West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Feb 1901, p. 1

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hnie. ofits." I. I ht u l a you n adunea , " o ITORS Mtl " 11y .93: 4 vain: and Jifry (Siam J A HUNTER slnliunwl at, Exeter, prvached in St. Pun!“ Church, with much numplalnce fur a student, Sabina!) mm-ning and evening lust. during the absence of the Rm-lnr. the Rev. J. IV. Dotwrry, last week at. his hmm- in Landon." The Review in much pleased to record the prngress of our Purham boy. The "limit. '1' Athnisuiun ill lt mer of THE c,EsTvrtv.--Priee.vniei Mrs Wm. Rent: Pveshytevi'trrn have bills out fora Grand and "latives in El Soiree, "First oitheCerttntvy"ott Friday Councilor Arch eyvuiug of this week. Rev. Dr. Mc. Bevet'e attack of I RUM-iv. Rumble. an old frivnd of the ' Hing. congregation Is to Le prvwnr. and so is I Messrs Arthur Howl's Forquh who”. Durham. and I Hunter took a I Vuxln-y Priceville. In addition Miss (, Michigan, this We Jon”! ""y,vi"C.T"..' popular. will ('on- 1‘ A private social n-ilnm- at hm- gift of "ion!-',' and Durham I the w. C. T. U. P: vshyte-l'l-IH chow is to furnish c‘xm-llont f Thursday (Waning Illu‘il'. Tm. served from " tot? p. m, la,rut M"? S:“"'th"_l night of this week umlher of the hamd’s excellent rmvnival: will hr held in the rmk, when liberal prizes will he offered. The sum-us of the last makes, this one Assured. Eugngmueuls wen-9 all carried out and the same efforts are being mud» to bring SIICI'PSS this time. Fur La Grimm Dr. Budd’s La Gruppe Capsules, a rapid realm-0r to health. Parker',, Drug Store. _ W31 Paper ju t fancy buying a 7c H of Wail Paper at 5c. '.' ccral odds and ends titabe for smdl rooms 4» " exactly fall 3PrearArr Prater. Largest Wall Paper Stock in Durham. Splen- did assortment in designs and prices. the Skin [July lot. IV" night. British Horse and Cattle Spice. a powder of tirst class merit made from cum-unrated fiersh forming foods and inurml‘o-nls. fills. package 25c. Only "L Panel's Drug Slum. Mr Thus. Sullivan. Irish Lake. offers a pmligreell Shun-11min bull for sale in this issue. P""--' p ' Local and District News. t " ---d M l PHItF".t'iA ANOTHER M Il, We have extra good value in Table Linens. We have a good l bleached Linen 33 inches wide for 23e, and 72 inches for 4oc, and a fine bleached at 55c, an extra good one for 8oc. i his Department is full , with the newest de- ms in nu. wh es at St. 'own Council Inn-ts an Monday ll VOL. Wm. Mathews, lately from the Ins Dun-n secured by the rustees‘ of NH”. (Hun-lg. to teach till holi- ll h cannot I" tf if Whitmot C. L. GRANT. Kit Hun-nu th. in I H 532610 £01011: - H's Church be l KNIVAI 'UNsutar 6hadeo hum may whswe it, is used The " nvn who is attend " HI II " cousin " Miss " MI mull runes- pnsilm, pub, tt't " Darling’s ttt ughlwm of 'ortit,ge Ryan. of mductml w, wth . No.9 Thursday oy; I H betty Mop; mama ) MI Wil D It, Glcnelg. on F'riday, March I, some valuable horses and other farm stoc'r and Implements. Terms 11 mo per cent discount 3 Auctioneer Daeald McPhail will se'l tor Colin Lanwnt Lot 27, Con. 22, Es,rrvmont, on Friday, March 8, a Valuable lot of Farm Stock. Imple- ments and Household Furniture. Terms 12 mos. credit. 7 per cent diseoant. Auctioneer Hugh MacKay will sell [grilugp 1ryaellan,]1at_27, Cg]. 2. N. Wednesday, March 13. .-Burnt Stock, Implements and Household Furniture at Lol18, Con. 1, W. G. R. Bentinck. Sale at one o'clock. 10 mos. credit. 