West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Jan 1901, p. 8

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"The following notice. taken from the Oban EXPRESS of the 27th Sept. last, voices the feeling of the West of Scollnnd. In noticing farewellconcerts to be given in Oban, Tuberumry. Bal, lzu'hulish and Fort William the EXPRESS up in speaking of Miss Muelachlnn, "She is the “rule-t of Gaelic singer. that ever waded: note ; and High- landers will surely give her u send off to Highlanders in the States And (hind; just to pron how highly lb. is Valued wherever known." Miss Muclachls" sing. at the Son. of Scotlnnd Concert in Ball'l'own on Feb. 8, I A happy event took place at the heme at Mr and Mrs McDonald McRae on Wmlntsday Jan 16th, when Miss Jessie was united in marriage to Mr Thomas Stinson. The number of guests present showed the esteem in which the young couple is held. They received a largo number of valuable presents which also show the high esteem in which the young people are held We extend congratulations. Miss Maggie Benton, of Pomona, was thuguest of Miss Kate Brown at the beginning of the week. Our worthy post master Mr MeRae, We regret to new is improving but slowly. The funeral procession of the late Hen- ry lioness passed through here on Wednesday. to the Lawn cemetery. Mr II was formerly a. resident of this part. lie was tailor by trade and was engaged at Dornoch for some years after which he removed to Georgian Bay, Manitoulin: Island, where he car- riedon a saeeesstal business until he became a victim of the so called white plasrttevonstuuption, Declining health compelled him to give up business. Miss MeGregor," of Durham, was a guest ot the Mekinnon's and McDon- ald families last week. Mr Pen-r Morrison with good company ttttended church on Sunday night. Miss Maggie Nahn returned to Dar ham, last week for the winter months. pnvnblo woolly , " per day “tool-bu aa ind .11 amount; ',"rdie, boll-lid. “I." paid .aets Baud” . ex no money in- me“ out: wool. 9112(ng HOUSE, I! Bunion! BT.. Cacao. .0 ELK 5:: if if; Tiff it." 5. C Ph wvsrratr--trte.rli.tru person In - county to "prose!“ has comp-n1 of and “In?!“ "piyrtioseCtt1Hr,It,r, ptr gi. u.'e-o:urr.1yer.9.u't',ed1.e2,kyh..e w=L.-â€""Lr4:I=’-m=taging-"L“W'HEâ€"‘m ' = C "if "l r': r1 F""n 'r=,f."I mm»: ir,',Wtjftli)'it'l-i,'i':t.'. itrt ite 1:7: eifiEfiTfiififii’F-fifififiifié Well Mr Editor, since Int we wrote a great many changes have taken place. One of the most striking facts is the dvath of our Noble Queen. Great Britain hns lost a sovereign that has surpassed all predecessors. Thus leav- ing a mark in the twentieth century to b. long remembered. Its impossible to mention all or even one quarter in paper, but we do say candidly that we intend that these goods will go out on the "quick move" system. This is your harvest time and our losing time. Our Store Room is filling up with Spring Goods ready to be opened as soon as we make room for them. It takes some time and work to measure and count the thousands of dollars worth of goods in this Big Store. We are just about through however. We discovered quite a number of articles in our shelves which we consider should have sold last season and rather than keep them any longer we turn them over to you at extremely low prices. Some instances J, regular price. CRAWFORD. J. A. HUNTER THE Mi STORE d white ' Mrs. Eaton "rc-lr. Pitcher'u Buck- il,'."" ache Kidney Tablets hue been of the n, Iva, greatest benefit to me. Formerly I had New". so much backache it extended to my hips and limbs. An times than would be an 1 good acute lameness in my hips and a burning Sunday , that causes very disagreeable semahons. l I find ilmt I am much invigorated since I to Dar, lunged a home of Dr. Pitchur's Backache lbnths- i Kidney Tablets. My back has recovered at the I from its himenenl, and I am sleeping well Meltae _ at nights. From my erperiemee m using “n