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Durham Review (1897), 14 Mar 1901, p. 6

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Obtained Through the Use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Ir. emu.- Orey, of lowmorket," To". Mow He Became Hole and l - at the Advanced Age of seventy Alter Hula; Selena Greet Torture Iron Solo". and Rheum-elem. (From the Express. Newmnrket. Ont.) w. William Gray. who la wen and “mam, known In the town of New. whet and vlclnny, In rejoicing over “I releoee from the pain. ot Bo1atitstr end rheumatism through the one of Dr. Williame' Pink Pills. A reporter od the Expreee called upon him tor the purpose of obtaining particulars ot the cure when Mr. Gray gave the‘ following story for publication: _ "About two and a hull year. ago I wu mixed with a. very severe at. that of rheumatism. The paln was amply torturing. At times the trot bio was seated in my knees, than In my hipe. For nearly a year 1 sub {cred along, working as beat I could. in the hope of being able to overcome the disease. During the day tho pain way less severe, but at night " was just as bad as ever. To Increase my torture I caught a cold which re- united In an attack ot sciatica In in] right leg. II I walked a snort diu- tame I would In seized by sharp pains In the hip, and In time I be- came a used-up man. my appetite lulled me, and I could not rest at light on account ot the pain. I tried one medicine alter another without avail. I also consulted doctors with no better result. I was beginning to "ink that I was doomed to suitor the rest of my lite, when one day a Iriend strongly advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I took his advice and procured a supply of the tll" and begun taking them accord- g to directions. Before the third box was finishcql I noted a change tor the, better, so I continued the use ot the pills till I had taken ten or) twwlve boxes, when my trouble had entirely disappeared. To-day I am tree from pain and teel that lite Is worth living. even at the ripe old age ot seventy. I can now do a duy'e work with many men who are 2.0 years younger than I. I thank God tor my restoration to health through the agency or Dr. Williattttr' Pink Pills. and I trust other similar sui- terers will give them a trial. tor, knowing what these pills have done for me, I am sure that they cannot fail being an beneficial to others similarly afflicted." If the blvod ls pure and wholesome dismal: cannut exist. Tho reason Dr.‘ Williams‘ Pink l'llls cure in manyl forms of almanac is that ther act directly upwn tho blood and nerws. thus reaching tln root of the trou- ble. Other medicines net only on the symptoms of the trouble. and that is the rem-vim the trouble always rp. turns, whon ynu comm than medl- dnos. Dr. Wuiiants' Pink Pills make permnnrrnt euros in kldnny troubles. rhnumnthm. eryaip-l-ts, anaemia and kindred tliscasns. But he sum you not tho gonulno. which hears, the full Mm Dr. Wl‘l'nmw' Pink Pills tor Pnie Pmple on A new book by Ch mm M. Sheldon/ thn human mnlnr of "In its Sieve."1 now-r {ails to (*X'rite thy Interest of ummnnris of waders. FO Born tot5erve" in tip title of the [meat mm by Mr. Sh Mon. and up advance sheets Indi- cato a very strong book Indeed. ono of th "tiling Interest to the thoughtful read”. one tn whivh with a master's tun] many of the cankars ot social tite, ot domrstie, nnlxpplneu. ot the broader woman problem. ot social rc- form " ths Vitals of society-41m laid bare. with cultured dellczwx. but mu: WHY". WILu ‘unuunua. ""'""'"'".r' -__ none tb- has with gmphlc. artflttwtt- ing trum. The t'naadian rrr,lthr have Mn mum-l by tht Poole Publishing Company. Toronto, bat u the story wlll not, upwin- in book form for some time the publishers will run It as a aerial in th' Presbyterian Review, be- glnning wi h tho lieu) of tho 3rd Inst... tbua enabling thy readers of that 1lliliW)llt OLD AGE ixriAririri"v'e tiid mOIt interesting work in advance. It Is not intended to intimate that Robson was eonneeted with any [rand or Job on tlso Government. He was the innocent tool who grounded the Merrimae, a hulk bought tor, any 3.1630000. and wort? possibly $50.