lo In (hippo is in out midst “a in keeping our doctor Vary busy. A load of young folks of Dromore, spent. . wry plouunt evening " the homo of Mr nod Mn Wm. Watson. Mr M. McIntyre. V. 8. Prioonllo. paid Drona. n "at this rock. The Rev. Mr H. Wullm, ot Hannah. was 3 caller on the Lolhmn family one day last week. Miss luau. Scott, tucker um Dur- ham. am: roudoring valuable mlumnce n the school outewuinmouz on Friday even- ing. called on some of be: many [Honda hero on Saturday. We understand the managers of Amos Church. are calling for tender: to mow their shedI and building. Mr turd In D. Leitb. of Nomnnby. “lauded urvicu bon on Sunday. " they were on moi: wny to m In T. Knox formalâ€. lino! In D. MUutym, of Bad-gm " lay. ,initod In: puma Mr and In lune In: wuk. Mr and the H. McLun. of Prioovillo- won uniting the Intelâ€: brother Mr C. McMillan last was“ Tho lane family bad tho plasma of cunnilin- friends from 1Joborton, Int Mr um! Mrs Wm. Clark, of Vunoy. attended urucu hero or. Sunday. Mrs J. Brandon, who htug been visiting her daughter In Roy. Campbell. for the past month left on Friday for her home in Brantford. Mu Rune“, of EIplin. has come out teapot“! the remainder of the winter with hot dumb!" Mrs Tsylor. it. Mn J. Home ll not improving on has an we would liko to report. Among others who null " mesons, Mr John Philip, MnC. Ronwicl. and Mrs Laughton and also Mn Adams who is Almost her. "lf ngoil. Intended for Mat week. The weather in tine And thinning good 3nd ovuybody mm to be taking the bout fit ot it. We no sorry to any tLoir are none in our midst who no not IN. to enjoy Mino- Josaie and Ruth Johnston, from Durham. were yi‘iting their valuin- It and Mrs Pour Reid. Mr Juo. Derby. Guelph. visited friends and relations round the Coruerh for . low days and has "turned satin. Mrs Jame. Ramon, Visited her home in Bantinck. for I few days In: week. In common with mcst of tho country this auction has been in the clutches of the Grippe, with more or loss wyen'ty. Mr Hunter and Mr John Allan have etch been seriously ill, but no recovering. Mu D. Hamilton, on the north line is imnov- ing slowly. Walter Ferguson has brick and other maternal on the ground torn fitto new house next summer. " I I a BE I . a; . , Et' M 'dig) ’. FX [a w IV. "i' . Wt I, " .a'..",'.: an 'tW-nv'y = w. a. " " " sh in As v "' ' - . _‘ " "a n Ct), mmrrs Corner. Dromore. $1.25, selling for $1.00. WOMEN'S TWEED SL1PPERS--To Clear at 100 a pair. FUR COATS-Men's Goat Skin Coats reg. $15.00 for $10.00. grim? any Jeiry far/mm yea Me Ah We found many odds and enos of different classes of goods that were slow sellers. We brought them all to the front and are making the price so low that they will surely sell at sight. FOR INs'rhNai----- YARN---Our own make, Cardinal and Greys. Regular price to-day 40 and 45c lb., selling now at 25c lb. FACTORY COTTON-as yds. of 8c Cotton for 7c yd. WRAPPERS-Fancy Flannellette, nicely made, regular price Ouring Jack 'Gaking l A. HUNTER. The McLeachito‘a ehareh people have buck and and drawn for a new church. W. undersnud that they have employed an "chime: " Toronto, :2 draw om tho Last Sunday morning the cold nae-cen- ger death waned our midst and took may one dearly beloved by ell who knew her In the person of Mrs Thou. Knox, " the early age of 36 yre 4 mos. 17 daye. Mrs Knox Wat e daughter of Mr and Mrs John Lem: of the 20th, con. Egremont, on wlnch conceemon she hue lived all her life. She leave: to mourn her end lou e laying husband and four smell children. me youngest but.“ yre. They have the heertlelt eympothy of this whole com- munity. The funeral took pleee on Wed. needey to timntou Perk cemeteryJollow- ed by I. lerge crowd who gathered to pey their lent tribute of respect to one who Wu deer to all. Rev Mr Muhesou,ot Prioeyille omoiated " the home end an". Gone, but not torgotten. Intended for last week. Tho an mating and social meeting held in the Esplirt Presbyterian church name evenings 39.10 was a very successful authoring. The Bow. Mr Broad omcilled. l‘he house was full as could be comlon- auly mauled and everything went The wanuhi Council met In Hopeville on there tirrst Ali":,'. and had the "lsool question up. but not tiuished. Ills laid on. H; tin tle" meaning ot enuncil. The Hopevillo private school has chang- ed Iron; Allen's Hall