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Durham Review (1897), 7 Mar 1901, p. 4

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I”? Ras, DURHAM REVIEW 110]. Intended for tart week. Quite a number of people in this vicin- ity Innvohm a tough mm. with In ttrir ptr during the last lea weeks and we are pleased to mu Wat mos: of the tsufferers no getting batter. .....- .--w_,, - We no glad so soy am Mr Wat Banks _ has bad u change lor the better Ind hop" 1 on held that be will be able to come home in the can!“ of a wook or no. Witt can. heme with tho gnppo Ind wont back to nun]; when he was mak- Ing oquun timber, before he had really got our it and has since oil a mwm| “lock ot iuBammtttiot' on the lungs. We an all wishing to we him back. Our neighbor Mr Henry Motha Intomls having: sa‘enl hum stock and imple- menu on we lilh of March. Henry is going to more In Western Onlnrio in tho only rprine. Our bert wishes will go mth lulu. that he will lune succesn in Isis l new home. tnt we; would like to con him to any m our midnt if it wan poulhle for when "e hast “tubing good wn like to hang on to i'. Mr Tom MeNullv jr. ha, rented Mr II Muffut's farm for a term of wars. Tom is a huntler and Is sure to mnho it way. Mr .lnllle% McNally (Bucky Jllnl has bought the Hunter property on tho north com, Maguut's old when. w. hear 81300 was the price paud' Messrs McNally & was are Atrusise farmers, farming some where about 450 acres. They will make It go as old Phil used to say. \ "if c. Ramage, ',Taor. Miss Elizabeth Wise. Well known in these parlmhua had I long Illue-s thil winter. and is now staying with Mr Henry Ridley at Ceylon. Everyone has a good word for uumy and we all would like to hear of her recovery. Melina Allan and Dans Allin. Dick and Joe. the wood cutters are but] round the Falls these days. They have, quite a number of eontraetsto fill are the any! grows. Thoy no hustlers. Tom Glan- croos is their next port they lay. Miss Noni. Bott, of Durhsm. has boon staying with friends in this part tues past couple of weeks. Nalliein A general fa- vorite round here. There in no nc-rcity ot snow in Glenda tho-e days. Tho roads are full in most place. sud it Is vain deep in the bush, no that it is nearly iuyouiblo to get around. We wish we could by bold on some of the neither prophets. Thursday, Mar. T, 1901. Mrs D gunman is improving very slowly. Mn Baht Motthowu we are glad to learn u improving who wan under the Dr's cure. Jan Ritchie bu taken the contract of building Walter Ferguson's new home. Jim IS one who will make a first-elmo job. MBP “21...”. l., hn-Ilinn than log" out to tl Miss Agnes I started fur the thaw sister M low at present S. Yunnan and John Moore each pur- chased a tine hone from Mr Will McFad- den of Gloulg. Quite a number from tended the lunenl of the Scott last Monday. 8033. Intended for In.“ wool While Mr C W Robb and his hired man were cutting sawlogs last Mon- ( day Mr Robb had the misfortune to lose his team. It appears that they left the team " what they thought a sale place and Went to out down a tree, but there was quite a breeze blowing and it carried the tree across the cut and it fell on the, horses. One of them a valuable mare, in foal died in a short time and the other hag to be,kil?,td, to get it out of Gia/v. Too bad about 0160. Jno. Ferguson has got Dan Ferguson engaged cutting law logs. People mod not be alarmed if any notice 3 animals o'. We mu. betWeeu now and the first of April. it they dont know the reason why in who from Jack or Dan. Mr Harry Anderson. - through the Park. on I pin-are trip south all the attraction seem: to be south thin winter. We notice on. lad tom 3 little out now when he an to I cousin com". perhaps it in warmer that direction. Mr J. E. Bergman. attended o party a Hopnillo. lowly,_in good company too. Hopoyillo. lately, in good compony too. They report I good ttme. Mr Dunn Ferguson. attended the tea- meeting u Sun‘s Collage, in company with one ot Ibo m: u: Mound thou. Ls Grippo in going in round- unit). Mr Jan. Dough: is one ot its victims. Mr Dan Ferguson. ucompamod by hm lint" Mania of Minto, mind at Mr Douglas Paranoia, nud other friends around hero a low (in. in: week. - a 5.