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Durham Review (1897), 4 Apr 1901, p. 4

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DURHAM Riuhriillll In the presence of over a) invited Kht the marriage of Miss Mary Jane wamley to Mr. Richard ha','; ot Crawford, took place on w nesday last at the home of the bride’s brother Mr. Rum. Tumult-y. Bentinck. At precisely half fast. six. to the , melodious stiains o Mendeietrsohn's t wedding march played by Miss Agnes t Borer, of Toronto, the bride. charming- ly attired in gown of cream silk. him . l somely trimmed with lace, ribbon and chiffon. and wearing a veil held in place , by bridal roses. entered leaning on the l um of her brother Robert. The groom's sister Miss Alice, handsomely , attired in white. becomingly trimmed with lace and chiffon. ably assisted the i bride, while the groom was helped ] through the somewhat trying ordeii by t Ms.Thot-ton Boyd. After the cere- l mony. which was performed by Rev. 1 Mr. McArthur, Elmwood. sincere and hearty congratulations were extended l to the bride and groom. after which all ( repaired to the dining room. which was tastefully arrayed or the orcuion. Supper over. a most delightful time was spent in innocent amusement and old Sol was just showing above the eastern horizon when the last of the guests departed after again wishing Mr. and Mrs Boyce. ahap; yam] pros; porous married life. The many and beautiful presents enumerated below testify to the high esteem in which the bride and groom are held: Niss Alie" Boyce, fancy lamp: Mr Thompson and Miss Nancy Boyd. fancy table spre:yl: Mr. Kohl. Twnmley, Cut- l tor; Mrs Kohl. Twautley and children. cheese dish. picture frame. pair vases: Mr. and Mrs. Rom. Ledinghatn and Birtie. 2 large pictures “tuned and picture and frame: Mr. and Mrs. George 1'wamley. fancy side board drape and tray cloth: Mr. F. “rant. {uni-y table sptea:l and doile': Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Boyce. 2 fancy plates. salt nnd pepper Pastors nml cup and saucer: Miss M. A. Twainley. pair vases: Mr. and Mrs Wm. Anderson..§ dozen table napkins: Mt. and Mrs. Harvey Boyce. carving knife and fork; Mr. J. A. Hunter, bed spread; Min L. Lauchlan. lemonade set; Mr. Thus. and Misses Scarf. toilet set: Mr. Wm, McCracken, silver butter dish; Mr. and Mrs John 1eeeu,ttdluti,," lace curtainr; Mr. Duncan and iss Kate) McKinnon, table cloth: Mr. D. and Miss I Tenn Livingstone. fancy tea set; Miss Agnes Boyce. fancy cake basket; Miss Adeline Boyce, ornamental basket; Mr. Henry Boyce. pair vest-s; Mr. Win. Hall. fancy pitcher: Master Charlie Courtney, cake handle: Mrs Coutts and Mrs John Coutts. fancy lamp; Mr. and Mrs Dierlamin. carving knife and fork. Among those from n distance we no- ticed friends from Toronto. Clifford. Durham. Woodbridge and Elmwood. The happy couple will shortly take up their abode in their new home near ti.awford. Our town has been very busy for the past few days. The roads having been bad all winter we might say. the mum-rs did not get all their team- ing done and are new making a bold attempt betore the snow all disappears. (ll Ctmrtit' it is the rule of some to be drawing in thew last logs when the mad is almost knee deep. Mr Renwick, our sawmill man has not got as many logsthis winter as in fortnvr yvars, but for shingle timber we think he has got more than his share. hit James and Andrew Hay left last week for Gait. vicinity where they intend putting an the summer. The first new building of the season in our town. Mr Patton our shoemaker had a fine stable built last week, Mr J Wilson, baildcr. Mr and Miss Near. who have been visiting their many trivnds around here left for their home near Monck- ten on Monday. Thursday, April 4, INI- On Friday evening last quite a num- ber of both young and old gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Rocks. The occasion being the presentation ot a handsome pipe and tobacco pouch to Mr Rocks and a Lady 's Companion to , Mrs Rocks and a parcel of good things for their two children. The meeting was called to order and Mr Wm Ram- age was elected chairman, who thank- ed the audience kindly for the honor they had centered upon him in electing him as chairman tor the evening. lie then called upon Mr Janus Coleridge to read the following address: To Mr and Mrs Rocks. Dear Friends ..