West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Mar 1901, p. 5

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r Wriugers Barrows NAN. yysys,y:y,",'yIyl5illlhl Dr "HY Seeds- Sctts 1ily',yh'eyt,'glgll ALDER re f MARRIAGE Licenses DURHAM. DL'RHAM, essi ng. tactured NES ORKS, etc Harris :ments , Drill, reduced in the easiest Carts these where - " x {a} The Hanover Conveyancer He has a big list of Property for Bale, including tbe following: Lot .2th.con. 2. W. G. R., Bentlnck a splendid unmoved farm convenient to Dur ham. Very cheap. 64 acres near Allan Park on Durham Rmul. Splendid buildings. good land. will sell cheapor trade. . 3rd Div. lot T. com E a ', m IT/r,,"; Bond I',;,'dde,1 elem]? "TEL.” IN tttty acres " a snap at price Fortunes Loti8, con, It, Bantinck. mar Louise P. o, In hands. of a Company. Fine place and must go to some one. I have a large number of olher prop- erties in town and country and will sell at trade. Lot T, con. s, Normanby, the 'Fee' farm. belong to a. company. and is offer. ed at low tuures. THEY’LL SATISPY “In an: nnw showing the largest stock in Town of Haunpden. Elgin and \Vulllrun Watches in Gold, Gold Filled. Silu-r nnd Nickel Vases. Ladies', Gent: and Boys' sizes and all the latest Ideas In . r ism, S'ilverware ltings {Plain waeley MONEY TO LOAN st41-2 per cent and up according to security end terms. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING eswelles other financial business carefully atten- Flatwat 0 Ladies' Long G' uarde ' -- - _ - _ A Noyeltur Big4w . d w----' as 3i, r-.-.----- Fl yds long Ti nor Uih-luth l yd m Illl mm, Dealing mu H. H. Miller, st Table Gia-pri-s. Repairing of Watch... J a spool-Ry. HE SELLS CHEAP t. l A GORDON. (Ste ling tuocks" i Ebony Specs Chains Jiiotym . A. iiiidcFarltytey 770w fTrfsetr n gttoeh. IAKE KRESS M P..', 18 .L'ace hurrah 27 in. wide pair the Best Cheaper than Ever. ndertaking Promptly Oilclot h showing thr, largest Curtains. Solid Gold Gold Filled Silver wide l" 4.5 in. wide M Mlilll& Bean, (311mm NM g-trr. att., v d 1 25 ti" .2.» " W hik. intel" 2.5c s.d by .ZCM' Sir I, .2.5c . W " 25 may const I gatlu iii-(w ”:8 Mim. "the, c 90c 1 (I) 2.5c t ' . ’4: (ttrietty Choice Clover and Riimuthy Jeed See our Samples before buying. ONTARIO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. Shortly after the Liberal victory of 1896 the Liberals with the view ot lessening the work of their Central Organization office tor the Province in Toronto, divided the Province into Sections with an Eastern Association having an ottiee and headquarters in Ottawa for the East, and sy.btsequeutly a Western Association witha bureau in London was established. This division ot labor tor ordinary interelec- tion purposes has been dispensed with and the work tor all the Province is directed from the Central and head J)fuiFarlarua's body. the Ontario Liberal Association. Of this association, Alexander Smith, 34 Victoria Street, Toronto, is Secretary and he has at his direction a number of assistants who attend to the organ- zation in the Ridings assigned tothein. At a recent meeting of the Federated Liberal Clubs it was felt that the Work of the Ontario Liberal Associations could be largly augmented hr en- eouruging Young Liiwristuorganirw Clubs, and use result ol this lei-ling the Fulcrum-ll Clubs Were given re~ prt swntation on the Council ofthe Unl- apio Liberal Association, and Duncan Marshall, Thornbury, Grey, Co., and W. A. Stewart, Martintown, Clongurry t'ra will organize Liberal Clubs Co., Co., will organize Liberal Lluus throughout the Province. livery Liberal who desires to aid in helping along the, good cause. whether as a sprain-r, organizer ol clubs, organizer of a riding, municipality er polling division or cngagotl in the _ i: .I “.nub n" "ssvistisur the US a ot""'?'"' -_", organizer of a riding, municipality er polling