“! -n 0L- any- urvuu- uvlv - -- MM -.r "H Min Mary Fountain. viliud u. the pur- enul home n tew days hut week. Mr William Porter. is bt lumber for his new home to next "Imam. - _---- A next “Ilium-l. Min Sank McMillan. '13 the guest of Ilia Janet Fox-amen. for nterr any: last week. Mr Lewis Frook. m good campus] attended the Scotch cone"; in Durham. It Natl MoKechnio. "eompamed by bu mm In. Junie visited on: Sand” " It Dough. Ferguson. Tusk. waive Bromo Quinine Tablets Ail droattdats refund the money if it fails town. Me. E. W. Grove’s oignature is on each box. Mar 1 Henry's Corner. - --o- _-- "may no Maple Park. this vicinity at late Margaret J by, 13.01an settlers near Dromoro. having some to Exremont in 1866. She was born at Lochhead, near Moffat, 1hgtnfr1ahirrs, Scotland. in 1829, so had posed her 'threeseore and ten years. She s nt ‘her maiden years in North Dung“, out on her father's farm, in company with six sisters and one brother, all M ‘ . whom survive her. Over 50 yrs ago 4 she married James Hastie who survives , her, as do her grown up family st four qt ‘sons and three daughters. Mrs S. Kin- : l nel, Proton, Mrs R. Renwick Dromore, . F Mrs G. Cushnie Mt Forest. Her sons, l' ' William, Egerton, in Proton, Walter, . . on the homestead, John, Knox College 1 , Toronto, and James in Rainy River, , J I Dist. who could not be here. Mrs Has- ', , tie was ofa quiet thoughthl disposition 1 much given to reading and oontomp- ' 5 lation. Early she began to instinct _ het' children about subjects thatiew 5 l mothers think of, and all while the . work of the home went on. The home a 1 was her Kingdom in which, her family x recognized her as the Queen. and ‘9 queenly qualities she possessed. She Ad l was inde with the strongly marked liliialities ot a Scottish gentle woman, H l, which an): of those who knew her well m I were privileged to know the value oi. iSlii- was new-r heard by any one to , I say an unkindly word of a neighbor, [TI '1 and all knew her willingness to help, on! in time of trouble. Thus hcrlife was , & I 'Ile oi beauty and an example ofUhi'ist- ue ian work. She was quietly laid to he rest by her three sonsand three sons- inlorin the church yard connected in with Amos church, oi. wh.ieh.she had m been a true nwmber since its inception. Ur Relations and friends gathered to pay in; their last tribute of respect to one who in was much loved by all. I it will be well remembered by many nd at the readers of the Review that on he 11th of April last 1900, Mr and Mrs u Mastic celebrated their golden Wedd- "9 ing, and at that time Mrs Hastie was in - _ ' . ._. - _ -- -t--ttpr. Ruin-p” Value In the early morning of S&bhath the 24th, Feb. Mrs James Elastic paged amgy. She IPI, one et. aha early Aug. unu- .... -....- -..-~_ __ good health with many years before her, bat death has come, that unwel- eomed visitor and taken her from us. The sorrowing family hare the sympathy of community in being thus bereaved of one so pure. Miss Maggie Hay, who has been home. owing to her minher's illness who we are pleased“) say has recovered. Miss M. returned to Toronto, on Mon- day, accompanied by Miss Mamie Rvnwick. Inapetor Campbell, lectured on the subject of “Character Development” in Amos church last Thursday evening. It was a very profitable lecture to all who heard him. The home of Mr and Mrs Findlay was brightem-d on Sunday morning when Mrs Findlay presented her husband with a bouncing baby boy. Quite a number Irom here took in the teahneeting and opening cf the new Methodist church, known as the Salem church. Swinton Park, at