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Durham Review (1897), 7 Mar 1901, p. 2

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l A Brief Story of Interest to ill Young Women, falter, "commits, Dlnlueu and . Feeling of a Constant humour o-mat-- nope tor Similar aileron. “are are thousands of young girls throughout Canada who owe their good health. it not life itself. to the timely use ot Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills [or Pole People. Among these is Miss laud Patterson. whose home is in the vicznity ot Strathroy. Ont. To a reporter who interviewed her, Miss Patterson said; . Several years ago I began to suffer from headaches, was , coolly tired out. and could see that my health was not what it had been. At first I did not think there was: anything serious the matter, and thought the trouble would pom uway. In this. however. i was mis- taken. tor as time went on I become weaker. The headache? attacked iii) more frequently, my appetite tailed; if l stooped l would Brow so dizzy that 1 Would almost tall over. I be. came very pale. uul always felt tired an worn out. I was advised to try Dr. Widiams' Pink Pills, and I have‘ reason to rejoice that I followed tho 1 advice. and as I continued their use“ " seemed as though day by day they were impurtin; new lite to me. My appetite improve l, the headaches die. appeared. the puller leit my face. the diam-es that bothered me so much also disappeared. and I felt altoge- ther like a different person. I feel that I owe my renewed health on- tirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and as I know tlint there are many girls who suffer an I did. I would urge them to lose nu tinv in giving this medicine a fair trial." We case of Miss Patterson certain-- " carries with it n. lesson to others who may he pate, languid. easily tired. or Hulda-ct to headaches. or the other distressing symptoms that mark the onward program of anae- mia. In com-:4 ot this kind Dr. Wil. tittrtttr' Pink Pills will give more cer- tam and speedy results than any other medicine. They net promptly ani directly. making new, rich, red blood, and strengthen the nerves. an! correct all the Irregularities In. cl lent to this critical period. Bold by nil dealers or sent poet paid nt Mt cents " box, or six bows tor $2.50. by ml-lresein'z the Dr. Wil. linms' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. Benefit ot "Ian :\u..udes In mseases of the Lungs. It will not surprise medical men to one contributinm to the literature of consumption Iron: New Mexico. That hot and high ucutiun of our great dominion has become. the scene of much expcritswutafiot) owing to the Important part which climate has played in all recent theories of tub- erculous cure. The United State-s Government " few years ago set apart 0. (owner military reservation In New Mexico tor the we of the Marine Ho-pitul Service in the treat- ment of eonsumptive Honors. It was altirmed by the Surgeon General that on the vast plateau men who had still Sullr' chuncn oi cure might recover in an effect of more change oi climate. Tho establishment of mniturin thun- haw induced many” persons who are not associated with the Marine pritul Service to try the climate or New Mexico. and, thereiore. tho opportunities tor ex- periments by local medical men have become exceptional. Among the most Intelligent stulents ot tuberculosis are. the biologists of the University of New Mexico. One ot these, Protes- nor Welnwri. has announced that complete cures in ca‘seu of consump- tion have been achieved solely by changes of attitude-that by mov- ing iron) the sea. level to a higher altitude and hack again, repeat- ing tho procom a number ot times. the bloo'l comm-Irina my be built up mud in time the disease may be elim- Innw'l. It will bo great news tor the world when effective means of combating tnlwrculmls, or of minlmlllng its droad otreety. Iihnll have been estab- lished; but time alone can demon- srtrato to a finality whether this (lla- oovnry "r that may be of enduring vaiuc.