and is now holding in Cutie Pinch. _ null, also the annual meedinkGid 3:11;; sham-d the elm ch fhtaueituiy, to be hunlnhy. Min Maggie Hay, of Toronto, in " pru- ont visiting her homo hone. Mr Wm and Mary Inna. left Thursday for am, where they intend visiting Men“ in that vunnity. MrJ Laughton, of Owen Sound. paid hu, home hero 3 villtlut week. Mr J Moore, Normmby. attended lor- viu hero lat. Sunday and wu the guess of mo Lamina family. Muss It Gammon. who In: been visiting the Lotbian family for the past month, left tor her home Int Saturday. Some- body on the South Line is akin; her de. puma more notion than others. Mr Wm Loun- has Idoxnod hu home by putting into n n tit" new org-n. Some body to Play it next Williun. Mr Russell, of Ellwood. spenta few days last week, with his sister Mu Taylor of this phco. The weather has not been so changeable the past two weal". we Are having it more like Winter Low. but with it came into our mldrt that. dreaded disease called In gnppe and among those who have fallen vie- tims to It ure Mr and Mrs J Findlay, Nrs J Ramon. MrsJ Scott, Mr E Wells. Mr and Mrs J Rocks. Mr and Mrs Wm Hay together mm many of the children. Our Doctor is lo be soon going almost night and day, however we hope soon to he ablo to report all well Iguin. This is a shoe made for Ladies' only by a firm which knows how to make Ladies' Shoes. Every pair guaranteed. Money back if not satisfactory. They are the best in Canada. Try a pair. Our new stock is here. Call and look it over. ignoring om" Hopevill; 11;;- ti; Hopevlllo. --ee- Dromore. J. A. HUNTER Report of B. S. No. 12, Egremont. Jr, 4th--b'am Patterson, Charles Reid, Mary Pinter-son. Sr. 3rd--Earle Mut- thews. Jr. 3rd--Grture Reid. Sarah Brown. Maud Hamilton. Sr. 2nd-Mrtry Brown. Jr. 2nd-Vietor Adams. Pal. mer Patterson. Br. Pt. 2nd--Mttry Wilson. Jr. Pt. 2nd-William Wilson, Mary Keith. Br. "t--Arthur Lee, George Wilson. Jr. "t--ihsne Fergu- son. Average attendance for month 81. Mun Gannon. Teacher. On Sunday evening last, Mu good people of Townsend Lake presented Rev Mr Grahnm with a purse of $20 an a token of esteem for his noryicu held every three weeks. also a handsome bible was patented to In Thoe Jack for kindness to Mr Graham throughout the put you. in always havmg her able spread and a bot cup of ten in rendineu. Mr Sun thbaon, formerly an old ' cou boy, but for the Iv: tive years n rui- dont of Emerson, Mam, has been calling around ton-wing old acquaintance. but will shortly return Wear. Building will be brisk next summer. amungst others Mr C Boyle is prepar- ing to build a fine residence for himself. Mr Rlcburd 1tnglish, visited friend. in Owen Sound recently. Mr John Bay, of Dornoch. passed through our burg last week. on hit was home from the city. Ruben J Brodie returned home newâ€. from Algoma lumbar woods, looking hula and hearty. The parlor social held by the United Brothron, at the residence of Mr It E Engliuh'a last week. was also pronounced decided moons and a plennut evening spent. Proceeds amounting nearly .17. Outlaw son-meeting It the Lulu I“ a. grand uuccou. Mr R T Edwards of Tnvoriton. makes an excollem chsirm an tor mob an occasion while Messrs J. A. Hunter nnd Bum!» Dnyiduon. of Dur- ham, makes a tine team in the way of antertainmg " audience. We are enjoying tine winter wonther. good sleighing. but an" and be) no go- ing to be scarce with any before the gun grows. Lt Grippe is quite prevalent with III at mount. many Doing quite tll. J S Lyonu. of Hal-hwy. was I ealur around bore last week. To-day Saturday Feb, 2nd, bu truly been an eventful one. we might say throughout the world, bat especially in England where Royalty bu been engaged and taken part in the burial at our late be- loud Queen Victoria. The sloigluug has been good here for some time Past. A gentleman from Mount Forest was here and "tuurltjearlet's Hotel. In a few duysrguiu the party drove out to get the arrangements tiuiehed up and had Mr. Clark, ts lawyer, wibh him, but we hear Scarlett backed out. of the bugaiu. Service in the Esplin P. church on Friday 25, and the Sacrament was tur.. ministered on Sunday 27m. TORONTO Glascott. ¢-p¢ . . we on tlt notice. 'lil And . 