course and Dromorv choir was there, all reporting a good tune. - _ _ . .. .. p ,LA_ _.........5 elm} a 'ic'"" llIulv. It is with feelings of deep regret that we learned of the sudden death ot Miss Maggie Scott, ofDurham. She was a bright promising young woman held in the highest esteem bv her many friends and acquaintances in the vie. inity and elsewhere. lining taught school for the past two years in the ad- joining Suction. She was well and tavorubly known. Her kind and sym- pathic ways will never be forgotten: She was ever ready to assist anv church -- . L..,:I_-L....,. ”Ill? ‘VIIDV' \l """-., --" W or society. The sorrowing family have the heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity. A number of young people. from around here attended the social party on Friday last at Jim Ledinghum’s. Mrnnd Mrs John Smith and Annie Clark visited friend, in Greenoch last week. Mri Bob Grierson and Mr Duncan MacLean were down It Guelph lust Week. They purchased two tim, thor- oughhrod animals. ‘- . ' ‘14.? -A.‘ A‘ ""tv"" "I .-._._--" _ Mr and Mrs Maleolut MacLean of Bruco were visiting the MacLean families. Mi Alex Fletcher has purchased a new cutter lately. What direction do you drive Alex. Mr C. Steve-Ion 3nd lumlly were visiting 1n north Proton on Sunday 24th. A nice puny of dancers went. the night in a hotel here on 27th, They report 11"- mga good time. Thank-of. Mr Kunming has returned hometrorn Toronto. . In seeing the Rev. Mr Broad coming around among his penple reminded us of old tunes when the men used to ride on horsebnck. before buggies got so plentifl‘l. “DISCO-cl. 'cIUI- Uu.5lvv Pe" -- I....___V_,, Mr Broad generally rides on horseback. and we are informed that he was in the army or a missionary with the army In the West Indies. He has all the appear- ance of it, In his height is six feet and his “might position In the saddle will show much. We also find that he is very atten- tive to his people when he hears of any being sick. We have bad a cold stormy February and March month came in blowing . regular 1surrtetsue, and our roads no about. blocked up and tratfit, will be delay. Mr Gleuintel', is still very low. Dr. South attends every day. 003::yl’t; riiiiuitrt' iiiU4itirGr Gt 50113 tirtsttelal "rr?ttt/ey __ 1Flf, lee, Its. 19:: psytblo weekly 03 ppr hub-clutch an “d :11 orrp9u!e, straight. na-tIdo "Jury paid “ch Baum-y Ill 'edtl'l'll monay gn- nmcod out: - STAN ARI) not)“, Yuan-u "It. - ---_ w - -__ Mt Dunno”! th., Cameo. Fawraay--ctuttrit.,rtPetpttte "t " Dromore. NULL CORNERS. Hopevme. C I et----------- A ___-___.-.-.--.-...--.--- THE BIG STORE 71:0 Sltotrertson's feud} Paints. Hardware l, Department The weather ie still cold and the reeds bad, but no big Merck is about to enter we expect e change. The People of our peeceeble valley ere all wet wish the exception of Miss Mary E. McDoweld who returned home lest Seturdey. trout Toronto, through the " fecte of le gripper, but we hope that In e' short time she will be able to be eronnd again enjoying the cold weether with the rest of ne. l A number of the young people of our lVelley took in the Swinton Perk eoiree, which took pleee on Teeedey Feb. 26th, they report e. splendid time. eeme of them ere leughiug yet " the jokes of Rev. Mr. Bneheneo. A cutter tinsil to the brim left the Valley lest Tueedey evening end leaded et Swemp College - they spent some pleuent home. . . -____ nun u. nah. P"'""'""" -Mrei"e_ We no sorry to law that MI. Colin Lamont tad family “0 going to have this neighborhood. They h“. ban pone.