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Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1901, p. 1

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Io genuine I m1.- om. [mm-nu- null than of mu' numer- ourrtwlvrm has 'aO-o'll sun-Iv tried this wvek by the'ttottupperuattce of the "REVIEW" al the usual time. As w" write, Friday afternoon our weekly mpply of llalwl' has nut yet ar- rived being snlnlewhorv on the snowed up lint. lwtween Palmerston and Dur- ham. Our "inside" Is printed on Mon. day with the purpose of getting the latest newm it, was ship M] on Tuesday an tuna], but gut ('l'Q'l'ft' in the block. ado Maddie to as a lb Kippered Herring "l cts tin Sardines Io cts-a tin. at the smtinn to witness the arrivals. About in smowtihovellers hum Paimets. Inn acuunlmnied the engines and they wt're “may fur their supper having left Mt Forest at nuon. Prunes, large No. I. 12; cts a lb. No. I Syrup 4 cts a 1b. tion mm A 8lRrl.li(l tMll)li. Illt'. In)! " (on. I In. H. n. will have an auction sale of F: on Tmmluy next. riee hills :ulve-rl istutrettt on Page 3. for p THF. WF:tTitFnt. -All kinds, in one week. Monday was I warm the cmws wetvcawing were sum-n. Tuesday ln'uught alrl'llz' blizzard. snows lulu Berlin. up: April. Were Neett. luvsuuy "rung-u u nun-mp, m'rtw blizzard. snmvs blowing and drilling making nur slim-ts like that of an 1Gkitoo villugv. and for the second tutte this winter blocking the train. F. t1tt.Y 1't USING Country lwnlplt- will plenu- I'vnn-mlwr huslm'ss places clone at ti p. m.. 0xcopt Wtuluesda.ws and "aituiys. This is an ttp-to-date 20th ('enlnry ith-a and ii a boon to Inliainess Im-n without living a loss to the I'ottn- try. Weduesditys and Saturdays and days bvfove public holidays. Hrsmn’ Fun NEWS - Thursday night brought wliuflu thr lowq in the Corp. (1U). W. LEOhNtttiAM. lll'xuuv Hott Saws __ Thursday night brought relief to the town in the Hutu-r of nuns. Tuesday, \Vednes- day Thursday. and no Globe was a try- ing t'ch'l ience. The relief mine by the authorities sending the mail to Hnn. uu-r, therwe hy sing? to Durham. where by the courtesy of Postmaster Smith, the hungry populace. though after hours. were supplied wtth their three days' mail. Verdict. "Not Guilty, but don't do it "gum." TOWN F.Iorit"rION. _ rwnysyrr:u.r-,--,DAvEY-cAt theResidetwe , of the brides parents on March. 12, my wt' Mtt' to have an vltittott to elect bv Rev. J. Little. Chatsworth, Jas. a "llt) to lake the tlace ot' the late Mr. ) D. Ledingharn of Souris. Manitoba. to Gorslirw. . Maggie Allan, second daughter of At lln- nomination Inm‘llng held last V William Davey Esq. of Sullivan. Friday m‘vninngvrk Anderson received ___ _ __ - a _------------- _------------- the ttititit'm' of tlwre guml men and true. DIED who \w-H- willing to take the abuse and _ N lrtrd work WIN! h souttstitues falls to the MccEAs.--At. Egremont on Th ursday . . . _ ' . l . M sAlex. McLean tuted lot at towricoutwilotm' Thev at'e I I March, It, h r ' ' " ' . 1 .. ' . ', “ l OT [Dace-wed was a daughter of Mr l'srouttts. tit'ors,w )ll-km-lmw and \\ m. u "l' ,. ,' . slurp, An Q'lful'l 1.. yi,tit' t'hH"'nct'm' hv Jun. _ alder. Egremnnt. and sister to . _ . ' . . . I Mrs Jun Marshall Normanl) , txxo l't‘lll’lllL: by Int pron-u] u failure we; . . ' y. ulnll-l'~l.‘|ml. MI tlu, mtart has live-n made. - - -___ _ A‘ -e_ve" ___ - -----e-- mol list lluuH " wry inn-reeling racehn,ss TOWN SAYS! SHARP Sum» VOL. XXIII. NO. 12 ers' Inslil Mid [Mule Vt"rioy --North Bruce is reported to have elected Halliday, Conservative, by 24 majority. --The. Boers have rejected poact proposals. - LThe scare that Russia and Britain were going to war has blown over. *Consus Enumerators are requested bv authorities to be vaccinated. 