West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Mar 1901, p. 5

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THIS WEEK: Wh ips, Clothes- IOPPPFS. rm lf 112 om , Oil Dress- aev. l Lasts. ets and meme stock You might [E y,',' 'lil 'IA' :- ly reduced {LDER AcHiyIis.--. , HAY FORKS, etc. [ARRIAGE Licenses tum 1tis'tty RHAM. 1ssort- ver lers y,', 'y,C4 1rns cuts cu! m easiest '\' tii' . J \‘J Pure fancy per lb. 100. Srve Wad: porpackayo 2 l CALL AND SEE US. W. H. BEAN Floor Oilcloth 2 yds wide per yd. 50c. " Ft " yds " 't 40c. t l . ' I yd i ' o s 23c. Table Oilcloth 45 in. wide 25c. te $s 54 in. wide TNC. Flannelette Blankets, large at size in white or grey per pair $.25. The best heavy pure wool blank- ets, per pair $3.75 to t4.oo Big4w AHEAD pl l)? it is Alwyn We! than to be behind a: tit mu belt." ht be on time. On! "who: Ira tn human: with in who“. of the whom all you on than depend on than). Tm m in M'.', can too and are told u “or“ a lo prion. -.-- Repairing of Watch... Jowolry. So., t spool-Its. W. A. Mac Farlane. We. vainly" wink. t JAKE KRESS , t ---d Flatware ' . ("hnins [Hulill Gold Lathe-sf Long Guards. liold Filled [Silver A GORDON,. (“5“.ss$ “s. ‘1. 1Ve an» Imw showing tho largest stock in Town of Hmnpdo-n. Elgin and Waltham “Watches in Gold, Hold Filled. Silver and Nickel Cases. Ladies', Hentt and Buyn’ sims and all the latest Ideas in . [Sat Silverware "in'"'t?tli,, . {gwgmy Rin ' ttiot Silva” gs t Plain JeweJl h"ocit")'i?/,', ling Clocks --- q Ebony $990; THEY’LL SATISFY I have a large numher of oiher p erties in town and country and will or trade. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING as walla: other financial business carefully atten- Lot 7, con. 3, Normanby, the we”. farm. lwlnug to a company. and is offer- ed at low tigurem MONEY TO LOAN “4 1-2 nor cunt and up according to security and terms. -- i. -- -. u. ulvllwls nu Unrnfl‘nxu Road votive-mum to Dul- ham. This htty acres Is a snap at price asked. 64 acres near Allan Park on Durham Rmul. Splendid building». good land. will sell cheapor trade. Lot 18, com M. Bentinek. near Louise P. o, In hands, of A (Ynmpany. Fine place and must go to some “no. splendid 'imPrnv'ed Yap, Du: ham. V cry cheap. He has a trig list of Property for Bale including the following: Fortunes a saw!!! bfrerMys so trt young it, ih,r.1?f,:,1,,tt Ifen:h.f.rf, l (Pleads Lot 218,.ng12.“ fr,,. G. R., Bentinek a HE SELLS CHEAP l! Jake Kress. I" II In! I, My m""""'" H. H. Miller, The Hanover Conveyance,. W. H. Bean, 7.7. -".""'"_ " moved farm convenient to --e-- l flllllllllllli (hlht BIUCK imamvun»~ the Best. oiyes'..prop: 50C. 400. 2 5c. 25c. TNC. sell] is fully the: ppeu' of Sir ”liver in NilHVlly l and t'ourteoust1ess, and outiloes him in luluquvm'v. Such it comparison is not inviilmus, lmthuse the times are ”Willin- lsihlc- for it. An the world wags on. 1 glowing more utilitarian. more lel'll- _ cal daily, the public moreand more de. l mantis thut its Prmrehliuistepshall hen distiiwtive figure, with ortrettttertoal as well as useful endowrmtettts, This explsnm the popularity of a Laurier, of nRoss. We like to feel that the chief actors in the national drama will play thc-ir parts masterfully. that they will not stumbli- over their lines, miss their cues, or make the play go badly when all the world, through the neWspaneis. is looking on and criticizing. The grace with which Sir Wilfrid comported himself in the Diamond Jubilee celebrit- tions, the facility with which he arose and with which he always 'u'l.'rett-- to every great. occasion, thtilled the nation al pride. In a. more restricted aroma. Premier Ross has shown the ssme qualities. What great occasions hss he ever failed to adorn with graphic language? Who so ready, so opt, as he l to say the right word in the right place 1 and at the shortest notice? Who is