West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Apr 1901, p. 1

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In". [BRFD BULL borne: INS ONCE 601' mm OWN. Much-I brunet r often than": ree INNON. SALE mnoction No. " AND and ORGANS , Raymond and Wil D.\l PAN in thre " "I ow to tl ril LS“ NM.D.,C.M IMP" Jhtr L EA , I” tld to Town. lllll"'l [till I km 'd mom at ball W: right m fr "w. Mm qter - t (hound- ehlwars ahll area "I atn Imaman lgons, half a Du Wa I sit. us , two illnnn s ae'll meat mnts ‘| you “WE (Tent M wa h rson UM m me two " wn " Ill It TI if See 8. F. Morlock's millinery opening announcement on page 4. TEXAS Brgmrtr--Mrs. Wm. Johnston lately teceived a package of rare flower seeds from Texas. and hm generously left us a share. Should we succeed 'in gruwiug‘g theie Topical flowers our reads-rs will [19.1er It. EASTER. HocrrrAvis.--Arnonstst the teachers home fur the holidays we nnnie Misses May Mt'l‘lncklin: Rocky Suugeen; Nova Inradwiek, Newmnhv: Allie-(hunt. l'rit-evillv: Maggie Caldwell, Nurlnnnhy: Amy Meredith. Flesherton; Mary Gordon. Egremnnl. C. McArthur "takes " weclalty of and Shoes. Une nuality-- .he Cash paid torhutter and eggs at C. MeArthur's. SERVANT Gnu, WANTED-Apply to MN A. S. Hunter. Upper Town. _ Searchlight, a new soap, washes in .cold or lukewarm water, wont wash with hot water, consequently you have no steam in your wash room. best. TRY A Gvess.--We notice some ofl, our exchanges are speculating on the! result of the. Census. We want our; readers to give us a guns of what they i think will be the population of Durham when the work is completed. No result is alloWed to he given out till the census department iiready. hut there is no rc. striction on estimating. Now how many do you think we are ? l Dmmrrons Merrr.--The directors of the South Grey Ag. Society met on Saturday last to atrange tor the fall Prize List. The President being ill, the chair was taken by Mr Wu, Smith and only two directors Were absent. Thryi thoroughly revised the list and espec- ially the Ladies' Department round which of late years some unpleasant things have been said. Messrs Binnie. l Firth and Davidson were appointed a] turtttttttttet? to confer with the ladies' as to the extent. of remodelling necessary. l St'mmx Druru.--Very painful Gal, satluiening was the news that spread around town on Monday evening that little Marjory Hunter. youngest dough-t ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hunter had died. A few days before she was down town in her usual health, was first at- tacked with bronchitis. other cotnplica tions followed. and an attack of brain fever carried her otf. Much sympathy is felt forthe parents and family de- ,prived so suddenly of their bright homo blossom. She was the darling of her sisters and a little favorite generally. ,She is being laid to rest today Wednere day. Dish Cloth Soap 2 large bars for 400. Each bar wrapped in a Towel worth 5c ---8, PERSONAL MENTION- ' L . . ' Miss A. (Sun visited Mt Forest friends . ocal and District News. ' on Tuesday. - .““.‘..‘.‘.““ Mrs. Shwm- left Saturday for her _ .. - . _ . -e-eee __. f' home in Buffalo. . Easter Bonnet! are not in it with c. McArthur'I display of hats. Gall nnd examine. Mekechnie's old stand. Variety, quality and price are light. WHEAT' MEAT Foou--Wheat meat. food is " pal-fact {we-digested food and an Ideal food for nvalids and children 17.. " mumm- m, Parker's Drug Store. WHEAT MEAT Fooir--wneat "may: food is " perfect )redigested food and an Ideal food for l,'ll'lllihC' and children We a package at, Parker's Drug Store. Rev. D. McVicar, B. A., Montreal formerly of Amos church. Drolnore and Knox church, Nonnnnhy. has been rcreiving honors. At the the recent Convocation of the 1'veshyterian church, Montreal, he had conferred up- on tum (by Examination) the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity, and is now B, A.. B. D. We conggatnlatg ill!':, " A.. 1). U- TV . "‘"'H' "V _ Vicar on the promotion and knowing our old Normal School chum so well, we predict, he will be as much a. student as ever. Ho will never rust out. POLES Moviso--Mr. Alex Mannch- lnn is shipping telegraph poles atthe POLES Movvstr--Mr. Ian is shipping telvgr; station this week. CHEAP RATES run P. o. 0RDER3~On April 1st. the new postal regulations reducing the commission on port office orders came into force. Hitherto no single oi tiers to U. S. exceeded $50, now orders can twissued up to 8100. Foe Inerly the commission on orders up to $2.50 was3c. now it is 3c on orders, up, 85. Between 810 and $50. the commis- sion is now loc., formerly it was 1243' on orders hom 820 to 30. orders for $50 to l'. S. was formerly 501-. They have been reduced to 15c. This will be agrent saving to those who remit by post oftice urdeis. IYhat's the matter! with Mulock? He's all right: says a‘ contemporary. A FINE MAv-Mr. J. P. Felfnrd Inst summer spent time and money in secur- ing infnriimtion and elaborating " limp of the County of Grey, some thing that had heroine very necessary and some- thing extremely desirable to have in schools and ottices. We had the plea. sure this week of examining a proof- sheet of one quarter of the map which is going to be of imposing dimensions. The part we saw is the S. West corner ' _ ____- nu! manning and flllitur VOL. XXIII. NO. 15 Ii gut"; u, .r. '_. 