--Ph1lwhetphia Row-rd. The True Lady. No hdy trhoul I turn and look behind in" In the urn-t; the girl who (has I) direetly courts unplensnnt atten- tions trom mm: who are passing. Unitas she is " hostess or a mem- ber ot the funny u lady need not rise when " pmtleman is introduced to hor. When visiting conform to the rules ot the house In which you are stay- Ing. A Tisdtor should always bear this In mind. When shopping; do m datum: about; a lady to tre ttitmp,"uttul " ti her. "12A mm is known by tho company he keeps." This applies equally to n wom "t.-itmatt'r, Lite. Mngering Insanity. Two inmates of a Scotch asylum working; i.n the garden dwhled upon an attempt to escape. Watch‘ng their opportunity when thou- trerper was absent they approatfhed theyall. "Noo bend doom Sway." said the one. “and I'll cllmh up your shoul- der to the top, and then I'll ttie " " hand up tam." , , m Bandy accordingly bend down. Tam, mounting his back. gamed the top ot the wall. and. dropping over the other side. shouted as he prepared to make oft: .. You; .Iokesmilh. There was a young b'acteanith named Lyman. Who one» with brain (om was ' “myth”. And ho novel-morn spoke, For In thought of a Hrs “It wua nnsy.pnd had nova been wrymun! r “I'm thinklng. Sandy. you'll be better ta bide nnither fortnight. tor you're no near richt yot."-4}Iuagow waning Times. Minard's Linimortt Cures Distemper. AHOil T CON') " I'TIUN. A GIRL’S PERIL , not order as- a-ly new" {argon-1 r those who serve “Kindly bear in mind you are not buliymg your office-boy, Mr. Quench. ly. I refuse to remain and be m. suhlted in my own sstttirtroyysy" Mrs. Quenchly rose with what an;- nity her angular personality permit, ted, and moved towards the door. "Bit down. mdliGr,'r yelled her husband. She turned her cold, boiled eye upon her better-half as she spoke. an ore and a glance that had never yet famed in rummng their deadly do. tnswtle mission. But eyes and glances. oven ot the most approved Gorgon-like type. were evidently at a. discount so tar tut Quenchly was concerned. To her infinite surprise and inward terror, he stepped in front of her, and vi. olously locking the door. dropped the key into his pocket. Then turning. he pointed once more with tron ges- ture towards her chair. "Bit down. Priscllla." he thunder- ed. "It you venture to move from your mat. to raise your voice. or even glance towards the door with. out my permission. 1'0--boE your ears'." If a shock of earthquake had sud- denly occurred, or n, tiutnderoolt plumped smash through the ceiling upon her best carpet. Mrs. Quenchly would have Been lax dismayed. lu. deed, it is extremely proper that either of these disasters would have found her in some state of prepara- tion tor their advent, she being a notorious housewife, and one who glorisd in emergencies. But this threat of personal violence to her- her who had ruled with undisputed away for unnumbered yours. wat, beyond all imagining. She collapsed limpiy in her seat and burst into tears. Witt! this additional shank to twr almmly outraged fwl'lngs. and the ”In" expm'tu’oion Wo had of the last a trump being the mutt thing to sound fumn her now w‘dr-ly oxtonded mm. (MN. Quotnhly an]! subbad spasmodi- t ”my. But. abpamtly beyond insult, this impertirreuce missed unneeded, and she continued to cry )erklly. . “So I find, madam." ho wont on, standing squarely In front ot her, an! foidlng his arms with Napol-r'onlc 'ligtsitr-"I find that tor twenty- tivo young I have been living In it fool's 1nm:ii.~m. and have, so to small. bum "cuddling a vlrrer in my hosch "When you have done crying. Inn/am!" said her husband. after a short pause. his voice now coldly sarcastic. I find. madam"---a.nd his voice took a dc-por and more vengeful tone--- "that the trust mm! in you by my guilo1oea so" hm; been gross” abused, and that, though at presvnt without absolute pmf, I am strong- ly justified in haunvlng that you Imvo boon unfaithful to your mar Hugo vows!” "But I will ho mom p191“, morn syn-1'1" in my tt.rusuwttion, m-Idam For tho mid; month my corresponding rhrk. you": Drtxttur--ntrhl you wimp, tio you! has then In"! several oven- imxw a. week toe the purpose ot tttV Msttng mo In sum", private writing and accounts. He has on more than om mansion stayed to auppnr. and on other "co-131mm you have bmn di tating to, or othm'whe Instructing him. Moro