West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Feb 1901, p. 8

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Please renew early and nhligo the path-her. Business "my ho transacted u the otrice In Upper Town or at tho omce in Durling'n Drug Store. Lower Iowa, where no have phone connection Call " either pine And ttave s talk. Upper Town Phone No 6 lawn " PhonoNos. Will those to whomwe have sent net-cums in the last few weeks, and who have not yet responded plea-o oblige gt once. We have to thank thou who have attended to this small trttstter,not Imulltouo hy any mum. Sorry to hear of the (Hath of “I Vaugh- nn Much syluyathy In extended to the wi. dow bud children. in their breavoment. Mr Follm. of o. Sound spout Sunday with the IcIntosh family. - __ --- - Mr Tums. McIntosh has purchased a 15mm.“ and cutter from Mr Dan Me- Donald. Tom will do .0113. driving south. A numltor of the young people of this place took Mr and Mrs Mehttosh by sur- pnzo on Tuesday waning Int, and tipped tho mm {nutistio to the wee ulna hours in ti.. murumg. All report n good "we. We no planned to he" that Mr Dick Pardon is able to be around again after a "were attack of Plulesy. - The Important event. ot the evening was the Wi'liam‘s family who sang two solos and duo the Valentine box was quite an amusement. of the owning. “in Frankie Darinvet returned, to the 0in last week. The concert at the Brick School was a great success. The school room was crowded and at 8.30 Dr Smith took the chair, and gave a short address. Mr Williams took great pains in having tho children around so nicnly. It Graham is holding revival meetings in this clinch. The Raw. Mr Little Will prowl) 'l‘lmrnday and Friday evening. Mrs Henry Adams, also Mr. and Mrs R. Adams were callers on the Lochian family Monday last. Geek. We are pleased to say that almost all ot those who la grippe had hold on are able to be around again. The address given try Mr. Magwood, last Sunday evening. to the C. E. Society here, on 'Sheldon's test or what would Jesus do" is being very highly spoken of by all who heard it. Mr. G, Russell, of Esplin, was the ”at of Ins sister Mrs Taylor, last Sunday. Mr. Wm. and Miss Mary Isaac, who have been for the last while visiting friends in the vicinity of Gait, return- ed home last Sunday. Miss Mary Taylor, who has been staying with her uncle in Hepworth, returned home last week. Dr. J. Leith, of North Dakota, torm- erly of this place, is renewing old ac- quaintanCes around here. The Rev. Mr. Campbell, of this place and Rev. Mr. Magwood, of Holstein, exchanged pulpit: last Sunday. Mr Alissa-n is representative to Grand Lodge held "on week an Hamilton City. The young lady who gins inch abusive llagnaga to civil citizens should be attended to whether laboring under a temporary fit ()finsnnity or " overdose of medicine from his satauie majesty- drug store. Such non. uhould be put within the wall of safety for not own good and that of tho community. Mr. A. McKelvie, of Temiseaming, formerly an old Dmmore boy, was re- newing his many frivnds around here last week. Mrs G. Cushnie of Mt. Forest, has been staying the past week with her mother, Mrs J. Mastic, who is very low and is not improving as fast as we would like to report. Mr. J. Laughton, we are sorry to say is again under the lhos care. bat we hope soon to hear of his recovery. Joseph Amumm, told his farm sometime Mo and is ta [can Iron farming. Ho intends to take up his residence in the Village. Mr Aummn. mu premium] at A "com meeting of the A. O. U. W. Lodge 140 Pricowllo. with a handsome gold chum and lackot. as n rhseht token twin the mpmben of their appncniun of hi- Ieruces. h receivsr of the bulge for the hot twenty years. Timber man no coming home an amber is reportod to be dull in the market. Mn In. McDonald. South Line, moved with be: nice. Mn John For-gluon. of Proton. whore Ibo intends to any for some Mr. Communion-r J. Mouth-r. “compu- od Piper Murray, to Durban. on the afternoon ot the Count. Deputy District Hutu. of Huber], paid his MUiat visit to A. O. U. W. Lodge Mo " in Inat "gull! muting. light ad void; “gill; diiititiUd with the WWII». -rialty “in Incluhln and tree [nun longs. Irma! In Ala. Holman-n. arrived hon. from Icahn. than they - an... “no. you". Ther will be nov- lgc‘ogbar hm no" Ceylon in . mph Tho Alli-ll looting hold in the Pushy- pun Chaitanya H_wdag,4t§. Fob. yin hirly “undod. Tho church standuttt M good