division or cngagod in the very "essential work of revising the Voters' lists can receive instructions. directions and literature trom the office ofthe Ontario Liberal Association. Tne number at guides. Pamphlets, Books and other useful compilations issued by this Association total in the millions, and now with an increased and eitieient stair, all this splendid material can be used with telling re- sults. The Ontario Liberal Associations, nseveryone who has taken at proper interest in the party knows, Was form- ed by the Premier of the province and ‘Sir Richard Cartwright calling rep- ll‘eseiimth'c Liberals from each constituency to meet in Toronto. The gathering: was composed ot'tliose who ( the Provincial and Dominion ndidmes in the, proceeding elections, "the chiel oftieers of the Riding Associa- tions and delegates elected by each Riding Association. “ . -_t..ist-t 'm. The Central office is maintaineu by subscriptions, obvainwd from friends of the party throughout the province, Their chief idea is to maintain a central oitiee well stored with information so that no matter whether success abides or failure overtakes the Parliamentary contingent. there will be a place where Liberals in every Riding may be ‘supplied with information to enable them to continue the work in the l Liberal cause. - " r ---i Vantage-1.... Members of the I and ofthe House of ( presented on the associations, and the Members of his Ontario Members of ot Sir Wilfrid Laurie bers ot the council Central Association by we K.""?" um. -__ - desires to give however, . . tittt,'lll'l?a possibe to theWngxng Associations ind Loyal h anger:g1 nd endeavors todo this , r031; 'vl gecretary Alexander Smith, 1c. toria Street, Toronto, James Vance, to Duncan Marshall, Thorn ury. Toronf9 . o._..,....., Mwrtintttwtt. De- Ind enucuvun w u- ---'- Secretary Alexander Smith, " We- toria Street, Toronto, James Vance Toronto. Duncan Marshall, 'Fi'orii2ii'"y,' and W. A. Stewart, Martintown, De- puty Liberal Organizers. gray Jiore. at and is maintained by 'd from friends of at the, province, In additions to the work above allud- cdsto, it either Government or the Par- liamentary contingent ot either Home desire any special line of activity. they can have the same attended to by Be- curing the men to do it providing the necessary funds. The Ontario Liberal Association does not undertake to do more than its means enable it. The Provincial Government in Man- itoba appearsto be having troubles at its own and lots ot them. First came the desertien of its head, who, after pledging himself to stay with the job of “righting the wrongs inflicted by the corrupt Grecnway Government," (save the mark), stepped oat before his first year was over to eotutdiaaster in the federal arena. and now lies buried so deep under the Sittonian avalanche of last November that no 00: over expects to hear of him again. The administration, thus crippled and reorganized, started in to evolve a railway policy, with the result that every solid business interest in the community is alarmed, and every effort is being put forward to save the credit of the Province, by the extreme means oi securing the federal Veto to the billwhich was literally railroaded through the Local llouse. Now comes a trouble more serious than any tor it involves a question ot common honesty and ordinary basiness integrity. The Government brought down a return to an order ot the House purporting to contain the names ol all civil employ- I res who had been fired by the new Uovvrmnent since the beginning of last year, and ofall the new appoint. mcnts since that date. The list con- mined the mum-s oi thirty-eight dis- missals, and tilry-two appointments; the Winnipeg Free Press now comes out with the straight charge that there were one hundred and eight dismiss. sals, and a much larger number of appointments adding