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Durham Review (1897), 14 Feb 1901, p. 6

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One-Sixth of M the Deaths he to Consumption. I“ lavage. up." No ct--Rtestt and P00! Alike If." etettms-How This Dread Trouble May be Provo-ted. qhtrttrurntrtion hal been well named the mat white plague. One-sixth ot att tho deaths occurring In Canada annually are due to the ravages of thin terrible disease. Its victims are loud among all classes; rich and poor alike succumb to It: lualdlous Advance. Only a few years ago the victim of consumption use regarded an incurable. and horror strlckcn "lends watched the loved one day by day [nae away until deatn came an a mercnul release. Now, however. it is known tum. tatrcn in la: earlier ”use: consumption is curable. and that by a prupur can: m the blood-- keeping It non. red and pure-those who are pre-uc-ed to the disease escape its ravages. Consumption Is now clan-sod among the preventibln diseases, mm ttttrut who are pale, eas- liy tired, t-nmcmlnd, or Show any of the numeruna symptoms ot general debillty should at once [unify the system by ennclung unl puri.ylng the ttiood--tttus tstrcugi.li.enuu' not only the lungs. But all [um ot the body. "A low your“ ago I began to ex-l patience " general wonkneas. My ap- petite was poor; I was very polo; was troubled with shortness [li breath and a smothering feeling in my chest. Besides those hymptoma I became very nervous. at times uizzy 3nd hint. and my hands and feet vocid get as cold no ice. As the troa- bio progressed I beg.” to lose flesh rapidly. and in a short time was only " shadow of my former sell. I had good deical treatment. but did not get relief. no.1 us a harsh cough not in I began to fear that com lunption ham Instened ituell' upon me. This was strengthened by a know-l ledge that several of my ancestors' had died of this terrible disease. In thi- rather deplorable condition I was incised to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I at once procured " supply and had not taken them long when I noted a change for the better. By the time I had taken all or eight boxes I was able to move around the house again and felt better and Itrongcr in every way I continued the mo of the pills until I had taken A dozen hon-A. when ml my old tinm strength uni vigor had returned. and l was as well its over. During tho time l was using the pills my weight Increased twenty-six pounds. Several yen.“ have since passed, and in that time not It symptom of my former trouble has made itself npparont. so that I think I am so.“ in saying that my cure is prrumnent. I believe Dr. William " Pink Pills saved my lite, and I strung” :uivlu- ailing women we lung-3, any u.- I'~" v . v. -.... --_,. Among muse who have escaped a threatened m-uth trom coneumption " Mrs. ROD-TL McCracken, of Marsh- villu, Out. Mrs. AIL-Cracker: gives her oxperiencr‘ mat it may be or benefit to some other suIrercwr. She can: iik Wilham " Pink PilG saved and I strongly ndvr:to ailing to giver [lira] , Iri?i.1 Dr. Wiliuum' Pink Pills are a tonic and not a pnrgutim medicine. They enrich the blnol trom the first done to tho last and thus bring health and strong“! to every origin in tho body. The genuine pills are sold only In boxes with the. full name. " Dr. Williami' Piok Pills for Pale People," primal on tho, wrapper. If your deal- or cannot supply you semi direct to the Dr. Willlmm' Mezilclne Co., Brook- ville, 0nt., nnl tho pill! will be malt- ed pod [will at 50 couts a box, or all box-as tor 82.50. , How Mr. U’Connor’s Paper Describes mm. Lord William Beresford was In air-l ttit/l'",' something between Lord, 1|..le and Lord Marcus. Like them. he run Just about the middle height, rrhups at little above it; like them. a hut large. blue, open "tur-e-yet' thnt were almost Infantile in their innocence and trammareney, if it were not thit there was a. certain qunzziczu axon-Minn in them which revs sit-tt to the clone