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Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1901, p. 2

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When I was lutroluced to the newly-chuckled matron she put one of those gloved hands into mine with a dmperlng air of voynm that made me feel cold all over. for that hand In the kid glow tumtimiml me of the any I took my first. lwmn from Lau- rence Foler, Australia’s champion boxer, and ho, had an eight-ounce glove on (thunk [Inns-n l) on that oc- cnnlon. In hor right hand the brlde carried a fan of splendid ostrlch tea- them, with which tilts? brushed the nieq oft tho groom. It was vast enough to haw brushed away a toy terrier. to my nothing of Him. but it lookod a toy lit that giant fiat. A Bram] From the Burning. Tho groom hung on to his bride's arm ' u tly t, a stw:,ntr-stiHr. He was a. tall youm: mun, ‘lrrsm‘d in u Huck Iron-k tNrat, mm: trtpuiorpt(bratred up to rttrsw that h k wor' arm). show. white gloves and a ttigiverowitcd hat. bio carried hid trriue's whiarsilk ging' bun in one lmnd and an (-unrlnmr; hum-h ot flowers in up other. He tried to look mrek, but only susctwdml ln looklng sly, hyIttwritiual and awfully 'usromfortalrle. At Home he mrouhl look at his new spawn. and then tho must uusuiutly "xprr-titfton would am his foxy hum: ho would push out his grout. thick lips until they threw " rtruiow all round him: open, his uh:- xllng which teeth and Inn his grout blood-rm] tonguv l'dl out. until thy rhamn in his ttteo lcmkWI llko a rent When I nrriw-d at Jonathan'. vil- lage that warrior was away with a band of his young men, .0 that I could not see him, though I saw " Ion at a. wedding whim was being held when I rtrc,clted the Icons. I wa- taken through rows of naked, grin- ning usages. of both AIL-us. to be in- trounced to the bride and bridegroom, whom I found to be " pain ot mission converts. When I s-uv the pair the Chock nmrly shook my boots on. The bride, a {\iIi-iilunls-d young negrem. wx-a dressed in " beautiful white satin dram. which fitted her as it " had been mm at her out of a, gun. It would not rum-t in front by about three inches. and the bodice was laced up try narrow bands of red silk. like. a loothnlli-r'n jc hwy. in her short. woolly hair she had pinned a wreath of artillt-iul orange blossoms. which looked like " diam-m or snow on u midwintr-r mudhenp. Down her broad brick them hung " great granny lace veil big enough to nuke a fly-not for n. row mum-l in summer. It was not fixed on to her dream. nor to her wreath, hut was tied on two little kinky curls " each side of her head by bright gnu-n ribbons. nitnr the fashion of " prize filly ot the draught cider at " country tair. llvr hands were elm-ISM in a pair of white kid tghtsrar, ttrrn's size. and a pretty big man at that, for she haul a. gentle little “at tint would hqu scared John L. SulliVnn in his palmiest day. Mr. A. mm. the war corre- wonder): ot tht. London. Eng., Daily News. took tho opportunity. when the Eitghth Divigfirn was skirting on the border- ot " sutolazxd. to cross the border and Inn-nivw one ot the ettieta. H.o I I»! the good fortune to be present. at thr. wmldlng of a. pair at native mission convex-ta He sends to the Daily Nrrwag an amusing account of the rights and ccreutonles, themes. m a black velvet ga‘Vll with " par dinal's red hat stuff!