West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Feb 1901, p. 8

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I i 1 M shades of the finest quality. We would like to have your inspection of them, for we are sure you will be pleas- ed with the designs and coloring, and hope you will be able to find here just the design to suit your individuality. DIILADY’S BOWER. One's own room should show the taste and originality of the occupant. Our handsome wall papers will enable you to do this, for these papers will offer you hundreds of desjgns and MacFarlane 6:00. Will be for service, for season of 1901 at Lot. o, Con. 2, w. G. R. Bentinck. TERMS: "oo. How convenient it would be to live in n town where everybody minds his own business. She leaves two listers to mourn her death, Mrs Cameron. of Everet and Mrs Pyle, of Woodbridge, with whom the datum! was living during the last 10 or 12 years. lye-ides A host of relatives in the Co's of Grey and York. at the ago of 51 years. Miss McLean was an invalid for the last ten years be- ing partly paralyzed during that time, but wnsin her usual health until Jar- miry when Che took la grippe which was the came of he 1' death. Miss Mc- Lean was a half sister to thelate Hector McLean. of south east Glenelg and cousin to Mr. Donald McDonald, teach- er. She was buried on Wednesday, Feb. t at the old cemetery at St. Paul: church, "ith con. Tp. Vaughan. At Woodbridge township of Vaug- han. on Sunday night the Bith of Feb., Mary Ann McLean, youngest daughter ot the late John McLean, of Vellore, at the mm- of GI wears. Miss McLean we have sodisturbed the -lutions be- tween man and man as t reate sus- picion and hatred ofthet 3.: _ sentatives of Christianity. If the interdependence of nations were only realize d, war would belooked upon an the right, hand at tacking the left. Canon Farrav's appar- entjustitication of war was criticized by the essayist. The 'limculty of arriv- ing at a decision as to the justice of modern wars WNS, discussed. We re- ceive our ideas. he said. on this. as on many other subjects. largely from the newspaper'. and as the journalists take different views, so we according to our reading take. one side or the other. The theory and practice of the church differs on this. as on many other sub- ject.. but if asked to invoke a. blessing upon any confrut we should refuse, to mix God and His religion with any dewil's work. Wat as it appears to the actualcmnbatants was spoken of. and its brutalizmg effects upon all concerned in it were pointed out The moral de.. 1ri,'l,T,'g, which it Kroduces IS appalling. he cruel Chinese are doubtless com- mitted devilish deeds. but if the actions attributed to the Christian allies b reliable authority are to he 'l,'Q'i'ldlr. then the heathen Chinese are not so far behind the tic-called Christian nations. How long before the end of all un- Uhristian war ? When tnele will be no longel an Alexander who longs for the conquest of the world ;when Christians drink in more fully the spirit of their Master I when Christ the Prince of Peace shallcome and claim the king- doms of this world for His own. We ale indebted to Priceville corro- spomlent for the fojluwin'g obituary notice: DRUOGISTS & BOOKSELLERS. LARGE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR Rev. Mr. Jansen Speaks. DIE“ IN , AUGHAN. brat herhood. H. ALEXANDER. '33? A Scotch Shorthorn Bull rising two years old, bred by John Anderson. Mayfield, got by Gladstone Statesman 26114 , he by British Statesman Imp 20833; Dam Pinky by Iron Duke, Second dam Venue by Mr Walter Scott, third dam, Jessy bv Lancaster Men my ttwy mun to leatu, a mung, hut what they mean is. that they want to learn it their own way. Several of the youth and beauty of Priceville and around about, dpove down to Mr. Thos. Mchnh’s last. Fri day evening. and spent an enjoyable time in music and games till IL was getting into the sum.’ hours when they started hmneward. well pleased with (he drive and night mu. Mr. Alex. Bell. Jr., returned from the Queen city