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Durham Review (1897), 21 Feb 1901, p. 5

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.OU ll _4yyAy'o','/yldill 33.1 Id. eepers mp5 00011 S io. 'HY Seeds- alters AN, ALDER ds! 'MACHINES.---. iRti, HAY FORKS, etc. of MARRIAGE moons“ i; ' ii$*$*3§ DURHAM. tys, these hop where ad Carts ths ago. Harris ements s Drill, reduced in the easiest h THEY’LL SATISPY I have a large number of nihm- prop- erties in town and country and will sell or trade. Lot 28, Con. 2. W. G. R., Routine]: s splvndid improved farm convenient to Dulham. Very cheap. -.-. -..W. Iv- u. vvu- " a.. v. n. UlClIDls on (iurnfmxn Road convenient to Dui. ham. This tttty acres Is a snap at price as"e(l . " . Lot T, con. 8, Normanby, the 'Fee' farm, belong to a company. and is offer. ed at low figures. We are now showing the largest stock in Town of Humpden. Elgin and Waltham Watches in Gold, Gold Filled. Silver and Nickel Cases. Ladies', Gent: ind Boys' uizes and all the latest Ideas In . Sol. Silverware Itin'rs( Plain 4t.wtylry m m: was, Mug m - H . H . Miller, The Hanover Conveyancer He has a big list. of Property for so., including the following: 64 acres near Allan Park on Durham Road. Splendid buildings. good land. will sell cheap or trade. Lott8, con. 14. Bentlnck. near Louise P. o, In hands. of a Company. Fine place and must go to sumo one. MONEY TO LOAN .14 1-2 per cont and up according to security Ind terms. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING .swollas other f1rtatrtetut bacillus: carofuIIy atten- Flatwuo Ladies' Fortunes (sss$‘§sss .... " Big4w Noyelt no Floor Oilcloth 2 yds wide per yd. soc. $6 " " yds u u 40C. .1 " I yd " .. 25C. Table Oilcioth 45 in. wide 25c. th is 54 in. wide 375m Flannelette Blankets, large 22 size in white or grey per pair $1.25. The best heavy pure wool blank- ets, per pair $3.75 to 94.00 Y ' t ---d Pure fancy per 16. .97de Wat: porpackayo CALL AND SEE w. 35's! My. l_ot].cqn.1. E. G. R. Glegelg W. H. BEAN AHEAD I l)? l/ :gibwpricoa. --r- Rap-Mug of Watch”. - A - A-..“ [he z gre ling Clocks' Ebony Spec. “0 Chains ‘SOIid Gold , Long Guards, Gold Filled lSHvor A GORDON, HE SELLS CHEAP I I Jake Kress. " “It,” better shun to bobohind it. t in ati lunar to be on timer. Our Intel“: an in humony with the who.“ of the univcno arid you an d!" I depend on them. The! "on: zoodycuu too ma no sold " renou- JAKE KRESS 5. -igtacFariane" ffuo, fqrm6trrr mm. . H. Bean, . spool-It!- flllllllll& (Mi'! Block the Best. -,Gretrv. Aer., 20e soc. 40c. 25c. 2 5c. 37hc. I do. Crushed Oyster Shell, Ground Bone and Poultry Spice will increase your supply of Eggs-try them. American Horse and Cattle A petition was presented and “king than we do not hand over our Tp. roul- to be controned by the Uouuty--itesolred tint 1m alumnae take place and the tooy’e and clerk sign and petition to that effetrt and forward to our member. Carried. The ruyo prosonted the following re- port-snot" of committee to settle statute labor and gravel sects. with Arthur Tp., tind an follows: that. alter examining carefully the auditors' reports and road lists We tiud that up to this data, tin 'l'p. of Egremmit is "idol-ted to the Tl). of Arthur in the min of 83.38. Sign“! R. Nightingale, Reeve of Arthur, D. " Queen, Reeve of Egromont and D. Allan, Clerk of Egremont. MeIutyre-Nulltr--TOt foregoing re- port be mlnptod and the reeve and clnrk receixe 01.50 each for their services. Carried. Walls-McFadden-lu the matter of tunafernng lots into other road heats asked by Jos Mayan and when be laid over till next meeting of culneil and that all interested parties are request- ed togttcoud and Male their gunner. Carried. Itoim-Wall.v--That the petition of Jas, Allan, ond other! soliciting aid for Nelson Wilder be received and that Le receive t'.?, per week till next ccuucil ment- ing and thanhe name be placed in Jan Alltn's Lxuh---ordert, given tor " Car- tied. Illfttllhllhhl0', tt GO. Councilor McFadden reports that the treasurer'l aunties were "timtrtorr. Mc1ntyte--Rcbb-Tha.t councilor Mo. Fnddou's report be adopted and that he be refunded " cost of Hench. Carnal. Mr Dalgloish. Mt. Forest. toque-led the privilege of putting up mile posts along the leading roads in this municipal- ity, Ws0--RolG--TUat foregoing report be lam over for the present. Carried. MerInt.trtr--MeFtuldett--Tlut aim hour- mg the explanation given by the clerks continued by IUUII of the printing bonnet. we distribute the printing as uniformly an possible between the towns of Durham, nud Mt. Forest. Carried. _ McIntyre-Mention-That By-law Nou. 137, 188, 189 and 140 with other iu- formation. as prepared by the clerk. be eonfiruml and signed by the new and clerk and the corporate seal be attached thereto. Carried. Walu--Metraddtm--Thtrt we have 300 copies of the foregoing Bylaws &o.. print. ed " the “Rep." offiee Mt Forest. Ctsr.. ried. itobb--McIntyre--Tltt" the clerk to cuvo the sum of $15 for preparing aid By-laws &c. Carried. Me1utytw--Bobb--TUt By-law IM to " oint an assessor be now read u frat ans second him. A Carlin]. "iiou-ucFadiun--Tut In ac “to committee of the whole, to appoint In n- uuur. with the recve 1n the ehnir. Car- Council luot Feo.9tlt. minutes ttotuirtu. Committee roee end reported: council reamed and resolved thee By-lew IM be tllled 1n nth the mm. of Welter HAL-tie. as ueeeeor end be red e third time, signed soiled end ingueeod on the By-lew book, Bot,b--MeFaddtrn---Tut " be pl” Com'r. McIntyre out of tho 05.25 "mud to this municipality from county on bridge on Glonelu townlino. Carried. wdu-rtos-rut auditors. report " rad be tocoived and sdopted and this: ther, ryoeio " “Oh foe their union. r Mantrre--W_llt--Tha) C Rams” be "rardod the printing of 200 oopn- of "ditora'roport. Carried. Mointrr.--Me1iui1deu-ThU. the cloth be inatrueted to write to mtnnfutureu of road scape" Ind ronoive price list: mad report at not: meeting. Curried. Wsus--Mttrntrre-'ruy the Unnioip» ity be diyided for road ,i"8,','l,',1'rfdlt undo: the oupornsion of tho animation- on moon-dung to the following divilion. aan, he I, Mr McQueen. Can't. oomptidng ttop'ts 4.5.6. T, 8, ' and 10 is a pure condiment, free from any injurious drugs. Just the thing to assist in fattening cattle, large package 2 5c Try it. EGREIONT COUNCIL. Druggists & Booksellers i"itFfii':tWF! PS' x . Division No 2. Mr Robb. ttom'r oom- priuing can: ll, 12. 18. 14. 16 and 16 from and including the tith lidoroad to Proton townliue inclusive. 1heisiou No 8, Mr McIntyre. com'r. compriling con- W, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 Glenda townlme, from nnd including 5th sideroud to Proton townline inolusivo. Division No 4, Mr WI“. eom'r compris- ing old survey from Arthur townhno to lh dd's sideroad and cut. to 5th Iidomud including Dodd'a uidoroud born o. B. R. to base line. Division No 5. Mr Mcledon. oom'r comprising Old Survey from Dodd'u tide- road to Glonelg townliuo. out to 5th uidoroml and 14th can from hue lute to 5th aideroml. Carried. from, and including the 5th misread to Proton townlino melanin. Resolved that the following such he paid : Municipal World, Asswsnrs supplies. to $12.95; W Irwin, Finuucial Statements $6.15 ', A Mitcholl. express chm-gas 50 cu w T Penis. us. ot Hall. Nomination " MeTntyre--Mo1Gduen-.Thst w. now adjourn to meet. again on Monday, March 25m ta appoint pnthmasters and general business. Carried. These words were uctered a few weeks Ago by a poor fellow as he lay on his death-hed in a hotel at Gruxvenhurst. A week before he had travelled it whole l day to reach the tbuurtoritun, hut on hut on medical examination it was; found that the diseue (consumption) was too far advanced to admit him. He tried to get hoard in Gravenhunt and fually, after repeated failures. secured Admission to one of the hotels. He soon became worse and the resident physician