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Durham Review (1897), 7 Mar 1901, p. 1

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JP. WI.' 'il 253250.. WEE ht. I ht. ot for are zem IN CHNIE D‘f’Q la rch INNON. Cet"" Tre" ML M Custom- CREDITORS tofits." W hnie. of o Mlministrator ruar, JO ally lash mr HS LAN Tons 190l Wil Ila" " Ir» a}! 4t For La Grippe Dr. Budd's Ln (hippo Capsules, a rapid reutorer to health. Park er's Drug Store. ANOTHER OLD DcrueAarrrir.--Word tame to Durham last week that Mrs If you intend building this spring. it will pay you to buy your Hardware at. J. A. Hunteru-/rhe Big Store. Cole, (mother of Albert Petty,) died in Hamilton on Feb. 14th, last at the age of 79 years. She was for many years a. resident here. and was well known and highly respected. BAPTIST HociAL.--One of the best of the Social evenings yet held was that of Monday night. last in the Baptist church. Mr. Ball, President of the Union, occupied the chair in a felicitotts manner, the contributions to the plat- form part Were. all of an entertaining nature. while the provision made for the inner man was voted suliiptuons and a credit to the ladies. Dun) IN DVRuA.t-On Monday last Mrs Walter Tucker after weeks of antler- ing and up: and downs of hope. passed over to the greater number. aged 77. She wuss a sister to Mr Duncan McKen- zie. whose family. has, of late been frequently called upon to mourn. Mrs Kenneth McKenzie. of (Neurona- en. died on Thursday last at the age of T.?, years. FoNtwo years she has heen bedridden as the result of paralysis. and the death of her daughter Mrs Park very lately had a. depressing effect upon her. She washnriod at Rocky Salmeen cemetery on Saturday last the services being conducted hy Rev. Mr Graham. The funeral was large and represen- Native. A ProNEER.--Mr. Samuel T. Rowe is one of the first pioneers of the County of Bruce. and father of Paisley. He was born in the city of Truro, County of Cornwall. England. March 9th. 1810. Came to New York 1830, to Toronto in 18”. to the County of Grey in 1882. Svtllml on farm lot I. Comes l, of Nor- mnnhy. First sottlm- on Owen Sound road Gov. grant in 1842. thence to the County of Bruce in 1851. Mr. Rowe has always enjoyed good health. He haslivml in the reign of five British Soverigns. King Georg" Ill, died IS20. then (now Georp,e IV. William IV. Victomnml Edward VII. Mr. Rowe is rnjoying good health. meets old friends: in his rmnliles who say he looks as well as when they last, saw him twenty ve-nrs ago. He is only a little gmv and " in tho enjoynwntof all his fm‘nllios. He is 'tN jolly we ever' and does ull his covrrssiuriatlertee. not a little, Without the ow- of glasses. -fhutve Her- ald. The Big s'tore---J. A. Hunter-has passed into stuck a very large assort- ment. of Laces and Dress Trimmings. :Local and District News. ' ----' We have extra good value in Table Linens. We have a good g bleached Linen " inches wide for Mc, and 72 inches for 40c, and a fine bleached at 55c, an extra good one for Mc. ty f ing good. axe-men getting 82 " any. I and team 8tGa month and found. 1 to horseshoeing. Outs are 700, Hay pu- tun. at Mine Ctmtre 25-10. Eggs mum. in Ms. Hutu-r 39 cm I. lh. [in In“. Hi Dali-.1- 'xl'llllt' tlir, lugg<|m1 dun-n .70 t'tri, iilllH‘l' Ii) (-11 a ll,. Mn: \Vllkun 1riu'ill'rl'"r' the oivv's ('ilHil‘ ini the "runicipalitr of Allmrlon. His tip-i potteut no» Mr. T. Whitmore, formerly of Egvemont. who got. 22 votes to Mr. Wntsort's 23. so that both ti. Grey men have their friends well divide-c. Mn: Watson captured " line moosee calf last l summer and now at, 7 mos. stands 13 hands. He may. if he can break it to harness. let. the h ll may men of S. Grey see where trotting sprang from, at one of our fall shows. The following ex-) tracts give us a whit! of New Ontario: \Ve are haymg a beautiful winter bore. in fact all the years we have passed here, the v inter is what We boast of. Wealthy people south and east should make Rainy River Valley a winter resort. The aspen leaf is hanging dry and mot'mlesa for weeks at a. time. A snow draft. II never seen here, a blaster- ing in); a quite unknown. We are out of thin wmd belt. Our railroad con. itrucys",'n work is in full swing. to be comp]? ed by next fall, competing wlth -- " .