observer the um of the world who had done everything. seen everything. knew everything. The "ure WJS alert and boyish. He who tt nun who loomed tawny» in conditVat--rsuV tor a tight in n cummign or anything that was going. Though the mouataehe was white. the cheeks hid the ruddlness. and the ”es the clenrness‘ ot eternal youth. With fl” that Boredom had B Non blood. he had all the qualitiw attributed to the typical Irishman“ a ready wit. and the softest and sweetest of tongues. For nearly tk (one: vtion he was the idol of all tin- Amzlo-Indi-n community. and it half tho legenrb toil "trout him were well- loumied. he deserves a high place in the annals of the benux sabranrs who are no rcslstless in the houdoir as they are daring in the field. As mili- Knry rcrptnry to three Viceroya, he had the most delicate of offices: but In infinite twat. Inexhnustible good humor. kmwhlge of mm on] knowl- once of m'mnn. were arm " to that or any other omergency.-n. A. P. THE OWEN HEBSELF THE AUTHOR. From the Cnnlph New”. Jan. 26th. 190L The as: .Ll. yesterday. gave a re- view ot me forthcoming LXFE AND REIUN or QUEEN \w'l‘OklA. to be published by the WORLD PUBLISH- INU COMPANY, ot Guelph. It Is ttcw burned that the WORLD PUBLISH- mu COMPANY have purchased the Canadian connigm of the latest pub. INN work Hsr Molusts_wtotemar.rMt ty, "More Le "'3 From the Journal of u Life m ttte Highlands." 'Ne WORLD PUBLISH Nu co. will ndd this to their no): without ch ‘nge of Pre.. XII-[zine such authors. namely, Her Ink-at)! the Queen, Dr. John Coulter, and John A. Cowper. mtltor ot the Canadian Mngna’nn. This will make the book ottout 700 page: quality never excelled. and only 81.75 In " has been decided to form a Stock Exchange In Ottawa, with Mr. C. B. Powell. M. P. P., a.- the President. THE WHITE PLAGUE. ABUU'I‘ BhIKESFORD. t AMhyhm t WWWi-W Once there were two Brothel-I. who started away to thstiegt' at the some tlme. Just belore they hoard- ed the Train. Pa led them aside and handed them some aplendld Advice. He told them that they were now ready to mould their Futures. Ho and he wanted them to stay In of Evenings and Bone hard. and he hoped they would mind the Faculty and keep away from the Cigarette Fienda who play the Run.)o and talk about Actresses. He wanted them to stand high In that: Classes and devote their Spare Momenta_t0 Reading. rather than to the Winn}- aiou and M'unicul Fooleries of u. Uni- vtttrtr Town. . " Tale of t Two Brothers. WW‘Q-M'} ++++ ++é+HH+f William listened solemnly and promised to Behave. Cholley tigdet. ed in " (malt and sald it was near- ly Tram Time. -- Bo they rode away on the Tarn. lshed Curl. William reading about the Goths and Vandals and Cheney playing Boreu"rp with a Shoe Drum mer from Lowell. who gave him "T: oral Yarns that he attertrarda told as his own. At the University William remem- bered what Pa had said, no he coop- ed himself up in " Room and be- came a. Dig and soon enough was grently despised as " pet of the Professors. (molly wore a. striped Jersey and Joined the Track Team and worked into the Glee Club. He went to his room when all the other Pieces had closed up. Every time a Show struck Town he was in the Front Row to any the Performers and pick up some new Gags, so as to maintain his Reputation as M) Original Comic. Ho went culling on nil the Town Girls who would stand for his Fresh Wars, and he was known he the beat Dancer in the Ki iii Chapter of the Gamma thar silnn Greek Letter Fraternity. The reports sent home indicated that William was con-ailing the Honors in Scholarship and Uholiey was get- ting through each Exam " the skin of his Teeth. but he had been elect- od a Yell Captain and conic] do his 100 Yards in Ten Seronda Flat. Pa would write to ttholler now and then and tell him to Bruce Up and give him " Munch that Life was lull of Sober liesponeibidtiee. and therefore he had better store his Mind with Useful Knowledge and Chop off all the Frivom and hopper- ioe. whereupon Cholley