West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1901, p. 4

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We are pleased to report that Miss Susie Greenwood, who has been ill for the past two weeks or so is fast recov- cring. Mr Robert Atkins it wearing a bright ”mic those days and in wondering what it was for, We hear] that his Wife had pro- seuted him with a bouncing baby boy. DURHAM REVIEW - Mr and Mrs Derby. of Normanby, visit- odnt Mr William Hunter‘s pan ol Int Ink. at George Lumen“. took to himself I ' wile. a week no and the boys no envy- ing tue good luck. Mr Ruben Matthew", brought home a new Massey Harrin binder, which he purchaud from Mr Wm Calder. Mr Will and Kate McFadden. of Edge Hill and Mrs Andy and Miss Maggie Lind. m", visited (rituals on the 20tluon Sunday. i, Thomas Smith was poorly last week. Sorry to say that Mr Wm Banks is not gaining his health verv quick. bat we all hope that the warm weather of spring will help our friend and that we shall soon see him in his usunl health at home again. We were all pleased to see our genial pastor last Sabbath and nearly eycry one remarked how well he looked after Ins four weeks freeze up. n r tusd " "RI " P""". IV'II Iv. q.t..mF.- iga: last 'riru"ltg, any intent to re l main Ibo tset Mr a) B, [ "r Tompy . Daley inland: moving to wait?'" wt I) gong to nrsit till spring. Mrs 'sel1ett ot Bannock. upon: ltust week my!!!" her parents. Mr and Mrs Wm Hunt. Wo no! um] for that r irl w “appealed by her father, at: ci'namhiol; tbat dreadful storm a wool: Mo Sunday sight, but nu; pinned to know the bowi- tslitf n! ‘n-nexglzboring farmer made them Miss E Edwards is staying " Dur- ham these days, in attendance of Mrs. (Rest) Smith. Miss Edwards is a born nurse and we feel that under het sunny smiles Mrs Smith will noon be herself again. . mM' of Michigan, nu over Mr v.atil. I" his parentshnd while on a "ab-$1,, to Mr Peter Reid. 0m sold, m, may Fthur..lttt lor men. Mr Henry Mofrat is to start for the New Ontario region next Tuesday. 11 has many friends in this part and we shall miss his happy smile. Messrs John Cook and Murdock, the hustlers, are smashing the tree into wood at Mr William Greenwood's. in double quick time. The boys all say that Jaek can blow, but We find that he can saw too. It your humble scribe was asked when a young fellow should gel: mar- ried, he would sag. as soon as he goes to see " intende "l Saturcqu _morn- ing and does not get home till Monday night. Of course we won! not liked tosav that any one in those parts is guilty of the like, but we are expect- Ing it to come cff soon. Mina McDonald. ot Unlock in onjoymg the hatbful broozu ot Dotnoch during the past week. Ham. to enjoy a holidny came Hm Ell. Lodinglnm on Saturday In: from Toronto when III. bus been for noun time. Mr John Lauehlin's sale on Thuredey last, wee largely attended, blocked roads and Inclement weather taken into con- eideratiou. Auctioneer McKay wee in his usual joculer humor and took every cent poeelble out for the various artieloe. - Mia: B. Campbell. of Aberdeen, w” visiting at her sister's Mrs J Morrison. the beginning of the week. Mrs Donald McDonald, of Durham, is enjoying the frendahipa and company of of hot former neighbors in the vicinity during the last week. Mr John Lunchlin, left on Monday last. to fill an engagement. wiih a farmer 1n the neighborhood of Mcaford. Mr Torn Snows“ arrived home on Fri- day Iast,from Iiyng Inlet, where he has ban spent the Winter lumbering. He looks brouzed and hearty. Corporal G A Ledmghnm. Dornoeh's honoud representive in the South African war. is enjoying homo joys and congratu- lations of his numerous friends here sinco Ins romm. Misses B Shevall and M Quirk, left over a week ago for Toronto. where they intend to spend the winter. In: w Ledinglnm. has been my ill during the mu couple of weeks but we hope soon to Lear of his recovery. Mr Geo Corie". lot: over a week ago for Detroit, where he is employed superiutond- ing the construction of a tsleplsom' line. C. Ramage, On Tuesday evening at the cozy home of Mr W Davey a pleasant and happy event took place, being the solomniling of the nuptial has between Miss Magic Davey second (Imagine! of Mr And Mrs W Davey, of