West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Mar 1901, p. 8

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u it The new wall papers are making buyers happy. The variety of the figures and the excellence of the colors used will insure the very best results in the way of papering your home. The designer has been careful to pro- duce colors suitable for any room or for theindividual taste We are sure you will be abundantly pleased with these designs, and only want your inspection. MacFarlanelk Co. DRUGGISTS & BOOKSELLERS. David Rinks bought Mr Alex MeLeod's farm, a. couple of miles northnat at this place. counting of on. lmndrod and fittr net" for the am of .3600. Mr and Mrs Francis McLeod. of Staynor united {hands on the South lino ltd) Week. Mr Hampton movod away and Mr Thompson his nnccensnr ha: moved in. so the Words are tulfilurl, on. tooth and another eometh. coints 033. A heavy otorm from the can: on Sun- day morning In". which tar-inatod in n thaw. John \thahl. of tho South Lino attended tho when} of his cousin Mi I McLean. at Woodbrldgo on Fa“ 27th. Mr Thos Fergnsuu. of Chohovgnn. is naming to his farm on the hill above this place on April fiet. It is nina you" since Mr Forgnmn left and we ammo him ho is Wale ~mo buck again. Mr Dnnnld annm was laid up for a low any. with griuvpo. Mr George Lothian. of Dromore, a:- complmod Miss Renwiok to the tea- meeting m Preshvtenan church the other ovum-m. Mr.. Dr Button accompaniod tho Dr on this occuwn aim. A number from here "tended tho Methodist church owning u Baum. Proton. on Sunday last in spite of the ineUmiy d the morning. A PERFECT BEAUTY. .olid munch! 't'"t't','Y ”as “In?! par 1teg',,trelf ml y " per day thnluhly mu m MI mono”; "mittttt, bona ado Mum may, no comm-ion ; “In! DIM ouch Sound-3y Ind was. money udvnnood can wool. TAND HOUSE. 886 Dnaa- w-r-c-tatt-trt- pot-Inn in - 0039!”. to .rtttrP1s'Hittyee_r of Prieeville. t 1"- u.» IEE-NES-EE. "" - " _ - - ' m - .. .- 2t"uifu'"'.': ALT”: 31",“ tre., Watt/gt', xv. Mt . a Kr sv. V. Ah xx. xi. xv. Me, a FaiheT Te', a 'f" an. " " \fi‘éfigfimkzâ€"fitr'ifik'mtrj Mm Annie McCormick, of Walker- ton, “me home last Sunday to visit her mother. who is not improving very quickly from an smack of u Grippe we an sorry to relate. Mrs. T. and S. McComb "med their brother, Mr. Adam Little of Varney Inst Tuesdsy. mm. with his family, will leave for Lumsden. N. W. T., next Monday. We are sorry to learn of the severe illness of Mrs. Alex. Bell. of the Cornea. who has inflamation of the lungs. We sunceroly hope that the moy Ioon recover. Mr. Robert McEwen, of Mount Forest, .is Villtillg his friends. the McComb's. before leaving for the North West on Saturday next. Good luck and prosperity. Robert. We Ire pleased to see the smiling countenance of Mr. Samuel McComb back from Ssult Ste. Marie. Ho re- turned last Saturday evening, looking hula and hearty. although " present is lutoring under a heavy eoH. 5 LISTEN! HULSTEIN. Miss Emma McFarlin, of Superior city, Wisconsin, visited at W s Hore- burgh's and other friends for a few days. Miss May Brown, who has been in Toronto " a few days returned home this week. Tr 'rt . ' . kr rr, q nu) 'Y"'"".'" \n yum yum John Mmk, ol Jami-m N. W._ .. the merits of Ih1Piteher's who has been home " the wmw“Kidne Tablets free b visiting his parmts returned on Wed- t y 'u. ff. ' y em: msdav. ' _ Ie.'..". s pos'mhc ot t1 lal pack: . . . . J'itehet I'ablets Co., Tot Death agmn has entered our ville'reesr,alar size 50e per bottle on Tuesday. lu victim 'ras the little! 7 18 month old buy of (ivorge Freeman? - H ,4 n Jmi ‘17“.