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Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1901, p. 5

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'e',', 'ld' y,', F',', Fl. 3;"; tew day other stu :dS- BY USE X “I pnc Issey Tats an tcHINF.ti.----- HAY FORKS, etc. Annual: Licenses tire pk RNA ll RHAM. the most DE R H: reduced in the easiest ll Dril Carts ents where [7%. ir; b)' Ntl.' Mt The Hanover Conveyancer He has a big list of Property for su-, including the following: Lot 28. Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck a splendid improved farm convenient to Dmhmn. Very cheap. Fortunes - 64 acres near Allan Park on Durham Road. Splendid buildings. good land. will sell cheap or trade. Lott8, con: 14. Bantinck. mar Louise P. o, In hands. of a Company. Fine place and must go to some “no. 3rd Die, lot T. com. E. G. R. Glenelg on (Sarah-ax". Road convemanL to Dul- ham. This tttty acres is a snap at price asked. Lot T, con. 8, Normanby, the 'Fee' farm. belong to a company. and is offer. ed at low tigures. l have a large number of nihm- prop- erties in town and country and will sell or tilde. MONEY TO LOAN I14 1-2 per cent and up according to security and terms. INSURANCES. COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING aswcllnn other THEY’LL SATISFY We an: now showing the laugest stock in Town of Hampdvn. Elgin and walthatu Watches in Gold, Gold Filled. Silver. and Nickel Cases. Ladies', Gent: and Horse' sizes and all the latest Ideas In . [Set S'ilverware Rings] Plain Jewe.hy Flat wax c Ladies' Long G “aid! Q -_ 'e--".-. {Plain Noyeitte l, 'l my!“ nrtarteriat business csrsfully stun- Floor Oilcloth 2 y Table Oilcloth 45 in. wide " $t 54 in. wide 3 Flannelette Blankets, large 21 size in white or grey per pair s The best heavy pure wool blank- ets, per pair $3.75 to , Pure fancy per 16. grape Wad: perpackaye CALL AND SEE US. w. H. BEAN - ”.sQ$§“ AHEAD I' In an 10llllllrulh With H. H. Miller, Jake Kress. TIME HE SELLS CHEAP I l A GORDON. i Ebony. Specs Chains Solid Gold mg Guards Gold Filled Silver JAKE KRESS .1319 ling flocks -‘....“â€"‘ ) yds wide per yd. " yds u " I yd " bb . Bean, aillllilli " " - Gainers "ttl to $4.00 $1.25 25c. 2 5c. 37hc. 20 100. 50c. &rietty Choice Clover and 'Gimuthy creed 2bes, Jinn. See our Samples before buying. On Monday evening Mar. llth, about twenty members of lenelg L. O. L. No. 1192, with their lady friends, met at. the home of Mr and Mrs Thos. Whitmore, for the purpose of showing their ap- preciation of valuable services rendered in connection wsth the Orange Order. A very pleasant time was spent in various games and amusements, when 3 Brother George A. Lawrence was ap- . pointed chairman. After it few uppro- t rinte remarks by the chairman, Bro. Thos. \Vhitmore waspresented with a f. very beautiful Past Master's Jewel and y no Address, and Mrs Whitmore was also presented with half-a-dozen silver t knives and an Address, after. which Bro, f Whitmore made a brief reply. thanking t his assotOtts for their kind tvanitesta- - lions of respect forihis wifeond himself‘ ‘ Following is the address ..' l To Mr Thos. Whitmore, Dear Bro. and tlotnpanion,--- It is an honor much to be deeired to have spentovei fifty years associated with the great Orange 1 Organizations, as you were it Charter Membnr of L. o. L. No. 632, and also a Charter Member of L. O. L. No. 11P2. You have filled the various omces, including that of Master of this Lodge, and huye discharged your duties in a manner' bringing credit to yourself and Order with which we are connected, and your services have thmr promoted. in no slight degree. the stability and programs which the Orange Association now enjoys in this community. and now that you are about to leave us, we, the Master and Brethren of this Lodge. No. 1192, desire to present you with this Past Master’s Jewel. in token of our up- precintion of your valued services. We , hope and trust that you may long continue to wear this emblem. that. your ‘ interest and faithfulness in the advance- ' ment of our noble Order may go on With unabated zeal, that you may he . loiig'ispured to tender yeoman service. in the cause of Orangeism, that you 3 may meet with unbounded prosperity v, lin your Western home, and