tian l DURHAM. ith Massey Harris est improvements sscy Harris Drill, mlves I q fer NOE It Weston's Home N} MACHINES.--- .fiRS, HAY FORKS, etc. . of MARRIAGE “can†s"r9sitri1iiFr.siig ALDER JI',', 'ly,',' y',', 5:3" 33 a A 59 terial cided Axes 55 y Your tttle ES. the majority. particular in rand to use. U " DURHAM. 'et Jed. or 4cper :w days, these her shop where Its and Carts months ago. see, reduced in vclv the easiest lb. Big4w Floor Oilcloth 2 yds wide per yd. 6oc. " bh " yds " 't 40c. t t I ' I yd " a I 23c. Table Oilcloth 45 in. wide 25c. tb h 54 in. wide 37hc. Flannelette Blankets, large at size in white or grey per pair $1.25. The best heavy pure wool blank- ets, per pair $3.75 to 04.00 Pure fancy per 16. fray: Wad: parpackayo CALL AND SEE US. W. H. BEAN Flatware . - Chains Solid Gold Ladies' Long Guards Gold Filled Silver A GORDON ' We are now showing the largest stock in Town of Ramadan. El in and Waltham Watches in ‘old, (fol: Filled. Silver and Nickel Cases. Ladies', Gnu and Boys' size: and all the latest idea. In . Sat Silverware Rum-{Plain . Jereelrr . tut Silver. Rum-{Plain Jun-.1: Noyelhei it: ling Elm-ks THEY’LL SATISFY Q -- ms was AHEAD gl 0F i(. TIME s. ---' I have a large number of other prop- prtien in town and country and will sell at trade. Lot T, con. 8, Normanby, the 'Fee' farm, belong to n company. and is offer- ed at low tiRures. MONEY TO LOAN ata 1-2 0.? cent and up according " noun-Icy and ‘orml. INSURANCES. COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING unwell-u other 3rd Die, lot T. con.1. E. G. R, Glenolg on Gar-afrnxn Road convenient to DU!- ham. This tHty acres is a snap at price asked. Lotto, con, it. Dentinck. mar Louise P. o, In hands. of a Company. Fine place and must gt! to some one. 64 um new: Alun" Park on Durham Road. Splendid buildings. good land. will sell cheapor trade. Lot 28,_Con. t, W. G. IL, Banana . splendid "13»an farm convenient to Durham. cry cheap. The Hanover Conveyanccr He has g big list of Property for Sula, including the following: Repairing of Womb†Fortunes financial luminous carefully attai- It tSrl but“ thln who behind it. Us trtit but." to be on time. Our 'Alnhos rtNt in humouy_vim tho iaoot. HE SELLS CHEAP I l Jake Kress. W. H. Bean, " Illl In! hiding 71th H. H. Miller, |Os tr:- 2- .--_---. . of the universe and you cu) m depend on them. Thor â€a in can too and no told It remn- _ MacFarlane. l War â€Gina" 3100*. l A KRESS . spool-It!- flllllllllllli f, (hl)fs BIOEK jewelry. am. the Best. 200 I an "Mr. George Eulas Foster is aboroad. It was the right thing for him to do. It was the thing any proud man Would do under the eireamsganees. All through the campaign he was put for- ward as the Old Man's right hand. Hugh John Macdonald, his nose and his red necktie, were merely the cal- cium lights for the performance. When Hugh John Wentrdown in the universal cataclysm he was lorgotten at once. His name was nevermention. ed for the Mantle of Elijah -sho'wing that he was never taken seriously. Bat Mr. Foster-the right Wnd--the man who had served the party faith- fully " eighteen years-r-tue man who subordinated his ambitions w" to Sir Charles Tupper)r--the man who play- ed second fiddle with pretty good graCe-- the "tinrst platform orator" in t2anada--the heaven-born .flnaneier--. what became of Mr. F.oster? The right hand got left. The gifted statesman and orator was treated by his party like thirty cents that. had just been spent. Nobody crowded forward to give him a safe seat. Mr. Harry Corby, it is true, resigne‘d in West Hastings, buthr. Foster remembered that Sir Mackenzie Bowen's native heath was in that constituency, and refused, to walk into the'trap. His other flattererg shrugged their shoul- dem, giving him lots of pity but no help. Mr. Foster was reaping the. harvest of his own unsnciability. Of course that icy nature was no ", fault of bis-it was born with him. and a man. may not make himself over with: gooey results. He had to take the conseg' quenccs ota political life into which human sympathy and good comrade- ship never entered.