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Durham Review (1897), 28 Mar 1901, p. 6

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u, " ft Once there wall a man who wore e Biz and three-quarter. Hat and had been so busy stuving of! the People who needed It right away because they had me Bills tomeet Gat he never found time to sit down and absorb Culture. Yet he had to go out and meet those who wore Specs and had these high Man. an! Forename. Sometimes he found blame" in the First Room. where everyone was expected to discuss Literature. Art, Mush: and the Dit. licuity ot getting good Kitchen help. Thin man was 3 Pin-Head In th good many Bonnets. but he was on wine as a Serpent. A man does not have to be stocked up with In- formation in order to be Wise. This man was what Edmund Clarence Stedmn would call a Filter. h Pike:- ln one who gets into the (lame on Small Chspital and Lets On to be holding back 1; huge Reserve. A Plker is usually Smile when he saga.- tlntee among the Well-bred because they are too l’ulite to call 11 mutt. When it name to Music. the Piker did not know the diHerenee between a Fugue and a Cantata. Such knowl- edge of Literature up he could boast we: picked up by reading the Post- ers in front of Book Stores. The average Kntyd'ui had about as much Art Education as he could have Spread if it had come to a Show- Down, but he. never allowed it to come. Ho had about as much Busi- ness in an Assemblage ot cultivat- ed Chautauquuns as a man witha rugged two dollar bill would have in Wall Street. Yet he managed to cut Figure Eights over the Thin lee, and he hm! the name of being one ot the Brniniest Gentlemen that ever ampptmi an Invitation to the Evening Session ot the Olympian Circle of Hens. Ajibtr has his entire Stock ot 000th In the Show Window. The Piker knew the value of the Stock Phrntw. And tho way he could tube a Dust and dodge out of " Tight Place was a little Bit of All MM. One evening tho I'lkor went to call on Mrs. Hush-r Kaznm, author of many unpuhiishml Poems', and the boss Dlnnn or the Tttrt-Banter-a. At the Kazan: 11 mm. which is rigged up with Rtrl Blankets and Grvvrt Lamps m as to bo Oriental, he bumped into Tbmrietta Huntvr Haw, who will be remvmhrrml as the young Lady who poured at tlt" Attertboon Reception i0 F. Hopkinson Smith Mina Haw reclined at halt length in the 'Nrkish Corner and naked the Piker what he thought of Sleuklewlz-z. The I'ikvr knew that he hml heard that harm sprung somewhere before. but it he had trim] to pronounce it he would have gone to the Floor. He didn't know whether Siunklewicz was the author of “Lovers Once But Strangers Now" or "The Gentleman From Arkansaw." Hawever, he was not to tte Found. He knew the kind of Conversational Parsley that Is needed to Garnish a full-blown Intel- lectual Vacuum. and he passed some ot it to Ilrnricttn. H2 tmid h" liked Sin-12k, so tar as the PByehohnxieat Analysis was concern- ed. but it gomvtimr,roeettrrtrd to him that Htorr. was a lurk ot Irwight and Broad Artistic Grasp. _ That is Um Style of Vapor calcu- tated to lump a Young Woman nn- chorerl right in the Turkish Corner and make hut helium she has met the Really nrrl Truly Unzip. The Pikpr nnrvrlud a little; more of the tramp kin i, En said that the [Club- orntion of Ineidvnt showvd a. Certain Modicum of Skill. but there was not enough Plus-11.1mm: Sympathy in the Colurmg at the Subtle Motives. When the mxer got rid ot this he was al- ways Relieved. tor it u an awful Thunt tu Memorize and carry round with you. Andrwanl Miss tlaw went out and tout her Girl Friends that the Piker was Terrible Deep. _ _ _ When they brought up Music, that was where the Purer lived. llc coma get in early and stay late and never trip himself up. lie had " teudeu a couple ot Concerts and at one time boarded with a Lady who 'rtt9eu_the Autoharp. One Evening when he was out with a tew People wnu were such Thor- ough Muswxuns that they seemed Sour about something all the time, a Tall Man with a Low Collar asked him " he had heard