fiually if We ,.hrruld never meet in Lodge again. may We meet in the Lodge above. . Signed in behalf ofthe Lodge. “no. A. LAWRENCE, w. M, Tuna. RITCHIE. REC. SEC. The visitors had a special word for Mrs. Whitusor also and this is how I they.'rlid it. J)f'aoFzrlarva's To Mrs Thos. " hilmore. l Dear friend,-- Wo the members of Lodge No. 1192, Glenelg wish you to accept these silver knives as a token of our regard for you as an efficient help meet to your husband in filling his various offices in our society, also for your constant respect and recognition of outgprinciples. We hope you may long live to enjoy the respect and gcod-will of theyuembers of the Orange Associa- Mon, and we also wish you prosperity in your new home. l Signed on behalf of the Lodge. and lady friends. Geo. A. LAWRENCE, W. M. Tnos. Erratum, RIC. SEC. 1henyo11owed speeches by the Breth- ren when all joined in singing for “He’s a Jolly good fellow". Tastily prepared refreshments were now partaken of by all present, the visiting ladies having provided the edibles. PRESENTATION. a! tune was 'Tent in amusements, when Lawrence was ap- After a. few appro- The receipts of live stock at the cattle market to-day were moderately large. 57 car loads. composed of 697 cattle, 1166 bugs. 232 sheep and 20 calves. The demand ' feeders and Hackers was better to-av than for some lime past, with pricee if unyihiug. a little tirtuer The first spring lulul) offered on the marset this season was bouuht by wir: un Flour" When. Pen... Buloy I}. Leyack for the: handsome price of 38. The price Washiuh, but judges of lambs said that never at any time had beau one of better quality sold on the market. Deiiveries of hosts were not large. with prices tending downwards. Export Cattle-Choice lots of "port cattle are worth from " 60 to M per ewt, while lights are: wmth " to $4.50. Butchers' cattle-Choice picked lots oi hmchers' cattle. equal iv. qmmtily to the new exporters. weighing 1000 to 1100 lbs. each, add at $4 25 to $4.40. Oats........................ Limbs..................... Dre-nod Hop. per nu Hogs, Live weight..... Butter, froh roll per lb Batter, Tub.............. Heavy Feeders-Heavy steers,wew,hiug from 1100 to 1200 lbs. each, oi good breed- ing qualities, sold at 03.90 to $4.26 per ewt., while those. of poorer quality. but Mme cwt. swingers were "old Lhux'es---h low on Ritus, per cwt.......... Calf-kiln, per lb........ Shoepskms............... Tallow rendered perlb Lard. perlb.............. Beet, per cw! Wood........... Turkeys....... $10 DURHAM MARKET S. Htt..........-.-. tsheep-Deliveries, 50 ', prices easier, " to 93.51) for ewes and $2.5o to 93 per owl. for bucks. Chick-nape) rain"... Bram. ..................... Ducks....... ............. Yearling Lambs-- You-ling lambs. grain fed, sold at 84.50 to $5.00 per ttwt. Barn- yards sold " 83 75 to 84.25 per cm. Ho,us--Best select Geon hogs, not le I than Mio nor more than mm Hm. each, un- fed uml uowatered, off cum-L mm at 86 to 86 '25; lights $5.75 nml his M.7s5per cwt. Shorts..................... Potatoes. par bag....... One of thu mountain peaks in the, On- tttrio budget debate was the speech of Mr W. A. Ulnarlton, which gave a bird's eye view 01 the umber resources of the Province. Himselt an expert lumber- man and a man of accurate information, Mr Charlton's tigares are worth record- iug. In brief, Mr Charlton secs enough pine timber standing to last 150 years at the present. rate ot eutting-this does not consider xetoresnng .and reglowl --.and an asset worth at least $100,000, (KO. He figures it out that there are 26,000 square miles of timbered land in Ontario west oi the Ottawa River and south ofthe 48th parallel of lati- tude, and in Rainy River District. Reckoning this ata million feet to the square mile, he concludes that there are tWenty-six billion teet board men- sure,oi timber yet to be cut. at Car- rent rates, this timber is worthito the Government $91,LX)0,LXX). Add ‘0 this the Crown dues on the eight billion feet under license, and get another 39,000,0U). In this way Mr Charlton nrrivos at his estimate of $10d,(j0J,(rhl. Milch Cows-A _few As a matter of fact. Mr Charlton. rather under than owr the mark Timber sales in the tuturv are likely to bring more money. Since