7 pet cent discount for cash. Mrs. Leslie, Prop. Hugh Nudity. Auctioneer. deserves hearty support from S. Grey, Every Liberal in the Riding should attend the Convention on Wednesday next, March 6th. i'ecnglllze LUIS by selecting, supporting and electing a representative who will be in hearty accord with them. The legislature has been in session only 3 weeks, but the estimates and the budget have been presented and de- clarations of policy have been nude on several lines, notably. land grants in New Ontario for S. Africsn end Fenian raid volunteers. Assessment reform. beet root sugar bounties, nid to dressed meat indu.crv, &c.. and a ringing sug- gestion has been made that Ontario should blllld and own a rsilway to the new northern districts thus cementing the neswr and older settled portions. The Ross government is a. business government. a lively government, and deserves hearty support from S. Grey. ( Messrs. Arthur Jackson and Jas. A i Hunter. took a trip to Cement city. 1 Michigan, thN week. ‘ A private social under the auspices of y tho w. C. T. U. is lwing held, this i Thursday evening. it} honor of Rev. Mr. We haven't an idea who may be chasm). but have no doubt the wisdom of the Convention will, amongst the material available, make a selection that wrll do credit to themselves and the constituency. Never in the history of the Province had we a. government more active and ‘alive to provincml interests than is the Ross government. and we hope that South Grey mly recognize this by selecting. summoning As announced by press and poster, the Reform?” of S. Grey are called in Convention on Wednesdaynext to elect ottieecs and bring out a candidate who will represent the Riding in the Reform interest at the next election. Mrs Wm. Brawn and her sister Miss Agni-u Hum-y. IN“ by train Smut-(lay "mining Inst for Quappvl, N. w. T. summoned thero " an urgent, ttl"),'" Ins-v.- [In-u sistst Mrs \anLer (Mary) who is supposed to lw dying. and 11vu1'ampuerii'. Mulnck. .lom-e-nt' Mr. and Mrs Calm» Councilor Arch. Hunter has had a severe attack of la grippe, but is recov- Hing. Miss Maggie "ay, who has been for about a month at her home in Dromore, loaves this week again for Toronto. Mrs Wm. Benton, is visiting friends and "latives in Egremonc this week. Miss Marion Gun broke her arm at the skntmg rink last Saturday. Mr. Joseph Corhet left this week on a visit to Halt friends. Mr. J. I. Browne isadelegate this week at. San-nut. from the local court of Can. adian 1ioresters to the High Court meeting. Mv. It. McCracken w.“ called to O Suuml this wtselc on jury duty. PERSONAL fJENTION- Mrs (Rpm) Wrav Smith. is ”a from a m'i'N't're Hint-<8, Fl'NERAL AT 10 A. t--The funeral of the late Mrs Hugh MaeKay will take- plm-e ln-nmrrnw. Friday. at 10 a. In. NOTICE; All parties indebted at the Hmwlwnrn Sim-e previous to the. lst of laulmry will confer. a favor 'tsettling their :u-munts at mum. as money is re- quirml in m-dm- to give you bargains. W. BLAD‘K. Ptrm If' LIBRARY. --A meeting of the PulrlicLibvaryBoard will he held on Thursday evening, Feb. 23. at 7.30. A full attendance requested. To-night, the [ndppendent Foresters have their annual supper. and members are privileged to take their. ladies. Knock it outin a day. LaGrippe Tab. lets. For sale only by Jno. A. Darling Druggist. Durham, Ont. Tonic Hypophosphites to build nndi tone up the system after Ln Grippe. I Parker':, Drug Store. lllRllll Mala, SALE REGISTER ii3tttlig, at the resi rocovering ppe IAtr l Rivnlling even the Cement agitation. Darling last. week was a Queen Esther week. fTbe rehearsal of so many voices and farts from so many families in town 'oresters ept the matter constantly In view and Iembers the performance-it that in the right as :m"'."'