would write back that he needed Fifty by Ile- turn Mail to pay for Chemicals Used in the Laboratory. By the Cam, that both were Seniors William had grown a fuzzy Climber in front of mull Bar and was troubled with Wonk Eyes. no alwuyu had a volume of Kant under his arm and swarm-ll to he in a Bmwn Study as ho walked norms the Campus. Cholley kept llllel'” Neat am Nobby and soc-mm! always "ctorrul, even though ho had two or three Condition, to M4 discredit. and had only an Outside Chums ot taking his Degree. lie "rare Mnnnmar of on Football Team, having boon alcohol because of his Qualities as a Mixer, nnl had earned a,, atreet'onato, Nivknmm of "Roe.ks." lb was " grunt llnn'l to get no- qaa1ntmi with any Cd " who Isrestt to show ham/elf our tho lhlls of Learn. ing, and by 00:23::th IVuetityt he had don-20pm] Into a Star (thinner. m um ho could Talk Low to almost any cm, of tlrnm and mum her tre. liove that. of all the Flowers that over bloomed gh" war; the om, and only thirty ultnnmnd dollar Carna. Wii‘lam knpt away from How: and Pnnrwmodrs, bun-mot! hr! remembered what Pa iv"! scum about tho Din- trusting Inrtttprtiv,', of Frmpmrrw an" tho 'PH,tie.'Pritrio ot Artificial Soot My. Tho only ttirl in knew WM " memsor‘a Hiker. tttom, ymr'a old, with whom he w“ wont to dlsr‘uas tho Wow ot Unrsonk'onn carom-a- t‘on. Thnn he would drink " mm of Young Hymn m and gmlwme a} " qmtrrnr to trim P. M. CholIey at about amt tlmo Wnttid be starting out in his PHrwttre and books‘mlor Suit to write his name on Dame Cardq and get acquainted with the Itoal F'otk.q. On Commencement Dar Wil‘hm r0- nolved tho Cynw J. TWrt1r"r Prim of " m of Books for gutting tho High. met General Average of {my one In tho Class. Chaney just mmmd to Squeeze Through. Th" Ftuutltr [rave mm a (kg-mo tor fmu- that it " didn't ho "ttttht mme back and stay another Your. After ther hml mradnntnd Pa gave thorn unotlwr Talk. Ho said ho was proud of William, but Chaney had hem: tt Trial to him. Htlll he hoped lt was not too mm to not hig Boy on tho Right Tack. He was golng to put both of them into a. Law Of- nee, and ho wanted them to Rent! Law for all they were worth, and not be lnrod away from their Work by tho Glittering 'Pomotatiotts ot Life in a. Big City. William said he was proptrod to llnml Law until he was Black in the Face. Cholloy mid ho wouldn‘t mind picking a few Heat‘s with Blunkstonn and Cooley now and then, it ho round that he could spare the Time. Tho Father moaned Inwardly, and did not see much Hope tor Cholloy. - When tho two Sum; bncnme Fix- tures ln the Otriee ot an established Law Firm, William kept his Now be- twoon the. Loaves of a Court Ite.. port and Cholley was out in the other Room warming up to the ln- fluentlal Cliento and making Dates for Luncheons and Golf Foul-Homes. Within three months after they started at the Office. William had read all the Books In the Place and Cholley was out spending three week- at the Summer Home of the Presi- dent of a Construction Company, who was stuck on Cholley‘a dialect Stories and liked to have him around because he wns such a good Dresser and made it lively for the! Women. Out nt this Country Place It hap- pened that Cholloy met a. Gil" who didn't know how much she wan Worth. so Cholley thought it would be an Act a 516 THCHWE: TORONTO of Kindness to help her find out. When he at out with her in the M of the Evening and gave her the Burning Gate and the Low, entrenc- ing Love Parr. that he had practiced tor Four Years at the Univernity. die “owed him before he was he." finished and told him that he need not work Overtime, because he was the Boy for Nellie. She said she had had him Picked Out from the Moment that die noticed how well hie Coat eat in the Back. 77 - ____ In one ot the large Office Buildings ot the City there is a suite finished in Dark Wood. At a massive roll top Desk sits Choiiey. the handsome Law- yer. who is acquainted with all the Club Fellows. Society Bucks and Golf Demons. When a