that. latest Thing by" Ttschaikuwtsky. -tt he had maui, it Charles K. liar- ru, the kiln-r might have been with him. But he nM’er turned a Hair. "llnpresniw, isn't " 2’ ' he said, hav- mg learned how to Spur tor Wind, w/tlun", [saying an Opening. "Yes, but it Jidn't spit int?) methe way Vogner docs." replied the Tall Party. He sail hr prvferrc'l Yogtter any day in the \thtk on account ot the diatinct Appeal to the Intellectual Side and tne Atmosphere ot Mystl- cisat. whatever that was. He Bald he ctrurrlit flats“ to Vugncr with- out going into a Cold Sweat and Chewmg the Buttons on lull Gloves. particularly ll the Interpretation was made with " Broad and Comm-av henslve Virtuuaity and such Mas, tor, of Technique as to abollsh all suggestion of the Intermediary and bring one in direct Commnnlou with the tsoul-Moods. TIN-s was the (‘ue tor the Pike: to inert his Airec'ch, on Vogner. Among tlw. noquulutunccs was a Lady named Wigley, who was Crazy about Art. In her Parlor she had one of her own Works entitled "Sun. net on the Little Miami River," with I Frame that cost $26. It was was ngley who read the Paper before the Raphael Suburbnnites, setting lotth that the Highest l-Illectu could not be obtained by the Use of Cray- on. She loved to hear the Pike: cut bole about Art. Even when he got In over his null. she was right there swimming along after him and tak. Illg Chances. Then we Tab Man would know Just me much about it as the “he: did. Mrs. Wigley was stuck on his Con- versation because he sun so many things that could be Thought About later on. Nearly evorynm- who heard him went Hume and Thought about what he hat! srriri and Wondered what he had been Driving at. Mrs. Wigley had " Then" that an Artist who is any Good at nil should be ablp to suggest. through the me. dlum ot Colors all that ha or she The Pilot kept It up until alter a while he began to thlnk that possi- bly he "-18 Something of a Susy Ba. vant. He was elected Director of a. Mmemn. and was Invited to sit on the Platform at Lectures. At last he departed this Lite with only a. low Relatives and Intimate Friends being on to him. felt and suffered during the Throat ot Execution. no also called In the Piker to alto up her Picture of the Little Mlaml River at Sundown and asked him what Emotlon, It any, was nth-red up within him as he gated " the Effort. The Filter laid " 83'0 him a touch ot Sadness. Then she the! begun A real Crltlo all right. M0RAV-F'or parlor use the vague generality In a lifesaver. He Tells How His Son Regained Health and Strength. Mr. M. D'Etttrernont, a well-known farmer living at West Puhnlco. NS., writes: " believe it is only right that I should let you know the bene- fit your medicine - Dr. Willinms' Pink Piiia--.hare been to my son. Constant. sixteen years of age. For several years he was almond: a con- stant invalid, the result of an injury to his spine while working with his brothers on the farm. He grew weak and listless. had no appetite, and for two years was unable to work and was for the most of the time con- fined to tho house. and tor a part of the time to his bed. He suffered con- sidrrably trom pains in the back; his legs were weak; and he had fre-l quent headaches. At different times‘ he was attended by two doctors. but i got no bum-fit from the treatment? Then I procured an electric belt for' him, bei it was simply money wasted as " did not do him a. particle of good. Ono day while my son was reading a nnwspaper. ho came across an artioli- telling of a cure in anoma- what similar case through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and he then decided to give them cr trial. After th.n second box was trikmi thorn was a marked improvemnnt in " condi- tion. il<- continued the nan of the pills until ho had talhrrt eight boxes, and they have rtatnrod him to health. ills :ippi-tito has returned; the pain has loft his back; he has gainmi flesh; is ablo to ride a bit-yore. enjoys lite will is ahlo to do a day‘s work as "wll :is any one of his age. This lot- ter is given