West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Mar 1901, p. 9

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:11 I?! Lot Saturday the Fun-mere Institute held the first of their Annual Seed Fairs, and the society, especially its energetic President, R. Notice. and effecient Secy. Gee. Binnie are to be eontrruutated on its nun ees. With roodaat their worst a large nt. tendance was not looked for, yet that 27 entries were made show: that a want has been supplied. Not only for the competitive henefitn is it a valuable move hut it is also of great value as fur- nishing opportunity for the exchange of seed grain. potatoes. eta, Following is the Prize List: lst prize always .2. 2nd 81. - Spring Wheu--itWch. Barber. 2nd Sam L. Scott. Barter-games Watson Thou. McGirr. White otsts--Mleor. Hohkirk. Wm. Smith. Pens Small white-Dan Edge, Thor. Mdrur. Early Potatoes-Thor. Pollock, D. McCrie. The judges were Messrs Adam Robert. Ian. and Geo. McKechnie. two compet. em men, Richard Barber as usual lends in wheat. A sample of Big 4 Oats grown by Louis Blown. Normanby was vouched for by Reeve Morice to be the best look- ing crop he ever muv growing. Mr Jan. Watson has long been a successful barley grower. Thos. Pollock took home two first. in potatoes. We venture to mi next year will a keen competition. -._- __ 0.... --ee Late Potatoes---'rhots. Pollock. Sam L Scott. There were no entries in Goose Wheat Black Oats or Blue Peas. Again we are reminded of the uncer. tainty of lilo and the certainty at death. In viewing our cemetery we tind the and, middle and and the youth laid side by ride, all levelled by the cold and mereileee hand ot death. On thin ocea- tion we are called upon to write on the death of one of our lair and he-ntcour young ladies. in the person ot Min Isabella McArthur. daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald McArtliur, at this town, on Saturday morning the 16th March alter a long period of sickness at the age of 19 yrs. Not many months ago Miss MeArtlmr bore the picture ot health and beauty on her cheeke but disease took hold from the effects of a cold which terminated in death. She was a yomg hulv beloved by all who formed her acquaintance. which was manifested by the large funeral, in fact the largest ever seen in Priceville. with the excep- tion of the late Rev D McLeod's. The Preabyterian Church where the remains Wore taken during seryice Was full almost to its utmost capacity. The Rev Mr Matheson preached iron) the beautiful words "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, the ' as the rub- Jeet which brought so many together to "pay a last tribute of tespect to, was a young person who was mindful of re- membering her Saviour in her youth. The preacher said it was a most tittiug Mat on the occasion. for youth is the proper time to prepare for old age and eternity. What it comforting thcoghVit in to the broken hearted lather, mother and Emily to know that although than lovely one has been ' from them thnt she had the fol! nannranco of know. ing that Ihe won only passing may from a world of troubles, pain and oickneus to enjoy the realities nyniting the just in nn'unseeu world. Miss McArthEr mil not only he missed in the Innin circle, but in other respects on well for she was a useful member of Christian Endeavor and Sabbath school where she attended regularly in the days of health. To the bereaved family the community extends their heartfelt sympathy in their sore trial and bereavement. The remains were Lula to rest in the graveyard in "IN town. Sacrament will be held in the Proa- bytenan church next Sunday. Rev Mr Thom ot Fleirherton, will preach on Fri- day at 11 o‘clock In the foreuoon. Seni- ees Sunday at 11 o‘clock In the momma. Gaelic Communion last Sunday I“ pomly attended. - - Bonds are getting bad on account ot the thaw. Mr Geo Sharp, ot Dundnlkapont . few days last. week visiting Murdoch and Hol.. Itom relatives. Mrs D Coleridge Jr and Ilia: Rona Slurp returned home Sunnis] from their trip to Michigan. in... Etbel Eden is spending 3 few days wizh hee Mend. Must, ll Webber, of