“ It does not pay always to be an intellect pure and simple. Mr. Foster was'All “Mind. What the party wanted was a Man with awarm hand-clasp and a.good fund of magnetism. To avoid the 1ey stare of his colleagues, Mr. Foster went abroad, leaving hit cable address be- hind him. If there is a leadership va, cant any where, the deep sea wires will always reach him. . ' The Conscrvativeg have chOSen as their leader, Borden of Halifax, a man who has you to win his spurs, while Mr Foster's name seems never to have been seriously considered. Rather thankless treatment after years in the Second place. The following article sizes up the situation and tries a little guessing: Some people guess that Mr. Foster will be transferred to the Conservative party in the Ontario Legislature. It is as good a guess as ht that. are going about. Bat would r1 Foster be 'ror- thy metal for Mr. Rosa’ steel? The argument is that Mr.. Foster is the only . -- __L Dun-nine- Rn... in “Inn-â€Uni w -_.__'-e - _ I mm who can meg: Pgem‘ier Ross in But for a Pine Balsam Baby's Cough Cure Laxative Grip Tablets MacFARLANE 81 Ci), Chronic Cough, Shortness of breath and Bronchitis, CARR’S COUGH CURE is undoubtedly the best rem- edy we have. We would particularly recommend this to elderly people. is a great seller for recent colds, composed principal- ly of pure gums. It allays irritation, loosens the cough and gives almost immediate relief. is made especially for the little folks and will not harm the most delicate infant. Will check an attapk of La Grippe. Try them. 2 5c a bottle. MII MR. Mlill. Dmggists & Booksellers "What is greatness? We are, ac- customed to call great those exception- ‘al beings upon whom heaven bestow- ed some of its choicest gifts, who tggton- ish and dazzle the world by the splendor ot faculties phenomenally developed, even when the faculties are mach marred by detects and wWeaknesses which make them unga- tory of good, but this is not, in my es- timation atleast, the highest conception of greatness. The equipoise of a well balanced mind, the equilibrium of faculties well and evenly ordered, the luminous insight of a calm judgment, are gifts which are as rarely found in one human being as the possession of the more dazzling, though less solid qualities and when these high quali- ties are found in a ruler ot men, com- [ bined with purity of soul, kindness of 1 heart, generosity of disposition, eleva- ‘ tion ot purpose and devotion to duty, this is what seems to me tobethe highest conception of greatness, greet- ness which will be abundantly pro- ductive of happiness and glory of the people under such a sovereign. and it mistsbe not such was the character of The Commons has sat tor a more or less brief session on three deyeand each day there has been a subdued feeling of mourninga sadness in the air. Oh Wednesday there Was none of the usual pomp or circumstance in the program, no soldiers. no music, no pretty girls in gay frocks, and the only bit or color was the ermine trimmed crimson robes of a 'tttgf/ttli,'.? Judge of the St. preme on. who, in his ostracity " deputv governor. conveyed is Excel- Ienev's instructions to the Commons to elect their Speaker before he would come down and tell them the reasons "why he had thought fit to summon them together": on the Commons side there was much of the eheerineag of Welcoming old friends and making the tteeqtmintanee of new comers among the membexs. bat again there was the minor note for many old familiar faces were missing-both sides looked in vain for some ot their oldest and staunchest men. THE FORMAL OPENING When the house re-assembled on Thursday the new Opposition leader Mr. Borden, took his official seat amid generous a plause on both sides, and Sir Wilfrid Bauricr took an early oo- casion to ofi'ep felicitations with the characteristic grace of expression which new-r fails him. Then the a11tomaton-lilre little gentleman-- Usher-of-the-Black-Rod,---) admir- ation of the ladies and the marvel of the new members, sum- moned the faithtul Commons to attend His Excellency in the Senate. Here indeed was every evidence of the [national mourning. "The Opening of Parliament" is always counted up- on in Ottawa as an occasion for a dis. play of all the braverie of bright col- ours, gold laced uniforms. and hand- some toilets--bat to-day dead black prevails absoluteiv; so much so that one daring girl who ventured todis- play red ribbon in her hat attracted more attention to herself than she ap- peared to altogether appreciate. THE ADDRESS OF CONDOLENCE Public interest was well sustained on the third day, for it was known that the Premier would move an ad- dress ot condolence to His Majesty, and the galleries were crowded