of the Sunatorium was called in. When it became knownthat he had consumption, it was found impossible to get attendants to wait on him through fear of contagion. The hustler of the hotel was asked to help and on his re. (uni he wan offered 81.00 a day extra, but prUetred to give up his pouition [other than expose him.elf, I: he thought, to the danger ofinfection from the patient. The physical) from the tianntorium had to perform the duties of nuree and maid Is Well as his own. When the poor fellow found that the management of the hotel wished to get him out he begged the doctor for God's enke to get him a. place to die in. The doctor looked after him for some days. remaining with him on his last visit untilone o'clock Ill themorning. The poor autfeter was found dead next day in lun lied and beyond the need of fur- ther. help. Telegrams had been sent to his friends, and his sister, a fine young WUIINLII. reached (iv-aveuhurut only in time to take away the dead body ot. hen lnother. Various proposals have been made. to erect tunable structures to cmmnenmr Me our late beloved Queen. 1Vhen her. Diamond Jubilee was celebrated tour years ago large, hospital undertaking. were begun in London and elsewhere with her special sanction as the best expression of the nation’s congratulat- iom. To make it universal. shilling con- tributions were called for. The. National Sanitarium Association has now provided a place in Graven- hurst for patients who are able to pay. and this has proud its usefulnou by saving hundreds of lives sinceit was opened threo years ago. A free hospital for poor patients who cannot pay and who are m the early stages of the disease is now in process of erection near the Banatoriutu. VICTORIA HOSPITAL Fort t‘ussuxr- T'io'N. To lound up this work the Nationa Sanitarium Association desires to build another hospital. nem- Toronto. for incurable consumptives. What better memorial could be erected than " "Victoria hospital" for such cases? All the large cities, of course. will have their statue ofthe Queen. hut this Wlll not hen. national undertaking. We can. however, have the "Victoria Hospital" under the auspices of the National Sanitarium Association. and this might be built by contributions flour all over Canada. Every yilliuge and town could send to it consumptive pntionts and thus benefit by a, memorial to the Queen. to which they have contri baud. "FOR GOD‘S SAKE GET ME A PLACE TO DIE IN." Humanity demands that Ionic-thing should be done l Self-protection against the danger ot contagion demands that something be done ; but the very doing of this by exciting dread of the dance makes it more dittleult for its hopeless victims to receive the attention nec- esury to enable them to die in posse. "For God's sake, get me a place to die, is null that ahould be no longer left unanswered. Your dollar will help to Inn-war it, Contributions are already coming in for thll much-needed undoruking. Tn]: NATIONAL SAxrruuuu ASSOCIATION. Tones-to. 1901. Nora.-4hose desirous of helping mar remit to Hon. Sir William Mme- dlth. Vice-President. or w. J Gage, Tumour, both of Toronto. The Editor of this paper will algo be glad to acknowledge contributions. REVIEW and Weekly Globe an) IIVIIW and Weekly Inil.....81.70 BIYIIW sud Montréal Weekly Win-I ..... o............... 81.00 D. ALLAN, Clerk. Live Stock Market, Toronto. Exporters wen s trule Minor for the bod, um] butcheru' we" study. Ea. port bulls were firmer and 0th" bulls quiel and newly. Feeders were dull, ind “other: were unchnuged. Much now- wero dull and sheep and lambs worn steady. Galvan wore quiet and bags were unchanged. The total run was 68 lads including about 1,199 “tile. "l sheep um! lumhs. monk“ and 512 hogs. Export cutths--'rlMs demand for choice lots wu ateudy Ind prices ruled higher than those pod yesterday. One loud ot tine cattle sold It M.IN tad another load at M. The bulk of we ofuriup, however brought 04.75 