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Durham Review (1897), 14 Feb 1901, p. 8

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Manley Mekeown tfrown. the fam- (ms war correspondent of the Mail and Empire- in South Africa. gives an il lustratml lecture, moving pictures, etc. of the stirring scenes in which Can- adian boys were engaged. in the Town Hall. on Friday. Feb. l5. Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seats 35 cents. Plan at Darling's Drug Store. Qua-m EirrHert.---A thrill of pleasure- able anticipation pervades the town over the coming oratorio in the Town Hall. for which so many of the young people m e rehearsing under Prof. Taney. a? Smm’thiug excellent is assured. Watch for announcements. SADLY MISSED. -Mrs. Wm. Weir, after a lingering illness died on Tues- day and will be buried to-day. \Vednes- day. The bereavement is a particular- ly severe one, as a family of five small children are bereft of a mother's care. She was a daughter (MaggieJ of Mr. Wm. Ritchie. and has been married for about. u years. Sincere sympathy in extended to the husband, who is thus left with a double portion of care. while mourning tne loss of a. loving and faith- ful wife. Mr. C. C. McFaydt-n has secured an agency for the Life of Queen Victoria which is spoken of as being an excel- lent work. store. Dr. Hutton has been confined to the house for a week, hut " now around again and resumed his calls. Mrs Grier and Miss Wright. of Price- ville were the quests of It. Hutton the past week, and also took in the Scotch Those who missed Rev. W.R. Smith’s sermon but Sunday evening, "n “Life a musical staff " missed " treat. Next Sunday he will begin a series of ser- mons un "The Lord's Prayer," in the evening will be "Cuin's relegion." ed with rapt attention to one of the best lectures eVel' delivered in Toronto. It was by Stanley McKeown Brown, the wsr correspondent. and was a “and 51100993. It was under the sus- pices of the 48th Highlanders and p'v tronage of Lt. Col. McDonald and officers of the same regiment." Niagara Falls Record says: "It was a happy thought which led the committee of the High Schiol to engage Stanley MrKeown Brown to give his illustrated lecture on the war in South Africa. After the doors were opened every chair in the hall was taken. The views and talk on the some will never be, for- gotten by the large audience." In the Town Hall Fridav of this week. Popu- lar prices. Plan at Darling's drug THE 1hyK.--The carnival last Thurs- day is pronounced on all hands a great success and the band boys are to he con- gratulated on their excellent handling of the affair. Quite a number attract- ed by the handsome piizes and general good fellowship of Durham came from outside points. The winners were J Open race-lst, Jas. Allan, Mt. Forest. 2nd. N. Swallow, Durham, 3rd, Fl ed Tyler. Mt Forest. Local "see-ist, Ted Mct'iocklin, 2nd. Peter Crawford, 3rd, Douglas Munro. Boys' race (open)-it Ted McClocklin. 2nd, B. Cowan. F le'ah- erton. 3rd, T. Reid, Hanover. Winners of Masquerade Prizes-Miss Gamble, Miss M. Munro. Messrs. Frank Harris. Bert Mockler. Peter Crawford, Earnest Noble. Another carnival is planned for February ah. Pic-mam! to have a tusll from Mr. Jno. Wan" m. Proton Sm. who was home last, week attending his father's funeral. Pnnns Ntrrtcaa.--The Toronto World says t "At Money Hall last Saturday evening an audience of over3,000 listen. Mise Maggiv Gilmour, of Hampden. is at present visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs Ungdon have began houw-keeping in Mr. E. T. McC'tocklin's Dunne. Mr. and Mrs. Jun. McFarlnne came houre Inst, week from Fleshertun. Their sun John is spending a holiday with them. Mr Archie Campbell, from British I‘nlumhin. came home to Bunessan. Monday. after an absence of about. 3yrs. Mr. C. Invent Inc sold his house and ohor to Mr. A. Little. who will convert. lt Into residence My. Knock it out. in a day. thpqunb- is". For ale only by Jno. A. Darling Wt. Durham, Ont. c-.