gladly s.) that otlwrs may [warn tho merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Mile. and find a mm: it ailing." Dr. Williams' Pink Piils cure such (2189s as the “no liot'ui above because they cwreato new, rii-h, red blood, thus strvngthrtuiuq weak and shattered iii-rvns. They do not pin-go and Weak- on like other mtufivinra, but strength- en from the first dose to the last. Sold by all drain-s in medicine. or sent past paid at 50 units a box or six boxes for $2.50. by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont. Had Ill. Splne Injured, and for Two Years was Unable to do Any Work, and for Most of the Time was Cogtnned to the House. The condensing or crystallizatlon ot eggs has grown into an Industry. They are broken and emptied. thou- sands at a. time, Into a machine, where they are churned. When they are thoroughly mixed the liquid is dropped slowly on to stone cylinders, over which Currents ot warm, dry air are paSScd. This evaporatet' the mole- tare, and when the mixture is thor- oughly dry it In scraped off as “crys- tals" and packed in air-tight cans. To prepare the "crystals" tor uea they are simply soaked in water. They are much used on ships and to some extent by bakers. It so. send a letter or postal card to the undersigned, answering the following questions: Where are you going'. When are you going? Whore do you start from , How many are in your party? Will you take your household goods? Special low rate settlers' tlckets on sale during Much and April to points in Manitoba, British Colum- bla, Oregon. California and all West- ern States, Full particulars [rpm B. In a. story called "The Goblin." re- cently published In England, two boys, Archie and Willie, are discusslng large questions wltll the bltrhoir- .. God can do anything, can't He P' " Yes, Archie." Emboldened by the bishop's con- firmation of Ms Own unwavering faith, Archie Continued-. - _ in iUGdii, -di/nGUt 7 Agent. Chicago & Northwestern Railway. 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. -/, if Gd -iiiiitriGVri" to Jump out of the window, a pig would, wouldn't It t" 7 "Ana Willie, who walked by ram: where his elder and more prosaic brot_her ttolbr slght,_phlmeq l.!!.-- A moment, go to the nearest drug store and get a. bottle of Nervlllne. Five times stronger alum any other -it penetrates to the remotest fib- retr-tmothes the irritated nerves and carries with it almost instantaneous relief. Gnu-1 for pain on the Waldo. and if possible even better for all In- tornal agnnies. Nerviline is sold un- der guarantees. If you are not bene- titod your money cheerfully back. Drmrtrisrttr_ruvd medicine dealers sell it e'vEryw-here " You Butter Pains Don't Walt ' Even it theie iatm't a. A FATHER'S STORY. ARK YOU GOING WEST? Condensed Eggs. Ills Faith. CH [LDREN'S M EMORIES LONG. Parent. Should be Careful What/They Bey Before the Little Ones. 'l%st the mind of a child in easily impreced wan demonstrated last week. when a u-year-oid son at a wail- known south elder spoke ot a foolish remark that had been made by " father more than a week before, and Which had been forgotten by all who heard it except little Raymond. who, it thank! have been expected. would he the first to forget what he had heard. The family was seated at dinner lev- oral weeks ago, and after the ta. ther had lighted his cigar he laid that he did not feel well and the mother Joklngly said that she hoped he was not getting ready to die. Then the father asked her what she would do lf he should die, and before she had time to answer he told her that he wanted her to forget him after he was dead. The conversation drifted to other subjects and all who heard the ad. vice of the father forgot It long be- fore they retired that Mght. but It developed later that for little 8- year-old Raymond It was not so only to forget what he had heard hls ta. More than a. week after the father had made the joklng remark the mother and her little son were alone at dlnner. an the father had been dammed at MS office. Just before they