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Durham Review (1897), 21 Feb 1901, p. 4

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The Annual General Meeting of the Com " was held at its in Toronto. on February 6th. 1901. . Among tale present were l 11.3.3133: Rennie Bowen, William McKenzie. Dr. R. Eco es (London). 1111 h N. Baird Charles mom. F. G'. Cox. A. E. Antes, tk J. Moore, David Smith, lion. B. Casey Wood, E. T. Malone, K. C.. David Hoyle. Dr. John L. De isos. G. R. Hamilton (tendon). G. I Ridden. George Wanton. E. R. Wood,T. 'glt'll'd,'i. Te, annual Riport alnd lil.':,",",,"",,"),',',',',.:".,',',':"),", were submitted. as fellows ' he irectors nvep easure In so mittin their re rt u n the year 'ptiv1yat/hl'tit'.'e/?"' 31st, 1900. tt po pa the bani“... for 1. saw ' . N.--. "ring the year "a, an lications for ' assurance were recclyed ' of these 1320 for '8,107.000 gen acce ted, tang-Amie): granted. yielding a new annual premium income of ii'lfl.'l%el'r'., the [:2];an 103 bu. $740,000. were declined or not completed. 2. TOTAL BUtHNENV--lrhe total amount of assurance in force on Decent. her 31st. 1900. was '9Ml0.3ro--nn increase of 821133.726 in the year. 3. INUUM E.-The income from premiums amounted to '319,800.30. and from interest to woman. making the total income $356,133.04. The income from annual premiums (exclusive of single payment premiums and purchase money for annuities) amounted to 8314.i10.80, an increase magma Over that of the preceding year. l. AstiF/1'H/--Tlte assets amounted to 81.102,(l92,24, an increase during the year of 3171.688. m. Cr. CLAiMH. The net amount of policies becoming claims by death was 835. MB.N. The irwteane in theummlnt pad to policyholders and annuitants over that disbursed in 1890 was 8m.ik39.14. The death claims were again considerably less than the "mount expected, although the Company’s estimate was based upon the Select Life Tables deduced from the Institute of Actuaries’ (Hm) Ex- perience. which takes into account the recent selection of assured lives. 6. RESERVES.’In computing the reserves to be retained to meet liabili- ties under assulance and annuity contracts. the conservative interest rate of trk per cent. mu used. although a much higher rate than this was earned by the Company. In conjunction with the 'dh per cent, interest rate. the Institute of Actuaries’ (Healthy Mules) Table of Mortality was employed for assurances. and for annuities the latest Mortality Table of the British Government Attgtttitatttg. In addition to the strong rcservo thus tire,.! out, a special reserve was made for suspended or defer red mortality, and s urther spectal reserve for the. imme- diate payment of death claims. The Reserve Fund smounted to $507,488, an in. 61082.!" the veer of $56,376. 7. CoNcLUM0N'.--i'he repottof the Auditors is appended to the Balance Sheet. The Direetors desire to place on record their sincere appreciation of the assistance rendered by the loya and "leient Agency Stall In adding another thoroughly satisfactory year's business to the history of the Company. The satisfactory nature of the year's business is attested by the following t V...- wari'orupahr, Ottawa. - Clonal: B. nuvn. 2nd Vie-President end General Home." Grand Trunk Railway Company, Montreal. Sunni. J. Moons. Gener u Hunger Carter-Grams Co., Ltd. Hosanna: B. C. WOOD. Vice-President Toronto General Trueu Corporation. 1'30er J. Dnvxuoxo, Nee-rs Drummond, McCell a Cu, Montreal. J. J. Emmy. Vi'e-Preeident Weetern and British America Assurance Uo. Cum: D. Haunt. Treasurer MnaaerBarris Co, Clan.” Meant. Genes-e! longer The Ontario Bank. annirag‘Cox. Managing Director The Imperial Life Auurnce Co., of ' an Tic-u Bumnw. Actuary The Imperial Life Aeeurance Co.. of Condo. At e ennui-em. meeting of Director: Hon. Mr Oliver lower was "..aieeted Pneiden! end eeere. A. . Anne and T. Bndehew let end 2nd Vice-Preadente. IMPERIAL LIFE To Net Ledger Assets " on Dec. 3]. 