.---wy more than worthy of the . . Iantioipatiotm. The weather was not , of the, favornbleaud the receipts for the two teld on evenings fell short of 8100, a sum which ' Would have been secured in one night, .30. A were the public really seized of the ex- '(-ellence of the affair. funeral l, It, ie almost entirely musical and Miss _.' ' H. McKenzie. the accompanist. was ill tuke Sentent-etl to two nights with hard l. in. labor. Her part, was ekeeedingly well; (lone, considering the variety of jubila- lat the 1 lion and lumentnliou to he portrayeil 1 “Mr. White of Klienhurg. the oldest inhabitant of Vaughan and probably the oldest resident in York Co. has re- covered from A. stroke ot paralysis he was afriicted with shortly before Christmas. Mr White pa now able to Q be oucungain at the advanced age of 101 1 Under the above heading the Toronto r World of recent date hm the following ill-m the suhject, of which is an uncle Co EMI'. Thus. McGirr. near Durham. Mr. ':Whire, last, year' dug and picked his Iowa potatoes and in m-my wiws allows an astonishing vitality fur tl mart who was born in the far gone year of I797. He comm) at u. long-lived rare huwever. his innther having died in her 105! h year'. while hin sister. Mr. McGirr’s lumber died at 96. The following is the Item I l, But our pert must stop. We hear an intention of iving it again by request and we half? up both Imnds for the motion. We believe it deserves further hearing to gratify the public who have 'only heard about; it. f Another fine sung in Act 3 was “Ever dutiful more than the beautiful. find in {thee a. friend" and was in marked con‘ i trast, to the bloodthirsty maidens in art 4. urging Human to but. to the ban- _ quest. years. " "Thus shall it he done" m Act 5 was another tine refrain. pretty gallinz for llama." of course, Hut the lrhurk-heard- ed Kine had to he obeyed. By-Lhe-hy his aurprisw as he discovered Hatnan's duplicity was a fine piece of acting. Prof. Tunney and his son are both pvoficient in getting up such affairs. The latter'. line vulce was much In evidence during the evening. Mr. J. P. Telford. for the nonco. aet- .]ed the part of King. and looked. with black heard and royal robes as regal as . i Kind Edward. Jas. A. Hunter made a it!“ Human. and succeeded admirably [ l in letting the play of his features '11t I ; resent. the passions of his mind. A. l . H. Lauder interpreted the part. of ’Mordecai. and looked beeirmingly modest, when. in the course of events. his sackcloth robes were exchanged for the royal pulple. Miss F. Meredith Was Mordectii's sister and sung beauti- (fully at him. MW. Buehan, the black jjji,tjyjii, made a startling inroad on l ’ersian revolt-y. in the lst Act, and m the 4th Act thesame gay crowd, while jubilating over Haman‘s invitatmn to the banquet. were humiliated by the istern old Jew's refusal to how. 3 Mr. Wm. Ramage was High Priest, 'G. Binnie was Hagai. A. Jackson as llarhonah gave the ls'.urirdyr,rallows idea, w. l, Davidson math'a xph-ndid “In-g- ;xar" and gavv sumo hard tttttri for 7."!- mh and llaman to vrark. Iliss Il Gun mu arrayed a< fnwl maid of honor. Misses JI. IJavitlsor, and N. Meredith i ,""'i't' Persian and Median Prinrews rm lspvvtivvly, while little Kath Hello Bin-k I ,and Margot-y MvKt'nme Inadv sum-t! littlvllowvr girls, hat-king out of the! 