were ready to leave the table Raymond toddled across to hla mother and standing " her side he said- "MAmma, will you fordit papa t" "No, dear: of course. mamma won't format papa. Why do you ask me such a queatlon P' answered the tut. umlnhed mother. "Papa tole us to fordlt him." "No. papa d1dn't tell us to forget hip, Raymond." _ Bv this time tears were gllstsning In the chlld's eyes. and he rtnattr burst into pltlful weeping. The mother Null-d not understand what It all mm. Suddenly Raymond rnlsod his head from her lap, and. looklng her in the face. ho tmid--. "smmmaf I know you will wait papa when he's dead. but I won't. I'll love him moro'n I do now." 'Non tho mother naked the little weeping child what ho was talking about and between his sobs ho re. minded her that his fathor had to'd them to forget him ttttor he was dead. Tho father got a good lecture from his wifn that. night and ho will never attain Jest about dyirttt.--Ex. At one of the Easter weddings the bride will adopt the tushion which is eominq more and more intn vogue of wearing a few mango “owns and mingling them with white roses and myrtle. Orange momma alone are all” and lack individuality. The bridesmaids will wear white muslin gowns made with yokes of valcmelemttet, insertion bordered with ruffles. on which the insertion is arranged on an Lnrlulatetl pat- tern. The sleeves are alternate puffs and insertion. finished with two rut. first at the elbow and tied there with pink baby ribbon. They will wear tulle hnts trimmed with pink baby roses veiled with tulle. They will carry paranoia of silk and mous- srelirur--prmututtad by tho bride; on tho handle of each will be tied a bonqm't of white r0899 and myrtle. --Burtalo News. Mirvxrd'a Liniment Cures Garget In Cowtr. "Can a woman really have strength of mind and permit herself to be called a foundress, a proprietress. a directress? What incentive has any woman to excel in literature? She no 500mm writes a grunt book, a Cme biography. history or work of fiction than some idiot dubs her a successful 'authrrress.' It she found. m sect or a business she, is n. 'tound- ress.’ It she directs great enter- prises an? ls tt....'dirttctrrt', It she With regard to the use of what is termed this lmbecilic "em," a wri- ter in an exchange pays: _ >_ Take Laxative Hromo Quinino lelou. Al druggistx refund the money if it falls to cure. 1'50. E. W. Grove'a signature is on each box. 'iiGdltor military strategy and lends nrmim to victory she a 'generaietm.' " Kfteet of Too Much Food. Much of the sinking. tired and empty feeling from which business men who work their brains alone so often suffer in due to the accumu- lation of toxins ln the system which want "working off." Two meals a. day and active. exercise are the preventive, and Here is no ex- orcise which can be go: at any time and by anybody to tho: "xtent that walking can. But to do good it must not be saunter-mg. Really "smart" walking is what is wanted. A Quann’s Whim. Queen 1101mm of Italy, in anticipa- tion of an interesting event "street. ml in June, has purchased 100 cra- dles and has onion-d an equal num. ber of luyettus to be got in rendi- ness. The baby clothes and the cra- dies Her Malesty intends to bestow on the first hundred bablos of her husband’s realm whose birthday Is the same as that of the waited heir to the throne ll Italy. Perfectly Honest. " They say that tho girl you broke your engagement with was engaged to several other men.? - . w" ririiiG she was; when I requested her to return the ring she asked me to call and identify it."-mrookiytt LII). Catarrhogotm Cure: Bronchitis Employer (to clerk who has been sent to ooHect some moner1-Weu, What did he gay? -- - - Ciery-That he would break every bone in my body and pitch me out of the window if I qhowed my has there regain 1___ _ - --. Emplorsr--md he? Then co back at once and tall him that he is vast- ly mistaken It he thinks he will in. timidate me by his violBnee.--The King. Catarrhowne Cure. Bronchitll. Every human being uses up, on anl Our opportunities to do good are average, 30 ounces of oxygen th dar. our ttotttttr.