West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Feb 1901, p. 5

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11125 I, I[DANCE Edi-11': Y,', 'YI, y',', ',yldil', E ilS -.r-------y.-ryq,ii " ETT /s Jed. tsells ntian uy Your Iattlc xels ALDER ' DURHA KS, llAV FORKS, ck. t MARRIAGE Licenses ments Drill. 'educed it: he easiest where these Fl, Fl; P3 2;; H " Floor Oilcloth 2 yds wide per yd. 50c. " " It yds " 't 40c. " " I yd " $b 25ty Table Oilcloth 45 in. wide 25c. t$ 't 54 in. wide r/hc. Flannelette Blankets, large 23 size in white or grey per pair $1.25. The best heavy pure wool blank- ets, per pair $3.75 to $4.oo Big4w Pure fancy per It. IN. snipe 'tluts per/package Me CALL AND SEE US. W. H. BEAN We urn now showing the largest stock in Town of llampdun. Elgin and \VulllI-nn Watches in Gold, Gold Filled. Silvvr and Nickel Pam's. Ladies', Genie and Boys' sizes and all the latest ideas in RingsIS“ s'ilvepware [Plain .lewaty Noseieflitt ling Clocks" f ( Elmny tipers Flatware Chains Solid Gold Ladies' Long Guards“: 92M Filled THEY’LL SATISFY , - _ “s. ‘w AHEAD gt. ()fl i( TIME S. - C‘s‘o‘.sd I have a large number of other p erties in town and country and will or trade. _ -, _.--..-..-...,, um . r!- farm, belong to a company. and inoffer- ed at low tigures. 8rd Div, lot 7. com. E. G. R. Glenelg on (inmfraxu Road Cottven""ttt to Dul- ham. This fifty acres is a snap at price asked. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS end CONVEYANCING a: wellas other financial business carefully atten- MONEY TO LOAN ata 1-2 per cent and up according to security and terms. 64 acres near Allan Park on Durham Road. Splendid buildings. good land. will sell cheapor trade. Lot 18, com 14. Bentinek. near Louise P. O, In hands. of a Company. Fine place and mutt go to some “no. . ‘___ -, .. . me.. .... nun-ulllvn a splendid improved farm convenient to Du: ham. Very cheap. In as mm: 3, Billing m H . H . M Iller, The Hanover Conveyancer He has a big list, of Property for Sale, including the following: Fortunes Is nlweys better then to be nun-m u. t is still better to be on time. Our welchee run in harmony with the wheel- ot the universe and you can shady: depend on them. Tttoy ueiu goo use: too end no sold " renou- eble juices. ----"". Ree-Irina of Weuhee. Jewelry. to” e eeeelelty. W. A- MacFarlane. We. Weft!!!" JPtorE yotJ218.3C9n. 2, y1r... G. R., Bentinck a. HE SELLS CHEAP! I Jake Kress. W. H. Bean, l con. 3, Normanby, the 'Hee' AA "(RESS A GORDON. ' better-ttttts t? be Inching it, ------ [S7535 fiulllllllli (lhh'g hh the Hest ”"hH'..I2"0I2; 50c. 40c. 25ty 25c. will I Mr John Telford of Durham, add"..- ed the council respecting a map of the county which he had in tho canine of I preparation and asked the county conn- cil to aid in its publication by n grant. The council adjourned till Friday at loam., to meet in the town council chamber, the court room being required for the North Bruce election trial. Friday. A letter was read from Mr It Mc- Knight, rcgiatmr. asking for increased accowodation in the matter of boxes in which to tile docutucutt Mr N W Can‘plcll wrote recommending the map of Mr John Telford of Durham, to the favomhlc consideration of the council. particularly for use in the schools of the county. Mr John Armstrong, president of the law association of the county of Grey, wrote in reference to the desnra- bility of certain changes in the court room. to: the convenience of members of the profession and others. Mr Neil McColeman asked to have Mr Good, child of Uraiglettb appointed student to the Amioturul college. The coutrvil resinuetl its business on Thursday nun-hing with all the memhers present. A deputation was present front Murkdalu comprising Messrs Mavsh and Rae. and addressed the