'oust, Lost tht Wednesday 13 inst., he- tween Durham and Murden's corner, a. purse containing a sum of money Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at the Review omee or with the owner. Ilsa MAGGIE Mcrmas,' Aberdeen. ll pl result tl m C. L. GRANT. It'ts. N Mm. -John W. Mvkech' l On the first of next April, the tnty,i.y1 I. Con. 1 Ii. G. It. l',entinck. erators gut to work all over the Do- nn auvtiousaleof Fin-m iiiiri)tninion "numbering the people" and lay ttext. riee hills, and full) "taking stock" generally of their Inn-m on Pages". for particulars. lpropel‘ty and their progress. 'fd/"'jl) i)Jtivi:.y'c.tpcptt/i'/, The dateseleeted for tmeording the '."2i,,/,',, C'),',",')', “,1“ ly? Itll, 3 population is the same as the date fix- 3 (It "cawirisrnndvoltitts ' . t. Tutsla.v mum.” a howling ed by the Imperyl?y11t,e.ty.,t for tok- izzurd. mum l-lnu'ing and ms: the Census of (neat Britain, being 'l.lklllg our stttu'is like ihat of Sunday, the 31st day of March. The In .viliurpy and for the second idccisive hour of reckoning is made 12 i “mm Mocking lln' train. o'clock, midnight between Sunday and n 1)~'l\r; (1mm ry ”mph. will ' Monday, so that vvery one born before 'un-mln-l' llllilllt‘ii places clow thathotw and every ()llt' dying alter "'--,I,l*“"3‘l" Wtulrtcridays gml it arr- to be counted inthe population. "hd ':'/iiji,,"ih,e,C,t,1-:,1i,,,'-,'e,l,', werer arc, ll schedules, rtlating to 1mm mung“ 1.M to the mun Vital and Mortuary statistics, Real dumb“ and tiaturdays atsd estate, Ilant1taetures, Field products, 'ore. public holidays. Live stock, Agricultural values, min- ., V“ _ W‘|.....‘.]n.. lug, Jte. Alt GROCERIES. w plough driven two powerful on; mm hs-r rngilw at Quit» a crowd t to William tht wtihovellers hon nied the engines tur tttest onto-[$1159 nf tht Hr. tiet. Hist Ad. nu IV t Wis, pimm tutter, of to be in Durham m l in mullet. owner call at cull Mien ttu. PERSONAL MENTION- Miss Percy, Mt. Forest, is visiting at Mr. J. P. Hunter's. Miss Blanche Hunter, came home from Toronto last week. Mr Walter Ellis, Mt Forest spent Monday evening in town. Mr. Donaghy. of Mt. Forest. was on a a business trip to Durham last Thursday. Mr T. H. Ellis, of Mt. Forest, was the 2mm, of friends in town a few days this Pleas ed to we Mr. Alex McKenzie re- newing old acquaintances in town at present. 3irand Mrs Rowe spent from Snub day to Monday with Owen Sound rrivndmi, w Pt 3 Mr. Hugh McKinnon. Reminds. left Tuesday morning for Basswood. Man., jwhc-rv he will spend the summer and full nmnlhs at carpenter work. He :tulu-s' the Iteview with him and we wish ihim good luck, but, we wish he had re- anim-cl to be counted in the census at. Dr. Woods, of Hayfield. WM vislling al Mr. w, Ituehan's n day or twu last \n-o-k 0nd. Miss M. Allen. of Mt. Fovest, who wax visiting friunds lwrc returned hmne last Friday. Mir; Harris. RochesIt-r. is home at prose-lit. and visiting at. Mr Hlacklrurn's during his illness. Menuhin-S " the McDougal family here attended the funeral of a cousin near Priceville On Monday last. Mr. Angus Benton. returned to Chi. cago on Monday last. after a couple of weeks visiting the parental home here. Mrs. Waldo Putman. of Mt. rarest. was the guest of her sister in-law Mrs. T. It. Whelan the beginning of the Miss Allen, who was the guest of Miss Hattie Whitmore for the part couple of weeks, returned to hevhome in Mt. For. est on Friday last. week home We have had the honor of being ap- pointed Commissioner tor the South Riding ot'Gn-y, but are not yet in a position to announce the enumerators of the various polling subdivisions, the result of the applications to Ottawa not having reached us at this writ. mg. IV Mcr.EAs.