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Durham Review (1897), 28 Feb 1901, p. 4

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DURHAM REVIEW. Gun nanny annexing from want of wat.. ot.“ {Isaak} "tlow, so gm walla. - _ The Review and Glohezto Dem, Ststtg01 with premium picture of "Canadians at Paardeburg.". La) REVIEW and Weekly sal....-.. $1.75 RIIIEW and Montreal Weekly -- -- Mrs Wm Ellis, who has been in tbe Guelph general hospital, for the put two months, returned to her home on Thun- day Int. somewhat improved in health. Noble u getting good " the bugle. Though ho bad tho misfortune of striking Manager with the hammer. he is shout all right ugoin. Mr John Waddel. of Mt Forest, has bought. out It 0 Hoffmrm aud in now tak- ing stock. We welcome him back again and feel sure he will do I good hummus. Paw Mr Magwood'a two sisters Mrs Cook from Manitoba and Adelaide. from Cnmuock. are visitor! " the pBI‘OODIQO. John Reid, of Collingwood, formerly ot thin village in here on a visit and to rocruit Inn health. having Typhoid fever twice and is Iluononod with ‘nppendioitil. but under the can of Dr Brown we hope mll soon feel hinoalf again. J. A. tell into Mr Buncimn‘a cell-r way one dark night. Happily no bones broken but tome bad bruises. Jim was as Dromore, looking " some bones. He intends takingn team to the we“ when he (was in about a month. Mrs N. Wilsbn is out " her daughter‘s. nut-mg her first grandchild. Mother and little girl no doing well. There are yet some of our citizens laid up mth grippa. . Mr Prior, of Bwervnew. moved his lamb ly to the Village on Monday. and will oc- cupy the house vacated by Mr Barzon. Mr Prior having secured a situation with c. Freeman. Sorry to report that In Booth in gaming very weak of late. She is being tenderly ministered to by her daughter, who is tainted by Miss Lem Wilson. Mrs M. RileyJPriceville. noisier of Mrs Booth's, was visiting her for a, few days. Mr Alex. McMillan. and his uinter at. tended a party " Mr W. J. Wilson’s last Wednesday. Mame furnished by Mr D. Mngan Mu. Hubbard, from the Queen city was a visitor of Min: Annie McCannel's for a Kev. weeks, She has now gone to Osprey. . and Mrs Geo Sharp and family. of Dundalk. were guentl " W J Sharp's the fore put of this week. Misses Inaboll Cameron and Ethel Sharp attended mo wedding of their cousin. Mim- Fenian Morrison of Yancy, on \Vednosdny. The former played tho weddiug':mareh and the latter acted as bridesmaid. Star........... .;'.L'.’I..'.'.'.'.T.'T 31.75 London Advertiser. Daily. and Review one you- $2.75 D. McCanuel. mules trip to Badjeros. a short time ago. Mr. Joli!) G Smith moved into our village on Monday, after spending the past two yours at farming on the Barton farm on tho o Sound road, Mr Barton moved on the farm. Mrs A Chapman. is slowly recovering from tt never. Illness. We would like to hear oltencr from Scotch Town and William Grove. Will these scribes please point their able pen- Mr and M19 Ed. Ard were guests of Mr and Mrs Geo Pollock for a few days Inst week. Mr Jan Allan had a vary successful wood but on Thuhdsy afternoon and the young folks enjoyed themselyes immense- ly Mt the evening. oils ? Mr. and Mrs Geo. Sharp, ot Dundalk. paid . short visit to the old home this week. Geo. who had poor health for the In: six months is Improving but slowly. Mr cu, MoKinnon has sold his south loo acres. known a! the Chapman farm to Mr Kerr. of Hampdeu. for the sum of "loo. Mas J. E. McQueen was eonfined to her room mth infhtmmation of the bowels, but the Dnctor mu got in time and by careful nursing of Mn Marshall and Mrs C. McKeelmie. the disease was checked and she hopes to be around noon. J. C. Night tt new cutter. it " strange but Ime, he has to cover the " eye ot one of his bones to get him to drite it in the shining r g on sunny days. Mr and Mrs F. Runeiman. also his mother, Were in your town In: Monday. B. Kmaunn