client comes in with a. Knotty Question Cholley calls in a Blond Stenographer to Jot down all the Points in the Case. Then he and the client roast a few mutual Att- qualntances and the thient departs. Cholley rings a Bell and Brother Wil- liam comes out of a Bide Room with his Coat bunch In the Back and his Trousers Bagged at the Knees. His Cravat is tied on one side only. and he needs a. Shave, bat he is full of the Law, Cheney turns all the Pa- pers over to him and tells him to wrestle with the Authorities tor a few Days and Nights. Then William slips back into his Hole and Humps himself over the Calf-bound Volumes while Choiley puts on his Slate-col- ored Gloves and Top Coat and goes out to where Simpson is holding u Carriage Door open for him. He and Nellie take the air in the 323.200 Vio- toria that he bought with her Money, and later in the Day they dine with the Stockson Bonds and finish at the Theatre. Cheney often reflects that it was a great piece of Foresight on Pa'a part to counsel studious Habits and Rigid Mental Discipline, for It Wil- liam had not been a Grind at Col- lege probably he would not have proved to be such n Help around the Office. and although William gets the Lower's End of the Fees and is never Called on to make a witty Speech at tb Banquet given by the Bar As- aociatlon. he has the Satisfaction of knowing he is the Silent Partner at the best dressed Attorney in Town and one who is welcome wherever he goes. __ tfdrat--There are at least two Kinds ot Education. Catarrhozono Cures Child of Cahrrh. "Perth, thtt..--1 cannot withhold my testimony as to the great value ot Catnrrhowne as a. remedy for Caturrh.oue bottle having outed my daughter of that trouble. I heart. ily recommend it to all who are amt- lering with Catarrh. No house should be without it. Mrs. J. A. Morris." So pleasant. bablea use It ;; so sole. grandmothers employ It; so certain to quickly relieve and cure that doo- tors, lawyers, merchants and publlc speakers rely upon Cutarrhozone as their standby for Caturrh. Bronchitis, Asthma. and Hay Fever. It is cheap because It last: so long, and because " is so lure to cure even the poor- out can anon! to buy it. Every dol- lar outfit ls guaranteed to cure. or your money back. Small size. 250, druggists or by mail. A trial sent tor 100 by N. C. Polaon & Co., Kingston, Canada. or Hartford. Conn., U. s. Some women who are to marry professional turn study medicine or law, or emu theoiugy, in order to be able to squnnhizu intelligently and helpfully with thc, spiritual or Intel- lectual pursuits of tin husband-toms! and in a way supplement the gym- tions of his brain with her own. and than lay broad and deem the founda- tion for a supei-happy married life. To be wholly nbsorbzd in him, even to making trelr-ettaeement the step- ping-stone and highway for his suc- was. stands everywhere and tor all time the World's ideal of a wife. But wneu a man so devotes himself to his wile he is nobody's ldonl of a hubaud. While women are proud to be known as the wife of a distinguished man, no man In pleased to be noticed or accepted on the ground or being the husband or a d1tsttntgu1ahtsd wo- ntan.-Marr Wager-Fisher, In the December Woman's Home Companion. I was cured ot lame bark, after suf- fering " years try MINARD'S Lrta.. MENT. Two Rivers, N. B. ROBERT ROSS. I was cured of Diphtheria. after doctors failed. " MINARD’S LIN!- KENT. Antlgonlsh. JOHN A. FOREY. l was cured of contraction ot mus- cles by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MAS. RACHEL SAUNDERS. We don't know much about the of. tect of mater-in. median upon the hu. man system. but. we did write, fill and take the following pmncriptlon, which knocked la grippe higher than underoy's kit-jour. quarts of whiskey. into which were dissolved roar ounces of loaf sugar. To “all we added a teaspoonful of water and another quart of whiskey and then placed over a. hot the and let boll sufllclently long to bolt out all the water. We then stirred In a llttle more whiskey to cool and gamed it down without battlng an eye. In or- der to remove the taste from our mouth we took a llttle - "I.