Confedera- tion the, dues have imweawd from 50 cents to $1.25, which shows that‘ the tendency has been upward. . In his calculation Mr Charlton leaves out ofthe reckoning the dues on the Monty- six thousand square miles to be sold. That would give hint another 932,001, 000, and bring his estimate up to 132,0(D,(D0. His estimate of the number otTeet standing may likewise be too modest. As he himself pointed out, the Government report of 1893 estimated thntwthere were ten billion feeton the 20,000 square miles then under lieense. As a matter ot fact, ten [ billion feet has been taken off, and Mr lCharlton estimates that eight billion feet are still standing. Ofeourse. there have been two small timber sales since the estimate of 1896 was made. So far Mr Charlton was talking about pine timber. He said very little about pulpw00d, except to estimate that there were about 288,000,000 cords l available in the northern areas of On- tario, explored during the Bummer. Mr Charlton averaged the pulp-wood " five, cords to the acre, although Col. Matheson estimated the Clergue con- cession at ten cords to the acre. How- I ever, again Mr Charlton preferredto I err on the safe side, and kept his l estimate down to 288,aD,000 cords. At 40 cents a cord. which is the price "can". -.......... 'va-éuihlunsold at. 83.60 io 8380 per s...................-. I..................... HI] MNit fate Ka. Live Stock Market. Torn n t o. W76 IHE UM HOUSE. A low calves sold at from " to aw milch cows and at $25 to Mo each. 825 140 62 85 " 15 14 46 4O 90 90 M 1000 5 60 16 ‘16 62 27 9o 90 40 Stock-Taking Going On The conferences in progress as we went to press last week were concluded on Thursday last and the result is a most gratifying one we honestly believe to the town and district. - - n n .. --____ -__I “m- "I ",,,-otresostsr W we “”1 " lulu unav- .v... At a public meeting in the Town Hall the pros and cons of the steps already taken to push the works were all discussed with perfect frankness by many citizens of the town " well as by Mr. Cowhem and his colleagues. Questions were asked and answered and in the main satisfaction was expressed that the prospects of the National Portland Cement Co. were so good. A strong com- mittee was formed, composed of Messrs H. Parker, John Mekeehnie, Jae. A. Hunter, Wm. Calder, Arthur Jackson and these in company with Mr. Gilbert MeKechnie discussed with Mr Cowham questions of free site, exemption from taxation and other kindred matters. The matter of making calls about which there was some uncertainty, was definitely settled by written agreement. The calls are not to be oftencr than monthly nor more than 10 per cent. The "halt" we spoke oftwo weeks ago isover. The committee are sat» isfied that on it goes ahd stock-taking has been resumed locally. The Di- rectors have gone oat throughout the Province and when a sum of $300,001 _ stock has been disposed of an election ofdircetors will take place and a Dur- l ham man will be on the board. . . . --- -" LANA unl- , ham man will be on the board. The aim is to get to work with the opening of spring, near at hand now; the duty of the hour is for everyone to rally to the support of this great industry which promises to be superior to anything in the cement line in Canada. It is morally certain to be a safe investment and moat desirable that as much as possible be subscribed at home so that profits in dividends may remain in the district as well as the protit from a civic point of view. On Monday evening Mr. Calder received instructions to have the lakes surveyed and certain options purchased. This will be done forthwith. Twenty-eight Ottawa M. Pig. left on Monday for Cement city to see for them- selves before subscribing and it is expected that from these alone tt00,000 will be res lized. We shall from time to time keep our readers informed of progress made or steps taken. Meanwhile the books are open at Mekeehnie's More and We hope to see I. large enrollment. beyond the 9100.000 already subscribed. Surrounding towns with their localities, are vicing with each other in encouraging new industries. None have such natural wealth as we have. Who would miss an opportunity ot sharing in its development? Cream (Separators Ptoughs, 6prirtg the Government