“ in the centre Ho may trave imn full of saving grace -tull up and running over. but. it was not tho brand of Christianity that I would cure to invest my nudity in. When ho caught. my gaze riveted upon bun, he tried to look like a. brand plot km] from th" lurning; in: rollml In; great, velvet any nkywnnl. gnawed up tbe adult. wtticlt run new his (new (um whitt he ("ill .d a mouth. until it lookle lt" u crumpled dun-arm. folded his! hunch! nwekly (not his lmmst, and compound himsal! gum-rally like an advertisement tor a missiun society. The. same Old suit. From him I glancml to his 'pa." who had giwn him away and scenic-l mighty glad to gut. ridot him. "Pa' was ravaged in pun» Muck from 1gotul to Mer-ports tiv. same: old unit Lint he 11ml Worn whnu Ito struck this planet, only mum of it. Hit was gulltr low of uuythrrtg and inerytliing in tho aha": of ".rtirg exam: tor tt large ring ul' hum whirl! he “(urn UH top of hi4 howl. u, dit in)» i-urry any partwolts "'f tans. or Rceg'aou' of any kind in his incur, mun-uh" lists. UNI? ring of hum of his howl. panhols. or In kind in his at" hand grasped and ttr. otbcr slang. and l, tom, wlr-re tl just. tho sort oi Ila-like? [or if matrimonial mum have h, hank. n than' an“ h y look auv'tscd In um" la-{o bride and was own and I had managed to t my blushing face away, from "B and the bevy of damsols as ai clothed as hcl'a'vif. I oltervd the Bt box to the happy pair. The " took a "utall pinvu um! Mutikxi sadly gammy] committing some deadly WIN was ' my t L'luL'liul ir.% ircr,vit, l uzi'wriui the sun” box to the ll.lp.!_V pair. 'llu: g‘wm took a "iu:vllIrhruttirdscntilisally as though rummiutmg some deadly sin. The biilv. liovccstt, poured a little heap in the palm of her haunt! about as big as u. men's egg. regurdlom ot hm. niw whim: kid gloves. This she weenie] to shut! up her capaclons nostrils with savage delight until the tears streamed down her cheeks like rain down a coal heap. Then Che threw buck her head, spread her hands out palm downwards like a mammoth diN'k treading water, and sneezed. I never heard a human sneeze like that before; it was like the effort or a 'horae after a two mile gallop tin-(nigh a dust storm. And oaett time she sneezed something txanm?eted with her wedding gear rip- ped or gave way. until I beng to be ttiraid for her. But the wreck was not quite an awiul am I hnd an- ticipated. and when she had done mung she laughed. All the (-rowd except the grown laughed. and the could 0. their lattghtc? was like the W -e-"em"-"""""'-e'r-%e-eit-ss-m-t- -, F-g" " . 1‘" " Irts'ert/ mer . . r', "' r. f a " , a 4 . r I ,7 1U” . 0 l,,. 2' If I e? - "' f't P11" A I . '/ oe A”, T - V [I 1' _ _ r bf 7.». f, 1/}, lg g ,‘rrr ' fit/Jr] (4,1,11114271 1/,ij [I or-AterCorrer,wvuruCspFarpe5irit P.u? J-,,-.--.----'. f""'-"'"'-" 'M’V' .2 AAA-oi-Otis 7 _ _ a TI tl ltr, or tans, ur g..egaws of any I his great. luxu'ulur lists. Um maul“! an irolrshml :wsegui, h otbcr lovingly [mulled a but.- , and luth Wampum-t looked at wlr-re they Nut“. It" wa.', not a sort oi II tttther-in-law I should ? lot. 'd l hau been out on n. A l2asulo Erma. al bel H) had hnn' tl no“. , t; man. Crot Basuto Wedding: enema: ot introduut rd I had managed to m ' face away, from "N " of damsols as air Go tr u, .1” mm. "rtrt'Y ms. or g..egaws of can unu'ular lists. an irolrshml nus ctttatrc', but. I "l on" limb of tl the wimlv body for With all his n. A chum oi ur, _ u; tlt '.;,' pup " punhu-m " tr being pttss:sutod Jm, and I kid vizzgly [mulled a but.- l wmunu's looked at nut. ul. IU, Was not C'tth.tin-law I should had been out, on " man; tmt 1 would um limb ot that old a wimlv lxxly or his " witlt all his taulta, A chum oi mum who a; tlt .r' p u p i' ittd loll out until" the hmkWI “RP " rertt gown with " Pat" COSTUMES NOT' JUST UP TO OUR STYLE, BUT MADE TO WEAR-NOW THE CERE- MONIAL PASSED OFF. Ind to turn t "Ma" I aituly xe {snuff 'tut to the uctcu' ll ol -h WI "A, mun-I ' 7"...) u"..