--our reader- will and local and other matter Iomcwhat iii-pineal this week. but the interesting cement situation is our justificattom The Greatest Thing on Earth Darling’s Wm!" Jelly. Chaps or Roughness of the Skin cannot stay where it is used. Only 10c. Per Pot. Owing to Rev. Ryan being m with La Grippe there were no services in the English Church Sunday. and thesileut bell was a decided lack. Mrs. Ins. Redford visited Mrs. Brig- ham at Allan Park lastweek. Voncert. War picture- on Friday night. Local and District News. Cmdinuad on Supplement. PERSONAL. MEN TION- 2it; I Moe 5 let 'i. t It', il ' . r o 'i,liii, " A 'ir., 9% M t i E (E":'::,,,:,,.,, Pr. 3C Tr. .J‘I. 5“ Mr. Geo. Binnie occupied the chair and his duties were pleasantly perform- ed. The ushers did their duty well and were wad comfort in the handling of the crowd. MayorWilson, of Godeeicti, says: as chairman of the committee, with much pleasure I recomend and highly endorse the entertainment given by Mr. Stanley McKeown Brown In his illustrated lee. ture to one of the largest audiences that aver crowded our Opera Home in this town. The Mcving and Stereop" tican Pictures were not only hisrtify entertaining hut highly instructive. Ben Nevis Camp, Sons of Scotland, scored another success on Friday even- ing last with their Annual Burns Anni- versary Concert. The management. aiming to secure for Durham, the very best talent went to considerable expense to secure Miss Jessie Niven Marlachlan. the Scottish Primadonna, just lately trom Scotland. and consider- ing the limitations of the Town Hall and the expense incurred made the admission 5%.. Many no doubt looked upon this its excessive, but the Hall was tilled, there. was no crowding, and' though the object was not to [mike money. astuall balance was left after expenses were paid, the proceeds amounting to 8150. Piper Murray‘s first appearance here was a great success. both on the pipe and as a dancer. He will be welcomed back again. Mr. Buchanan. her husband. Raye twopinno solos. and accompanied for all. He was much praised for the excellence of his music. Mr. Jas. Fax was as popular' M ever. He is without a peer' as a hnnmrisl. and is continually adding to his More of humor. and without him the prugrmu Would have decidedly lacked in Spice. FARM CaIANoF.ig.--Mrs Leslie, of the Rocky has sold her 50 acre farm to Mr Jno. Holmium for $1411). ' Opinions of Miss Maclachlan vary. She has a little too much professional- ism. absent we are told in her gaelie pieces, but no one could but admire her voice whose power and richness were remarkable. and whose tenderness was shown In the Cradle Son "Can ye new Cushions." "Rule grittaniu” we thought her best, and she sung it right, using "rule" instead of the weaker word "rules" often heard in the line "Britannia rule the waves." The toss of her head in this and in "Wi a hun- dred pipers" Was an inspiration in itself. She was liberal in her gaelic numbers and though but few there could under- stand they admired the musnc and enunciation. and drew their pleasure from looking on the faces of Commis- sioner John McArthur. Don. Graham, Don. McMillan, Neil McKinnon. and others whose warm Highland hearts Were thrilled listening to the best gaelic singer in the world, and who would go 10 miles to hear her again. Mr John McQueen. Boothville, has purchased the Daley farm in Bentinck. We wit sll the purchasers much success in their ventures and happiness in their new homes. T Mr Wm. Vessie has purchased the Morden farm at present occupied by Mr Henghan. 15-5 THE BIG CONCERT. THE MI STORE We found many odds and enos of different classes of goods that were slow sellers. We brought them all to the front and are making the price so low that they will surely sell at sight. FOR INs'rANcE----- YARN-our own make, Cardinal and Greys. Regular price bto-day 40 and 45c 1b., selling now at 25c lb. FACTORY '.JOTTON--r2oo yds. of 8c Cotton for 70 yd. WRAPPERS-Fancy Flannellette, nicely made, regular price $1.25, selling for $1.00. W OMEN'S TWEED SLIPPERS---T0 Clear at IOC a pair. FUR COATS--Men's Goat Skin Coats reg. $15.00 for $10.00. rink any Jeiry japan ta, 2% [6. (il J I l H i] N I fill I _m._1~ 'f.i4Ai'i.vAeuA"l.'r'pirr-/i,il 3.112.] DJ 'iiadEi? ';r-Ju1G)"Afi'Arh":ii'rJ4'y, 