-C, Mather, Minnrd's Llniment Cures Colds, ete Catarrhowue Cures Bronchitis Catarrbosone Curea Bronchltls To Cure a Cold in One Day That Imbeoilic One Spring Wedding. Was Not Afraid. UN I HHIU HHUI‘IIV no TORONTO 16 Piss.” FIVE DBUTBBS FAILED In a Severe Case ot Kidney Disease and Lame Bath. Dodd’l Kidney Pull Cure Mr. Ander- son, of Wuonldo, N. m, After Five Medical Men ban/o Pronounc- ed In. Case Abuolutoly Incuruble. Wnterllde. N. B., March 21. - (Speclal).-"I have been so otter: In- duced to try patent medlclnoa by the reading or the wonderful cures mid to have been enacted ln ulmllur cases, that now, when I feel it my duty to write the story of my own cure by the use ot Dodd's Kidney Pills, I am carefully avoiding any comment of my own or any compli- mentary words. Islmply state tho ub- solgte (acts of my cage us lolluwu: solute facts of my on e as follows: "I have been treats; by five dif- ferent doctors, and have taken a large amount of patent medicine during the last four years for Kidney Trouble and Lame Back, from Whil'h I have been suffering. I was Very bad. My life at times seemed " burden. I got no relief until I was persundod to try Dodd'e Kidney Pills. l chm-r- fully give this unsolicited testimon- ial, that I have received more bone- tit from six boxes of Dodd'a Kidney Pills, than from any and all other com-cu." Found Competent. He wanted a position in a bank. The manngvr was satisfied with his credentials. but before onguging him put him through " little civil service examination. Mr. Anderson is In earnelt. His straightforward statement ot [acts carries conviction. Lame Back, and Kidney Blame do not seem able to exist where this wonderful remedy is used. It has been made very po- pular in this community by the hearty endoreation of Mr. Ander- son. who is a well-known and wry highly respoctvd citizen. The nuc- cosu of Budd's Kidney Pills in cases like those of Mr. Anderson, when the very best medical men have tailed, has created a demand which the lo- ca.) drug‘gists have reported as un- precedented. "Suppose. how, a mun was toromn in here and deposit £50 in S5 nutcH, how: would you (punt them)"'.., "I'd wet-my fingers each note until I got one." “Because there Inlght possibly be one more under It. and it the de. positor were to HOB it he would want it back, but If the tenth note Is not lifted up and there should be auntlwr one in the pile. the bank makes it, don't you see ?" " Why would you not last one T' " You will do," said the bank man- agar. " You haw men in the busi- ness borers, but I didn't suppose you knew that tri-London Tit-Bits. Cnturrhozone Cures Cold In the Head. About every second person one meets at this changeable season has (mid in the head. To our" that cold promptly, in about half an hour, you must inhale 'tutnrrliowtte." Being volatile it innumiiately spreads to all parts of the breathing organs in the head. throat nnd lungs, bathing them with the healing antiseptic [imper- ties of this great remedy which causes the congestion and stuffed up feeling to pass away. and the irrita- tion and soreness to subside. It re- strains tho secretion when deficient. and retards it when excessive, and without unpleasant ef!ects. it simply kills the cold before you know it. Carry a. Caturrhomne Inhaler al. ways, use it occasionally. and insure yourself against coughs. colds, Ca- tarrh and Bronchitis; it prevents as well " cures these diseases. Complete outfit. $1.00; small size. :50. at drug- gilts. A trial sent for loo, by N. C. Pollon & Co., Kingston. Canada. or Hartford. Conn., U. S. A Peculiar (Flume. A peculiar dim game is indulged in by the gambling "letm'nt of Lithuan- iuns In Bultimore, says tho Baltimore Gathering about tho dice tables in the saloons kept hy their fellow- oountrymen, they quickly lose all in. terest in everything outside of that which is transpirlug upon the cloth before them. As they sit or stand about the tables the careworn ten. turrs of the