-I- 4---.1 'cm-ge, Mr David Cameron has sold his house and lot to Mr Jas Hunt. Mr C intends going to Listowel to live. and un'l‘lmrsdny Mr Thos S Irown,' Wiio was sick " a few weeks. Be- sides his sol-rowing wife he leaves a; family of two suns and tive daughters to mourn the, loss of a loving Giband' and kind father, who all have the sincerest sympathy of all as he was a much respeeted citizen. Mr Adam Main had the mistortune to have a finger badly mutilated in a. turnip pulper on Monday. 7 Jag? 'Ma'in. of Glenelg. visited his father Nelson Main on Sabbath. Mr Wm Pettigrew gave his foot a twist member day summing it bad as it is very painful. He will not be able to do much for a few weeks. DIED BRowN.--in Egretnont, on Feb. 28th, Mr. Thom Bl own, aged 74 yrs. thucrorAN.-in Egremnnt. on heh, 26th. John \Vesley Petrie Freeman", son of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Freeman. age 18 BORN. FiNDLAv---At, Drnmure. on March 2nd, the Wife of Mr. J. M. Findlay, e. son. MARRIED. LAwrte.Ncw-Motuuisos-0n Feb. 27th. at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Richard Morrison, Egremont. by the Rev. Rural Dean Ryan, B. D., Mr. George B. Lawrence. Bgremont. to Miss Agnes P. Morrison. car.vrrnz--wruoat--1ht Feb. 27th. at the residence of the bride's father Mr. Samuel Wright, Bentinck, by the Rev. F. Ryan. B. D., Rural Dean of Grey, Mr, William John Culvert of Bentinck. to Ilse pletildn Wright of the um piece. months. gals! Rob Roy. - Any readers of this paper can test _,the merits ot Dr. Pitehey's Backache l re . . Kidney Publets free by enelosing two cents postage for trial package to The ,'Pitehet Tablets Co,, Toronto, Ont. ot This is what Mrs. J. W. Ilutchins, 82 Portland St., Toronto, has to say, 'l cannot say too much for Dr. Pitch- er's Backnche Kidney Tablets. Be- fore using them I had a gnawing pain in the back all the time, and an acute lameness across the loins. I had not so much aching in my head as between my shoulders and in the back of my neck. Since using the Tablets my back is as it used to be, and the rheumatism in the shoulders has dis- appeared. Formerly when I did a washingI was utterly tired out, not having a bit of energy leit. This morning I did my washing in two hours and I did not mind it. I have no hesitation in reeommending Dr. Piteher's Backache Kidney Tablets, " I never had anything do me as much good." The Weak and SuttVritty: are Liberated from Disease Lincoln's Tablets NERVOUS, pale and Delicate Women ', Worn-out Despondent Men will find them a. positive blessing. RECOMMENDED and for Bale by PREPARED ONLY BY The I. O. F. Supper 1n Calder’a Hall on Thursday evemng last was not as numerou-ly attended as usual, the large amount of sickness being the cause. A pleasing feature was the presence of a. number of India. who, with the breth- ren enjoyed a happy evening. Chief Ranger Wm. Black made a good chair- man and the toast lint was happily gone through thh. BEYOND A DOUBT. If you suffer from Indigestion. Diabetes, Bright's Disease, .Ner. vouu Proatrauon or General Dehility, they will twat you free JOHN A. DARLING, Mull, lilt?llli, {a} BY - Durham, Ont. UNDER and by virtue of the power' of sale "outttined in ('t'l'tnill Indett- tures of Mortgages whirl: will be pm- duced at the time of sale, there will Ire oitered for sale hy Public Auction by James Carson. Esquiru. amuiotteer', at. J. G. BUTTON, M. D., C. M Saturday, 9th day March, 190l. at, the hour. of twelve u'clm-k mum, the following lands and premises. PARCEL oNE-Lor number thirty- four (31) in the Third Concession west of the Garafmxn Road, in the Town. ship of Nornntnhy. in the County of Grey and Province of Ontario, contuin- I ing one hundred urn-u. The following itupt'oveIttents are said to hr. yrvvttrtl on said lands '. A frame house and fr r'tltlh' stuhlr. PARCEL Two-The Third Dixision of Lot, number twenty £23”) in the Vim Concession