West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Mar 1901, p. 4

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The tine weather the hut few days mnku us feel an if spring was close at Mr Boyce Sterne had the misfortune of buying " knee joint dialocuted Selurduy evening. while, going up between two cattle one of them kicked tum, knocking him down. Dr Sneuth was called In and succeeded in “pl-cine the jomt. We hope soon to use our friend round again. Mr J Lester. who. has been for the past two months working for Mr H Baird, of Leuriston. returned home on Baturday and has since engaged with Mr Snell for the summer. DURHAM REVIEW Mr and Miss Non. of Mitchel, no u pro-ens visiting their column. the In“ family. On Monday "onion of last week quite a number of the young peogle unheard at the home of Mr and Mrs Sterne's. the occuxon being the presentation of a iar coat and a small purse ot money to their son Boyce. who has curl“! our mail for the East 4 your: between Drornore end _ Holstein and has by hits kind aul ohliging 3 manner won the love ot all whom he ewe in contnct with. The meeting we: called to order. Dr Sheath Ins appointed chair- man and spoke highly of the object of the meeting. after which the tollowmg address l we: read : M R. Boyce STIRNE, Dear Friend. We have met here as a small representation at your many lriends, to show the high esteem in which you are held, you have always been at person ot exemplary character and integrity. and by your gentlemanly and nbiiging manner has Won many irirtulti, This was shown by the liberal way in which they have as- sisted in this. not one that was asked to contribute ever refused and each one load in their prnisesut‘ you. Kindly accept this coat and the balance as a token ot re- gard not tor their intrinsic value. but simply as a mark of appreciation, hoping you will always have good beaith to enjoy it. On rising to reply Mr Sterne said be was token by nnrpniu and was unable to tind words to express his feeling just then, he bud nlweye coneidered it his duty to do lundneae where he could and that " was a pleasure for him to oblige nny one when he could end he hoped they would except hll hem felt thanks for their kind- new. The rent of the evenvng was pleunntly spent in speaking. singing and 1111mm. Mr Wm Issac rend the address end Mr Wm Adams made the preseutttttom The annual meeting of Dromore branch of llwlhhle Society was held in Amos church on Monday evening last, the if , , . II ---. Y -signod on behalf of friends in Dmmore. Yoovil 3nd . number in Holstein. M: Hopeville. l have laid off one week from writing you Mr. Editor, as we have been about snowed up and our roads are now near impassable in Proton. Thursday, Mar. 28, I90I. Mrs Kenning has returned home from Toronto and enjoyed her trip well. Our township council held a meeting here on the 16th. and intend to hold another on Tuesday Mth, to arnnge about this diffieult question. the schools of Proton. David Kelli. of Peel township. his been up here for some time with lu, brother Mulcolm. Mr. Wm. Cooper bed a very success- ful sale and is moving may to Wash- l ington Territory U. S.. the people pre- sented him and family with an address and some very fine presente on token- of their kind resort]: for them. He will any e in deye in Toronto to eee scme friend there. Our eielr people here ere improving slowly, Dr Sneeth hes been very busy n this neighborhood, this winter e there her been e let of eiekneee. WI r-.- Dromore. . Cooper. but] a very 'e?"!" are planed to say he has been vet: succesefnl. Auctioneer D. McPhgil " kept very but] this: has while. We but more nettlod weather by Ip- pomnoo Hm wank. Our bnnneee pleoee ere getting "I" empty owing to the roughness of the weather es the roads were nape-able for me last three weeke. however we will prepare for getting I huh supply of sprint: nook goods and surprise the customers. The fermer'a her-en ere ell feeling spirited a few runawuye heppened on this sheet last week. Mr Dug MeCennel while coming home with seed grain and whilejempiug off to walk the hersee gm alerted and left bun behind. J. Me Queen and Den Ferguson we: shout three quarters of emile ahead end not them stopped one running in front of theuiwhen they were coming full epeedit ma 3 very young trick