West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Apr 1901, p. 5

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Boun W H T T ALDEFR Be l0 sode x/ +Â¥ "»’!.“’i DURHALM. ?tS, HAY FORKS, etc. f MARRIAGE Licenses l Y CY k! ® w _ _# Ill.ll lllt.,i aufic nc ui N ul ucce ns sle®alnRole Rele 2s Harns ments K! luced in â€" easiest where hese rts 4. Q@et #Z t heel Fortunes MAY BE MADE By Dealing With * H. H. Miller, The Hanover Conveyancer He has a big list of Property for Sale, including the following : Lot 28, Con. 2 W. G. R., Bentinck a splendid improved farm convenient to Dutrham . â€" Very cheap. 64 acres near Alian Park on Durbam Road. _ Splendid buildings, good land. will sell cheap or trade. Lot 18, con, 14. Bentinck. near Louise P. 0, _ In hands, of a Company. _ Fine place and must go to some one. 3rd Div., lot 7. con.1, E. G, R, Glenelg on Garafraxa Road convement to Durâ€" ham. â€" This fifty acres is a snap at price asked. Lot 7, con. 3, Normanby, the ‘Fee farim, belong to a company,. and is offerâ€" ed at low tigures, I have a large number of oiher propâ€" erties in town and country and will sell ot trade. Lower Town. MOoNEY TO LOAN at 4 1â€"2 per cent and up according to security and terms. INSURANCES, COLLECTIONS and CconvEvyANCING as wellas other financial business carefully atten~ QQQQQQQ S%4 If you are thinking of getting a wheel see the Racycle at Gordon‘s. _ It is the only bicycle with tne chain pull between bearings. Big 4 > $ ‘QQQQQQQQQOQ‘Q‘Q‘ 34 34 l':lnt r Oileloth Best Table Linen Fine white c each. Our spring We carry A Our spring Prints are now 10. We carry a full line of Sterlin Handmade Boots and Shoes | Women and Children. Try | you want a good shoe. Grape Nuts per pkg....}0}}0>> Honey per Jb se 9ns tls iy Salada Geylon Tea per Ib, 25, 34 Loo se _ ale atoes yds long 47 *# 3 in lb a@d 41 Come and see give for $1.00 w. H. BEAN ABEA) +M A GORDON, Repairing of Watches, a specialty. HE SELLS CHEAP !! TIME Anto oume w wcee on mm m mm JAKE KRESS Is alweys bester than to be behind it. * is sill better to be on tims, QHT watches run :n harmony _ with the wheels of the univers®e and you c&n «l ways depend on #hem. They are i® anod cases 100 upd are sold at reasonâ€" . A. MacFarlane. PB Fow I)eIntyre RBlock. per lb. ... c e 0s w"lnn Tea per Ib 1244 1 Ib. packets. 12 18 m D54 £* »counterpanes pal ()i\:'hul h !5 xce Curtains, in. wide pair 1 yd wide pet V . Bean, HRIORE the Best than Ever, x Promptly Jewller. 2 B4 4& in,. wide cauer‘s Block Try a pair if otf tinware 00 and $1 Jewelry. &c., vd 20 and 40¢ ng Bros for Men t No 1 00 Strictly Choice Clover and Gimothy dSeed at 25¢ 20 30¢ Diz 20¢ 50c See our Samples before buying 20c 10c The much anticipated investigation | U by the senatorial committee into the | 4 charge made by Mt Cook, the wealthy ‘Toronto lumberinan, that he Was otâ€" | a fered a seat in the Upper Chamber for ' $10,000, by an agent representing the | / Government, has been held, and the V country is now in possessicm of all the | * data upon which was based one of the most serious charges eyer made against | ,, Ministers of the Crown in this ceuntry E Mr. Cook repeated his allegations addâ€" n ing that Hon. M. C. Cameron, since deceased was the ‘‘agent" in question, 1 that he acted on behalf of the Premier | + and his colleagues, that he produced a letter signed by Sir kichard Cartwrig ht | | making the infamous preposal, that the | ) same offer was repeated afterwards in the presence of Hon. S. C. Biggs, and that Mr. W. T. R. Preston also made a j like proposal, claiming to do so at the |â€" instigation of Ministers here. Mr. Cook could produce no evidence documentâ€" ary or otherwise in eorroboration of all this. but on the other hand each of those mplicated by him sworethat there was absolutely no truth in his assertions, | and even Mr Biggs, who was supposed to be prepared tou substantiate the story, explained away the very incidents upen which Mr Cook had laid so much stress. â€" Probably the fact that hbas most impressed the couniry on bearing â€"| the story has been Mr Cook‘s admission K that, although he felt greatly insulted s \ by the suggestion, he continued negotations fof long after wards, correâ€" sponded with the yery men he declared had so grossly affronted bim, said nothing about the cutrage of which he . | was the innocent viectim, and waited c | for tour years, and until the eveof an ;‘: election, before saying & word about it. ; | Moreover Mr. Biggs informed the 5 Committee that Mr. Cook had discussâ€" e ed the matter with him and bad )e wondered whether $5,000 would be ; | enough to secure what he was after, c | although to the Committee, Mr. Couk c | had sworn that he had indignantly deâ€" E: WERperapnery .. Tha _yDacGarlane‘s NeL THAT $10,000 SENATORSHIP. VC OAEVOORNECNOT ... MEO C Tin enc oc ons 5L enough to secure what he was after, although to the Committee, Mr. Cook had sworn that he had indignantly deâ€" clared he would not pay & cent. The Committee will hoar counsel and come to a decision on the matter after the Easter recess. C wl oo on on e The following denials themselyes: The charge is absolutely untrue. ‘ The first I beard ef it was the stateâ€" ment made by Mr Cook prior to the | general elections. The only correâ€" spondence T ever had with Mr. Cameron was as to the Lioutenam-(}ovel'norshi pâ€" 1 never wrote Mr. Cameron & letter in which was stated that "our friend Cook must do something," or to that effect. I never wrote him any letter which he . q ons smy 6 : L LW IE â€" se Cameron, so far as lam & either directly or indirect Senatorship to Mr. Cook. authority to make any SUC Premier, I follow the rule my Ontario colleagues ar I take thgir ac}vice in B ce 6n WAN'Inu-â€"o- PERENICC O est persons to represent us a8 in this ard close by counties. Sale RECUUCODE @iaircht. boi m this ONC M"TTO _ "0 Carmail year and expenses. Straight more moless uhrz. Positic Our reference, any ank in &1 mainly office work conducted ference. . Enclose selfâ€"addre envelope THE DOMIXION Con Chicage.. LNTEDâ€"â€"SEYERAL ”ruy S:ore. P e TE SEE TTE AITO L nich & persons to represent us a8 Manager® ard close by counties. Balary $200 a id expenses. Straight, bonaâ€"fide, no noless uhr{. Position germtnenm ference, any ank in any town. It is office work conducted at home. Reâ€" . _ Enclose selfâ€"addressed -tumrd e THE DoMIXION CoxraAXY, Dept. 3, M BRIGHT AN HON speak for The weather for the past few days has been somewhat like spring. The robins and blackbirds with their merry songs in the morning is quite cheering after the long winter. Richard Elles jc. left on Monday for Marlett, Mich. io spend the summer. Miss Lewis, of Mt Forest, was the guest of Mrs H M Reid over Sabbath. Wm Main and family left on Tuesday with cwo cars of stock and household effects for SBummerbury, N. W. T. Also James and Oliver Brown witn one car for Lomsden N. W. T. Last week we spoke of Miss nNelli@ O‘Connell being seriousfy ill. . She passed away on Wednesday last and was buried on Friday, at the early ago of 17 years. The funeral was largely attended by friends and neighbors. Her mother has the sympathy of all in this ber hout of sorrow. Mr David Cameron. wife an1 daughâ€" ter Muabel left our burg on Monday for Listowel where they intend living in future. Another resident Mr Michael Farâ€" long moyed from our midst to Arthur. Between removals and deaths onr vilâ€" lage seems cast in gloom. Mr Campbell, School Inspector visitâ€" ed our school here on Tuesday. Mrs Thos Brown and sister Jennie, of Durham were in onr viilage on Tuesday on the way to visit their aunt Mrs James Neilson who is seriously ill. Mrs McE wen, of Ms Forest, was up taking care of her parents Mr and Mrs A. Little, who have been very poorly, but we are glad to say they are getting around again. Mr Alfred Vollet commenced to work for T Petty on the first of the month. Misses Lizzie Wilkinson and Mauod Derby spent a few days with Mrs Z Clark last week. Davie Allen has engaged with Mr Clark for a few months. We are glad to say that Mr Wmm Crawford is getting around again after a severe illness. Mr John Grant arrived bhome a week ago Saturdav, looking hale and hearly. Mr Harry Caldwell, of Dauplin, N. W. T. is visiting frends in these parts at present. â€" He looks well. Mr and Mrs John Carson were the guests of Mr and Mrs James Eden last Sunday. (Nusneety ue Mr and Mrs Wm Clark and Miss‘ Maud Derby called oo Mr and Mrs: Jolhn Carson one evening this week. Mr James Baird is around taking the Census this week with his dog and lis double barreled gun. We are likely to have a store in our burg before long, which will be a very