men contrast strongly with the ruddy ftuvrs of the youths. The eagarnens with which the play. ers seek the numhx-rs upon tho full- ing pieces is wolilsh In its intenrrit.v. Comparatlvely small sums are pluc- ed upon the game. and side bots run from five can” to a dollar. Although rom-mbiing in tho mun- npr in which it is oportrtnd, the high dice game. as plum-d by tho Anglo. Saxou races. the dim- of the Lithuan- ians, instead of numberlntr from one to six. run from our to ton, tho num. bering of tho six aid-en being l, 2, tl, t, B, 10. The frame is played with four pieces. and a possible forty is the point strivon for Instead of 24, which is high mark in the similar Am. erican game. Dear Bimr,-t cannot speak too strongly of tho excellence of MIN- ARD'S LINDEN? It is THE remedy In my household tor barns, sprain], etc., and we would not be without It. It is truly a wonderful medicine. John A. Myedoqald, Berlin ls to have an Italian exposi- tion in the Zoological Gardens. There will bo imitation streets of Naples, Rome, Florence. Pompeii. Venice (with canals). etc. ulnard's Llnlmr'nt cum" Diphtheria. "3an Exposition In Berlin Publisher Arnprlor Chrdnieste, III- Own Free Wilt. 1m up the and lift up to the last THE LAW YET UNCHANGtu. The Review has ind the privilege of seeing an old file ot the Port Hope Guide. the property or G. M. Furtor, Esq" of Port Hope, contain- ing an extended account of the m- mou Brogden murder trial. re- called now by the, umnroachlng Sharpe murder mini. Thomas Henderson, a lawyer. ot Port Hope. Won the " {action of George Brogden‘a wile. and when their guilty relations wen: discovered they ran away together. Young Brugden was a rising lawyelair. . . B,, n“... Illa-n " Case in Which Killing Was Not Murder. XUWI'. viva-nu.- __ ___ also practising In Part Hope. pursued the pair with the int ot shooting Henderson. but. col nnd him. Over two months a When. hearing that llcndcruo pulsing through Port Hope by er, Brogden armed humid! wi revolver, and, going to the - _ ' ww....' -rith also practising In F.'." ..-.., pursued the pair with the intention of shooting Henderson. but could not find him. Over two months emptied. when. hearing that Henderson was passing through Port Hope by steam- er. Brocden armed himscli with a revolver. and, going to the steam- er’s whari. he chatted with iriends until her arrival. when. on seeing Henderson, he immediately shot him. He soon nitrrwnrda delivered himself up. The trial, which took place in 18.37. was possibly the moat iamouu of its kind in the country, as. owing to tho high social tttand- lns ot the parties. it attracted patr- lie attention to a very great ex- tent. The evidence for the Crown was given by Thos. O'Reilly, iioml‘gu Hughes. John Burnham, Dr. Emu, Gammon. Brown, Wallace. and Druid Marshall. well known as ohini constable of Port Hope tor many years. The most prominent witnesses for the driuucv were N. Klrchotfer, barrister, Port H 'W', and u. N. Clarke, now Judge Clarke, C. 1'. It. soliL'llUr. Chief Justice Rubin~ eon presided, and he mar-god strongly against the prisoner. The defence was conducted by Mveitirti. Galt, Piliipni. Ktrehotfer, Wruvr and Clarke. tho speech ot Mr. Galt, now Sir Thomas Unit, being domeribod am "one of BL truordinary chum-map." Tim Crown was ably represent"" by Slim-it'll" mammal Smith. The n-VitlI-nue was traordinnry eloquvnee." The Uruwu was ably represented by Solicitor- Gencral Smith. The evidence was strongly agarmst the prisonsr. but the jury Tcturned u. verdict of not guilty. There will be few ot our readers. espeeLnlly among the old timers. who will not hun- hm-rd men» tion of this very lam "14 case. The Brogden trial brought out the peculiar state of Canadian law. which provided no puninhmrnt whatever tor adultery, although, undvr tit" Mosaic law. and among tho Jews. it wan punishable with death. The grand jury strongly reeomrrvusdcd that the criminal law shoull be amended by providing punishment tor mvn who wrecked the homo and 1ieatroytsd the llnpplnoss of (.thc-rs. Still the law remains exactly as it was, and it Poems high time that tho t'anadlan Lngislatut'o "ttacts legislation trrosLi- ing for the punishmv-nt of :nlultvry its a "crime..