equal to him in expressing what everr body thinks with force and precision? These msy he trivial things. People who are not touched by eloquence or moved by tho pageantry of wmds may snort scorntully. but there's s poetic instinct in nations and communities that in the making of history the high priest shall always be adequate. or course, Ontario would not suffer a Premier who was all words. Words without deeds are " unsatisfactory as faith without works. By his construct- ive, aggressive policy Premier Ross has shown that he has solid claims on our otMrrages, and that when he is not speak in; our thoughts or interpreting the policy of his Government he is perpend. inn over our interests. The outstanding cmstructive and intorpretstive ability ot the Premier muss tho Opposition took like tho proverbial thirty cents. While Liberalism in Csnsdscsn produce orators and statesmen of the type ofl, Ontario has linen very fortunate in its public men. Looking as far lka as Confederation- a retrospect of more, than " ttener"tion--therehas nave-r been a time when the destiniea of the Prov. ince were not. in capable, careful hands. The wise, gentle sway of Sir Oliver Mount, still linger-sin our memories, and particularly bin efforts in the boundary award, by which we were coutivtued in that rich heritage now known as New Ontario. No one hegrudges the old statesman the ease, the dignity,aml the income he enjoys as Lieutetiarit.Govev. nor. Indeed this, the most lucrative gift in our powvr. is but small reward for the preservation of those territopits which are the great hope ot our future. it. is satisfactory to note, “Lo. that, Premier, Ross. his mo” distinguished l successor, "ppveriates to the full this legary. and is putting forward a policy which will make it fructlfy. i’rt-Iuier Ross served his apprenticeship an " cauuacalist under Sir Oliver Mownt, and he seems to lmvrnhsorhed his foresight. his tact, and his methods generally. He ll PREMIER 10 BE PROUDUF ”cl/bare Women A bottle of our woe/ Iran and Wine will prove very beneficial. It is a nice com- bination of Citrate of Iron with the best extract of beef and Pure Sherry Wine. The most delicate patient will find it pleasant and agreeable. 5oc a bottle. MacFARLANE 8100. Ihr? Wecaverl'ny As rapidly as you should from an attack of LaGripre, try a bottle of fTere.Jrerram,', Tonic tltiatir, There is nothing like it to build you 11p--50c a bottle. If Druggists ik Booksellers HUN. l W. R088. are "I may be permitted to any as a Ito, man Catholic subject" . added the Premier, "that this legislation is not altogether according to my views, but I know too well the temper of my fellow countrymen. I know tt 0 well the necessity in which they are in England. tooffsr the slightest objectionand for my part I am quite content to be the subgect of the Piotestaut King of Eng- an ." In conclusion the Premier tsaid..-- "Whether this motion passes or doe, not pass, whether it passed it isheed- ed or not heeded in England, whether this oath is maintained in the law, the lovalty of Roman Catholics will not be effected thereby. They will contmue tobeas they are to-day willing and cheerful subjects of His Majesty King Edward wr, and of his successors, But it canbe well admitted that pride and devotion which we all take in this great empire which was the firgt refuge of liberty of conscience when liberty of conscience wee still banished from the rest of the world. would be more enthusiastic if that legislation. the last vestiges of these ages of WI teh I have spoken were to be blotted out forever from the statute books ot free England". 