-:.......L~. -- K""""" my way amidst tho maids to get a look behin'l the bride, for I fancied the back of her neck must surely have got somehow in the front " her face. When I not to the front again time "poat" was still growing, the rich red lips in their midnight set- ting looking like mmc giant rose in full bloom that an elephant's hon! haul trmlth-n upon. H) the show pro- ceeded. At lust (min of tho brides- Innhln stepped from amidst her sla- tem, and playfully mailed the bride in the direction of her home. Then the “pout." gem:- way to a smile, the white teeth gleaming: in the gap like tombstones in a Highland church- yard. I hm] been a bit scared of her "poot," but when she smilcil' I looked anxiously for my hull-He. After a lit- tle munoou'vrinit tho blissful pair marched cabinwards, with the whole growp of naked mort and maids cir- cling rowed them, stumping their bare feet, lurking,r il'p clouds of duet like a mob of travelling cattle. The men yclieil some lmrlmrows Incl-My, flourished their arms. smote upon! tlmir breasts, and anon gripping a damsel by thrs waist circled atar like writs on a grown grass hill sienna. Tlm maids twlsiml and turned in " mun-rs. As for the woman, she found the chief wonders of creation, not in tho cluminating vertebrate. but in the lower orders of lite. Tha. maids twistrd and turned in funtnstln timrrns, summing their nobly-ru.shionol lt Mi -.-4 hither and thi- ther, whilst they kept up " continu- nus wailing, slng-mng cry. Sm they passed from my sight Into the re- gions ot the honeymoon. "The jollyfish. tor instance '.' claimed the woman. "How , ever got to Jell so beautifully Now tho other thought they could understand lu‘r awe. although none, of them, as: it transpired. had ever put up any preserves. Strength and Endurance Are factors or thn greatest success. No [rm-son can do full justice to himself without thmn. In no season of the your are they more easily exhausted than in the ttIng. - -tFre nerd not disnuss the Mason ter thls here. It's enough to say then; m om", and that 1rotrri'tt Bartraparilla Elms strnnuth um] endurance. as thousands :mnually trestiry. The Manon: ng Hood. 'Cutarrhnzon Minard's Liniment cure»: Diphtheria. nr A sthnm Ohio, is at In '." ex- wnH it 9n " gt £3 To those who mm wruk, easily tired. nervous, or.whom" blood is out of condition, Dr. Williumy' Pink Plilq coma as a blvssing. curing wlwn all other mt-d'u-im-s fail, and realm-[mg those who give them a fair trial to a full mnusure of lu-nlth and strength The pills are sold only in bows hear- ing on tho, wrapper the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. It your dealer duos not keep them thry will hp sent post paid at 50 cents a box nr six boxes tor $2.50 by addressing tho Dr. Williams' Medi. clne Co., Brockville, Ont. leg. loss ot appetite. and palpita- tion ot the heart. The least exer- tion would cause my heart to pal- pltute violently. and if I stooped to pick up anything I would be overcome with dizziness. My legs were so weak that I was compelled to sit down and put my clothes on. Tho doctor I consulted said I had a. bad case of anaemia. He prescrib- ed for me. and I took three bottles of medicine, but all the while I ac- tually grew worse. until I be- came so weak and emaciated that it seemed inmossiblo that I could recover. Having read of the cures effected by Dr. Wil- linms’ Pink Pills [determined to give them a trial. From the first box I noted an improvement in my condi- tion. My legs broom" stronger. my appetite improved, and by the time I had used four hon-s I n It better tlmn I had done tor months. That the pills are a wonderful remedy there is not the least doubt. I van do light work about home without oxpvrivncinr, any of the unplmsunt svnsutivus that I once underwent. I feel an ttlto,rr,rttlutr different mun despite the fact that I um now sixty-sewn years of age. All I can any is that I attribute my present good hvulth to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I would advise auy other similnr sufferer to try them." A Peculiar Time Table. This time-table nppr‘urs in the Star of Hope, which is printed at the, peuiUmtiary at Bing Sing, N. Y. It was written by u convict: THE BLACK VALLEY RAILROAD. Heart Pnlpltauon, Dizziness and Weakness in the Leg. Followed Until the BtMrerer Pelt That Ill. Cue Wu Almost Hopeless. (From the Mirror, Meatord, On to No man In Mallard is better known or more highly respected than Mr. Patrick Delaney. who has been , resident of