--lt was with ieelings of sorrow and regret that We learned some time ago ot your intend- ed departure trom among us and as that time has drawn nearer until the present moment when you are about to leave us, those feelings have become more real and intensified. The Foresters' Court here gave Mr John Rocks thvir bro. Forester, a.fare- well supper in Russell Hall on Satur- day vvening. During yourthrei- years stay among us you have proved yoursdvcs good neighbors and kind and indulgent friends, and the place you have won in the regard of our neighborhood is one which any one might be proud of, and which can not be readily filled by my others. Several times have W0 enjoyed your hospitality and on each occasion you hav" proved yourselves worthy enter- tainers in private chat and companion- ship, your genial natures and bright ideas have impressed us, and We shall mites you. as a business man and wile. You have shown us what enemY. per- sorverancc and good sense can do, and We would like to have you remain with as but such is not to be. We Fu have given us an example of thritt that is a worthy one to follow. Boyer: TWAILEY Dromore shall miss you, but our loss will cer- tainly be gain to them among whom you shall dwell and they will be wise to cultivate your aeryprintaneetrhip. In the Queen City of the West there is asphere for nshlul and talented na- tures and 'Md'v'l'l'l" you are endowed with these qualities, we eonfidently look forward to the time when you shall fill in that city a useful and hon- orable position. As a slight token of our esteem We wish you to accept these presents from us who an a small proportion of all who have eontritmted their mite. They are at little monetary value. but it when you use them they cause you to think kindly of your friends " Dromorv our purpose is accomplished. May you long live to enjoy them. You have two beautiful children t May they be a crown ot joy to you ' May the future hold many pleasant things for you and when at last your work is ended may the fruit of your labors be a. crown of glory. Signed on behalf of your many friends at Dmmore. - _ Wm. Ramage Geo. Ipthian, Wm. Smuil On rising to reply Mr Rocks said he did not feel able to express his feelings at that time. He did not think he had I done anything worthy of the kindness they Were showing them not being a public speaker he hoped they would accept his thanks for their kindness. Mrs Rocks also thanked them kindly. The presmts were handed to them by Mr J Guides to Mr Rocks, Miss Lizzie Laughton to Mrs Rocks, Miss Ida Les- ter to the children. The rest of the evening was spent in speaking. singing. and music. Mr and Mrs Rocks left on Tuesday for the eitv of Toronto where they intend taking up their abode. Their neighbors feeling that they were 1 losing a good neighbor took this oppor- tunity of proving to Mr and Mrs Rocks in deeds as well as in words the high esteem in whieh they Were held .....,. --."... -_- -. - __ " as neighbors. We join in wishing success in their new home. [And so does the Review man.] In memory of Beatrice Minola beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G Pettigrew. Holstein. Our little one from us is gone, The voice We loved " trti1led, A spot " vacant in our home, That never can be filled. In vain friends round her little bed Nursed tenderly her form of clay, In vain were toztrsof sorrow shed, The angels called our child away. Now the tender bud transplanted, Blooms in Heaven's purer air. But our tears still spring unbiddeu O'er the little vacant chair. This lovely bud so young and tender Snatched away by early doom, Just (nine to show how sWt-el a tt :wer In Paradise would bloom. I Ere sin could harm. or sorrow fade 1 Death ranw with friendly care, i The opening bud to Heaven conveyed And bade it. blossom there. l‘hen mother weep not for your pet, lint look for strength that's given And nay O Lord "Thy will he done" And meet vour child Ill Heaven. i Holstein, March 18th 1901. NOT/CE. TO HOTEL Khaki“. SHOP KBEPERS. and all whom it may Concern. I Town of Durham _ Township of elem-lg NOTICE is hereby given that the Board I of Lit-ens! Connnissioners for the Licrnsr Dish-iv! of Smut]: Gray will "ll’t'f m1 paioiielttt)rtth,Nr , ---IN THE--- Village of Holstein, at Klempp's Hotel at 10 o'eloek a, m. H'luu, all applimliun.~' for Lit-cusps forthe Livrnm' ”HIP "f [WI and 190:? will In- "ott.sitlcrcd. The numbt'r of Livrurws ism/NI for year [WU 1.001 was: Tavern Shop Town of Durham 3 i) Village of Dnudulk 3 The applications for Licenses 1W: are as follows t Town of Durham Township of qzenelg " . Normanhy 10 6b Bentinck 3 .' Em emont 2 6t Proton 3 Village of Dundalk 3 " Hanover 3 0f whom John Lake of the Town of Berlin is applying for new License for the House and Premises, situated at Elmwood in the Tp. of Bentinek, known as the Royal Hotel. " All petitions relating to the grant- ing or refusal of Licenses must be Neil with the Inspector at least four days, before April f6. 