- trer"--tuenwood, COL, Avalanche. One Day for Bathing In Mexlco Only one country In the worm In. a national bathing day. and that In Mexico The day is the 14th ot June. and tn that many-tom: houn- oo nom- hnted everyone In the ragtime. (no. President mas. down to t a comm- mrt servant, la expected to take a good wash. Unmbered thousands aihrw m water to touch their per- sons exam on this occasion. known as St. John‘s dar. The Great North-Western Talo- graph Company are making turther reductions In their cable rates, and announce that on and after 22nd 1n- ltant. their rate to Brazil will be $1.03 per word. The Nova Scotia Legislature in summoned to meet on Feb. 14. Dalhonsle. Mlnard's Llnlment Carol Dtatemper. World‘s Idea at a Wife. Sure Cure for the Grip. A PLEASANT IliNnlllWliff A Cheltouham Man I: Apocably surprlsusd--an Old Grudge Paid, In. Turner After. Bucceutul Ihtort to Get Bid of Ono Enemy Finds That In Doing so He "no Put (“my Another. Cheltenham, Ont., Feb. IL--iBpe- cum-A fortunate man, indeed. is Mr. Charles Turner. of this place. For you: Mr. Turner has been suffering with kidney disuse. It gave him great pain, and tor the last two or three years rheumatism has added to " anew heavy burden of sickness. and lie has seldom known an hour free from pun. Not useocinting the rheumitlsm with the old kidney trou- ble, and despairng of curing the for- nter, Mr. Turner bought and used llodd’s Kidney Pills to try and dispose ot the kidney trouble. Ir, used :1 few boxes. and the pain in his back lwpt getting less and less, and finally went away. Alt the unpleasnnt symptoms of kidney trouble ditrarrpeared, and what was still more strange to Mr. Turner, he has not since been both- cred with rlieum LUSH). He In so grateful tor the miraculous results ot the tm-itment that he has been cheerfully telling his friends nnd neighbors his *xpvrlence. We 313's- “l)odd's Kidney Pills have cured me of n. long standing case of kidney ditr. o"We. I was also a sufrvrvr from rheu- mutismr and although I took the pills for tho kidney trouble. I was sur- prlaed to ttnd that when this ditwnrm WM! cured the rheumatism also die- appenred. This was over " year ago. "and I have not been troubled since. I used In nll six boxes. Tho first. two boxes did not appear to do In"! an} mud. but I persevered, ond the result byh'tt I nm now a healthy man."A or course. to those who recognize rheumwtism as what It really is. " 'trmotoat of kidney dismse, there is nothing wonderful Mmut Mr. Tur- ner's experience. Dodd's Kidney Pills viva]: cure Kidney Trouble, and with it Rheum-tism. Sciatica. Lame Back. Netlrttlttia, Ram-y Trouble, Dram. Di.otresbik Bright's Discus? and any of tho other many forms In which " ml: and otten does appear. The editor ot In) Edinburgh news- paper pt some Importance had been condemned to my damages tor libel upon a merchant ot the same city. Among other compliments that had passed between the parties to the sun was a remark by the merchant that the editor. who was of short, alight tttture, was a "wee snake." Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tableau. All drug?” refund the money if it fails to cure. :50. W. Grave's signature is on each box. Some time nth-rwnrd the editor re- venged hump” for losing his suit, In " article upon some statistics which his old enemy hul put together, by remarklng that everybody knew that Mr. Duncun MacLarcn was "a great adder." Curiously enough the great mass of Englishmen knew little or nothing of the sovereign as their ruler. They had only the vaguest idea of the part she took in the government ot her realm and hor people; they knew practically nothing ot the eontrollitttr and dominant torce she exercised In international and domestic' polltlos. Bat about this they cared nothlng. " was trqrtneient for them to know that