--At, Egremont on Th utsday Match. ll, Mrs Alex. McLean. aged 27. [Deceased was a daughter of Mr Jun. Calder. Egrenmnt. and sister to Mrs Jun. Marshall. Normanby.) The TOWN SAYS] SHARP This, Friday's contest for the vacant Coancilpositiyp, resulted in the elec- tion of Me, William Sharp. The voting proceeded (’mietly all day, each candidate's friends eeling sure of the result. At the count the vote stood as under: N. Ward...... 3 E. \Vard......ll w. Ward.....21 A most decisive majority over both. With such an emiorsation Mr. Sharp has ragga to feel Athtt.eyyhy.el we trust iirGiiiriiireiGir" in! justify it. THE CENSUS 'ii3tttlit Browne MARRIED. Maj omty 56 the late, Mrsvyt'Ji'tu'" 'vxri,.)/seir,',t."o'fviiC, The event of the day “as when mm. and sister-no l Inspector Campbell after some congra_. Nommnhy.] tulatory remarks took upon hima of “grepresentative position and read to , 1 Corporal Ledingham a finely prepared WS] SHARP I address of welcome. gratulations. and - good wishes, from his many friends in y 56 Durham and vicinity, and at the est, for the vacant proper stage County Commissioner 1lted in the elec- McKnmon came forward andas a tangl- law.. . ‘hle token of the fine words presented :3; 1teileitn1,y, 331.2%? the soldier with a fine gold watch. , mm the vote stood _ ht; Mr, Ledmghum came forward to ireply he was received With three rous- i, McKechme Sharp ' ing cheers. and small wonder if at that 12 41 l supreme moment. he was deeply moved. 22 343He thanked all for the kindness they w. 47 a had shown him cn his departure. and -ii"ii Elnow for the renewed and unexpected Iajority over both ,klndneee shown him try the great miation Mr. Sher]; I demonstration by their kind words end ttettd and we trust the ‘elegent weteh. He regretted but ljultifyit. liability to eddreee them end eptly "gat Home from South Aftica. , Last Friday the military fervor of bi, district was Once more aroused to a high pitch over the homecoming of iGeo. W. Ledingham. the boy we claim as "ours," who has represented this idlstricc ‘most creditably in the big (struggle, who received promotion while [on duty, and though in every engage- {1119118 his troop went through, returns 'in good health, unwounded and un- 'seathed. ioiniirjiiiiiriijmntsDAor, MARCH 21, 1901. For several dassspresuougly antici- patory telegrams had been sent ont and on Thursday the local committee were able to announce that he would be home next dav. Captain Torry with his usual vigor drummed up the local volunteers, the band prepared to do justice to the occasion, and everybody was on their mettle. Splendid weath- er favored the jay. and no doubt had the storms of preceding days not blocked many roads the crowd present would have been still larger. A: tutu-time drew near the station ground presented an animated scene. The bright uniform of the volunteers, the gay attire of the ladies. the pleasur- able feelings of eyetyoue lent spice to the occaston, which was not lessened by the humor and the handsprings of Jack Saunders. The train was late, and as luck would have it, the visit ol ll pay-car kept it later. All things come to those who wait, and it came at last and as the stalwart form of the hero of the hour stepped from the car, rousing