouu substitutes. Ask for and not Putnam's Pandas Corn Extractor at drunk“. According to Notes and Queries: A memorial tablet hour" the in. scription, "Hero Lived Main- Andre, 1770." has been placed on No. 22, The Circus, Bath, which was the English home of the brave young Major Andre, who was executed by order of Washington in the Ameri. can War ot Independence, and whose remains were afterward interred in Westminster Abbey. . ,,V_._....,-.- ‘--~--u_y w capo with. Tim normal conditions ot temperature will assert thauselvesr, and tho devil-tish humus will retire before ttrem to their natural bounds again. If th, climatic conditions had allowed it, they would long ago have become a. permruxent species on our south coast. Mlnard’s Linimvnt Cures Colds, etc. be found nurthmsl. of Clterbourgh, which is tho point of lowered Sea tem,. pm-ntum that separates tho marine fauna. of th, warm?!- me from the fauna of our colder Chum-cl. The mild seasons have puslmd this tomp?raturo barrier further up Channel for (tho time being; but thr'm is very littlo ground for th, fear, wh’ch has been so Irrely exprcswd, in It cur ns1uyrmeu hive IPf"'r and Intimuxent ennmy to English Shell Elihu-ion Injured by Hordes of Octopm. Them in great anxiety at our loath count tithing centres conuequant upon the plague of octopus which has ravaged the Channel this lawn. an tho Westminster Gazette. Tho returns of Hr shall fisheries for the put len- can show how serious the visitation is. Th, crab total has fallen tmm 877.000 to 596 ooo, and th, lobster total from 888,000 to 819,0)0. From, experiment. made at Plymou.h it wan found that aeven out of every eight crabs taken in tin usual tishermin't, tram during in) second Week of Octo- trt, wh n the plague was at its tr'lght, were killed by ortopm. and th it for every crab sandy taken twnnty~ono octopus were caught. And three yams ago ttr, creatures Were so scarce that single aluminium fetchad a, high price tor tho local aqtrt.ri.t and museums. Wo owe the; destrurtlvo visitation to our recent traeeemrioa of mild Bea- sons. Ordinarily thy octop-uz is not to MInnrd's Llnlment cured ijiatemper, "__ __. - um: stamp in issued by Portugal in all , her foreign pose-alone. It is a crown lwithin a circle. with the name ot the place clearly printed above. 1 Ot Span”: "amps there II a. great emblematic, variety, which betokens dietnrhanee in the country. The stamps issued in 1850 represent Isa- bella at the use ot 20. In 1854 the arms of Spain replace the Queen'- portrait on the stamps. In 1855. peace being restored. the Queen'. portrait is again found on the stamps. The stamps issued in 1868 bore the figure of their valuation. but the next are stamped with the head of Liberty. A few stamps hare only numerals. In 1872 a. few nppenred with the head of the new King Ama- deus. Stamps for the Philippine Iel~ ends of 1854 and 1855 have a curious engraving ot Queen Philippe): head and some of these have been sold tor 8500. The only specimen or a relic- iom, stamp is that used by the Span- iards in the Virgin Islands, a little picture of the mumptlon. On all the Chinese stamp- il a argon. the national emblem ot Por. a ty. London's Girl Messengers depleted on it: In one hand. while In the other she grasps I wept”; t The (kw: Balsam stamp has a. por. trait ot Leopold I. The am “mp ot I'8rrtutrat, tamed In 1853. in the head ot. Dpnna. Marta H. A medal A PLAGUE OF DEVI nsu. Andree’a house at Bath Nothing Hunts Out Corns How": This P My t'fltt'n an]: . tend near; a: bane. Dange L must ensue id not takeq to among Guldne m_ Bobcats. Tirentrseren millions of have left Europe for other neat; since 1815. Dr. MacDonald. tip resldent surgeon of tta _ Gomfdton Hospital. asserts that up connpia‘ut known in North uncens- land as an mull-eating disease is assuming serious proportions in Ge!