West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Mar 1901, p. 1

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KINNON. mic was the choice of in mwntion of Reformers account of the proceod r next. week. vet Town Illl HUMOR ROM NAN' K W CONVENTION. " ens .’ n i fill it; 'ttttt hv " M Il M U M February ORHAXS d and Wil his cast on M Igons' Inlc'lwl npv the Little. o Wil Albert ll Far Hun "T" Hut bar b het $.19 H " nie (ith hit " ttt Ill n A tine buds" from Unlock han been I For LaGrippe. Dr. Budd‘s anppe "ceirodaswearemadeup. Next week. lCapsnles, a rapid reitorer to health. Nomination for the vacant position on l Parker’s Drug Store. 'the council hoard takes place on Friday ( SPECIAL MISSIONARY SlnviCls IN evening in the Town Hall. lTRlNlTY Cawrtcrr--Tho Rev. G. Me- l’i'iiur LIBRARY. " meeting of the Franklin, of Brookliolni. will preach Public Library will he held in the Li- japecinl missionary sermons in aid of the .'trary m Fridayevertirtwat 7.30, Diiremii Mission Fund in Trinity , i ' Church on Sunday next, both morning New) FArit.---We lit-g to mil "tten- , , i . , and evening. and at Allan's School tum to the lair-st erttr'riuvu' uf the Fav- . . . . ' It ' , lii<tiliilt'. hi-t- Prix Ad. nti l’agt' “muse m tht afternoon. . Mr. . ya“ mt" ' hopes that the congregation will be '4 am] “New” Large and the "fret/ot ien liberal. These Mrs. Yuiiiigr left Stitimlay fot. hrr survives Will hike tho place of the usual lllllllt' in Pittsburg after an "xteruled,annual missionary meetings. Mr. visit with llt'l' put-mus Mr. and Mts.lr'vanklin is an excellent. speaker and Hunt. [ will in) doubt, interest, the congregation Lu.“ rm. n...“ sand,“ has none to the j greatly in the great (“use of missions. Dr. Park is In lawn this week and isiinirredienu, on). plunge It. Only at his old home. 'at Parker‘s Drug Store. Trains In blocked for the that. time , The GreatestThing on Earth Darling's .this winter. No mail Wednesday. l Winter Jelly, Chaps or Roughnou of Misses Sidney and Beagle Hughes (the Skin cannot stay where itis and hnve moved down to The Big Store. Only loc. Per Pot. A tine hudget from Unlock but been i For LaGrippe, Dr. Budd's Lsurappe Juteivodas went-e made up. Next week. (Capsules, a. rapid restorer to health. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mellnido. near 9mm... are visiting friends round here. We understand it is the intention to tto West this Spring. Miss Frances Sanders has gone to the Toronto Millinory openings and will likely remain there. Mrs. Young left. Saturday fur her home in Pittsburg after an extended visit with her paeents Mr. and Mls. Hunt. M rs. Mil-hos itohertsrm, son Wm.. and little daughter Elsi? May, from Kin- cardine, are visiting the fm mer's sister- tin-law Mrs. A. D. Browning this week. The Rev. Mr. Ryan will preach three times in the new brick church at Brookholm on Sunday next in connec- tion with the opening services there Fnl'i'r IssPEcTios--ht our "Ottawa news' and notes" on page 5 will he found a succinct account of the new measure to compel honesty in fruit shipmenl- and other interesting matter. NoTicE.--AU parties indebted at the Hardware Store previous to the lot of Innuary will confer a favor by settling heir accounts at once. as money in re- quired in order to give you bargains. W. BLACK. Miss Black. who for some time that made her home nt Mrs. ArrowsunitL's left on Tuesday for Pointe Aux-Trem- tue, Quebec, where she has secured a position with a brother of Mrs. Ireland'n of toorn. The best of good wishes go with her. IMPtorvtttt s'Tock.--Mr U. C. Mc- Fnyden. In this week Importing a. fine young Durham Bull ftom the herd of C. N. Blamhnrd. Appleby, Ont. It was purchased from Mr o. Heffernan, and has a tuttering pedigree. ' Local and District News. J J---' O” --- Pu: soctxvs,--Miss McUannel’s first, entertainment in S. S. No. l. Normanhy has been written up by North Ealt Nurmanby correspondent. lt was a very pleasant " tir. The social at Tickers was not numeromly attended, but pies sold well and pleasure wa- plenty though pies were scarce. Maddie IO cts a 1b Kippered Herring 125 cts tin. Sardines IO cts a tin. Francs. large No. l. 12; cts a lb, No. I Syrup 4 cts a lb. A vamxu PRoTosuTE.