West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Mar 1901, p. 4

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h 'ti). Mr, Alex MeGillirray, of Bruce. visitedac Mr. D. MeFayden's a couple at days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Moffat, of Greenock, attended her sister‘s wedding last Thursday. Miss Sue Greenwood, of Zion, was the guest ot friends on the uvenue last week. Mr. o. Heffernan of Guelph. Pleased to hear of Miss G. Green- wood being able to be around again, after a severe attack of la gripper. Last Thursday afternoon a number of the old people of the neighborhood assembh-d atthe home of Mr and Mrs Robt. Rotor to witness the manage of thvir second youngest daughter, Sarah, to Mr Little, of Proton. We join in wishing the Yong couple much happi- ness through life. Mr. Hugh MeArthar intends leaving Friday, March 15th, for North Dakota, an" spending a couple of months " the old home. Rob-rt Aljoe attended the military school. in London. His eertitieate ar- rived last week and he has passed with honors. Congratuluions Robert. Mr Wm IcCalmon. of Domouh. pinch- md part of It Adam Little's property, be commenced work on Mend.) last. Sums: Wine. Mr Wm Marshall. of ligament. sold a bone last wool: to Mr Quinton Pettigrew and purchased another from Juno: Mu- wall. Normnby. Mr Adan Little and family intend having tor tho West on Thur-any next. Mr George Stage, left Monday morn- ing tor North 'ty, having ”cured crnployment there. Patrtek J. Morrison is engaged with Mr John A. Darling for a time. Mr. Wm. Ritchie urchased a thoroughbred ball trom Jd Tolton, ot Brant, also Mr. C. C. McFayden. ter,,- (3111:9ng flpe thorough bred ball tom Miss Hthel Eden mm the an“: ot Mrs John Carson one day last week. Mr Hm", Aland was visiting the old homestead tor a for days bstely. Mr Wm Clark, spout tho put week It the parents] home. M, Wm Crawford. is impvoving slowly. We hope he will noon be alright Main. We congratulate the new Customs Collector whose life seems to have been an inspiration. and hope he may 'gg enjoy the new position and that he wil visit Durham some day. He entered upon his duties Feb. Will. the position being worth 3130.) u year. He is tMW- ceecled in the clerkship by his younger brother Alex. Sorry to hear of Miss Flora MeArth. ur being under the doctor's care for the last couple of weeks, with what we understand to be appendicitis. Hope soon to hear of her speedy recovery. LmI Iml :hkt-il fur the position." Hula-in hes lill' w.ttrrst 0f thl- “arm oicrnonstr,uturn. lb. souutrerl the unim- Leruuw the elm-tun of the towuships insistmlnn ii. The old saying "Merit i, ever "urdert" sec-ms to have been fully exvluplitied in this ease. for Mr. F. wasnever active in political hues: it was a clear. cast. of the "ottice seeking the man," and as such in worthyof wide notice as an example to the many venial aspirants for [unitiom It. was sated as a fact that though Mr. F. was Tp. Clerk. Clerk of the Divison Court. and stenographer of the County Court he had never applied for an omee, In his life. In his reply he says "I never thought; of the (‘ustnms "thee, It came in me.--t"y friends gave tt to "tec- but perhaps they used more force than I would have them do." Referring mthe past, he will "For many yearqas council followed council I wondered If I would he diunisseil. but later I had more con- fHence in myself. I came to the town- ship with only the education the parish schools of Scotland afford, and I leave the township whose growth and pro- gress I have watched with pleasure, without, it known enemy.” The honor to N r. Famuharson septum to have been as spunlanenus as it was gem-runs. Neither party, nor creed, nor race was recognized. The munici- palities surrounding his own (new, rep- resentatives. and swaker after speaker ttmt/tfied to the trerurfit of his 91mm la and the Worth and wisdom of his counsel. --to "(to charge of the Customs: -omee in Chatham, a. position to which he was recently appointed by the present government. The Tilhury Times of last. week has four or tIre columns devoted to an ac- count of a banquet in Vulcan Town Hall. in honor of D. It. Farquhm-son. brother of the Presbyterian [mslur of this town. The mansion was his retire- ment from the pnsitmn of Tp. Clerk of Tilhury East. held by him for 28 Ft.'."" Mu. Tilly Sit", is spending I few days DURHAM REVIEW I). ll. flllhlllillNll MEI Thursday, Mar. u, iiiiir Warm Tribute to a Worthy Man. e, ag m Ra , Edge Hill v ARNEY no-.. "the Couttty of Kent, wpointinq him as he r the position." . were! of the warm Ile sevurtsd the "ttive rnrs of the lowmhips ldiur and Proprietor, Take Laxatiye Bromo Quinine Tablets Alt druzgisu refund the money if it fails tocure. 