'e"E .- The part We saw is the H. West corner of the county and outlining and filling in generally is clearly done and very correct. The preparation of such a map should be liberally encouraged by the County coanml and we douht not that progressive trustees will see to it when the map is ready, that it adorns the walls of their school. For certain county omces the map is an absolute necessity. Mr Teltord worked " this for months connmore and we hope his "dtorta will be worthin rewarded.' Additional Loads on Page 8. . L. GRANT. Miss Stimson, of Stratford, is 'Uting at Mrs W. E. Buehan's. T Mr. John Brown leaves for Owen Sound to-day. Thursday. Miss Maggie Crawford is home at present spending a. holiday. Brad Jamieson is visiting at 'orue during the Easter holidays. V Miss Carson and her quest, Milt Hop- kiml. spent Sunday in Mount Forest, Mr. Charter Smith Went on a busi. tr"Jiy'r trip to Toronto during holidays. Miss Lizzie Fee, isspendinirher' Easter holidays with friends in Willinmsford. Mrs McKay, Port Elgin, IS visiting her daughter'. Mrs. Kepkey, at present. Miss Maggie MeCaul, Flosherton. is spending the holidays with her par- ents. Mr. Chas. Urquhart, of Beetnn. spent Easter at Mr. T H. whelan's. Mr. Ruhr. Adlmn, Cheyhoygan Mich,, is visiting friends in Bentinck, for a few weeks. Miss Dora Davidson after a lengthen- ed stay with o, Sound friends is home again. Mr. Lorne McAnnlty, of Holstein. visited over the week end at Mr. R. Tony's. Mr. Jno. McDonald, o. Sound in] spend- ing a. few davs at the parnnml home this week. Miss Minnie Orchard of Holstein spent spent Easter holidays with her grand- parents here. Miss Bella Hughes spent Easter holi- days with her' sister' Mes. It. Herbert in Port Dover. Mr, J. J. Hrveie, of Dromore, we are pleased to 599 has graduated from Knox College. Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Henfryn. with child stent part of the holidays with farmer’s father. _ Mannd Miss Shepherd. Halton Co., visited their sister Mrs. R. Tom; over the Easter holidays. Mrs. Tait and little daughter Ger trude, of Robb, spent Easter at Mrs Andrew Marshall's. V Rev. Mr. Farquharson will address the Endeavorers on Monday night from the topic "Martin Luther." Mrs Gadd and children spent afew days in Mt. Forest last week. Miss Bertha intends to remain. Mr. McDonald from near Gait was visiting hiende at the Rocky and at Mr G. Meikle's in town lately. Mrs Harris left for Tiverton on Hat. nrday last. to visit her mother who has met with a rather serious accident. Mr. Joseph Allan. brother of Mrs. Adam Robertson at, one time a. resident of Durham, died In Thornbury lately. Mrs Young. nieee of Min Jane Me Quarrie is home from the States: for a while nursing her mother. Mrs Grnshy. Mr, Adam Robertson. visited Gnolvh relatives last week. His daughter Miss Ella. spent Easter holidays in Toronto. inspector Campbell and Principal Al-i lan are drinking in inspiration at the 1 Ontario Educational Assnciatinn this l week. I Mr. John McKelvie met with a Serinus l accident last week. while putting up al blind he slipped and fell on a chairhnrt-v in: himself on the ribs. _ Mr, R. McFarlnnp. sr. and Robert ir. were away on a holiday trip to (‘nlednn relatives when thev were called home hy the sudden death of Mr. McFarlane’s grandchild. Marjory Hunter. Pt""" _ - e Mr. Richard Courts, Principal of Goings-town High School. and Mrs. Comm. spent some days at the mans? quests of Rev. and Mrs. Farqnharson. Mr. Coutts is a brother tn Mrs. F. Mr. Chas. Ryan " spending the Ens- ter holirhttr with his parents Rev. Mr. and Mrs Ryan. Chan. is aiming at a theological career and has altendv made his appoamnm behind the desk with accoptance. Mrs. R. J. Johnston and Mrs. Wolfe qoent Easter in Mount Forest. glwsts of Mrs.(R9v) Ferguson and other friends. They expected to hear the renowned evangelish. fbw's ‘Crnf‘zl'v. and Pye,'.'..'