she was a good woman, a wor- man whose. heart always went out to her people, who shared with them their Joys as well as their sorrowa. who was keenly interested In every- thlng that could make them better and happier. And perhaps more than anythlng else was tha knowledge that she was a woman who had Buttered much, whose heart had been sorely wrenched. and whose splrlt omen trled, and yet through It all she had remained serene. hopeful, always an example for right living. always an lnspiratlon to the weary and the affllcted. Perhaps that was the real secret of the devotion whieh she in- splred In Eugllshmen the world over. --A. Maurlce Low, In Harper's Weekly. We of!" One Hundred Dollars Reward for an we of Chstarrh that cannot be cured by Halli Comm: Cure. F. J. CHENEY 5; CO., Toledo. o. We, the undersuned, haw knovyn F. J. Chane for the but 15 years. and believe him yi'lll1tlc honornblo in an baiinttirti tmnmtiom and btiausitsilr able to carry out any obligation. made by their firm. meTtTRUAx. Wholesale Druggistn, Toledo. Wanna}. Kmmm & Mum: Wholesale thumb. Toledo, ' t. Er.."'., l hat-”I. l‘nrn in taken lntnnmllv. ttttb Ill "nu-up. lvl‘ - -. Hull'a U'atarrh Cute is taken mummy. not. In; dim-Hy upon the blo d and mucous sur- fncm of the T',i"lt Testimonials sent tree. Price Mo. par ot le. Sold In all druggists. Hall's Family Pills me the but. Mrs. Biomarkct cannot understand why Mrs. Upstreet did not accept her Invitation tor last Thursday evening. This In what the Invitation traid--. "Mr Dear Mrs. Upstrnet: . “I am going to entertain a for people In Thursday evening, the 27th, and this Is to ask you to be one ot the number. I know you do not care tor society functions, but you wlll feel perfectly at ease at this one, no nobody or any consequence In In- vited."--Pttiiadeiphia Bulletin. Putt-Luvs Painless Wart and Cor" Extractor COntniu no acids or other Injurious chemical compounds; is neither caus- tic. corrosive or irritating; but soothes and cases from the 'irttt up piication. and acts quickly. " you want an irritating apd tlrth eating iiiiiarTuria Gik tor Putnam'mli acts just the other way. For ttate at all draught; In both Chicago and New York than are womm ot artistic hate who add to their Incomes by hanging pictures. Their churned tor peculnmry new“ are greater if they become ailment!) Informed on work: of art to unite their advloe Valium upon picture buying. Minardy Llniment Cures Diphtheria». The Fault ot the Invlmuon. Engllslnuen and the Queen. To Cure " Gold In One Day Women Picture Hangers. chtlllun "etieetious. How's This 7 it!“ BLOOD " MOT. A Bit of War " " Wm I‘ll,“ by the At but. by "In“ one 200 haw wlthln 100 raib.?1 Within 100 ya” at "tho ft'rlll'l; homo." utor huh: picked of ICC d the men t that trench. TIMI crept up a. w yards no": then. My. pound II A valid sud rud- ed st the schools. Bat behind ttte) sitstnrtttor-ttoaetts" ware the will Boots-AM s. mud-stained. bland- Uulscd. nun-shah snumpt set at minus theg looked. They saw tho Boers rushing. and their wrlor hearts best quick with joy. short- ly,likeamun tn s dream, their osp- tain gave the word. “Fix Worms}: It was done in a trloo. “Ready 1' The men Iauied their rifles. "A vol- ley, my lads, and than tho steel. All tairottfer"--tttu' whistle blows. A llama Illa Mom the parapet. The- over the stone walls spring tho Royal Hoots. Once they shouted; only once. Then the slaying begun. Grlrnly they thrust in tho steel. searing through all that stood bolero them; through bone and ainow. through hunt and lungs, through limb and trunk. Bo tieree, so vengeful were the strokes that the red point ttl. Ways camu out at the other aloe. The burghem Were brave enough; let no man deny it. But they were an Blimp when the handful ot Boots lnnped on them like u troop ot lions on a autonomous “011k. They must either run or die. So they ran-and loaning mangled bodies of lrienda, and kinslolk. and comrades dyeing thr, koplas with their blood. Again UN garrison bad trinmpimd, and trom tha heights heroes the t .