--we hear incidentally this week that Mr. Jae. McMurdo. Smut, Ste Marie, Mich., son of M r. Wm. McMurdo, Proton, has bought a building plnperty in the Can- adian Son and will build on it this sum- mer. Pleased to hear ot our young men finding an outlet for their energies in our own country. New Dressnmking Department.-hir. J. A. Hunter has engaged Miss Sidney Hughes of Durham to superintend the Dressnmking Department In The Big Store. Miss Hughes is so well known that the new Department is cer- tain to prove a Silt-095$. Ladies buying their goods at The Big Store- will now be able to have them made up at once. No more long waits. To Bro. John Staples and family. We the ofticets and members of L. o. L. No. no: do hereby extend to you at this our first opportunity our heart. felt sympathy in this your sad bereave- merit. We realize that your loss is your daughter's heavenly gain. 1Ve there- t'ore pray that you may not sorrow as those without hope. but that you will remember the beautiful pom? of out: Me realize that your loss is your laughter' heavenly gain. Ive, there. t'ure pray that yuu may not sorrow as those without hope. but, that you will rememher the, beautiful worth of our tiaviotw "She is not dead but sleepeth" and We pray that God in his merciful goodness will give you strength in this your hour of need and at the last Jay may we all he found acceptable in the sight of him who said "Come unto me " weary and 1 will give yourest." Signed on behalf of the Lodge. GEORGE A. LAWRENCE, W. M. THOS. RITCHIE. Ree. Bee'y. Additioual personals and locals on 5th page, 5th cor VOL. XXIII. N0. 11 C. L. GRANT. (iROCERlES. CON DOLENCE, GEO. MIGHTON. l t it came as a surprise to many when l ‘tho death of this gentleman was nil-i Enounced trom the pulplts on Sunday. i Shortly before he had been seen on the {streets in his usual playful mood and 'r, now he too he: fallen in the wide swath ion! hy the (rim reaper this winter. f: MRS ALLAN MCFARLANE. 4 On Monday, after weeks of nnxiety, iMr Allan McFarlane and familv were {called upon to part with wife and moth- I an! The deceased was in her 50th year. i and will he deeply missed and mourned l by her family by whom she mu, held in gdeepest veneration. w. join in the ) warm sympathy expressed. British Horse and Cattle S pice, a. powder of first class merit made from concentrated flesh forming foods and ingredients. 6 lb. package gtie. Only at Parker‘s Drug Store. The GreutostThing on Earth Dariintth Wmter Jelly, Chaps or Roughness of Lace Curtains. Curtain Poles, Carpets at The Big Store. Rev. Mr, Farqunursnn attended . meeting of Saugeen Presbytery in llarristun on Tuesday. He was in n quandary when he found that trains did not connect for Durham that (NO. ning. Livery men refused to let horses out. Was he stuck? Nora hit of it. He got a. twin to Hanover, took livery there, was home at 10.30. and about 6 next morning made Mr T. Jackson, of the Glen, happy in wedlock. Buy your' Dress Goods at J. A. Hun- ter's, The Big Store and have them made up on the premises inside of a few days. l THE LATE FLORENCE mmomss.--This ‘lady, whose death wns briefly noticed‘ Lin the REVIEW. died in Rochester, on E Feh/26, of intUmation of the lungs fol-l "owed by pnettruonits'.and heart failure. ( She was only ill for a shalt time and ii) L the time of her death was IG years of Ptte. She was interred in Mt Hope, I Cemetery on Thursday Feb. 28, service I being conducted by Rev. Dr. Stevens of the Presbyterian church which she 1 attended. Her coffin was covered with ‘1 beautiful wreaths of flowers sent by 1 friends, one especially beautiful being a i, large harp with a broken string given l hyn circle of girl friends with whom I she was a great favorite. To her , son-owing sister Miss Helen who will :lorely miss her, and to other members i of the family the REVIEW extends all I: sympathy. The quarterly social evening. of the EpWorth League, of the Methodist rhurth. was held on Monday evening a. spirited debate on resolved that "City life is more enjoyable thsn country life" was listened to with great interest by the large number present. Those who spoke for city life were: Messrs Irwin, Connor-and