'ns were expressed in the declaration objected to, were repugnant to the spirit of the presentage, they wore a rem- nant of those in’oieruut ideas which for 1 many centuries disrupted and desolated , Europe. [Io pointed oat that the i abolition of this objectionable declara- tion did not ttfyeet the Protestant success ion nor the Church of England nor the Protestant religion. There were two oaths to be taken by the king: one was to “maintain the laws ofGod, the true profession of the gospel, and the reform- ed religion established by law." The motion before the House did not in any way contemplate to do away with that oath, In 1677, in the reign of Charles II, statute Waspassed which compelled all members ofthe House ol Lords, and the House oi'Commons, and all servants of the Crown, to take the oath contain- ing the words "And that the invocation or adoration ofthe Virgin Mary, or any other saint, and the sacrifice otthe mass, as they are now used in the Church of Rome, are superstitious and i idolatroas". In 1689 this statute was extended to the king, In sofaras it applied to subjects of the king, that act haslong ago been abolished, and the object of the resolution now betore the House was to represent to the Imperial authorities that this oath should be dispensed with by the king as by his 1 subjects. I ion the King lor the removal of the dociaration made upon his accession to the throne, in which he denies the doctrine of tranatlbstantiation and stignatises the invocation and adoration Virgin Mary and tho saints at super- stitious and idolatroo. As was pointed out by several speakers, the introduc- tion of the subject into the House at all, i was a dangerous experiment, liable to lead to untoward and even regrettable incidents, but to creditotthe members it must be recorded that the discussion throughout, though pceionally heated never once became objectionable, every speaker, he he Protestant or Roman Catholic. kept himself well in hand. I THE PREMIERE Posrrtox. l The debate itself was ol unusual ex. curlleruw, and was listened to by crowd- ed:galieries. Both leaders rose to the full measuro of the requirements of the hour, and the speeches which followed Were almost without exception, worthy of the best traditions ol the House, The Premier declared that such sentiments No wonder the session is going along so smoothly and business is progress- ing so rapidly, and eyerything is so lovely for the lion is hobnobbing with the lamb in regulation millenial style, and scarce aripple disturbs the seren- itv of the proceedings of the House. The greatest interest this weeks centres mound last week's debate upon the proposal of Hon. John Costigan, to petit- ion the King tor the removal 0 the ly wealthy man. Although Premier Ross is probably the youngest of our great man hishead is plentifully be, sprinkled with gray and his health is considerably undermined when he. reaches his zenith. But the lamp of his mind burns clear and bright as ever. hie jndzuwnt is ripe, his eloquence alert and nimble, and so we say that no career is ten large for him. Some peo- ple do say that wheurlurs,rreat outstand- ing Frenchman Lnurier is temoved from the sewn- the great outstanding Englishman Ross is his legitimate suc- u-ssm. Oman-in. however, will have smut-thing to my about that. This Province mnnnt afford to Lax:- a. Roan, although the Lirutd party has two Itt' thtuu, tils' class Prime Ministers in the nursery. I The success of Premier Ross mum lie l in the cause he espoum. for certainly a - of "ooo is note-ough to provoke ambush-m and energy that be thrown into his duties. How much he could hare earned in another walk of life. applying him great Riftsotttrgtsnization, eontrivanve, and oxpressinn. is hard to mm. but the mere question will point sufficiently the disparity between his work and his reward. We do not pay [ our. Premiers enough. None of them, has ever died u rich or non “nod: rato- i Lauri" And Ron. the party may be pe. garded a A long way from decadence. The Conservative parte bu given up for the time producing either orator. or