east of the (hunt‘mxn Road in the Township of (Elem-lg. in tln- l ounty of Gr'e.v, cont-lining lll'iy urn-s more or less, The following imprnvv Inputs are said to be (‘I'vt'twl on said lands ' A finnw house and a flame» stnhlv. PARCEL TiiHyils-All that cevtain part-r1 of land in the Villngt- of Prim-r ‘villv. Township of Arte-twain, Irving ithnt potlion of Lot mnnht-r onu. on the pouth said of (‘ollingwmul Strum. in ‘said Village of Pvieeville save and t'.h'- cept that part sold thmuout and tluuv from tonne \Villuun Watson, Je.: and also that certain parcel of land being composed of part of Lots Nos. foueit) and five (5) in the First Concession South of the Durham Road, Township In! Artetuesia, containing forty-six and one half acres. A frame house, a frame barn and stable and shed. The above parcels will he offered for sale separately. TERMS OF SALEt-Ten per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the halunt-e Within thirty dave thereafter without Interest. or if the purchaser so desires ten per Cent. of the pluclmse money at the time of sale and the balance to he arranged ac- cording to terms and conditions then to be made known. For further particulars apply to MESSRS. EDGAR & MALONE, 59 Yonge St... Toronto, Solicitors for Vendors. The following improvements are said to be erected. on said property ' Dated at Toronto, Jan. 3Ut, 1901. AScotch Shorthorn Bull rising two years old, bred by John Anderson, Mayileld, got by Gladstone Statesman 26414 , he try British Statesman Imp 20888; Dam Pinky by Iron Duke Second dam Venus by Sir Walter Scott, third dam, Jessy by Lancaster Comet. lumber Collage Physicians and ,Surgeous.0r trio. THE KNA!'l' HOI'SIC. in the Town of Durham. on Apply to THOS. SULLIVAN, Irilh Luke. Ont FOR SALE. OFFICE HOURS We invite your attention to the following lines tsf goods : CULTIVA TING. Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators, Disc and Spade Bar rows, Beafflers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplattp, Etc. Nos genuine unless the words $6 Wu _ . mill-{manna LNornrcryg everything Palmerston Buggies. Buggies Bell, Doherty, Thomas siiiii#rNa,uMNtos's: South of Middaugh House Ctlt Se wi"GuiisiiirrG ind supplies. Some left unsold. Hogs nnchuugod. Sheep and lambs can". Market showed very little change from yesterday. Still too inlay nnfinished cattle offuriucr, and dealers are not looking for that elm-uh The run all round was moderate, 56 Ioads--591 cattle, 1.826 hogs, 711 rheep and lambs and a few calves. Expowr CATTLE --Srttrstion wan un- clluugod. Priees held sleady. with moder ate demand. BUTCHER Carrur..---Too mauv ranch m d "niinu,hed cattle still depresa ma trole and he}: first-eV amok at easy prices. Srucmms and Fro:rrtuts-Lrght ofrrrtnry BULLS-h few first-class mt. buUu sold as high as $4.50 per ewt, but the average top price was 84.25111-1' CWI. Feeding and stock hull“ were unchanged. SHEEP- Were dull and osier ut $3 to $3.31) par own tor (:an cwuu and $2.50 to $2 75 lm' hut-ks. LAMBS --Wera a shade ea.ier at $4.25 to $4.05 per ewt fur (lime!) and $3.50 to " for troorsrqrrcluy., HoGs-Lttrue offerings mm at unchalle- ed prices of $51515"?!.. per tewt for select of 160 to 200 " otutul Wrightaual F,6.50per ewt for tats und lights. Almost l MIRACLE To the Phrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd. Ottawa. Gr.tcrrwrs,-r hurdly know how best to express my appreciation of your valuable rheumatic remedy. Phrenoline. My son Gordon, who " 9 yew! old, has been a sufferer from infhunttiattwy rheu- matism for the past, two years l was so had " times that he had to he carried about on u mam-ass; was attended by two city doctors apparently mthout the slightest benefit; spent, 10 days at Caledonia Spiings, came home