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Durham Review (1897), 14 Feb 1901, p. 1

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ly whe " tire: NV in washin ind it. l Custom. generally ithe Cash ' Cash or that our be “an? "NON. K0 an s'avrn Bri DP l Sold on long CHNIE In ho" on, Fundy-i. numb“ ms, 11...; IKER, Draggist of for are Town em chnie. teher's Backache by enolming two i Wei-re to The ' Toronto. Ont. bottle. Mm; pr is cast on three sections. ELY RELIABLE HI MA BRET Icines INF. mme wim- 1'ofits. ,, of HEALTHFU l IN etc " ORGANS i and Wi Wotls , have . Dr. ablets, me as lndi "" " n THE NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT co., Limited It is with more than usual satisfaction we are enabled this week to present to our readers a cut of the great Peninsular Portland Cement Co.'s Works near Jackson. Mich.. a practical duplicate of which i; to be established in Durham at an early date. The steps leading to this consummation form an Interest- ing story and this week seems fitting to tell it. For years it has been known that our lakes and river banks showed a curious white material that was neither cluy. sand nor gravel. Boys have delighted in .. sticking " poles down long distances, observing on being brought up that at bottom there was a shell-like formation, but the Interest was u passing one, no one ever dreaming that tbll depth of material was a commodity ultimately to be of great commercial value. The founding of a few cement plants on a comparatively small scale some years ago, drew attention to the matter, but it was not till Mr. Neil MoKechnie of this town gave some time. thought and interest to our marl beds that public attention was directed to our deposits and it speaks volumes for the persever- ance of our townsman. that in the face of tnereduliry, and sometimes of derision he kept up his efforts. Jay): 'Gaken to gave/op Me We”! ,'i%do 0/ 'Durham and '0iehtity. gut options on lands consnlered worth having, Hrs enthusiasm became in- fectious at last. and a local company was formed, a chsrter seeured. and the work of taking subscriptions begun. This was a hard and thankless task and might or might not have succeede]. Hcwever, over $20,000 of the '160,000 aimel at was secured when a sudden halt was made, to consider propotutiotts from a wealthy sud experienced company introduced through Mr. R. H. Mc- Williams, of Owen Sound. Mr. McWillisms come to Durham about Dee, 2lst lost and with a sur- prising emount of energy and business tact presented the claims of this company. So successful wss he that the deal was practically completed in ten days end the new company become responsible for the developments. N tt smell pert of the credit of the rspid progress since is due to the skilful, kindly er" in which MoWillieme hes brought them together. At considerable expense, and at a great deal of trouble be explored the de. posits round town, secured samples of the marl and submitted them to the Ontario government analyst, and with a. view to the formation of a company We have extra good value in Table Linens. We have a good l bleached Linen 53 inches wide for 25c, and 72 inches for 4oc, and a tine bleached at Me, an extra good one for 8oc. W””””””MW”N”N“ 0'. tet.etettetqte-qto-t.ete..et.qt...ete---q W VOL. --tat. Ah--- C. L. GRANT. be iltstauished in Me Zoom” 0/ gar/mm. . No.7 itil ttttttttit,' 'lhtgiittii,). The Greatest Cement Mill In Canada. This company was of no mushroom growth, nor was it seeking experience. for it got both in originating a. vast cement enterprise near Jackson City, Mich., of a capacity exceeding anything yet attempted in Canada. in that line, and by new methods and special machinery. all made from their own plans and tspeeifi. cations, they are prepared to eater on a gigantic scale to the growing demands for Portland Cement. After some corresponding the new company asked and got the options al. ready obtained by the local company, and allowing no holiday time to interfere with their purpose there came to town on New Year's eve the first contingent of the new company. and on New Year’s Day, the first day of the century. and a cold one, struck out on a tour of exploration to ascertain the prospects for the establishment of the lug industry here. An examination of the water powers on our rivers was made, the deposits near town were visited, and the contingent left having formed a very favorable impression from their preliminary examination. The delegation consisted of Mr W. F. Cowham, Managing-Director of the great Michigan Company along with his ehiet Engineer, his Canadian Solicitor Mr. W. Pinkerton of Toronto, Mr. P. W. Stanhope the Ontario General Mana- gerot The McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, who is an old-time friend of Mr, Cowham, and Mr. McWilliams above named. One result of their visit was the arrival of experts properly equipped to twkoRvsatrurtatie borings of all characters of Cement properties. They were One result of their visit was the arrival or experts properly equippeu tO takvsystematic borings of all characters of Cement properties. They were accompanied and assisted by Mr. Wm. Calder, Whose business tact has been iiutel.y given in these Laterstages. Samples were taken of these borings, and a record kept of depths, &e, in such a way thata perfect idea ol the deposits could be formed. These haye been submitted to expert analysts in the Co's employ, and their examination eontirmsthat made by the Ontario analysts, viz.