statesmen. and must replenish nome- when in vital forces. A PaorEsraNr KING ALWAYS. OTTAWA NEWS AN D NOTES " _i'-i' LI C ”a I f .4! I ‘ "l IN - ll (illl "drcrsCF""" , - At fi. Bil The ' F Com ll! , , Ity.), Lee C. 1 There is gulnornlly somebody 1n the audienoe more in Lerosling than the show on the stage. ~Wohavo and nothing about the war ninea last century and here no there Boers Itill fighting away. De " has been corners] “effectually" ll timoa.or in it12? but every Limo no campus. "with the British close behind him," and goes to work to capture- convoy or wreck a railroad. They had him In“ lull Limo ir-it-he and his commando had not sworn tho Oronge river in flood! Kitchener u in (longer of losing hm reputation: French he: '00on doing good work: the British soldiur u as active as out. bat tired the British public is savoury of the slaughter. The invasion of Cape Col-I ony having proved a failure, the inton’ ynmon of Eumpe or the Staten out of) the question. all avenues of supplloa‘ blocked up. the and should come soon. Meanwhile he promised the dole. gation that it was his purpose to strengthen the restrictive clauses of the License, Act. In faetto make the most of whatever laws We have. In view ofthe decision Premier Ross hos deemed it wise to counsel delay to a delegation which waited upon him to urge. prohibitive legislation (or the province. We have the utmost con- fidence in the sincerity of Mr. Ross' temperance attitude, and believe that when constitutional obstacles are re- moved this province, under his lender- ship will bave a wise measure of prohibition. The court holds that the power of the province to pass legislation does not come within section 92 of the British North American Act, which gives to the Province the power to legislate in regard to property and civil rights. The court discussed at length the question as to whether the Province had power under sub-section 16 ofthe above Act, which gives to the Province the power to pass legislation in regard to matters of a purely local and private nature within the Pro, Vince. The court held that the enact-f moms contained in Liquor Prohibition! Act were more than matters of a purely local and private nature, that they interfered with mattera of tradm and commerce, which concerned thoi Dominion at large, and in this way), infringed upon the powers oi the Dru-l minion in regard to trade and com-1 mercu. _ The Act was, therefore, declared unconstitutional and void. r The step taken by Hon. Hugh John ‘Mncdonaid during " brief term of Eower in Monitobu in bringing in a rohibition Bill for the province. adds one more to the abortive anemia to introduce prohibitory liquor exis- lation. This time the Act ban been set, aside owing to its unconstitution- ality. Judges KiOrm Bain and Richards being unanimous in their decision. _ MANITOBA PROHIBITION Losses daring the year...... ...... Cashonhand.......... ..... Premium Notes Available. . .. . . . . LIABILITIES- N one. Total amount offarm property Insured...... ...... ....$l.443. 068.00 The Insurance premiums ‘of Insurance are lower than you can possibly get elsewhere. Give us A Call before your INSURANCE runs out in other companies. yt' It 1. “v; Jas Jywiugstrme GREY 81 BRUCE INSURANCE Ci). sit".'.'"?"'?]?,".?."""'," BBB Rig. a: we. I! " i.Pi.ttrer.tt.6:6:6i.t: sees: BOOTS, SEC ESand .... :Eiv'tp"E3:E3:EMiiaS1 .At Special prices The prices make it interesting. Come and see us in oumew store. C. McArthur, Durham, AUDITORS' REPORT-1900. o1gent for Me for farmer: tuy. Snnwfall for the waek, 20 inches: hours of sunshine, P2: general direction of the wind, mull: west, and generally blowing hard. the soldier. --Dr. Dawson, tho Dirmtor of Cana. da's Geological survey, died in Ot, tawa on Saturday at the age of 51. He was the eminent son of an eminent father, Sir Wm. Dawson, tor many years principal of' McGill University. {Father and son have done valuable Arork for Canada in seientiife lines. Tr. Dawson wee one of the greatest explorers of our great north western territory and very 'v1.ttinEl,y, his name lives in Dawson city. C. also made a study of seals and seal life and it was his report that helgfd as to win the Paris arbitration. egret will be general at his sudden and early de- mise. Honor the scientist es well as Juice! 