Missuc, Tablets I have much eotdidunce in I/f., 1811:}! them,and can highly teeommend them." Bach spontaneous expressions of hearty good will are cheering to the pastor and his family. The ev ening was spent in a. most en- joyable and pleasant manner. At an appropriate time of the evening a well worded address was rend by Miss Sarah Young, showing how highly they ap- preciated the able and emesent services of their pastor, and also of his wife who served the church as organist and leader of the singing during the past year. After the reading of the Address Miss Mary Ellison cnme forward and present- ed Mr. and Mrs. Campbell with a. handsome sum of money, on behalf of the church and congregation, " an ex- pression of their high esteem. The young people of the above named church and congregation met at the home of their pastor Rev. M. P. Glimp- bell on Thursday evening Jan.24. 1901. Any reader of this paper can test the merit of Dr. Pitcher": Backaehe deney Tablets free by enclosing _2 cents pos- tage to the Pitcher Tablet Co.. Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50 cents per bottle. I Said Frederick The Great, “Facts are Divine Things." l Such was the saying of tt master mind, ly, what applies to things of state applies l with double force to matters concerning health. When it in said that Dr. Pitchet'l Backnchu Kidney Tablets can. it intelli. good] used, cure all kidney and bla lder troubles. and such other diseases as can be traced to a. sluggish or imperfect kid- uey Action, it is always backed up by the positive proof and testimony of homo oeputable person, some one who is glad and willing to tell the world the result obtained. The following testimonial of Mrs. W. Eaton, 10 Feuliug St. Toronto, has the ring of truth, end been out the claim that it is a cure beyond a doubt tor for the young. middle aged. and aged. G LENELG BAPTIST CHURCH. .0- ii "T ' a": :ld,jic(t' 'ilr'fi; W TORONTO Mr and Mrs F, Rnnciman were guest: of Mr and In Archie Ferguson Sunday. Elisa Mary Ferguson, visited " the parental home Sunday. Mr Dan Ferguson " able to be around again after an attack of la. grippe We think he will soon be going a little South to warmer climate. Whore he will soon regain his former health. . . _ Mr Charles Moore is at present under the weather. with asevare attack of la. grippe. Wo hope soon to no him around ngaiu. Mr Sam Lawrence and his gang of hearty men are making square timber around here. They are at present. work- ing at Sam Stewart's. Miss K..ox,of Swinton Park. was the guest of Miss Carma Knisley. for I. few days last week. A number of the lads from here all gathered st Mr Wm, Porter's, Thursday afternoon, and cut split and piled, about. 20cords ot wood. The hue sex gathered in the evening, and the lads elected afuir partner ench,aud danced till the Wee small hours in the morning. Mr C. C. James, from Pricevillc visited at Mr L. Frocks Tuesday afternoon. Mr Lewis Frock our ehterprismg butch- eris again on the lookout for fat smokers Mr Wm. Froukhas Invented in a brand new cutter. B. says that will take her 'syty_arrightc, A . .. _ _ _ "Mr Dbnuld Campbell accompanied by Ins daughter Ethel visited D. Ferguson's, one day lyl week. _ -- " -.» . _ Intended for 1m week. We again relute some of the happenings in this burg. Mr Jno E Ferguson, of Maple Park. In busy drawing wood to Priceville. Al the townliun has been blocked during the hut snow storm Jno has LOW to go around by the sidermul. which makes the distance longer and 11mm disagreeable. We notice him taking 11 sly glance southward as he rounds the corner. Mr Wm McCormnck visited a friend in our Valley lately. Como again W. lie. Mr Peter McDonald still ares east. Success Pete. Mr Geo Haw who has had a hard time oi it all fall is improving in health again We hope that this will continua and that we will both see and hear him on the flail again before spring. The timbermen have not yet returned to their work