the town for nearly forty years. Mr. Delaney isnstone- mason by trade, and has helped con- struct many of the buildings which go to make up Mcnlord's chief busi- nem structures. Hearing that he had received great benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. a report- er ot the Mirror called to obtain particulars of the cure, and Mr. Delaney cheerfully gave him the tot, lowing statement: " Last March," said he. "my health became so poor that I was compelled to quit work. Tho chief symptoms of my illness were extreme weakness in the Standard Gauge. IntHrnational Line. Churtetusti [mic-r the Laws of all States. No Stuplh'or Cllf‘CkS. No Huturu Trains. Stations an the Main Line. I's. Cigarottnville ...... ...... 7.30 a.m. L'v. 1'igarettctville ...... ...... 7.35 a.m. Li. Milli Drink Station ...... TAG mm. L’v. Moderation Falls ......... 8.00 tum. UV. Tipp'.ersvillu' I..... ......... t).0i)u.m. Li. Topersmlu ...... ...... ...10.00 tum. Li. Drunkard'n Cure ... ...11.00a.m. L'v. Rowdys' Wood ...... ... 11.30 a.m. I'v. 1,tuarrvlts'burr, ... ... ...... Noon (Remains one hour to abuse wire and children.) L"v. 2warrelretrurg ... ......... 1.00p.m. A'v, Lusty Gulch ...... ...... ... 1.151).m. h'v. Hummers" Itoost ......... 1.30pm). AN. Beggura' Town ..r......... 2.00p.rn. A'v. Criminals' Rendrzvous 3.00p.m. A'v. Del1riutrtvlltit ...... ... ... 4.00p.m. A'v. Ruttlesnakro Swamp ... 6.00pm. A"v, Prisouburp ...... ...... ...... 8.00pm. VV. llm'll's t'rup (hrukos all oft) ...'. ...... ...... .........10.00p.m. A'v. Dark Tulley...... ...... ...... 10.30 p.m. (Passengers may [rel some discom- tort inhaling Sulplluruuui fumes, but new-r mind, there is no way to re- turn.) A'v. Demon Bind ...... .....,....11.3o pm. (Don't get frirthtomrd at the dying groans you may hear.) A'v. Perdition ...... ...... ...... Midnight (Ticki-ts for sale by all harkevpertr) Resulting From Poor Watery Blood. Tu cure what? Catarrh, Astlmm, Hay Few; and Bronchitis. Its name is Catnrrhozono. It you breathe it, it cures you. There’s lots of satistav- tion in using CattrrrltoTtone and M- ter 'you’vv used it tl, little while you'll wonder how .\nu over livvd without it. Two sizes, 250 and I161 at all druggists or by mail. N. C. Pulson & Co., Kingston, Oat., and Hartford, Conn. A Local L%r,itiltttttre--h body of men which never wastes the sliver of speedy H -- - _ _ A City Counetl C'hamhor---.t place where men assemble who have no axes to grind. A Circulation Mamtger--h man who swears to the truth and nothing but thn truth. A Yellow Editor-Ono who never writes articles hemlod, Concerning Scoops and who never drinks any- thing stronger than water. A Eonrd of Trade--hn organization the meetings of which are attended by mommy! mom __ n . A Polititutl Party-Tho Joining to. gether of those whom no man can put asunder. A Potato-Tho germ of oratory. A Police 1nvest'tgation-No defini- tion possible, or impossible. as tho, matter is sub Jud'tee.--vancouver Province. "My dear," said Mr. Biekers to his Wile. "I saw in, the papers to-day ot a decision of a Virginia. court that the wife may. in some cases. be the hand or tho family." “John Henry." r'epliml Mrs. Blekerg, "the courts an: sometimes very slow about titullnit out things."---Puck. EXTREME WEAKNESS Impossible "ciiuittons. Made to Cttre. F... 9.0:) tum. ... 10.00 tun. ... 11.00 aan. . 