- $0)"U.W1I. wnu nu. -.. .rvq......., ""'""er 000. on the bottom ot Santiago Har. bot. His deed required daring, self- eontrol and norm. although " was not a mzlnlly annual-mm undertak- Ing. " ho had not become sloppy oubooquenlly and usurped the kiss- lng tranehiso tor the whole world no - - _ - - I AA --..".sA u... ..B...W'..-r' _,._ _-__" 7v one would have enrped or cavined at Human. Ho " a good sailor and a than at vierxds.---N. Y. Telegraph, Why buy imitations of doubtful merit whr-n tho genuine can be pur- chased as ras‘lly? - --. The proprirtora of Mlnnrd's Lini- ment inform us that their sales the past year still nntlth their primal-a- non to be considered the BEBT and FIRST in the hearts of their coun- tatarrhoxonc Cures Fought and hymen. Mn. Kornshueu--0otth, I'm Int'. tested In thls bore faith cure I had hen a-nadm' about. Farmer Kornshui--hir ret Mn. Korturhtseksr--Ymr. Suppose ye print; me out a bottle ot " next that?” go to town. Sheep growers the wool the pot Canning W909“ Caturhozouc uln- Lung Trou- SIN-Monk New Book. Me Hemline "tuoppy." ii1£~_Â¥;}ahper around CYPrr ru, pure and wholesome ot exist. Tho reason Dr. mowers find that the “not the poorer in the can tor Wllllnz to Try- 'ftt WWW -e0o"e. Who will ho the rectplont ot the tortyoeoond of the Ivords of honor prone-ted by the Corporation of London to those mm." and naval heroes they desire to place upon the civic roll of [one renal“ to beseen. but the Into 'i%Giiiiiderstmitt In South Africa. Lord Roberts. and his lumen-or. Lord Kitchener. are the only two ottimm, taking part in the war who have mowed "worth ot honor from the corporation: The former. than Mayfroemsrpl Big Frederick Sleigh Roberta. G. 0. B., Y. c.. revolved " in 1881. after the Afghan mmpalgn; the latter was honored In llke manner in November, 1898. as the result of Omdnrann. Although the actual value ot the sword In nothing compared to the honor the presentation confers, it ll novertheleu a very valuable we. -r.mF.9qF-_._.9.-r.. - w... .w, I pen. For instance. that given to Sir William Fenwlck Williams in 1856 cost 200 gulnena. the one which the Duke ot Cambrmge received the following your, £218 88; but since that date, with the exception of Lord Napier ot Magdala. whose sword cost £21. the gift has coat the corporation 100 guineas on each occaMon-lAr Garnet WolseieY- " Frederick Roberts Sir Beauchamp Seymour. and " H. Kitchener. who are the last tour recipients. each received weapon of that value. The thirty-third signatory of the tam. ous roll. namely, wiyortenera_l Sir William Fenwick Wiiiiuma. Burt. with 15.000 mem three months' food. and three days' ammunition, defended Kara from June 18th t? November 28th. 1855. keeping at bar a Russian army ot 40.000 m. [nntry and 10,000 cavalry: " teat that so united the admiration ot the general commanding the block- ading army (Mottrmvicstr) that when hunger succeeded in doing what the Immune could not do, he wrote: “General William. you have mado yourself a name in history; and po+ terity will stand amazed at the en. llurance. the courage, and the dis. cipline. which this Binge has called forth in the remains of an army. Let us arrange n. capitulution that will satisfy the demand of war with. out diqgrncing humanity." , But it the prices of the swords re-l ; main nowadays the same. the design. l ot course. alters with the nature ii," 1 the service. and the place at which l it was rendered. and in many otherl 1 minor details. The Sirdar's sword of I honor. for instance. was a very beau- l tiful weapon, boasting a hilt of solid 1 IS-karat gold, which was further en-1 1 riched with a series of decorative ' jewels. including amothysts. berg/Ll iapis lazuli. turquoise and Jacinth.‘ while the monogram of the general was composed of tine diamonds.