1M19. . . . . . . . . .8 867,N8.91 To Net Assurance and An. nuity Premiums. Interest, Dividends. etc. . . . . . . . . . . .. ah5,156.14 --Ameta.-. By First Mortgage. on Real Estate................... l By Govunment Stock and Municipal Debentures... . By other Stocks and Deben- tmes .......-..-....r"'.. By Loans on Bonds and De- I. Total-ta.............,.----- ...., 2. Resonatorpolicieaandannuitiu................ 3. Annunlpremiumincome...... .. ................ I. Interim-..........---- 5. Notnurplulovor all liabllitin..................... B. Totalirauraneein force............---. r. Gros- Iurplus for the security of policyholders. . . V - "t . - _,______anoEta_rnrtrt A. "1.: 1,entures.................. BL 1.toyts “on .Policiies "nd Policies Purchased... . . . . ByCth in Banks.......... '" Cash at Head Omce and other otmees.............. We have examined the "bore Statements of Receipts and Disbursements and of Assets end Liabilities, with the hooks and youchers of the Company, end certify the seine to be correct. We hth. also examined each of the securities ot the Company, and the evidences of the Dominion Government Deposit and the Cub end Bank Balances. and find the same correct and in accordance with the above Stetements. A running audit has been maintained during the your, and we certify that the hooks ere well and truly kept, Toronto, January 29th.1901. JOHN HAUKAY,} H. VIGEON, Auditors. By Net. Quarterly and Senn- Annunl Premiums not yet due and Premiums in course of transit (full re- serve them" included In liabilities)................. By Accrued interest on in- vestments, otc.. . . . . . . . . . . . The President. Sir Oliver Mowat, reviewed the hietory of the Company at considerable length, dealing specially with the new business, the total insurance in force. income trout annual premiums and interest, total mute and reeervee for policies and annuities, and concluded by saying P- "On the whole, itilobvioue that the progress and stability of the Company, the security it affords to it. policy-holders, and the public c".ontidenett in the C'omp"ny-which wee anti-luv tory trom the beginning and has been growing every year itnce-are all that can L- A..-;.....I I... eh- .,a,r-d.V,L4-, nml Hm nirnt-tnra of tho (lnmnnn' And Ll lb. “"1 --V--- ...- "‘n-"v-"o ---~- _-___ ~vvâ€"- ..- - 7777.: 7 - . " be desired by the policy-holders and the Directors of the Company and all the others interested in the Company's attain." On the motion of the lat Vice-President. Mr. A. E. Amen seconded by Mr. F. a. Cox, the Managing Director, the report was unanimously adopted. A hearty vote at thanks was accorded the Compapr's Provincial and District Manage". Agents and Medical Examiner: on the motion of the Hon. Sir Mac. kenlie Bowel! ' seconded by the Hon. B. U. Wood. Maura. E. T. MthDO. K. C. and David Smith. having been appointed scruti- noero, reported the following gentlemen " elected as Directors for the ensuing you t Tae. HoyoBABLE Sm Ot unit _MorrAr, g. C.._ G. C. M. G.. Lieut.ivernor of 0ntnrio: Ex-Minister of Justice of Canada. A. E. Anne, of A. E. Ames & Co., President Toronto Bond of Trade. Econ N. Bum). Grain Merchant. Director Weetern Auurance Company. A, E. Eur. M. P., President Kemp Manufacturing Company, Ix-Presiden. Toronto Board of Trade. _ Hosanna“ Sm IAcxnszu: Bowman P. c.. K. U. M. 6.. Senator. lit-Prim. Minister of Canada, Belleyille. Wu. “ACIIIZII, President Toronto Street Railway Company. F. R. ECCLIB, M. D., r. R. C. s., etc.. London, Ont. Hosanna Wat. Hurry. M. P. P., Commiuioner of Public works, Kingeton. WARRIN Y. Sonn. of éheern & Borer, Director Ottawa Electric Street Bail. respec' - baiirur. Net Ledger Assets UNIS. Illrplua lur "I: th u- u, v. ,m..-, ...V___V_ ,. - , t ttttttrg for new usurances 83.81731). ot which 83,107,000 were accepted an 8740111) declined or uucompleted. ' BRADSHAW. o. MOWAT. Actuary. President. ABSTRACT OF FINANCIAL STATEMEN I. ' 81,102,“)221 T. BRADSHAW', Act any. ASSURANCE COMPANY --Receipt s.