Bentiuck. Mr Wm Johnson is sssrioutsly ill. His recovery at present In doubtful. Mrs Jns Gordon is at pm sent looking; after the interests of a little granIl-dengh- ter at Mr D Long‘s. A little son arrived at the home of Mr. ti L Chapman on the 23rd. Mr and Mrs C' Ector care a. farewell party Friday evening. All who were Pre- sent enjoyed themselves: Imluensely. as there were aiffereut game-1 and amuse- ments to suit all parties. Although living but one yen in the neighborhood Mr and Mrs Ector have gained meny warm friends who ere truly sorry at their laying. The children will also be much mined by their compemone. as they were faithful attermlarttts of both dey end Bebbeth whool they leeve thie week to tote up their residence in Durham followed try the beet Met ot their any Meade. N Some peru of the tomb m " present almost tumble. On Month, evening while dtiying home from attending e A Successful Beginning. SEED FAIR Intended for last week. Priceville. Murdoch. _ii':f,;. patient Dr Brown's horse got down and in getting up again got its leg so badly sprained, it was unable to be taken home and had to be left in Mr Jim Sharpe’s stable until it was able to go on the road again. The seven storm of the past week caused the road. to he blocked Along the second for the first time this winter. Mr Wm. Bourne, returned home last week after an absence of some months In the lumber woods at. the Boo, Pleased to hear of Mr Fred Staples, able to be around again. Mr and Mrs Little, of Proton, vinited “winter's parents Mr and Mrs Ector, one day last weeks. Mr Wm. McFaydcn, and sister Kate, visited friends in Egremont, last week. Mr Thos. Turnbull.wns the guest of friends on the avenue. last Sunday. l Mr J no. Firth bu got the contract of ' building the uhool voodahod. Mr Andrew Lindsay and sister Miss Margaret visited " Mr W. J. Firth'. last. week. A number ot Mr Thor. Wlutmoreu brother Orangemen assembled at his home last Monday, and presented him witha Past Master‘s Jewel, and Mrs Whitmore with a § doz. of silver knives and forks. We understand Mr and Mrs W. and family intend leaving for the West, about the tirsa ol April. They will be missed as they are kind and obligiug neighbors. Mrs Wu). Davie, of Egremont, is virus- ing at her parent‘s for the last week. Sorry to say she is vary poorly but hope we may soon hear of her able to attend to he: household duties ngaiu. - Mr Johnhie MecraeLsri, was the guest. of his sister Mrs R. Adams of Holstein, last week. Miss Kate Eetor, is visiting hes sister Mrs Little, in Proton, " present., Miss Martha Firth, who has been in Toronto, the lat few months is expect“! homo shin week. Mr W. J. McFaydon. visited Dornoch. inenda last week. ' Je F 't I. .- N x _ ' " w 11"“ T © w " 1hIBkiglh"aSaMi. x1 I " F, A. we 9'“ .4" “v w wa ":1 ha "" " "A. L"L "LiJ " ' vc.' I 'Phe', ‘ 2-1-13“- Fats, :"“"'"-,r .__”.. IlkiAftrt 9" - . _ - r - = V. _ (e51r, "ar 4 .., . . ,. ., c.. ,". Lt g4 xx. p w. #2.".1. a! w. v. w. m v. xx. EW. m BN't .w. Ne. w. N' a». Na w'u. . . mm. JTC In». ice. cm s' _ s. . . ' _ir, v. .. _ . _ . . - Its a pleasure to show you our Goods. Call and see them. Full line of tsimmings to match egch Suit. J. 11. LLUL‘LHL- x. Easter time suggests Spring. Even diih E the Robins are out which is a, sure Elk ‘ it: indication. Spring suggests new Q i.ili'i, Clothing. We are all tired ot our ' ,5. long winter and our heavy clothing il iillglllllllll I in; and in order to satisfy the taste of Rh' _ Iillllrli _ili'i,' the most fastidious buyer. We have lllllll Ill 'tIli'. purchased a, very large tYW. of " 'tt 'iiiii. Spring Dress Goods and Clothing. V We have the opinion of many who 53, have already bought Dresses from our _New Stookfjt: that we have the prettiest lot ever shown 1n Durham. 'i'ii,'i'i: nun“ .L--- -..