launch", and upwind), The " people no pain. oomowht Yta.e but I - nacho: no yo: com- A 19mg gumbo: from hon “landed the PUBLISHERS NOTICE. of Wilson, of Proton, was the the Wilson family here, last Rocky Saugeen. Dromore. the other Any render of this paper can test the --- merit of Dr. Pitcher‘: Buokncho Kidney I Will he for service, for “3801! of 1901. Tablets free by “cloning ,2 com. M. I at Lot 9, Con. 2. W. G. R. Bentinck. tut to the Pitcher Tout Co.. Toronto, ’TERMS: $1.00. Ont. Regulu- size so "ttta pot bottle. H, AgaexAttttmt. Mrs. Eaton says :--."Dr. Pilclier'u Back. acbe Kidney Tablets have been of the greatest benefit to me. Formerly I had so much backache it extended to my hips andlimha. At limes there would be an ucule lamene- in my hips and a burning thnt causes very disagreeable sensatlons. I find that I am math invigorated since I used a. bottle of Dr. Pitchers Backuche Kidney Tablets. My back has recount] from its lameness, and I am sleeping well It nights. From my experience' in using the Tech“ I have much ooufiiienee in them. and can highly "commend them.'" Such was the saying of a master mind. and what applies to things of state anplien with double force to matters concerning henllh. When it is said that Dr. Pitcher) Backacho Kidney Tahlou can, d intelli- gently used, cure all kidney and blulder troubles, Ind lynch other diseases as cnn be traced to a sluggish or imperfect. kid- ney action. it is always backed up by tho positive proof and testimony of some oeputable person, someone who is glad and willing to tell the world the result obtained. The following testimonial of Mrs. W. Enron. 10 Fenniug St, Toronto, has the ring of truth, lid but! out the claim that it is a cure beyond a doubt lor or the young. middle aged. and aged. l on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. The attendance on the first night was. of course, larger than on the last, though the Work of the soloists and the choruses (n the last nightshowded con. siderahly better finish as compared with the first evening. Those who attended last night had the advantage. I of seeing those taking the principal parts in proper costumes which added l greatly to the scenic effect. The chor- l mes were exceptionally well rendered, the blending of the voices being all that could be desired. and showed both the calibre obtainable amongst Owen Sound musicians and the able work of the conductor. The following were. the principal characteristics: King, w. It. l Chester ; llama". A. \Vright l Mordecai. G. E. Cox , High priest, W. F. Buddy ' Gladys Wilkinson. Every part Was well taken, that of the king, queen, Human. Mordecai, Hegni. the beggar, Zeresh and Mordecal‘s sister being most prominent. The children in both boy's and girls charm and the pages and attendants did their work with courtly demeanor. The ladies' costumes were.) handsome while the gentlemen weie| well disguised in their oriental garb. Prof. Heinicke's orchestra played an introductory selection as well as several interludes between the acts. all of which were deservingly well received. Mrs J. C. Forster played the accompaniment- for the solo and choruses and other portions of the cantata. in a most credit- able manner. Said Frederick The Great, "Faetsare Divine Things." The result ofweek's of practicing for the Cantata-Queen Esther-must have been most gratifying to the promoters, the hospital trust and Prof. C. W. Tanny the conductor, in its rendering 33E Jj, IO? i "iu3,T2 mama flskg.d1LCu:1tle'Q UJWM'JHT KW“ ".." M. x 'r.F TF' W W' W W m ‘ " W N' » _ . P, ‘N- a ww . " - 7 a - a __ a, _ _ _ - ,.- 3‘ “than“; t 'a .x% A _ ref 're PV 5' 9x .4, lama: finfnmnrfl‘fimfimkhfifiné‘i‘. .R-, "4 st". :2 " Ft “fr-11g; WWWfifiéfi - “Maw-wi¥ 'f. W M". Mr. Mr, Mr x v. w. 3.1 tii If? QUEEN ESTHER. ”(awning Wamsru Wow SooJJ. THE flfiif-lf"'fcl""'j'"ll"'"l"; dtook at our We)?“ 8hou, Window far Carpets. [not a! on: 6outh 6hou, Window for Trunks. Buy where the crowd buys. They are not all buying at the wrong store. This Store is chucked full of New Goods for Spring Trade. The early customers get the choice every time. Why dont you be early too. Irink any Jeiry far/mm gear at 25e lb, or ta, fair (ttore ff) df a J2?trcu. 59a. LARGE [IPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR For Sale by H. Parker, Durham. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in frame of your medicine. and shall do ttll I can to make known its value to others. Yours very sincerely (Signed) REUBEN CLARK. I did so, with the result that when my ho had taken only half a bottle he was all; to Ret on his bicycle and ride like any other boy around the block. i Gv.N'rrnorsrN,---I hardly know how i best to express my appreciation of your valuable rheumatic remedy. Phrenoline. My son Gordon, who is 9 years old, has been a sufferer from inflammatory rheu- matism for the past two years I was so had at times that he had to be catuied about on a. mattress ', was attended by two city doctors apparently without. the slightest benefit; spent 10 da .9 at Caledonia Springs, came home with no marked improvement . took three bottles of a Homeopathic remedy now being extensivelv advertised. which did not relieve him in the least. I was be- ginning to give up all hope of his recov- ery, when by chance I mentioned the case to a. friend who strongly advised me to give Phrenoline a. trial. Almost a MIR CLE There is else universal "tisiaetion, not ttontlnegi to one party by any means. at the reappearance of Dr. Landerkin who takes the Beat in the Senate vacated by the death ot Senator Mekindsey of Milton. No one is better liked in garliamentary circles than the genial octor, and his defeat in the late elect- ion was regretted by more than " political friends His witty interject- ion: and audible asides, sodisconcert- ink to the victim bat so mach enjoyed by the balance of his audience, will enliven the tedium of the Senate pro- ceedings of the upper Home. Not only is general s tisfaction ex- pressed at the selection of the speaker in the Commons, but hearty approval is heard on every hand ol the action ot the Government in nominating Dr. Peter Macdonald of East Huron as Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committee of the whole. Dr. McDon- ald has sat in the House continuously since 1887, and has had considerable experience in the offiee whidh he now holds. The house got down to business on Monday afternoon and surprised itself at the amount disposed of in the two hours session. The debate on the Address brought oat two new men who demonstrated to the satisfaction ot all who heard them their right to claim high rank among the debaters on the fuor. Mr Hugh Guthrie 01 South Wellington, son of Mr Donald Guthrie, who represented the same constituency twenty-four years ago and himself moved the address in 1877, and Mr Chas. Marni! of Bonaventure, Que. a French Canadian Journalist of wide repute in his native Province, and beyond, proved a team that have been seldom equalled and probably never excelled in the purformanm- ot the task assigned to them. OTTAWA. Sept. 9th, 1896. To the PhrenoHne Medicine Co., Lid. Ottawa. TORONTO OTTAWA NEWS. 'ea, Carpet: 'ea, Tirunks G, gtotteir JPtaat, J. l HUNTER. dGee, Curtains J. A. HUNTER Dated at. Toronto, Jan. 8tet, TERMS op Bamet--'t'en per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance within thirty dais thereafter without Interest, or if t e purchaser so desires ten per cent. of the pmrhme money at the time of sale and the balance to be arranged ac- cording' to terms and conditions then to be made known. For farther particulars apply to MESSRS. EDGAR & MALONE, 59 Yonge St... Toronto, Solicitor- for Vendon. The above parcels will he offered for sale separaicly. . A frame house, a. frame barn and stable and shed. PARCEL ONB--Lot number thirty- four(3t) in the Third Concession West. of the (iarafraxa Road, in the Towu. ship of Normanby. in the County of Grey and Province of Ontario, contain- ing one hundred acres. The following improvements are said to be emu-ted on said lands '. A frame house and frame stable. PARCEL Two-The Third Division of Lot, number twenty (20) in the First (loneeseion east of the Garafraxa Road in the Township of Glenelg. in the ( ounty of Grey, 'containing tifry acres more or less. The following improve- ments are said to be erected on said lands t A flame house and a frame stable. PARCEL THtutrs-An that certain parcel of land in the Village of Price- ville. Township of Artemesia, being that portion of Lot, number one. on the math said of 1lollirtgwood Street. in said Village of Prim-ville save and ex- cept that part. sold 1,heroout and there i from to one Wilutun Watson, Jr.: and also that certain parcel of land being composed of part of Lots Nos. fouri4) and five (5) in the F.sst Concession south of the Durham Road, Township of Artemosia, containing