3'; liable It shared i whose p; been r if such d (g Dated 'il? 1901. _.iiii'/,i' Noll 1+“, In Pt E 32;†Grey 34 l Rube 'g 'l Bent ' ll s'. mer, 411: New I R. s. c j" amend illl, claims t ' Robert ill " the six 3 f are req Iil'i' or to d it, town EE†Admin II; lst 1 Ile, their n 'Ill tions . ii) . of their $lli securic; B. eertifie I Ttt the Ad member at tim Pmbyurim church. " Died at Oak River Manitobe on the 15th December 19uo, Alex Black, native of Argyltsshirs, Scmlontl. at the we of eighty one you". Mr Black was at one time n re-idano of Bentmek, near Dnrnocn for about 20 years. coming there in the year 1850, moving then to the county at Bruce and from thence to Manitoba where he spent the lest twenty two years of his life. He was one ofthe pioneers of that district. He leevee e large circle of friends beside: his own family. in this part he leaves four listen. via; Mu Jun Mo- Pheit. Mn Heater McLeen of Glenolg. In Nell choneld ot Welkenui end In Alex Smith at Dornoeh. It Bleak wee e The funeral on Seturdny after-now 2nd Fen, was largely attended, to Ihe cemetery In this place. The remains were taken to the church where the Rev Mr Mathew!) preached a very trffeetwe ear-non from the words found in Philippians let chup. 21st verse and last clause of the 28rd - melting touching remark. on the Me and character ot the deputed. Mr Mather leaves to mourn his loss . widow, two sons. one denghter and brothers and sisten. Maiden " uged mother who will mourn the dutiful eon, who has puma may from the cures. paint end troubles of this life. Now that the is getting leehle and (roll the time is not tar into the lutnre when she too will he celled upon to join in with hit-hand and son. who were so recently taken from her. Six orltits brother elders acted as pull- bearers. Thus ended the life of one who was always admired by those, who formed his acquaintance. In Mr Methane deeth the community has lost I men who ulweye stood amongst the higheet clue in every reepect, elw-yc randy to lend at helping hand in nuieting the needy. Mr Mather Wu an elder in the Presbyterian church for the lent ten years. " ones which he filled with credit to him-elf end church for when called upon to perform the duties relating to his offieitU capecity.he wen “Ways ready to respond, not fearing to put the talent bestowed upon him to good account melting his life Ind character unnum- plary one. On the evening of his depar- tnre he culled hie family and friends to his bedside to bid them a. last farewell. Hie pastor Rev Mr Matheson and Dr Boyle stood at hie death bed and when asked by the pastor in to his future hope he replied that to him to die was gain. We are again culled upon to chronicle another death in our midst in the prime of lite, in the person of Mr John Mather. alter a. few weeks illuuss front u. compllen- Lion of ailments, on Thursday eyening the Blanuunary at the we of fiit.r three year: and the months. Mr Mather wee the oldest eon of the late Wm Mother. of 1unhnek,ootuutg to this country when two years of age and lived at the old home-head until he married nineteen years ego when he moved to his fem where he ended hiedeye. one mile south of Priceville on the Glenelg side cf to" line. lst day of March A. D. l90l their names. addresses and descrip- tions end full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (it any) held by them duly eertifled and that after the said day the Administrator will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims 01 which he shall then have notice. J. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for Administrator. Dated this let day of February A. D. 1901. Notice is hereby given unuant to R. S. 0., 1897, Cap. 129, get). 38 and amending acts that all persons having claims against the estate of the said RobertBkene, who died on or about the sixth day of Jagugry A, D. 1901 arer aired to sen y post id or wedleliver to J. P. Fel'l'lVrli?tlf, town of Durham, Solicitor for the Administrator, on or before tho And the said executor will not be liable for the Mid assets or any part thereof, to my person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him " the time ot such distribution. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey in the matter of the Estate of Robert Skate. late of the Township of Bentuwk. in the County of Grey. Far- mer, deceased. J. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for Executor. Dated " Durham Febrlury let A. D 1901. e statement of their accounts and claims, with name: and eddreeees end the neture of the security (if any) held bxothem, properly verified, and that e r the aid date the executor will proceed to distribute the Assets of the said deceased among the parties on- titled thereto, having regard only to thecleine of which he then mey have In the Surrogate Court of the Countyof Grey in the Estate of Thomas Ewen, late of the'Townahip of Bentinck. in the County of Grey. farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursu~ ant to Section 38 of chapter 129 of the R. S. .0. 1897 that all creditors and oth- er persons having claims against the Estate of the ttaid, Thomas Ewen, who died on or about the 30th day of Janu- arv. A D 1901. at the said Township of Bentinck, are required to send by root. prepaid. to J. P. Teltord, solicitor br the Executor of the said estate, on or before the NOTICE TO CREDITOR?» NOTICE TO CREDITORS lst day of March. A D 1901 ALEX. BLACK Prioeville. This is “hat Mrs. J. W. Ilutchins, 82 Portland St., Toronto, has to say,- 'l cannot say too much for Dr. Pitch- er’s Backache Kidney Tablets. Be- tore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time, and In acute lameness across the loins. I had not to much aching in my head asbetween my shoulder. and in the back of my neck. Since using the Tablets my hackhuit used tobe, and the irutttttattgttt in the shoulders ha dir THOUSANDS GIVE Tammany. Letter upon letter pour: in from every point in Canada testitylng tothe marvelous power of Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets to cure kid- ney and bladder troubles of the young, middle aged, and aged, and such other troubles as find their origin in afaulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass of evidenceputs its power to cure these afflietitsns be.. yond a doubt, and shows that the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. pastor Roy Mr ucDermid of Oak Rivorl appegrcd. Formerly t'hep I dld I prenhiug the tuner-.1 sermon. His l ytus.hinstrr." utterly tired out, hot partner In life, who In a. sister of the j htrvintt a bit 0f energy left. ThiI ueasrs Smith of Dornoch. u gamut: feeble I morning I did mv washing in two and in a few more yours " motrt she will l, hours and Idid not mind it. I hive I", called upon to join her d.muted hue- I no hesitation in reoommendintt Dr. band. with whom she spent 50 3“" IriPiteher's Backwhe Kidney Tablets, "pp..r life. Thus the aged pioneer! " '; for I nover had anything do me as pu-smg any one by OWL . I much good." ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil a m Se wing Machines and supplies. 0 . M c K t N N O N . South of Middaugh House Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Sheree. Soleplatee, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " WILKINSON Pmoan Coupon! " been: on etch piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three unions. CULTIVA TING, Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators, Disc and Spade Hat rows, Seuffiers, Ete. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : everything for Farmers f We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit a continuance of the same. "Large Bales & Small Profits." BEYOND A DOUBT. At", We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash System " dk J. McKechnie. ADOPTED BY ., G. d; J. McKECHNIE. For sale by H. PARKER, Drum lunfmu'd on Honor tSold on Ion PERM LINE illramiit 1lpnilit PLEASANT. PUNK AND HEALTHFU PHRBNUUNE Put/tet/tttate/rare Any readers of this paper can test the merits ot Dr. Pitcher": Backacbe Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trW, package to The Pitcher lute, Co., Toronto, Ont. Regain nine 50e per bottle. THE ONLY ABBOLUTELY IBLIABLI PREPARATIONS ON THE IARKET HlllliiMlill Medicines Lower Town. M.. Brights Dig-Q." Diabetes. Fundy-i. Eqnvulliunl. Hour. A sure cure for Headtwhe,uizainea. Covytiptttion, Indi- gttri.t Hi_lipuuneu G unrunteed to can Rheumatism, Sciutiru. Lutt1utro, Gout, and Ne-umlgin. C), &eps .734 o d tc Mr. New gricinp anon: an days sud d null pad I my in which} TH W m P' ()1 he W11 IN We have 1 Linens. w, Linen M in inches for 41 Mc, In extrl In Ill VOL. ll I'm u " town K an wu wealth] {akin up hll " ou Id! at In [nigh Mt W mud oiO w" are 0V6 Obi "er bu m to ch