as while home on their holi- days something has gripped them and has not let go yet. The _s,rrippts is by the throat. I "tended for lot week. The past week has been very unpleas- ant with snow storms and keen frosts, but acha-ngehus taken place and we hope that the change will be the cause of brightening up our Valley ls tunes rte Very quiet just now, although it is tLe grxppe more than the cold vanilla: that is keeping our hardy maple under shelter. Mr Joe Campbell is about the only man that m able to do his work with pleasure. but we know that Joe is always halo and hearty. Mr James McDonald's sale which tooe place on Tuesday last was a success. All articles1 brimming high prices. The following orders were llulled on "es-inter: Clerk. to pay expense. of late municipal election, including blnnk forms and pollbooks 856.85; G.lt. Smith for spikes and nails, 87.15; Municipal World, nae-son’s supplies. 88.15; councilluiu for netvieel ttt meeting of date, 812.80. Council will meet again in Town Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 18th, at 10 o'clock a. m. 15th. 16th, 17th, and 18th, con.. applicants to Mute salary and give nnmes of sureties. Wm. Fryer to be sent for b' weeks to Tor- onto General Hospital providcd Tp, m Egrenmnt. agrees to pay half éxprllit's. The offer of Andrew Voanoy all-l J, c, Damn: to [my $25 " the lumber standing an baseline, from 12th to 13th t'0tlceshitts accepted by the council. said parlies to keep within the lmnmh. of the road and not to trespass nu private 1'ropettv,:pay- meats to be made on September lat, next. The appointment of a sumtnry inspector deferred to next meeting no one of the three applicants for the oi%e neglected to give amount. of salary. The following omcers were appointed‘ Chm. Hoiso and Thomas Duignnn, auditor salary to be " tor ouch; Michael Murray, assessor salary .75; Win. Umbach care- taker of town bell, he asking no salary but only to have me of town hall lots for pasture lands in lieu of a salary; John Weineru a member local bond of health; L. Schreiber. commrssioner for south- west (liVision; D, Globe for northwest II. Koenig for northern: ---Beatiy for S. E; Saugeen River forming lroutid"ry, and W. G. Gardiner for aoutliemt division ; Clerk Instructed to 8.4k tenders for the collection iof taxes in the three (“Vishnu of the com;- respectively. first (livirion eotteprisitur, Ist. 2nd, and 3rd concessions with Cons. A and B; second division compriring 4n.- 5th, 6th, 7th. Sth, " and 10th Coma; third div. cmnprimug 11th, 12th.131h, 14th The oottncilarueted for the Tp. of Nor- mnnby met. par-amt to statute. on {In 14th day of Janunry. 1901. in the town hall at 11 o'clock a. m. and the following gentlemen having and. and subscribed the "usury declarations of qtmlifitsation and offlee took their treatc-rtobert lorica. wave; Wm. G. Gardiner. Henry Koemg, David Globe and Lnnia Schreibor, coun- cillors. NORIANBY GOUNCIL BALSAM VALLEY Maple Park. GEORGE Hopi. CLERK BORN. FnEDErucrcses.--At N emo, tl, Dakota, on Sundly, Jan. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Fredericksen. a daughter. won- gratulations to Mrs. F. nee Mm Alice Johnston] yrs. PARK --In (ilenelg. on Fridny. Jan. 25th Mrs Thos. Pnvk, aged W, yrs. REsros--1n Durham, on Monday. Jan, 28, Ethel, youngest. child of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Benton. aged about, 9 mos. EWAN-- In Bentinck. on Wednesday, Jan. so, Mr. Thos. Ewan, aged 88 yrs, 6 mos. Hnaam--in Egremont. on Monday, Jan. 28, Mr. Jas. Hillis, tir.. aged --- mzcms.