‘ I rubies. and sapphires. Figures of Brit- l annla and Justice. and a panel bears ing the British and Egyptian flags enameled in proper colors. also ap- pear on the hilt, while the scabbard I of crimson velvet has two massive', lit-karat gold bands and bears thel arms oi the city. Its lower end also i is ot gold. The blade, of the iinest‘ l steel. is elaborately damascenetl with l solid gold in the true Oriental l fashion. l Although "Fighting Mac" has not. i yet been honored by the corporation , I with a sword of honor. the gallant l officer's services were mot unrecog‘ nized by his countrymen and 'r'ifi1'fbtil in London on his return from Egypt. l The sword. which is ot tho regulation . pattern tor aides-ue-camp to that Queen. has a hilt of solid gold, fash- l loned after the style ot a iamous. Celtic piece in tho Museum of Copen- hagen. On tho guard, each point ot which is set with thistles. appears the letter "151." set in rubies and diamonds. The blade, which is of the l finest steel, bears the inscription. "Presented to Ool. Hector A. Mao. ‘ donald, U. B., D, S. 0.. A. D. c., try l the people of his native country in I recognition or his distinguished ser- . vices, May, 1899." The scabbard I bears the arms of the Clan Macdon- ' aid. and is mounted in solid gold, en- ' crusted with precious stones and ' enameled runic ornamentation. , “Presented to Chai. Rowland Hill ' Martin, C. B., who so heroically led , the Twenty-first Lancers in the cav- L airy charge at the battle of Omdur- - man," is the Inscription that appears ' on yet another sword ot honor prev ' seated last year. The weapon in ques- 5 tion is or the cavalry brigadier'a dress sword pattern. with a heavy a gilded scabbard and belt l rings; a guuwu ukuvuu-.‘- ....m _ - beautifully carved Soudun ivory hart- l w' die and heavily gold-plated fittings. l ju Tho question may be asked, "What ' ht becomes of swords of honor ?" and 1 y( the answer is that. although " few ‘; is from time to time come into the ‘ ti market. like the sword of ')'araii'/i'/iji, Richard (hour tie Lion's chlvairoue I ol adversary, which a Beyrout trader [I in was prepared. lust year to sell for i ti tloo, the majority are forever irea- T sured as heirlooms. Last year twoi swords of honor presented by the I In City ot London and Corporation ot! Liverpool, respcctivplr, to Lord it t"ollingwood. Lord Nelson's second in u _ command at Trafalgar. were sold at o auction to Indy Meux tor £240 and " £160 respectively. while at the 1 Ir some sale a regulation sword of no g intrinsic value sold tor 200 guineas, 3 simply because " was used by Lord Nelson when a. mate. Lord ctaluntr- l wood, by the way, did not really re- ceive the sword of honor that Lon- 1 idon awarded him, tor he died on board the Ville de Paris, near Port Manon. before the presentation was made; the sword, however, was l given to Lady Colllngwood as a ' mark of the esteem entertained for ' the meritorious services of the ttal- lant sailor. It is interesting to note that Lord commrwood'q word 1 of honor had a gold hilt and seab- bard mounts. and was enriched with diamonds and enamel. as similar wea- pons are to-day. The gold ttrip had on one side the city arms. colored enamels. surrounded lay brilliants, on the other Lord bo'iarwood'tt 'l'dilll . iarly treated. while the guard oil I this gorgeous weapon born the glo- rious Inscription set in brilliants anal blue enamel, “England expects every , man to do his duty." and “Trafal- ;Ignr." These were not the only me- mentoes oi the famous encounter that Erie Lordship received. tor in - June. 1898. a. fine silver "we. pre-l sented to him by the Patriotic Fund. ' was purchased by the Pr.nce ot r Wales tor g4tn.