and D. Ferguson, were in Bocthvnlfe same day. Mrs Eli]. Chapman Ind George are spending a few weeks visiting Alumni: and Markdalo friends. m James Marshall " moving to the aiclutio, farm this week. We With Mr and ms msrslutll success in their new home. Lorne Allan. son of Jas. Allan. ltrtt Monday morning for the We", where a good situation is awaiting him. Succens Lorne. Mr Nelson Wilder, in slowly rocoyenng from " seven illness. Messrs J Eden, 8 Chapman and Mor.. rison purchased a cow “ch at Mr Wm Brgdloy'u sale on Monday hut. Mr Watt Hank. is it present going the round. of "senor. ms Hurray. of Trnverston, visited at ms Kinamnn's last week, Rather milder this week. Thursday, Feb. 28, l90l. _ Beit d " Ramage, "ru'i,'Ltor. Our Clubbing Rates. BOOTH VILLI. , HOLSTEIN. Murdoch. .00 "TNEP, but“; ADVIGE 10 HENRY MEI. The experience of recent years proves that the average world’s production of full grass cheese, which is sold on the English markets. consisting chiefly ot Canadian. States and New Zesland makes. besides the English home make is as large. as can be consumond in one season at profitable price. Take for instance the present season. The total shipments from Canada and the States {mm the lst May, 1900, to the end of Jaunary. 1901, have amounted to about 2,900,000 boxes. while the English mak is estimated to be some 15 per cent. larger than that of the prewous season. Thin large production has left a stack of Canadian and American cheese on hand at this date which it will take four months full average consumption to clear off. If in addition to this large stock a large quantity of fodder cheese should be made from new milk this coming spring, it is easily seen that the result will inevitably be a large surplus of old cheeseleft over on the English marketsin June. which will certainly have the effect of retarding the sale and seriously lower the price. cf new grass goods this coming season. For these reasons it seems to be only the part of wisdom of Canadian producers) who contritutte the largest quantity of foreign cheese to the English markets. and whose produce at present stands highest in reputation there, to submit even to some immediate temporary loss on their fodOt milk rather than make any fodder cheese at all, either at the beginnim.r or end of the. seasons. as they will assuredly reap a substantial advan- tage in the higher prices aud inctvttstul reputation they will afterwards obtain for thvit full grass goods. We have received for pu1tlieation from the Montreal Butter and Chem Association u circular uddreuod to Factorymen. the gist of which in con- tained in our heading. It is rathe, too lengthy to rerroduce this week, but the extracts will give the important "We desire to draw the cerium atten- of Canadian Dairrmen to the undeslr- abilttv of manufacturing in Canada any cheese at, all from fodder milk, either at the beginning or the end of the ceasons. believing this to be in the interests of all classes, from the tanner to the exporter, connected with the manufact- ure of fullgmss cheese. posmlrle for the farmer to work up his fodder milk intohuttev, it is strongly recommended that, he should put it, into stock. There it”; suhstantinl profit to the farm in feeding to the stock the skim milk from the creamery. or own the full milk where necessary. in the consequent enrichment, of the soil, be. sides the price obtainable from the stock tself." In advomting this policy this A: sot-intion docs not forget the tliff'wulty thcfatrnwr is faced with in disposing of his stable fed milk. lt would lu, better. if liecvsmlry. to throw this class of milk away rather than umnufucture it into cheese t hut such a sacrifice Is not nccvssarj‘. While it seems impossible to manufacture a fivst-class article of cheese from stable fed milk. It has heen proved that. by scrupulous cleanliness and scientific moth'uls a very tine article of