with no marked im n-m-ement l took three hijttles of a Elonieopatliie remedy now being extensivelv advertised. which did not relieve him in the least. I wan he- gmning to give. up all hope of his recov- cry. when by chance I mentioned the case to it friend who strongly advised me to give Phreooline a trial. I did so, with the result that when my ho had taken only Imlf a bottle he was an}; to get, on his hu-yrle and ride like any other lmy around the block. I certainly feel that [cannot say too much in rI-nlseuf Four medicine. and shall do all I can to make known its value to others. Yours very sincerely (Signed) REUBEN CLARK. Will be for service. for tMMMMttt of 1001 Mr. Geo. Binnie was the chmee of nu at but 9, Con. a W. a. R. Bentinck. enthusiastic Convention of Reformers TERMS: '1.00. yesterday. An account of the proceed B. Anmxnna. my will - next week. Flour......... LARGE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BO " Peso............... Whont............... Barley Oats............... Dressed Hoes, per owl Hogs, Live weight"... Butter, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Hides, per es".......... Calfskin“, per lb........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered per lb Lard, parlh............. Toy......--- Beef, per cwt............ \Vond....................... Turkeys................... Lambs.................. Bram. s.................... Chickenspev fair..." Shorts............... ...... Potatoes. per bag....... Trad:- dull. ' Run moderate. Cattle steady to easy. DURHAM MARKETS. Ducku....... ............. Gets piece. For salelry ii. PARKER. ounnuuunuu-uu Live Stock Market. Toronto. WHEELS, OTTAWA. Sept. oth, 1896. n88, Etc. mm the words $6 memsox Pyoncn Comm“ " is cast on Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. ELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons' Buggies from Campbell of London. Thomas and Berlin mums of PIANO and ORGANS HINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil 62 " 27 15 15 14 50 45 40 9o M 25 for (Farmers f 1000 285 5 fun 16 16 " 15o t mafia 27 62 9n 40 Honor Roll For Month of February. Sr. Jr. Lenvmg. Pr. ”*“Mllmh Law- rence. Maggie Mckenzie. Amy Edge, Annie Lawrence. Nellie Mal-an. Jr. Inning. Pt. l-Jessie Furquhar- mm. Dunrun Mckenzie. Noble Sharpe, Flora McG regal. Olive Sharpe. PUBLIC, SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Sr. IV-Murray Smith, Charlie Fur- autumn". Arthur Allan. Allie Gun, race Barclay. Jr. IV-Dir Blackburn. Grace Wil- lis. Lilian Mtalker. Hugh MrCrie. Essie Lsidlaw. Jr, Jr. Leaving. Pt. H-i-t Hut. ton. Maud In win, Marion Mortuu.Gru-e Eeevitt, John BM'kuu. Sr. IH-Etta Fox, John Fox, Annie Daniel. Hazel Caldwell. Fred Smith and Bertha Gudd "eq. Sr. IlvHugh Ham-y. Flint Hind. Charlie Ranmge. Charlie Crawford. Bet t ie Caldwell. Jr. Hr--Alrved McClocklm. Albert McClocktin. Perry Valle-u. Archie Davidson. \Villie Campbell. Jr. H-Thou. Gamble. James McLean. Eva Burnet, Annie Aljoe, Foster Saunders. Sr. Pt. H-Ruby Kinsley, Brock Gram. Marion (‘urrie and Louise Tel- ford aeq. Ambmise Fugnn. Bunny Hartford. Jr. Pt. II (et)---)", Sharpe. John mum. Ruby Mills, James Smith, Fred Tmry. Jr. Pt. II (h)-rreue Lalinwr. Nellie Mt'lmun. Willie Itrowning, Roy Calder mud Rnhhie Sunndera net... Vernon Elvidge. Sr. 1-Ehna Holt, Ronald Guthrie. Humans" Livingston. Tvoxtsa Mackay. Herbert, Havvey. Intermediate-Nellie Hepburn and Harold Alth new. Mary Wright. Jr. (a)-Voddie Caldwell. Maggie Lauder. Jr. (h)--J. Farqulmrson. J. Brennan. REPORT or S. S. No. 2. annxcx and (immune tor Feb. mm. Iv-Annie MtKa'illivru.v. HI-Alfred McKm-hnio. Willie " Kevhrtie, Tana Newell. Sr. II-Minnie Vesuie. Ella Edge. Jr. li-M-ie Morton, Julmniv New- ell. Ethel Holmium. Sr. Pt. Il-Nellie McGillivr"y, Elms