of Dan. Mr Alex. McConnell. ot Notlawasaga. m" visiting at his uncle's D. manrlnue and other friends. H. van nluo to we Ronald leDomld who bu "mmril very much mth a note throat. Ha hats nwsllowod neither meat nor drink tor on. week. We no planed to report. this week he in on the mend under the can of Dr. Sneutb. alto Dr. Jamieanon. Mr Neil Ulark'ts Jim Jr. took home a. new Haas-y Hun-is Binder six ft. cut. with sheaf carrier and every thug complete. Neil known what to deal mm to get; good article. .. m Haw our Y. C. Ind "ttlar debomer has bought of Dan Robertson a valuable mare for a net sum of money. It Robertson Haw. of Port Hope, is visiting his brother George of Balsam Valley. who has been in 1ll health the most of the winter, but is improving. an Haw, called on friends " Boothvxlle, and Swinton Park We or e very sorry to report the death of In: Alex. McLean New England. She bad been ailing for sometime and took a trip up the Lakes last examiner for her heelth. She wee of a kind end quiet ditspomtiou, to know her was to like her. She we: . member of St Andrew's church Swinton Perk. Bomber Campbell, Dro- more offitsinted " the house and preached e very comforting eermou lo the bereaved husband end eon-rowing mother and father end the rut of the family and friends, She leevee one child four year: old. The sywpethy of this neighborhood is with Mr MoLeen end the narrowing friends. She wee buriedin m. Foreet cemetery. A Iergeumnber of friends and neighbors followed to the grave. In George Lawrence and child are visit mg at her hthrr‘s Noble \Vilson. and by the way if thelmln girl could talk she could boast of what few in Canada can. She has two great grandmothers and one great grandfather. Mr Neil Clark and his mother passed through our bt3rg_otryyoday. _ m and urn W. J. Wilson were to Dur- ban), on Saturday last. 01) Sunday last at St. Anilrew's, Swin. tor. Palk. New. Mr )Mnbesvn presented fournfthc S S scholars with Diplomas for repeating the SLorter Catechism correctly, The names were as follows. Wilhn L, Knox. Ninth“ Porter. Lizzw Aldcoru. Maggie Knox. He gave the .uchool great. praise as this is the second time he gave diplomas to the school. ur and MrsJ, Gai'amr, visited at the latter's parents on Saturday. Mrs John Graham and uncle Mr Lawson, Durham, callvd at. J. )chueeu‘s and Mrs ucKeclmie's on )xondny. T Mr Dan Ferguson had an upset hast week and nearly buried his girl. Mt' and ma E.Moore. visited at Wm Aldcoru': on Sunday. _ _ - HOLSTEIN. . up»: pol .tof papunu I Mr J amen Rogers raceived a letter from his son Oliver. A. Rogers a few days ago from Ottawa. telling him thnt he was on his way to South Africa. having gone to the N, W. T. two years ago, and thence to Bruish Colnmba where he enlisted with the South African eonstabulstry, which sails from Halifax about the 20th of this month. ': to a well fillcd table with the very choicest I of oysters and other tempting things 1 your humble servant had the pleusnre oi l satnpht?s',tueul and can testify as to their i being tirst class. After all had done l justice at the table the meeting was oall. l ied to order. There was a very nicely [prepared programme consisting of vocal l and instrumental music the chief leaders being, W. T. Brown. Misses Ethel Sharp. Mr Brown made a. neat speech siting forth the aims and objects of the C. o. F. l, Dr. Brown sang sweetly a solo while Mr A Miller and Bro. Wm, Mein's speeches »'were very interesting, Miss E. Sharp's , music was a charm to the "mine. Among other: who roused the intorea of the people were W. J. Sharp. J, G. i Rendel. W. S. Horsbnrgh. The meeting I we: brought toe close by singing God I Sue the King. On Fridayevening last. the Canadian Order of Foresters, Holstein. gave an Oyster Supper in honor of two of their Bro. Foresters who are about to leave. Bro. Wm. Main and family for Summer- bury N. W. '1'. and Rev. J. M Miller and lamily. who will leave in the course of a month or so. After all the Foresters and their wives and those that had no wiyes but had their best girls to the number of titty-fopr sat. Mr and Min Jasper Smith. of BIP.1.t.ow Luke. upon: a few days but weak WINDS ' friends here. This week it is our and duty to unnounco the doth of the little, daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm. Pettigrew who passed may on Sunday morning afar a short illness " the we of four you". Mr and Mn Petti- grew ha." the uympntby of the people an that hour of trinl. June. Bryden, of Galt who bu.been yinling friends in and around the villttge for the put two weeks returned to his home the Mginuing of this week. BROWNSVILLE. BOOTHVILLE _.