Sullivan. lo Mr Jul D Leding- hum of thin xieurity. B" Mr Little aa- sistod by Bee Mr Stephan: both of Club!» worth ofheiated. The bride In assisted by her sister Min Alice. while It Geo Lodmghnxn nbly "itatod tho groom. The hap y coup]. intend Inning nut week for gonna, Manitou. Tho best wishes of the community so with them for the it tu.. to" hnppinun. Take Laxative Bromo Qumino Tablets All drutmistsreNnd the money If it fail. to can. Me. 8. w. Grow-'3 autumn on each box. Mar l - -qi------- mart" ' corner. Dornoch. ZION. a l90l. Peter Faun-on has loft foe his home in _r'ar1iri.tor, N. D. PtTes1.iryrfu tfe- tor with mom]: in this viciaity; Pete will be granny mined for he mu . gener- al favorite among old and and young. “rend Mrs Colin Lamont hue taken that departure for the North Weat when they intend to reside. We ell jam in in wishing Mr end Mrs Lamont . safe journey and success in their new home. A number ot J ohnnio McLean's imam. young friends gnihcrod an the home of Mr Alex Richudaon last Friday owning and had an oloquent time dancing and singing all the we. sum hours. M r And Mrs Donald Campbell. ot Swin- ton Park. visited " Mr Dugnld Ferguson‘s one day Int nook. Min Carrie Knisley of this place has been very ill. Glad to he“ ot recovery. A number of young people bald I luro prise party at the home of Mr Wm Porter's on Tuesday evening and tripped the light. Inntaolic till the woo arm. hours. We wonder what has happened the Boothvillo correspondent ot Inte. He must have got buried in a wow drift or is hunting in the maps of Ontario to see where Willow Grove is. Quite a number n our hare have Dun suffering from the grip, but we are pleased to report are recovering. Un the 20th, ofFeb. the Baptist friends gave a grand Patriotic Concern which was a splendid success. Owing to the inclemenoy of the weather and bad roads the crowd was not. as large as it would have been, however the church was tillerd. The concert. opened with a chorus "Bed Whit. and Blue" by the choir addrusos were given on "Canada" by Rev. Mr camptrell,"lilnxlytdr' by Rev. Mr Leslie of Elmwood, "Around" by Rev. Ms Grah- am of Dornoab. They were much ap- preciated being both interesting and m- otruetiro. The church was very prettily decorated with flags and bunting. glvmg u. a very patriotic appearance. Mr John Graham, occupied the chair and did his part exceedingly well. Patriot" recitation: were given by Mr Duncan .Vchoan, Mr Archie McLean, Mr Hugh McKinnon and Miss Amy Campbell, I” of which were very well rendered md not. loudly mooted. Amy Campbell. and Miss Jennie O'Neill saw an unexpected treat enjoyed by all. The "Maple Leaf forever" was Very well sung by the choir and also Mrs Camp- hell's nolu "Three leaves of Shamrock" nus sung very touehiugly and was highly appreciated. The chairman kept the audience merry with delighunl and ap- propriate jokes between the selections. The meeting closed With "God Save the King. aft-er which the ladies served lunch- eon, to those tram a distance. We under- stand that owing to unforeseen circum- stances the Durham talent was unable to attend, but they an to be congratulated on the able way in wlnch they carried on the programme. Every body enjoyed themselves and reprrt the concert. "The treat of the Sonson". Mr Henry Ellis. and family left on the 5th, of thin month for their new home in Manitoba. We wish them every nuccess and happiness. Mr Ralph Brunt, and family, of Hair over, have lately vacatod by Mr Ellis. We aredolighted to welcome Mr Brunt, to our burg, and vmh him means in his new line of business. Mr Dougal MacCuL lum.ls back in our msighbcrhood again. "No place like home". Dougal. Three or four of the young folks of Unlock. were in Durham, Monday even- ing, saying farewell to Mr Ellis and family. when returning home, we ere lorry to learn. one young man's horse kicked end broke the shafts oi his cutter. so he and his lady bed to pile in the other cutter and lend the horse behind. Mr William Currie, of Waltrerton, spent a few devs visiting his parents, this last week. Mr Malcolm MncEncbern. spent a. few days in Toronto last week. vMiss Maggie MosGillivrsy, returned home last week trom C'hatswortu, where she was visiting her brother. Mr Robert