11.30 a.m. ... Noon 1.00 pm 1.15 Irmr 1.1loIr.m, 12.00 [IJIL 3.00 p.111 4.00 (mm. 600 pm 8.00 pm, TORONTO "I wish to mnku knowmto all what good I have obtained through the use ot Dodd's Kidney I’llls. They are a very valuable remedy. I have been a Butterer for over two yearn with Kidney Disease. I (employed a doc- tor, but did not succeed in getting any better. I heard of the wondt-rlul cures Dodd's Kidney Pills wvre wore- ing in tho Island, and bought 1| box of them. After using" tlu- first box, I felt that I was getting both-r. 80 I bought more. Now; I con truly any that I am a. well Woman. I think (Wm-y surrerinir, Woman should know of tho remedy that wlll mum NT. and (cta I am giving my expert-non (or pub- “cation." Lashes-'8 Bight. Littlo Bay Island, Green Bay, Newfoundland, March li. -HBpecialF-Doud's Kidney Pills, and the wonderful lwuling work they are auoompliaNntr in Newfoundland, is the subject of much favorable cum- ment among our people. Many cases are reported, when they have saved the lives of men and Women tsuffering wlth Bright's Discump. Diabetes. Iltwamatitun and Female Troubles. The local druggists are selllng a great deal of this remedy. Right here there occurred n. muse which is of more than ordinary interest. Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks was for years It sufferer with Kltlm-y Dimmer. She is a lady well-known and highly ~1me- "d, and her sun-y of ruun‘t-ry has caused general satisfaction. Slur writes: Mrs. Brooks' ntatmm-nt is only unn of many equally strum: cam ('llrt'll by Dodd's Kirhwy Pills in tho migh- borhood. They Seem to be Subtsttuttuttutt the Claim by the Evidence of Many Trustworthy and Well Known ladies. Dodd’s Kidney Pills Have Laid Claim to This Tide. Spevlnl low rate willora' tickets on sale during: Mamh‘ and April to points in Manitoba, British Colum- bia, Oregon, California and all West- ern States. Full particulars from B. H. Bennett, General Am-nt, Chicago & Northwestern Railway. 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. If so, send a letter or postal card to the undersigned, :lnswvring the following questions: Where are you going? When are you going? where do you start from? How many are in your party? Will you take your household goods? - _‘ A A Minard'g Linlmont Cures (Em-gut In cows. Satan’s court yard is always well kept, owing to paying material sent in such quantities by men. Tht, man Four wife might have wedded, or the woman your lord might have mated, were paraguna. We swallow pleasure at a gulp, sor- row sip by sip, which punctuates our folly. 7 " It is not good tor man" to libido. alone, how much worse it is for wo- man sigma tlte_spirttitrr. UntiCirhe ls hailed let no woman comakler herself a woman of impor- tance, socially. A Lars 1n lbw is more interesting than a. woman. became he is so cer- tain no one ampects it.--Indianapolits Sun. It was " Dutch royal marriage-- that of William IH. to the Duke, ot York's daughter-itat led a noble lord of the timv, who netwpted a bet that he could not make a. rhyme to "porringer," to write: The Duke- of York a dunghtnr had. " Wlhili'8 BEST Min" Whore Polson's Nerviline is used. Composed of the most powerful palm subduing remedies know:1. Nervillne cannot tail to give prompt reliel in rheumatbum neuralgia. crumpa, pain in tho buck and side. and the lust of painful artections internal or external. arising from inflamma- tory action. ,,\ bottle of Nerviline will glvo efficient proof of Its tm. perlority over every known remedy. Try Nervil'um. Large bottles LT, cents. Drugg‘usts sell it. I know MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. cum CYou He gave tho Prince ut Orange hm- And now, my lord, Irlaim the prim For making rhyme to pom-Inger. best remedy on, myth The ordinary shell whreh was manufactured thirty years ttiToonly broke into from twenty to twenty- five piecm when it burst. At the present time rt bursts into 240, while a shrapnel shell. which only used to scatter 37 missiles, now scatters 340. A present-day bomb. when charged with peroxylene. breaks up Into 1,200 pieces, and it Is estimated that it would effect- ively kill anyone standing within 220 yards ot the explosion. "ml?" new}. me man; - “Why. for the most part, in the guys who didn't boil their drinking Eater!" replied tho tulerobe, can- Man and the Microbe. At this point in the fable the man marveled greatly in that he had not mot tire micrubn long since. "rnprhtst, [quag- have you travelled. didly. IPrench Village. I know RUNARD'S LINIMENT