good thing. Mr Andrew Mellynde lefé on Tuesâ€" day morning for the Noith West where \ he intends to siay for some time, en h eny o y + * This signature is on cvery box of L w\ hodrens ; OV 39â€" u; remody that Laxative Bromeo: E/2 HOLSTEIN dnmmmmeccuces, alfe t ige m ww § 4* v ARNEY spoke of Miss Nettie RXTERTM EC exagpes a o« L1 in one day CSA EAPc O uirr:qine Tablets of the genuin® The Americans have beaten us. Here is the text of the Littlefield Amendment to Section 4 of the Army Bill. *"The sale or dealing in beer, wine <®@ any intoxicating liquors by any person in any post exchange or canteen orarmy & VE transport, or upon any premises SE for military purposes by the United States, is hereby prohibited. The Secâ€" retary of War is hereby directed to carry the provisions of thie section into full force and effect." \ "In 1855 I cut from my fuvorite1 | Youth‘s Cabmet,‘ the chief juvenile paper of the day, a temperance pledge, and pasting it in our family Bible, inâ€" sisted on, it being signed by every mem ber of the familyâ€"parents, brother, sister and self. It is still there, thus signed, and represents the first bit of temperance work I eyer did. THE ROYAL TEMPLARS. This was carried by the House Of Representatives, Dec. 6th, by a vote of 159 to 51, and a little later by the Senate with nearly as good a majority. Shall Canadians longer allow the sale of beer and other fermented drinks at Military Schools and the Barracks of the Mounted Police? MISS WILLARD‘S PLEDGE. The indications of a life‘s bias are ofâ€" ten seen in early years. Miss Willard has left this on record: At their convention held last week in Toronto, took action that ought to greatly strengthea the hands of W. C. T. U. workers. They decided to memorialize the Dowminion Department of Militia To make the prohibitory law regarding military camps a reality, and not a farce; and to extend the same wise nroyisions to all military schools, eolleges and permanent corps under the control of the Canadian authorities." Their resolution against the proposed charge in the School Screntitic Temperâ€" ance law was strong and uncompromisâ€" ing:; and they cordially approved the Ww. C. T. U. Antiâ€"Cigarette campaign. A Nashville Drinking Man one mornâ€" ing told his family of a wonderful dream he had the previous night, in ‘which h: 04 dp culcs tb Gal lt tds afstcbceitty t > ts Aabrcl saw three cass, one fat, one lean, and one blind, and he wondered what it meant. "I know," promptly responded his little son, "the man that sells you the whiskey is the fat cat, mother is the lean cat, and you are the blind cat." to GIvE"US A CALL BEFORE MAKING YOUR CHOICE AT THE Coming Ohiz Week Rainfall for the week, .1 in. \ Snowfall do 1 in. | Hours of Sunshine, 21. | General direction of the wind, 8. W. ‘\ ) N. E., raw and blustering. T WEATHE BULEIN. FROST & WOOD SHOW ROOMS The FINEST & LARGEST SELECTION ever received in town of the wellâ€"known and high grade Buggies & Carriages, from the Canada Carriage Co. of Brockville. P .g?EEEEEEEses ¢@e°°e eCCCqe o _ K & * A SPECIAL SALE % m 1Q . JA M 20 4 4 + by the House of ohn Aiwingstone Uegececte 3323333333 BOOTS, sSELTOEBES ancdl mCU BBE Ees Becs&eéeccte eegecfq, At?Specialfprices Thefprices makefit interesting. Come and see us in our new store C. McArthur, Durham, 30 30 83 21 40 s)% 30 FIOUL:.... .1s ssessevcrnses Live Stock Market. Toronto. Western cattle market toâ€"day:â€" Trade steady. Run very large. Local Easter trade well supplied. Export cattle steady. Hog» unchanged. Sheep and lambs firm. The run was the largest for some time. 89 loadsâ€"1,70C caitle, 1,242 hogs, 750 sbheep and lambs and 35 calves. All offerâ€" _ 1 1 1 Ly ou iouo & Wheat Barley mlnpels i2 en CR t ings were fairly well takenp. Most stock was boughtfor Easter trade and should there be a heavy run next week prices are likely to ease off. Some eassern buyers were on the market toâ€"day getting supplies for Easter trade in Quebec. L&LWbs.........cccsssasrress Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Buttor, fresh roll per ib Butter, Tub............> Exrport Carruxâ€"There was a good sized run, which sold to a steady demand at $4.60 to $5 tor best and $4 to $4.50 for eulls and light shippers. Hides, per ewt.......... Calfskin«, per lb........ Sheepskin8............»