according- ly. Needless to say Sir Wilfrid's re- marks were worthy of the man and ot the occasion. Though so much had already been said in up reciation and eulogy of our revered Celt he pre- sented the subject in new form and discovered fresh points to dwell upon. His half hour speech was listened to in wrapt and svmpathetic silence. One passage particularly may be quoted, it willrank among the best that has been uttered anywhere: I Ottawa Feb. 9. A distincil: minor note has pervaded the proce ings of of firgt week of the new Parliament. tiifiitUl, not such was the eGrireter of Queen Victoria. and such Were the re- sults of her rule. " Premier Ross has shown that he can talk better than the best ct them, and can build up polieieslikewise He has exercised a tact and camaraderie which have won him hosts of friends. If Mr. Foster should decide to enter- Ontario politics, there would be no bet- ter entertainment than to send him and Premier Ross on a debating tour together --the unpopular verbalist end the orgetnrest,adev'.mani It could work out on y one way. Mr. Fosters's ad. mirers have another guess coming. MII OUR OHM (li)iEl)()lli)illl. The debate on the address will be- gin on Monday afternoon. debate. No one can deny that Mr. Foster is a great word-monger, but his beat friends will not ascribe anything more to his 01 nence than a certain haul. cold l,%"i'S'l', which touches l nothing more than the mind. Premier Ross can touch the mind as well. but their is something under his clear rea- son and apt wording which is more than intellectual. It is something in the essence of the man--a human. per- sonal note that gives warmth and Bin. cerity to his utterances. As an intel. lectual performance. Premier Ross' oratory ismore than equal to Mr. Fos- ter's; as an appeal to something deeper and more vital than reason-the heart oi the people-it leaves Mr. Foster's clever syllogisms and diamond-like sophistriesiar behind. Mr. Foster is an excelleet lieutenant, a brilliant special pleader, but he always failed as a. captain. He cannot lead because his men wont tollow; he cannot contriVe because it is not in him. His talent is not tor anaylsis and dissection. He is i not constructive, which isamuch high. l er gift. 'Q-VV Ono of our oldut unident- puud may Int rock in the person of Mr Neil Buch- unnn. and TO yrs. He [and been ailing for noun tune with what the Dr than!“ to In one" ot the munch. Min Maggi. ml Barth HoEacborn. of Toronto, no visiting friends here. A link girl urind u Joe RobbV on the Ttit irmt. Ali's well. The following are prop-ring to eroot dwelling home- this season. C W Robb, Alex Ray. R McBride and Alex McIntyre. Even intellinut men will tell storie- thnt nu too long. ' Ln Grippo in Inning u picnic m thou mm nt prelent. Nearly every person Inning In attack. A and gloom passed on: this neighbor- hood last Friday Feb. 8th when the news came of the death of Mrs J Anderson, of Owen Sound. necond youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Jun Davis of the corner We extend our sympathy to the honeyed husband and parents. Mr Walter MoDonlld. of the Centre yisited on the Avenue Inst week. Mr and Mn Arch MoCounack. cl Bentluck visited It D MoFaydon‘l one day last week. Alex McQuarrio and Miss M E McPhoo of Enough visited " Mr D McFaydnn‘l hurt week and took in the Batch Concert. Sorry to but that. D Greenwood was under the Dr.'s can for the In; rook. Hope soon to hear of him this to be around “no. Roll: Eetor and fnmily are also down with L: Gtippe. Min Maud Bush, teacher at Vnnoy. visited the old homestead in“; Sunday. Quite a number of the pooplo from mum! hero attended the Scotch concert in town In: week wd :11 "port a good um. Hid", per ttwt.......... Cult-kiln, per lb........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered per ll, Lard, perlb.............. Het.......---. Beef. per cwt............ Wood,...................... Turkeys................... Ducks....... ............. Chickenspen Iainâ€... Drouod Hon. par "It Hogs, Lin weight...†Butter, fresh roll per lb Bram. ..................... Shorts..................... Flour......... ............. Pen... Barley Oats..; Lrsmu..................... Butter, Tub.............. Potatoes. per bag....... Wheat.....:............... DURHAM MARKETS. ASPEGIALSALE Come and see us in our new store. C. McArthur, Durham, MBB. BOOTS, 53 as": was» was“. ea At Special prices The:prices make it interesting. 