charges to the lieensees. Mr Charlton will have anotho pr $115,000,000, to add to his reckoning. In pine and pulpwood the Province has, therefore. according to Mr Charlton's computation, an asset worth 8247,000,. Mr Charlton brought forward two interesting points outside his estimates. He showed that in the six years from I 1866 to 1872 there were sold 5,666 squ. l, miles: and in the 28 years of Liberal rule 4,546 square miles. That is, the former Governments sold at the rateof Farmers and dairymen aiming to have the beat in this line afford to overlook our stock. Price and Goods are right. the famous No. 20 and 21 are. “turning under" all rivats and “setting up" a name for themselves as the best and "slickcst" plough going. fry 5001A furrow: and Jerd tDritts. The same arm’s make. A sure guarantee of excellence. - 4 JOHN iiiiiii"iUs, . ay)"' . in”, E??" l t.t.t yew. At., A if. __ PEG“ P t IA 'e.K. i.. ae... -E .Q' .s. SALE "it. k. 1:" Preliminaries Settled. r a . 'ohn acwmysfone m. J -. r427? FROST d WOOD P,,ttiF.t.6tt66ef. “eases; 'ettttttt. :s:e.a:a:sa:asa.t At Specini'prices The prices make it interesting. C. McArthur, Durham, Comef'and see us in our new store. xA-taking has bet'll resumed locally. The Di- ughoat the Province and when a sum of $300,000 an election of directors will take place and a Dur- SIMPLE, DURABLE, GOOD a.CEDC2aE1SSa:iil. w, 944 miles per year; but the Mowat- Hardy-Ross Government sold at the rate of only 173 miles 1. yen. He showed, also, that the whole ex- port of sawlogs tothe United States since Confederation was 1,529,324,917 feet-tUt is, less than 10 T, cent, ot the total output The other per cent, were sewn in this Province. ry- Il'qgtnn Je on new)»; tt the (with. hmMuuaM-ou- . . IiiiiirvitkmnoiQui. - We ae 3%}, TORONTO can not DARLING 'S DRUG . STORE Seeds / (feeds Seeds CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND ALL KINDS OF SEEOS. OFFICE FIR DOOR EAST OF the Durnnm Pharmacy Calder-‘- Block. Ravudeuce first door west of the Post OtBce. Durham. Tums moderate. Arranttetrtent* for 'taua, u mdntemcsnmuu no mad. ct The Ravi-w "Mam Durban-n. t?orrespors6.ueo “would there orto Hot-ities P." will be promptly Ina-Gel to. 'l‘er-I on application te ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collocliom of all kin promptly attendfd OFFICEuMeKonlic‘s Old Stand. Durham. Ont. B‘RRISTER. SOLICITOR. noarnv PUBLIC. (mar-uncut. ac. otBee------LOWER TOWN. DURH AM. Cohtetious and Agency promptly utu'uded to Willa. Doom. Mortgages. bonus, Aura-menu ae. correctly prepured. Esta“: of demand per A was looked nun-ml Executor» tad Adtttiarirr- ultori' Acoouuu vrepmd and raced Surrogate Court Bushman Praline of Wil a. loner- ot Ad. mink-lion Ta Guudlmlhlp Obtained. _ chu undo in Mogintty otBoo and mm repomd Comptny and min.“ Fund: to Lona on long-an a Ions: may of mum-t. Yum-don - by Acompotout and ctr-91m anustor. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. non“ PUBLIC, coumsswum an CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR, Insurance "on. -iGifoii terms to sun borrower. oFFicE-atestyre Block. .. .. DENTISTRY. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. Norm" Punuc. couulcslonsn. ETC. Office, TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES tit gt Ig8elig 0| ()lll fill! arristor, Jfotar , Gon- voyancor, an” gnu... Money to Lotn at regsqna ole rates Public Notiee is hereby given that By-law No 401 of the Town or Dnrhnm requires nil Merchants. Shopkee n. Misti, Hurdwnre stares, 03%;!“ Shops, Ae., to close their plum of busi- nell every evening during the year at 6 o'clock p. m. with the. exception ot Wednonduy and Saturdny eveni and the evenings preceding ,'1ndi1', holidays. All rues will govern themselves tlUtlllfl. W. A. ANDERSON. Town Clerk. S. SCOTT. G. LEFROY McCAUL. McPHAIL/ J. P. Tau-'0 RD, We can give you Bargains. JNO. l, DARLING E S. DAVIDSON. MONEY TO LOAN D. UCPHAIL. Ilupevillv P. U C. RAMAGE Durham. over Giant's store. LowttTowrt PUBLIC NOTICE. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOW, &c., Of best quality . PIN-to Money to Loan. Licensed Auctioneer foe the County of Gver. 's Block. Durham. to Mcdoxato Farms bought and cold Jtuer the Bank "

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