1001. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. ht allllll REVIEW,’ £23325. l illllllllli ht I tit THUS. HARRIS, Inspector. Durham. April 2nd 1.901 IN MEMORIAM. _-------.- ----. Nurnmnhy Hent inck Egremont Proton ..-""" ES Tavern Shop Jo 6 U for 1901- ‘VIDOG (I " U i) Jillll BIG STO‘ZE Hardware Department 'ttse CRotrertson's Ready-mixed Almost a MIRACLE OTTAWA, Sept. 9th, 1896. To the Phrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd. ()Huwa. GF..wrLEsrEs,---1 hardly know how best to express my appreciation of your valuable {he‘lmntic ‘remegy. Phrennline. My son Gordon, who IS Slyyears old, has been a sufferer' from inflammatory rheu- matism for the past, two years t was so had at; times that he had to he carried‘ about; on n umttrass l was attended by" two city doctors apparently without the slightest benefit: spent 10 days at Caledonia Springs, came home with no marked im rovement l took three bottles of a 'CIJfg'lfi'lfrir, remedy now being extensivelv advertised. which did not relieve him in the least. I was he- gmning to give pp all hope of his C"1t 'i'rsTiGei; fi' -ciiGG;. "I hientioned the case to a friend who strongly advised me to give Phrenoline a trial. I did so. with the result that when my tgr, had taken only half a bottle he was ab 6 to get. on his tueycle and nde like any other boy around the block. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in frame of your medicine. and shall do :11 I can to make known its value to others. Yours very sincerely J. A. HUNT ER faflmlm "__ if" jaiirda _ . l /llldf.'"VotUsmlr'g, 2:32:41?! All Paper purchased here (Signed) REUBEN CLARK TRIMMED FREE. "aut NICK Min HM: (ltan 206 Ill. 'ainls. (ho WINDS lit _ M (ht tttlt MB Handles lt; . Head Office, Toronto. CAPITAL, Authorized. . . . . . .$2,(Kl).000 CAPITAL. Paid up. ......... 1.000.000 RESERVE FU.NI) ,. ... . . . .. 000,000 1llgllil] llllil(()f (IMAM AGENTS in all principal points m Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. A general Banking business transucted Drafls issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed "t "In-rem rates. SAVINGS BANE. r,ut,erestallow) nn savings bank deposits of 81.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and every facilit= "ttorded customers living at a distance. J KELLY, Agent. DURHAM AGENCY Ones own room should show the taste and originality of the occupant. Our handsome wall papers will enable you to do this, for these papers will offer you hundreds of designs and shades of the finest quality. We would like to have your inspection of them, for we are sure you will be pleas- ed with the designs and coloring, and hope you will be able to find here just the design to suit your individuality. MacFarlane&Co . TORONTO The Review and Glnheztn Dec. 31st 1901 with premium picture 1P'Canadians at 1'aururg.". “Kr DRUGGISTS G: BOOKSELLERS Our Clubbing Rates. MILDAY’S BOWER. nterest allowed rm wr T T. T T a? is'utertriwtseasiMriwr'srt1MMMrt1" 1lll(llliEl. Wehave a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want you to see, rulmul ll weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively the mm 0. running Binder in the world. ---. Full line of PIANOS. ORGANS. and SEWING MAC1HNl'.i---- We are well stocked with TURNH' SOWERS, SCUFFLERS, HAY FORKS, " LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 57;. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses LOWER TOWN _ Implement Warerooms. ALID gmgxxgmgmgamgmxaammggxgxxa; Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with M assey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvenyp, on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. -- ... __,ecce, - L A-, thes, iiiiih HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. A car load oi Waggons will arrive within a few days, were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. BURNETT within a few days, thcst *$*$$$ when get Fortu He has a tug list t) including the l'nlluwi IAtt 28.0mm 2. , .plepdid iumruwd 1 m" hum . Very che " acres new Ali, Blind. sphmdid luv will tsell dump-w Ira M118, cpn. If Be nu Gara ham. '1 fun-In ed on er't it n! N MONEY TO LOAI and up seem-dim terms. msummczs, l coma/men ‘.§sssss If you me tl getting a wh, Racycle at Ga is the only h the chain pu bearings. 8rd DIV. lot 7. , o, an Lot? th Big a er Tt WW " l§§§s§§ tioorurinl but"! The Hanox It ll I I IV " AHEAD " tqo.oiri" A GOR, liM If. titll, HE SELLS CHEAP t. TIME cor with" ' unwell of slug. de on. S,'d Mo. In IIW" t In "ttl t, JAik To cor he

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