'mo. E. w. Grove’s signature on each box. May 1 The programme was length] but vary interesting, consisting of songs recitationa and dialogues by the school children. ex- cellent music on organ. siolin and mouth organ by the Ball family and a short speech by Mr C Ramnge of Durham who taught fer some eleven years in this sec- tion. In his speech he remarked about the many changes and improvements niece his lime and it made many of his old pu- pils wish for their old achool days again. ”Isaac Minnie, and Victoria Cornish reci- ted and were highly appreexaled. Songs were sung by Mines Fee and Thompson On Friday evening last the friends and neiglaborsot Mr Wellington Dormer, as- aemblml to spend a pleasant evening and then bid him good bye before starting for his future home in Manitoba. A pleasing culture was the presentation of a large and hundsome Album to Mr Dormer. Al. though taken by surprise he made a fit. ting reply in which be passed his warm thanks for the many kindness tendered him by his friends and neighbors. Mr Dormer leaves for the West Tuesday morning. The pie and box social held in S. S. No I last Friday night wan adecided success. In spite of the inclement weather e letge crowd gathered and were well pail for their trouble in coming. Mr It Moriee was appointed chairmen and wee quite at home in filling that poeition. Mr Robert C'orlelt has we understand,‘ rented the farm lately vacated by Thou. Bull and will move thereon shortly. We welcome them to our neighborhood, Mr Fan. who lately purcbued the Jackson farm is making grout improve. menu on his pzoperty. among other things he intends veneering his house next summer and is rapidly getting the brick on the ground. Mr Editor, not buying any new: in your paper under the above heading for some tune and thinking that your regular scribe might have the grippo, I tLought I would take his place for a week. M " Lawrence Is laid up for the last few days, we hope to soon hen of her re- covery. Misses Maude Dargavol hnd Effie Me. Auley returned to the Queen city, after spendinga few weeks at home. Their pleasant face, we are an" ml] be missed especially among the opposite sex. Mrs p. M Darqarel, returned home from the Queen city where the upont a couple of wooku with friends, Mr James Baeon has returnd back tn Wiiliatnsiord, after spending a few weeks in Dornoch. Ilia many Ineuds wall miss him as he is a jolly good boy. People are busy hzmhng logs. Both mills are kept gonng. H. H. Hunt, is slowly improving from his sickuels Mn Dr Smith.is not nlde to be oat yet. On the 27th of Feb. a very happy event took place at the home of Mr and Mrs It Morrison, when their oldest daughter Nils Aguesa was uuitod in marriage to the man of her choice. in the person of Mr George. son of Mr Joe. Lawrence of Egremont. We wish the young couple prosperity and happiness in their zonruoy through life. Messrs Wm Sin and S Chapman wen down in Arthur one day last week attending the sale of Wm Chapman. and also ttsstUted in moving his household “Tech to h' t Forest where he intends re- riding for some time. While them Wm Sins sold on. of " horses at a good price, Mr I) Unnhn has engaged with M J}. n Sharpe, of Duthum. to assist him in framing this summer. ' Mr and Mrs James Kerr, of Hampden, spent part of a day last wetk taking a look over the property they have re- cently purchasod from C McKinnon. Dur- ham, and were quite pleased with appear- illlL'lN. Mrs Jno Mormon, of Omar. Mich. spent a couplo of day' last week renew- ing all aequaiutane.s. Mrs D P Coleridge accompanied by her niece Eisa Rena Sharpe, of Dnndalk. are spending a couple of week: leiting the farmer‘s sisters Ins Alex Freeman :nd Mrs Geo Deford of Rose City, Mich. It " rumored round that Mr Pete Me- Ewen has sold bin titty note farm to Mr C Kroller. Mr Wm. Bryans. rs poorly at present. We hope he will noon be around ngain. Mr A Little, is under the weather at present. We hope for his recovery soon. Melvie Hay. of Orchardvillo, is th- ing friends In our burg. We are glad to hear that Mr, Cameron is around again titer I illness. Chm. Gadd was the gneut of Mr Wm Grant lust Sand-y. Our population in gettinglnrger. Mrs Andrew McIlvnde and family are going to wave into Mr John Kerr's house. u her sisters, Mrs Wm MoCnlmon. Mr Wm. Cluk‘n little boy is poorly at present. We hope to bar of his speedy recovery. Mr Zonue Clark, sold a fat cow Little. lust week. Mrs Moffat, was the guest of her daughter. Mr wm McCaImon, tor n coup]. of dun this wank. Mr Chan. Cudd's infnut son in 'uttering from 1n nnck " Broneltitis. We hope it Will be thighs soon. Snow IS all tho rage. North East Normanby Dorncch. LATONA Murdoch. .