6torrties Horse & Cattle Medicine, all Kinds and enough to supply the demand. Darling's Cold & La Grippe tabltts knock it out in a day. DARLING's DRUG STORE Mar. 'imrs, and Cyan; our d' Puverto or Chief Me best a, Cigar in town. ll F............... £587.00 _............... .2132.43 ........-...430,933.43 'illlllill BllllHll. Mi). h, DARLING Calder's Block. Durham. hbaccos, $2 'Un/ a $ox. RIO AiteAii7Eg TORONTO TW and 510112;"on 10 12 27 (t.l:rlhuttlttMitioiBlt Wigwam?) G RUGERIES A ttenerat Banking business transacted Drafts issued and Collections made on all poinu. Doposhs received and int.- oat Allowed " current mm. SAVINGS BASS. .merest, showed on “wings bank deposits of 'l.00 and up- wards Pmmpt attention and every (unit-- Mtomred customer- living at a ditstan u CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .SZJIILUUO CAPITAL. Paid up..... ..... 1.000.000 RESERVE FUND..,.. i. .... (“1,000 AGENTS in all principal INHIHN an Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. W. F. OOWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Hanger. DURHAM AGENCY alilljlllllj)lllI (A CANADA BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUILIC. COHUISIIONER. ere. Otttce, over Gtant's store arristor, afar , Gon- vcyancer, _ te., te..... Money to Loan at reasons ole rates and on terms to suit borrower. OFFICEM M C 1 ttit.ttw lllock. ,_.,._.., -m. lungw I mum to [Hill tt long-gen " Iowa: run of interest. Valuation undo ivy urompeceut and caretul Yunnan All Chum-ea Medoxuto Tm; Gammon- ll‘ Apncy promplly attended to Willa. Duds. Manna“, Lena, Agra-nub he. correct]: :tGWM- l-Luum of damaged penal. iotr a that. sad E dad mini-know Accoun- prrpr can Burton-la Conn lamina». Po ma. Letter- of Admluinmmou an; nip gytluiud- “who. much: ttim, n It. a HARRIS TEN, QOLIOITOR. uoarnr punuc, commune-n. ac 0metr-----LoWEIt TOWN. DURH‘I. Catholic?“ of all ki Farm» bou I promptly attended to and J,'rf OFFICEuMoKonzlo‘o Old Stand. Durham. Ont. 1 Du no}; ARTHUR H. JACKSON 0 _ I the Iruvridin (iiriiliiL.i, Block. Remdouvc first d, or “ Post Game. Durham. mun mum. out. and main 'iiiioCT - Dunn» “up Bunn- mu I...” your In: M an m origin} toloe. and hey it me. and glossy Try one bottle --Prioe Me. At an brunt-u And Bur Danna. We can give you Bargains. buxom Hun laun- " not I dye, bat . plan-n: droning tor an M. Dunn Bam RINI'II will can mans. Danton Run hum will r”... pour hot trom idling out. and m . it now. ttrf?, TELFO RD, Licensed Auctioneer {a the County of Grey. Terms moderate. Amnnmouu tor sales. as to dates.&c.musc on and. " Tho Roviow omen. Durham. Corn-spanionce damned than orto y'Tg','ee P. " will ha prompt” attended to. ‘ermu on application to CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR {nun-Inc. Agent, For ule in Durham by DE tsl, TISTRY. Dr. T. G. EDIT L. D. s. [I the only Hair preparation that it Kinny good result-J FFH‘IF FIR Ioort EAST MONEY TO LOAN lemma): and_ priming fund: DRY GOODS. CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOES. a, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, kc Head Office, Wrath; . LEFROY *McCAUL. McPHA IL , S. DAVIDSON. . "CPHAIL. llnperillv P. 0 C. RAIAGE Durham. Prlv-tc Mon.) to Loon Mcfarlqnc & Co., KELLY, Agent. Dr uggists & siG {Inner-ion {(Orcr the Bank ENE WE R u LowerTown IMM')‘ Culderht or west of the I l Luau o Ion 'h f H ID LB

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