- aldton and oth 1. northwrn towns. says British Attstralaaian. It has raged at Cooktmrn and Townstlr. and is ox- tending nearly as far south as Bris- bane. Dangerous results. In says, most ensue lf immediate steps are not taken to suppress it. especially h'le,IN, Hadron amending the public Dear Birs,--1 cannot speak too ltrongly of the (excellence of MIN- ARD’S LmiMENT. It is THE rem- edy In my household for burns, sprains. etc., and we would not be without it. i It is truly a wonderful medieine. JOHN A. MACDONALD. Publisher Arnprior Chronicle. O: d”. .....N. uuge "no It“ evil and exporting a co-related bene- nt, it would be inllacious to narrow the view to a single country. It Canadians buy from the Americans and sell to the British, who in turn sell to tho Americans. the transac- tion u complete, and unmet be quite as profitable as if we bought trom tho Americans and sold to them in return. In the. intricacies of inter. national trade. all countries are in. volved,. and it is a mistake to regard as injurious the participation of the country from which we happen tol receive troods.-tiloire. l “7., _'"""'."""'-. nun-Wu we boundary it is the best possible evi- dence of the benefits of that line of commerce.and the aggregate of the Individual benefits la the profit ot tho whole Dominion. Even if It were true that importing was an evil and exam-tim- n. ftrs.restiq 1...-.. It In a mistake to regard our com- mercial relations with tho United Statw as unprofitable because our imports from that country greatly exceed our exports. Trade is not the purchases and rules or the na- tion, but the exchange of products between individuals, and each trans- action mmt be considered on its merits. It la evident that Cana. dians will not put-onus in the United States except so tar astlley tind It personal” ndvrorner-, o- While a pletare moulding is the al- most universal fltiisdt tor moat wall covering-ls, and la very convenient in the rearrangement of pictures, yet the long stretches of unslght-ly wire have proven so oNectionhtge' that very often nails are driven into the walls and tho picturoa hung from trhort, ooncealml wires. even when there Is a 'nmilutng above. To Cure a Coldihu One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All fs'yqtt, refund the money if it fails to cure. 'Ne. . W. Grave's denature is on each box. tl Mlnard'e Llulment Cures Garget in Cows at!" the best society held her " Arm's length. "an do you know?" naked eo- cloty. with a. cold sneer, " that your husband has genume gout, rather than were rheumatism ?" " Because." the woman roplled, dim nlfledly, "In has carried a. raw potato In hls pocket tor two months. now, without getting well !” At the they were nhrvihed, and many. hmoeforth. Invited her to their ti o'eloi.--Detroit Journal. Triangular Trade is Minardtruiroent t'tirei/ Diphtheria sev- One Thing andiAnother‘ '.iJatqm" minded. but diploma in better. tryto.rmjsiiTitTct7G%'G cure. '4T, Are con- stantly“ wu- with rma whichlodge in our manhu- end emulati- diocese. Count: is n intact o diocese no deep seated in the lung. nun Lt-tt and bronchi” when that until recently nothing could ten h it. Colon-h l mull” olntmenu. 'ytomirmtr,ntomaeh medicine in able: and “and "rm have been tried but all moved nan-one to well u ur ethanol. Such trentnwnte often contain in. hurioul drugu which eat away the tender Man or Iheatomuch. nose end throat. and on tti,',', account nut-e out aside by the doctors o AN RI, celebrat’d "motif that has 1',18tig'g',g', thanked ed CATARR 102051) the taunted Air Cure. It in the vole lie orient. of Pure heal. l in: month! Olin which, when inhaled. spreads I to Ill pen.- of the breathing organs in themed. in?! and b onchial cubes. Thi primary action of ATARRHOZONE is to toil thoerrrmu that Pey'tttttduearii, then ib. wand ul hanlin: irtiiuettee in exerted on more thsn 1.1m square $929"? 