Misses Fox and Saunders, the negative side being taken by: Messrs Redford. Glass and Misses Wright and“ Orchard. Many and eloquent were the i reasons advanced by both sides why i the decision should he glyen in their" favor and the judge. Rev. Mr. Smith, declared it was the work of the men to decide which arguments were the most forcible so he declared a tie. This gave. the victor y to the advocates of country life. the other side having failed to bring forth entlirient reasons for confirming the aftirrnatire. A nice llttle program was rendered chiefly of music. Those 1 taking part were: a quartette by Misses i Lauder and B. Burnett and Messrs i, Wright and Benton. a duet by Miss and l Master Saunders, a solo by Miss Orchard \two songs by J. A. Hunter and a reci- tation by Miss Maude Irwin. A silver collection enriched the treasury and ‘every body went home antiatted that the eubjecr had been thoroughly discussed. EPWORTH LEAGUE DEBATE. Death Still Busy. ii3ttttrii, DURHAM, THURSDAY. MARCH 14, @901. Morgan, Dundalk. Besides these there were quite a number of sympathizers. and the lower hall proved almost inadequate to accommodate them. Pres. Miller admired the snap and spirit which had brought out so many in inclement weather. He referred feelmgly to the death of the Queen. to H.P.tyConnor, a warm friend of the Liberal cause in b'. Grey. He hoped th- lessons of the defeat in the last election would stimulate them to work for Victory next time. His reference to the elevation of Dr. Landerkin to the Senate was warmly applauded. S. Grey. as was fitting would have the benefit of his services as lung as he lived. He urged loyalty to the choice of the Convention. in support of the best government and the best premier Ontario ever had, To change Ross for Whitney would be a backward step. rm... nlnntinn nf offieeris resulted as Lust Wednesday was one of the coldest and most. forbidding days of the season. yet in spite of cold and drifted roads, 106 delegates from all parts of the riding were present. the farthest travelled probably bemg Mr. J. D. The eleeiion of officers resulted as follows : President '. H. H. Miller. lsn\'ice.1’res.: Walter Htsstie,Dromors 2nd Vice-Pres. : Duncan McKinnon, Mr. Morice thought the full strength of the riding sLould return a Liberal. ' He had been requested by iMuentil ratepayers to stand and left his name? with the Convention. I Mr, McCannel was before them pure- ly by request. Had not taken a sungle step himself. Voters as well as Cen. didate would have to work. He yery newly enumerated the many good pomts in which the Ross government was worthy of suppore. Mr. Binme sud the candidate must. we to It that. the riding was properly, orgamzod. and promised, if favored On Monday evening Messrs Cowhlm. Stanhope, Pinkerton and MeWillituns, four of the directors of the National Portland Cement Co., together with two citizens of Jackson, Michigan. come to town to confer With local men as co the present status and progress of the Company. Seyeral important confer- ences have taken place and are at pies- cut, (Wednesday ofternoon) in progress. Wu, l ..w..-w-__, -- 7 , - We hope some equitable arrangement will be arrived at, and that the opening of spring mll see tbe opening of opera- uuons for the building of the "greatest cement. mnll on tlns globe" as Pres. Cowham says Almosr A BIO F1 ma. --On Tuesday; morning some stove pipes in Mr. Laid-l larv's millinury mums fell apart and h'rel got hold of lhe iuttauttnaltle material , lying around. The danger' was first le-l vealed by the presence of smoke and in ' five minutes more the whole establish-l ment would have gone. Hus iri'iiii/rFsl, and himself made gallant and h.lppily.l successful efforts to quench the fire, but l not, before much damage had been done to the large stock of tue millinery goods. l His new milliner, Miss Silzer, had justl been introduced to the rooms and shuf thus got, a worm reception Miss tt i came: from Mt Forest bu or several. years has been in charge ot a. Millineryl department with ablg Toronto firm . 106 DELEGATES PRESENT. $39 CEMENT! Reform gonvention. ' Scary: ghunte the Cloth. 