that "the Gov- crnmontis bringing down returns to which the terms "suppression and fal- sifieatton" would properly apply. A nice lot, that new Tory government, it is to be hoped that the people of Mani- toba appreciate and enjoy the change from the straightforward administra- tion they so lightly got rid of at the last elections. -The men who have been gather- ing at Ottawa daring the past month to go oat to South Alrica as a part of Baden Powell's Constabulary. will probably leave the capital tor Halifax on Monday. There are nearly ttl thousand ot them. as likely a looking lot of young stalwarts we, are told as have been assembled in one organiza- tion in a long time. They have won golden opinions during their brief stay both for their soldierly bearing and general good conduct in barracks and round town. They have the warmest good wishes of all classes, coupled with a sincere. hope that the y,'tu'.it mojority will come back to Canada when their term oi service is l concluded. --Prolvt,soy Robertson. Dominion Dziirving Commissioner, has been tell- ing the Agricultural Committee of the [louse ot'Commons what is being done in chieken-fatteninecxpet'imentt. He looks for an enormous trade in the shipping of dressed fattened poultry to the English market a good start having already been made. He stated too that a splendid market may be found in Montreal " these chic- kens. This of course is practically a new industry, called into existence and made possible by the progressive upto.date cold storage policy of the _ Department of Agriculture. EXPF, RI M ESTA L The numbers of the Ontario Agri- cultural and Experiment.“ Union are pleased tnstmtevlmt for 1901 they are again prepared to distribute into every Township ot' Ontario material for' ex- vevimentswith fertilizers. fodder craps. route", grains, glasses. and cloves. Up- wards of three thousand Ontario funnel-s conducted the co-operative t'X- perimeuts upon their ow" farms last year. - _ n MN - W. on... tthit t'"" l List. of lixperinwnts for 1901. 1 Three varieties of Data 2 Three varieties of six-lowed Barley. 3 Two varieties of Hillless Barley. l Spelt, and two varieties ot Spring W hem. . . I n..nn....|..... 5 Two varieties ot I " Two varieties of Northern Ontario. 7 Two varieties of Pens. rots. 15 Three varieties of fodder or silage Corn. 16 Three varieties of Millet. 17 Three yarleties of Sorghum. 18 Grass Peas and two varieties cf Vetchel. 19 Dwarf Essex Rape and two varie: ties of Kale. 20 Three varieties of clover. 21 Sainfoin. Luceme. and But net. 22 Five varieties of Grasses. 23 Three varieties of Field Beans. N Three varieties of Sweet Corn. A NICE HONEST LOT. ----'- tn-- [ENTAL UNION FIELD TESTS FOR 1901. Peas and two varieties of Soja f -iqMF wo-rt--- of Buckwheat. I of Field Pens for hug-pr oof Field . . vane. 25 Fertilizers with Corn. as Fertilizers with Mangolds. 27 Growing Potatoes on the level and in hills. 2irinintine Potatoes the same day and the days after being cut. r "es, Planting; Cut Potatoes which have and which have not been coated over with land plaster. iiiriiiiinrins Corn in rows and in aquatics (an excellent yarlety of Early Corn wtll be used). Material for either number twenty- five or twenty-six experiment will be sent. by unless. and for each of the others it will he forwarded by mail. Each person in Ontario who wishes to conduct an experiment and is willing to use great. care and accuracy in the work and report the results of thetest as soon as possible after harvest should select. the exact. experiment. desired and apply for the same at. an early date. The material will be forwarded in the order in which the applications are received until the limited supply is exhausted. It might he well for each applicant to make a. second choice for fear the first could not he glanced. C. A. ZAYl'rz. Agriculture] College, Guelph, tInt. Guelph. March 