--Loniton Globe. l t3atarrhototte cure. Bronohml lilndoo Dlvlnlty Saved From the Ho- hemmedane is Above Price. It In part ot the Mohammedan creed to smash the noses at all Idol- the? may come moan. When they in. waded India they defaced in this way every Hmdoo god. A ntrare of Vish- nu out in green Jade was buried In the bed of the Ganges during this invasion. and In nowrpr.trter,yf"1 lulu. "Iva-3w, - - "v" r--_-_ temple in Banal-en. Lt in the only pericct image left oi all the old idols. and its sanctity is such that the priests of Allahabad have altered. for " it: Weight In gold. meme: with two magnificent rubies. formerly the eyes ot Buddha. But they cannot buy it. Millionaire Wanted Alpncu. An enterprising Australian million- aire named Leonard took a. trip 'to Peru recently. He saw great (loch of the alpaca wandering on the Andes. Being n we8ireltr 11ttth COUDD NOT BUY THIS GOD. good, It A man kept continually at the same kind of work during the day would show a. smaller average of " tallty at Ita and than a man whose tasks had been varied and whose ln- terst had therefore been kept up w- steml of being allowed to langulsh because of the sameness of the work at which“ he had been employed. This oertalnly points a moral for school arising from the formation ot gas owing to Improper digestion is the muse of great misery to many. A very prompt and ettlcient remedy for this trouble is found in Nervlline. It relieves the distention instantly. and by stimulating action on the atom. ash aids digestion. Good also tor Colic. Colds, Rheumatism. Neuralgla and Headache. In medicinal power Nervi. line has a value live times greater than any other. M it and see it it is not so. Dnigzlste cell it. Praise aideaerved ls satire swise.-Broadhttrtrt. The Exhaustion of Monotony. xpen: nnd How to Make. byspepslu Palm. Relates an Experience for the Benefit of Others. "lllllilil HOST” Proprietor of the Port House, St. Thom“, Loses An Enemy That. lied Troubled Kim for Over Five Year: and In Glad. at. moms. March T.-HBpeeia0--Mr. L. Duke. ot the Duke House, In this city. In a. proud man tor he has at hut forever duposed of a to.e, which has such him a great deal ot pain and annoyance during the latrt five or nix years. Thu toe was Kidney Trouble and Lame Beck. Dodd's Kid- ney Pule drove It out. never to re- turn. and now Mr. Duke ls haw!- Thle la what he says: ' "I have been troubled with my Kidneys and pains in my back tor over the years. Nothing I could get helpeq me lr_1_thc least; Finally; - -v-rv- ...- --- "â€"7 _ - I wan told by a. friend who had trled them, that Dodd's Kidney Pllla would cure me, and I decided to try. They relieved me from the first and even- tually cured me completely. They are a wonderful medicine." There are many people in Bt. Thomas and vicinity who have very kind things to say ot Dodd's Kld- ney Pills. The local til-assists re- port a. very large sale, and thls is not to be wondered at. as many very remarkable cures are reported ln tho city and county. _ That there are some strong "ef in Laureate Alfred Austin's dirge will be cheerlully admitted-by Mr. Aus- tin. That there are others not so strong scams to go without saying. In the latter class may be included the eloquent line: "Dry your eyes and cease to weep." It is a. fine and lmpressive line. Some poets would have said: "Dry your eyes“ and let it go at that. Other poets might substitute "Coast, to weep." and lot the moistened optics dry by the nat- ural process. Not so Laureate Ans- tin. He dries the eyes first and then directs that the faucet be turned off. -cleve1and Plain Dealer. An Agnostlc's tyeiiuition of" Church A place in which, week by Work, ser- vices should be devoted. not to the iteration of abstract propositions in theology. but to the setting before men's minds of an ideal of true, just and pure living; it pluce in which those who are weary of the burden ot daily cares simuld find a moment’s rest in the contemplation of the higher lite. which in possible tor all, though attained by so few; it place in which the man of striio and busi- ness should have time to think how small. after all, are the rewards he covets, compared with lumen and euaritr--Prot. iluxicy. Kingston. out.