'tiii, tirttrittt), Mr.Jas.MoMullen ex. M. P., Mt. Forest was present and used the few minutes before train time in urging them to work for the success of the candidate chosen. Elasung him they would be supporting the beet govern- ment of any state or province on this continent. It Reformers allowed Hon. G'. W. Rosa to be turned out of power the country would mourn for many . day. present Dominion and Provincial: governments were passed unanimously. 1 Also one expressive of regret at thel demise of the Queen and of loyalty to; her son and successor King Edwardl VII. It was as follows : i "This Convention desires to take this l the first opportunity available to ex-, press its regret at the demise of our' Jute beloved sovereign lady, Queen :Victnria. We share in the high appreci- _ Minn everywhere felt, and expressed for 1 the many noble traits in her character. land feel that the Empire in every Iptut, and even the whole world has 'iheett beneticted by her pure life and i,henefictpy reign. To her son and suc- ‘eessor. Edward VII we [declare ttmslrtst-- ed allegiance and trust his mnny manly straits of character. and his own and finherlted abilities will continue to tye: . . . ____" :-. hum “- f Another' resolution carried ummi E lmously set forth '. "That this Associn-I ) tion her "h' expresses its sincere grati- l tude to t e Right Ron. Sir Wilfrid ‘Iatnrier and his government. in (haul our old, valiant and able leader. Dr.! tLanderkin has been appointed to a well- 'deserved and well-earned seat, in the lDominion Senate, of which body we Euro. very confident, the Doctor will be a (very capable and loyal member. We are 'confident; also that in his new si- tion he. will exhibit the same 'luf'i"l/. ness and ability that. characterized him for so many long years in the House of |COHIHIODS.” Carried unanimously. l After thus expressing loyalty to King and country and grofietstiott at honors granted to an old comrade and leader. one of the best conventions of recent the Clnfil'P. and he no: devote loyalty to his crown on the part o subjects. Hie empi inks came to tt close. SHEWELL & LENAHAN 211m: Mtt Jf Resolutions of tsonfidrnet in the of Call tRerswtettuth; 6otierited. Special attractions for the Christmas and t,New Year's trade. Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A Sheweli will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. SHEWELL & LENAHAN. ved Illllrn wu- ;uuu....- _ r and he honored In turn by ' _ - " ul., to iiiri'i/riiorT, and hiU part of his millionl of Warp/1y Wow your 7 The J?hir Jiore J A HUNTER up wuu signs in Ingram: and Miss Jessie Mtuelachltut, while in Winnipeg lately was the guest of Lieut Governor McMillan and his wile and social functions were arranged in her honor. Sh; has made aprcjfound and pleasing impression on Canada. of Wall Paper. Just fancy buying a 7c Roll of Wall Paper at 5c. Several odds and ends suitable for small rooms go at exactly fall Woyular Prim,. Largest Wall Paper Stock in Durham. Splen- did assortment in designs and prices. This Department is full y with the newest de- ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tRtrgutar 6hudero Boys' and Girls' whole stock Boots. Womens' and Men's heavy Boots. Old Sol Combination Shoe Dressing in Black and Tan. Mr. A. R. Lewis. who will be manu- ger has had an excellent "perience in high clus- tailoring in Toronto and other centres of fashion and will be prepared to give the good drawn of the town and vicinity work that will please their'mosc retltaed Lute and re- quirement. WHOLE NO. 1199 fawn Bros. of ML Forest. are Prep'"" ing to open a. Merchant tailoring hun- neu in Durham on March In. The stack will be complete in s:yle- quality. and qumnily. Pleat-e give "his intimation your kind and favorable consideration. ' LEWIS BROS. We 'l)llllllllll RENEW; 3:133; l IMAGE ht. l M (8ash or J/ee Grocery Store. The undersigned has opcmd out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door to C. McKinnou) full lines of Nothing Stale. Everything New and up-to-dalc and he cordiully I' invites It trial. ljlfllalil Illlle COMING. FIJOUR, FEED, BOOTS and SHOES. C. L. GRANT. GEO. LAWRENCE. ftarmers' produce GROCERII'IS, &c. VIDCG " H

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