__ art-.,......" .....m.m-... " C. 9.311. for Eastward movement of‘ North West crop of cumin: season. Bo any )5 Kenzieinnd Mann and it looks .iko' too. Near Ft Francis will be a hrid is L') or3 miles long, over an arm of Rhiny Lake. Are you up in bridge lure}? lam told it will be the longest bridge in America, or perhaps the wald. 1Te look for an influx of settlers wlten R. It. is running. Our route from Port Arthur to Winnipeg should be a fohorite with tourists and others as it FROM RAINY Rum uh-m-es frmn a 10th fmm Mr. R. Wats VOL. XXIII. NO. 10 will monk the monotony of the long dreary ride through rocky, bleak, ban-- ton. desolation. m --auue gh---. [he C. L. GRANT. e W comm II). who IV: ('t'IT vull is prosper 1l I'm-ont- hues are ttttttt ""r' l 1‘le mutual Thin;r on Earth Ihr,; ling's' Mt't' i Winter. .lt-Ily. ('lth or lionglmvsc of ', (‘ IlHIl t the Shit. cannot may wlute it is uwil ‘ h :33 I Hilly lttr. PM Pot. l . d." l pm“ ltuleu Is lxnnxA ~.\lr. :uul Mrs. _:',.", Mr. ll. W. lmtw Ill, Vni'nny. left " l't-w works? . in _ ago forun exit-mind Visit union}; thtsit' l, up. faintly in let stain. no fvwrl than c, of ' II (All? i tin-m limitlm other rrlutivwx. lit-in}; “rah Mr. l cated within its hounds. Mr. Lemon ; ltit'tt [ writes \‘i-ry interestingly of his trip has i it Mr. l, found them all in good health and has 1 a last l received a royal welcome. Drs. Geo. M, ih la13 and Ernest are succeedingly well in t to their chosen profession. Rev. Chas. H. l,, grey occupies a. high place on the siethoiirtl l one Church roll of the state and will "Gib F ex- leaving for' California this summer to trio: attend the great E. League Convention. i ' here. Fred nttendsthe drug business. Mrs? tssed Wilder (Edith) is enjoying her Ameri- il c, of. can home. It has been steadily cold}1 ould and nice sleighlng since they went " inter over, though the thertttometer novel"; , dry I falls IO'" below zero. Mr. L. is aclose l '. A observer and has some interesting i' Iiter- notes on the people, the land, the city, 1 e out hte. Just one extract: "We stunted , con. for Fowler by way of Lacrowse and to hei Wilder. Here we crossed the Kankar, with kee R. This country is oak bluffs and; nt of marsh land, fine for hay, but not for) 1. Bo wheat. On to Riverside, Ban Pierre,': looks &c. ta La Fayette, " trip of 75 miles f be a through a Bat marsh country good for; I arm stockraising. corn and hay, but plenty rridge of high timbered land for firewood mgest l and cattle shelter. Now it changes to s the open prairie till we cross the Wahaah enters river. La Fayette city is situated in a. :from bend of the rivet, high bluffs all l be a urcund it, from the top of on. of which I u it you have a. View of the whole city: a long with railroads stretching out among l bu- the river's windings. It is very pretty and picturesque.” f W' MrThoa. Sullivan. Irish Latte. offers a pedigreed fs'horthorn hull ftr an]. in this issue. . f The Big Store Dress Goods this spring an nicer than ever. Tonic Bypophosphites to build and tone up the system after " Grippe. Parker's Drug Store. E Knock it out in a day. La Gliippe Tah. lets. For sale only by Jno. A, Darling Druggist, Durham. Ont, HORSE KrLLhuo.