--For ten yours I have been a ton-lbw sufferer from Brnnchitlc Asthma. ottentlmea so bad that tor nights at a time I could not rest. I nps-ut hundreds of dollars on doctors and "quacks." but one dollar's worth of Catarrlto- zone cured me." Captain McDonald. Four months later Captain Mc- Donald wrote, saying: “I am still perfectly well, and have no more bother trom my old troublo." Few marine men are better known on tho great lakes than Capt. Mo Donald, of Kingston. and his testi- mony will be convincing to all who know him. Ask your druggists to show you Catarrhozone, It is the only sure cure. Complete outfit, $1; small trial 250: a trial sent for 100 l by N. C. Poison & Co. Kinzston. Can- i ads. or Hartford. Conn., U. B. Catnrrhozone cures Catarrh " so, send a letter or postal card to the undersigned, answerlng the following questions; , 'Where are you going? .W'hen are you going? ‘Whene do you start from , How many are in your party? Will you take your [household Laureate Austin‘s Originality. gnu-us 5 T Speclal low rate sottieris" tickets on sale during much and April to points In Manitoba. British Colum- bia, Oregon, California and all West- ern States. Full [mrticulnrs from B. H. Bennett. General Agent, Chicago & Northwestern Railway, P. King street east. Toronto. Ont. "I sent for you to tix a key in my daughter's piano," said the man ot the house._ . I.” Univ uvwcv. "But, my dear sir, I don't know anything about pianos. I'm a lock- smith," replied tho workman. “Exactly. I V want you to make it panelble for me to lock the blamed thing up."-))" Press. "Pay t" said the tramp. lightly, af- ter he had swallowed the drink. “I guess not. Do you know who I am. young teller t I'm the third cousin o' Mrs. Carrie Nation." .. . “Help!" yelled the bartender. "Bere, old man, have another, just tor triendtrhlp's sraias."-Phi1ade1phia North American. Will you Mlnard’l Llnlment Cures thuget In cows. Mr. BllluI-Johnny. In there any hot water In the house? I've managed txy upset a. la: ot trult on the table- ctoth. -_- -- _ . .. . ""riiinn.r Bums-No. but there‘ll be plenty of it when mamma camel hack trom a"vutowa.--Cllieago Tribune. Brooktr-Btwduppe my: he took a stranger tor you Janet-day. Riveirtr--That's funny. Now to-dny he took me for a stranger. “How's that t" “He wanted to borrow 810 from mrs."---' Smart Bet. Bronchltlc Asthma Cured. mnard'a Llnlment Cures Distemper. TORONTO mama’s Llnlment Cum Colds, etc. “Insure Ltniment cures Dlphtheta. ARR YOU GOING “WEST? Fixing a Key. A N ew Tack. Very strange. In Prospect. BAKE mn is in Jail tiow--6 Sharper “no Wu Caught in Time. l " young man or none too preposu sensing appearance attempted to" take advantage ot the generosity at the city on Saturday night. but found that despite his sharpneu he was n little premature in his reckoning; About 9 o'clock he went into Mr. C. Dannecker'a walectionery store on Downle street and asked for pet-mil- ainn to use the telephone. Ringing up No. Tti, the a. T. R, ticket oitloe. he asked that a gentleman who would call there shortly be given a ticket to Woodstock via. London. The clerk in a. rather nay-titled __---.-- “mull-ed. “Wm‘a speak- The clerk In a ran-er nun..." manner. enquired, “Win‘e epoch- lng P' The reply came "Mirror stamp. Shame the price ot the ticket to the ty." The audacity of the whole proceed- Ing wee sufficient to mun the eul- plcione of any but a pence ct "pert- [ once. so that the clerk did not ene- pect that there was anything Wrens. A man called at the office a tow mlnutee later and on application wee furnished with the peel. When Mr. Camels arrived the clerk at» quainted him with the partlculare ot the whole matter, and he at once he- I came eupicloue. The Mayor was communicated with, and the fraud discovered. Shortly afterwards Chief McCarthy was on his way to ...,. nfnflnlL where he found hie men came auspicious. The manor w....'. iiiGinuttitirted with, and the fraud discovered. Shortly afterwards Chief McCarthy was on his way to the station. where he found bi- man walkmg complacently along the plat- é - "A... .1...“an havin! any walking comma-Jr”... WW“ - form. The fellow denied having any knowledge of the charge. but desplte his protests he was taken into cus- tody. He gave his name as Thoma- Lawrence, of Paris, and said that he came from Seniorth to Strntford. The Magistrate remanded him to “Castle ISIQIOI" tor a day or two.