--- hlNlT0M' REPORT. 0 above Statements of Reeeip a 394,708.62 .1 £0,002.13 , 223370.59 T' 30,000.00 , 4.76028 . 110244.90 81,152,4a5,08 $1,007,017.15 8 75,314.31 , 19,700.26 OF CANADA. 7.563.613 --Dishuraementa.- By claims under policiu. paymentl to Annuitants and Expenses.............$ By Balance Net Iadger Al- Reserves (3k per cent) on us- surances and annuities, in- ' . cluding Special Reserves (1) for immediate payment of Death Claims. and (2) _ for suspended, mortality.. Ar 'ii97,488.00 All other Liabilities. . . . . . . . 15.404.63 Surplus on Policyholdels' account................... 489,199.61 Sets. . 81.10219124 F. G. COX. Managing Director. --Liabilities.- jio nn_d I?isiyy'ttemesntts um! . . . 31.10am ' . . 597.488 . . . 314.410 . . . 39.190 . . . 9.226.360 ........$145,3d7.£3 dger Al- ..........1,007.017.15 Year. .102.092 18 per cent. 507.488 str per cent. 314.410 46 per cent. 36.273 32 per cent. 39.199 SM per cent. 228.360 29 " eem. .z.r'.".'r.'.f.'ah8llli 81. 152A06.08 m: {BIRCH TORONTO The Council met Feb 9th. All the members present The Reeve in the eluit. Minutes of last meeting reed end tsoutlrmerd. Commtummtiotts read as fol- lows. from Luau, Wright. end McArdle telntivoto Glencrou bridge, from John RonRobertmn relative to sick Children's Hospital.from the Clerk ot Tp. of Blen- heim with petition to legislature. from A W Campbell rel-two to good rows. from N G a J McKecbme. account for flour for Mrs Dillon, from the ChrOuioIe, Review and Standard. Tendon for Print. Eng. iiecunne1--mvu--Tu" c. Ramago of the Review get the Township printing for 1901, his tender being the lowest. Car. Daxits---uectumtl--TUt Jan McGili- vrny be paid " pet month tor keep of Mary McArthur, an indigent commencing on the 16th of February 1901. Carried. Dtrvis-MeIunu---Tlstst the ratepayers of Edge Hill be permitted to erect n budding over their Scales. said building not to extend more than two leet on road allowance beyond their present gram. Carried. Mecnnra--Arrowsmith--Tlottt lot 40 can 2 b D ll be taken from Rand Division No M and added to Die M. Carried. Davis-ic-wr-That the Bee" and ' Clerk Sign the petition presented to thin Council by M F Amalie clerk of the Town- l ship of Blenheim and forward the same; to the local member for South Grey fort presentation to the Home. Carried. I Davi-wsInnis--Tut the report of the committee an Treasurer's securities be accepted and that they he plld tl each for their services. Carried. Mecanner-.-Disvis--Tut the report of Committee appointed to get legal ndvico r. Glencrosl bridge be accepted and that they be paid the sum of " each tor thein services. Also that Locus. Wright und MeArdle be paid " for legal mlvioo. Untied. Arrowrattitli-afuttnu - Thu the ac- count of the Municipsl World for y unici- pal supplies tmuunting to 05.26 be paid. Curried. Arrowsmith - McCannol - That the account of N G * J McKachnio for 100 lbs tim" for Mrs Dillon :mouutiug to 01.90 be mid. Carded. . Dtsvis--hftsrnnits--Ttu" Joseph Firth be paid " for Inning and inspecting bridge on town line G and E. Curried. MoCnn-ol - Arrovnmlth - That the Auditors upon u renudited by the Council In adopted and um they be paid " not) for their services and that Soo cépiu of the sum be printed for du.. tribution, carried. Davis--Arrowismitlt - Tint Commis- Iioner for ward 4 be pnid " for fencing up bridge and till and putting up notice: at Glenna“ bridge. Carried. Meauuurl-ateNnitr--That by-law No 408 appointing road commilsiouen, path- masters. teuce "itHlrtbri' and Ponudkeeperl be now read a third time. Signed. sealed and engrossed on Bs-hor book. Curried. Arromuuith--1Ie1unis--Tlmt payments re Ulencross bridge he leftover (111 next meetmg of Cuuucil tor further cansider- anion. Carried. GLENELG COUNCIL. ra, Atrooatith--Nvu--'N" the clerk b paid Mo on allay. Cnrriod. Darts-Merc-l-must