.' PvnTtVeb"'e. Iwrv a , bNr' "7 "te who were exproted to begin work there on Sunday last. Dr. E. N. (butts. who is at present pursuing: poet graduate study in the Toronto whoa] of Medicine has SOCurpd n fellowship under which he is to spend a vear in the Liverpool inftrmnry m the atudv'of Bacteriolotrsr. Dr. Coutts is the first Canadian who hm received such appointment and expects to start in about a month. Dr. Coutts has been spendmg a few days at the mange. - - . s - - 1-- ALA Mr. Donald Currie who has for the past three “are conducted the school at Swinton Park most successfully, hag been compelled to lie off for a. time nw. ing to the state of his health. We trust Mr. Currie may scan regain otrengthbo resume his duties in the profession of which he is a brilliant member. Mn. arn pleased to publish clacyvhero a kindly recognition by his pupilu. 'iiiiit will - -iiijiiiijriiii,T THURSDAY, APN1. Once more youth and beauty mingle in the millinery shops to witness, the bright displays of head gear so dear to the ladies at this season. Whether it is commercial push that has made a future of these openings or whether there is something in the vernal sun that stimu- lates the average woman to seek adorn- ment at the same time as nature begins to ".put it on" we are not sure. but we are inclined to think the lnttet' must be the reason. It is a delightfulfancy any way and an entirely creditable proceed- ing that man. we beg pardon, woman. should imitate great. mother nature in the matter. and the only regret woman. We beg pardon, man. can feel, is, that the imitation cannot be accomplished. without grow feelings of expunseoh- trnding themselves. 1iowevet' in our three establishments. progressive and up-to-date as they should be. we find variety enough to please every taste and suit every purse, and In lady Within 10 miles of Durham. should rest satished till she sees and admires the beautiful "cretuious"whtch the milliners here have provided. iid" opening days wire Wednesday and Thursday of last week and the la- dies in charge were civility and urlmnity personified and while glad to see them come we. fancy when the last visitor left tired nature would give a. sigh of relief. B. F. HOBLoCK. Entering this handsome establish- ment we pass through piles of prosaic Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes Ike., towards the. rear of the stove where Miss Sweet reigns as millinery queen in in an apartment bewilderingly enlarged by an immense min-or. On the sides of the apartment are two oblong mirrors prettily draped, the whole giving an impression of size multiplying the beauty it reflects and speaking volumes for the taste of the artiste and the enterpriue of the owner. Our attention was first called to a, pic- ture hat, headings of thitton and se-l, quins. Trimming, 3 ostrich tips droop- ing over the front caught with knot of black velvet, ribbon at back, mined off the face at front, hy hand with large Jet. buckle caught into the chiffon, the whole forming a beauty piece for those who delight in ever fashionable black. 1 Another hat is of a. prevailing mush- Another hat is of a prevailing muqh- I room shape made in maize shade of straw. trimmed with tulle, with strands of maize straw through it, all caught at back with large cut steel buckle, a wreath of morning glories on edge of rim with band of black velvet at left side, front caught; with another steel buckle and you have a hat delightful in its blending of color an ID the disposition of the materials. One more of a rolling shape is sure) to catch the eye of the visitor. It has ‘aSIde flare-up, the leaf composed of isturred torquoise chiffon brilliantly l brought out by sequin crown. A large tucked chitfon rosette rests on the clown with a spray of black roses at i the back. A large quilled (which plume i is caught at front on edge, of leaf with in. knot of black velvet and jet buckle. iBlack roses banked in on hand at left I side intakes a pretty fitsitsh. Pretty sailors m straw. pique and watered silk are abundant. Children's hats "just lovely," roses. velvets and pretty things generally that make up a. woman’s paradise. No wonder Miss Sweet has had large sales. Miss DICK In a. spic-span bright attractive show. I room facing on Lamhton St., Miss Dick ihas an elegant display of bright and i fashionable goods. Good taste is shown Iiin the attractive window and the in- l, terior has a fine appearance also. mak- iing it one of the lirlghtest spots in the i new McIntyre block. One of the prettiest things was Marge l black picture hat, turned from face at ‘left side disclosing a. very handsome ‘fucing in gold applique. Two half plumes caught with rhinestone orna- l ment making a perfect finish. N Another hat was mushroom shape infancy white and black bruid..with lrose petal facing and straw wing. and l black taffeta bow completes the trim- _ l ming. . ---_- -- Luv Ill:." A neat conception was a nut. wnu, brim of tucked chitfon. placque top of} sequin and gold and wreath rich foliage [ between, raised at left side with pink; crush roses. l, Another very much admired hat was _ the chicago, composed of violets and drapery of panel velvet edged with gold, and finished with gold buckle. WM. LAIDLAW Culling at Mr. Laidlaw's we find huh tyttzer in charge and If she lacks the CONTINUED ON PAGE 8. V lllllll© OPENINGS. ption was a hat with :hitfon. placque top of and wreath rich foliage at left side with pink (itll, iiiltttittih This is a W Cumberland is and his work has made him Messrs G. McKechnio and W. Cal- der have been down in Toronto for two days this week in eonrwetion with the works. Much interest is being taken as to where the cement works are to he lo. cated in thistown of tnawnificettt di- mensions. Any where in the town will do us, but laying aside our own prefer" (-nces as a property owner, we lwlievo a. {good case can be made out. for their :mntinn on the fiat north of Crawford'" mill Placed there the extenison of the rail. way is an easy matter', the nucleus of buildings that would grow up around it would be all in the town and the cen- tre of gravity at the present business centre would not be affected and this is a. very important matter. Besides the many substantial build~ l ings m UpperTown on which the assess-‘ ment of late years has been so eerionsly lowered, could again be utilized for resiw dence and the assessment. increased. The "eneflt then to Upper, Town would, be a. benefit to the whole. town In the increase of assessment that would take place, while it would in no way detract from the business centre as at present established. foe the "principle of ease" will effectually prevent a restoration of the prominent position once held by ‘Upper Town as a business centre, a ) position no one now expects. __ . _ m . - -- F . P, prod case tab be" mention on the fiat I’V""'"‘" -_'e . The town council in its efforts to safe-l guard the town should certainly strive not to have it placed at the edge of the‘ corporation unless for some meat. cotn- ‘ pulsating advantage, for undoubtedly there would grow up in an adjoining municipality. residences and other buildings, whose tax paying benefit;. would hecntirely lost to the town while i,",rrhli,nlt from an industry encouraged )y the town. The greatest: good to the greatest number is an old truth applicahlc here. I Cook's Flaked Rice. As a food in con- vale-sconce of fever it has no equal.% The Weakest. stomach will digest Flak R ed Rice. 15c a. package at Patker's Drug 3 Store. i, FROM svoicasE--We have received) a very interestinzletter from Mr. Bat. son, formerly of this town, from which We propose to take some Interesting paragraphs next week. ‘ AWFUL. RoAmr--The roads beyond, anceyille must be "t',",,',ei""ti, awful when Dan Campbell turned t ember day and let our worthy mayor foot it tothe station so u to mike better 'eff'! THE LOCATION ll, 1901. l in con. , o equal. " est Flak ‘ . rs Drug I K i, ( Tells, or ought to tell correctly the date to which vou are p? id. Changes and additions have a- gain been made and we ask our friend toexamine close] y. The price of the Review is $1 a year in advance--ti.35 if not so paid. The amount is small [ to subscribers-to the publish- ‘er, many smalls count up fast. _ PUBLISHER. cc'-l1,ar WNW OPENING! z? o7 a}. THE LITTLE YELLOW LABEL li MISS Ell. MISS DICK cordially ittriteg the ladies of Durlunn and vicinity to attend her at the (h IllthMt ll WWW. April 3 A"- 4 Her stock has been rurqfully selected and othe is coryident that in M ate ri u l M " k r-u p and P R 1 C" If the tastes o.f Im- patrom will be. grat- Wd. The ideas of faahiott centre: are at your diapmt here Opposiu Middlugh House 1tILLiyEllh' MILLINERY .-1 ROOMS l ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO and rhllmring days been cu rtfttl ly OPENING St n ire , 30 more Children‘s Suits to Popular prices from $1.55 up. WHOLE NO. 1203 Clrs: Grocery Store. SHBWELL tl LENAHAN WM .7111 Jf Cash or ftarmers' Produce GEO. LAWRENCE. Thetutdvrtsitrrted has opened out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door to C. lchinnon) full linesot mom; FEED, Nothing Male. Everything New and ttp-to-date and he cordially invites a trial. Special attractions for the Christmas and New Year's trade. of Call Warped/ally Jolz’cilod. SHEWELL & LENhlUN. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the business heretofore carried on by J. A. Shewell will now he carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the firm name of Shevell & Lenahan. Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of many new friends. Jrimto/e. . L. GRANT. ttri r at: 'iA' " :3“: JLQ-EEFI'K‘J wife"? lit-il-tIii-iii').'-.,",, ')-'c-iitrjiffilsll'ii:fliitl/ -'T"i'- B""" .r‘ __. V - rf)rilt-; vi/u-H-PA-AI-css " c'n x 1.r’..r'l.r'1 Firm;- GROCERIES, &c 3teorrg View your ,iehit ldtle

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