16th. 1901 Mr and Miss mcClarty. of Owen Sound. spam. the hegiuumg of the week here as unedn of Mn Letlingbnm family. V‘"' - __ .V Miss M McKenzie. of Durham. whiled away a tew plehHuut days In the village visiting her sister mu Dr Smith. We ouunitted to mention in last weuk's budget that Mr Jas Benton, of Drvuiore. had been visiting reluciyesiu the vicinity. Mr It ll Lediugbimi. of BonLiuck. and his cousin George of Gleuelg had the houorol placing the firet of the building material on the ground fortlie new church. Quite ly pile in sand is there at the min. of writing. Jacob Woallle, of Pike Bay. iug tor a. couple of weeks in the prevent. run-.. Miss Annie McKenzie, of {Hutton Hill in enjoynug the hospitality And society of friend: in the vicinity. was Ellie, Lcdmghnm leaves “my (Tuesday) for Toronto, an" ipendiug a much enjoyed heliduy with trioudu here the last few days. an T B sun-on met win: I very palulul accident while working in the Welheck milk Being engsged cutting with what. is knuwu an the butting saw his hold dipped letting the uw strike his leg itsthctitsp, u “Vere gush wineU required the nelvicea or Dr Smith to than. l’rnhubly my pleasant m Ciul nciniw. tum: )ll'whd Mrs Dr Cream (Separators Ttoughs, 'b ring Farmers and dairymen aiming to have the best in afford to overlook our stock. Price and .Goods are the famous No. 20 and 21 are "turnir up" a name for themselves as the be why Una”: furrow: and &rrrd The same firm's make. INSUItANCE EFFECTED AT LOWEST Dorncch. y Its.:.:""""""'. "t"Tfl'tt, ' J) 1% “ASP 'll L ltS j, -0- f Plk. Bay. is sojourn- seeks in the vicinity It r J a . 0/172 Livingstone FROST ilil WOOD '6at.ttttttt 333333333? BOOTS, SHOES and! :EeTrEKEBCEEEeS3 At Speciallprices The prices make it interesting. i.ettt.r"tt.6:66"6. .:6..:6tte.ia Come and see us in our new store SIMPLE, DURABLE, GOOD ' McArthur, Durham, 21 are “turning under" an nvma uuu cum..,. Aves as the best and "sliekest" plough going. as and 6eed grills. c firm's make. A sure guarantee of exeellenee voted to the choir and :allod off the program. which Conn-ted of addresses. singing and recitationo. Tho openers were Corporal G W Lodmghum. Dr Smith and Rev Mr Graham Towards the elm-e of the program the chairman read an address from his brother ioresterii oppeud- ed below and Mr J Ellison presented a beautiful watch charm emblematic of the I. O. F. Immediately afterwards threei Winsome members of the fair sex stepped forward, Miss Mable Hampton read an address from the young people of the: vicinity. breathing of the esteem in l which he was held and the regret they experienced at hiss (ii-parture and hope for his future prowerity Two othemof their number. Miss Lizzie A Smith and Miss Sarah Boyle then stepped forward l and presented Mt iiorrisun with a sais. istaniiul fur coat. Tnuuuh taken corn- lpletely by ourpriee the altonislicd recip- [ieut very ieelingly replied, thanking them well for their many acts of kindness. A choice upper was then heartily partakeu of utter which games end pleasant con- versaliono were indulged in, only Inter. rupted not! and then by the Insidious iwaiters with fro-uh supplies of (medical lnuts and fruits. The gueeu who nun). bored about 70 dispersed in the early tum. thanking their kind host and homes for the plealaut evening went. The following is the address t We your brother Forester-e of Court Bannorkhurn. No. P265, knowing of lyour intended departure for the West and acknowledging the loss the Court ‘will sustain in one who has been their. _ corresponding Socy. for the past three l years and who has been one of theniout lactive in the securing of new running”: 'BK""..' Ill ‘u\. aura-u." ~_ ,. land in all things piomoting the social l and financial welfare of our Court. . ‘while taking this opportunity of ex-l 'pressing to you our regard. we are re' [ [minded that