cheers went up, and " a few minutes there Were hearty embraces from relatives and hearty handshakes from the crowd. For a little while he was public pro- perty however. Four stalwart Volun- teers from No. 4 Company, hoisted their comrade in arms shoulder high on a chair, and carried him from the station to the gateway amid the plaudits of the crowd. Here he was placed in a sleigh beside members of the reception Committee, Dr. Jamicson, M. P, P., the (editors of the town papers and others and, preceded by the baud, the Volunteers and members of the Town council. the processnon moved Into low n accompanied by the largest crowd that ever welcomed a. prominent ylsitor. The procession broke up after traversing Garairasa St to the “Review" corner and back to the Town Hall. The crowd waited respectfully till the newbies wont in, and then closed like a steel trap behind them. "Such a-petting upstairs as ye never did see." The hall was jammed in a few seconds and as many more were "out, of ir" in more ways than one. Chairman Dr, Jamieson M. P. P.l '/iryir'i'd,'oi,"', asked to the platform, members of the ”mun-y, um town council. the clergy and the press. 1 Following while behind these wele rangpdl To (mm) Captain Torry and his men. The l On the chairman’s address was happy and ap- Ifmm the lat proptiate, liev. Mr. Farquharson nude (are a.usvtulsh the speech of the day, Rev. Mr. Grah- 'nication tha am. Dornoch. had not the priyllege of l and that w seeing lnm off but was glad to welcome ‘in good "i,, him home. and laid special stress on months th: 1tly worth of temperance principles, ‘lwwe-tnlkin wl.1ch were exemplified In Mr. Leding- _'L.'i'i' w-uch ‘ham. But it were useless to enumer- ',','i',','d..i,'/ir,i ate : all the speeches sounded the f I My common notes of welame, of grofieir lo 3?“! ts Mon at his safe return, ofcongratulations Ir.',',' 9);"); to his mother and family, and of the lmnascteé honorable part he had played An [ (‘2.le m; "olunteering for the defence of British , '.1ll,"., 1. . formation l Hustlce and interests. _ ,mmms to a: CORPORAL GEO. By a Splendid Reception. mm "tiittriittii), LEDINGHAM HONORED. likened the situation to a. war scene where it the audience were the British and he the only Boer, his chances would be alim.ao feeling the situation against him he thanked them again and retired amid another round of applause. M a later stage the chairman at Mr. L's request added for him other grate- ful expressmns. Besides the Clergy and the chairman those who spoke were Messrs Campbell. McKinnon. Laidlaw. Jas. A. Hunter, Ir'win and Ramage. On behalf ofthe redcoats Capt Torry, J. A. Black and Wm. Young. Town councxl: Thos Whelan. Jno. Livingstone. Wm. Gut‘:- rio. A couple of national patriotic songs were. sung by school children led by Mr. Jas. A. Hunter and hearty Icheers. on proposal of Capt Torry. were (given for Col. Steele and Lord Strath- Cone. l ( "The Lord Bishop in a, clear, resonant, t voice, which could he heard in every i l, part. of the hall, bid theCanadiatt guests ' 1a hearty welcome. That was thelast, of . Ia. long series of evidence which thetl l, British race had shown of her gratitude _ ' {and admiration for their conduct. At I [the call of their country. in the hour ofl l ther need. they sprang to arms. Ther i had helped to save this Imperial race of ' ', itlielis, and by their bravery in the field 1 g and by their' "tevcifttlness in the hour of " lyictory. they had set an example to!