last week, them; stay of about a. month with his sister there. Billy Ryan smiles now. as a third party came to his home some days ago, who will by and by call him Pa. Both are doing well. Mrs. McCormick, of Huncssan. is having a severe attack of La Gripper. We hope she may speedily recover now. Ever body was pleased to see Mr John grown hack again aruund the corners, alter a. month's very severe illness at. Duluth. He looks remark- uhly well culiwidering the severity of his illness. \Ve heartily wmh you quick regaining health, Jack. Pknty of snow. accompanied by La Grippe at present in our burg. Miss Susie McKinnon. of your town, visited friends in these parts last week. Any reader of this paper can beat the merit of Dr. Pitcher's Backuche Kldney Tablets free by enclosing 2 cents pos- tage to the Pitcher Tablet Co.. Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50 cents per bottle. 31L? 'm C: Ave' Iti, - IE fir"! Mrs. Eaton says ..--'.Dr. Ihtcker's Baek, ache Kidney Tablets have hem of the greatest benefit to me. Formerly I had so much backache it extended to my hips andliuihs. AL times there would be an acute lameness“) my hips and a burning that causes very tlisa,grcaeuable sensations. I fiud that I am much invigorated since I used a bottle of Dr. Pitchur‘s Bucknche Kidney Tablets. My back has mounted from its lameness. and I am sleeping well at nights. From my experience in using the Tablets I have much oordidenee in them.and can highly necommend them." srjiiji Tt n; 31-:- P, . wt" ,1. Xp" 't" "r' 'rt', XY Kas f 1yCtl, 'ep-' X; yaa! 'ALKC9'pAitrfiL'4r'.? Ae '4 1.111351kang " “411.421 “111:1 ihl') %‘%%%fifim fifififijulm A1U134LAW¥E5TfiW$1W$f1fiE1¥$E$L$l Such was the saying of a master mind. and what applies to things of state applies with double force to matters concerning health. When it in said that. Dr. Pitcher‘l Backache Kidney Tablets can. if intelli- gently used, cure all kidney and bladder troubles. and such other diseases as can be traced to a sluggish or imperfect kid. ney action. " Is always backed up by the positive proof and testimony of aome oeputahle person, wine one who is glad and willing to tell the world the result obtained. The following teatiuwuiul of Mrs. w. Enron. 10 Feuniug tit, Tumour, has the mug of truth, and beam out. the claim that it ii a cure beyond a doubt lor or the young. middle aged. and and. Said Frederick The Great, "Facts are Divine Things." Apply to mos. SULLIVAN. Irish Luke. Ont. FOR SALE. i 10ueteuirs .5 ' are: 's Wow Suds. THE MI STORE Rob Roy. V ' at our War”: 8hou, Window for Carpets. ' a! 0213 6outh 6hou, Window for grinds. Buy where the crowd buys. They are not all buying at the wrong store. This Store is chucked full of New Goods for Spring Trade. The early customers get the choice every time. Why dont you be early too. Irink any Airy japan au, a? 250 a or ta, J2hir Jfore 250 'Jttaek been. TORONTO sh4cotr.--L, Durham 01: Hn'uulzty. Feb. 23. at the residuum-u of her nnr-le. Mr. N. Sm)". Maggie Scull, nged 28 yang-s. HAigTrK.--Athrr' rasidence. nem- Dio- more, un Sunday, Fob. 21. Mrs JM. Haatie. aged TO years. aortaratm.-in Durham, on Tuesday. Feb. 26, Wm. Gomhne, aged 68 yrs. MAcrrAt--itt Durham, I?'taruatrW.th. wife of Mr Hugh Mucky. . Please renew early and oblige the put lishvr. Bulineu may he tranroetrd at Lhentfice In Upper Town or at. the office in Darling's Drug Store, Low" Town, where we have phone commotion Call at either' place 1nd have a talk. Upper Town Phone No 6 Lower .. Phone No 3. If people have pretty brass hedsteads, they do not object it they no project he- yond the hedvoom windows. When nu inventor rumour. of any- thing else to invent, he inyents a farm gate. Will those to whomwe have sent. acmums in the last few weeks, and who have not yet responded plea-n oblige at once. We have to thook those who hare attended to this III-all matter, not unull to us by any mums. BORN. MAmquALL.