-:.u- don, where the Buuto country was, burst shouts and songs of triumph, yells and taunts of tierqaion.. Filty thousand throats swoflod the. chorus. Ever since the siege begun the black warriors bud been gathered in their thousands on these heights. watching with lascimttod hitch-st the struggle of the whim men. Like the monta- torn at n modiaeval tournament, they Ind applauded the gallant deeds of the yottra.uy.ntm and as they saw the Brit- ish holding out day after day. night altar night, against the assault of enormous odds, they came to hive u prhl'ound trust and Confidence in the '13:: hunt" of the Queen's soidlers. .. - t___-_ --‘-' as... Davul we. nu... v. -..- ‘_-_, When, therefore they saw the Royal Scot: launch themselves like the Ievln- bolt at ttvo times tiseitt number,_thr:y [Held their breath for a time, wondering What the and might be. but. when they mw tho bloody bayouvm of Hm Fir" Foot scatter and utterly Jest row the hated Dutchmen, they opened their throat: and yelled their applause across the ru'er.--Catmoll'tt History of the Boer War. According to Sir Clements Markham. President of the Royal Geographical Society. Americans are resTronsitrle for forming such a moccasin] nomen- in poun- dogs tint. the pending British and other Arctic expeditious are 00:1- Ironted with a dam-“my nearly as Minard':Lluiment Cures Garget In Cow; - -_ great as the ice fichia. 1:. appears that E, B. Baldwin. tho American ex- plorer, has bought up such a large supply of dogs that thrs'r price has risen trom 818 to $30, and they are hard to procure even at that price. Evansville. Ind., had a $175,000 tire. good machine for agent: to bundle. Rig money made. Nomad: in use. For box-nu and price! Address STANDARD SUPPLY 00.. Bunnies. Ont. “Stuck on his Ponce .. tt you he Page Pence you will like it, but " not be Muck him the entlcmnu In the pic- “an. The Pig. Fence h' woven in our on (new. from coded wine made try ourselves, and twice " mung as that used in own lama. Ga thin yeah prices, ther are lower than In: your. m PACE WIRE FENCE co. ma.) but. by superhuman etttortn, - . __-....4I n- I. Corner In Polnr Dogs. WAucnanLc. ONT. soanMES YOU HAVE TO SPEAK PLAINLY to your Grocer In the Sugar matter. " you spank phinlv and ask for St. Lawrence Sugars You save 5 per cent. In value. OUR GRANULATED SUGAR le PURE. Our Golden Yellows as good a most Granulated now offered. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERY Treated Free. . (we have made dropsy and Its _?1ttny1lottAo.Y a spuclnlby for twenty yam. Quick relief. Cures worst cases. Book of :rnnnou um and 10 my” trentmonb In“. F'"he' H.tHMu'EN't5BotrS, Box tt Arum“ GA. DROPSY CLONES [ASHER Sent on Trial lt wholesale price. If not. at. Jung money refund . Guaranteed town gamer end do belzvr work than myoumrmsohiuo on the or rlctsu_A 1.1.741: “ Bitt fever, or other almost moral sickness, a man or woman sometimes will gain a pound u day from taking an ounce a day of Scores EMULSION and the ain be healthy. The ounce gives strengthto get the pound; there I no miracle in it. Body and mind are weak; digestion is weak; and hanger IS ravenous. Scon's EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil is the food to begin and go on with. It furnishes strength to digest a little easy other food;and a little grows to enough. But the gain is nearly all fat: 'rife bones had not lost much;the muscles had lost; and had not got back their strength; they have lost there bulk; the fat was all gone. The fat has come Back; the muscle slowly recovers its bulk, more slowly its strength-tht bulk of muscle was iat--and the bones are about the same as before. It is Scorr's EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil that starts the body going again-give it time. The genuine has 'iiibh thls picture on it, . take no other. _ A Jliyiitl ‘55»; not g? " trle It, send for sih2ht free sample. its a- 5illtr0. greeaple taste will F _ surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE '")i'il, Chemists. li . Toronto. =.c a . 