--Liverrrntut Camp- bell had the misfortune to loan. valu- able horse at the beginning tr" the week A current report that Mr John Brown was ill of diphtheria n entirely without foundation. He had an attack of G rippe hut is now recovering. Norrcm---All parties indehtg at the Hardware Store previous to P. Int of January will confer a. favor by settling their accounts at once. as money is re- quired in order. to give you bargains. W. BLACK. VArtrxATE.--The prevalence of small pox at vuriom points in New Ontario in the east. and even In Toronto. would seem to impress on us the necessity of proper vaccination. The Board of Health will no doubt he on the alert. to prevent dangor. British Horse and Cattle Spice. I powder of first class merit made from concentrated flesh forming foods and ingredients. 61h. package 26e. Only nt Parker's Drug Store. Mr. James Halliday, of Chesley. is the choice of the Conqervative Conven- tion held at: \erton on Monday. On motion Mr. McNeil was tendered the unanimous nomination of the Converr tion. but that gentleman could not accept the nomination. The election will likelytake place within a month. It is generally admitted in the riding that Me. Campbell, the Liberal candi- date. will he the nwmlmr fer North Bruce. LAID Tu REsr.--Last Friday all that, Was mortal of Mrs. Hugh MacKny.)i whose death we hrieflr mentioned last week. was laid to rest in the gdtwt,ert Cemetery. amidst the deep grief of her i' fan-lily, and the tender svmpathy of‘ friends and neighbors. Mr. Mackay's l brother Ovangerneu were nail-bearers. while Rev. Messrs. Farquharson and McGregor oftlciated. Mrs. Macknyi was a model wife and mother. Deeply; attached to her children. she was held l by them in deepest devotion. and they! will miss sorely her wise counsel and her worthy example. She was 50 years of age. was twice married. her fhst) husband being a Mr. Telford by whmu‘ she had 5chihltvit. while by her union with Mr. Mackay l7 years ago. she! had 3. To the surrrm’ing husband arul t Cttvily we extend our sympathy. Miss'l Matilda. who TVllts' in Toronto, “WIS; hottie in tinn- for. the funeral. hut, had) nut, the melatwholy satisfaction of I l, s win; her mother alive. ', iiiilttithg, Cousms To Miss Jmsaur,---It is not anernlly known that the McLachlan family, Priceville. are cousins to the famous Scottish singer who recently appeared here. Pleated to meet with Mr. Jas. McL. Tuesday and to present him with a. fine portrait of his relative. ‘tho .' primal. donna " of Scotland, sent in) us since she waein Durham. an LrBrtaraAN.-At the regular meeting of the Public Library Board on Friday evening last Mr. Arch Davidson was appointed to the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Goraltne and ntthe smnesalnry. Mr. Davidson's tastes and abilities will make him a worthy suc- (-essor to his prrdeceveor. The Library is a tnagniheent one for a place the size of Durham and is worthy of the war'- "test. support. Membership is only one dollar a your. or pron-mt. for a shorter time, while the Reading Room. with its abundance. of good nmgnzines, daily papers. 812. is absolutely free. Com- fortable seats, tables, &c.. Be sure, to Cu.” occasiomtlly. ANOTHER. scccrrss.---The carnival on Thursday last was again successful. re- fleeting credit on the management. Time is fleeting and skating days will soon he over this season. so help the band while the pleasurable chance is left. The open race winners wrere-- Harry Truax, \Valkerton; Nat. Swal- low, Dulham; Jas. Allen, Mt. Forest. Boys' Race-W. Richardson, P. Craw- ford, ll. W. Truax. Judges-Dr. Ma- han and W. B. DaVidson. Masque!- adetar--Fancy costume. lady, Miss N. Patton, "Yachting Costume." Fancy costume, gent, w. Glass, "Turk." Historical costume, lady, Miss EG Laidlaw, “Miss Canada." Historical costume, gent, Bert, Mockler, .. Mephis- tophilcs." Comic costume, gent, Fred Glass, .. Hill Satanic Majesty." Military costuuw, gent, Item Kelly, bh Col. Steele.