- Lunar-“1 ur- anvn a,,eiaetod M138 'iii?; We have the opinion of many who """MI. have already bought Dresses from our New Stock that we have the prettiest lot ever shown in Durham. Really they are beautiful. We have engaged MISS Hughes as Dressmaker. who with a large staff of able assistants is busily engaged upstairs inalring up the goods as fast as we sell them. 99ey tRobertson Edge Hill. I. fa; Women like good material, fit o and style in boots as in Dress l M Goods. We sell the Empress Shoe. Its a woman's boot E only. Try a pair this spring. Said Frederick The Great, “Facts are Divine Things." Such wan the saying; of a. master tuind, Ind what applies to things cf state applies with double force to matters concerning health. When it is said that Dr. Pitcher'ts Baclache Kidney Tablets can. it intelli- gently used. cure all kidney and bladder troubles. and such other diseases as can be traced to . sluggish or imperfect kid- ney ectiou. it is envoys backed up by the pouitiye proof and testimony of some reputable person, some one who is glad and willing to tell the world the result obtained, The following testimonial of Mrs. W. Eaton, 10 Feusiug tit. Toronto, has the ring of truth, and bears out the claim that it is a cure beyond a. doubt for the young. middle oged. ind nged. Mrs. Eaton lays ...--"Dr. Pitolter's Beck- eche Kidney Tablets hue been of the greatest benefit to me. Formerly I had so much beckeche it extended to my hips and limbs, M times there would be an neutelamenese in my hipuand e burning that causes very disagreeable "usations. I find that I am much invngoraZed Iince I used . bottle of Dr. i'iteher's Backnchc Kidney Tablets. My back has recovered from its lameness, and I am sleeping well at nights. From my experience in wing the Tablets I have much eoufidemee in them, end can highly recommend them." Any reader of this paper can test the merit of Dr. Pitcbu‘s Buckache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing 2 cents postage to the Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont. Regular axze 50 cents per bottle. spending a. few months visiting rela- tions and friends, returned to Manitoba on the 19th of this month. We Will mils him very much. Mrfatrh yeKiotttyh, T.he, ,has bgen J, k, HUNTER. Muloch. A. HUNTER Mr Jas Maelntosh, of Durham, spent a few days visiting his old friends here. Glad to see his smiling face again. Mrs Robt Currie has returned from a week's visit to her daughter in Walkerton. Mr Willie Currie has returned trom Walkerton where he was attending High School. Will says he is home to stay now. Miss Amy Campbell spent I. few days with Mr Archie McLean's last week. As the ladies find it diftiealt to get out, owing to the state of the roads it is almost impossible to catch anything worthy of note, but you may look for better when navigation opens. Several of the Mulockitcs went to Durham toseethe return of "the boy iritkhaki." Miss Jennie O‘Neill visited triends in Hanover last week. Mr Hugh McInnes we are pleased to learn is improving from a Neyere attack of b'eiatica. His praise for Dr Boyle is worthy of note. Arch Mt-Millen, who has been suffer- ing with neuralgia in the head and other aches is we are pleased to men- tion on the mend. Mr. A. Kelly was away in a Uole on the Black estate Last week, He and It J had several sharp sayings, turtuuauo- ly he found water and Rmmld was glad. Mr Alex Murchison, Warden. has let his farm of IN acres m Mr H Mclnnes on shares for 1901. Mr Dan McInnes will work his own property this year known as the McMillan farm. Mr John Morrison sold his little team of hays recently to shit J c, Wilson of your town for $21). Its raining this morning. Monday and we expect some good weather soon. Mrs ‘G K Heartwell and master Georgie intend Visiting Hamilton and Bufta o friends this week. Mm Jessie A McInnes leaves this week for the Queen city to remain for . ©1'r Scotch Town. TORONTO Mrs Archie Black. from Damfries. in company with Miss Maggie and George Black. of Pomona, were guests at Mt. Neil Black and family on Bitnday week. Me and Mrs. Charlie McLuuchlan leaves this week for their home in Sim- don B. C. Their parents and friends in the Grove will certainly mist them. We could say something about the man that was wenrm the snow shoes last week, but 't,e,jl'i'l"id is a jolly good fellow we will leave him alone and wish him nothing but success We extend good