'royal [mm-two in great style as did Lilly l Harri“ and Hazel (‘aldwell as they y_r1l'ii' l'il'dl the llagone to the banquet. It waal all good, one would thlnk Misses L. I Luidlaw and ll. ('rawt'ord had llflt'llH'1 Que-en‘s train all their lives. while Miss ' Wallace and Merc.,. ti. Unmet wore hril l liant maids ot honor. i The stage Rotting; must he sum to he uppwciutml. the pretty Spangled dark (Irma-- of the Jewish maidens had a fine "tfeet in contrast, to the gnyer Per. sian attire. Tho wailing dirgu of Mor- decai and the sad-eyed maidens m the 2nd act, was excellent and their song prayers leading up to the trmmplmnt "God is the Itefuge.of his People" seem- ed a veritable triumph of faith. This '1an h on every boo: of tho [tau-o Laiitive'BrmtoAluhtine mm- '" m an - . odd u no in l, Quevn Estlwr was represented by Miss E. MucFarlmw. who interpreted uppi-upriately the trying position and liable aims of the Enstm-n Que-9n. it was uneasypurt to take hut Miss M, ncttularullooked the queen to rel-fuc- ‘tinn. The banquet <hv prepare-(l for. tlw hlm-k lit-”riled King Wm: " Shu, affair. hut if he wmph-nsml, aw he sewn- ed to he. it was lmhndy's business. Zeresh, Hannah's Wife. was taken by ‘MlSh‘ Frankie Black, and her devotion to het. pseudo hulaud'n interest, ly/ttl \vnrthy of all praise. The parting worn» and singing between hot and her; ilmslmml was one of the hast things oil, ‘the evening. being almost realistic 'enough to be harrowing. and the confi, ling touch of the little clinging child ‘nddvdan intense pathos to the scene. iTho audience could have hugged that jhjld---jitriei5rr. old Vivian Crawford __ for the natural way she acted. i DURHAM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, umr. ggr2f, tlllilll Mill (1mm. RECOVERED AT 104: ttrl & Very plinflll 'vrt startling Wt; the news that, sprawl n M nlw marlin: that lirCr'rrsliae, wudvi " fr, s". a 11-1 imwedible, bar, this, 'Ptleslw [I] m: r; early,oar proatia me mm H n m brew:- ed his last, It WIS knnvm sraedtrs ago that he, like manv others. was eonitaed to the hmse, bat no serious result was thought oi. frtfl [mansion of the lungs sat. in and medical skill and ki1dlsU.usrt.have proved in rain. _ Mr_Gorsline mis 3 member of the town Council. and his aasoeiateg will Ou Motility. a large srtthrwirv4 folloar ed her mun mm from het fathers' houta to the. MNh-Iliat church. when: hw pastnr. ttt \me SmILh. [we whral i. tlmeml servum Co a. delnelv twovvdal church. Riv. Mr. Ftrquil We)” ism-Ill in tlr, 4etwicte. The and “Hal (m n Snluumn'i S mg G: 2 'tul th" lo, HI tf, thought; of an :I.p;)r‘np:'ll.it- (lw‘v-ILIH- w.” chat, she Ind been ".,rvth"tual" u one of the "rtgltrest, ut' tho “MIN" in the"urtrueu". It, Wu H. ' mam; wi- hnte to hnr ch u‘wter to ft t I i 1 "I u congregminn In mv fr-IWI 14 tv I'll N w lnrmhy. Prawn uni [Ln-nun , tl. w tt felt, her In“ almm. . pr‘mU an, She has her month" mt in the hurts rf lll'llly. Miss Scott was a taleated member of hee profession. as we are sure “up. Catttpltell and those best, :the ro ju-lge will testify l she was w public spirited young wmn-m :u hundreds. peehaps thoaqarui, in S. Grey well know haviuut listened with delight. to Ito" pluforat contributions to In my Ruhr-ring“ of all kinds ; she w.” a well love] mam h " of hee hump. and :I. devoted mmmcruf the Methodist church. and Hun it, is thrt, the snleeu death of this bright rml winning