11FwfifiékflrfimfiwmeWrfikfir¥r¥r{F1 'During Jiock 'Gaking TORONTO The Weak and Suffering are Liberated from Disease NERVOUS. pale and Delicate Women t Worn-out Despoudent Men will find them a positive blessing. LARGE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR Will he fo'r service. for season of 1901. at Lot 9, Con. 2. w. o. R. Bentinck. TERMS: 81.00. RECOMMENDED and for Bale by JOHN A. DARLING, PREPARED ONLY BY Lincoln's Tablets Wis/l Mit a? SHEWELL d LENAHAN of Call gtesettutty 6otierited. Special attractions for the Christmas and New Year's trade. _ Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. This is a shoe made for Ladies' only by a firm which knows how to make Ladies' Shoes. Every pair guaranteed. Money back if not satisfactory. They are the best in Canada. Try a pair. Our new stock is here. Call and look it over. If you suffer from Indigestion. Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Ner. vous Proatmuon or General Dehility, they will apt, you free SHEWELL & LENAHAN. lull, EEDIGIEE 69., guppy 77w B. ALEXANDER. Durham. Ont. J. A. HUNTE)R 'aar PARCEL ONE-Lot number thirty- four (34) in the Third Concession West. of the (iarufraxn. Road, in the Town. ship of Nornmnby. in the County of Grey "ml Province of Ontario, contain- ing one hundred acres. The following improvements are said to be ererted on said lands I A frame house and frame. stable. PARCEL Two-The Third Division of Lot number twenty (20) in the First Uoncesuion east of the Gmafraxn Road in the vamhip of Glenelg. in the County of Grey. containing titty acres more or less. The following improve ments are said to be erected on said lands t A frame house and a f: nine stithle. PARCEL THREisu-All. that certain parcel of land in the Village of Price. ville, Township of Artmnesiu, being that pmtion of Lot. number one. on the south said of Collingwood Street. in said Village of Pricevillo save and ex- cept that, part sold Lheloout and there from to one 1Viluam Watson, Jr.: and also that cumin parcel of land being comnosed of part of Lots Nos. four (4) and five (ii) in the F.rst Uoncessnon south of the Durham Road, Township of Artemesiu, containing forty-six and one half acres. TERMS OF "Ltr:--'; per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. without mum-st. or if the purchaser so desires ten per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance to he arranged ac- cording to terms and conditiomt.then to be made known. For farther particulars apply to MESSRS. EDGAR & MALONE, 50 Yongo Bt., Toronto, Solicitors for Vendors. Dated at Toronto, Jan. 81st, 1001. The above parcels will be offered for gale separately. UNDER and by virtue of the ower of sale contained in certain ruden- tures of Mortgages which will he pm- duced at the time of sale. there will he offered for. sale by Public Auction by James Carson. Esquire, aluminum-r. at A frame house, a' frame [mm and stable and shed. Those who are interested in Colonial Furnishings will find a valuable article in the March issue of THE DELINEATUR describing "Housefurnishinsr at Ml. Vernon." Owing to lhe, splendid work done by The Mt. Vernon Ladies Assuri- ations the appearance of (lounge Wash- itugton's home has been remarkably restored and retained, Them IS there- for, nothing merely fanciful in the (leut-ription of Mt. Vernon as it was. THE KNAPP HOUSE. in the Town of Durham. on Saturday, 9th day March, l90l. at, the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the following lands and premises. The following improvements are said to be erected on said property t THE RESTORFD MT. VERNON. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTIES. £4.73; I'M? ,f/ 1: 'irit, -m.;- Au: And the said executor will not be liable for the snid assets or any part. thereof, to any person or persons of Whuse claims notice shall not have been received by him " the time at such distribution. a statement of their acmunts and clnims, with names and addresses and the nature of the securitv (if' any) held by them, properly verified, and that after the said date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased atuung the parties eu- titletrhsreto, having regard only to the claims of which he then may have notice. J. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for Executor. Dgaoted at Dnrbsm February Ittt A, l 1 I. NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN pursu- ant to Section 38 of chapter 129 of the It. S. O. 1897 that all creditors and oth- er persons having claims against the Estate ofthe said Thomas Ewen, who died on or about the 30th day of Jana- arv, A D 1901. at the said Township of Beutinek, are required to send by poet, prepaid. to J. P. Teltord, solicitor for the Ekeeacorofthe said estate, on or before the lst day of March. A D 19th Wilkinson Ploughs, number I l to 20, and repalrs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words " WILKINSON Phonon Coupuu' " lieu: on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three Sections. ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons' Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS SE\VING‘SIACH!NES.U A large stock of New Raymond and Wil South of Middaugh House We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULTIVA TING. Coulter d; Scott Drills and Crtltisrators, Disc and Spade Har rows, '3etlffieris, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. - NOTICE' TO CREDITORS. In the Surrogate Court of the Con My of Grey in Mr Estate of Thomas Ewan. Inlt' ofthe Tmmwhip of Beuihwk. in the Counly of Grey, farmer, din-(wed a tit Se wing Machines and supplies. everything for Farmers J We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit, a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted theCash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash System ADOPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. we 'llgllillll REVIEW; fl 11h1'L c. Rm. ht. I ht. J. P. TELF'ORD, Solicitor for Administrator. Dated this lst day of February A. I. 1901. their names, addresscs and deserip. tions and full statement oi particulars oftheir claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly eertified and that after the said day the Administrator will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims at which he shall then have notice. 1901. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, Cap. 129, the. 38 and amending acts that all persons having claims against the estate of the swid RobertSkene. who died on or about the sixth day of' January A. D. 1901 are required to send by post pre id or to deliver to J. P. Tellord, amine town of Durham, Solicitor for the Administrator. on or before the In the 8ttrrogate Court of the (family of Greg in the matter of the Edalr of Robert Show. lote of the Totnmhip "f Beuluwk. in the County of Greg. Far. mer. dammed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. o. MCKINNON. lst day of March A. o.lnt Lower Town. , N dar, March 2, In Hula: - to the Conventim larch 6. Tr. Rama- MEI-rm hunch Reformer-u in A meeting at the Ll VIII be hvld in Caldm by evening, much the purp'nse of electing “in; Convention on J. W. Cuwmnn, Pres. " l6. . . . [snowfall for [he I He urn of mac-him Guam! din-cam: l we“ and moderate. "Do-cud I" mun. st» was and nmthorly Kea known her for yr good qualities in I miaunderuood. Charles. Andrew, left to mum-u her oxtend aim-chm: S! Either Wu a no“ queen and the Km (Intern court ""1 of Hanan mil but by meouor Tu) talent. Admin-int It MacFarutuai. T The Ayum Adrt death of In Dani For the week out Tonnperuum Fell. l0, ' . _ . .. ll . . _ . . 1tev. Mr Fate tgeo Hunduy ow from the hook - fora halter “cred cantata u much up; hilzh mu her (Jul 84.. an atom lo the d Int Irwk, Hm hunt-med nut oi but for the hot out. The Ita Byuuml In , Hatartrv (an “Runaway, I united in Wendy with. of Gael Pairman. for hotel. An I. o. a held in their t Member: gm] he ”me-L I C. R., War. " uuphell Thur-day um Nuu'ulenl u be in timing Ion"!- n ulna DURHAM L Minna his '" nu it M N and Mm dwu of I " the " you H from an M hottie of I Kr. and I ine an thet Nils (hm het. aislor g A few a roll loft WEMHER M M eett W w but: Ind h mm We I Linens Linen 1 inches] Me, u: " an I3 " h Mint end “Ill Ti)

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