no this Coun- eil in bah-ll of the oitiunu of this cor- poration take thin tho "rl'umt opportuni- ty of exprouing our sincere sympathy with the members of the Royal family in the [ration Imagined by them in com- uon with nil British Subjects by the haunted douh of our beloved Queen Victor“ on Jnnunry 22nd of tho mount yen. That we demo to place on record our batty appreciation of the wisdom end tact displayed by her in the ruling for over eixty yearn of the not Empire over which she reigned and of her goodness and love " esovereiun. wife stud mother. That while her happinese in the love of her people were not without its clouds of domestic atlietioms. yet she never forgot her duties to the state and to the leople over which deathly placed her. We further dean. to place on mental our earnest hope that her Royal Succee- sor King Edwnrd VII in taking up the Iceptre laid down by his lamented mother slmll also have inherited such of her traits of character as made her the idol of her people and that the mnnv millions of his nut-jams may tiud specinl pride in praying "God Save the King." Carried. It is our sad and painful duty to re- cord this week the death of Maggie Ritchie. beloved wife of Mr. Win. eir. After a. lingering illness she. passed peacefully away last Tuesday morning. She was a. faithful member of he Presbyterian church and bore her sick- ness with great Christian fortitude. She leaves to mourn her ices s, hus- band and six small children, also an invalid iuothel, five sisters and three brothers. The funeral took place on Wednesday to the English cemetery followed by s large number of friends end acquaintance. Rev. Mr. Fsrquhsr- non. her pastor. preached " very com. forting sermon. [he sympsthy of the whole community goes out to the bereaved husband. children and friends, so she was a beloved mother and faith. ful wife. The Council adjourned to April 18. " 10 u m. -rius,r. Mr. Farr, of Atwood. returned homo hut week. Mr. Joseph Liudny, West 1"/g,','t'g Wis.. came home [all week, a tar an absence of eight, or ten yearn. Planned to see him looking no well. u he but unmys been a favorite with all. Mr. and Mrs. A. Weir, ot Owen Bound. attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Weir but Wednesday. A very enjoyable party was given in the Grange Hall but: Friday mght, by Mr. Alex. Jopp and John Firth. Misses Katie, Jennie and Annie Staples. of Toronto. can). home last. Wednesdny to see their sicker. Amy, who in very poorly. Hope she will soon be able to be around again. Take Lax-My. Bruno Quinine Tnblets All druxgistl refund the money if it tail: to cure. 26c. . W. Grove's signnure is on out: box. In.) 1 EDGE HILL. J. S BLACK. Clerk. very com. St h tth 5’93 2?: ' 1fJ'llrll'. g returned tit ti . p ' J'Qll'rr"lll %, Planned ' " he han ' I. ' of Owe f the Led' t, 3522.2“ ' 11.8 , ' Id Anhnie (ii', Jame wt l A ' ,",U"s'/,'S' li,' e Fii,Gi ' -unnn. ai . §$$$$$$$$$$$$Â¥$$$$$$$$$$$$$§ '?itsotrttuteiMMMM+yetrer4MMMMic'8ec1t"v-'-i'vs-'.rre HEALTHY BRAENS Move the World. Keep them PROVE IT BY USE P. 'si.-cooiis in fifteen minutes sold at 15c a pkg. HEALTHY by HYGIENIC BUCKWHEAT FLOUR J BURNE There's a reason,) But never mind that Wf U tf, tlllML SE We an my INK-k in TM." Wullhnm Watt Bike-r and Nir tnd Bore' II' Flllwuo Ladin' Long Ring: ( - I have 1; Ian min in town or trade. [At T, con. farm, Minn: I ed at low tigur and " ace! urns. INSURANCE CONVEVM MONEY TO on (inrafl hum. Th asked. Road. tiple will UP" that Lot 18. con. P. o, In hat plum: and mu Iplt-ndid Vimw Dut ham _ v, Norelt no He has a ("I including the E11 Fo . _ Floor Oilclol Table Oitclt 8rd Div " acres mm Lot 28. cor) in” fear, CAI. Flannclette in whit The best he ets, per 'mqoetiqt h ABE! i)? Lower Quality Ron“ The H MIN" (an. \Plnin Ja HE SELL! oo tie, lot Afro. xn This ttf In ."r.,1 t " " cud"! who." I ‘1'.” “and M .m- pd l tite i Eh. I"

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