eunnciLMJking that the next meeting he held in Lhnt. village. Mr Marsh pointed out the advantages of Mai-kilnle and in very graceful Inlgtmge present, ed the luvitntiun. Mr Rae saul very little but promised the members a good time should they visit Markdulo Mr Allan was granted leave to intro. duce bylaw 596 to appoint two members of the judicial audtt. An application was read from Alex Irvine asking to be appointed in county student at the Oulmio Agricultural College. A statement of nmiuteunucc was read from the Meaford high school. and a petition from Hugh Mackay of Durham for " full "uctioneev'e license. Severalreportu were then presented which recommended the payment of a number of accounts. Thecounctl went into committee of the whole nu the judicial audit commit. tee's report. It was passed as read without. arnendment and adopted. The count-ll then went into committee of the whole an bylaws 593, 594. 595 and Mr McDonald presented and read the repel t, of the special committee. to ur- range a letter of conddence to be for- warded to the governor general. expres- ing the respect for our late Queen and the regret over her death. The address was a. lengthy document and was ac- cepted by the council unanimously. Mr Gordon inttoduced hylaw an to appoint awn-toe for the Owen Bound collegiate institute in place of Mr John Ruth-erford who had resigned. Bylaws 593. 594, 595 and 696 to appoint auditors for the county. to appoint a trustee for lenford high school to appoiptn9ur.tft for the Owen Sound collegiate institute and to appoint judi- cial Miditou were finally used and engrossed in the minute boot. . But for a Pine Ba sam Baby's Cough Cure Laxative Grip Tablets MacFARLANE tt CO. CARR'S COUCH CURE is 11ndoubtedly the best rem- edy we have. We would particularly recommend this to elderly people. Chronic Cough, Shortness of breath and Bronchitis, is a great seller for recent colds, composed principal- ly of pure gums. It allays irritation, loosens the cough and gives almost immediate relief. is made especially for the little folks and .vill not harm the most delicate infant. Continued from last week. Will check an attack of La Grippe. Try them. 2 5c a' bottle. Dmggists & Booksellers COUNTY SOUNCIL. Valley some nmnths ago Were induced to place the Sale of their farms in the hands of one named Daley. of Guelph, and signed a closely printed paper to that, effect. They understood that Mr Daley was to have n commission of 21 per cent on the sale price, if the place was sold, either' by himself or by the owner. Fortune did not smile I n Mr Daley, fur some time ago he assigned these papers, and an agent of the assignee came to Grand Valley last week to realize on them. Much to the amaze- ment the owners ohthe farms interested. they were informed that the agronnent called for a 2 per cent fee Mr Daley in any event, for his trouble in advertising the farms, and some stoutly contended that the agreement as now presented to them is materially chm-zed from the one they signed when Mr Daley came around. However. their nnme ap. peared on the document and nearly all of them went down in their pockets for a. sun) ranging from one hundred to two hundred dollars. and paid it over to the agent of the assignee. We understand one buaner claims he can prove the document as presented is not in the same condition as when he signed it, and intends to contest It in the courts. On motion the council adjourned to meet. at Marianne on Nonday, June Nth at 7 p. m. Several farmers in and around Grand At all event. It is a bitter lesson for those interested. The whole matter has It suspicious aspect about it, and parties having property tor sale would \’I\ICSSI'S W Mum and McArthul moved that. the June session he held ab Mark- aale. Mr McAuhur