than once, madam, have I detoid grams" [waning between you --g,l:to m; of u turtivv, of a, suspicious. my. thouen" I rag-u to any lt, glances [ of an amorous oJt:trtwtp:rr I " wNut-II.wanchly'u sobbing had now ceased. Ear righteous Indignqllgp mint-t. a tGriousiir pleasant mm“: glowed 1n her cl lerly veins. Why, the old tool was actually jogloug! "He has-ostensibly tor the same purpose, that is. my private cone. spotuiertce-liirewisc called here more than once of an ttrtornoon-sent ite- noeently enough by mysell. I admit, whilst I have been engaged at the ottieeg. Whether your glancou have been renewed during these afternoon calls. or whether declarations of a more definite character have taken place. I am unable to lay; but from my private observation of Dexter. I have arrlved at the conclusion that he nourishes tor you a mad passion. Night alter night, as you are doubt- less aware, madam. does he dawdle past this house. gazing lovingly and longingly up at those windows, and “Isaac Quencmy, you ought to be ashamed of yourself -." ejaculated " by now exalted amuse. "I nswer heard of such a thing in all my blessed life! Why, I couldn‘t (even tell one of your clerks trom anothz-r. not if it was ever so! Five and twnnty yen-rs have 1 uéJStéyBJJ iLiiirih"wito and mother. and-4' -- _. _ . "Silence. madam!" yelled her hug- hand. with frenzied renewal ot his first outburst-Var me to tho end! 1 “an: decided on my course of ac- tion. Farewell my comfortable six l o'clock d nimr. an i nul t sedate even- ing Spent at homer. Farewell those rosy comforts which at my time ot lie! are absolute necessities! I sacri- tlee "u-turl everything! To confirm or dissipate my suspicions. I will note Dexter's (Won-y movement. observe his every word, an! the: his every foot- step with the stealthy. untiring vigil- ance of n sleuth-hound! I will wateh the sconndrcl's every notion if he keeps Moot till dawn-l will shadow him like a Sherlock Holmes! If my suspicions are conrirtued--ror you, (':'i'i')'..tr'.'2 the portals of the Divorce l Court, and for him, the nvenging bul- let , Anti now, Priscilla Quenchly, you l can go T WKni‘éith tho growl ot a wild beast, he unlocked and flung widely open the door "Let me see. Dexter," observed Mr. Quenohly urbancly to his corres- ponding oierk the following morning; "what salary are you "calving nowt" “Two pounds a week, air." "WO, for the future, I think we‘ll call it three," said his employer. "rn notify the cashier to that effect. And br-tho-bro, n:cxter"--interrttItt- in: his good-looking ompioyoe‘s dis- jo‘uted expremions of gratitude: "you can do mo a. slight earvloe " you would." "Oh, anything, Pm sure. alt." stam- mm-od tho flushed youngster: . . -iigiai 3011' i,iri,iisiisked bemoan”! of an evening for the next few wo.ohst" _ “Not. in any way, Mr. I'nf Invari- ahly_at homo by eight p'clock.“ “We" thon, Dz-zltorf'au I wankyon to do is to stroll slowly past my 1toutie--Fou live in the neighborhood, I believe t--irtroll slowly past my house. say tour at tive times a week. between ten and eleven at night, keeping your eyes tixed on the ep- per windows. Commence to-night. stroll backwards and forwards sev- eral times. you know. on the oppo- site side ot the way. It won't take you more than n quarter of an hour altogether-tusd mind and keep your glance Cixt% on the tirot and second floors. You understand? That's all right! Merely a whim ot mine, a mrt of Joke-and recollect the three pounds commence trom the present week. There. there! No thanks. Get along to your work." .. ' " And while the slightly bewildered Young man confided to his envious fellow clerks the princely rise In his “screw." together with certain pri- vate opinions of hie own regarding "the guv’nor being off his onion," Mr. Quenchly entered his inner pri- Tate office. deliberately kissed his pretty little auburn-haired type- writer, and arranged to take her to the Empire that very evening; There was no mistake about It. Mrs. Q., through a corner ot the blind. Saw with her own eyes the good-looking young Dexter gazing lovingly up at her window as he slowly passed and repassed in the bright moonlight; so that when some hours latcr--it must have been quite 