wishes to Mr and Mrs Thomas Jackson, Mr and Mrs Arch McArthur (black Archie). aim; Mr and Mrs Jim Haily, of Haily Corners. The weather for the past two weeks has been honhke, but has now changed to he more like the lamb. the roads running north and south are in shad state from the recent storm, the nul. rmH being blocked, there was no train bore. for four days. the snow plough with three engines passed through on Friday eyening for Durham. Not being any mail for three days. there was steam sent to Ayton to bring it from there which came about. midnight on Thursday to the delight of many. as they werein need oi their daily read- mg matter. Wm. Rutherford, a former resident of Holstein, but now of Toronto, is this week visiting his brother-ln-law Mr Alex Aitken and other old neighbors after an absence of sixteen years. Arthur Hum. of Iliveryiow, is visit. ing his parents here this week. Mrs H. Tucker. of Ceylon, spent a few days of last week with friends here. George Sharp. of Dnndalk. was the guest of his brother here, W. J. Sharp the latter part of last week. Mr. Nelson Main received a tele. gram on Monday. from Grenfell N. W. l., informing him of the serious illness of his daughter (Edith) Mrs George Fleming. Mr. Main left on Tuesday morning for the West. Miss Nettie O'Connell " It time of writing seriously ill from that. dreaded dine-3e consumption, " soon as the facts were known her brother Stanley was telegmphed for, who was m Min- nesota and came home on Monday. The sympathy of the people of the Village go out to them. Mrs O'Connell seems to have a double share of Lrouble. John Garton left on Tuesday for Michigan to try his luck. John mll be missed " home. David Cameron and humly move this week to Listowel. Sorry to lose them as they were kind neighbors. Jacob Smibhhook a. business trip to Cheeley on Tuesday. Ma meeting ct the W. F. M. S. on Wednesday of last week, the ladies of the society presented the Wife of Rev. J Miller with a life member's eertiiieate and the following adiress. To Mrs. J, Miller. Dear sister, As the ties that have bound us during the past eight years in soend friendship and labor of love are about to be severed bv the unerring hand cf Providence. we bow in humble sub- mission to His Diyine will, but we can- not allow this hand of union to be broken Without expressing our deep re- gret at your departure from our midst, you have always manifested a deep in- terest, not only in missionary work but in the temporal welfare of our church, your counsel and aid were always free- ly given and your social relations to the congregation have been of the most endearing character. we therefore beg you to except this Life Membership tJertifieate for tho W. F. M. S. asa humble acknowledgement of the esteem and "eetion with which you are held in our midst, praying that the divine blessing may accompany you and your family to your new home and that you may be long spared to eo-operate with him who has ministered so ftsivlsfally to us in spiritual things during his stay amongst us. " , , . ----e.e gigned on behalf of the ladies of the congregation of Holstein. Mrs W H Rogers. Mrs H M Reid, Pres. Secy. Wishing dishes is just, like anything else. the longer you put it, off, the hat. dee it becomes. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Wilkinson Ploughs, number -e".-M..-" 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Nos genuine unless the words $6 WILKINSON PLOUGR Connxv "i t - each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three 'u'tiedl,t.on CULTIVATING, Coulter & Scout Drills and Cultivators. Disc and Spade Har rows, seuifiers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Harrows. ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies trom Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS sinijw'rNaNMrrImils... A large stock of New Raymond and Wil mus Se wi;iriGiaiG ind supplies. averyéhing for farmers} South of Middaugh House HOLSTEIN W515 (i lilllllllillf (Rlillill , iii, On Wednesday HEtt, The Mehaniea' Institutes have done a great deal of good, although in some places there ls a strange failure P properly value these institutions. It is generally admitted that Mr Harcourt has made an excellent extension ot the svstem by arranging tor travelling libraries through the hem-r sections at Ontario, for by this simple scheme the advantages ot good reading will be conferred upon new districts a. your in advance ot the ordinary event. The expense will not be great. considering the value ot'the service done and the wide area benefited. V Perhaps this idea of Circulating li- braries may yet be extended to - a great many places that are not now contemplated in the scheme. Projects of this kind grow of their mm accord. It is gratifying to observe the vigor and all around enterprise of the Ross Administration. It is nottobedenied. It lathe feature of politics, and most disquieting tothoee who had hoped to see the overthrow of the Liberals in Ontario. The Toronto Telegram, a Conservative paper, but never afraid to tell the truth, stated a fact when it ‘said recently that Hon. George W. Ross has already made his party much strongerand his opponents much weak- er than they were a year ago. Will be for service. foe season of 1901 at, Lot. 9, Con. 2. w. G. R. Bonlim-k. TERMS: 81.00. LARGE IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR THOROUGHBRED BULL. The. underiened will keep tor service at lot 32, con. 12, Beutim-k. for the sen- sou of 1901. a thotouglilwed Durlmm Bull, one ot' the best specinwns from Parker‘s herd. Pure liglnm'ed. Terms: 81 m imam? if sold, msumuce rules will he charged. _ '" FRED SHEWELL. Mrellteck P. o., March IO, mm. A Scotch Shorthorn Bull rising two Yrs r'l bwl by John Anderson lGyfleld, got by Gladstone Stnwsman 26414 , he by British Statesman Imp 208333; Dam Pinky by Iron Ih1lu, Second dam Venus by Sir Walter Scott, third dam, Jessy bv Lancaster Comet. MISS DICK confirlly ind“: the ladies of Dwrham and vicinity to attend her MILLINERY __-----." al the RESIDENCE and OFFICE -01d Bunk UPPFP. TOWN,DUitHAM. Urrtrter J. G HUTTON M. D., C. M, April 3 'f 4 attd.iollott'itN days Her m-rh has been rung/ally telected and she is eos.fdettt that in Mate rial M a k r-up and P R I C' K the and”: t.tt' her patrons will be grat- itird. The (dons '.st' faahiott (mum are at your disposal kert o. MCKINNON. Opposite Midduugh Will Nail Priceville Tuesday and Friday each toeekfrom 9 a. m. h 4 p m. TRAVELLING LIBRARIES. Telephone Connection No. 10 trio Apply to TIIOS. SULLIVAN, MILLIN ERY ROOMS OFFICE HOURS 9--t2 B. m. 2--4 p. m MISS Mi. FOR SALE. Lower Town. ysiciam Ind Surgeonu. On II. ALEXANDER. Home. anblon OPE KING Irish Lake. o n ("'9I'VI "" Attttouttcetttettt mm. itteius th opettittg ttest in the ttew M lm-uniwrs nf ll Much sun-rm u cottttttutied by? the future has 1 them. and tht romnmn somil the putting-y ti at South Glmd in Durham and Wm" Honor Roll MW of mar mu SERVANT Gt Ills A. ti. Hun Sn. Jr. Le Lawrence. An Nellie Moro. Jr., Jr. [man In", Malian wts'utusn McClu- " Inn-in“ sun. hum-an "r, Nohle tilt Mary Sharpe P1'BLU' SF tit.. uh Class " "Ire and M Fauluhursuu. Bun-My. -- 2nd Chad Ahcar New. 'l NI (Jst'al' Hahn. tl .lr2ndeml Melbourne Md ts'aurtderrw, Bert Sr Pt 2nd, Grant and A Harvey. Mud Jr A Pt 2 tiharpe. John Fred Tun-y. " " Pt 2w McLean. "er Mex Mt4lowol Jr tttr-ind Hugh Md‘rie. Han-lunch. I tir.Fi-Atm and Willie " Annie Daniel. J: 3rd-A" Moran, Alfn Davidsnn. Wil Fr 2nd ., tl Laidlaw. Hutt Hull. Calvin Humans-e Liv velleeu. Kr 3r J r 3n tit. 2n Brown Jr. 3rd Cla (ind-lav. Jam, don. Wane as. li"" sun J r. Sm" h Sod - Wright. " A - Ila“ Jr If Mat" M tir sun. M Marshall tit. Pt. Jr Pt. field. lt Honor. “all No. 13, Berni 3nd Class [Judi-y. Haddie IO Kippered lh Sardines IO Prunes. large No. I Syrup - ' Local am tssssv Our Suits an Nee ts'. F. Mo k I"! an: tiicknee on M ins 1hek. in whim: HI HIGH tiCH 'teport of Fi arch. Mh - “Purge " 4th I)". u. I ‘hurleu ll Sr :ichW'w , r Ned --tr' ran Br 2nd ___ M: Report at 4th Chum- h'r3rd W [HI Ates " ist Jr lst mm! VOL. tttot " " et'ttHN Pt - Mar: John Fer I‘ll H out h d tit own It Nt dl 0va "d an: " lbs

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