-Pctrtboro' limit-w. Br local applications as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the ear. Tln-re is only one way to cure deafness. and that is by constitu- tional remedies, Deafness is trated. by an In- flamed condition of the murmur: lining of the Eu-uwhinn Tube. When this tube in Cntumed you have a rumbling sound or imputed hoar- imz. and when it is entirely closed, Deafness in the result and unless the intummtuuon can be taken out, and this tube rumored to its normal condition. hearing will he deMroyed forever; mug! cases out of ten no. canned by Castarrh, which is nothinr but on inhaled condition of the mucous fu Ie'., . ' n .. I "'ii'i;"airiiiWiriirmtpfrod Dollars for any awe of Deafness (caused by can"!!! that our not be cured by Hull‘s Catairrh Cure. Bend for circulars. tree. F. J. CHENEY & co.. Toledo. 0. Overheard In the (ireenroom. Tlttt Boubrctte-They say Miss Tightslays doesn't sympathize with the Whlte Rats. _ -iritifwtutenuisrh (undertetudy)--How could she be expected to, the old cat! -Chictqro Times-Herald. Forge-our Congressman made the speech of Mn lite. He got two columns in the papers. Du Brau--That In unth- lng. Why, our Congressman used a nerve remedy and got tour columns and his picture. Eiii'i'iil 1'uaraitutttdtortgtt tumor Ind do tteiUt work than M y orher whine on Uxomcrkot. A good Inching for menu to handle. Bu: money we. Thousands in use. For tel-nu And brim Ider BTAIDABD SUPPLY co.. Hamilton. Ont. Sold b*dmfgists. 75c. Hall's ami y Pub no the best l-‘ullllll much larger than 1littstratiogt. _ ' V " - - _ - ..- ..--" - at dawn Bugar Shell an be had tree by sending your Address. Et adopt ,.t.,h..it "if t: Introduce our Silva-van: mnufu'urod hom . now my prvdoui twort A nkon huh "r. V super tor in - lurch to any other now known mule m wntury. Any ',,rp,op,:it"21'ir,'11'l, qeitttitur ttrtr_tttimes * 9" mm IW' Itt. We.» 1nA1-?7.tEE--reert, Ite/li.. LI', 315.33. 3:; 'iGih' 3333167335333;Sfiéi-isfifiaiio'imié are of iiar, dam lain-rainy my w- object in making this remarkable othtr I. i"ht I In lo of Yukon Silverwsn- into em in the m YUKON 1h'ltl'88.1, m Kin; 'e'st, RN. Toronto., Cutnrrhownc Cures Bronchitis For holding stock We " P‘ is the on! reliable kind. lt is used on th' .argest Staci; Farms in (Jun-ch: equally suitable tor null or lugs stock. We now make our own Wire. Could not get good enough before. It is twice .9 strong Is that in other fences and better galvanizrd. Our Fencing is shipped from our factory ready-mule, Ind our loud repersetttative um put up a string of it - you in short cider. Prices tower this you. The PAGE WIRE FENCE co. (UA) Deafness Cannot be Cured ' WALREtttttLLE, an. IN (Ill W.. " A Suck Helga- " UNCHANGED. (1i)llifil WASHER at whulmle prict It mu “matador; It not. mud-"ct?! money retypsd . Sent on Trut Ho. f-items NO 13 1901. m Why scoffs EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil? There are others; why SCOTT'S? The good one is SCOTT'S. It's nearly 30 years old; it is used by intelligent people all over the world; and approved by physicians all over the world. When anyone says “Emul. sion of Cod Liver Oil," he means SCOTT'S. No other is famous. SCOTT'S EMULSION is made in a certain way; of certain things; it keeps; itis always alike; it does what it does. The others-not? knows what they are or do. There wouldn't be any others but for the goodness of SCOTrs- there wouldn't be any counter. feit money but for the true. Madrft Sampled tt. tghe-.Doet't you think I haw a good mouth? He-at looks all right. - larch Smart Set. If a mm in a partivulur mum: yours he may not be w wry part In: after all. ' famous Niagaradistrirt, .. of Canada " sale or oxchnngo. I town or city property. Give tu'/ your proper! y for cub-nun. um want. Catalogue free on: nppliv; & Holden. broken. St. CathaN A mull tie win will not last as in - win Hy buildrng " tr! henvy wit. you get just an; mud Reno-due. IIn't it t MrAt7irlaC,'i?2'i' TH " hold M11019 mud in t'Cr" gents can nuke from $4 to t for sample Wm): an; F: cure the behetttar of the tirst this was. w. R. Gilbert. 