‘ Elltt’ll’ empire which would not soon he l: ;forgotteu. They bade them a. hearty :1 "'rod-spetd in their voyage to their own I , land, and the heartiest of home-coming» ‘tliet‘e. They knew that when the his-' |tory of this country was written the} 't'uture historian would state how thel ,sons of (‘anada came to the help of their. lmolher land, and not only inaiutamed , . . . ilhe 5:11:th tiadilionsot their race. but :set to a new country an example of l courage, of ptwsr't'ver'a1u'e: and of mercy I which they could never forget. They ithauked them not only in the name of I Liverpool, but in the name of that I country, and of the British race." , l Following is the text of the address : l i [ To Cortr'oItAr. GEO, w. LieuixouAMJ b V . . ' l On the occasion of your return , ;Vt'roin the late war in South Africa, we, . 1 are assembled here to express our grati- ', "//'1ca,1y that your life has been spared I i and that you are once more among us ; ‘in good bodily health. During the months that have passed since your ' leave-talking on March 5th. 1900. we :have watched with lively interest the e news-bulletins giving any Information of your whereabouts and of the various . l I _ movements and engagements of Strath- e .coua’s Horse with which you were n l connected. h 1 From these and other sources of in- formation we know somewhat of your NOTES'. As Mr, L. stepped off the train R little girl went up to him and pinned a ms- ette of loyal cnlms to hishreast. About a hundred bigger girls would have liked t , do the same thing. The handsome watch hare a. neatly engraved inscription as follows: "Pre, uented to Geo. w, Ledinglmm. Trooper. S'trathcona Horse, by the citizens of Durham and vicinity on his return from S. Africa, March 15, 1901." The nearest shave he had as far as he knew was while Iving at the firing line behind an anlhlll about, a foot high a, Boer hullet went whining alongside of his viflr.t hut missed him. He rode the same horse all through the operations except on one day, when his own strayed off. He got another for the day and it, was shot, Tim passage amass the Atlantic WM i a rough one and took about 4 days longV Pt' than usual. Their treatnwnt in i England was something superb. and : nothing was, too good for them, appear- 5 ing lwfnre the King and other liotnhili- " ties, while the limsses vented their good L wishes in loud and long hnzme. i They got a splendid send-01f at Livers pool and we quote a part of Bishop (flun-nasv's speech as they were prepar- ing to embark : From these and other sources of in-! fornmtion we know somewhat of your _ voyages to and from that distant land,I of your difficulties and dangers on open “in: and threatening come. of yours! uncotuplaining endurance and peiva. f tions under ttopical suns, drenching‘ rains and cold unsheltered nights. We have entered as never before into the exacting life of the soldier I in the saddle, in the trenches. behind the deadly title and under. the withering tire of the battlefield. We have sympathized with you in your broken rest, your loss of _, sleep, your meagre fare and the inevit- ‘able climatic changes to which you were exposed. We are proud of the record made by our Canadian sons and are pleased that they have proved them- selves worthy descendants of their heroic sires. We are glad to know further that from all the perils of flood and flehi, it has pleased akind Providence to protect you. While as a soldier you may regret u.T,.vsp:ueh'ic,-? lc-lr-tr-Arr" -fttCrttrr1r.TnC7 Clr?. E 41.1 1.1.] LJuJ'LJ L-l L__l 1.4 L..J ._.n L; LJ L.--: .__. ._.1 b---l H .