fuughL hard fur the ham lawn and said that it, would be a slight, if Hwy refused to go [hue after holdmg meetings in Uutham 1nd Men. fund. reap better results by pntronizing the columns of the local newspaper, or engaging well-known, responsible agont to look after their business-Wand Valley Star. Messrs hlcColinan and Gmdon oppon- ed peruuathulaunsc Mound the county, espet".tul5 wth the June 5014:1011 winch is the moat. unpurum. of the yenr. The motion carried. Messrs Doyle. Gordon, Hurness, MctJolman and the warden young, against. ll. Me Preston presented report No. 3 of finance committee. Mr McKinnon prea- cnted report No 2 of road and bridge committee. Mr Gordon presented report No 2 of county property. Mr. Watson presented repurt No l of education cunnntlee. Report, No 3 of tinauce recommended appointing Alex Irvme, atudent, lo the Out. Agri. College fur 1901mm Henry Goorichild of Craig- leith, to 'ituiH' :nslltntinn fur tlc fulluw- lug year as county students. It also lccmnuwntlctl the payment Hf lhu ncruuut of the tuwn of Owen Sound fur expenses iIu-urrml It1 sending it luuzttit‘ to the asylum. It nlso stun-d that It ale rcroguimng the value nf Mr Telisr “K map they ulul not 590 their way clear m recommend " grant. The tepot"t of county property com- mittcc petotntrietrdeul the: payment of several small itct'nllllls '. J c, Ryan $2.00; Packet' & 1'o. $3.35: It P Mutt-hurt at" Btu. $55.46: Electric Light, Co. $3.60. Also that the clerk's repurt of truth-rs for gaol supplies he tiled, and that the chmrnmn procure supplies of fuel. Mr McKinnon, chairman of the road and bridge unnwiueo. introduced a by- law for the authorizing of the Building of a. bridge on the county line ot Bruce and Huey, near Hanover. cost not. to unwed b51100. The bylaw wns put through ttts several reading: and finally imaged. Thecounty clerk was authorized to pmeure a copy of the Municipal World for cash Ineunlmr of the conned and the clerk and treasurer. Mt Harness gave notice of motion that he intends to introduce El. tnottott al the June session In and; the. govern- ment. to repeal the mesa”. cuuaty coun- cil act, and [bu Lbs reeves of all mum- cupaliues shall cmuposc the members ot the county council. The report. of tlie education commit- tee rermumended that Mr Grier's re- port for East Grey he. printed in the minutes. and that the "ppliciuioo of Mealurd high uchuul and collegiate InsuLule for grants for uddiLiunal maim- Lemuice he laid overull tlsedune session in ordeal lo ya the detailed “Mancini can titied by the auditors as required by the High School act. D McAulitfc's bill of $37.50 for wood supply top South they registry "tlice was ordered to be tiled, The (hunks of the county council We": Ituuivred to the mayor and council fur the use m the council chamber for two days. and a Vote ot't'.2 was given to the (-nx-e-lnkt-r of the council Lhumhm. Friday Evening. On motion of Messrs Allan and Dole report No l of the committee on com- mnnications and memorials was adop- tod as read and engrossed in the mmu‘es. The council adjourned till 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Saturday Motning. The council met at 9 o'clock with the members all pro-sent and the warden in the chair. The minutes of F1 idny were toad and contiruted. A motion m" introduced h Mr Gor' don and seconded by Mr Ali." that a cateful inspection of the bridges he made and that the member living near- est each bridge must report. on its com ditiun and see that repairs are made if necessary. On motion of Maura Agnew and Mc. Kinnon, Messrs McDonald. Gordon. the county clerk Mid the mover were appointed a committee to raw» and unend the regulations of receduro in the county council. Mt Alfnn recorded the solitary vote against the motion. On