will Capo Island. I know MINARD'S LINIMENT is tho Nor way. Me. Catarrhorone Cu res Asthma ARE YOU G1M.NG WK.IC.' Deadly shells of To-ttny. l’uiu Must Go. Just a Word. JO] IN D. BOU’I‘ILLIER llc Found lt. JOSEPH A. BNOW. F. CUNNINGHAM Heroic Physicians [lave tuerttleed Their Lives for Others. A young glrl who lived in a. lit. tle vlllnze near Cork. Ireland. broke an artery In her chest and lost . most every drop of blood in her body. The doctor who was (lulled had only been (annulled a your and WM not out of his twantles. He injected salt into his patient'» veins to ttring her mound. than, turning to her naturally anxious parents. he traid-- “I can save her lilo If anyone wlll nll::w mm to inject a. quart ot their ow" Urouu'l. A countn doctor died of typhus fever early in the year. He was called to attend a young man who was in- teetod with tho disc-nan. and he went into the room where the patient lay and carefully nxumiued the body. At the time tho doctor was in a. low state of hrulth, and he r-aught the dreaded tevre and died wlthin a fort- night. A young. Fronrh doctor some Cane ago inocul'xtwl hlnw'll with (-holnrn germs and mattered m'my walks of sex-Ions Illness in order to exporiment with a new mouicinnl (“stva which was 1erchwa to cur" all g'wm dis- eases. Unfortunately, the med ~iun re- allow me to Inject u qu blood into her system." Although there were eons In the room, nellher but their mother, ndelh volunteered to give 1 quantity. Tho doctor a that she required ever, had ln her body, and other word,he bared his vessel and allowed the into the veins of hm p saved the young lady's B..,. 4n .nul mt!” “no." ..- 7 Another case somewhat similar oc- curred In Salem. Muss. A wealthy merchant. as n "suit of an accident. lost a large quantity of blood, and, when the (lower arrived. he was ly- ing in bed, white and apparently dead. The uniortuuate man had only just. been married. and his wife prayed lo the doctor to save her tussbund'ts life. The doctor {on sure that it he gaw- his own blood to bring back the pn- Llent's life it would take him wreks to make good the loss. and that lKMi- sibiy he might never make it good at all. Be would not allow the wife to make the sacrifice, but mut- nearly a quart of his own blood. The in i'- chant recovered, but the doctor who gnu,- him back his strength and life is a feeble. [mic-faced man, unable to work or follow his profession. Be lives with the merchant and his wile, who look after him as it he were their own brotlur. - .. . a: q.r.uaos, fused to act. and th' pluvky uoctor died of the tover Ito had given himself. When Koch's ilubl was first discov- ered In]! a doze-n German students were the tirst persons to have It la, jack-d into thorn. Nannie know thher the fluid was: not, as: deadly u poison as tt dean of sun-1min“, and the men who nllowml tho ch-u: to Lo injovted Into thoir syslvmn are worthy of the highm't, pmiw. Tl:" .lom- glwn mtlwm was tar ton nun-Hui. and two of tho number were nearly killud mlLI‘ight. Another case somq curred tn Salem, " merchant. me a rcsu lost a page uuunti By local ttpplictttipttt' as thvy cannot reach the diseased portion of the cor. Thorn is only one way to cure druafueim, and that ie by constitu- tional rcmulios. Deafnms is caused by an in- ttnuued condition of the mucous lining ot the En~tachinn Tube. Whoa thh tube in igtttamed you have a rumbling sound or Imprrfopt heur- nz. and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result and unless the inflammation can bo taken out and this tuba rcslon-d to its normal condition, hearing will he destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten Irv "attred by Catarrh. which is nothing but an iniramed condition ct the mucous nut Tees., _ _ - A - blood into her "at“... Although there were two atmnc none In the room, neither said a worn, but their mother.n.dcllcnte woman, volunteered to give the required quantity. Tho doctor saw at once