to “Sc. Butcheru' Cutie - There w“ only o moderate dam-ad. but the recoup“. capac- islly at medium and Interim cattle. won largo. Some choice lots lold " " to 84.15 and I couple of bunches brought higher tigure The demand tor good 'toelt in inset-nut and the scale of prices in likoly to remain “only for some weeks. Export Baiu--CLoieo bulls uld Me higher at 03.75 to “.50. The offerings were not largo And there Watt 3 good de. mand tor tine bulk. Light an rather quiet at " to $3.76. - Feeders and stoeki---0trsriuga were} small sud trade was qulel. Prices no; “way and unchanged. ' Feédiug Buihv--.0msritw small and trade Inactive. Prices were study It 0150 to MPM. Milch Cows-The oturitv," were. on the whole.apoor lot, and w“ dull. Thar. was a steady inquiry tor choice cows and they would sell at Mo sum over. 'l‘o-doy‘a oiferuogrs. however. were far from that stttudard ol quality. Lamb'..................... Dressed Hoes, per out Hogs, Live Weight..." Batter, fro-l: roll per lb Sheep and Lwtuiss---Prie" are study and unchanged. Tho run was somewh-t larger and trade was brisk “the opening. The demand fell away. howovor. before the close of the duy'u btvsuaess, and noun woakuen was. apparent. Everything WM well cleaned up, bat larger ofteriug' would hays broken prices a little. Barley................- thug........................ Flour......... ............. Wheat..................... Pen Calfskinc, per lb........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered perlb Lard. perlb.............. Batter, Tub.............. Hides, per ttwt.......... Ctuees-TraLt quiet. winch prices un. chnnged at $2 to 810 each. Hog-No change. The run was small and the market was Mendy. Hay............ Beisi, per cw............l Turkeys nyonl tor Me Sreg and wrap: mutual Are Insurance Co. Dncks......, ............. Chickens per fair..." Bran” ..................... To the Members of the Grey and Bruce) Mutual Fire Insurance Company : ) Shorts..................... Potatoes. per bag....... DURHAM MARKETS. GEsrraurEN,---Your Directors in again presenting their Report on the 23rd anniversary of the Company, would call your attention to the satisfactory progress still made by the company both in the increased number of mem- bers and volume of Insurance. We would also congratulate you on the decrease of Losses in the past year which still further adds to the surplus which is made necessary for all Companies to hold to meet contingencies in the event of unusual losses. The present year presents even a more satis- factory record than the ymr preceding. our losses only amounting to $587.85 while the increase in business ”also a satisfactory indication of the reputa- tion in which the Company is held by Policy holders generally. For further information you are referred to Auditors' Report and Financial Statement. Cutters, Cream Joparalora, Wash/n] ”claim", 8torea, dr. _....................... Asmmsm INSURANCE EFFECTED AT LOWEST RATES. r . . 0/172 J%htgssne BOOTS, . SHOES, and. aRrtcrCEB:SB=EetiB i.3tS:SSr9.9:9.e" ESEZGEEIG. Ea At Special prices Thehrriees make it interesting. Come and see us in our new store. McArthur, Durham, 140 Dlnrc'rons‘ Brwortr-- Jan. 1901 " " 14 45 90 1000 " 18 17 45 ID ARLING 'S DRUG STORE Dar1ing's Cold & La Grip}: tablets knock it out in a day. Horse & Cattle Medicine. all Kinds and enough to supply the demand. Jet oo? Jury/('0: i puma: iriiiréii'ir%u Orange concert. 