- able 3nd chiming mi ghbo . ' J. A. HUNTER- . BALSAI VALLEY C 3tunter "r, Axe Handles Inc. mmmmx SEISSUIS 20% BI. GUI” tgtg iit Mes 65% all, s.mixed them heullh and prosperity when ever they may lnml. They intend at present going out. West. Mr Lamont has rented his place to Mr Pierson for a. term of three years. Fiddler Jo and Councillor McIntyre pre still awry tunberlug, but snwwr Me- 1 Cormucli in home. h seven and n lmlf 1 foot saw Ia too long. John E Fermi-on has engagad Dav Ferguson for a tow days to help him out. some logs. We hear that Oscar takes trips south. Success Oscar. We are beginning to tliitilt um nu- Boothvillo correspondent lost. hi: hand nu wehave not neud from him for some time. We would like to hear from him as we expect. he would know and tell us when all the south attractions are. John McQueen. of Boothville who was thou: to sell llll place and move “our Durham has changed his mind and has rented his brotiser-in-litw'i' place. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Surrogate Court, of the County of Grey, in. the matter of the Estate of Margretha Knapp, late of the Village of Neustadt, in the County of Greg, Widow, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursu- ant to R. S. o., 1897, Cap. 129, See. 38 and amending acts that all persons., having claims against the estate of the said Margrctha Knapp who died on or about the fourth day of February A. D. 1901, are required, to send by goat prepaid or to deliver to the xecutors, on or before the The Review and Glohelbo Dept ' Slat. 1901 with premium picture t of “Canadians at Paardebutt". 1m 'i REVIEW and Weekly sul..... 31.75 :IRIYIIW and Montreal Weekly ii Sm........... ............... 31.75 . London Advertiser, Daily. and l Review one year 82.75 their names. addresses and descrip- tions and full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if :1:ng1 held by them duly tsertifiai and t " alter the said day the Executors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the deceased among the 'ggi"'," entitled thereto having re- ‘ga -. only to the cLaims of which they 3&1] ii% Live notice. Execnm- (BALTZER -KNAPp, Neustadt, Ont. Dated the 13th day of February. 1901. in. my of March A. D. 1901 Our Clubbing Rates. CONRAD K_NA_PP. Helot. bariaui, Ont. regular :2 l " - - - - 'ro MN lc- I "If --- m! Our Wa: out. Plows, D on all arl tlar i then buy the RR trt" ' I] "H us m d near has We have a n weight and l running Bim - Full RS, We are well: LOTS OF Mt Indy LOW.' 'slutc Implemen y the fl; iii' 'ish-ri-tstreet-rat-ei-tei-tsort"'"""", We havea new light Massey-Harris binder we warn you w act, JCCdtdh%'. ... weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the easiest running Binder in the world. - Full line of PIANOS. ORGANS. and SEWING MACHINES.---- We are well stocked with TURNIP SOWERS, SCUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, do. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at Ki. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWN WM l Implement Warerooms. t,sssnsrsesirsrassnsnsrseariar=a=='== EEC: ml.-"'--" Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don’t fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, thcse AGGONS were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop when- ' you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. “in” Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts = to choose from Goods bou ht six months a m J) - . . . . g . .g . QIM' - ak?.. Prices will surprise you. MASSEY HARRISAGENGY, DURHAM. Massey-Harris Binder we want you to see, reduccd in rings from Top to bottom of it, Positively the easiest Fortu Lot 23. Con. F) Ipleldid iIan-nv Due bun. Very . " acres an” .- Rond. Splendid will sell clteapor Lttitk con. 14. P. o, In hawk, "lace nlul must y: He has I but Hum including the full" on G am h hum. Th asked . not q, cor farm. “MUM! ed nt low t'tcri ttt I 11 Fri ie, THEY'LL SAT MONEY TO Lt and up - arms. INSURANCE?» CONVEYAN w., Sih Ring: Fl Ladle - 8rd Div N. ly in MI truth qi-tci., an . - at w The Han Tht fare Jail 3",” Wall CALI " AREA OF TIM] Lower Qua " ttt Rgpairin‘ Jak Sol KM llil HE SELLS CHEAP lot " Giul- 31"]! ate pl “ till JA l ml ied t W1]

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