-------- THE BIG STORE f. .77. 3tunter 'ttse Robertson 's {Paddy Rainfall for the week, 2 in. Snowfall do 9 in. Hours of Sunshine, 10. General direction of the wind, S. T to N. E. very variable and blustering. 1'in stagnant l: on ever-yam? tt the [amino iriiiiiG aiGiGd "u." an on. an Hardware Department For the week ending March 23, 1901 Temperature Mm. Max. Map. l7..........16 37 t6 18.......... 30 42 " lo....,,.... " $3 Laifid Brow" -- - kritliiiqispe iett. J. A. HUNTER- ggr29, Eilllllill Illlllillll, 'ain ts. MK hllEl WE ttNI yt Ill. CHIN Beams lit M (ht Ell, ME Handles I08. pmixed [ms TORONTO CAPITAL, Authorized CAPITAL, Paidup. .. RESERVE FUND _ [ AGENTS' in all prim-hm] pomis ttt Ontario. uuehec, Manitoba. United Slates and England. A gnu-ml Banking business trunsacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed ut "mtenr rates. SAVINGS BASS. .nterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facilitv afforded custmnera living at n distance. One's own room should show the taste and originality of the occupant. Our handsome wall papers will enable you to do this, for these papers will offer you hundreds of designs and shades of the finest quality. We would like to have your inspection of them, for we are sure you will be pleas. ed with the designs and coloring, and hope you will be able to find here just the design to suit your individuality. DURHAM AGENCY MacFarlane&Co . The Review and Globegto Dec. 31st1991 with premium picture Itsf “Céndians at I’aardelmrg.”. 1.60 All Paper purchased here TRIMMED FREE. "5iiMr DRUGGISTS & B00KSELUiRS Head Office, Toronto. MI LADY' S BOVVER. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. Our Clubbing Rates. J KELLY, Agent. “ii; $2.001 L000 1,000.000 . 000,1“: if" MWWm-ug " "W”' ”"5" 11'lE.'5C, r. ... s , :Ci.r'df,"rCeiSe'be. fi's'g%iifitSci'cL0.ii' 15T? §$$$$$$$$$$ww$$$$$$$w$mwa it Throwing 7uoeretetueasiisitsoiseetstesteeeet1i"wec'v 1lill(llliE We have a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want you weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. 1h running Binder in the world. --- Full line of PIANUS, ()RGANS. and SEWING We are well stocked with TURNIP SOWISRS. SCUFFLE LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at trc. Issuer c LOWER TOWN WM C Implement Warerooms. I amgxssmsmsxmgmxssmxxgxxxx3% SEEDS! CLOVER, "V - TIMOTHY And other Grass Seeds. is economy compared with buying watered E "r890" Flavoring is the real thing and is sold price as the inferior article. We have Real Choice mixed Pickles 2 bottles for 25c English Liver Pint at 2 5c a bottle. Employees and Passengers on the Snow Bou commend Fl FvVi.?tf.ljiiifi?. MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. ttleston's gtreed. It arrives regularly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays We wish every person to call and see our Spring Opening. In Silverware we lead for quality and prices. Our Graniteware cannot be excelled. Nearly every family know the value of out Tinware. Every farmer should get a Tin of oar Harness Oil Dressing. We sell the most reliable Ready Mixed Paints manuiactuwd WM. BLACK Hardware J BURNETT iuiisr AND SEEDSMAN. Money Jpec/ar/s Seeds! alwuy igggggggigggegtgyegys"2 the Snow Bound Train and SEWING MACHINES----- w, SCL'FFLERS, HAY FORKS, Uni Issuer of lARRIAGE Licenses Chums Cobbler Betts Manure Forks Manure Drags Clothes Wringers Wheel Barrows watered Extracts. Our 1nd is sold " the same ALDER m to see, reduced in Positively the easiest or the DURHAM, Alaska}: ' 11y re ttXI U. 917913: Fo He hetts n " Including m I lendid it" (Pullman. , " um t Blind. tip" will sell che; our (iurafrm ham. This asked. Lot 18. cal P. o, In h plume and m 8rd Div. h farm, Iu-lull ed at low ti I have A l erties in to at trade. THEY’LL MONEY TI and up. terms. an” INSURAN CONVE tiil ttt Walt) “in “die sts Nos ly ass‘ financial u wane " II ly ll The Ill Low .l‘lllllt TI " [i SE

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