butter can be made from this milk. for which there is zilwnysagood demand from dotuesticsour'cvs and cortsideralrle demand for export, at good prices. The people around here are recovermg from the guppe. Some of our girls are learning dress- making in town. We will have lots of dressmakcra after a wlnle. Miss Annie McFayden. in abontall right again. Neil says Mary has La Grlppe. Ronald McDonald, Sr., is some better. Mr sud MrsJolm Dnlglish and family left on the 14th for Renfrew, where they intend staying tor a few weeks before they go to Regina. Wm McNally has purchased a fine mare from Sandie Brown. He will have a tine team now. This Association, therefore, strongly recommends the factorymen as faras possible to provide themselves with alternative machinery for making both huttm-and cheese. and where it is not Mr Jas MucDonnld is busy drawing wood to town. Mr Rob Ewen is keeping batch. Here is a chance for some of our girls. We are sorry to say that Mr A. McLean, Jr. had another bad spell of hemorrhage ot the lungs. We hope to hear ot bin speedy recovery. having youth and strong- th on his aide. To night, Tuesday, is the Soil“ " Swinton Park. Report next week. Dan MacLenn is breaking in his fine Clydesdale colt. Malcolm MacLean is busy putting in his supply of summer wood. Mrs Murrie, is visiting at her brother Samuel Kenell's. and other frienaa in and around Proton. The Thomas boys are cutting wood for Robert Ewen. Mr Douglas Mchnnel. was to our burg with one at bis horsea to get some teeth pulled. Dirt Schild's, is busy hauling shingle timber and saw logs. Mrs J. McDonald, of the South line of Glenelg, is much revived since she has moved with her niece Mrs John Ferguson. We will once more tell you what has happened in our burg. Mr Lane has teamed a great number uf different kinds o'. timber to Dromore saw- mill. Watrrrro--ctspV "iUbte person Itt ovary county to represent lune company of solid Betnneittl reputation; .936 salary per {our pnyublo weakly; ‘3 per a; absolutely but. Ind alluponses; attain“, o-tide, salary paid ouch Suturdsy and 0:31)" ""lll'i'l) tut. nae-d mush wool. STAN ARD Ho BE, tat DIARIOIN Br., Cmuoo. DONT MAKE FODDER CHEESE. MULL CORNERS. BROWNSVILLE. TORONTO The Proton Council held a mom on 16th at Dundalk, and we see by the minutes that 827 was voted to Lowyer HocKsy as fees for advice to them in the Patrick Ryan case. They put it in the motion that the Owen Sound Sun was compelled to withdraw charges of any retketion on the Proton Council. They also out a rider to their motion that they had to have school advice from Mr McKay. We have not heard as to what ndvnce the Proton Council got. only a report that some of the council wanted to know how many hours tl teacher should teach in a. day. if this is true. that fee mi ht be saved if the Reeye had came to E,"pl','G'e' and asked the smallest school child he could get the desired information. Died on Saturday 16th in Ettptmont, near Proton townlme Mr. John Wataon aged so and was buried 18th in Edgre- mont. Mr. Watson w“ an old resi ent in the neighborhood. He was married twice and leaves n. large family. The weather has been yery cold here lately. Toxies and grits Gets Mr Lu Grlppe But all we hope are well again. Auumber of the youths tram around here took in the Queen Esther concern in town lust Friday. Jeff Whitmore left Tuesday morning for the far distant Welt, wLore he in- tends to spend some tune. we will not any forever. Also Joseph Willituns, ot Aberdeen accompnuxed him there, A meeting of the. Liberals ot Durham will be held in Caldurs'ss Hall, on Fri- day evening, Much l, at 8 p. in. for thu purpose ct electing delegates to the Riding Convention on March tith. J. W. CRAWFORD, C KAMAGE, Pres. Secy. Miss Annie. Jennie tad Kate Staples lelt Tuesday morning for Toronto. Wm Staples. of Hanover. attended the funeral of his neioe Miss Amy Staples last. Friday. Death