-- lieu-Incas V......., Br local applications as they cannot. reach the diseased portion of the oar. There [9 only one way no cure deafness. and that is by constitut- tional remedies. Deafness is mnspd by In in- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Elutachlan Tuba. When this tube it fittttunesd {on have n rumbling sound or imperfect. hear mt, and when it is entiroiy moved. Detthgote' is the result, and unless the 'uitumtnsrion can be taken out, and thin tube maimed to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine em out of ten are caused by Gatarrtt which is nothing but an Iniiarnod condition a the mucous rm noes. ... __., _ n“ “nude-Ad Dollars for any iGiiirortl the mucous Miriam. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cane of Deafnesn (caused by catarrh) that can- not by cure}! by Balth Catarrh Cure. Send for " ,- m - "_" me circulars. free. Prof. B. Tyler, of 1ndranapolis. says that human lite would average three‘ or tour times longer than It does ll people would reject tIta nonseless prac- tice of cooking their food. Animals and towl live much longer ln propnrtlon to the period of tall development than man. Says mot. Tyler---" Man. tcr some unknown reason. cuts dead cells (cooked cells) to replace ttrr dead cells that have been sopnratml from the body. In cooking food all the acids and gases so mummy tor the con- servutlon and prwrervatlon of [deal I health escape with the steam, and tho food remlns a greater supp‘.y of ash. llme and other buck summnces than nature remit-es for th, amount of food taken into th, system." :. To Cure a Cold In one any Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tahleta. A1 timings“ refund the lll')lle,\' it it, fails to cure. 25c. c. w. Grave's signature is on each box. Sold Mil! Hall's uni Every man who has a wine cellar} has an equal fondness tor spiders. This i is on the authority ot a connoisseur. l. Cobwebs add dignity to wine until make it seem older than it really is. Moreover, it the spiders refuse to weave their webs about the bottles a! the nouveuu rit-he. these same spiders may be purchased at somuch a down and imprisoned in the vaults, l where their natural industry must uasert itself in cobwebs. There is an old Frenchman living in one of Phila- delphia’s suburbs who makes a busi- ness. and a very good one, it in claim- ed. dt cultivating spiders tor wine cellar purposes. In this way a. lot of win ordinalre may in a Iew. weeks take on all the appearance of aged mellowneu. Catarrhowne cures Catarrh. The Key to the Situation. First Detective-Bow did you man- age to discover the scandal in their family 9103a? - A. -_.. ---- A“ ' -iiiaurbdtocrtivo-weu, you see, I had a skeleton key.--March Smart Deafness Does If rank ln scale ot importance ot any material is determined by Ita ex- tensive continued Influence tor good, to tea must be conceded a very elo- vuted position among those ngenclea which have contributed to man‘s nap pineos and well-being. Moo High- Grade Ceylon Tea ls wlthout excep- tion the only absolutely pure Ceylon tea on the market; all others are Ceylon and somethlng else. Tir., painted mug of China and Pyme: "wa the 254mm package tor great- est economy. It Four grocer does not keep It, give us your name and " dress on a postcard. and we will lend you the marge oUolt who does. v -iiisi/iaiiu, Tea Commny. 11-18 Front street mt. Toronto. t , Spiders GOT THE TICKET. llvl'. F. J. CHENEY k co., Toledo, o. 2gfrtk't me. “am y Pills are the bent. Cooking Spoil Food 'f in}? a Cold In One Day Cannot be Cured for Wine Cellars Lionel-I tstore on asked for permu- phone. Rlnzlnl up b, ticketpmw. It 1W Nobody knows all abut it; and nothing, now known, " \ always cure it. Doctors try Scott's End- sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think his caused by h- perfect digestion t You can do the same. It may or may not bend by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If it is, you will cure it;if not. you will do no harm. Rheumatism. The way, to cure a dime is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that it cures; when it don't, it dmft cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, the - no other. GiiTlsur" living with ’your - -- . an _n_. . luau-1 v... ""1 - _ - 't%'i,Gl, rather, don't you think you oouid--or--tutvantw me the price ot . typewrlter? Father-l am tTiiraTd you will new: A 7 ... ---- ----. .n good new. be "out. w huh-(Ha. nu money made. Tho-nond- in one. For “I “dun-tee- address STANDARD SUPPLY 00.. Hamilton. .0!