“ Judges-Miss M. Gun. Miss S. Vollett, Miss Ball. iiiiiiirjiiiir,-iiriiiiEiiioAor, MARCH 7, 1901. Mrs. Trvmilling. from the States. is [visiting her sister. Mrs. Gorsline. , Miss Bessie Park, of Durhzun. visited l Priceville friends the end of last week. Mr. Wm, Lanna“. was in Toronto. I the beginning of the week, on business. l . T . I Mr. ll. Ball and Miss N. Brown. haul y Proton friends a visit the lit-ginning of; }llir week. ‘ l, The Rev. F. lt.vamwillconduct Divine _ setwivt. ttf Ahordet-u. on Ttwsday nflor- ', noon nest, ar3 (ft-look. l Mr. Kohl. Matthews. brother of Mrs. liiotsline. and family from Michigan. Jlmw- come to results in Durham. t Mv.T. Elwyn. Toronto. spent It few iklilya' last week with Me, A. Mi-Kiunou i and also invested in (ll-men! stock. l Miss Maggie Scott. of Dromoro. wau Tin Durham last Monday, and called on lhorolil schoolumto. Mrs. C. lbamage. l Miss Lizme Burnet ieft Wednesday iuiorning for Hamilton. after spending . a. couple of months pleasantly at her Ci," here. PERSONAL MENTION- Miss Ida " illiamA 1ettTuesday morn- ing fur Toronto. Mr Doyle, of Paris, is visxting his niece Mrs Jas. Lonahan. Altr, Peter O'Neil and Mike O'Neil are visiting friends in Paris. Miss Kate McDougall is visnLing with Williautsfovit friends this week. Miss Allan. of Mt. Forest, is the guest of Miss H Whitmore. this week. The Rev. Thou. Farr. B. IA, Atwood, will conduct Divine service and preach I at Allan's school house, Egremont, on', Sunday afternoon next, at 3 o'eloek. Dr. Hutton received a message on Sunday that his father, who lives in Georgetown had been stricken with paralysis. He left by train on Monday to see his aged parent. A number of our citizens are still in the toil of La Grippe and complication. Mr. Jno. A. Black, is getting it rather severely this winter. being. we regret to my. conflued to hed again. Councillor A. S. Hunter is recovering slowly and we hope soon to see him all right. Public Notice is hereby given that T."".'." By-law No 401 of the Town of Durham Puail. J, requires all Merchants, Shopkeegcrs, Dmggists, Hardware stores, Ca inetl LOST. Shops, &c., to close their places of busi- l, Felirum ncss every evening during the year " l money. 6 o'eloek p. m., with the exception of" leaving Wednesday and Saturday evenings, GGi'it and the evenings preceding publicl W holidays. All “games will govern! Adi themselves mo ingly. E I W. A. ANDERSON, PM“! Town Clerk. ,umn. PUBLIC NOTICE. mm '"'iiiliiiritttt SHEWELL tt LENAHAN Mish Mtt lllV- Hugo "qu... v- "V", others who have subscribed to the stoeksheet8 of the “National Portland Cement Co, Limited," will naturally be anxdious to know of the progress being ma e. The lists in quick style mounted as to $100000, and the other t50,000 aske from Durham could have been secured by this time, - some think another $50(X)O if ailowed---but the local promo- ters decided to go slow till cvrtain mat- ters affecting the interests of the local stocktnkvrs had been cleared up. This can not be done till the visit of President Cowham and other members of the Provisional Board at an early VI lull“ L lv-nuuv..,-. --' date, meanwhile. subscribers may rest assured that thew interests are being carefully looked after. The great natural wealth of our dis- 1| trict has aroused a wonderful interest', throughout the province, and the fame ot our marl bedshas travelled) tar and fast The wealth in these waits l development and a natural desire exists that the benefits morning from 1 this development should centre in the) district. 1 The delay we ovary. "The cm did run smooth.’ ADJOURNED SALE. The sale advertised for last Friday. the lat, inst. at Hugh McLellan's, loc 27, run. 2, N. I). It. (ilvmlg. had to be postponed owing to sou-re weather. Thursday of this week the sale will take place. nu reserve. Hugh MacKay, Aurl imn-vr. Auctioneer Dagald Mel’llau wu sell tor Colin Lamtnt Lot 27, Con. 22, I'Igromont. on Friday, March tl, d Valuable lot of Farm Stock. lmple mums and Household Furniture of Call Wespacf/ully 8otirtited. Niiiuabie, lot of Farm mow. unplu- munts and lluusulmld Furniture. l'crnis 1.2 mos. credit, 7 per cum. discount. \Vi-zlnvmluy. )I:u'cll 13.-Hatun stock lmplmm-nls and Household Futusituve at Lot 18,0011. l, w. G, It. Boniim-k. Sale at one o'clock, 10 mos. credit, 7 pet, tumt discount for cash. Mrs. Leslie, Prop. Hugh Mackay. Auctioneer. C. Knapp. will sell on Tuesday, March 19,at one o' clock sharp, the stock of horses. cattle. sheep, hens, a. large quantity of Farm implements. &e., on ghiI farm just north of Durham. TERMS: 10 11:09., 6 per cent discount, no reserve. Hugh MacKay, Auctioneer. There will he a Credit Auction Sale on Match 20, of Farm Stock and Imple- menlsat Kenneth McKenzie's.Glenelg, North of Glenroiuien. Terms 12 mos. 7 per cent. II.... .. II A "I! A v A up! ioneer. The large number of farmers and - sr__u_‘) be. 6kg John ll. Itoclo, lot 15, con. 20, Egre- monL. offers for sale on Thursday, March 21, his entire farm outfit of val- uable stock, 50 hens. implements Sac. Also his valuable household furniture, much of it Oak. Sale at 12.30, 12 mos. credit.6 per cent discount, for cash. Thet privilege 20f two payments on his almost. new binder. mower and Top buggy. All must. be sold. Dugald Me. Phail. Auctioneer. LOST.-- In Durham, on the 27th of February.apurae conumlng a. sum of money. Finder will he rewarded by leaving it at this OMce or to Maggie O'Donnell, Durham. Additional personals and locals on last page, last col: “hegemonic“. doc 01 A HALT IN STOCKTAKING. The public of Durham and B. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. Special attractions for the Christmas and New Year's trade. SALE REGISTER SHEWELL & LENAHAN. clay we trust is merely temp- "The course of true love never HUGH MACKAY Auctioneer. Wer/ver free" 11d Meplsail Till 3Grr The fiifiiti‘fi?'“ti-FJ-titifiifii’fifiéf‘rfiifi [li-cl'-,'---))---)',---", "ICT ”1 A". T y sh' v1?” 1F1r‘” mmmmwmwmwmwmww J A HUNTER up Wltll signs in Ingram: and nah my" L. on everyAbof tt the “I“. m 'iiira0ireiad {an In on. a: of Wall Paper. Just fancy buying a 7c Roll of Wall Paper at so. Several odds and ends suitable for small rooms go " exactly 3tett Wayular Prim,. Largest Wall Paper Stock in Durham. Splen- did assortment in designs and prices. I iaria" iiiikii iiiiiG “lining fitoe This Department is full , with the newest de- ggr2f, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Weyular JAM!” Take time by the forelock and buy your prints and ahirtings and get them made up now when you have time. for later on you will be too busy to sew. We have some patterns Crumm's Prints, and good value in shirtiugs. WHOLE N0. 1198 Lewis Bros. of M: Form ing .0 open a Mervlmnl t ness in Durham on Man-h Mr. A. E. Lewis. who will he "num- ger has had an excellent experience Ill high class tailoring in Toronto and other centres of fashion and will l" prepared logive the good dream-s ml the townand vicinity work that wil please their-most vefitted lAsle and u» quiremem. The stock will he (-umph-h- in stylv quality. and quanlily. Pin-w- gin ‘his intimation vuur kind and favumhl: consideration. LEWIS BROS. Ctaus Grocery Store. Gash or ftarmers' Praia” GEO. LAWRENCE- me 'Nlllllll REVIEW: tum; c. RIM hi. ll ht J Theundetsignud has opemd out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door to C. McKinnon) fulllinelot FIDUR. FEED, Nothing Stale. Everything New and lip-twine and he cordially invite: a trinl. Ilfll(llllllil Illle (2llili(l, ErIviyi!eu"ch'eu, a 1h2uh'H'SiadE T fie} ' m t'.i?i?pu,?/?,l5.i', tl-ere-Ava-f-ll'.? " A. . L. GRANT. ---Sbmo - GROCERIES. Se. ulurl tt't Mil'

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