personality hu ctllel forult such wide-spt'ead exprewlnns of im'rmv and rvgmc. She first Pngugud as a teat-her in No. ll, Normanhy. wheteshe taught 3 yours most successfully. She then attundt-ul o. Sound Coll. Institute. and took n 2nd Class in 6 months winning ltortots. She then taught for about 31 yw in Proton. attended the oCtawa Non-um! school, and distinguished herself there by win- ning the gold medal. While there she was chosen to road the aldrvss and present a honquet Co the Govemtotr- Geuomlnud his Lady on (he of thon- visits, her fine presence and Iliility as well as her good taste commending her no doubt for this duty. In 1899 and 190llshe taught in No. 12. Egl'mnmll. and as has lwen said. only in January lMt succeeded Miss Large in her home school. -.N.'.. nu any“ nuns awcllhlUIl IO “great 1:3ng 'l,, 33.23;: 11:33: 1 his duties and informed himself on all 'l'll!'lllQ of his wings." This -iiiy'ii'.i'rrlei./ee'stt,t,t,t, and being , man made by the famous John Bright. on an l0 ear egg t.ePPTatnent, having one." occasion of sudden deaths seett" to [when ty position, he wot1ld present It apply to Durham and ntiAet!yy.tti1'r1t1t the utmost boldness, tearing no 'vyith a {awful fitness at the pr'ebt.r"iopptWtton. It was this boldness ltnuea Remy Int.1 sharp have heen 1hfleirtipled with a stern and somcwliat xzrgmflfhzhglél:Lllvfinhgmg’i‘:'t‘ifg'lx‘i’gs':ldi‘amatic manner which lent spice to of life we. are in death, and reminding gnarl? a cogncn ','J,i'ia'ti't'"nt and] ealle.d. all to set their house in order. l, 0", .tiyos,l..tP.y an Itm11s.t . Je said Miss MAGGIE Son-n. (how.ev"n 'bl'c‘T the opposition, his The home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 3 motives “(ire navel qtwstiyw.d, though Ncott,Glenelg, has been plunged i//rhis t'eastrlllugs and eoy.e,lus.ions, 1yere lglnoiii hv the death of their. loving and not alwars accept“, l.lis death is a ' beloved daughter Maggie after "" " lossto the town ol vvliie!ttisrutanyyears nose: of only a few days. lt, is dif.tiey'at he has been a. fillllllul servant. ttwrite tt.f hty as dead t tiO lately ""; It, is 1 still greater loss in the Hurti- slmct with life and htytty, pow no tutlt ml ‘§w-ic'v of which lu' w. " ll . lllllil't‘. Only at the Now Yous. she T? " ,' , '. -f . as. l" l;i<~'iiim-tl tlie (lllliue of loan-livi- ut her. eltieiutt th",'elit,ttt'V "ld llliiVlllK 'ilrlrlt. llllllllt’ school, No. ll, (Hedwig. lUlll up In His i-xlvils‘lvt' 'Mlililicrll kn "VI-lap, léllmul lUtlnyw lroforv het. Ilvnlh WM al and his "rnrvtintaiirt with mm and lllt'l' post as Usual. Slip l'i-ll ll]tll\'||H~(‘ll tl "vel' lite t','t,'l ll v I) ' "9P! [,5 t l. lv, ll? [and stayed in town with hey tylitii.vts lwurian ot the l'llllllt' Irbr,swv tor ho lliviv, wltvve she sitMHI shown-J "laiursiur,r Wtti " Vain-(1)10 olli 'ial //vv"i'ul,rriwh/t'i/U [symptoms HS of wwul.vsis ul the .throj.tt. ' ‘_ .. B, ' l'i , rl "lure l Ll" 'l -l . r living unaltle lo swallow "uyihiug for. ""Y'/'"T"e ClriWitn at, U l a ll Us lr/l'.','.','.',,', days. and on Slilll'tld)’ tho end ttnd thuit. (innit-Ills. lemma To the surrnwiiig Irat'i'ttlyi, Iwo, IU. G "tsliu,. W.“ b ”-n on t.l1e Bis' ol thet. aud ','i,/i1Ti/C".lp,' syuliiinlhy i~l felt .31 4.", u , ll ,1, n C'. bi. I, rvalist and in this the [CHEW C "llt1s' :L s lure. .t', 'tr" ' - j. J " v : .. ' Irut, Maggie Smut, 'yloirsred to mow FZHI‘I "fut It " 11(1)" (:ltillllllilli‘i 2'di' than thistiomeav.da few word; about ' .