500. and $1.00: all dnxcrorism. Cincinnati " now clalmtng to he the greatest whiskey market in the world. The whoinsale trade than at mammal that the your will be bl. heaviest the city has ever had. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE sND Reiun on (it'll Vir-‘orim im-lm'.mg“Mo-‘ Leaves bom [no Journal at 1'0 Life In It! Hicrislts" an." written Irs Err M..imy hon-0| hooki'xxlu; nearly 70- mam: m-out too F ttrtsvltttts How ral from Her Magus! ' '» own book. with aulmrnuma nun-hon; thrtro 'rutrort namely. Her Majesty Quecn Victoria; John I under. Ibo celebmlrd h trtoringt fr m Lon: dnnJCng and; Md John A.Coopt r. -dilor de The Canadian Magnum. 'tor mo. Pri c onl 81.76; pro-poems tree to rumm- 'r : and} given. Afoutu canvnnn'mz for rival pub canon: wit and it trr ntly to Nwir ndvmtm to corm- oud with m. Apply The World Pit- Nailing Company. Guelph.0m. " practical man; 1mm" stock: good not , tooU; oppo-Mon one; good mm; I" Mal muse for .ellitut: on IM hrd turn yuan; town Mam: Imperial Burr}: “‘ern 0th. in spring; write quick. W. Ferguson. “is can. Ont. WeP/t,2(i'iP/ LN EVERY To" In Canada to 'tell madam-noun" clothing: good commissions: ttttl pay-Human. Crown Tailoring Co., McKinnon lids. To ronto.0nt. prawn A8l%'l'a-n','lllPirir,l.', IS DEAD! EVERY toral Canadian will want In ' Life, "Wtt View." We will have the Mum . c "e 0-! And best. A Wt. nuthentic IN l hook h now bring prep. Info dbuingtuirttqd HI.- ndian autumn Pomp Me Human-1m (mm mailed for luv. Extra liberal terms. “00* mid . Logan. London. Ont. ENGINEERS. "REMEX. bidf',,'S,',l,'la and electricians-new 404mg»; mmphl Ah and etoctrietatw-ttew (an‘v “mam: containing qttrstttimttt arked by Eun- " Board ot Kngitteers cant. (up. 7 Geo. A. VIII. Publisher. St, bouts. Mo., U. ti. A. Pirare I. Man thir paper. I' tittttttt in the Ptetit, Peninsula. " Winn”. to miles tram um Ito" on two full- we. IN norm“: an.” of sshi h in in hunt. mostly ”than. Witt be acid in our par at ' divided “no totmot litto go um to mu no mum“. This“ I decided bargain Nure- Jomlhan Carpenlor. P. u. box 409. Win.“ Una-no. lpltUlT FARM FOR $4ALlu'-i.Nh' OF Till _ 7 titteyrt in, the Kin-gar. Pcuirottt, " Mm. Whnlow'u ta9M. Syrup HIM" " ways ha used tor Childrv " conning. It.” h. the child. pom: the gums. cur- ' wind matt and is the bed remedy tor marina. Twenty. Eve cents I homo Alter T yphold A Splendid Opporgim ISSUE NO 7.1901. The (ire-Med, Will-ku- “urn" EW1d'.LLRW4 - HARE cH “NPR Pty a,. B, 'A?, tii, mm" 'didb I F, , , ‘LY " and F2 I 's. 4 k I) Ited _ i RY _ IBM" I Crmvn look ' wind good 1 oomin keep Sgt ‘16“ Ctr: other Ilhv-r pumn In!“ mos leer " tl verb": Mal. a about uteri! myh "y U Chum “all”! an"? Me tlt his h “to! l whe will when 'tot lama: atble XI pop-IN 130 and m m caipt The net I "train! you did in do no“ ' ml, row! I- all an " won- cum - mosh they wring and thal , they (o, kit the“ were around math n ‘60. M luck as tor tht. moon-n pet is Ill thae tor of your The trot of them " Chow - of Clem. I two boy and re: hves nulrml In our any n " no! and h, the? being at k. 21. “James. m John. his Met. then' "ble. q comm-re - In Indeed tt out Inn have lar. bout! The h that " I ti; "t to a-nnhi b tua comrm be spasm-s “in lurklon woetd has? a h. In tlo. " Btrypt him Whoa fron Ioerln. A m. world'n '10] u the le, put the “up “Mum I ”lied in u cupped. ttt Met. then- the some»; “dc of tl .1 threw .DHVPF ' natural C all: is " from the the fun g: mum: d the In» I‘ve. TI "demu- t and many “new: In to In int Chmthr an! we Wanington m Dr. Tal had, an: M'“ h lie that Woul don- ot the 1 VIC. a food U qroaud make a $gttqltqetual be: World has (w twang in “on: Home unmet-1m 'nverly,“ Mo on of no uol on to-day - wow!!! II; n thr. 1 - It in not " Bible three m, the bruk "tune ll " ti. 'ttr atlth Ad Tulm: b " pr an to Ir whet On " wt e an In“

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