--In Glenelg on Thursday Jan. 2l. Nathan Ritchie, son " Andrew Ritchie, aged 2 yrs. . kWh," -------- "As a skilled and sympathetic 'tttout. nanisb he had few, if any. equals lll Scot, t,islt music. Mr Buchanan is the author of the 1|“le or several well-knnw Scul- tish mugs. the most rapizlar, perhaps, being .. The Dear Au d Name. " lleur him at the Sons of Scotland Concert. in Town Hall on Feb 8. DIED sMcGiLLIvnAY--1tl Glenelg, on Monday Jan. 2.3, Mrs Neil McGillivruy aged 43 If any of the residents intend invest- ing in property of any destwiptiott Would find it to their advantage to communicate with Mr Noble whose addrt-sa is Shelburno, until March then Carman. Mun. Mr and Mrs Jas Noble and daughter of Carman, Man. an visiting at the manse. Also Mr H Graham brother of our pastor and daughter, ot Whitfield. Miss Lizzie Fee, of Varney, spent Saturday and Sunday 1n the village. The annual meeting of the Presby- terian cnurchwas held last Wednes- day. The day being stormy tho at- tendance was small. After a short devotional service the minutes of last meeting was read and adopted. Also the auditors report, the treasurers re- pon showed a substantial balance over all liabilities. The retiring managers Messrs McCraeken, McArthur and Lvdingham were re-eleeted with the exception of Mr McCrackcn who (10- clined on account of ill health and was tendered: hearty Vote of thanks for his valuable services, being on the managing: board 24 years. Messrs J Ledingham and II ll Riddell Were reelected chairman and secretary. If a well filled church and apprecea- tive audience is any criterion of a speaker‘s popularity. then the RevJ Little now of Chatsworth, but formerly pastor here is more rewrvd and popu- lar than ever. This being Mr Little's 2nd appearance in the pulpit hispe, since his resignation. a large. congregation estimated about 400 were present to listen to the familiar and earnest dis- course and to clasp hands with one who to the majority present was re- garded as more then pastor. Mr Little also took charge of' the young peoples meeting in the evening. At a. meeting of the managing com- mittee of the Presbyterian church last week it was decided to accept the ten- dor of Messrs Armstrong and Buriett for the building of the new church The committee mot the Contractors and staked out the ground on Monday last. All that was mortal ofthv late Henry Honess was interred in the Lntmm cemetery last Wednesday. Mr. Ho- nvss was for a. number of rears a much respected resident of the village, from here he went to Manitowaning where be resided until last November in the main howof restoring his health, he came to alkerton in which place he breathed his last on Sunday the 20th, of Jan. An aged mothor a young wife and [child are lvit to mourn their sad bereavement. Deceased was in his 35th year. We weleume Mr. and Mrs John Turnbull, Ian-0t Multan, to our midst. Mr. Ttwnloull has purchased thit Me- Dougall prnperty and moved there last. week. Mr. R. Corlett, of Willizunsford, spent Sunday in the the village. La Grippe the fashionable epidemic seems to have the majority of our resi- dents in its tenacious grip the strong and weak, young and old alike are in it's irresistible embraee. A Couple at sleighloads of jolly youth's and beauty from Paisley, Ilraeta Co. are visiting the, Stewart family this week. Misses Alexander, of Allan Park, and Clara McDonald, of Durham. made a few pleasant eallsyn this viein- ity the last ofthe week. Mr. H. Hunt our popular merchant is we regret to say very unwell at present with a complication of causes. He purposes visiting a Toronto hospital this week. Mr. W. Yandt end family who have been residents of this vicinity for a. couple of years. moved to Habermehl, the middle of the week. Mr. Duncan Hay left last Tuesday to undergo an operation of the eye. in a Toronto hospital. His many friends wish him a. successful and speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Benton, of Dro- more were guests at the home of the latter's father beginning of the week. Mr. James D. Ledingham arrived home last week iron: Brandon, where he spent the summer months, James admits this has been 3 very trying season on the Manitoba farmers, still he has great hopes of the future for the prairie province. Intended for laut week. Dornoch. After partaking of the many de. licacnes