21Ptete M1300 over which it my». The ms OWN FREE \Vlbh. wanauus mum g wan IIME "p States except so tar lasting}; personally advantageous to It they purchase across the .... " IA AI . . r A Weird Disease. Boer National Instrument. Hanging Pictures. litisW. The Real Thing. ' Pest society held her at the Jrest posiGil, Gi' Profitable. people Conti. Metals get tired as well as human beings. says Medical Age. Telegraph wires are better conductors on Mon. day than on Saturday. because of their Sunday rest, and a rest of three wet-ks adds 10 per cent. to tho conductivity of 3. WIN. The PAGE WIRE FENCE co. (thi.) For holding mock the " Page " is the col reliable kind. It I. used on the Unrest Steel Farms in Canada.. eqnlly suitable for sun or lame stock. W. I" make our own Vin. Could not get good enough before. It is twice " may " that in other fence: Ind better (limited. Our Fencing is shipped from our factory ready-made. and our local representative can put up a string of It [a you in short order. Prices lower this year. just keep Nervilrne at hand. A few drops in sweetened water will give Minuet inn-Lani. relief and in the course oth It An hour the cure In completed. Your money back it you do not tlnd it so. and maladies of thin 'tying,',!',!'.) quickly to the Alma“ magical 5mm“ of . ervilme. and it you fume: sry:1o1l!e.l,ly, frgnknnyyf _thsm troubles. It In explained that the tempers.- lure of the body ie maintained by the nervous system and that the least failure or relaxation of nervous energy causes a ctrtnge of tho bodily ,hmt and Impairs: the power of the lbody to reslst the approwh of dis- ease. It ls ta. wonderful tact tint under any clung? of outsth temparar ture, even it one go from ths arct‘n regions to t' . equator, the heat " the body chnalns at about 98 dm grace. But for Its rog’xtlon by the nervous syethm the heii of tho body could not remain unlatnnt. as every muscular exertion would raise the temperuturv, Wearimws, nnxioty, lie‘ pruns’on and th, like run-r th" " mount of nervous energy and rmnl " flu holy susceptible to colds from the least exposure by disturbing the process of regulating tttetetuporaturo. While warm cloih'ng and all the common means of protecting the body are Important. it 13 own more important to mold needless exponm it up nerv- ous system be not In its beat condi-l ti'om-Phutuielphta Record. I causes ot colds. and " while " another time or depressed from any become the victim ot t of pneumonia from a. exDosune. The nervous 898.111: to be recognized came: ot colds. and escape entirely. while " another time. when Weary or depressed from any catnip. he may become the victim ot a fatal attack of pneumonia from a. much "lighter eImmune. The nervous origin of cold" seems to be recognized by all physi- cians who have made a special study of acute diseuoes ot the lungs and throat. It In a popular idea that tt one be amply provided wutll warm cloth- In, mam. a muckintueh. rubber. and an umbrella llttle rlek I. run of taking a cold, yet it la a matter of frequent experience that ln-plte ot all reasonable precaution. 1 car tarrhal affection may be developed or pneumonla get in. The [not that waarlnms. depression of Iplrlu. trltrltt, anxiety or something whlett has affected the nervous systemun- favorably has preceded the attack is tr-ntl, overlooked. When free trom every form of nervous debility a person may expose himself to draughu, dampness and other usual The explosive clearing of the throat Thich is characteristic of an Amer- |cau audience baa been commented on by £3me and Freeman Vinita-I. and the surprise has been gmt that Pneumonia should be so much more Prevalent and fatal here than " in in {OBEY and muggy England. An un- derstanding ot the conditions under which a cold may be contracted Show: move of especial value at this time of the your. _ . .- ttold. In no other country In this matter ot such general importance as in the United States. when oa- tan-m, acute and chronic. are so common as to be almost universal: Condition. That Render one LION. to Throat. and Lung Troubles. There has been a noteworthy change ot medical opinion in recent years an to the subject_ at .Pti.Hr, WAthnanLt. out SCIENCE Ol' TA KING COLD. Sea-Sickness, Nausea, Wearlness ot M culls " A Stock Holder " fim_§UGflRm l.