1 o'ciock-tme heard the grat- lng of the tatohkey, and the tramp, tramp, of her lord and master as he banged hlmself Into the spare bed- room, she (towered gulltlly beneath tho btnnkets--as, ll, poor, harmless soul. she was In some degree to blame --and the courage to “have It out" wlth him evaporated within her: And a few evenings later-it was at the Alhambra this time-QuenehV enCOunterlng an old city friend (who strangely enough was likewise ac- companied by his typewriter, n black-haired one) must needs stand a bottle of the best, what time he re- counted the manner in which he was out-manoeuvring his "old Dutch." to the boisterous amusement of his old friend and the shameless giggling of the two young hussies. who were in reality old enough to have known better, and deserving of being well slapped. Bo just at present everybody is "atlsneu--Mrtr. Quenchly beneath her air ot martyrdom experiencing an exquisite pleasure in imagining that she is still youthful and ranein- ating enough to make her husband Jealous; the tynewriter with her evening Jaunts, dainty little suppers, and equally dainty little presents; Dexter with his: unexpected rise of screw ; and Quenchly hinveelt--sad old dogl--like a oolt who has broken paddock. Verily, my masters and mistresses, tho world In a pleasant enough place after all. pmvldlng we do but go the right-or even the wrong way to make it tro.-.MPhe Ally Sloper. A very distressing and common malady. dqub_tless ‘it hag Its origin lnumuy. u‘luutlunu .. .lwv .-_ y...,,“ in some unbalanced condition of the nervous system. One of the simplest. safmt. and most efficient remedies is Nerviline. Twenty drops in a little rwveteued water gives almost immediate relief, and this treat- ment should be supplemented by hnthing the region of pain with Nervlline. To say it acts quickly fails to express the result. Drug. gists sell it everywhere. Helm of Living Rulers. Here are some intvrestinq stutlstlcs In regard to the h: m; or llt"rnur rulers: There nu- thlrty-nima rulers In Eu- rope. und twnlty of tltom have no mule lurlrs. Swen ot them have one son, three hav" two, four have three, one has tour, thrue have five, and only one. the Emperor of Germany. has an. Altogethtrr the thirtymine rulers have Titty male and thirty-seven tty.. male descendants. Among these there are twenty-tour princes and fourteen princesses. who are the descendants of German emperors. Kings, grand dukes. dukes and princes. By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho car. There 'pw only one way to cum deafness. and that is by constitu- tional vomedic~. Deafness is caused by an in- tlamed condition of the mucous lining of the En-tnchlan Tube. When this lube in Iuftamod you have n rumbling sound or imm rtect hear- ing. and when it. is entirely closed, Deafness {H the resu'b and unless the inGrrurtat ion can be takvn Out and this tube rcslorcd to in; normal condition. hearing will be dentroyed forever; nine mums out of ten are cm ad by Catarrh. which ls nothing but an inflamed condition ot the muoouu surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars tor any mm of Deafnoo. (caused by mun-n h) that. can- n n. be cured by Hull's Caturrh Uttre. send for circulars. tree. F. J. CHENEY a: CO., Toledo, o, In only three States In thls ooun- try are birds holding their own. These are Oregon, Calirornia and North Carolina. In Illinois they are sum to have decreased 38 per cent. during the last IG years. while from all sections game birds, according to recent statistlcs, have decreased GO per cent. Caturrhozone cures Catarrh. One of the most curlous mines that is worked Is in Tonkin, China, where in a. sand formation at a depth ot from 14 to :30 feet there is a, de- posit of the stems of trees. The Chinese work this mine tor the tim- ber, which ls tound In good condi- tion and Is used In making troughs and for earring and other purposes. Bold by (imaging. 