‘“L30 "5fr, lt f f r l [ in... “we“. is ttet'eitiat'Y. he t iuglit. sehoul In Walkewtou, Maggie Scott. 7012M Mit Jf SHEWELL d Lllli1llM if thm Rttspertttutiy 8otieited. Special attractions for the Christmas and New Year’s trade. Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. I‘PP! Fear "t The Execngve of South Grey Reform Association has The public of Durham and S. called a Convention of Liberals of the Riding to meet it the Grey are informed that the _ _ business heretofore carried on TO WN HI LL, DURHA M, by J. A.shewellwi11 now be i On WEDNESDAY March 6 19or. carried on in the new premises , ' , in the Melntyreblock next the ;at 1.30 p. m., for the purpose (if deemed by the Convention Bank under the firm name of Pppo_rtutle,) of nominating a Candidate to contest the Riding in Shewell & Lenahan. the Reform Interest, at the next General Election for the Leg- nm “chm“ "a “MAM," IS atpre, Election of officers, and other business. Ofiici,t1c, arr- SHEWELL & LENAHAN. Wm. Gorsline. WM. GnRsLrse,. SUDDEN DEATHS. Mrs. Jas Hastle. _iitgiittti). 3trxrtrrs Wow year _) k Wit HP. - 1 little item in last week's h‘l' "1W1 I: ' . in.” Evening at M: vac," ~Illfu'ed mutilation in some ww rid the types nude incoherent rmlrlz. Tho hospitality of Rev. Mr and Mrs Cmnpbell, pastoral faithfulness his put. on and talent and Christian spirit in her were the features turned at in hriet. and will come in as well this week u Int. MRS Jts, [harm On Sunday morning last. Mrs Jas. Hume. wear Dottrre, pulsed away from some heartnftetion which has mule hera _,a:Twewror 5mm mmths pw. leaving as maurners her aged huhtml hm- suns. three daughters aol t Urge, number ol’gmnd children. to .H .ur‘w'l ml <h , eti warmlv attached OlllV last yew with many of these present Mr. and Mrs. Hustle celebrated th-‘w' ,rrrlst Nellm: and now death hu lsuiv-l the luppv Quinn that lam-l NH' 3) Wttrs. Those who kn " mar xvu'm. ut when-iv heart will II as tr' mm". ml Lhev will cherish he" n «n tr'v. 9'1: Wu h tried on Taes- d-w I We .zeanr-erv near her home an I v'r'trt"i.rtrlctasofreipvsi. Oar Dun-ru cr'remmlwut [our add Mr Gorsline was a Conservative in polities, though he joined the Patron mwcment SMtte years ago In religion he belonged to the hvlglican commun~ inn and was a valued ollieet and member in that church. Tlms in twuty respects a gap has been made in our communitv which can not easilv be filled. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved widow. 1),tnct, cm 'td n U. bl Lryalist ' stock At the tinto of death he w:1< t 13-5 yi'a'."s of age. in his earlv manhood he ttught school in Walkerton, I Brant, and in North and South Ridings of this county, and was marrivd _ alrat lo years ago to Wss Matthews, Lewis “ms. of M wh n has nowsosaddenly been berenv- ing to open a Mm ed ofa kind and thoughtful haslrtnd new in Durlmm on with whom she had. grunt affinity of i Mr. A. rs'. Lewis. taste . ...... L-.. I...) ._- -"__ It lag-t still greater loss to the Horti- cultural Suleietynl‘ which he, wastlle ehieient Swrvtary and moving spirit. His extensive 'rotanieal knowledge and his acquaintance with lruit and tl nvnr lite can um js, replvyyi. As li- brarian ot the Public library too, he Wttg a valuable ofti Gl having acquired an accurate knowledge of tio tihvlves and their contents. Mr. Gorsline Wits him on the Bw u! Qt are, cm 'td n U. E. Llyalist Stuck. At the time- or death he was (is years of age. In his early manhood he ttught school in Walkcrton, Brant, and in North and South . ' ' . * l will