--0n 3”. NHL. Nnrunullvy on Friday. Fuh.22. le, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall. a daughtw'. Smnvfall ft r the u out. PA inch"s, Hours of sumhnm 13 General dim-Minn ot" thr, wind Rout!) West, to North SVan and lliu‘Im-ing. It speaks volumes for the finaueial Vitality of Durham and neighborhood that such a large sum should be salt. sctubed. and we hope the eoulidenee shown in the enterprise may be abun- dantly rewarded. The enrolling of stocktakers goes merrily on, and to-day, \Vednuday it IS expected the $100,000 mark will be reached. An imprertrion got abroad {but the books were to be elated Inst week. Thus it Seems w" erroneous. Lart week was the close of “no two week's start given to Durham by the company, who lluye this werk began Mating the niam body of the stock in the chief clues of Ontario and Durham may stlll go on, but without the advantage of being alum! in Ilw firrl l. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. Kllllfll illlll,lillll, Wow Franks ffea, Carpet: 7/920 Waller tittinds G, £ace Curtains 18 CEMENI. DIED l l HUNTER. J. A. HUNTER I4 18 18 12 PA inch"s, 13 Dated it Toronto. Jan. slat. 1901. TERMS OF ShLtri---Ten per cent. of the purrlmsa money at the Lime of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter without Interest, or if the purchaser so desires ten per: cent. of the pun-lmse money at the.time of sale and the balance to be arranged ne- cording to terms and conditions then to be made known. For further particulars apply to ‘uEssns. EDGAR & MALONE, _ 59 Yon 9 St... Tomato. . . 80“ng for Vendors. The ood, parcels will he offered for sale separately. UNDER and by virtue of the power of sale contained in certain Inden- tures of Mortgages which will he pro- duced at the time of sale, there will he offered for-stile by Public Auction by James. Carson. Esquire. auctioneer. at, Saturday, 9th day March, l90l. The following improvements are said to he erected on said property t A frame house, a fruuw barn and stable and shed. PARCEL. osE--Lot number thirty- four. (31) in the Third Concession west, of the (hirafraxa Road, in the Town. ship of Nornmnby, in the County of Grey and Province of Ontario, containi- ing one hundred acres. The following improvements are said to be erected on said lands t. A frame house and frame stable. PARCEL Two-The Third Division of Lot, number twenty (20) in the Fitst Concession cast of the Garafraxa Road in the Township of Glenelg. in the bounty of Grey, containing tifty acres morn or less. The following improve. ments are said to be erected on said lands ' A frame house and a frame stable. PARCEL THttEis--All that certain parcel of land in the Village of Price- ville. Township of Artemesia, being that portion of Lot number one, on the south said of Collingwood Street. in said Village of Pricevillu save and ex- cept that part sold Lhcleont and there from toone William Watson, Jr.: and also that celtaiu parcel of land being enumosed of part of Lots Nos. four (4) and five (5) in the I‘ll-st Concession south of the Durham Road, Township of Art/nursia, continuing forty-six and one» half acres. at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the following lands and premises. Co/hr/ions. "full kinds“ Farms bong/1f promptly unqul r,l and sold OFFlCE--MeKertzie's Old Stand, Durham, Ont. J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. Member College Physicians und;8urgeons, 0r aria. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, CONVEYANCER, VALUATOR insurance Agent, RESIDENCE "a OFFICE --old Bunk UPPER TOWN. DURHAM. Will vivit Priceville Tuesday and Friday each week from .9 a. m. h 4 p m. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTIES. Tolwhone Connection No. 10 THE KNAPP HOUSE. in the Town of Durham. on OFFICE HOURS 9--P2 R. m. 2-4p.us UR H. JACKSON erihiatt?_thomey to Loan FMI't pirF,, J.L. And the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of Muse claims notice shall not have been received by him " the time at such distribution. J. P. TELFDRD, Solicimr for Executor. Dated at Durham Fobmry ittt A. D. 1901. a statement of their accounts and claims, with names and addresses and the nature of the security (if anyl held by them, properly verified, and that after the said date the (executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deeeased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he then may have notice. ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Irtherty, Thoitrts and Berlin mums of PIANO and ORGANS SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil :un Se wing Machines and supplies. 0. M c K I N N O N . ant to Section 38 at chapter 129 bf the R. S. o. 1897 that all creditors and oth- er persons having claims against the Estate ofthe said Thomas Ewen, who died on or about the 30th day of Jana- are, A D 1901. at the said Township of Beutinek, are required to send by post. prepaid. to J. P. Teltord, solicitor for the Executm'of the said estate, on or before the . . -'--"Miqtitir Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares. Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " WILKINSON PLOUGH Coupnn' " is cast on each pleas. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sl-ctions. South of Middaugh House In the Surrogate Court of the County of l In. the Surrogate Court of the County Qf Greg in the Estate of Thomas Ewen, t Grey in the matter of the Estntr of late of the Townahip of Bentindc. in Robert Shaw. late ofth Township of the County of Greg, farmer, deceased l, Benhnck. in the County of (In-y, Far- --. 'i, nwr. deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. CULTIVATING, Coulter d; Scott Drills and We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : everything for (5arrnars f We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced thatthe new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." NOTIcrl, IS HEREBY GIVES pursu- lst day of March. A D 19lll Ctltisrators, Disc and Spade Har rows, Set1ffiers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Narrows. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash System ADOPTED BY ., G. * J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. f NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Inc 'llillllllijt ilillllilt,' fl 'Lea, l illlltlllliht. I ht. their names, addresses and 'letscvip. tions and full gtatetttent of particulars oftheir claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly eertitied and that after the said dav the Administrator will proceed to dis- tribute. the assets of the damaged among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims ot which he shall then have notice. J. P, TELPORD, _ Solicitor for Administrator. ttd this lst day of Febmrv A. D. l l. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, Cap. 129, Sec. 38 and amending acts that all persons having claims against the estate of the mid Robert Skate. who led on or about the sixth dayof January A. D. 1901 are required to send by poem pre aid or todeliver to J. P, Tellord, olPLhe town of Durham, Solicitor for the Administrator, on or before the lst day of March A o. l90l Lower Town. ‘3 For " Gri Cumulus. a Parker’s Dr " you int will [my ym J. A. Hunte Unum. 000“" manner. the farm part I nature. whit the inner m turd a ovditt Asa-rum; cum to [M Cote, (moth?! Bunilum on of 79 years. resident hero highly rapt-c Bums-r t of the Social of Monday ( thr:n IN I Mr. Walter ing and ups over to the She wax a mi tie. whose frequently C " you". IN bedridden an the death " very lately In her. She w! cemetery on being cond" The f "nertU tative. h an. dned on UHIHIIIQI' At trneta lands. He resort. The 1 1nd mu! u snow ar',.t II ing In): I " of theo WIN str'actCn W eompisi ed b} The Big [Inward ink. ment of La, two"! . v IV a w a Nort h West l a! h'Kenzi . 1 .Iko um. I brid trl Ith or) Wt.. Id. IVe b wl en K. R. i Port Arthur favorite with wail break t Weary ride t " " w We an It fl It of Rhiny " love 'r 1 MI 1 bridge in "ill - ' llll'( Linen " i hacks for Mc, an em We have Linens. 1 MI‘IIPSI Mrs Konm all” “I {an " win-rt- tn V0 " desolnw ’IusEl t the he " " " it "I "a " " Mr

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