75v. Hall'. Family Pills are the best A few days since a popular attorney called upon another member of the proleesion and asked his opinion upon a certain point of law. The lawyer to whom the question was addressed drew himself up and said. “I generally get paid tor what I know." The quee- tioner drew " half dollar trom his pocket. handed it to the other, and coolly remarked, "Wit me all you know and give me the change." “How did your daughter's voice scare that burglar so l" .. . “xiii-gal Himm- college yell at tt1tn.'9'ititetuto Record. . Are Birds ”running Extinct. vinard'rLiniment Cures Colds. etc. [land's Liniment cures Diphtheria. Deafness Cannot be Cured Nervous ll enduche Offered a, Small Figure. Mlnlng for Timber. No Wonder. l FARMERS Short, Straightforward, Earnest, and to the Point. Mr. John Fletcher, of Grantono Tells how He was cured of humbugo by Dodd’s Kidney l'llls. Granton. Ont., Feb. 28.--iBpecial.)-- There are few people in this county who do not know Mr. John Fletcttur, farmer, ot Granton. Mr. Fletcher ls not only well known, but highly '0' aPected, and 1113 many friends wilt rejoice to hear that he has entirely recovered from the very severe at tack ot Lumbago, which almost pros Hated hlm last year. He has given out the following statement of his case and Its cure: "I have been troubled tor over a year with Lumbago. also Kidney Trouble. My urine was Mm. very dark red color, and my back was tearful bad. I could get nothing to help me. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. I am well; Lumbngo all gone, and urine natural color." ll The remedy that cured Mr. Fletcher has never tailed in Kidney Trou- ble. Dodd'a Kidney Pills are the hope of every aulferer from Lumbago, til"" or Lame Back. They never a The survey of the Paclflc bottom for the proposed cable to Japan and the Philippines has been completed, and Rear Admiral Bradford, head of the hydrographlc bureau, announces his readiness to proceed with the lay- ing of the cable. About sixty miles east of the Island of Guam an abyss was encountered, the deepest ever found. in which bottom was only reached when 31.614 feet of wire had been run out. This abyss, now named the Nero deep, ls of course avolded. At another place a high mountain range was dlscovermL through which it was necessary to find a pass. a ' l l C. C. Richards & Cm. Dear fgirtr,--Your MlNARD‘S LINI. MENT is our remedy tor sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. TORONTO "it-ni/Fe-r 13118 to when; and cure promptly. ---__'%_ “n m A . An interesting exploration ot Lake Tanganyika and the country north of it, finished recently, reveoled the fact that while certain sun molluucu are found in this Lure, it is the only one of all the large African lukos in which such phenomena urn nhsnn ed. Tttie lulu- u only u short distance, some eighty miles, from the 'great Congo basin much of which, without doubt, was once covered by the sea. Cttis uig'ngturo if on evetbo.x o.t the mull. ttsd mmtsdy that ”we. Ci.emg In one 4” When making lnynr cake, tt there is not time to line the tins with pa- per, the cake is not an likely to stick if. after the tins are. greased. they are lightly dredged with flour. In enlisting tor tho cavalry recruit. lng olfloers never accept an enlist- ment from " man who welghs over 165 pounds. while tor Infantry or artillery recruits who weigh up to 190 pounds are accepted. '"""W'"tF' :1“an WHOOTTEN. Port Mulgravo. L"G"iiira' iViithoi0uinilte ae Cattsrrhoaone cures Catarrh. Catarrhozone cures Cattsrrtr Is there a phrase in our language more eloquently tsignificant ot phy- sical and mental refreshment. more expressive of remission of toll and restful relaxation. or so rich in as- sociations with the benefit and se- renity of home life. and also with unpretentious. Informal. social in- tercourse? ' ROBo" HIGHrGRADE TEA is a fine example of what tea would be. Get the " cent package for greatest economy. If your grocer does not keep it. send your name and address on a postal, and by return mail we gill give you the name of one who new. kw 'll? 1iLj!ll.L -riii, Ross Tea Company, 11-1: Punt street east. Toronto. MM; An Exceptional Lake. Very Deep Water. "h CO? 0F TEA." Baking Tins. STBBY. over a Kidney ---"-" auuooeeoeee"" t-sseeee"'t = tt TRAILS OR Whether " were. nobier in the W0- man to suitor the mud slings and spatters ot the trailing skirt. or abandon "mode" and embrace hygisne. is the question ot the feminine hour. Agitation on this most