-that the marl is first class, containing about 98 per cent of carbonate of' lime, (a very high proportion,) and no sand nor other deteriorating mixtures. Great activity was meanwhile being displayed in swearing more options, purchasing valuable water powers, and_so on, a greatly awakened local interest having taken place as a result of visits made bv Messrs. Neil Yiekeeh- nie, Wm. Calder, Charter Smith, Dr Jainleson. John Mekeelsnie, and Jas. A. Banter to Cement city, Mich. where they saw the most modern and thoroughly equipped plant in the world which they had heard of, and like the Queen of Sheba were willing to admit "the half had never been told." The works cover 8 or 10 acres. about5 acres being actually under roof. Thtrtmildings are constructed of the mostendnring material, steel and cement. They are absoiutely fireproof, and in addition to what is seen above ground about as much more is found below. The machinery is of the newest design and the manufacture is also by the most modern methods. Workman DURHAM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1901. has. Following up the work done. last Thursday, our town was honorld by another visit from Messrs. Cowham. of Jackson city, Carman, ot Stratiord, Stunhope and Pinkerton, of Toronto, MeWilliams, Owen Sound, together with Engineers In company with local mun they examined sites available around town, for their enormous factory purposes and in the evening a hurried public meeting was called. The mayor took the chair, and Mr. Cowham. and Mr. Pinkerton candidly and plainly put before the Large meeting ofthe ratepayers the steps already taken, the results ot'thoir test, their plans " the luturo. and the part they expected Durham to do. Mnyor Calder.‘13r. Jami:son, l P. P , A -- -- . . -- u .. .. r u |1AIV -LA.:- w. l..: I.,-. .BIP A VIII-I t"'ff' Iii-v: , n uvuvu a... ...ee" -- -"ee v“, - __ . _ G. McKechnie, ilil M. P. P, Messrs. John McKechnie, Wm. Laidlaw, Jas. A. Hunter and others all gave expression to the favorable impression they had formed ofthe men and the Work alter their visit to the Company's works in Michigan. Mr. Cowham assured the ratepayers that the raw material in the neighborhood was in almost inexhaustibie quantities, traftieient anyway to furnish a possible output of 5000 barrels a day for 200 years l The new company is capitalized at one million dollars. in ten thousand shares of one hundred dollars each, the charter has been secured. and President Cowham asked that Durham should carry out the previous arrangement made with the town viz., to subscribe for 3150511) oi the capital stock. It was decided to try this the next day. On Friday alternoon the stock books of the company were opened and the stock placed tor sale on the market and in about four hours 660000 of the stock was sold, N. G. & J McKechnie taking 250 shares. $25,000 worth. We believe the whole amount asked tor try Darham--8150,000--will be sold in and around Durham in the next few days, so that unites desiring stock will have to apply smn to Messrs. Neil McKechme. Liayor Calder, J. A. Hunter. Dr. Jamieson, or Gilbert Mekeehnie, who have taken charge of selling the stock for the town. Such an industry asthis means a great deal to the Grand Trunk Ity. On Friday. as a. result of representations made to them, the G. T. R. was represented in town by their superintendent, engineers and surwyors. and along with the Cement company's ottiee,rg and Engineers have Cone over the ground, and the location at the site will bedetermined on at an early date as both Companies and the town council haw: the matter under consideration. The town gives a free site with no increase of present assessment. The Grand Trunk Railway with a characteristic courtesy that does them credit. hare agreed to deliver MU earloads ot machinery at cost price. and have given rates for outward and inward haul which are eminently satisfactory. This is the story We had to tell and we hope the rest of it will bi eloquent- ly tdd by the commencement ot actual operations at an early date. 'ihe opinions formed by both parties in regard to each other seem to be oi the highest, and We hope that mutual confidence will mark all tuture dealings, and that the National Portland Cement Co., located in Durham Ont, may become and remain a prosperous institution, a benefit to all parties concerned. and a credit to its originators and promoters. - and artists of the highest standing are employed, and the samv plans and the same methods willbe put in operation here in a few months. Some ct the machinery has to be procured trom Krupp. of Germany and all of it is high class. The cement plant to beestablislu-d here will not be surpassed in tlu. world, we are assured, tor making a titat-elass, high gradr Portland Cement. $17.9 Earl-Lam Reyigzp, Local Matter on last Page and on Supplement, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . mange, fhtitrtslrer & languish». Tahe this by the lorelock and Buy your prints and shitting: and get them made up new when you have time, for lateron you will be too busy to sew. We have some patterns Crumm‘l Prints, and good value in shining. O. L. GRANT. .WHOLE N0. 1195 Tahe the by t_h_e foreloclg and _buy --fbvur--- 59 te

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