()lLllii.ltjjji2iT. PURE. St. Lawrencs Sugar Reilnsru nu REFINERS h1f1lfii SUGHR BUT THEIR GRENULMED l8 I Win-lo"! Boothin Syrup should " ,,rgt. Ind for Children Tdd,'?;',',', It PM. the Child, ”than the ulna. cum wind oolie And In the heat. remedy for Dhrrhm Tram: ttmt out: n iota. , -- - -___.... . v“ I‘AUD’I 13'. U! I!!! l tttteste in the Ni. an. Prninuula, u Winona. 10 miles {ram [gunman on two mu. wnyu. "larrxstniiur.i5 of whi,h is m fruit. anally new has. was bcwld in om- par cl or divided into Iowa! Lilo eo nvrm to unit on: aha-en. This is a. decided Inn-min Adare. Jonathan Col-pent”. P. 0. box tO, “.nou. 0|!le IN" utTrGii,'ietikei1" Al\n.u| [ilu. m Al lllnlzllg. M ac Atty-new p mm containing questions nakod ilP'iur'dt1lll2t Bond of Ianineern sent trre. Geo, A. Zena, Publisher. St. huh, Mo.. U. S. A. ”was un- tKes this poor. For, turot-BLLjiuihhr Jia, ism house. tlest-east, stand: health failed; pro prlotor III-t sell. Mus 8 Hum Ont. STANDARD SUPPLY co., Bumlllon. on. money and; - ThGaGiiiiGa/Gi' ttnd price- hadrons .eeCet'1y-tetr “Wm Pt21vr,a_rty. reign”: 4m: or ""'e'" ._.....-. yuan: ulr “any lot [it rttodF%iiiirii in you neighhorhooti.' You cu make good protio vi .tout "tterterrug with your "t ttlar farm work. Write for pu'nculam and catalogue “I 7.087 'llE PING! CO. uc lull-II. an Pahraytr,iir_t1,_ririEiiEF,-, MM'mms'n Home (‘urlouu Co"nterteus. One ingenious individual, who nar rowly maped prosecution u wttih ago for t'ountorteitintt rurn eggs and oelllng the bogus aperimonn to mu. mums and private mlhcwra. has re- cently turned up with vxqulsitely life-like pllotognplls of bird.. which In ream: are produemt by thv help ot stuffed lpeclllleus artistically nttllud- lulled with wiret.--The. &tturda, Evenlng Port. The others-nobody knows what they are or do. There wouldn't be any others but for me goodness of SCOTT'S- there wouldn't be any counter. feit money but for the true. A Splendid Opgortunity SCOTT'S EMULSION is made in a certain way; of certain things; it keeps; itis always alike; it does what it When anyone says “Emul. sion of Cod Liver Oil," he means SCOTT'S. No other isfamous. The good one is SCOTT'S. It's nearly 30 years old; it is used by intelligent people all over the world; and approved by physicians all over the world. There are others; SCOTT'S? EMULSION of Cod Oil? Why -_, Sean’s ISSUE NO. 5190] a Toronto. and $1.00 ; all druggists. We hive made drop av nnd It: ©ompltertions a amenity ht twenty , 3on1. Quick mm. Gum worst. cases. Book or {TRITIIOIIAIAI and lo mum trunnion: In". DFrrIramttEtrtrtrtmn, Box It Araaorra.aa. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNB, Chemists. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. 1312013311 _ Treated Free. thT,,htolttt.tt,tet nut “(in may money rdund Uunmnloed wru- eamc and do better work than twothermch'vo on them rkeL A to te,t'as. u WIRES “SHE! Sent on Trial EHFW¢§T a. why the lit-rm. Iago:- lo o'clock) thrs 61099 ulnnn fled toilot t "I: as Mu “I.“ the 'll" " dog charmml on“ " m toy. p mlhvr Human like a In mar.» were irie “a and 1 Embark“ Plymouth who: _ “It“! " Quick Gr by; and I'm-tit}. tt “my " - .etlriae pour:- 1 Ptlrl‘i MIN r gal ul .. " .; .rvorrrt .015 -n ' tite L “nu“. 60H:- him t prder (In) If!!! Inn} uh ‘f I“ of ”an depa of th tho t rueg it: ht, T Mt 'tri' III) (hing tion [our ticip: Th tom Cambrl .tstut u tbsburp, in!“ 1'lr H thum- omit! It " tt with "it-ru ante and til Prussia. 'rtt l - of tlu- F McQueen: hu caning. and oelpt to! "ll ”[3me sm- -tutw, ol 1642. “Ila-u I by tit" I’I‘AIII. from Hu- In oehiuu Ull- I Rut mmnmu-n the l Dukv Can-I Int? [Inc Edward - Victoria Mn, tor my be- known L, NAIR. Re was " Will” to h“. The Prime ol ICON-[hum Pa 1041. and the h (limo was mu limiter. sir I lard Chnnm-ll " 10.48 o'clock tlt only two 11151 N83. was vit,r at. (it-Inn 'ee 1gsq been m‘lm Tttll": nu.- l with l‘ll"‘lll lard Mayor an M and Milldlq the Lady Mn.vot -attr.attror ml trtgttes.ett up the hdilghnln Pa bertain column; apart-lent. I'm had oongrutului I‘d-co of “VIM was carried rm the Tiq,tortt, Hm allowed In dam “up In "ith 1 “on of His “my haul-Inga an.» I; O an 'm GLA ha of tl t'se tt UH I bu rr Hi u " b

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