+* Tallow readered per lb Lard, per Ib.........â€"»»> Beelf, per CWt..........*> Buroners‘ Carturâ€"There was, if anyâ€" thing, an easier feeling owing to the very large run. Howeyer, prices were pretty well maintained, although tew fancy prices were paid. Pickea lots sold as high as $4 50, choice loads from $3,80 to $4,25 and medium to good cattle at $8.25 to $8.75 per ewt. Tuarkeys...... Dacks....... . DURHAM MARKETS FEEpxrsâ€"A moderate supply old to a steady demand at $8.75 to $4,25 for shortâ€" keep steers and $8.25 to $8.75 for lighter stock. SrockErsâ€"Large offerings sold to a good demand at steady price of $250 to $3.35 for steers, Potatoes, per bag....... BuruLâ€"Choice export bulls were worth as high us $4.50 toâ€"day for best, and from that down to $3.50. Butchers‘ bulls were worth 2.50 to $3.50. SuEEpâ€"Moderate run sold out at unâ€" changed prices of $3 to $8.60 per ewt for expert ewes and $2.50 to $4 a head for butchers‘ sheep. Laxssâ€"Good demand cleared up all offerings at $4.50 to $5.25 per ewt for choice grainâ€"fed yearlings. $4 to $4,50 per cwt for barnyard lambs and $8 to $6 each for spring lambs. _ Prospects are still steady. HoGsâ€"Unchanged at $6.50 per ewt for selects of 160 to 200 lbs natural weight, and $6 per ewt for lights anud fat. WaxTEDâ€"Capable, reliable person in every county to represent laree cempany of wolid financial reputation ; $936 salary per year payable weekly; #3 per day absolutely sure and all exponses; straight, bonaâ€"fde salary paid each Saturday and eXxpause mon;:{J an« vanced each week. STAXNDARD MOUSK, 334 DrarBorX CST., HECAG® West of the Widdaugh House. aee see see aee sa8 008 64# assee s es eee e en n e nn n e 8 Garts & Democralts ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 14 14 10 12 12 10 00 5 45 15 15 11 #¢ Qaruina‘s Qrusa SroRre deoeds / Soeods Seeds Rote‘s iX C.OVER, TIMOTHY AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDSâ€" Terms moderate,. . Arrangen to dutes, &c. must D€ made office, Durham,. Correspol there orto Hopevilie P, 0. % attended to. ‘Terms on appl ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all kind promptly attended 1 OFFICE.â€"â€"McKenzie‘s Old Stand , Durham, Ont. NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, &C. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURH ANM. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Doeds, Movigage®, Leonses, . Agrocments #&c. correctly preparoa. Estates of deceased porâ€" sons louked after and Executor‘s and Admllct- trators‘ Accounts prepared umm»:mwd Surrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills. Lettere Of Adâ€" minstration and Guardiauship Obtained, gear mss en Resistiy Office and Tites reported NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c CcONVEYANCER, VALUATOR, Insurance Agent, chas on. Company and private Funds to Lown on Morigages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator. DENTISTRY. OF I';(:Is-â€" Melntyre Block, BARRISTER. SsoLICITOR IN SUPREME court, NoTaRy PUEBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETc. Office, over G1ant‘s store, TWEEDS & YARN GROCERIES t & We osk Inspection o our THAS Public Notice is hereby given that Byâ€"law No 401 of the Town of Durkam requires all Merchants, Shopkeegers, Druggists, Hardware stores, Cabinet Shops, &c., to close their places of busiâ€" ness every evening during the year at 6 o‘clock p. m., with the exception of Wednesday and Saturday eveni.nT. and the evenings preceding public holidays. â€" All partiese will govern themselyes arrister, Yotary, on u) veyancer, Qte., Ote..... Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, waude in Registi y JNO. A. DARLING W. S. DAVIDSON. . LEFROY McCAUL. MONEY TO LOAN . P. TELFORD, . SCOTT. erate. Arrangements for sales, A8 . must ve made at The Review hmm,. â€" Correspondenge addressod Hopevilie P, 0. will be promptly . ‘Terms on application te PUBLIC NOTICEâ€". prRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, &c., Of best quality. PHAIL_â€"+# can give you Bargains. MePHAIL, Hopeville P, C. RAMAGE Durcham. Charges Moderate Private Money to Loan Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. W, A. ANDERBON, Town Clerk. to hereby given _thl.t Farms bought and nollfl ly. Ei(")vcr the Bank Lower Town on I & H J4

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