Edge, Frank 11ollmstrn. Pt, I‘llollwrl Dunsnmm. Andy Yos- sie, Gertie Mot lull. Report of S February. Class G, Genny: livid. hh. Charlie Reid. Downy-d lln-nry. Mary Pattrusott. Class 3rd, Willie Marvmldon. Jr. 3rd, Sarah Brnwn. Grace m-id. Maud Hamil- ton. Ne. 2nd. Maggie Hannilmn. Jr. 2nd. Bert, Lawrence. Sr. Pt.2nd Mary Wilson, Hugh Patterson. Bella Ferguson. Sr. Ist, Martin wilson, George Wilson. Jr. Ist, Jane Felguson. Honor Roll of S. S. No. 13. Bentmck. for February 1901. Class 4th, George Hay. Clans 3rd. Joe Lindsay, Geovge aning- don. Johnnie Johnston. Willie Svhener. mmm. Class Md, Gndfrod tlwhettet mum]. Maggie Johnson. Pt. 2nd. Sr. Norman Lindsay. Pt. 2nd, Cl. Jr. Archie Wat son. F. E. STONE. Teacher Misa Davey lett \Vvdlwsday for Thus onto, to make a furewel} visit In her hmlher who is leaving for N. Africa. The 'At Hottte' M Mayor Calder}. given Ry the w. C. T. U. to Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Campbell passed " most suc- cesafully last Thursdny PYPDIIIR. Mr. Duncan Manrlano. is home frum Michigan. T Mr Lavelle and family are domiciled in Durhmu once mm? and occupy the new home built, hy Mr Archie Little. We welcome the!“ heartily. . MCKINNON. Jill DURHAM HONOR ROLL HIGH SCHOOL DEPA RTMENT REFORM CONVENTION. Lower Town. MAY Md‘mvxux. Ttutchet 12. Egret" mt. for M ARY GORDON. Teacher. ste) 3 'tJ A line budget from I . unehodu we are made Nomination hr the VI the counot board takes evening in the Tow" ll Dr. Park is In town u at his old home. Twin: are blocked for Alli- winter. No mail W 'ei-e. t4idney and 1 have moved down to Th. l’rnur LIBRARY. A Public Library will tse tum-y m FI iday evettin New) FAIR.» tion to the late metr' Immune 5 mud posters. Lottt visit Hunt Miss Frau-es 51m Toronto Milliuwry likely ten-sin “new Mr. and M rs. Andrew Proms. are visiting frid Ave understand it is t so West Ibis Spring. P.........' :Local and Dustri "--' Mrs. Forbes ibtherttm little daughter Elsie- I (aniline. Ate visiting the in-luw Mrs. A. D. Brow The Rev. Mr. Ryan ' time- in the new in Brooldmlm on Sunday tion with the opening I Haddie lo as a ll, grad Herring 12; hues IO cts a tin. Prunes. large No. l. x; No. l Syrup 4 cts a lb Fm'n' [Minn-Tum news and notes" all found a succinct net meuute to compel shipment. and otheri lumuvlcn ti'rock., Fayden. Is this week I young Durham Bull fr N. Bunslmrd. Applet purchued from Mr o, but a than ing pedigl purchased from Mr " has a tune: ing pediul Norrtar.--A11 panic Badman Store pr" January will confer M heir amount. at once. quired in order to “in Min Black. who fo undo her home at I left on Tao-day for him. Qnehec. where I position with c imam of town. The heat 1 with he: . Pm tiocrAri-$tiet onteetaittmont in ti. K, has been written u; Normwby correspow W1 plenum! "tir. Vickerl was not num but pies cold well at [gouty though pies wt A Panama Pun-m incidentally (his wei Iclurdn. Sunk tite I of Mr. Wtu. 81ch bought a building [liq alum tioo And will 'd mer. Pleated lo h men finding in: untlel‘ in our own coulllry. New Omit-inking I J. A. Hunter Ins on“ Hughes of Durham " Wing "tspat Store. Miss Hu known that the ttew “in to prove a NIH", their goods at The If be able to have them No more long Wail». at this our tirut opp felt. sympathy in th went. VOL. ll To Bro. John tittipl We. the otricerts a o. L. No. Ittr2, do hm We I'mllizu- that daughter”! Iteaveuly fore pray that you a those without hope. "member thr beau Suvinur 'tilw in not and We may that G guudm-sa will Rive y your hour of "eed At may we all he found light at him who u; yo weary wd l wall Signed on helm! GNRGE A. LA mos. RITCHIE. Additional locals on 5th in Mittal wit In ber (iROCERI CONDO \\ ttt ("W

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