- As ever know: he " What we hev'nt we're “be " and if {an we in the Inuit“ fee fencing we would We to ave you considenhe ammonia: "M" Fence. Coiled Wire, made in our own Wire Hill, wov. try out-ulna. Shipped _ to pa Q. The PAGE WIRE FENCE co. GAL) "r.riiirtTeTitriretottyecetle be. hard“. By build'ng I (one: com-in“ heavy vim. you get jun that much am an; Reno-“Ne. kn t it , - - ----- AA -.A -" B Fencing and Metallic Routing and Siding Business and Plant. Reason tor selling, not outfield capital to push business. THE LOCKED WIRE FENCE co., Limited, LONDON, ONT. Fomv ACES FottsAt,F,-oh' LAKI - 'horp-preytt of Por) 1htlhoutiti We}... r GisiGr-GaGGi Pd-FIth-Ia; ton an. planted to tt "It tr 'qtt', hum portion boa-i... Adana box 935. St. Catharines, Ont. l Mm. Window's Soothing tp'.,',,", thou“ II- Vayu be mad for children 'eo hing. handl- l the child. women- the plum. cures wind out" sud In the brat, may tor {Mu-rho.- Two-u FOR, SALE. HARDWARE STORE. WORK tft ma dwelling. on line of n-ln . with shoe and toota-- new and cl, nu: at LT, on tho dollar an chum-v: inapct‘llon mutant. John Rumor. Newton. um. ..BlG STRAWBERRIES.. Ken-(mung I... . .. _ THE PROS! Ill! it"! co, Ltd., Vellut thet. PRI,', FARM FOR SALE-ONE or m Inc-t tn the Niagara l’cnlnlnla. d Willows. I. miles tram Hummus on two nit “yn. I!) Bcmrtiattut,85 of whbts In In trut moon] new hm. wm be sold in one par cl C divided Into IouoflMo 20 m to unit I. chalet-I. Thin In a decided bargain, Add- {manna (inventor. P. o. box Mi), Whom " What w. have we'll hold " TE; iaiuitiotis “OM-nu post paid for “41'. Send MM s- Town». and $1.00 l all druggists. FOR SALE. WALKIRVI LLE: on. no use 14%|ng nun who in much-led Pa Pond-g u the hunt Fence on the 2,frW. tt. k. iALuuu'. Blenheim. (but. If you have tried it, send for you. suyr'r & 130mm. Chemists, sample) its hre, tti.iiiiiEegg, and. complicate!“ a spec guy 'uvency yen". Quick rel Guru worst canes. Book trunnion“; and 10 Du trenmont. In“. F'",'; B. H.0RttRN'BBOM% Box a argsagrra.ea. DROPSY Treated Free. tll)lllit mm Sent on Trill n “cloud:- 're 5mm qrete I I - quiet awry ot - duhunorunm - of the Word p We scars. Th mm of sin and wer - ‘1an day they “Mon of body or “not be hidden 1 MB of xm-n unscented to God - who wen- uth “we been rem-mm: a more what the) “canoe is Hum " “trial, than [mun tay I their depleted l, mm {mat or n: .91 are ever and I - obnoxious past. , .7 that IS detrlorutrit " Nu or ammo 10nd to the wrong whu-h l - mist obey haw -trttncettete. They In". [chomp pears. Bat Paul in my Mon whieh " a“ -tr-mrcr1ttttil Ch Walk eyes, L study. and in his qhe algnuure o'. Vivek- and mm: a, text hr sho lad-(u: "I be “of the Im ' b not wounds U A boa-led ‘nu: well detuttd Inn-“(ion . - efrrtultsl urea and m conned. It tel d the thunk to allow they ave um Ind; cl his body. what he am". Ming 121a In school of hat can credentials I“ in the “urn Hen If? not a In!!! tor their _ b Wasted “Where did ym your forehand l" Juan." Wh" "Whom dnt I k ti not ash “1n." WI "Where did not anttoyed “lewd Hm - ttNrrioirts mind you w. not K" -I'l.tr|ou9-. Dr. TUhw m catled -cllorm’ In I Phila In an inn m the on trestated a eutabed I - gnore I ever an a. apenk qald: "Cal do“!!! ' .139" t duly or at the c (on-n9? than 1 womb! Atbert I my Henry (Ive It - adv/ax. be felt “I! ' -tora " 'ttNY - or' But m! ”mum out of I ' marv- at". 'Th Chr ttrat rum: fe""."".; d! any l fqtTrt of l c at!” ‘ ‘1 down no do. ' - tte.rbr Of chord ”pl-"F h. url.‘ . Iota tAn'.li - Her - tite WM , m tor cle al. ye.rr -oooed be -ertettt. - in tte mm the “her heads “other t-ttil msertt Fit"ru v, your: ”a: the esttetot Ooldl mug -ty. tso - “a Bdeuty, "In ,5 “I! tro " yen tt WI y bl! It he" " . the his b onm " m u Bl!

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