motion at Messrs Williscroft. and Allan. Messri Schenk. Harness. Riel and \Villiucroft were appointed a com- mitted to examine into the tret"urer's aunties. Who: . “by some: from in grando ai, it in - hungry. A DEAR EXPERIENCE. ---- -0- In the wan-h by newspapers for mun-thing new, plans of insurance to their readm-s have been devised and put 'mtooperation by Loudon newqmpers for some years past. Many thou,iauds of dollars have been paid out, by insur- aneecotnpauirs in England in connec- tion with newspaper insqum-e plans. In Canada “e tue nor lwlnnd in this any more than in otherrespects. Some Mild) Cows-About six cows cume in to day. of which them was (Jun that. sold fo (Her 850, the balance going at $25 to $40 each. There was hula change in the price: of the best butchers‘ cattle. but Inferior armies wue lower, some rough old cows mm: as low as 62.25 per (mt. Sheep and lambs were easier. No ex- port are wanted, and (hours are warned mm to hriug than; here. unless Illey want to make a. present of them to sauna of the dealers. And Only good gruiu-l'ezl lambs are in demand. Expmt Cattle-Choice lots of export came um worth flom 04.60 to " 75 per cwt., while lights are worth 84.25 to 34.50. In nll clauses there was little change in prices. L'ullu--Hmrvy export. bulls sold at 98.35 to $4.25 per ewt., while light, export bulls sold at 83.40 to 83 60. - b'heep--Dtsliverio, P28; price: only " $8 to " 25 for ewes. and $2.50 to $2.75 per own. tor bucks. Spring Ltstults-Sptitu,r lambs plain-fol, Mild ut 34.25 to 34.50 per owt. Baruyurds sold at 93.50 to $3.75 per out. He-Deliveries. 657; best select. lmcon hogs. not less than 160 nor more than 200 Mm. each. unl'ed uud nnwntorod. off Curr', sold nt $0.25 per out; lights, $5.75 and fats at M.75 per cwt. Butchem' Csttle-Chrue" picked lots ot butchers‘ cattle. equal in quantity to the host exporters, Weighing 1000 no 1100 lbs ouch sold at, 04.25 to 84.40. Wood....................... Turkeys.. . ... Ducks....... ............. (llnckenspm (urn... Bram. ..................... Shorts..................... Beit, per ttwt............ Potatoes. per bag....... Hides, per ttwt.......... Calfskiuu, per lb........ Sheepskms............... Tallow rendered perlb Lard. perlb.............. Dressed Hon. per a!" Hogs, Live weight..... Butter, from roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Eggs.....---. Intra..................... Oats Petr...................... Barley................,.... Wuu..................... Flour......... ............. A New Thing in Ntrwspaperdom. DURHAM MARKETS. Le, C. McArthur, Durham, Live Stock Market. Toronto. . gi"'; 5329531133.: EEEEEEE: ssh r. A SPEGIAL SALEM? 3001's,: At Special prices Thehsrices make it interesting. 53 S'.9,a29.9.9.ar.a.S seeeeee s; Come and see us in our new More. 140 40 9o 8252038, and. 45 " " 14 25 1000 150 90 90 45 M 18 td 17 38 Some folks tall; so much that. they have to lie or run out of talk. Some people can be flutemd by one thing and some by another, but all can be tuttered. T and cyan, " our f fun“ or Chief Me best 5c Ciqar in town. years ago. the Montreal Star adopted a plan by which anybody who met With it railway accident. and had in his puc- ketnc 'PY of that paper Would derive certain benefits from the insurance company with which the Star was working. After it year, the Star tep- minutetl its arrangement. Now a new insurance plan has been arranged tor " The Toronto Star. In this Utter case. everybody subscribing for The Toronto Daily Star for one year. wheth- er in old or a new subscriber. receives from the Ocean Accident & (lunrontee Corporation of London, Enalnnd. one of the best insurance concerns in the world. an insurance policy for one year. under which the subscriber is insured for 81,000 against death by accident. while traveling on a steam railway. or' $8.