forty-six and one half acres. The following improvements are said to be erected on said property t Saturday, 9th day March, wor at the hour. of twelve o'elock noon the following lands and premises. UNDER and by virtue of the power of sale. contained in eertain Inden- tures of Mortgages which will he pm- duced at the time of sale. there will he offered for sale by Public Auction by James Carson. Esquire. auctioneer, at, C'ollectitrue of all kinds“ Farm" bought promptly attended tl",l and sold OFFICE-MON-ie'. Old Stand Durham, Ont. ARTHUR H. JACKSON CONVEYANCER, VALUATOR Insurance Agent, (r, q. HUTTON, M. D., 9--P2 s. m. 2--4 p.113. RESIDENCE and OFFICE-old Bnk UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. Member Colic-go Phyliciavnl trio. Will vitrit Primille Tuesday am Friday each weeksrom 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTIES. 'THE KNAPP HOUSE, in the Town of Durham. on NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c Private Money to Loan OFFICE HOURS and fhtrgeonts,Cat And the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to my person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by' him at the time at such distribution. J. P. TELFORD, ' Solicitor " Executor. 933d at Durham February lat A. D. a statement of their amounts and claims, with names and addresses and the nature of the security (ifany) held by them, properly verified. and that after the said date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he then may have notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursu- ant to Section 38 of chapter 129 of the R. S. O. 1897 that all creditors and oth- er persons having claims against the Estate of the said Thomas Ewen, who died on or about the 30th day of Jana- arv, A D 1901. at the said Township of Bentinck, are required to send by post. prepaid. to J. P. Telford, solicitor for the Executor of the said estate, on or before the lst day of March. h ll 19ill "a'sig'hufi& In the Surrogate Court of the County of. Grey in the Estate of Thomas Ewen, late ofthe Township of Bentinek, in the County of Grey, farmer, deceased NOTICE TO CREDITOR‘S. ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies trom Campbell of London. Bell. Dohertsr, Thomas and Berlin mamas of PIANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil 1 m Se wing Machines and supplies. 0 . M c K I N N O N . South of Middaugh House Wilkimum Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, 8olephitetr, Etc. Not genuine unless the words " WILKINSON PLOUGH COMPANY " is cast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULT/VA TING. Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators. Disc and Spade Ilar rows, Berliner-s, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Harrows. averyéhing for Farmers f We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. arge Bales & Small Profits." We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will he Cash System ADOPTED BY ., G. & J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. me 'iglliit REVIEW,“ Meta, ll. we: ht. I tat their names. addresses and descrip- tions and fall statement ot particulars oftheir claims and the nature of the Security (it any) held by them only eertified and that after the said day the Administrator will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims Ot which he shall then have notice. J. P, TELF'ORD, Solicitor for Administrator. Dg‘ted this lat day of February A. D. 1901. Notice is hereby given punsuant to R. S. o., 1897, Cap. 129, See. 38 and anmnding acts that all persons having claims against the estate of the said ItobertfWene, who died on or about the sixth day of January A. D. 190t are required to send bv post pre aid or to deliver to J, P. Tellord, oipthe town of Durham, Solicitor for the Administrator, on or before the In the Surrogate Court of the County of Greg in Me matter of fhe Estate of Robert Skelw. late of the Township of Bentuwk. i n the Comm] of Grey. Far~ mar. deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. l_st day of March A. D. l90l Lower Town. " The “‘11 [In Mectoe Lar; Stock did as: and p1 rough“ vad's " Snirm 4 ‘a'mult Parker' eyening Juan Re " out and tnnde to Ihert FIRST I’m-shy! The Mtt nigh " th OI N night. Brit ' pt nwdw I [mind Thu Re Yul-hie "bo, cull?" Mr T M 0.).le l I Line Line inch, SSC, or s mud mg m IHNT I'ett tto " w, Hm Ind

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