important point has been whetted by the news which comes over the seas iron Aus- tria. In Vienna the trailing skirt must not be. In Vienna they have city authorities who rise Inspired and lay down the law awarding to their lights. In Vienna. have been hoistedv1 the signs ot the hygienic reign. and‘ those who run may read that the trailing skirt is tabooed because it sweeps up the dust. No too, too long garments in pulee places. If the signs. which are prominently and lquuently displayed, tail of th-ir purpose the olienders are to be lined. Already the kingdom of the long skirt has been contested by its shorter rival. The abbreviated bit otl wearing apparel started with the populality or.“ ~yvie " ling. From the wheel and the golf links it was but a 'Btep to the street. Ttsen came the ready adoption by the "Rainy Daisies"; and now the curtailed thing is so common that only the provincial visiting the city tor the first time turns around to gaze at its wearer. Champions of the short skirt are hailing with joy the action at the Vienna folk. They tree in this Aus- trian initiztthe great possibilities, even local I gislntive action, In behalf of their favorite garb. They are _.....a.. mm. ”muons why the clipped - . - 'L-o-ot-tttttttf, ---. -.A__ to warn noblel' in 'Att' WO' UIIUIluqu ...v V Already the kingdom skirt has been vontt shorter rival. The abbr WIIUUI an“ vn.~ B' step to the street. Then ready adoption by thl Daisies"; and now the curt ls so common that only the visiting the city tor the turns around to gaze at l' - .. 4.“. (‘hnmplons ot ttr, short In" no hailing with lay the action at the Vienna folk. They see in this Ame trian initiative great possibilities. ewen local I. glslutive action, In behalf ot their favorite garb. They are ready with reasons why the clipped wear is to be commended. For ex- ample, speaking of the comparative values. one little women said: i " wear a short skirt because I can get around In it so much easier than 1 l, can in a long one. l find the change 3 invaluable trom the point or convert-' ience. When I want to run out to market I don't feel like putting. on my trailing skirt. which is bound to gather In all the. dust and dirt from the sidewalk and the thousand and one mime-Ming articles which adorn the floors ot the butcher's. the bak- er's. and the candlestick maker's. I am so used to the short skirt now _ that I wear it when i go down town shopping. nn’l, let me confess it, I once wore it to the opera. when the night happened to he disagreeable and the opera one that I didn't want to miss." On the other hand. there an» count- l less women who are not ready to ree llnquish the old order. As one of l these has It-- UIIUB‘I Ill):- Iv "We wear the trailing skirt Be- cause it Is fashionable. Why is it fashionable? Oh, because It is. that‘s all. For one thing. it givm a. woman a more distinguished appearance. It makes the short woman look tall and it makes the tall woman look queen- ly. We are not going to for-mks the long skirt on account of n Viennese prtksedent."--hvw York Herald. Charles J. Tinsicy. of Henrico conn- ty. Virginia, has a remarkable and most accommodating pear tree. This is the second year this tree has borne. A few days ago Mr. Tinsley gathered the fruit ot this tree. He found then that it had produced " pear tor each member of his family -thirteen in all--he and ills wife und (-ioven children. Th? tree had remem- bered every one. This pear tree did not do little, wonky things either. It bore not a pear that wrighed less than a pound. The pear for the gld man weighed olghtecn ounces and tor the mother seventwn ounces. ONE LADY Oll GENTLEMAN UN l ovary city, town, village and ham- ', let in Canada can make a few llun- ‘ dred dollars with very little (snort on their part manufacturing our new Cameo Art Medallions, the gretsteart selling art novelty ever placed on the market You can canin clear Forty Dollars per Week. We teach you the entire process ot making this great Heller and supply all ma- terinls tor only " Only one person in each locality. and we fully pro- teet you in your own territory. Greatest opportarrlty over uric-rel in the world to learn a money-making business. and no fake scheme. Par- ticulars free tor P. cent stump. Write at once to Green‘s Art led- ‘nllion Co., Renfrew, Canada. Catarrhozonc curve; Catarrh. "The old man seemed mighty well pleased with himlclf," said Mr. Grind.. er’s conchmnn. __ _ _ "sure," said the cook. “He'l been saving all his burned matches. tor six months, and this morning he found he had enough tor um to hurt the kitchen tire with."