attend in a body at the funeral on Lincoln E Ps1llt (”Hum l iThmatiay afternoon, 2. p. m. Forl The Only Guaranteed (uro award Sines he has btwn o'ected by; ithe ea ing vote and was recognized o Eaaalmding flnaneial (export of the For Piles icounc‘l. He gave close attention to _______‘_ ____._____" . his duties and informed himself on all ', ipablle questions, and being a man; lOl leafless temperament, having ones) ltnut only gives gives instant n- taken a position, he would present it) lief, hut it cures to stay cured hy re- with the t1tmost boldness, tearing noi, movingthe cause-tlouse)". opposition. It was this boldness/ra., " ..., ..;__.._...‘. -__B, ... . -"e'_"e' WVO is'atnre, Election of officers, and other business. Officials are reminded of their duty in regard to the election of aelegates, for this Convention. Local Secretaries will send or bring to the General Secy. on or before I p. m. of March 6, lists of duly accredited delegates. A '"ordial invitation is extended to all Liberals. It is ex- pected that a speaker of Provincial reputation will be present. GOD SAVE THE KING. st' 't n1“ We rerun to t' 1-H: pf Irs. H 1hwkty. . MILLER, Hanover, Pres. 1teforrn, (5eatoarttios N38 Burma“. 'id. mlw. l‘uuarhy. 't'l ‘u- it.ll‘\7i of a 4 "' in KL-humr. f ’h - III 1,”. c'. me an 'i4 Wu w-ll known I . I 'l'p' n- nflnfe : . "'1. U" Bun-294a W ONTARIO A'RCHIVES TORONTO i Mr. w. L. Dixon, leftun Tuesday for wind will be present at Guelph during most of the week attending the meet- ;inn“ and exhibits of the Dumminn Breeders and Fat Shock Association. ' Ho shipped one thoroughhred beast. on l Hominy evening to be eater tt t list for “to at this the ttrar. Alums ' ’Provincid Auction tute. We trust his cunt-print my be rancid. When a .umn admits that he won wrong, he still reserves the right to chum that he Wasn‘t to Mane. Gash or ftarmers' prcduce. The stock will he complete in tstyle- quality. and quantity. Home Rive ‘his intimation pour kind and {available consideration. It not. only gives Rives instant re lief, but It cures to stay cured by re- moving the muure-A'pomstipat ion. Use it an directed and you will be surprised at the results. SPECIAL ditections in every package. wtll show van how to cure [Ix-hing. Pmtruding or Bleeding Piles, Cott. stipation of the bowels or any skin disease. Price 25c. ing to open a Mevchaut tailoring Imu- nesu in Durluun on March lst. Mr. A. E. Lewis. who will he mann- ger has had an excellent experience Ill [ugh class tailoring in Toronto and other centres of fashion and will tre prepared to give the good dressers of the townnnd vicinity work that, will please their most retired taste and re- q uirement . J/ec) Grocery Store. ItEt'OMMENirEIt and n... 5.11.- by JOHN A. DARLING. Ask for. Sample Nothing Stale. Everything New and up-to-dalc and he cordially invites a trial. REI’AHFJ) ONLY BY Theunderigtned has opemai out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door to C. McKinnon) full lines at FLOUR. FEED, Dawns Bros. of Mt. Forest. Nt'e prep“ Take time by the toreloek and buy your prints and shiltings and get them made up now when you have time, for later on you will be too busy to new. We have some patterns Crumm 's Prints, and good value in shirtings. WHOLE N0. 1197 Wllllll MINORS COMING. GEO. LAWRENCE. lllllli)lll MEDIGINE (ff C. L..3BRANT. G ROGER] IF, die LEWIS BROS RAMAGE. Durham, Gen. Sccv. - frat: - io Qumm Nt.. (m DI'RII.\M,UN1

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