'd BARGAINS IN BELTth Gurdvn “we at s. ppr m York scram Toronto. London, Ont I ttood mil. brick how-o, p. l 'ttth churches convenIc-nl ', ill o le-sthnu taltte for lu' rs. L North. Tilmsntturg (In Fanatic" at can Ontario. loo For zoning ton club tttcmltets, (1er Club. 5'S' llirhumnd 4rd FOR SALE mm ESTA“! and tirlt hur.invro. '. one nos-I Mentions in the hupst u on. town in ontario; prvw cepwd position which qui amount in Great ltrimin; per muted. Address Box fc.'t, Pr tiai%igtilmlhtteksr; iiitTt'it1,ie, WASTE]! To NW OR mm. ulmp and huuw- in Markham Toss n, J. G. Freennn. Box Grove, (hum-no. PRI,,', FARM FOR SALE “NF. or Tu- '_. tittetrt in the Khulna: l'rmnmla. " “moon. " miles trom “mummy; on two mil- van. I!) com in “1.35 of “L. h is m fruit. mostly pen: ha. Will be sold u. our wave! a divided into loan! “No it nrrm to null pur- t9t-teu. Thu“ . decided bargain. {dure- Jonclhn Comma. l'. o. box ttrd, “in“. 0a“ In. thlow'a Soothin Fyrup would . Trar' be ttned for r?tfi"ll,ndHuCi hing “.0015. the child. ”the" the mun-L rum u mod on“. Ind ll tho bet gained! for Dianna-u. Two-If ..BIG sTRAwBriRRlES.. Gi, iiiiGiirotN _ mnard'a Llnlmont Curr! I’lktompof FOR SALE PIII’IT FAI "iiriiiirifuk me: on m ' *sl',.'.td, a. mi Tmnnto Soc. and $r.oo; all druggxnts. m punts port paid for "All Send for Hit. N. " IALUDB“, "‘l'll'lflll. ml. WORTH ASKING FOR? h BOX 0F CIGARS FREE SALE~$TOCK FA! M USE TALKING. ACRES IN ctti'NTY OF FLMVOR New "wvllritattott, huu-o and human. m at now. J. G. Freewan. Box Grove, {We have mtv'. ‘eompllvnu m: twenty yetbr, Cares war TIITIIUN mum-m “DR. tr. l . "ox l The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE. DROPSY Treated Free. u: ip1i,'r/dGViyiry4 tiotst : owilroad , mg: For pan mun-n odd Chum ALF, on: OF. TB! ALS M ELL A HOKVSE ' family. Li" arr dar. rend 3| [SHED FRUIT pf the him' bud. Id Inn-rt pm”? pl owner hall In m. an cin4eA [I MS JIM wool}: III-DR. AND HOS. N. Sum)“. Ad ml N‘HSONB. 5 YA, (M. u peuwtt belt momma" ':i1r1td",', d my a at you on. \‘rNcl Is I lam! t.rtutdtta vanity?!" 'k rallof. Book of to my; ttnt ts TRI inspect.” ough. ("It wuq ACRES m~ [pwh Ion. Ont M York report - e-wded the A h an city to-day I pmoursing t I II he put the I h a cheerful lIgh' M were born" I" on mum prove l " can was 'tro “I wipe away sk w the nut W“ W“ We on eu CBe prM'er a, prlyer _ m ‘ngurr man. All are toline, Wm: at mend Wfl in four b' American nu sr-"""") I in than? titr - m m Mm down gum grief u. of mar rocked In I. q-tor" play - of thr the English " the Irish and the ler: - Bttallos W of our I n 1. our ly m De Quin: John w new” 'taasiel O't'o ”akin. our "at 3nd :1 The link w Englis! the sumo Dunn dr Meme!“ - I)” thundered. mu. mid m‘lon's 10 ”mellow Noun M equal. It actions be In; to up! lulvldual Ruin! wild flow, M wha from an) MMtwer. a h yon-en {tightly k mourn. I. this! not midn Med prnh unlit!"- You rnnu “VIC labs! M”. h " Christ's Iv: that in trs WI. God, them; GM God exha‘w of them. a the momm. I. to tho I of Nd lnvz. " Borrow " horses i ado about VOICE of h Alenndm‘: but of l the] are f “Ix-r y (NI-ling t from u will nu‘ tto, that about y Ionic-wh Whit Why no not mnk people a to mins 5 of nu ml: have a p. when a f, hive them Uta-Mam than ham record tcl Illa birth not hlvr , er wtthou - pillo ltruggle" It . mile "r " “Amt f'Ott “nitric-s m all you lellln a 'r m that i' “he ind m to“ of emu Of . hitter t' . broken '3" Innis. I: "I... while I 0f tears or I I.” this live. Fort - wining "fe not CC thte life it then w- cllhioned l, Ila charm: "torr of ott We would “one. If your body "It entrar, tatt him t “norm: 0 “a you Nature, n would FH) Bette theri" 9-. Rubenros The Ono Desig Fir-t Shaun Ill-hot an ley Abt misses . Bpe . nut! Meet M: cur Brim woty " Chn " looks

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