that she requlred every drop she had In her body, and without " othcr word,ho [lured his arm, cut a vessel and allowed the mood to run into the veim of his patient. He saved the young lady's life. but he was never able to make good the blood he had lost. and about six months later he died. Another case somewhat similar oc- . -__..tg%a, We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can- not. be cured by Bath's Catarrls Cure. Send for circulars, tree. A Berlin balloon has made the nrtrt crossing of the, Balllc Sen. Dr. Dex-eon and Lleut. Ilildehrandt us- cended recently to take ouerva. tlons simultaneously with other aeronauts in other parts of Europe. The wind took them over Simlsund. when they dot.idtrd to risk the pun- snge across the sea. They were blown across to Tvlluborg. on the Swedish coast. in three hours and a quarter and came down straight In " village of the Provimte ot Smunl- and, in the interior of Swollen. Ty" lign‘eturo In: on awake} o.t tho sonata. the remedy that euros " Goto In one any Abnnt night out of ovory ten la- dies in society find it a difficult mat- tor to make both tends, moot, oven when in receipt of liberal ullownnmu from husbands or panama. says Tit Bibs Drugs alone costs a woman in good circles me much as would keep three or four middle-class tam- llles in comparative luxury, and is an exponsv whivll cannot be waded. And there are numerous other ox- pcnsvs proportionately large to be faced. _ ‘I .. What property could attach?" he The lawyer's r." to the point: "The man din] six months ago. In has left nothing sum-ct to attach meat saw a tvluow."'--Youth's Com paniom "Did you teel very nervous the first time you appeared in tights. was Shuipleton t" "Yer, terribly. I remember it well. I almost forgot my Mum for a min- ute or two. It was in the march of tho Amuzoxm and lust as l Momma batons the audience I could tell try the way it felt that my hcimet wasn't on 'rtraight."--Chicturo Tiutmsmertsid. Doetcr--We1i, I consider the medl. ml profession are badly treated. See huw few monumvnln there are to lamans__doctorx or surgeons. The Pauent--oh, doeior, aw at mu eetnetswivs." Sold M,'i,u.gritlti 75v. Hall'. amily Pills are the best. Iukirirdi It/drum/ici-rica-ra-Gia" DIED FOR Across the Bullh- In Catttrruozoue Curve Asthma Minurd’s Linimcnt Cures: Colds, ete Catarrltogomt Cures Asthma, Deafness Cannot be Cured ttt)p,llt, Fomlnlnu .%isvr"itltrirtti Only a Wirtrrw Lett f, L; i.Si v: Almost U"nerved F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, o. T" III 't l’A'I‘l ENTS Bantu)“ Getting Thin There are many causes of get- ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over- work and under-digestion. it all right, if you are too fut and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, i, healthy; a little more, or less, i. no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, tak'e Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. Stop over-work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott's EmulSion ofCod Some of the nmvmnpv-r mon pro- mnt thought they saw than: In the outlaws eyes as he (urnwl brunqu. ly awar-Detrsit Journal. Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it-true-but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however., you'll pay for it. Sweden is said to haw the boat telephone system in the world. Thom are now 77,600 milw of m-lrphnne wires and 52.561 apparatus' in use The amount of 81,1)v0or)u is m be expended this year nlono 1mm tho 9!- teuskon ot the Btate li‘lc-pllom‘. The wart corsair unnductod Ml beautiful captive an. “This is the quarter-dork." said he, The chlld of luxury cuntvmplnled tho rude appointments in dismay. “Is there no fifty-cont duck ?" rrtte (altered. Eighth-I saw an old Inxll'l kiss 3 dme on a street mu this mnrning Digttee--Poor, foolish thing, .HItrttee-Watin't she, though? Digbee-Oh, [was thinking at the dotr.-A2hlo State Journal. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no work-you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine has ., thls picture on It. take no other. . @35 if you have not tried It. send for free sample. its a- greea_ble taste will surgrlse you. SC TT & BOWNE good machine for muueymudo. Tho 21nd uric” add rev mT'.V%t, ttttt SI'I‘I" y c" Pom-sin}: L. dd Ontario. ISSUE N012 1901. V - 'Chemlsts. -rl' _ I Toronto. "i?,i,ilill5 500. and $1.00; all druggists. t 00 " rout plum and Itou-t. J. G. Frmuluu. Mos lirur For getting (an t'lub mvmiu-r CMr Club. 527 Richmond Mr FOR SALE or,0 FIFTH” '42! and tUh huulnmu. : one of [In new Imuonsin the lax-gm! and m. on tom, in Ontario; mum: nu ooptod Within which tvqttitv, "' Roman: In Great Britain: perm: "l hunted. Address Box 521. Pen Hm " ..BIG STRAWBERRIES.. FRUIT FARM FOR SALE- ONE OF ml ttttwet in the Nlnzm Pcnimuln. " Winonl. ttttuilms from Maximum on two mil. 'Farr. 1mm in all. " of which h In fruit manly when. Will bcnoldill one par.rel or divided intoiotaot 15m 20 an: on sun. mar chmm mm. . decided burnin- Adm“ {gnuthm carperettor, P. o. box no. Wino“ ________._____ -t d M. Mm. Winslow?! mum. a nu: aw Wan ho used for a:'ii,tll.l1't.',5iir,t?illri,'it','io'iiii the child, tttrite-tss the gums. cure" “an -” and In the but mnvdy mr itiarrha's. lwo the can: lame Ca tarrhogono Cu res catalogue win give you full iulurmzuu 's, Gm you“. twice the urcngth, and thrve Lune: thr A II: quality “ordinary wire tencm.: “E MS! trttte FEICE CO. m ' Weland, thtt Minard'e Linimont Cur-vs Dish-most ‘oIe-nhow:omake1x)l.1.ms " will“ post paid for $1.00. Sand " lint. w. E. HALLOBY. meuhetm, ov LACKSM 1TH WA NTFH' h BOX OF CIGARS FREE The Price Ao "bject Swedinh TPIODIIUIH- Now [ouc21S1 ACRES IN' I COSTS ONE CENT. Where Me Pit ied GiiGi%iiGtl {Rib-inns for I twenty years. muck n-llel. Cumwurst onus. Hook ot Tll'l'llozdums and Io 11)!) _ Remnant nun: FD,t,e"yiav'/1"i.i,'1CdiN."' Box a Arusn.“ for agents Thou-ands i We tsarie%idte dropcy :3!"in DROPSY Treated Free. Minn in GlOIEES WASHER Sent on Trial llumihnn. 0M thnm Our :th mum, Gum-I * than the Inn- mm mm? hub. l ML MA Big was prim " per dd A 'rnattistettm rvpnrc. In m Dr. Tummy» mm: for Mom bum-en those VII the gospel and those who an m, the upokvn word and " word to go mole by Mde. T an. 8: “The children of this In their (eunuch winter the: In. ot light." W stupidity and at ounce-cc and 'ratnctlned I! here rebuked byChriM. "with“ ure Man a"... ”than!” than are Christi: d the world grab ow-asxc can-mu people M 11n- l Chic orcasiom arm by Ul That is when he world 3 than the A marl“ of that n the Chris lei-Ion of The oppor tor qome time It eat courts. and mhuslurn of I" ”rt allowing to pass umnux- [unity is ot. "tl an all thr. y (M of any rel. m1 you [nu-SM cad sllrrlng ar' themes they Mr thank you for card to church, done to an) N (in Institution newspaper "nic the ml truth vices, minlneri (oral tantalum itchurch. an county, will In -1 qPttular notice chm: tt-tieet dotw hl or ropm Inna; into (at myself ot my w: Why, (hon Chm-Mania) tect of skull w mighty the pul The opportur " atguit and“ u pretender or the m, the 1ltMU of the l' a alum! we are an: w!” oqttentrer, of printing Ma type 'c, - " M: print!“ " as. Dot-Noe crud he In Mt ure an oven and 00 he F telllxenm Ct them are m " mood of Mmmer, w. the type, _ better moot o! printimz the world's M. lulu we spend and the " 1n. their r man Ttlmue Makes a Friendship Be to the ter Den: wheelbln OM drh express. man ev, men 1 (or um I: the w the “nor tor em now. " the tunc unuoust." tn this " not to a - for was rem mud a no": c we: mil (Mt the MINI, l Ola: ttu “Ta " ¢urch 'wt MIC fror Chris-Imam" unnum- ommz th myself. , [Inn prune chum! was " ”PCT the mini ”anions 'eprer"" h It”! mov and you yours of gen mush) will a “a 3pc “inning Again. in pref melt“ tend wi A Pro tl at! come t. Hid-44 h wid tttdot d relight!

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