1 On tho luck list, than no In John :McEachuie mud MrnW J (Banister. the I particular on”. and Cigars Ury our 6' furore or Chief the 4rst Se Cigar in gown. Luz wool: we luppcuod to summon thn we puny in Mt. Forest whu w“ routing Bowen's Haul w“ nut to so: it, but I. understand they are still trying to Ink. I burg-in: On Wednesday 0111. Mr Was took in the Prieavnle Scotch I'Ip‘ "pom A good timo not! on Frii Joseph MoAndle tiettred u on. Rev Mr Kenning In: been exchanging bones, In bu now u t'um driyor. We In by the Dundalk Herald tUt tho Own Sound Sun hot ukuoledued was "my were partly ttt error In "porting the Rynn can and the Herald tlunhit in on. ahead. Mo Joh- Cumpboll. of Boothvillo. [In boon staying wuh her Iiutor Mrs W J Gleulster who ll ill. The private achool that was started lure some time ago in now clnsed. the Hopeville Icholm wane uqmg'ugable And the teacher gun up the nub and is back to her home at Swtuton Park. wstmm-aysrtttrtmrelirbler pennn in every county to represent large cammuy of solid tiutuseitsl reputation; 99:5 sultry par gumpnyn‘ble weekly $3 per day absoluwly sure sud all expenses; straight. bum. tide, tuitntte "Jury, no commluion ; “hwy paid, each Saturday and expanse mmmy ndvnueed ouch wool. STANDARD EQUIP). an Dun» BORN BT., CllCMIn. Ores, JNO. l. DARLING Glder's Block, Durham. *obaccos, 6a a gtox. Hopevllle. and 6tatiortery Mr Wm Burngu If " H ‘NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO supp". be Friday 8th. on. ot the i DIAMOND Duluth Hm Btu": ie not n an. - . plenum dr-ing tor the but. Duncan Eu.- Bulvxn um can Daodrutr, a: m"emPy.hrmtmrrrm gm may“! you '1'. 'rouiYirtiu%ii'yGiGuirGiiAr - Dt- um Blnm will "no" you hit to .1" original color. unison, it may Lid 4" SOMETHING YOU WANT want you to know We handle every- thing in the Barnes line. Home. that is durable and tits a horse com- fortably. will brine profit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. lT--- In Heavy Ind Light Ilarnem Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets. Etc. For .110 in Barnum by " the only Hul- preparation that in sinus good mullsJ ‘I the Duran“ Pharmacy (‘uhlvr'u Blocx. Metudenre first doo mm of the Port Ottice, Durham. HOAYRV DUILIC. CONVEYIICII, cc. omee---LOWER TOWN, Doro). Collections sud Agency promptly attended to Willa, Hoods. loam“, have». Arm-w.“ cc. comet.” (from . Hut-1e. u dqvqaqed penan- looke In". And F, d Ad mluiuu‘nwn' Accouln prepr ‘m tit-to Court “mine-s. " 'llln. Letter- ot Admluhtrutnol at uni“; Obtained. Sean-cu“ Ira-lain R nice " Titles reported an. Company and private human t o It,rtt " Mortgage: at law.“ mum of inure-m. Vain-non mule Ixy Incompetent and rarerul \‘nluur. Licensed Auctioneer fog the County of Grey. Tenn. moderate. Arr-unomanu for ulu. a to M.lc.muut no Inc-lo u Tho Reno. on“. Durham. Como-done. “around that. mm Prgelt P. 0 will be promptly “and“ to. or. on uppliuliol a OFFtcrs--Mluyre Bltky BARRICTER. COLICITOR IN 8UPREMI COURY. NOTARY PUILIC. COMMICCIOHER. ETC. OtBee, over Gum's store. LowerTown alllllll BANK AA CANADA 1tead Office, Tomato. CA PITAL. Authorized. . . . . . 32,000.”!!! CAPITAL. Potidup.....-. 1,000.0!!! RESERVE FUND.,...,...... 01mm AGENTS in all principal [NDIHLH an Ontario, Quebec. Manilulm. United States and England. W. F. COWAN. President. GEO. P. REID, Hummer. A general Banking businm trunnion-ted Drafts ismed and calla-Lions made on all points. Deposits received and inur- eat allowed wt current rum. SAVINGS BASH. may?“ Allowed on savings but deposits of 31.00 and up. wards. Prompt attention Md every facility worded customer- living u. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. distance. GROCERIES arristar, Jretar , Gon- . vaganccr, ttte., te..... Money to Loan at reasonaale rates and on terms to suit borrower. TWEEDS d YARNS (8:yllltgtlt8itlaingllllll S. SCOTT. IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We All Charges Medezgte DEN TISTBY. FFICE FIR DOOR EAST (2f J. P. TELFO RD, Try one hottie-Price tioe. At Bil Drum“ ind Bur Dru-on. G. LEFROY McCAUL. DURHAM AGENCY BARRISTER. SOLlChroq, We can give you Bargains. WE SUPPLY I T"--- In Me W, S. DAVIDSON. MONEY TO LOAN McPHAL.’ DRY GOODS. CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOES, te., D. IcPlMIL. Hopeeille P. 0 C. RAIAGI Hurt)... Of best quality. McFarlane (Kr Co., C LEAVEN. Druggists & 'itnbiom.ie. J. KELLY, Agent- Atgewee :(Orer the Bank

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