¢-..7v --.- the 3Pogerisoau Wendy-mixed Paints, The proceeds which were 912.60 will be used in getting up I firnt.elao picnic next summer. North East Normauby can do it. Ind Messrs Alexander and Bunrnil. By the way Miss Mchnel can swing clubs we think it would be hardly sttta to go to school unlesl one attended strictly to :lmsinoss. A notable feature of the programme was two dialogues entitled "Why we didn't marry" and "A dark nights business." and we mustn't forget the three recitatiouu given by little James McCaul Marshall. who fire your old son of Mr John Marshall, who recites wonder- fully well for bit ago. The pin and boxes tsold very well on an mange. Tho anchor. Miss McCunel'l pie going the highest at $1.95. Mr George Potty WIS the lucky purchaser. THE BIG STORE WaN'raur-Citrie, rollsb‘o person In every county to rcpt-cunt larso company of land hunch} ropntgtion; .936 Inlay per your pgynblo woolly; " per as: with]! DIX. “a all oxponm; urns”, out-ado ulary paid each Saturday Ill agony. money gut. mood out: wool. STAN ARI) HOUSE. a“ Dunn)! 0312. nu“. Hardware . Department J. A. HUNTER- I if Waiver l, Me Ilgillg me. I MES a git. tian 206 Ill. CHIN J()lit) it fel PHIIBIS IUC The Review and Glohetto Dem, Slat. 1901 with premium picture of "Canadians at Paardeburg.”. 1.60 REVIEW and Weekly Sun . . . . .. 81.75 RIVEIW And Montreal Weekly U W London Advertiser, Weekly. nndReview one your REVIEW and Weekly Globe REVIEW and Weekly Mail..... HIV-IFW and Montreal Weekly ttter........... ....r........ London Advertiser. Daily. and Raview one your Dated the 13th day of February. 1901. their names. addresses and descrip- tions and full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any? held by them duly eettified and hat after the said day the Executors will proceed to distri- bate the assets of the deceased among the oarties entitled thereto having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Exeeators NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN pursu- ant to R. S. o., 1897, Cap. 129, See. 38 and amending acts that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Margrotha Knapp who died on or about the fourth day of February A. D. 1901, are required id'sLEHTfy post prepaid or to deliver to the Exetuttoris, on or before the Public Notice is hereby given that By-law No 101 of the Town of Durham requires all Merchants, Shopkeepurs, Druggists, Hardware stores, Cabinet Shops, &c., to 01950 their places ofbussi- ness every evening during the year at " o'eloek p. m., with the exception of Wednesday and Saturday evenings, and the evenings preceding public holidays. All parties will govern thumsolyes accordingly. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, in the matter of the Estate l7th Day of March A. D. l90l of Maryrelha Knapp, late of the Village of Neuatadt, in the County of Greg, Widow, Deceased. Wit-on...“ o.......,.).". ‘Our Clubbing Rates. CONRAD KNAPP, WW Durham, Ont. BALTZER KNAPP, Neustadt, Ont. ’. A. ANDERSON, Town Clerk. TORONTO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEE 33 glllll()liil, i,), We. have a new light yassey-Harris Binder we want you to see, reduced in weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the easiest running Binder in the world. - Full line of PIANOS, ORGANS. and SEWING M We are well stocked with TURNIPSOWERS. SCUFFLERS} LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 57:. Issuer of I LOWER TOWN Implement Warerooms. WM t 24 "iri)5iraiMMkiistirse4siisseirsirseiye4seeetsiiettuire:tesvteasi5 Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM, A car load of Waggons will amve within a few days, these were bought before the rise in waggons, No other shop where you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. um 02 , and SEWING MACHINES IUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, etc. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses CALDER MW». THEY'LL SATISE or! ies i, on trad - farm ed at I h Lot 28. Con splendid imp: Dullmm Ve an “and: ham. Th MONEY TO LOA tNSURANCES, ct CONVEYANCiN inoludin Road. Splendid Im will sell citeapor tra Lot 18. con. M. Be P. It. In hands. ol Fortu Big 3 _ 433‘} o V YT..'.) 't'iiFsli'se't - Fl lace and "HM g.) t, 8rd Div. lot 7. cor ll Lot7 91m: fancy I srwee Wad: per CALL M He has a I Tht and up seem-din term. ti-cial banana AHEAD - ()f < 'rllllli c 'ahle lamm-b Repairing of W m Oil Lower To The Hanov acres new Al . - t1Pleudut F low Jake HE SELLS CHEAP l. l. t " an. M nacho. t who). "' , .[wgyl m1! " luv! Sl: I" I... In nlsr.rt W con I" IE " JAK Wo-

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