Foster has lured with Mr G. Henry for the coming summer months. Mr Donald McKiunou. ot Calgary, Al. berta. spent a few weeks yisxting his mother and relations. but has returned again. . DIMOND Dumas!) Hun. kxxnwzn is not u dye. Dt plenum. draining tor tho hm. Durex") Bun Rxxnwxn wilt cure Dtsndruit. Dnuoxn nun Bunny: will prent your -- -irariiifiitiauaui iGG it uni. buxom) Hun human!) will restore your but to its original color, and keep it nice “d glouy Is the only Hate preparation that in givmg good results. For a]. in Durham by waramr-ttapatiroliBtrm pox-Ion in "on unity to "pron-t largo coups-y of loud hunch] reputation; an - per you parattls woolly; 00 per bushel..." an and att upon-OI; “is... lac-dds “I" paid "tttt “may a “not“ no." .5- “ not: wool. STANDARD HOUE. " Dunno-I 081.. ICAGO. Intended for last week. Try one bottle --Price 50e. At .11 Draggin- 3nd an: Drona-I. lame Park. ttt Muloch. McFarlane & Co., Druggists & tistatiirnertes SEWER not; dye. bit I THE WI STORE Wse S7tot"rrtson's warmly. Paints. Mr Sandy Alexander intends moving on to the old homestead in t couple of weeks. He gave us ucull. Mr haggard Campbell. left Tuesday for North Dakota. Mr LL, Lunacy. leaves for North West soon. Miss Carrie Collinson, Raft Monday morning for the Sales. ii, 111d aeall from the Ten. and Medi-'; cane man and turned the wheel of fortune.‘ Who was the fellow that came down the side road practicing rough riding. He must intend going to South Africa. Mr McCracken has sold one ot his drivers. Mr Robert Ewen is still hauling wood. Miss Martha Williams, is but: to our midst. She " looking halo and heat]. Miss Martha Williams is buck to our ' . . ' The Renew and Globe'to Dec. midst. She IS lookmg halo and hearty. not. 1901 with Girii"a, Kid”: Making a. dress oat of two kinds o of Lanndlunl " Paarde urg. . LN goods may be meant for style. hot! REVIEW and Weekly Sun . . . ._.'. $1.75 everybody knows that It Is merely for RIVIEW and Montreal Weekly “Dagny. 'it"Gy..Cr...................f.81.7r, Hardware Department J. A. HUNTER- , Jtunter Aberdeen. NICK MEI $t 86133013 20% J. i (lllii! (lat) lit i M N tttll. ME Handles WE. woeixed (lfllll)lllil) lllllUf AANAAA Head Office, Toronto. CAPITA L, Authorized. . . . . . .82,000,000 CAPITAL, Paidnp........... 1,000.000 RESERVE FUND 'r.....-... 000A“) AGENTS in all principal pomts m Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United .9th9 and England. i W. F. COWAN, President. _ GEO. P. REID, Manager. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and in“... est 'allowed at current. rates. SAVINGS BASH. -nterest allowed on savings hank deposits of $1.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facilitv afforded customers living Ma distance. MI LADY' S BOWEN. One's own room should show the taste and originality of the occupant. Our handsome wall papers will enable you to do this, for these papers will offer you hundreds of designs and shades of the finest quality. We would like to have your inspection of them, for we are sure you will be pleas- ed with the designs and coloring, and hope you will be able to tind here just the design to suit your individuality. DURHAM AGENCY MacFarlane & Co. DRUGGISTS & BOOKSELLERS. TORONTO [a b, Our Clubbing Rates. J KELLY, A gent. -nterest auowegl on ' "m 'ft'ptso4wrzteereasttstrerisssetee1MMMMrt"1MM"e"l Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. A car load of Waggons wi _ mve within a few days, these MlilN were bought before the rise n waggons. No other shop where . you can buy a first-class ggon at as low a price. m Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts .. to choose from. - Goods bought six months ago. g; mmmmmbmmmmmmgggg iijiigiy HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. L% h Prices will surprise you. t , ‘ f --ilr- “I '/?esiid Fo He has n including tl splendid V it Dut hum . " acres Road. SN will sell ch! mi “and” ham. Thi asked. but T, c firm. helm ed at low t I have A mics in u a tmule. hot 18. on P. o. In place and I THEY'LL MONEY ' and up urn“. INSURA CONV IV a Flat "nt a Lad and 0‘5. Nos-vit " {inn 3rd Div w t Floor o '1nqrtei; Snipe Ill ies' Lo The Low 'ure Qual ttt t etl Tf Sol.

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