(X)tt week if disabled from such an accident, and. in addition. the policy gives to the subscriber $8.00 a week tor six weeks if he is sick flout any one ot a. long list of diseases. The wonder of insurance men is how the thing can be done, but, the standing of the insurance company and The Totonto Star leaves no doubt that every obligation will be fully and liberally met. You an your life insured and get sick lie-wills along wttlt your solucriplion to the paper for one year for. $3.00. What will our metropolitan newspapert- do next ? Horse & Cattle Medicine. all Kinds and enough to supply the demand. 8rthoot Jupplc’o: Darliug's Cold & La Grippf tablets knock it out in a day. ID ARLING'S DRUG STORE 'ipes, JNO. h. DARLING Calder's Block. Durham. oNreeos, TORONTO and Stationery I DIAMOND Collars, Pad, want you to know we bundle every- thing in the Iurneat, line. Harne- that is durable and tia a horse eul- fortably, will bring pt'otit to you in the grater amount ot work he will do. SOMETHING YOU WANT aanmsrzn. - SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. Atoratrr PUILIC. COHUICIIONER. ETC. We itt IRWIN 0| (lllf Blll UFFfCh'--lfe I n f yrc mock. - "___- ---"-.. a. nut . “1'. U Pu- droning tor the hair. mum-n Eu: unturn- will curo 19eqtdrutr, buxom, an. tum-mu M2xt,',t you Imm hum; out, and In . it grow. Dunno nun unnu- will mun you but to its original color. und in, it In“ nod qu-y OtBce. over manth, store. Lower.Town OFFICE FIR DOOR EAST (.F the Dumam Pharmacy (‘aldm‘s Block. Resident-e first dam wast“! liw Post Otttce, Durham. ""efey..e ',Pttre l apt , an, but c Gllll)llil) BANK AA CANADA mun" value, cannuucxn, ac. omee----L0WER TOWN. DURH‘I. TWEEEEQMRNS GROCERIES CA PITA L. Authorized ('APITA L, Paid up. . .. RESERVE FUND ..., Co!lecuuns tad Annoy prompuy ntluudod tat Willa, “coda. Mortgage; Len-en. Agmnueul- a. 'ld"t'gtd"'tl'tT:i; [lumen of deco-um! per-on- took am. sad E " Ad inirtisuatomp Leona-u prcpr wane Bur-onto Court “when. Po “lllh, Letters ot AdmiuUtawtiqrn and Cortru.uusutt, Obtained. Samue- mndc- i- Registry um" um Tit!“ reported an. (‘ompnny and print. F and. to 1. Morttysgis " luvs " run of inn-Ind, VIII made ' y svomgwtrnt and cumin] Vuluuwr AGENTS in all principal pom“ m Dmitri“. Quebec, Munitulm. l'nilc-d States and England. W. F. OOWAN. President. "o. P. REID. hunger. SAVINGS BANE; .hil‘l‘fsl allowed 9. mvmga hank deposits of 'l.00 and up- z”??? '2g,tr,t attention and every m: y a o t . . dirtance. cue other. hung Lt. J. KELLY, Age“. A general Banking business transact“ Drnfts issued and. colleetions made on all points. Deposit" received and in” not allowed " current mung, Terms moderate. Arrnlecvmnnu Inn-Ion u to dates.&e,usurit no Inn-An at Tho Honor on“. Durham. (torrmpmmlrnco manual that orto Iowvillo no “I” he prompts; attended to. Tor-I on tpplit‘llltll u For ul- in Durban by arrister, Jfetarv, Cen- N veganccr, etc” etc"... Money to Loan at reasonaale rates and on terms to suit borrower. In the only Bur prepeu'ttt ion that in givmg good results. DEN TISTRY. Dr. T. G. EDIT L. D. s. All Charges Mcdezate J. P. TELFO RD, DURHAM AGENCY We can give you Bargains. IS RELIABLE IIARNICss. We G. LEFROY McCAUL. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON. Try tttte lml tle -Pvice lb. At all Drug'iuu tug! Hur “we. DRY GOODS, mommy, 3001‘s & SHOES. a. C LEA UEN. McPHAIL.) WE SUPPLY IT--- In Il,. Head Office, Toronto. D. IcPHAlL. lloplvillv P, I C. RA'AGE lint-hum MgFarlanc & Co., De uggisls & Stnh'nwrin Lin-nun] Auctioneer (C the County at “my. In Heavy and Light Harm... “its, Blankets like. Ala? VENEWER ttover the Bank 82.4" mm 1.000.000 . and» your hair U

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