our (hurt. has been a -veritahle nursery for Forestry up: in ituiditiou to our bunny representatives i, in the various parts of this Dominion ‘we have had the honor of initiating ,hoth the pvestttt, and the [nut High ()rutoh‘ of the (‘ourt of t'entral ()ntat'l'), [ht-refute "Y' know that you will prove ' a worthy exponent of our pvitlciplt's' and while expressing all good wishes 1 for your future welfare "V' hag leave to tender to you this I. CF. If. watt-h charm Flour......... ............. Barioy..................... oata........................ lambs..................... Dressed Hogs, per cw: Bogs, Lies Weight..." Batter, froth roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Wheat Eggs...-......... .... Hides. per ttwt.......... Cllfukius, per lb........ Sheepsklus............... Tallow rendered perlb Lard, perlb.............. Beit, per cwt............ Hay................ Turkeys................... Ducks....... ............. Potatoes. per bag....... DURHAM MARKETS |(‘Iluc| II! ir'"" ..... -7 _ - as a slight, nu-nwnln of the many ph ant hunrs we have spent logelher. Signed on helm“ of Court (II. It. RIDDELL. c. It. J. L. SMITH. F. S. ‘ J. It. lawman“! (td; ELLISON u...............-. r..................... under" all rivals and "setting and osliekest" plough going. iii ihiiiiiifas, ONTARIO ARCHIVES t in this line can not are right. 140 " l4 " l2 M " 10 00 5 " " " 18 40 HS ID A RLiNG 'S DRUG STORE &eds / &eds &eds CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durmuu Phurmu-y (Yalder'u Block. Residence first door west of the Post Ollice. Durham. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Termu modern“. Arrosgetttott" (0t um. " torutaag.&e.mutst 0. mad. at Thu ttevtew 0mm. Durham. correwottdeo Iddmnwd than orto 'l"'],',',',',',',,'," P. " will ha prummly “tended to. ‘ermn on gum-awn: te Collections of all kind prompily attendtd t OFFICEnMcKonzlc'I Old Stand, Durham. Ont. Omee-- LOWER 1OWN. DENTISTRY. Dr. T. o.iiiiik L. D.S. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, " CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR. Insurance Agent. Cn!loctioma and Agency prumplly “handed to Willis. Deeds. Mortgage-i. Lemmy Ameemmw ae. comm-Hy prepared. Enum- ut dam-nod pup sons loukud utter and Executor-1 and Adminis- cadrist Accounts preirtu'eu' and Inland b‘ummm C,ourt Busing“. Fromm: ot Willa, [alwa- of Ad- ministration mm Guardianship (maimed. sou chu made in kegs-My (Mice and Tick-u "spottasd Manama-1". 137...? 'iaiututeeotrt. Valuation mm by a comxwmmnwd careful "tuestor. oFIr'IC'h'--3ftltfttre Ely-1k: BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. Nanny Pu-uc. couulssmuzn. Ere. ottice, ove TWEEDS &__YARN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. UOATIV runuc. coma-uncut, " GROCERIES arristor, Jfotar , Gen- ' vagancer, etc” _ te..... Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. All Charge. Mcdexato (ii) We ask MEM 0| 0m ms s. SCOTT. Company um private Funds b Loon - . _ - A _. -. ”A-..“ v.|.u. Public Notice is hereby given that By-law No 401 of the Town of Durhnm requires Ell Merchnnu. Shopkeegera, Driitttritts, Hardware stores. Ce inet Shops, &e., to clue their places of busi- ness every evening during the year at 6 o'eloek p. m., with the. exception at Wednesday and My evenings. and the evening: preeoding public holidays All ttiett will govern themselves tlUt','lrl. W. A. ANDERSON. [ Town Clerk. McPHA IL) JNO. l, DARLING We can give you Bargains. ' LEFROY McCAUL. Ill, S. DAVIDSON, MONEY TO LOAN D. lcPHAlL. tlopeville P. It C. RAIAGE Durham. MY GOODS, CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOES, m. PUBLIC NOTICE. 617m: quality . Private Money to Loon. Licensed Auctioneer the County of Grey . TELFORD, Giant‘s sun-t to Farms bought and sold E(6ver the Bank DURH‘M. "owet foe own

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