--. -___ --N- _- "-rifF5rH-jii--jr-irp/cn..1-r: r‘l'rwirfi'rw'r-I'rfi'rr‘r1'r1'r*"r“ri'r¥r ir--. x - r-fr--; r ,'. Pli?l¢?lf?li‘?l*fl9H“Plff’l’fl'fl‘P1?P‘L“?y?k?y?y?y you do not carry any serious ttttUK or 1 the confiicts in the shape of wound or sear. We are thankful that you are re- stored to your friends and country still enjoying those things which make life worth liying and which make you a valued defender ofour common heritage In this great free land. In the nameof the citizens of Durham and vicinity we have pleasure in Pt'"-- settling you with this gold watch as " l souvenir of your safe return. and of the esteem in whwh you are held by your friends in town and country. We tyust, that for many happy years. it, may not, only remind you of the passing of time i but also keep ever green in your' mem- . ory this hearty "Welcome Home" from iyout old friends and early awoeiates. , Presented on behalf of the contrlluu- l tors hy the undersigned committee up- 1 pointed by the Town Council: - II Charles McKinnon, N. w. Campbell. l R. J. S. Dewar. Wm. Guthrie. SHEWELL tt LENAHAN Wis/I Att of Call ”aspect/ally 6otierited. GOOD GOODS AT ALL PRICES JUST OPENED OUT. . Satisfy The most careful Buyers from $5.00 to $12.00 The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried or hy J, A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shewell & Lenahan. Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. Special attractions for the Christmas and Few Year's trade. SHEWELL * LENAhAN. New Dress Goods, in Tweed, Worsted, Cash- mer, Poplin & Crepon. Special soc Serges in Black, Blue, Cardinal, Red or cream for 35c. We have a well assorted Stock of Flannel- lette and Cottons bought before the advance in price. That insure and promote heal ch and prices that mean economy and satisfaction. Large Sales keep our stock fresh. C.' 1., , 1-, I»: it _ si .2 l' h: 2 r s" 2? "s " iti/t,i'ti'rt,lii.t,lai _itiitiitiettitlitii,tiitii Jr'Ar2-l.rrAir-'At--o LJ:L_1.LJ Lu VAL-I L.J LJ L.0--i.vrplrrV--o/-, r1 r1 I“: Tn r--frrn Frci--irircirir-ircnir-: r1 r-hle 1 T-l I' ---Qothittg--- " Suit and Jtrsmsy 77W any serious mark of‘ w),crct3ia.Tcg1tgo1iuIr-Cu.'uAl; (yapu/ar Cash Jloro.) Sroeeries J. MCKECHNIE. f 'flle0teehnie. your TORONTO Boys' and Girls' whole stock Boots. Womens' and Men 's heavy Boots. Old Sol Combination Shoe Dressing in Black and Tan. We handle good reli- able Boots made by reliable people from the Maker to us saves the wholesaler's profit. WHOLE N0. 1200 Lewis Bros. of MI. Forest. are prepar- ing to open a Merchant tailoring lum- ness in Durham on March Isl. Mr. A. E. Lewis. who will he imma- gerlms had an excellent experience Ill high class tailoring in Tovonto and other ccnlrns of fashion and will tre prepaved waive the good dressets of the townand vicinity work that wil please theirmost refined taste and re. quirement. The stock will he rumplow in style- quality. and quantity. Please wive "his intiuml ion Your kind and favor-MM consideration. LEWIS BROS. Cttns:s Grocery Store.‘ ---gtoota and 6hoeo--- Cash or ftarmers' Prod-ac: me “DURHAM REVIEW; 3:13;; ll. mm ht. a ht The undersigned has opened out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door DOC. Mekiaaon) full lines of Nothing Stale. Everything Now and up-to-date and he cordially invites a. trial. lilflg© Ill© COMING. 'TII- II- Fr...- '"." ".7 ._ . V Fl, 13.45:;1F; rj-Ar-AI-ul-Hey.-, iairn 171 rm F.,. 1-n11r-1r1 r'Lr'! r- BOOTS and SHOES. FLOUR, .. FEED, . L. GRANT. GEO. LAWRENCE. 91344393: 1ca.utu:rsArrv_'-T1i' GROCERI BS, &e vuuca

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