provided in the mp 'er-m triumph to Mrs. Watson'. culinary 'kill-uno" rungs. duotts, quartettmr, choruses, etc. were sung up to and past the Witching hour of midnight. After which I. nicely worded vote of thanks was mend by Mi. Geo. Lothian, and concurred in by all present, to Mr. and Mrs. Watson for their kind invitation and the hospitality extended. Refers ence was also made to the pleasure of having with them Mr. and Mrs. Chan. Watson. Sr., whose years did not pro- vent them entering into the pleasures t of the young people. I The hours passed all too swiftly with instrumental and vocal Illusic. and in c-njoyahle conversation, as may he expected, where kindred spirits meet. and where two hearts beat as one, for Inmnlwrs of a choir are not the least loving persons towards each other that are to be found on this tor- restrial hall. 1s'elections on the violin were given by Messrs. G. Lothian. W. Isaac. T. Bothwell and A. H. Hooper. while a. new Choctaw organ recently purchased. of n walnut piano-(vised pattern, was duly tested and admired by some of the young ladies present. including Misses M. and E. 19mm. J. Renwick. Scott, Wilson, Hooper, and others. An enjoyable and social reunion was hospitni4y spent on the evening of Wednesday. We 23rd inst., at the residence of Mr. and Mn. w, P. Wat, son, North Line. Egrenmnt. hy the Dvomore choir and some of their friends, an the warm invitation of their' boats. South of Middaugh House ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Ball. Doherty, Thomas and Berlin mamas at PIANO and ORGAN? SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil run Se wing Machines and supplies. C . M c tt I N N O N . Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplsites, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " WILKINSON PLOUGH Connxv each Pietro. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in t'tree We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULTIVATING, Coulter & Scott Drills and Querytkz'ng for Farmers J We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit, a continuance of the same. " Cultivators, Disc and Spade IIar rows, SeMlers, Ete. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. . C. dk J. McKechnie. arge Sales & Small Profits." NORTH EGREIONT. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or- its equivalent, and that our Motto will he Cash System ADOPTED BY ., G. d; J. McKECHNIE. By loving friends both near and far. Our loan we know in but your gun. We hope to meet you where you Are. Parents, brothers, sisters, friends, For him we weep that is no more. But any we. when our call “all come, Meet him on the golden chore. LINES on the death of N. A, who died January 24th. 1901 ten by his sister. Just " the melting of the sun After the singing of Auld Lang Syne in tine Scottish fashion. all wont home mtritrfled, not only having hm] an en- Jtrrtble evening, hut one mslrut-livv and edifying as well. Occasions sun-h as this are the bright spots on liters pathway. CON. Lower Town. g of N. A. Ritchie. Writ K do IF ll Agnes Heck! [ugh t And: Jr. (h) cut lt '" Handyman Guanine“ Gun and tir. ll Clam Laidlaw, Be Currie neg. Hind. Sr. Ill l human. I Campbell Jr. III I Jr. ll cu have"; " MacKny, W Jr. beam G race E ' or Md 'lucklm, Jr IUI. Knit-10y. “a Donald. Honor rd month at J: tir. Lend trim». Ne0ii nah [dun-cut I phv.re In1 Image-r than: Onto pup?!“ logiotic 'ofel In not on) a loyal cm. Wolfe Allan. the dome-W with G nuke gt, I hm: The Ann order of F, liadaugh \Vedm-odn MncFau'lmm The limp only " Th Piper Gel Scotch Col dance. ll, Sale of N u Mat-furl [nun-r fort uml It “a becatote uh het II the " The rel! magnum putun. , MI Town C ing lat. Mu 'ct) cil meetin Slim» Ih (but; for m Hood-mun New W4 H 'I! bl lieu J Lite," on “It Laxative ml] ' Loca ".. MI " Iv Dainty of vis W still " ha mull " tl w, " " PIVII win te e In on ('lm he h

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