-- Indianapolis Pres. Africa has nearly Too language“, and thLs tact presents great 1iifntatl. than to missionary effort. Minard'n Linlment Cures (impart in cows. Illa A Remarkable Pear Tree. Triumph of Economy. §OV+‘RAIL5 g iEEUE N010 1901. W - - This picture is the trade mark of SCOTT'S EMULSION, and is on every bottle of §COTT'S EMUV SIGN in the World, which now amountsto mmy millions yarly. This grant business has grown to such vast proportions, FtratPBecause the proprietors have always been most careful in selecting the various ingredients used in its composition, namely; the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the purest Hypophosphites. Secondt9ecattse they have no skillfully combined the various ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. FhtrKBecause it has made so many sickly, delicate children strong and healthy, given health and rosy cheeks to so many pale, anaemic girls, and healed the lungs and restored to full health, somany thousands in the first stages of Consumption. l, M 2999‘.” Jtt..ttey, " you luv: not tried R, send for free “In. “Ingmble taste will yumnsc nu. soon a I.toTliF chum; A dentist says that I her teeth sooner than abiy Ihe wears them tongue. rio-ar-Gas, mm In me. rot - nnd prion- addre- "AHDABD CUP", co.. -ttitom. 0‘ Fencing and Metallic Rooting and Sidiaz Business and Plant. Reason tor selling. not sumac-t capital to push business. THE LOCKED WIRE FENCE co., Limited, LONDON, ONT. FN,',',,', ACRES FOR SA' F, -ttN [MRI nhoro~weuv of Port lhlhundo: m: - planned tofmitttses: Inge portion boaru.. Address box 935, Bt. t “hm-loos. Ont. FOR, SALEHARDWARE STORE. WORK 2,et and dwelling. on line of rah!- ' with trtgte and tooin---now 3nd crate: at :& an the dollar are ctuutre; inspection colic] John m. Newton. ont. ..BIG STRAWBERRIES» WANTED -.\OENTS IN EVERY TOWN in Cumin to Hell made-toque an". clothing" good communal-d; (ml purllculll‘t 'dt"GGL"tlliiiriiG CAN, McKiunon Bldg. lb ronlo. Ont. 1““llll l'Al\l| Iv.» hnu... __._.._ ___ _"-"-- tineat In the Ni urn PI-ulmuln, It Winona. I0 miles than gunman on two HAIL In”. I!) new“: l.35 of will In is m (run. Inonlly pea has. ll be sold in one par "t or divided into lot-w! . to 20 more: tat suit our chm”. Think a eclded Inn-11in. Adam. Jonslhun Unrpenle P. 0. box tos. Winona (hut-Io. 16t plants post paid for 81.0". Send tor lt4 N. E. IALWKY, Blenheim. 0d- 2mm FGisirrajfurac-t 951539; Trey. FOR SALE. M ti.GU an drugzin says that a woman hee t-Vriaieiiroprry and 1. complications u spocllll-y for ’twenzy yum Quick must. Cum Worst. new. Book a :‘I‘IITIIUHIALS and 10 by. treatment run Fel" 1LGREEN‘880N8, Box " Armada. Tumulu DROPSYV Treated Free. A 7_ a. man. Prob- out wnh her CLONES tlllgllt .‘uhlngtun l'l'p can: Dr, 'rtrlma, - an conquvx‘ at grow younK will clit., i, . unwed like the M tlies 1 - Neath MPH“ el Core beguxy ot I. ot voice. OMB powvr o', cluv. nuvh Ph - of anari: union. its a I!” that tnt.', - cases its Leveling its ty curve It a“ my CI! Bun. n I no years; W1 "It! Is subhmv ere-ted (mgr. booted can“. t But char a M -tthsq wow: and thorn and Ike moving 2 fathers a - In” which 're.' " bone 1. and " K" Nod, and h unchal tumor n: menu-rm: "trits, a q.ttent'e, In! a?" we r anon. s 3etto.tuip the head “In yo Cut. , “my w (an!!! of you I business in! as oqtrttt " ward on "ve h and r9 mugs“: (are ot mu m par! " the pu their phy one lends Parr, of - mar . qivetitvr 'u at hr hr n rem-s am. order' ttd m the be I can“ I“)! an Tur Tulmue m CH: " on ht ht ht, tth scar In. ptr under-mm “d "dva' tbe guns! n, rttnnW “d the 4 "nnrlun l Pttebotoe' mean-I" {a ever! from He has KW" to the hu ttreatit' " ”can; Ii pt dam. 5 dim t lik which“ an “I t " II m Tut, T glww M sr.11 I" . I. t' qeeqo..irit an If M bu n!

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