has made several visits within our circuit. of late. On Feb 20th Amy, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Juo Staples passed peacefully away after a. lingering illness of some annulus at the early age of 17 yrs4 mos. Her remains were lunl to rest in the English cemetery tollowed by a large number of friends and and neighbors. Rev Mr Ryan otheiUed at house and grave. She leave, to mourn her loss, latlnr. mother. tive sisters and three brothers. IN e extend our sympathy to the bcreavedpareuts and family. Geo Cairns and sister Jean. of Ceylon. visited at. D McFayden'u one day last week. Angus McUlocklm and sister Bella, of Prtetsetlle, waited at D Mub'ayden's last week. DURHAM LIBERALS Edge Hill. Hopevule. The timber-men of our but: no marl, all home main. The drop on home: u g bad job on nanny. La anpo in still in the neighborhood. In Hugh McLellan being . pntiont for wgetil_n_e._ buy is improy§pg._ _ _ -. Mn MdInnil Br. aiso Mil; Snub A. Mc- Inniu no all down sick, and I nus-bar of other: in} we neighhorhood. Mm Bell. “and. Martin, treeompani- ed with Miss F. Mcausnie, were in our town last week. Mr B. Benton, spent Sunday It the old home has week. Mina Maggie Benton. of our town, spent a few weeks at home. The grippo being with bar most of the time. Mr Hugh McArtbnr, of the 4th, yisited friends in the vicinity hot week. Mr Alex. McMillan, wan pre-eukad with a flue boy on the 10th inst. Alex. says it's no miracle but. appears funny that all those tive boys were burn on a Sunday. their names, addresses and descrip- tions and full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the Security (if any) held by them duly eertifiud and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distri- bate the assets of the deeuased among the parties entitled thereto having re- gard only to the, claims of which they shall then have notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursu- ant to R. S. o., 1897, Cap. 129, Sec. 38 and amending acts that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Margrctha Knapp who died on or about the tourth day of February A. D. 1901, are required to Send by post prepaid or to deliver to the Exocutors, on or before the “is: Stone is still attending to duty in our neighborhood. and Is always in high lgirits. Dr. Boyle, of Priceville. is kept buav of late in our burg, looking after the nick. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Greg, in the matter of the Estate Mr It. J. Black, was a caller on Pomona friends hot week. Executors ILxUuuuJUS. I BALTZER KNAPP, ' Neustudt, Ont. Dated the 13th day of February. A. D 1901. . Take Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets All druggisls refund the money if it fails toeure. 2.50. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. May I Mr John Morrissou. Jr. is away to o. Sound. J.iubuuis to remain for a. time. I7th Day oi March A. D. I90l of Margretha Knapp, late of the Village of Neustadt. in the County of Greg, Widow. Deceased. Intended/or last week. CONRAD KNAPP, Durham, Ont, apeeisesiesieieieqttqirisieqieqietie*aieeieici'?crrir'xt. iiptsiru;ggegeiMyreteiMMNtiee4ee1MfeiMieA.ei8r3s l, IE Keep them HEALTHY BRAENS Move theWorld. PROVE IT BY USE P. S.-Coolis in fifteen minutes sold at 15c a pkg. HEALTHY by HYGIENIC Btjorwrrih'Ujl1ll.).8. d BURNETT There's a reason,) But never mind that THEY'LL We at'" n dark in Tum W'al‘luun B) Silver and Ni and Burn“ um 911m Jam :mpo IPe Fl Ringo - I have A in "an: in low at trade. tum. helm. ed M low tiq INSURANC CONVEY, Tl on (Sandra: bun. This asked. f,1t?C'aii' AHEAD OF TIME MONEY T - glam“ Vim: album. , u were: I Blind. Sp“ will IF“ che: not is. con P. O. In In plau- nud ml He has I Including t xoyrh Fo Repairing 3rd Div “Wale Lot 28. financial and up. (arms. " wan when nl w gem an. HE SELL! CHEA The o tiot tPla 0 CALl . W " '

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