325 140 40 9o SHOES, and. 40 45 " " 14 it tar. 25 1000 16o 90 90 45 18 18 17 and Glynn, a, our 6' fun“ or Chief Mo trest a, Cigar in any». Thor. In! no chunge of oonuquonco in trade I. the western cattle "rds toder. Import out“. wore not in nob good "mind. Fifty loads won the total "oaipta, and we bod I good gone“! clou- nnoo by noon. For export can. pump. prices were not quit. so nusdy. but we ind no quot- .nblo change. And in butcher and. and Imlll stuff than wa- 1130 no change. Hog. are steady. Hogs to fetch the top price must be of prime quality. and scaje not. below 160, nor above 200 lbs. Juice! Juppliu Horse & Cattle Medicine. all Kinds and enough to supply the demand. Good gain-fed lambs were told " from u to 4.}. per 1b.. and In wanted " thin prion. Barnyard stuff I?! quoted n " lo Ale, and no 3 slow sale It these figures. Eudora. stocks“. ind milch cows are “so “chug-d. A few choico cows and good veils Ire wanted, Darling's Cold & La Gripe tablets knock it out in a day:L, ID ARLING 'S DRUG ST ORE hoax 812. CHICAGO watraaur-ctvtusbles,rhblo per-nu An every county to represent hrze company of solid nun-clad reputation; 0936 Isluy per youmuynble weekly 83 per day absolutely sure and all expenses, straight. bout nae. dqituite sultry. no commission ', salary puid etch Sum-day and expense money advanced each wool. STANDARD HOUSE, 334 ItttaB- 'ies, ONTARIO ARCHIVES Cabaret-u, Gi), l, DARLING Calder’s Block. Durham. Live Stock Ina-ken Toronto. 27rv a 30x. and Jfall'onny i Du MONO IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We want you to know We handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harne- that is durable and " a home com- fombly, will bring profit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. Callus, Pads, lie til tttttig tl (llll IRS B‘RRIBT‘R. COLICITOR IN UUPREU“ COURT. NOT‘RY PulLlC. COUUICUIONER. ETC. once. over Gum's store. Lower.Town all)!,?),,?!,.!!!,,!!.,,,!!!, SOMETHING YOU WANT CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .W2,om.ooo CAPITAL. Paidup........... 1,No.ooo RESERVE FUND ........... 6oo,noo AGENTS in all principal palms m Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. G ROGERIES mu lul- lulmu in not . dye. bet . Mt dm-ing [or the but. Dune-n Bam BIDIIWII will can Degtdmtt. "1 Duo!!!) In: Runwa- will VOI' you but than huh; out. and mum: ttrow. Duncan, m 833nm will I..." you Ink m a in original color. and hop It nice “dam-1y oF"rth's'--afehttvre Rim-xi D'"".',',':'.'.'-.-,,,,-. 3.9: , dye. A general Banking business truism-ted Drafts issued and collections made on I." points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed at Curren' rates. SAVINGS BASIL -n‘yerest Allowed on tsavings' hawk Waits of 81.00 and up- wards. Mp6 attention and every facility "ordid customer- living at. distance. J. KELLY. Agent. TWEEDS d YARNS OFFICE FIR DOOR EAST cr the Durnam Ph‘rmwcy Cnldor‘o Block. Madame thut doo- west of the Poet Dulce. Durham. .‘RRI. TKA. Cal-[CI TOR. loan" wnuc. commune... ac omte---Low" TOWN. DUB" Mt. Conway and private Fund. t o Loan o Mortgage- at lows-I. rum of int-nut. l amnion mule by acompoteuc And curelul Valium. Co'.uetuon. and Agency promptly “and“! to Wills. hoods. lungs“, Lou-en. Aunt-nub he. comedy (fr-pa . Ell-.10. of the“ penal“ looko “an and E d Ad mint-altar Macon-u prom an†sunoosh Court Bruins-n, Pod "In. baton of Admluhmiiou u: t!ta.kiiiiii, 2'.h1tt1 Benches muh- in Registry (mice n n m o -.. ....m... .J .. Talon "rpotGliUir, Licensed Auctioneer hi the County of Guy. Tenn. new. him-100“ lot colon. u 1'Metfttet go and. pt Tho Ravi" For ale in Durham by arrister, otar , Gon- vcyancor, - can, - te..... Ion? to Loan at reasonaole rates an on terms to sun borrower. " the only Bur propurntion that i. givmg good result-J DURHAM AGENCY Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. We can give you Bargains. DEN TISTRY. MONEY TO LOAN W. S, DAVIDSON. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY‘ BOOTS & SHOES, a, ' LEFROY McCAUL. MoPH AL WE SUPPLY IT"- In Ile, or best quality; W. F. COWAN. President GEO. P. REID, Manager. D. 'tttPtruL, Hamill. P. o C. MIME Durham. cn- Moderate ' one bottle --Price line. Drum-a sud an: Drona“ C LEA VEN. Mftrityte & Co., _._TEI.FORD, Druggisls & Slntigneries Light - -- If: Bite, Blankets. o P, 0'. wiifiu" JaGiir" I on â€punch. to At NEWER ttOver the Bank fleas,